HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 6t
1 tavasnAy, OCT 9, Asti
II TBeess Fears iesdbetria' Costs -Ties. !
say Healy Attacked tabor Leeds, 1
Events seem to be moving rapidly Tema* Cattle Marketi j leeward a grave industrial crlate le I Representative priers are:-
arttaln. "It may," says The 'MIK !Import cattle, choles.. . 57.50 to $11•0
%Oat ofil
Ye postponed tur a time, but moist 1 do. medium . . 4.10 7.50
6.50 5)
7.40 75
7.00 4u
$ 6.60 6.0i
ons attack un the methods of Jamesmedium .... .. 4.76 6.60
Larkin to stating a case at Sir George' �- common 4.00 4.75
Aukwlth's Court of Inquiry into W iuteher Dolls. choice5.76 1.60
Dublin labor war In the last ay. do good Dulls ... S.25 6.75
rears he said. Dublin has been sub- do. medium 4.60 6.25
footed to more strikes than during its ' do rough 4.00 4.60
entire existence as • capital. They S4Mw, 850 lbs. 6.25 6.65
!Nave been brought about by methods Feeding bulls ...... 4.00 6.00
I which should make trade uulouisu Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs 5.00 5.76
ashamed. do. medium 4.26 6.00
Larkin, said Mr. Healy, acted the do. light 3.76 4.25
part of Napoleon. His men obeyed him Outten 3.00 4.00
rs implicitly as the French soldiers finers .,.60 3.60
;obeyed their Emperor, and it was that Milkers, choice, each.. 66.00 90.00
that had brought about these strikes. do. com. and med40.00 66.00
All employers had been the object of
90 00
I Buck lambs
Calves, veal 10.50
kaeeling at hls shrine. Wether lambs
do. rough 6.00
Abdications forbid the hope that It do. bulls
Can be altogether averted. One of Batcberp' choles
almssmisim, OM most ominous signs is the Master 4O'
Cotton Spinners' Federation deelsloa I 4o.
_ close all their spinning mills from du. common .. •. 6.76
tpefaber 36 until the dispute at a Single Heifers, good to choice:. 6.60
31x11 in Bolton is settled. Butcher cows, choice.... 6.00
Timothy Healy. M.P M.P. made a vigor; do cod
Dear Amy:
Isn't it dreadful to have a hole in the
arpet ? I used to try patching tt but I
soon found out that when a carp€ worn
out in one place, it was worn out all over.
I decided the best thing to do was to
throw out the old carpets and get brand-
new ones. The designs in carpets are
getting more and more beautiful all the
time, anyhow. The last one I bought is the
irettiest one I've ever had,
Always y-ur friend,
P. 3, -I went back to the same reliable
place_ for this -•arpet, where I always deal,
Geo. �ohmeier
Agent for Nurdheimer Pianos
6 • Tea Days' Treatment Free
ORANGa LILT L a certain cure for all disorders of women. It is appllee
Malt and Is absorbed Into the suffering tissue. The dead waste matter in the
congested region L expelled, `whoa,
lmmedlate mental and physical re -1
lief; the blood vessels and nary
are toned and rendered
tb. circulation 1s r.nd.red n
aa this treatment L based on strict-
ly sc&sntfec principles. and acts
tis scta•1 legation to th. disease 1
cannot bet effect • .ate d aBl
forms of female troubles. Including
delayed and palntul men,truatto.
Iwoorrhoea, falling of the
M Price, 91.00 per box. widen
nt or one aonth's tr.at-
Trial Treatmen
.aneu% for t. A b 10 days. worth ase..
Web. sent Tree to any aukarfnse
aroman who will .end me her ed • rest
Smokes 1 stamps and address, MRS, FRANCE$ E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont•
For Sale I.t il'.1 .... 1)ru r I. t,
Larkin's attacks, and humble masters
,had worn out their marrowbones
'Young Canadian's Strange End -
Eugene O'Keefe, Brewer, Dead
Wallace E. Baker, a member of
pat minent Montreal family, committed
outride at Manhattan Beach Pots
New York. last week under peculla
Circumstances. Before drowning him
{self he despatched a thirty -five -thou
Mand -word diary containing a story o
IIbis IHe, to a magazine editor, but let
s identity to be established through
tt frfeed In Toronto. The young ma
1 to that could not live without love
Sid that the readinog of G. Berns
Okay's works had prompted him
pad the Ile.
Mr. Eugene O'Keefe, Private Cham
berl5,ln to Pope Pins, banker, capital
ot. philanthropist and brewer died at
ionto on Thursday, aged 86.
