The Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 7THE SIGNAL : O(rDRRICH 11WPARtf) TEUENDAII, O -v. 9, 11111 T More Soap for Less Money— ]gess Money for More Soap. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA COLLEG E AT BIOME ,.:,wa ode of Ale Wises yuan. paayte �t...t preparing Io thetr own Goma+ .n -u Dr lucrative podtton. as stenos- , i,cr-bookkeepers. taloempkars, tivh sats in tact ;vary .phare of Bwl- ACSiritlM You mar Qois.s at wi- re if you .o W. Po.ittie . ..d. Eater college n of day. tudlrld- .l tint ructIda. Expert 'somber". 1 . KtyIear.' •ipKw iea. Wrist named s n Caada Sorsa ooilseed. .seeded wordy for 4weber.. Militated , with Commercial Educe - tars Aerne.st:oo of Canada Ramater Scheel at famon.l Siesta' Bsalmew College. Loudon Clinton Business College tll•..i 1..\ B. le. W .tKU President. CALL -ON Principal. PINDER for Plumbing, Heating. Wiring. and all kinds of Metal Work. Always in Stock BRANTFORD ROOFING METAL ROOFING, all kinds SEWER TiLE (GARDEN HOBE and NOZ. ZLES 01 L STOV zs GRAN(TEW-ARE and TIN- WARE. (let our prices. They are a1 - ways right, consistent with good mit e•tjai and honest work. W. R. Pinder Hamilton 131., Godericb. T. Swans' 'Bas, Livery and Hack Stables MONTREAL STREET JCirr OFF THE SQUARE BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PA SRNOER : BOATS Passengers called for in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt service ane cdreful atten- dance i Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in .very respect. Your patronage.olici t ed. T. SWARTS Phone 107 Montreal titreet .... tee SHOE STYLE Nat Extravagance Think of a Shapely Foot En cased in an Unmbapely Shoe ! 'T WOULD BE A SHAME! Such filmes are not to he found Here 1 You are Perfectly Jtrsti- ted in BUYING STYLISH SLOES COUPLED WITM COMPORT AMD SERVICE. Wham priced Reasonably As Orn are Priem' 1 W. SHARMAN' DUNGANNON FALL EXHIBITION HORSES HBA\'T DRAvou'. -Rrood.mar. with foal by side. Jos. 1allnugb, Welling- ton Henderson, Jos. Mallough ; foal of 1913, Jos. Malluugh 1 and 2 ; two year old filly, Wm. Tayla & Son ; two year old gelding. Win. Taylor & Son : one yearoffl fitly, Arthur Culbert ; t ne year olI gelding. 1Vu,. Taylor & Son team in hareem. James Footer, Jams Foley, Witt. Taylor k Son ; beet fertoale.'Jo.. Mallougl'. AORIetLTURAL. --Brood mare with foal by side, A. D. McUiarmid, A.. Alton, S. Phillip. ; foal of 1913, A. Alton, N. Phdllips,'Thos. Anderson ; cavo year old filly, Artbut Culbert, Geo Glen; two year old. gelding, W. R. Fattier, Richard Ryan. Ernest Blake; one year old filly, James Barbour; one year old gelding, Ernest Blake, Jae. Bathour, S. Phillips ; team in barnea•, A. I). McDiarmid, Jas. Forster, A. Alton ;, best female, Gordon Young. SPECIAL.—Best foal in claims 1 and 2. Joe. Mallough. GENERAL PURPOSE —Brood mare with foal by side, W. R. Farier, Jacob Reid. Jos. Mallough; foal of 1913, Jos. Mallough, Ny. R. Farier : two year old filly, Geo. Glen ; one year old gelding, Robt. (Hen; pair horses in harness, Wellington Henderson, John A. Mc - Hardy. E. C. Johnston ; beet female, .1. A. McHfemale,rdy ; best mate or gelding, James Forster. Iudge—W.'J. Dickson, Walton. ROADSTER. — Beood mare with foal by side, Jobn McIntosh : foal of 1913, John McIntosh ; two year old filly, Roht. Webster, C. C. Brown ; two year old Belding, Jas. , Alton single horse in harness, Robt. Web- ster, Jas. Higginbotham : pair horses in hareem., 1,. A. Pollock ; best female, John McIntosh. CanRtwoK.