HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 8• ThUMa1.AT, Ot'r 9, 1&13 THE 8EGYAL : GIODERICR ONT SALE OF WAIL PAPERS We We giving some extra special values iu wall papers, priers ran. ing 4c, 5c and tic per roll, Iegularllc and elk papers. Several liner• clearing at tic and llie per roll. Sod regulon ly at 12.', nuc and 2k per roll. A it w .'.;rc. :tie and 50c papers reduced to di.c, Sic and tic per 1011. acorns of sale STRICTLY CASH The Colonial Book Store (.5,0. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone IW Ooderich. moutobewabatelealeatesnallainieaSOWNOWleallem i i 1 HEAR JESSIE LEXANDER •.t the 1'. M. 0. A... concert in N. r2TH STREET METHO- DIST ETHO- I IIS'I' l' H II RU N. on THURSDAY OCT. 16th Loci! Musical Talent Will Assist TICKETS-- 25c On sale at Drug Stores • Novelties F" OR Christmas Gifts Novelties for ('hr,atua, (iilla ..0 hand iota. L.atllrs, wake your (I utant.ar (vut, Du* w )(1111 sp*te time. Soule beautiful articles for gift., all wade up, stamped for 1 he 1 mien-ul -hand ell. le °lost y. r.uc h Mei %Va1►t (41.1 -at. Shirt And 1'.•J,.IIIA (.at A, COOL'. ug Sat, titter, IFaI'Lin l•*11 . Tie Rorke. 1'ipw Backe,'tuteees laser to.. nunt- 1.1 ''n 111 (nein auu.' Coeur and see fol 'out -elf. Handienue Bulgarian anJ Hlert. silk 4 ,,llal., rl-.i alauywd .et- t.r soul Sttempt .1 1'ndetwrer too deiu'y desiem. A bow n.ad• (sp, Nraht- sotaan.•a rU,$.t uW. 11-1l lambed, both *ivies. lautJre11'a 11r..w. 111 vie up, �teu.p.rl 101 1..11.1 CHI ''1 11.1d.'. y. 11»uJ rave 51.1y of 11.au'y Pru., 14at ata a11.1 l'iu Sets .od lila k Ir.•. Mrs. Tape The Singer Store 1••tt It 11 Telephoto- l suede A PIANO FORTH E HOME flow will t,.so., ..... one chil- drene, 1•nOP smolt ahl. '5..,.ng the long ev eto riga ..l 1"11 eon wt11tes2 A .Ii•n•ur.• to ) .owIf and * t• • .(1i for the r1..Lllen wed Ire » Ir(.re1 Pun.. If jot. Iva won't ell the viols ner•.•sra.) t.1 pray d 'w•w, we will arrange turn.. foe the Warn*. Talk eh. trout." over, call an.1 see w amid g'v.. the (hildies a chance. Qwi'e fremoras, ly w. 1•a VP slighll) u.eai r.•..... ar«i Orgasm Ai bargain plop. James F. Thomson A aria 1•. HEINTLMAN & Oil• PIANOS and Personals --ti�to tee ma gt as M taiag >tepa� June. all tl to w --Mr.. J. W. Smith is now able to drive out every day. Mr. Hot -weird Jones lett Iwo week to attend Toronto uaiver.ity. -Mn. Holt and Mier Holt are visit ing with Twuoto friends this week. -Mrs. Stoker, of aeatorth, visited her eater, Mn. Haarlem, haat week. --Mr. J. K. Jordan, of Sl Thomas. st ie war in town this wetoo bunnies. -Ret'. J. B. Folberiog1►� en was in Lucien ou Thur,dsy u11 uioilesau busi- 0ew. -Mr. Junes Wallis, of Hayfield. has beret vlailiug fibrous in tomb this week. -Mn. labaw and Mea. Prase have returued tr a motor nip 01 IoW tartlet. 1)r. A. Taylor is away 0u a trip to Calgary. He wilt be abeebt &trout two wee lea. -Mr. sod Mrs. aid. Belcher and Lun- dy have retutued to town humVan- couvrr. --Hydro-electric may fru alright, but, way should bneared-- trees esu.ul sedees be ruutdrte . -'1'be new Union but..