The death occurred at Clndsay of
�1r. George Ingle, a former Mayor of
Losing his hold upon a hose wagon
man James Kerr of Toronto, was
tched headforemost to the pavement
d tilled.
James Little, a well known miller
of Guelplh, died on Thursday last at
Ms home.
Dr. John C. Dixon, son of Canon
Dixon of Montreal died at New York
1)f pneumonia. Before taking up den-
tlletr.y he had made -a name for himself
ba the stage.
Rev. John William Jones, former
Vector at Millbank and Lakeside,
died last week at London.
Mr. Matthew Hick., the oldest sue
goner in Montreal passed away last
Thomas Ambrose Gorham, County
Judge pl Halton, died at his home in
Milton on Saturday, aged 68.
Noses 4.00
Bucks and culls 2.60
Hogs, weighed off cars8.10
Hogs, fed and watered8.85
Hogs, f.o.b. 8.50
Heavy, f.o.b. 8.25
a Bows, f.o.b 7.25
Light Sentence on Man WI ose Blow
Killed a Woman
Convicted of the murder of Louise
Chandler's infant child, Jesse Ham-
mond was sentenced to be hanged at
L K ti r v e r� .. here Prince Albert, Sask., on December 17.
Hammond was father of the child and
Mies Chandler is his wite'a• sister.
I Frank Nlcollettl who shot his 'wife
Will 'be sent to any address lr three times on the street in Toronto
S ■ ■ lilt (d1 to 111. tat, 1914, for only last May, and then attempted to kill
himself by cutting his throat, was
$1•Ail, tied. in yOtlr ubs.:ript,o,i now. bentenced last week to Ave
years' im-
prisonment In the penitentiary.
Sly months' imprisonment was the
light sentence imposed upon James
Dickenson for causing the death ofI
Lucy Res in Smith's Hotel. Toronto.
ckenson struck the woman during a
quarrel and the charge of murder was
reduced to manslaughter.
No Home Rule Conference
The Si
C nnmilnnunnunnnlnnln11MUM lIIm11m119InunfWpmnitlunnnllnnfasa
disposal a reined h S=.
for over 40 years r • remedy for ailments peculiar to wass.a. A. have tine-
coda .ten thousands d te.tlmenlala air -aka ttt�S
r flee to Its West -
jeers.... 1
found l-��= '�.-t.W Dr. Pierce's
trenful sod a•
�`` Favorite
Don't Look WO1[AN'S delicate system requires
mon than ordinary tare and at-
Old Before it is given by the a erage and awoman.II
n �as
a Your Time Neglect it and ills poen creep in, and
=I the look of old lige sometimes gtliekly,
sometimes gradually follows.
That backache, so common among wosssu, brings with it the sunken chest, tie
headache, tired muscles, crow's-feet, and soca the youthful body is ne moreyoatk-
tul in appaaranef_sad all betas. of lack .f attention,
There is no reason wh you should b. so anfortenate, whet ysu have at your
y sue r see • F•vo ite 1Pr•°e
accumulation of 40 ears-testlt ••
leen..... Neither narcotics nor alcohol are es be
in r amou
toMisplacements. O.eramss
periods. Tones up nerves. Brie shut
est health. Seid by &Wen m msdytse,
■ liquid or tablet tore.
Or. P5..r• Heard Adores % r:.
Isillosto wioNome oboist room
sle.ep,slsy,b or worried ~be r hiss
Always Dry and
Free Running
-no matter what the WEATHER
-no matter what the CLIMATE
-no matte, what the SEASON
Ws • daily pleasure to have such pun lies.
dry salt 1• was out the table. Get a
p°Okage teem your •
roost i 2e
• q,
• .. . iia• .
•'• •.„ • • •
• •
Toronto Brain Prices
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the�Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1, 88c; No. 2,
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W., 39%c,
Pio. 3 C.W.'s, 380.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, 81c to
83c, outside.
Ontario Oats -33c to 33c, outside;
sec to 37c, track Toronto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, 76c, c.i.f., bay
Peas-Nt. 2, 90c to 95c, car lots,
Buckwheat -No. 2, 65c to 56c, out-
Rye -No. 2. 60c to 61e. outside.
Barley -For good malting barley, 63c
to 56c, outside; feed, Vic to 49c, out-
Rolled oats per g bag of 90 lbs..