—ore year old filly. D. McPhee, Jae. Alton : single bone in Barnes, Wellington Henderson. John- ston & McCall: pair of horses in her - nese, Jacob Reid, Chas. Girvin : lady driver, Thos. Anderson, Robt. Web- ster. Johnston R McCall. Judge—Alex. Tunes. Clinton . CATTLE DI KHAN. -- Milch cow. Andrew Young, Jos. Mallough, Rote. Glen : two year ;'d heifer, Jos. Mallough ; one year old heifer, Joe. Mallough 1 and '2: heifer calf under one year, Robt. Glen, Jos. Mallough : hull calf under one year, Joe. Mallough 1 and 2 : aged bull two years or over. Jos. Mallough, Robt. Glen • herd of three frailties and one male, kobt. Glen. Jgnsgv.—A. Culbert. %V. Thompson, Mrs. T. E. Durrin. POLLED ARO l's.—flitch cow, Jos. M+dough 1 And 2, C. C. Brown : calf uoder woe year. Joe. Maliotytfi 1 and2. GRADE CATTLE.- Mitch cow, milk- ing. A. Culbert : two year old heifer, A. Birk : roe year old heifer, Robt. Glen 1 and 2;steer calf. Jos. Msllough, A. Culbert ; heifer cel:. Robt. Glen, A. Culbert : fatted cow or heifer, Runt. Glen ; two year old steer, A. Culbert ; one year old steer. Robt. (lien 1 and 2. Judge—W. C. Smith, Ripley. SHEEP LEICESTER.—Sbearling rim. Robt. Glen ; aged ewe. Robt. Glen 1 and 2 : *beetling ewe. Roht. Gleu 1 and 2: ewe lamb, Rata. Glen 1 and 2 : rain lamb. Robt. Glen, OxeoaD Dowsrs.—aged ewe. W. F. Young. D. Er iogton ; ahearling ewe, W. F. Young 1 and 2 ; ewe Iamb, D. Ertington, W. F. Young ; rani lamb, W. F. Young 1 and 2. Best pen of sheep any breed. Robt. Glen ; fat sheep soy- breed. Robt. Glen. Judges—W. A. Wilson, Lackocw ; Charles Girvin. !rile; PiGS BsekentRK.—Aged bola. James Alton : sow having raised pigs in 1913, .lames Alton; boar littered in 1913, Janies Alton. YORKSHIRE. — Aged boar, .Tames Alton ; sow having rai'ed Ors in 1913, James Alton : boar littered in 1913. James Alton ; sow littera" in 1913, James Alton 1 end 2. TAxwoRTH. Sow baying raised pigs in 1913, Jo•. Mallough , sow littered in 1013, C.:. Brown. .Judge—G. A. Greer. Whitechurch. POULTRY Brown Iegbora, J. S. Howrie ; Ply- mouth rock barred. James Alton black minoresa. J. S. Howrie; black .panisb. J. 8. Howrie 1 and 2: (fork- ing*. J N. Howrie: pencilled wpm - dottier. J. N. Qowrie i and 2 : geese. James Alton 1 and 2 ; guinea fowl, Jams Alton. Judge—James T. Lyooe. Lucknow. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. GRAIN. Fall wheat, white, J W Salkeld, C C Brown. fall wheat, red. R Glen. James Alton. goose wheat, Albert Alton. W R Farrier; six row barley. Wm Bailie, A Alton. two row barley, 2d W E Durnin; oats, white, Jae Alton. A Alton; oats. black. Id J Alton, peas small. W R Far Gley, C C Brows: peas Targe, J Alton, A Alton; Mmotby seed, J Altos. A Altos: fax seed, J Alton, Wm Rivers. heans. Yrs Jae Menary. W R Farrier. melte. Win Rivers. men white. J W Salkeld. Wm Sproul: corn yellow. C C Brown: beat and larges* collection of grain grows by exhibitor in Aaheekt, Colboewe or Ifei slosh. J Alto fd: half bushel oats. white. weed, also one sheaf. Jam Altos tl.e natav MaODVC ra. ROWS' to toils, Itis 1 B Jelesseoe. Yrs R Rise. D Kerbs*: Sable baiter Itriks, Km 8 /1 Kis Arisen D Kerins eanpacks. ine.'ball er, bell N, Mis R 1 Jdedas. Kr; R arta. W B Durda; trtia packed butter, W E ( ton, Was f3ymlagton, Mrs Howls ; tahrv. Dursln, J Alcoa. eover, Mrs K MacLeod, His D Y Tiop I s DOiWtWC IaASUrAcTLRZe. dome-taade white bread, Mrs S H Johnston, Mrs T Hamilton, home-made brown bread, Mrs 8 H Johnston his Symington; home -mode ben, lit 8 11 Johnston, Yrs Thos Hamilton we - :nada biscuits, Mrs McCarroll, R Ryan;er cake light, Mrs A Kirke, Yrs 8 Johnston: layer cak'd datk, Mrs 1)M , Mrs 5W Ryan. tarts. Mrs; 11 Ryan, es 8 H Johnston: pies, Mrs 8 H Johnston; honey, Jos Mallough, Mrs A McCarron; maple syrup, W E )turista maple sugar, Mrs D Thompson. W E Du -stn; home-made candy. Mrs McCar- roll, Mies Dreary. home -wade preserves, Mrs McCarroll, Mrs A Kirke; cream puffs, Mrs A McCarroll, Mrs 81E1 John- ston. apple pie, Mrs W Ryan, Mrs 8 H Johnston; workingtuan's dinner, limited to eight articles. lira S 11 