•1 balm built by Mr. W. J. Limner., will su.uwwodate /merit -nye horse.. Mr. LJuoiiid Patteson, county engineer, Wets w G( detach en route to Gu:.d Hrud on Muuday. -Arr. Charles l l••Ila•• 11 pent revetaldao: this sol tater, Mrs. Jobu (%lark, 1.' - Dr, and M rr end family have take. i •t the Hugel Redford tar the Mitt Lei . - Mr. Jacob 1'ouugblut hes returu- ed.hetu Medico's' Hat, where be spent several atuutbs last autotimer. -Mr. and Mtn. .. it. lar, of booties - bury, spent Inc week•eud With their ielauve., Mt. and Moo. Ww Lee. -Mr. 1)iWlry tivlwrs, 4.1 •Vtugbaw, was a tl.IWr oven huuUa)• at the huuau .t 01. tattier, 1)t. W. 1. 5. dulrurs. M.as Huwwy, .t Windsor, is the guest lit !tee. J. E Nord and Mr.. r'uid at for t)'ICLuI la .trerL patnun.ge. -fir. au• M,x. Cabal Iro• 1411ts *CIL vu Welliireday ...it a II 1p to !sops. Their'stay abroad u,Ay xlend (r, e, a year. - What's on at the Lyric % Why Lrwrruce Sine.. in Scutcb ruu,ga, Htghlswd owners awl bagpipe tetra. - Mt b. etrt- Mn. Jobb Knox 1141 rrturued home bout au rxtru..leo eleif to her uaugatrt, 34 Ile. 1. tc. Ktlpaera.e*, of prig' ave. - Mr. and Mrs. Motels, of l'liuwlt, have 'voted bur 1.•uw. user Mws Campbell'. minute.. y t.wusa in Mr Bed lord MOCK.. --L..wreucr+ Sisters -- Mae greet S arch contralti-0er, a. Lyme thrall•/ tau Muuday, Tue.u.y and 'W'dum'•di.y, (Setons 14,11, 14th auu 1141116 • -Mt. L. H. liray, Inlr ..t Hilbburg, la the ur.* .el,re A. Llir &Into., Bath., suc•reulug JLi, tI w. ..1 ./4prw,, wbv ha, Iwru ..ariet5rte0 w (%141-1.014. - Ml. A. M. Puury u it wound Up his ISS., X 1.$/1nnleaao e,.t•., 116. lug 00.1 bre 1,44.1 10, un „Arleen. •115rt, 11.0 sea, cux'll, eft'., 1.,,,Ml. Inuit/an foundry. -Mia. 1'uuwas feteVeuauu her le - Wined 10 tier uuwr A. Mat tete, Mich - Igen, atlrL apeltd.og a .rw days with her hroLUe1, tilt', Alco. 1LUUIUM,u, 1115111::4 veto lir. -alt.. Sugar Weston and li.11rtsou, l%1:ueuC-, air .he gur11. u( iur turtuttr p1..-ut*, Ali. .u4 .1Lo. ,V. U. Juuu- atuu. -.ales. R. Collihsou Lar removed Num Ghreuu,lne. 115x1 the take, le our lit Dunlop. luudlugn ..n Weal, street. u5At1)• .•p4sus.15 111.' p.,.t u:5iice. -1'ue?numbly inrettug01 the Chil- dieu's .lid .uc.ety woo► Ike bent vu l'Uneday 0011 lit the rdurl house at 111 1,115 *lira 11 0011. - Mt•,. E. U. L.ougooe4 and Mrs. M. 1V111t•, lit l'nutu..uty, Leve beau tar guests uI. turn' shoe., Mr*. J. M. .luauIt, Park atter', - L..tiere ere collected mite&noun and evening u1 ecu ttay Iruw ell letter (mixt. to W Wto. 11u1rua air regUrard 1.0 Wake* mute .01.11,e, rtiDrtulaLwu. - 171e rdltui of lar fairy Muni/al Canadian n..amis of solar giant lveo- -t... - be grew 111 al, own gatdr0. One lit 111C111 101t400.101.cu 12 by la ntc11m.. Ili.' I.ad•••d' A.d u. v.tLuria aural MettoallsL c*Ul't•II writ wild .tett' 51,11(1141 hot supper un 'l'usussgavmg ulglu. ,Supp,i *rotpolvg..u.wy, urate. than 5.4,1 - Two.rsuAs eau r)iog 59) eons 01 curl rash hese 5111ret'a- tae dant. Iva the UPC ul the .u*a • t u1mhrleb. the sepal was Wuught ltuw 7.udueky, l►hiu. - A meeting of the Gra. Htough chapter .