HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 5'Lir r o . thereg,.. tier thou rice. If } ribbed h. Attend Our Big Dollar Sale 1111 Saturday, Oct. 1 ith, and see we cot going to tell you here, but come to the sale and you certainly will lav-urptised at the wonderful bargains $1.00 will lets. Every piece of jewelry included in this sale is cf Al quality—you can rely upon our making right any piece ibat par: to be made of inferior material. test Hair-gooels at OF. WEND nto MING 11 IS Now bear in mind that this rale is for Saturday only, so come ear:y and get the "Pickings." r bald head with erful achieve. should call end Wigs which Prof. mace that deter - 'He. They are securely to any they cannot come at the wearer's y will give a young ing expres.ion to J. S. Davey Jeweler Corner of Colborne Street and Square THE Star Theatre A place• of entertainment and refinement, always catering to the public's iotereets. giving them a good, clean, moral show. Nothing to offend any person, not even the moot fanatical. Any person not aaLufied, visit- ing our show at any time, and who doesn't consider he got his money's worth, twice over, will do us a favor by calling at box office, wino his admission fee will be refunded as cheerfully as it was taken. Admission 10o Children Se nye but the lasting of serni- gears of u, Ltd. J. A. CVLVER, Proprietor. ros."'=ii-ponor pia, tode/ L I. ono (t•10114tika business. Lyric Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, Oct. 13th, 14th andl5th Another Treat Special Engagement of the LAWRENCE SISTERS !Scotch Entertainers in a High - claw Repertoire of Songs, Dances and Bagpipe Selections. Also Special Feature Pictures during the week. The Programme at this Theatre can always be recommended as "RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE" both in Quality and Presentation. Pay us a visit and you will be more than satis- fied. Adm. as usual IOC,. -6C G. B01301146 'CBE SIGNAL : GODERiCH : ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS A Musical Treat Hefting Ready for Fruit Exhibit Last tlatarday afternoon Mr. J. K As the county of Huron have trade Hunter, organist of Knox church, gavel a grant of WM to furnish its exhibit a most entertainin recital in the at the horticultural show in Novetu- church. Several music lovers attended bey at Toronto. Messrs. R. R. Sloan the recital and thoroughly eojuyed it. and I). F Hamliok have been making It is Mr. Hunter's intention to give a auto tripe through the county to get free recital in the church each Satur- material for this exhibit. Extensive day afternoon from tour to five o'clock, to whi.b he extends a cordial nvita- tion to all local music lovers. Medals to be Presented Medals have been received from the Royal Canadian Humane Association tur presentation to Graham and James Rum, sons of Rev. Geo. E. Row. of town, and Margaret Mc- Taggart. the young daughter of Mr. Geo. McTaggart, of Clinton, in recogni- tion of their res'ue of a fellow -bather from drowning in the lake at Hayfield fro the 21st of July hist. it has been arranged to have the presentations made by His Worship Mayor Reid on the occasion of the. entertainment under Y.M.C.A. auspices at North street Methodist ehuteb next Thurs- day evening, 18th Inst. In order that se many as poesibte may witness the presentations, the admission fee for children has been placed at 15c ; ter adults, ::ic. Missing Grip Found A suit care belonging ton local man. and which her been missing since September 5th has turned up. Mr. \Vin. Glazier. baggageman at the local Grand Trunk station, discovered the missing valise in the C.Y.R. freight office. Some foreigners in passing through the town took the bag by mistake from the Grand Trunk sta- tion. The, clue which the local sleuth worked up and lead to the eppreben- sion of the grip was that he bad been careful to keep tab on the number of the tag. Former Resident Dead Mr Richard Sidney Spark Strong died at his house. Purbeck house, Galt, at noon on Monday in his tiiith year. A resident of Galt for 85 years, he was closely associated with the growth of the town, being on the directorate of the Gore District Mutual Fire Insur- ance Cowpony for half a century and manager of the company for over. 30 years. Previus to thin he was in business as a druggist in Dundee and Galt, and for a time farmed near Gode- rish. He was born at Purbeck, Dor- set. England. wiytreting to ('arida when 10 years of age. His wife died 17 years ago, but there still survive one son, A. D., of Galt, and two daughters, Mrs Hugh B. Lewin, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Wilson A. McWhin- ney, of Detroit. Pay Car Discontinued The pay car on the Grand Trunk railway is now a thing of the past. According to information received at all local offices the cheques will in futute be forwarded direct to the agents at the various point, on the original moving picture is the latest system, and given by him to the heads discovery of the great wizard Edison. of the several department. for dis- tribution. To each cheque will be at- tached a reoeipt which must be signed by the employee. also by a witness. and