Johnston, Yrs A McCarroll y LOETAhLE5 AND ROOTS. Potatoes, J Alton, W R Farrier; cab- bage, A Colbert, Mrs Jas Menary; blood beets, Mrs J Menary, G Glen; long blood beete, W R Farrier: improved sugar beets for feeding, A Alton, It McIlwain; mangold wnrtzels, C C Brown. R Mc- Ilwain: wurtzels, mattlmoth yellow in- termediate, Wm Bailie, A Culbert; Sweed turnips,Ernest Blake. Win Bailie; long orange carrots, E Blake; early hot* R Glen, G Glen: intermediate tab* , W R Farrier, Thos Hamilton: unions, A Culbert, Mrs A McCarroll; to- matoes, W R Farrier, W Sproul; garden corn. A Culbert, Thomas Maher; pump- kin, Ernest Blake, Albert Alton; winter squash, A Alton, R Glen; summer squash for table, R Glen, G Glen: watermelons, R Glen: lrfah cobbler, A Culbert, A Kirke; Rural New York. W R Farrier, G Glen: cauliflower, W Sproul; citrons, Mrs A Johnston, R Glen; parsnips, W R Farrier; collection' garden vegetables, W R Farrier, Mrs J Menary. FRt-IT AND FLOWERS. APPLES. Spies, Jos Mallough, J W Salkeld; Baldwins. A Culbert, R Ryan; king of Tompkins aunty, Jos Mallough, J W Salkeld: man sweet. Miss Syming- ton, Jos :...hough; Canada red. James Alton: Oil ,rio, Jos Mallough, J W Salk- eld; gold• 1 Russett, A Culbert, jV E D urntu: ..en Davis, A Culbert, C C Brown. \Magner, J W Salkeld, .1 Alton: Fella .. tea- r, J W Salkeld; rnseett, J W. Salkeld. Joseph Mallough . cranberry Pippin, Joseph Mallough W Watson; Phoenix, Albert Alton. J W Salk- eld: Mann apple, Jos Mallpngh. J W Salkeld: lour named varieties. J W Salk- eld, Joe Mallough; Wolf River, Thomas Hamilton, A ('filbert; Ribeton oippiq, J W Salkeld, Jas Alton; 90 -ounce pippin, Jos Mallough: wealthy, Jos Mallough, R Mcllw•ain: snow apple, Jos Mallough, R Ryan: duchess, Jos Mallough, J W Salkeld: Holland pippin, Jos Mallough, W Watson; Blenheim pippin, Jos Mal - lough, W Watson; crab apple, A Alton, J Alton: three named varieties, Joseph Mallough. J W Salkeld. PEARS, LTC, Four named varieties, James Alton: Bartlett, A Alton, R McIlwain; Flemish beauty, J W Salkeld, A Alton: Beaurre Clairgeon, R Mcllwain, W Watson: named varieties ,of plums, R Mcllwain, E Blake; one named plum, R McIlwain, A Culbert: collection of grapes, J W Salkeld, Miss Symington; peaches, T Maher, Albert Alton; quinces, R McII- wain, Thos Dasher; collection garden flowers, cut, Mrs 'Islet McCarron, Mrs 1) M Thompson. MAN U FACTURES. Woollen blankets. Albert Alton; horse blankets, home-made, A Alton: collec- tion of cabinet ware, Wm Sproul. LADIES' WORK Crochet in cotton. Mrs D M Thompson, Mrs K McLeod; crochet in silk, Mrs A Johnston. Mrs. Alex McCarroll: Mexican drawn work, Miss Syitrington, Mr A Johnston; ladies' fancy wool mitts, Mr A i Johnston Miss Symington: ladies' fancy apron. Thomas Hamilton. Alex John- 1 stxn: fancy sofa dushion. in crazy work, - Miss Symington. Yrs T M Thompson; Honiton lace, Miss Symington. Mrs K McLeod: Roman embroidery on linen, Mrs Howrie. Miss Symington: point lace, Mrs K Mcleod. Mrs D Y Thompson; slumber slippers, Miss Dreany. Mrs A McCarroll: embroidery on muslin, Mrs A Johnston. Mrs Howrie: crotchet table mats in cotton. Mrs S H Johnston. Mrs A Johnston: crazy quilt. Mrs S H John- ston, Mrs '1' E Durnin; patchwork .guilt in cotton. Mrs J Menary, Miss Syming- ton: patchwork quilt in wool. Mis Jae Menary, Mrs T Hamilton: patchwork quilt in silk. Miss Symington. Mrs.D M Thompson: two pairs woollen mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs Howrie: embroidery in silk on cotton. Miss Syming- ton. Mrs I) M Thornton; on linen, Mrs K Mrs Leod, Miss S ymington; tea cosy, Mrs K MacLeod, Mrs D M Thompson ; shawl crochet, Mrs A John- ston, Mrs John Howrie ; fancy pia cush- aoa ; nve o'clock tea cloth, Mre Howrie, Mrs K MacLeod ; log cabintqutq, T E Dornan ; handkerchief