•i the Uaugh,tta .1 pmt oom- ph. will re held u, 1(.e duly (140441 u! l hr rout( butter on M°uu.y wool at torn ueh.ck. -The butch.'. $ have 0U1e nppdril iuu Otis month than U.ual, a. n.h rod vrgr1:1111e+ ate p ammo'. Salmi way Ann MOtlday weir 1.•curd Wes/tins uayafin lie ft'lorg pal nes. -Rev. Pricy Herding, curate of All Saints . hurth, W,ud...l. ulceepied the pollen in St. Grob ge'r church herr, In the al.senve .•1 the lector, Rev. J. B. Pottier twat bender. -Thr Clinton New lira wants tee bylaws . 1 that 'trete sewed. It eta). homy 01 Iftrml SIB N) antiquated and .tale 5. to. Ito 110/1111.51 .boll uta jour, while °throe overlap•. --Mr. A. R..Oleru leave, this week lot Kib.yth. Wert f, 11g.uir, after a few w1rk.' v11.11 m1 111/ old home at. 1.•j.1 M1. stereo bat pout. the past t*'i. tit. a( N..w (i.IYa..a, Iasutasa11a. - Mr- Robert W. Roumania a1e- nrwrrIree 111r 11,111 i.gr of her daughter. AA» Clay.. to Mr. ►li.beof H. s.sltb u 1'tw-.1,y of this ar*s at her Iran• deuce, IIL et to Gorr ..-" is ford. R.rtk 4.1. Millet co on the .I.A of t I.te of the LAIC 1...., 4. 11•.11 (dtwler,c11 44 5 Mr . N. M...vle, raw * .. MM. 1. o..', I.. r lb. two at t5,p1.'h.l Inset h. la..goo. 1u Winnipeg --Me. Atlh'n )1.11.511.1' le -t r..k to lake* paw ow. *1 It a.rhea 4).'. Ire wa. on the .t.ft dt Tee tli.tr.l 1... reseal yeasty and 5- a Or •1q -Ie-. Pilot -I We trials Lear twain* In I.i• 1•ral 1•.11. 150 11.4,1,7 fri.•wAe'4 Mr. A•rit hr'el Noi•ol.wn w lila- glad 10 .• a 1• w 144.41 111 L,.w N 1,11.0. P..4 1.N Ars reo. yelea r he too. 5.,., Ira 01451 iso 1. Mr1.w ws«I r•. ibrows11. . .,w. . /*w ilar. ►p#a i 'a 5.. infest..M to regal a 004140 •4 b..,•. r. dwiet 1 wiiNe Jerls sow year wad shrew platoon of business were closed io cos - isequester. It is the Jaw 5674 frena tb• erten to of Use world and extends oat& $*H.rds, morning. --Souse of our citizens are moat grateful to the punt office department for having a wail box now ea near twiny of their residences. They aro painted a bright red and can be seen at a long distance. -The Eureka claw of ler Victoria street Metbodut church met at the hose lit Miss b:atella Clark on Monday afternoon lard. The meeting was of a social nature and very little important bosinews was trapacted- -Mr. and Mn. J. B. Watson, Miss Helen Wetauu, Master J. B. %Vataon and Master l'raok Watson, of Kincar- diue, motored to Oodetich on Sunday. ''hey had dinner at the Hotel Bedturd and returned in the afternoon. -Rev. W. K. Hagar, pascal of the !aortal aereet Methudtsi courch, war in ktlyth oo Tuesday and Wedneada) of this week attending the (ioderich do-. tr•Ict meeting. Metre. J. H. McClin- wu_aud Robert Young were abet pies - rut at. the ..we meeting. -Mr. and Mts. Lack Kennedy, of Wiughati, motored