9225; In smaller Iota, $2 35; 94.95 per
barrel, wholesale, Windsor to Mon-
Mlllfeed-Manitoba bran, 522 to 323;
bags, track, Toronto: shorts, 924 to
$25; Ontario bran, 922 to $23 in bags;
shorts. $24 to $25, middlings, 926 to
Farmers' Market
i Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce .at St. Lawrence
Market, , Toronto: -
I Fill wheat, bushel 1-.4.86 to $ ,.. 88
Oats 38 .40
Barley . 58 .60
65 .00
Pork a
Net Only Has Formidable Army But
an Experieneed Lader
Captain James Craig, Unionist mem-
ber of Parliament for the East division
of Down, announced at a public meet -
Ing in Belfast the acceptance by Gen -
5"v"400 eral Sir George Richardson of the post
9 25 of "General Officer Commanding the
9 25 Volunteers."
9.00 81r Edward Carson, leader of the
60 Irish Unionists, who 1s making an in -
.00 apection trip through West Down, ex-
pressed his hope in addressing the
The nritish Government has decided
co have nothing to de with Earl Lore -
urn's suggestion for a home rule con-
ference. Right Hon. Reginald Me -
Kenna, Secretary of State for Home
Affairs, speaking at Pontypool on
Monday, declared that such a con-
ference could only mean procrasttn-
ptlon. He further announced that the
home rule bill would follow the an-
ticipated course In Parliament, and
would become a law next session, de-
spite the opposition of the House of
Northern City chattered
The city of Nome. Alaska, has been
almost destroyed by a storm which
devastated two miles of territory next
Ito the sea. Five hundred houses were
Idestroyed and the inhabitants worked
all night In the icy water to save
their effects. There will be much
suffering and outside help will be re.
quires Winter L at band and It will
lie Impossible to get In supplies usedN
SAMnu% .not442
Nome 1s built oma sandy sea beech
and has a population of about four
Nine ►reenters t. Confer
The joint tneltattoo of Sir Jams
Whitney and 81r Lerner Goole. to the
groveler* of several provinces of Gam-
bia. to be proses( at a eoatereeoe,
to he held at Ottawa during the last
Week r.f this month has been aceepfed
to all Many questions of dominion
wideImportance .111 b11 presented for
8svpral passengers were rut by Ay -
fag glare when the C.P.R Toronto
IAbtpreas as 1510 a freight train at
O.11 lake, Bask. Kn. Feed Lumbar
bead of Chatham'. Oat. and Cieeeps
Allan of Meatreal wen summit the
Provlskssl President Team At )Cla
aim bora Mortal president of ('Paan
her i eve year term.
'Ire Duke ped Melees of Ceenaught
P*Iee.se Pstriela wq. MY for
em Oet t f
: Peas .80 .88
Hay, timothy, No. 1:..16.00 17.00
Mlxed and clover......13.00 14.00
Straw, bundled ........14.0') 15.00
do. loose 10.00 11.00
Rye straw - 11.00 18.0',
Eggs, dew 1} id, dozen.36 .40
IButter, chotbe dairy.30 .33
Fowls, dressed. ib. .18 .00
Spring chickens .20 .22
Young ducks .20 .00
Live spring chickens .18 .00
do. fowl ... .14 .16
Potatoes, bushel .75 .014
Apples, basket Zu .35
Tomatoes .30 .35
Green corn, dozen .10 .13
Cabbages, each .10 .00
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, $8.86 to 99;
shipping. $8.25 to 98.75; butchers, 97
to 98.50; cows, 13.50 to $7; bulls, 95.25
to $7.50; heifers, $6.26 to 18.25; stock
heifers, 96 to 97.40; stockers and
feeders, 35.50 to 35.76; fresh cows and
Wingers, 92 to $3 lower at 935 to 987.
Veale -$6 to 912.
Hogs -Heavy and mixed, $8.90 to 59,
yorkeps, 37.60 to $9; piles, $7 to 57.25;
roughs, 57.76 to 17.90; stags, 56.50 to
97.60; dories, 38.60 to $9.
Sheep and Lambs -Iambs, 35.60 to
67.80; yearlings, 94.50 to 51.25; weth-
er., 95 to 15.25; ewes, 32.60 to 65.00;
sheep, mixed, $4.76 to $6.
Cattle at Montreal
Trade brisk with an active demand
for small balls and stockers to send
to the United States. The prices of
(tattle were higher all round but little
change in the prices or other live 4
Prime beeves, 4%4c to le; Illedlius. ,'
4%c to epic; common, 2%e ee 4%, c
Small balls and stockers, ipso W •
Gabes. Sc to 4e I
volunteers that the next time he saw
them "every man will have a ride on
his shoulder." He advised them " to
leave no stone unturned to resist the
The Ulster army is said to be thor-
oughly organized and already to have
attained a strength of about 100,000
meo, which number is expected by
Its leaders to be nearly doubled when
recruiting has been completed.