sach Mre A 1 Johnston, Yrs D M Thom ; mofa pillow, MrsHeinle, Miss roomy ; whisk holder, Mrs D ¥ase Yrs Ronne ; w shams. Kra McC.aerdl, Yrs D M Thompson ; loos handkerchief, �[[rrss K Macreod, Mimi Byming as : Bat- t�aburglace tabl.00ver, Mrs D it Thomp• �t1p�tlpnn Mrs Hondo ; laundrybadYds Symington, Mrs 1) M Thompson ; 'Berlin wool work, flat, Was Symington : fancy knitted lace, band made, Miss Syming- ton, Mrs Howrie ; collection of burnt wood -work, Mrs D M Thowpeuu, Mrs K MacLeod • embroidered linen picture frame, Mrs D M Thompwrn ; fancy head rest, Mrs A Johnston, Miss Symington ; ribbon work, Mrs A Johnston, Mrs 1) M Thompson; crochet slippers, Miss Divan- ' ey, Mrs Howrie ; rag coat, Mrs B H Johnston, Mrs A Johnston : Japanese yarn oat, Mrs Mex. McCarroll, Miro A Johnston; croohet quilt. Mien; firming- I ton, Mils A McCarroll : tray cloth, Mrs I Howrie, Mrs A McCarroll ; embroidery 1 with Jewels, Mrs D M Thompson, Miss Symington ; knit slippers, Miss Dreaney, Mrs 8 H Johnston ; knitted quilt, Miers Symington, Yrs K MacLeod; footstool, i Miss Symington, Mrs D M Thompson ; table centerpiece, Mrs A Johnston, Mrs ' A McCarroll ; washstand splasher, linen, hint A McCarron, Mrs D M Thompson, ; knitted or tufted quilt, Miss Symington, 1 Mrs A Johnston ; embroidery- in walla - chain, Mrs Howrie, Mrs!) M Thompson; shadow embroidery, Mrs D M Thomp- son, Mrs A Johnstou; hardanger work, Mrs Howrie, Mrs K MacLeod ; tatting, Mrs A Johnston, Miss Symington . best collection of ladies' work, Ml's D M Thompson, Mrs A Johnston, Mre Howrie. FINE ARTS. ETC. Painting on bolting cloth, Mime Sym- ington ; collection of oil paintings. Yrs T E Durnin, Mrs Howrie ; collection of water colors, Mrs Howrie, Mrs A John- ston ; pencil drawing, Mrs A Johnston, Thos. Stothers : crayon drawing, Mrs K MacLeod, Mrs Howrie : pen and ink sketches, Mrs A Johnston : specimen of penmanship by boy or girl under 15 years, Andrew Kirk. C C' Brown, Mrs D M Thompson ; collection of flowers, painted on glass, Miss D Symington ; painting on china, Mrs Howrie, Mrs A Johnston : collection of metallic lustre painting. Mrs Howrie. Miss Symington : collection of autumn leaves, Andrew Kirk, Mrs Alex. McCarron : oil painting animals, Mrs Howrie : collection of in- sects Imoultedl by boy or girl under 15 years, Gordon Thompson collection of noxious weeds and seed.. named. by boy or girl under 15 years. Gonion Thogtp- son, Andrew Kirk. t THIS r HMi 44, DO tJ:at ANYONE Colt ..11 t-. I ~ The Guaranteed "ONE DY . f;.: A11 Kinds cf Ck't:t. 11 Cr.r m�e1., fi. Owe* 44 seamen Tat, IT f ser ',roc tains. C..i..,41.•. k• -. Tb...s wiawCk-L .J, 1. . Polluting the Great Lakes The committee of the Internetiooal Waterway• Commission which has been investigating the pollution of great lakes water* recommends im- mediate nysaeures to protect the health of the -ities un the lakes. Of the nerd of seine restr,ction upon the duinping of untreated wunie-tpat sewage into the lakes there Yea never been doubt. It pollution proceeds at its present rate the shore waters all around the large lakes will he as badly tootaw- ioated a'. the waters of Niagara and Detroit rives Despatches trout Washington Butte that one of the United States commissioners is decis- ively reoomweriding that congress take action to institute federal con- trol of sewage pollution on the Yankee cid.. iu the interests of the puhlic been h. What the United Stater 'authorities do in respect of jurisdic- tion over the clatter 15 not of Interest to Caoadiane, INA that they shall de something effective to put an end to the slow poisoning of the lakes that is going on assuredly ;e. if dealt with singly, the various states bordering oar the great lakes would be very slow to take the 'sliced action required. If real progress