to Goderich on Saturday and spent the day iu town. They were recoowpwued oy a very prominent busiurre luau c.f Unit .11lrt- presiug Willi. The party ' wututed to Wioguaw iu the evening. -The tollowisg douawuns have been gtatelully acknowledged at the Alex- andra Moine and l,eIteral hospital: - Invalid'. chair, a Iriend ; 'tuning boatd. Mrs. Elliott.; lard linen, Ktntail Ladies: I usutute ; tow*use.. Mrs. Macklin ; fruit, Mrs. Taylor ; toms - wets, Mtn. Huudalvy. ---At 1be (iuderich lawn bowling green on Weduetday afternoon Mr. U. H. Humber and Her Joseph Elliott won the Scorch double*: Messrs. L. H. lupe an1 Frank Wood won the arconds, and for consolation. I were captured by Messrs. F. J . Hut- ' laud and H. '1'. Edwards. --Ata spet:.0 lueeuug of the Wing - haw cuuuetl. Coon. Hell gave nonce then he would, at the 1.111 regular 1 'WeeLL1,g, Inttuducr a reIUlUtt°norder- lug the town bell to be 1 ung et ft) p.m. I as A wattling W all married wen Ua II hurry hoveau r. He awl a deputation 0t lathes asked him to du L61s. I -1 a Saturday A[fetiu ,11 the Wu- uhau'. Auxtlurl of the Y.M.C.A. held Melt' 1UIU*! westing 0t the .5.11.011. Mrs. Carne, Me prt..drut, Was in the coati but 0u pit tcular bu.iue... way ' ttau.acted. 7ue ural weetieg will be • held tau Moudsy, November Sed, at which lbs weaugeweats nut' lire auoual': bazaar will he wade. - the swell boy is in fur eldest, 1 these days. Mabel-. Ku..rl Y..ung,-t Manley at reel, had uta lett wren fig.:- lured ro.lured .e. Sat.utJa), having gut Cir I haft hue 0(14*ugled 111 4 tare bud 1u climbing up, tnr limb 0u *turn he stood Woke, and It nevelt 1011. blaster l.,gan Murury w ala.) .utferiog fruits I breaking a .wall e.uue in hl, elbow-. -Moudsy ingot L1.e:inn t(rgillte tel 1 bland gave A nue musical ptogtawwe on the square in trout ul Sotto street. The beau under Nave dtrecuon oh$snd- I writer Roy Adeline diseouired lovely , u ro tousle,m wluctor. w vu eu) yed to the night ail. As there arc .ev.'rat more cuucerir Le. br given, it Ir' paseeib1- that line weather prevailing I .uuther concert will he given tuIIgbt (Thursday). I -1u the rorunto (dobe of Saturday last appealed we following llrw of weal ,lite e.t, the geutlrwau Wrntutl- rd being A IAA/ 0t Judge and Mrs. Hutt � lit ante town : 'rant the eve of hi. ue- pat tut e from (•algaly, Mr. G. E. Huit, Mus. Iia,., was piereolxd recently with ,a bsud.uute gold wsu•II ny the choir and clergy lit the Pro-n:at.uedr&l. And with a gun lou by the choir- t, yn. I Mr. Holt W.* mus. .o.-tes.ful in tis ww'k 1... re, bar el of well x11.,1 uuys !Flo of the .set � iltl...r y DROPSY! for welch Dodd's Mei Fres are the only 1 Pore. 1e Dropsy the mays are actually uses ioaw� bet capitate, w faun aortae. sows hack and lodges in the sells ef awl fish awed - eat alb Ala. R.sso.se the inti which plugs tab ora a, Restore the to b.algy TLere i. eve 8'wd•ry Maoists. DODD'S KIDNEY Psis only being nor of the best in western Canada. He is now organist and choirmaster of Holy Trinity church. Toronto.'