returned to Montreal. It is estim- ated that upwards of 8(7(10 cheques. in- cluding those for abopmen'. trainweu. etc., will be given out along the line from tioderich to Stratford. Soave idea of the amount may be gained when it is known that salaries—me- side of the officials—range all the way from $40 to $15u a month, the latter for conductors and eugineers. preparations are being wade. Local Man Reported Dead in West A report has reached Godericb that Mr. David McBrien, at on time resi- dent of this town. has died suddenly at his home in Edgerton. Alberta. While sey oral ot his friends here have heard orhis death. they have not got any Particulars of the same. He left Gode- rich about live years ago with his wife. Big Murnhys An evic.enee of the good farming of air. Witt. Vroman, of Sheppardton, is seen in the window of Mi. James' Yates, real estate agent. Nest street, where is dieplayed four large potatoes grown by Mr. Vroman. The largest one weighs 21 pounds and each of the cabers are of an enormous sine. The "nturphys" are of an excellent quality and certainly show considerable skill on the part of the farmer who grew thein. G.C.I. Field Day Next Friday will be a red letter day fdr the students of the Goderich Col- legiate Institute. when the annual gamey and athletic sports will be held in the agricultural park. The uro- gram opens at nine a. M. and contin- ues all day. As admission is free and everybody will be made welcome a bumper crowd is expected. There are 35 events to be pulled off and it is ex- pected that some close contests will be seen. The managing rnmmittee in charge of the sports are : Meatus. A. M. Rob- ertson. D. Phil' 'a. C. Hays. F. Beech- er, M. Toni, E Allen, C. McManus and Mire Mode-. Women's Instaute Meets The w'"obe'fs of the Goderich Aran eh of the W gwen'a Institute held their meeting et the home of Mrs. Higgineon on Thursday of last week. A demon- stration on ironing a shirt waist was given by Mrs. Gavin Green, the work being neatly and cheerfully done. The members are planning for a demons try tion lecture course in cooking, consist- ing of ten lectures beginning January 15th to March 14th. A fee will be charged non-members. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to'those who helped with donations to the dining ball duting the exhibition. the West- ern Canada Flour Mills Co. being especially mentioneds The Edison Talking Pictures The kinetophone, or Edison talking pictures, will be seen here for the 9rst- time at the Victoria opera house on October :Ath and 21st. Just as wonderful as was bis invention of the Miss Mary Cecilia Lynn Dead Miss Mary Cecilia Lynn. aged twelve years and nine months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lynn, died at her parents residence. Bruce street, on Wednesday evening as the result of heart trouble. The deceased Jdung lady was horn in Goderich or. anuary 10th. 1901. and has lived all her lite here. She was a Romeo Catholic and attended St. Peter's church. Besides her parents she is survived by one brother, Edward. and four sisters. Helen, Maty, Jean and Isobel. The funeral will be conducted on Saturday morning at nine o'clock from the family residence on Bruce street to St. Peter's church. where requiem maw will be celebrated by Rev. Father McRae. Interment will be .:lade in the Roman Catholic ceme- tery, Colborne. Progressive Boy Scouts Perhaps one of the most progressive societies in Goderich ie the Roy Scout movement. Atthougb the local troop was only organized out three years ago by Dr. Hayden, the movement is daily gai•ing ground, is in a flourish- ing condition, and toasts of a member- ship embership of over 50. Dr. Hayden latterly bas retired froth active work ar scout- master but still takes an active and prominent part as secretary. Mr. Chester McDonald makes an ideal scoutmaster and both these gentlemen deserve the highest credit for the way they have kept the boys together. During the winter season the troop will meet each Tuesday evening in the Y.M.C.A. rooms on North street and the officers will be glad to welcome any new boys who care to come to these meetings. Th. last meeting was held on Tuesday evening last, Returns to Chicago in the Toronto Telegram of Satur- day last appeared the following item, which will be ot interest at the present time to residents along the Lake Huron shore of Huron and Bruce counties :— Mr. J. W. Moyes. who brought to Toronto the report on the valuation of the Toronto railway Brom Chicago. where he bpd been working on lis pre- partition reps ation wile Kr. Bion J. Arnold. has returned to Chiesgo. Mr. Moyrs, during his short stay ben. saw Mayor Hocken, to whom he soattt eeio•t d the contihM el Bre repeat. At tis sass ttrr �t� Y1 to e astwen we as M tie ".bodadepe.eere. tt.yor esselsoeed tb•t the report wag row idillts Now It M said that the further e1e�into `•alear up a lew things." Whir/ t ase few things are it would be I.NNsi4 to know. Ono opinion ex - le float Use we •t vat• aS to fibs vNaMa et the systems, b.