In a speech at Kilkeel Sir Edward
referred to Lord Loreburn's proposal
far an imperial discussion of the Home
Rule scheme.
"We are not going Into a confer-
ence," he said, ."which involves not
even s compromise, but base surren-
lier. We know ee surrender. There
would- not .be a single free agent In
such a conference. The Government
would go into It knowing that unless
1t gawp way on everything Redmond
would turn the Government out of
Premier Maintains Pledgee Were Ful-
filled in Letter and Spirit
"Through men not directly re.pbn-
sible to the electorate of Canada our
naval proposals have been defeated
for the moment, and an increased
burden has for the present been pro-
posed and accepted beyond the seas.
We have every confidence that this
defeat is but temporary, and that the
duty of Canada will yet be honorably
discharged. The highest future for
thin Dominion lies with the Empire,
but the unity of the •Empire cannot
'be maintained If its greatest Domin-
ion adopts the policy or scampering
under the cover of neutrality in time
of danger or trouble."
In these words Premier Borden
brought to a close an address delivered
before the Conservative Club of Hali-
Referring to the Government's
pledgee with respect to the question of
naval defence, Mr. Borden said: "These
Pledges have been fulfilled in the
letter and p the spirit. We went to
Ew-ngland, consulted the British
Government, we placed before the
country the statement from the British
Admiralty, and we submitted o PanBement the proposals for tempo
and immediate aid which In our judg-
tnent were justified by the need."
\ shipment of 414.1410 pursed. f
hi,..ey Ives made f►om Ailsa ('r..ig in
un, ..eek.
-F',•, 1 r:ue: 1 f tali;-: v. •
:i1 1> H.,••• nr 11, w. r, •rizrll .it Ir',',Ilin -
tcnla'. ]lir (11nr. 4,v Ir i -.t elltd f;,ngrr
- Lis'oa-. 11.-I los,. have a r»te wht,
AS 14 1•0,1•111:11'14...4 1,..i,.
I !'ills )11'•t QI.
'lawn i1, 111 .1.111, n1 I1 'IIIIVe. 11 h,1•
\':ierlon Ivi:l hazer >. pu1.L.• iii k,
Ile !own annn,-,l hating sr, n•I.'e bait
1n nrrl• f' r th,.• Pn'r'1i r Thi• 1\ 1••,1.
n'. Il1rtlt044 of the 1, nn w.11 iii 11 e
,alk nl,wnh"roan, aiii and syncs
'h.- .1mh.••.1, orf f+i, 1 t I••
B1�T•„u4lrely..lt+.,•., , c ,..,l,e
rack n. n 414(44 4411. Ir ir'g 11. 1.4 .
hie id the diiter. I,uIhJ 11. Lr•i•r
lun„Ine, ,1„- • h.1,4
„It 1r i,11.I • n•- ,.f , he sulk, slyer. i
ut .,tr t i,.• 1 i•. 1 1 , I . , .lis r "n.5 1•l. .p
e • a bias Ir.
Sheep. about 4c.
Lambe, about iKe
Hods, 9c to 9'4c.
CAleage Ul'. Steep
Cattle -Reeves, 37.30 to $8.10; 'Pelta
Avers, 17 to 91; stockers sad feeders,
11.21 to 37.36; cows and hollers $3 65
to 98 40, calves, $7.76 to 311 la
Hogs --Light, 10.16 to 66.00. mlxe1,
Ne to $3.25, heavy, 37.90 to 91 AC
/ash. 17.60 to $1.16; pip. 54.60 to
07 76; balk of sales. 30.16 to 95.65.
Sheep--NaUve. 91.00 to 36.05; 7057.1.
Lei•, 51 to 36; Wins motive. 11.is
its 57.10.
Chaim Markets
Watertown, M.T.-4.6.0 haw bold at irlic
Leedom. Ont -Gus huedred boxell
eismd; an sold se 13t4e. biddies'
1 1s..evtlle- IJK7 boom boarded. s01
11111%; ION amid at 13 t 16e balance
Masbod robbers ado 3116.eee worth
essei atr.tea gravel Igen W Tablas
Ossapsers .►0160 bos.a esu
LMJ. wr sliwaad
.r •.r aw asci assn% Ois ars r
Fossas resew ouch is gar. •erre -
w room, sh,ewerdss.
L.. 1 suns!. A.. L. Mr•oi. £.
1 •••t Moen.
N, y.l s.. worn
10 1ti1 • ,..M
\e. el (is.q,
Big \Doings
at M. Robina" next week.