. -Mr. J. Alex. Johnston, aformerre- sident of Elodericb, has been appointed jailer of the Pat ry Sound jail. and his wife has received the appointment of matron of the saute institution.. Mr. Johnston has resided to Parry Sound a long nine. He was tirst employed by the Conger Lumber Co. and later by the Party bound Lumber Co..' and during (he pelt few wootbs he has held the positron of inspector of work on the new government dock g built in Connection with tbe,/Pa y Sound smelter. • A Special Offer Great three day.' optical sale of high-grade gold -tilled -rimmed spec- tacles and eyegiasse., with beat Ispberical lenses, fur $1.40. Sold in regular wayfor $3:50 t0 $5.O0. Kyee examined free oy Mr. Hugbsotl, form- erly optical wau.sgrr Kent's jewellery store, Toronto. Sale begin. Friday, October 10th, and will close Monday, October 13th, st p.w. sharp. SMITH'S ART STORE. l.y$rtich. - Mr. W. B. tinter -Cs cow tt:: in a ttdl near Clinton. It was taken out, unlujured•'vith a block sod tackle. Ayr. Hwuy Johnsw11, of Li.tuwel, has disposed 01 her trottiug mare, Kandy U- Forest, to Mr. J. L. sheltun, of Ripley. at the handsome tiguie of hi 'parr ca lured aur 417 at,uy. prix at lir %Vrsleru fair, Luuduo, and -eras sun at the Kincat•diue fair uu Friday- after she had won three straight hr -ate, finishing the last wile of the lest bet u1 2.141}. this nriug • record fur tilelsincaruw,; track. -Mr. John .41. E•die, of Cargill, ad- dles.ell the amid of'fredeet Knot:at- diue on'-Weouesti.ty Dight of hot week. His idea is to stvr:te co-operation be- tween Kin•:ardine and Cargill with a view wgetnng thel:.P.H. so tun iia branch [ruin 4Vdkerton tI.'ougu Cat - gill to Kiuesrdit e. lie believes that with a good harbor Lt Kiucedine and with the tonnage tut Dished ty Hauo�er Walkerton, Cargill mud Kincardine. there would oe ample inducewruls to the C.P.H. to tap Kincardine. The Board of Prude will probably tai.e toe waster up with hem ata latter date. -Ite-t for ;he weep. Get your clothe- front Priahatu Ult. I ni lir Debi ORE_-ln Goderich, on "'anther. U sober ;,h Jdare Idle... .. ....:.•. bele. e.1 wife of J. 51. .hr. LYNN. le Uo,lerieh. on Wedor/4*y, t).tuber .;h. Marr 1' rem.. 0* 1/th.eruf Mr. and Nes {114,00•1041,, ..u. age rear. bud aua15.. I 15- antral ".0 .1451 Wave Iran tae t5aup - ---- reearete. • row .UVri. 0u D.Lurtrer. l.*tober 111*. at 9...wu..5 a. W.. to at- retie - church. tarbee be, evltan l.e It. 4-. crwettti. OPE VICTORIAaOUSF: 2 NIGHTS Otnialnenc in M,,n.ay, lhL Abb. Vstine, Daily Thomas A. Edisoo's Genuine Talking Pictures They talk, laugh. sing PI ice*, 00a. iso. 20e. Mot inert+. 25o. Seto. on rale 'I'hurwfay noun. Oct. 18th ALL 111 SEASON'S FRUIT OF BEST QUALITY, AM) DAILY ARRiVAL.; NV an 1it.1 the Leat ri t „tf t - batt. 1, Peaches, Pears or Plums We lute eves yllsirg in he ... rltelW,. V• getsl'Ile 5,11 YINrIFITr Butter and Eggs ymh can rel) no, we hay* (14rn.. GN or *Phone 12 S. J. Young MAPLC I.EA(' (.NO(;KftTt- t '.wintry, ►I ..