* !die le the saw lbs eel hardly be geld Pi be cat>MiMa+ . It is predfcted for the kinetophone that real flesh end blood actors on many stages to the various theatres throughout the country will soon be a thing of the past, to judge from the little gasps of astonishment and the chorus of "ian t that something wonderful 'r" that one hears on all sides wherever the pictures are exhibited. 'Phe kinetophone may be called an im- mense success. Soon Have Whits Way Goderich will be lighted from the bydto-electric lamps very seen. This statement was made hy Mr. Fred Gould to The Signal on Tuesday. Mr. Gould is the street foreman and has a gang of 17 men working in town get- ting ready. At the present they are working on the Square preparatory to erecting the new lamp poles there. "We have everything ready here. with the exception of the Square." continued Mr- Gould, "but the trouble is that the commission hale not com- menced putting up its wires yet." However. he thought that it was a short job and be fully expected to see everything complete in a, very short time. Hard Luck Whether it was the bad condition of the toads between Godericb and Kin- cardine or the fast driving of the ehanffenr, Mr. E. N. Lewis, M.P.. Mr. V. M. Roberts. Sheriff Reynolds and County Treasurer Holmes had any- thing but a pleseant trip to Kincar- dine on Wednesday. With blowouts and delays they did not get back to town until Thursday morbing. it is rumored that they went to. make some arrangements regarding the Ontario Weat Shore railway. It has also been acid that they were at- tempting to travel over the heretofore unused but rusty tails of this now famous railway, with the object in view of demonstrating to their friends that the road so far as itis constructed is of material benefit—to automobiles. Death Follows Prolonged Illness Mrs. J. B. Orr (nee Mary Ellen Cous- ins) died in the Alexandra hospital. Goderieb, on Sunday morning last after a prolonged illness of three months. The deceased was the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cousins She war born in Colborwe towWship and lived in Goderich town- ship ever since her merrier. to Mr. Orr, about 13 years ago. She was highly reepected by all who knew her and her demise will be a distinct loan to the elessounity in which she lived. in religion she was a Presbyterian and at the time of her death was • member of the Union church io Goderich township Mrs. Orr was of a charitable disposition and was always interested in the various secisties of that church. Besides • besbeed to mourn her less, eke N gervived by two eons— Oasis Als.seder sold Weld Broek, slot .Itws._Ile, Wm. Maedsl. nt ialiertt' MM Osebeib Comics, of Aa isrimb somas 4s : Mime Mateo and NNW Okusina and Mrs. Blanchard. of wladge t : Mrs. D. Wefts*. of Vet. Alta .. and three breth.rw- 1 Marlette. Mich.: Hen, of Pew- s#. ferigs, and Ascetic, of C'bieseo. The emissive' toot plass frees bar slats to If fathead eenm.tery ell *hareems mime Rev. 1 the Voion 'less prim"was . e Old Chimney don A chimney 75 feet high and 226 years old was pulled down at the water- works station on Thursday a000. The chimney had not been used tur some time as a new cod recently built had taken its place. The bricks in it will be used for other purposes. The structure was undermined on One side and obeyed over tor meant. of mechani- cal devices. Misner Goods Are Popular The Miner Mfg. Co. has just made the largest shipment ever sent out from its Canadian plant. The ship- ment, which consisted of 2,160 pieces, went to V este -n Canada. The Mis- ner Co's products are meeting with a good reception and the business is growing in • manner that is highly gratifying to Mr. Howell. who is at the bead of the Canadian branch of the business Canoe Club Meets The regular monthly meeting of the Menesetung Canoe club was held on Tuesday night in their rooms on West street. There was very little business before the club and the meeting was a rather short one. As the club have decided to wove into new quarters in the Masonic building, the matter of furnishings was discussed but nothing' definite was done. The ofilcers hope to get into their new quarters by De- cember 1st. He Does Not Know The officiate of the Goderich Organ Cowptop are saying very little at pres- ent as to what their plans for the future will be. Mr. Frank Saunders, secretary of the company, stated to The Signal that the first would likely make some alterations to the factory but,at the present time be could hot say exactly of what nature they,would be. "The bylaw has not passed until the fifteen days in which a recount can be asked for, has expired and until then we cannot tell what we shall do," he said. • NURSES WANTED i The Toronto Hospital for j Incurables offers two years' training: complete course in Massage; post graduate course in Bellevue and Allied hospitals, New York. Applications will he received by MISS. GREENE," ILady Superintendent, 130 Dunn t 4 `^ �¢venue, Toronto. 