Owing to our holiday, store will be closed Fri-
day and Saturday, October Loth and itch. Store
will be open on Monday, and everything in Men's
Furnishings Will be redu}:ed in prices. before buy-
ing your ,"sinter outfits from hats to boots, call and
see us. You will find our prices the lowest. If goods
are not satisfactory, money will be refunded.
as -'eswr.rs ..onwaooiaema•
Have you heard about Pepe?
Peps is a new scientific
preparation put up into tabloid
or pastille form, which pro-
vides an entirely new and
effective treatment for coughs,
colds and lung and throat
There is no connection
between the lungs and the
Suppose something were
wrong with your stomach -
say indigestion, or ulceration
-'would you think of taking
some medicine which went -
not to your stomach, but to
your lungs? Certainly not 1
Why then, when your lungs
and chest are affected, should
you dose your stomach -an
absolutely separate organ -
with medicine ? Is it not far
better to treat the ailing organ
direct ?
Pevide a direct
treatment for
broach itis,
and all lung,
chest and
thrall Don -
Mee. Peps
oontain high-
ly medicinal
esesacem and
pine extracts
into tablet
lost You
pet a Pep on
year tangaad o",
s it
dewy di. -
WPM. thein
woiatils se-
imaess tarn
late vapor
Too BR1ATHE the remedy to your
sore ailing lungs direct -cot swallow it
to yew stomach, which is not ailing.
C.-�ia�aa.) The heeling fumes, thus
saaa down, bathe the delicate, in•
fismd membranes of your breathing -
nine sed pass right on to the tiny paw
arm of the tangs -a course co liquid er
mild medicine could possibly take. •
Pepe fusses are healing and anti-
septic. They heal sore tissue and kill
disease germs. Peps brimf ne-fort
fumes toyour
you goiag
to the p
For that cold, that night eough,
that leech of breeching, dont does your
slemmeh 1 The trouble lies in yours
longs. Pepe go to the lungs
direct and will ears yea.
All draggime Sad storm 506 box.
Write for free sample to Peps
Co., Tomato, or 62 Prin-
c.ss St., Winnipeg. Seed
only lc. stamp for
this adver.
Jas. Cumming
Painting, Decorating
and Wall -paper
e Hanging.
All work done prom pfly ar:,I
in thorough wanner.
Residence -Albert St.
Telephone No.:947.
Oar nr,eratie`
narain exceeds (hitt rf
w siut provisos do(he cs�vf4r..cr ., uV o,.
wet boo. 1b• giro', oil. mune.. of
tegmental Ilfe. W. h.ve three de-
partm.. t.. t1.mtnere4,I 'port hand )((
WWI Telegraphy. rand ur 0t11rr t ou or'.
vantage• not offered elsewhere 1n
Iouts/3c. You may n't n.4 any int.:.
Wive for oar Ire., ale. gut: et coin.
D. A, Y, LACHLA\.. Princtl, .
CRA 0T 11H t' °V
Sept. 25eh to Oct. Ilth
From all stations in Ontario
at eery low rates to:
Vancouver, B. C. Les Angeles. Cal.
Victoria, a. C. San Oiago, Cal
Melsr+nr a• C. San Francisco. Cal.
Pei nee Rupert. B.C.MexicoClty,Mea
Portland, Ors. Seattle, Wash.
Spokane, Wash.
ecu -way Peened -els -a Ticket- on!y
.111 be toyed.
rropo,uo, .,e low 45105 40 Other pout• in
I:.dnr•u•e, ,dsho. iM• mann. Mew.. New
Nrx,r•. Ores••• Nnr.er. rex.., Utah.
K•.•hi„rtou at d \Y yumlcg.
Full particular.; beth re.erratine., etc..
frein F. F. Pew rent.. k 801,-, Town Prawn. -
ger hod Packet Agent.
PACs ra
,One May - ?ecocd
From all Stations in Ontario i0 Cer-
tain points i -
Alberta British:Columbia
California Montana
Oregon Washington
Arizona Idaho, etc.
Daily until October 10
Fou p.rt,culare. rotes. etc., Irvin Jos.
kids, C. P. R. Agent, er write M a Mur.
Ph, Dmitri%t Paw.•.a.r Ag..,t. Toronto
The Best Place
for Shoes
it will be no trouble for you to find among our
different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern,
leather and price to suit you.
Added to this, every one of them has the7gentl-
ine mark of quality.
We fel sure we can meet your requirements
for Sommer Footwear, no matter how particular you
a re.
COI on us for your next pair. You'll be glad
1 cu did.
Downing $' MacVicar
XQBIN kWh OF $QUAR , 4116111111111130111.