►g NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-Oct9!h. 1 •. re. High 4laalit) F. 1. Bordette e g 411m: W,1(. bollar Buy -J S. Davey. .. 3 r Sale of N all N.p.t -Ovo. Pur. er.. . Hoare to Kew -Mrs. W. a. ablest . - .. -se, Doioa. 11. 1tob*1 . 4 ' The Mar The.:re-J. A. Culver.-... ..-. . $ Ppectal B.t*o.i. list- W. Aehwwr t g•,e. - f Bay. Wanted- 4'.d.ra,.ot-U .tun Ca.. Toon- Drew Oo.da and SuStega-U. MI lar n Sas.. 3 Dees. Fabric. - The ColearoeStore ... . . d 1 Neat Jamie Alexander - Y. )1-c. A... .. 5 Pabllo Nal sr 4 Tebbett ...... .. . ... 1 Be.,rder. M'wted-011-. 1M) le. . ..... .. Talking P... ur ,m -V Icterla 4)11.5 Meese.. .. 4 Jest Arrived W. J. Maddest 4 Hamden L,H•:Ttieatre i 000ERICN MARKETS T,,ua'w.• r4o4.t. *h. rail wheat. per L . .. .. VP to I•..9 B4e r wheat. per barb. .. to M w 9 (Mb'.. per troth oma . _.. o ffi to •1 41a1ae 41910 04:0, sato irremo's. per nit 91 M to _t 14 /)oar. ("tai$ pee owl It SS t. 1 • Floor, pelmt. pet ewli 91 to 3 41 drabe.rwrutwper 9o.i � 9999 55 9R 1 Nay. per tin.. waw... n.4 Ole N 0 \rww. .. .eti .w Meed, err lead • • ♦ M u lee motet. per A. at is s1.5 Old CheoeA per U1 • dun U • r w Cl.eoae., .. . - . 9 9N la 0 s tr Rea-. eJl. we Mai . - . . • i In 4 10 . tale.. etre late 110 to 1 A NO. Pewee.. we Mabel., ala t , . w (rattle. etwla]) ora leeowt. 4 L. In r M .. LW,. easert► pti �1.... - . .. 4 Oh le IVa •Irrw-. .... .. .7) le . AI Rbpep. ser ewe --------(..I,. 4 we ,..r.. rets. ....... -.-. Nae M +T I•e,.ls ,,rA ._......-.-, .:. "tis,. eK gMISi... p9ererewt ........ • 94 le 9 et lr,,.b.kle.. _. O.. :w ('r.q per Mr.h Marls). per both LOST VITALITY caused by Richey. Stomach and 8sw• 1 DI erase 4'. John, N.B., $.'pternlw. pith, 1911 -thy hf,dhrr wawa (tr'"r •*i .s.' Itvw., t+d. ..,en.. -54 ..•.l bowel t r++iMee .'.d w •4.g��iven nM I y Ito'- der •.4 Hr eas ed t' --- Ir. 1 �• for Fpr Pill J«I, ttMR w • r t.ki..g Are l y a ere.4 1... t Clay then he I est re n't P- r.a*' awed Pts P r s'114. J. (t'. Maevsww •taN.Sa' ardb'r*bl:,•w alto 515101110- - OwR s tole n Godwin* by M. Wiwi.. drufweet . wIMh b lava a w 1...414 h hes Maw 4. 1 1 New Plush, Velvet and Beaver Hats Direct from Europe These Hats have a touch of dash and simplicity that win for them universal favor. • They art,imported direct from the fashion centres by ourselves, and are just a little bit out of the ordinary. We have now a splendid assortment in all the popular styles. All high qualities and undoubtedly correct shapes. See them in the millinery department. Very Attractive Tailored Suits There is a style and character to our Tailored Suit, far in advance of any former season. Each garment we show has that individuality which appeals to every woman. The materials are those most favored for the present season, the linings are all good quality and th e %orkmanship of a high order. All are man -tailored and will retain their shape perfectly ugltil worn out. Values are exceptionally good. I'rices $15.00, .