in compelling. muni- cipalities to treat theirsewageis to be made there Must be united effort. This has, heretofore, been lacking, and even at presentconstitutions./ difficul- ties stand in the way of the United States frleraI authorities taking charge. However, Ontario cannot be blamed if it fails to iulflt the earitary requirement• of the inst notion while United S ;at e. cities continue to offend. Shoe progress( trove the meeting of the Waterways Cowmisioo would be heartily welcomed. Clpthing for. Nen and Boys This is our specialty, and we believe we have the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in the county. Just now we are selling a good many Hats. We have them in great variety, stiff and soft styles, and can please the most fastidious taste. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Godericb SEMIREADYTAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. Fitwell Hats, semineseenotessesewsteaese I THE FALL PLOWING Now is the time to see that your plows ate in goiid shape for the fall plowing. We have a good display of plows on our door, including the Verity walk- ing and riding Plows.: also the famous No. 21 Fleut y Plow. 1f you need POWER we have GASOLINE ENGINES from oneand one-half to thirty Horse- power We have two Buggies left and will sell at a bargain to clear teem out in order to make room for cutters. A tell line of MASSEY-HAR- RIS IMPLEMENTM always on hand. When in town call at THE MASSEY--HARRIS STORE ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Goderieb. arteranosnawaireneessniaWswe Mac Ewan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates- -the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate 'telephone 91 HAVE YOU CATARRH•? breortiing impaired? Does year throat get hunky or clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms result frpen nm downnheal h. SSnuffs and vapors ere irritating rrtat and heelless. You shoukl Fo ngeneral health with the oil -food in Scott's Emulsion -its nourishing powers will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and as- similation and assist nature to chock the inflammation and bed the sensitive membranes whieb are affected. Seat t 's Ew..lsien will raise your laniard of health so correct catarrh. shes sad hair eaa SCOTT'S Its 3 3 13e Sher.in-I///!alai Palate Corer the Earth W�IrtIfW�>>igUtvll, IT PAYS TO'BUY THE BEST Use Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes A suitable finish for every kind of 'sur- face. Made to look well and wear well. Beautify and pro- tect your house with Sherwin -W i l l i a m s paint. Call and get color card and Home Decorator. For Chilly Days a Perfection or Famous Oil Heater is the very thing to keep the house cosy and comfortable before the furnace is started. Perfectly ordorless Easy to carry from MOM to room. �iTFiE_BEST:LI NE OF THE INE CUTLER? AT�TME ,�tuw MRS. HOUSEWIFE.: DON'T YOU WANT SOME GOOD, FINE KNIVES AND FORKS AND SPOONS. AND A CARVING SET FOR YOUR NICE TABLET OUR CARVING KNIVES WILL CARVE: OVR CUTLERY WILL CUT. WL CUT OUR PRiCLS WHEN WL FIRST MARK OVR CUTLERY. NO "SHARP" PRACTICE iN OVR HARD- WARE STORE. t CHAS. .C. LEE noses : -Store, 22 : Hoose 112 $ For Hardwarz. PIuvt'i ri; sal Heatitg EIPEsvestrou;hiwg se. 1 Electric Wirint 3 Grandmother's Way Was All Rgiht in Her Day Clean your house as it should be cleaned. We have both electric and gasoline Va c u u m Cleaners for rental. Tungsten Lamps We have just re- ceived an import shipment of Tungsten Lamps, both clear and frosted, which we are going to sell at prices which cannot be duplicated even in the city. We are the sole agents for these lamps, which are of wire drawn filament and guaranteed to give the best of ser- vice. it will pay you to call Ant! ins ct them. Pe F A . al L,,qU