$16.5o, $20.00 and $25.00. Sealette and Niggerhead Coats These are the most popular garments for the com- ing season. We are showing a splendid range of stt'ies in both materials. All are made from imported cloths and there is no question about them retaining their dre'say appearance. Prices are $16.5o to $35.00. Special Showing of Rich Dress and Suit Fabrics Just Received from England This week we make a epeciml showing of new Silk., Dress and Suiting wateliulr, jo.t trcriv.d from out European enders, of supply. Three are exclusive in design, just a little bit out of the common. %fret are suit or dress lengths and there will be no duplicates. 1f 1011 are interested in the.ema.n•s new lathiest we will la pleased to have you look this sr' 'ndid range over. s Good Flannelette Gown for Si oo Tbe.P (sown. ere tns.l- from exha quality flannelette '.f s imperial soft wetter. The texture is fine yet strong. A rylend•d oft and cowfort.ble calwrnt- Tbee are cut full and rnotiy We show them in white end pink tend con.ider them •' •-p- t' 1 value at rash .... 51.00 Sweater Coats That Are Stylish and Comfortable Thee. coats are from Canada's bear Swearer mill.. Ttie yarn it al.suh.tely pure. Tb. styes are new and shoo- moat favored for 1541 .rq.o.:. With or without roovertible roller. Ahrns.t every color. Any spe.ial combination ordered and pre- cured in • few day.. Perfect-titling.-en•i'-Ie,*r- rn.nt. for cooIdays and evenings. Excel $2.50. $1.80 and 45.00. • Beautiful Dresden Trimming Silks Ju't passed into stock this week some very haod.otne Trimming Silk, in almost every -n1..r combination imagioahle. Short lengt he of then) all. so there iN n'. 15'tiger of them becoming common. Per yard $1.25. $1.80 and 52.00. Handkerchiefs 3 for 2oc Iodits. fancy en'htti.dpty handlercbisf-, 1u14c.' rule linen hemetitch•d handker- cbirf., navy and whin• cotton Hanrike,ehlrfe. All worth more woi.v. Special • ifor 20o Superior Qualities in Serges Our Set ges are imported direct from Ene1.n,l. They Ate all of a superior order and we amlidetit ly Iecaorlw-..d them both for their goal tank, int: qual.li•e mt,d to .land hard weer. Hi,•h •..••; -rotor-- •1 5.•dieto or ble'•4. Ort• -n p'• i,-. 5Oc 75c, $1.00. $1.50. $2.00 $2.80 53400 New Kid Gloves A Targe shipment at Kid Gloves just recei1P,t Every pair guarantee. unrre.rvedly. The pr, - duct of .he beet of the French waking. Blr. k seal all p upal.r rnl0rings. Ladies' Lather Glove., •8o and 51.00 Fl each Kid Gloves, black and color". per i a.: - $1.00. Hefter quality skin., block or colors. per pair 51.25. E•tra -holes French Kid Glove,. -per pail, $1.80. Iiodgens Direct Importers Bros. Goderich SPLENDID PROOF That Dodd's Kidney Mills Cure Bright* Disease Letcivre, Ont.. Octohei 8 b, tap.riall -K-.en.d from 'hr gr rap of d.adty Br'gh''14 di -ear by Drdd's Ridseey Pools. Mr. Amshle L'mwrvh., a well- known rr.idrnt of lhi, Vara., la .ing- Ir'e the Preterit 4.1 this rt•Iralky. invention with which he bopre to re- "Mv slckn►asslart'd from a 54rid n.' V01111ton ize the telepbuw los Dees ..f 1P. La►natrfw weals •weld in' a year the wow loo and. me.ordil, t, Informs - td not know/ .11/41 clay. My .leap Linn received, in four week: time it will Ams broken and unre'rewh.og. ray he %Pn to the public. app -tile ••.o elle', wall thy heel.. To.e* the person that you are talk -1 d.. tall llav-I:. Tarn '11.•Uu,wtitln .et icer 10 ha. lube 1.0r1i the dreamed in. end%t -Awe, harkweb., headache Invasion, cost op 1.. the present time tin bean i eable addled w toy tor- 1 i hats never beep .ec.ampl..h.d we - 7 •TbedocU r who art -wooed nvr ret -ted I Tb. Bdi.on invention, It le stated, ebb' we nn re ief, w/ d Romney, when 1 wink. .UC. e.e.t4Uy and w pear•ticehle Drighi'e dl•• a+ had vase In 11s grasp 1 , Thu rn•t of operation le very IIt1I•, and derided 4.:• y Dodd • Lipsey I It 5. rrpet•t-el that tee beton i.... will Alter Zak+n1 three recce. a( them 1 . he adopted generally. war op .P 555.,er I maw ha sly 545.,' Jon hoe the Intention top -k• 1, $ at d I he re bed sup is M .sea, Yat It le said 1e be eery .laspiir la rspereUrwo. - M1 Pe ee11.W di"I very .tsddvwly - --- - et 4.M.....atMill.Mun,ob. orMawr- Fir.4I)sifia8•, ..f*41 11.01•y . r «f ••e , p M..w•'ay. awe Iii. p•r.•wta M make. y. n iew,,. q ,it. p salty." see**s settled la t4, .!irt.kt le Ike early flag ''Dora M t Wrw,14t . )..► r7e. Rh t o 1 aye .res. lite 5. &err Con See Your Sweetheart In four wrek, !lino 4 will l»po•si'4e 4t we the face of the person that you are talking to over the [el. phone, No matter how far away the party is yt.n earn converge and study the expremi..n at hi. or her lace at the rains Inas. The wi9.es1 e:ectriral investor; Thom*. A. Edison, bin• ..wnpi•i,d Ih Dropsical Swellings ars Alla rely to a Aisews,d n,l,dttioa of ihr k11hwye. there 4. a q.iiek. p' Jy enrol hl Anti -Uric Kidney 1511aer. J. Bnilend sets Them and goitres - Pew Omen to give the dwir•d re -'110. Come heck and get your eenn.v f Toe are 1r411 pet freely satisfied. He safe tog, Rut ANTi-UKIl; PILL.) B. V. MARION on every package. BUSII' . J.,:4 Al'. • SHORTHAND 5akesete tante by caret i ar-tit-s at tL. LORAls. apace •eta lbws� ge 1 %M i a~Xaw & 8$ i e� Fil fol 4117 Oriel 'sows Odle, eIYII F• P iFFlt .511 .e1 b)• Lit 1 olhc eon. uenc i head of flack of 6. Mr. ]Isar as ht- le *.. Tun. 1 UCFIt L i, a Alt iteli Yard.. tied T1 roti. n.eet 'brood a ti0l'1 14 wad .0..-. - 5 farm. L Iran" 0.,- .0 There r,!I 7.1t44-. tani,.tl.na the rare of J. F. 14.1:4 1(0RT(; 11 4.11:1 I'un¢aol ea r alle.e.:he hri 15x.4011. at B eelilion $A7 at the folio. ✓ esaty of 1 the lith cot W except 11eyiule leets of tui Tbt. lot d item Godes twin n 'eadition. 7tH N...i ebbot atone etthln tele erre bid !N Farther I Made Roots ham Reber lea or from MDDeed PROI: T80. (ICJ At •"ter WEE FIR] ince. 1 Lore 1 mal oe not. 1 mews, Agent f-