78-4t. (` The High Quality The Rich Flavoring The Fine Appearance O: Our Choice Confec- tions Tcgether with the moderate price Account for Their Popu- larity if you've tried them you know them. if you haven't, DO SO F. E. BURDETTE Balmoral Cafe The Square 'Phone 54 POWELL for GROCERIES PURE FRESH and 000D W. J. Powell Groner On the tlrgnare 'Phone •1 TMvagra,v, oar. 1. INS • • Police Court Case "(food -morning, prose r waw the morning salutation from Police Maw titrate Kelly to a lone drunk who dec- orated the dock in the police coot t this (Thuredayi morning. "1'l1 have town in ten minutes," apnkseired the prisoner, whose title le ''cloud Night Greer." "I'll give you to three o'clock in- stead of ten minutes," crowned the bench, "and it you're not gone then I'll hey your ticket." The drunk took the hint and made bimself scarce. Chief PostlewaitefoundOtem-on the Square, who asked the hluecoet to sit beside him. He did and Greer found his mistake when he realised what be had done. Will Appoint Inspector A meeting of representatives of the municipalities using hydro -electric be- tween Stratford and Godericb was held in Seaforth on Thursday afternoon to discuss the question of an electrical in- spector for this district. The matter will he taken up by their respective municipal council.' and a f'trthet meet- ing will be held in a couple of weeks. The idea of the scheme is to group Stretford, St. Marys, Mitchell, ('lin- on, 4eafotth and Goderich, and have one inspector for all. The duties of this inspector would be to inspect and paw on all wirng before the power would be turned on. It is hoped in this way to lessen the danger of acci- dents. En_ineer Strickner, general ifispector of the Hydro -Electric coin= mission, was present. Naftel-Parsons Wedding 4t. George's church was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wel- needav morning at six o'cjock. when Miss Marion Parsons. one of Oode- rich's highly esteemed young bodice, was married to Mr. Percy Naftel, of the Bayfield road. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Fotheringhaui and only immediate relatives were present. The young couple were un- attended. The bride was handsome- ly attired in a black bedford cord suit with overlaid lace waist and wore & large black picture hat with white plumes. After the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Naftel drove to the C.P.R. station where they took the early morning train for Toronto. After a short honeymoon they will reside on the Bayfield road. A Shooting Accident Mr. anti Mrs. r E. Bell, of Gederich, have received word that their son, Mason, of Hanley, Saskatchewan, was accidentally shot in the abdomen while hanging up a rifle. A message received on 'I'bureday morning by Mrs. Bell reads : "Hanging nn a V. rifle it accidentally disebarged. Mr. Bell was brought to Saskatoon by train : wounds dressed at city hoepital very weak hut is doing as well ea can be expected. Will wire if things turn more serious. (Signed` W. S. Davison." Mr. Bell is only 24 years of age and went out to Saskatoon about three years ago and was employed us a clerk until last September, when he took up a ranch about nine rnilee from Hanley. After the accident the injured man had to travel about 40 miles to Saska- toon before he could be operated upon. The family here have the sincere sympathy ot a large number of friends in their trouble. Died in Toronto The death occurred in Toronto on September 28th of Mrs. I. N. Cassidy (nee Elizabeth Aitkens) aged 56 years, for 10 years a resident cf Toronto and for many years a resident of Goderich. She was horn in Allandale, Simcoe county, and came here with her parents when about 13 year old. About lir years ag ) ahe moved from here to Toronto with her husband and bee resided there &ince. in religion aloe was a Methodist, and although in delicate health she waw a atauncb church worker and waa highly row pected and beloved by all who knew her She is survived by a husband in To- ronto : her mother, Mrs. 'Elizabeth Aitken. of Ooderiche two brothers. John I., of Goderilch, and William, of Rochester. and one sister, Mrs. F. A. Gooch. of Buffalo. The funeral took place from her late residence, 30 Kenpeth avenue, To- ronto, to Prospect remeter,y on Timm - day, September 311th. Rev. E. B. Lancelev officiated Hockey Club Reorganized Goderich will have one team in the intermediate aeries of the O. 11. A. sod a team in the junior eerier. This was decided npon at the initial meeb- ing of the season held in the Town hall on Tuesday evening. The meet- ing was very entbusisstic and a large number were present. The president, Mr. H. T. Edwards, was in the chair and several matters of importance came up for discussion. The matter of having all the teams in the town league controlled by the executive is a departure and an improvement from the old rule, whereby each individual team manager made rules and regu- lations for his team. The executive recently elected will appoint a com- mittee to draft a set of bylaws to gov- ern the legume. It is nndenided just hew many teams will he placed in the town lea- gue and no schedule has yet .been drawn up. The officers for the com- ing year were elected sod they are as follows :—Hon. presidents, Mr. M. 0. Cameron, $.C.. and Mr. W. R. Kelly, J.Y.; president. Mr. H. T. Hdwarde : secretary, Mr. E. R. Wigle ; treasurer, Mr. A. 0. Nisbet ; executive council, Memoirs. Jame. Wiggins, Harry Bel- cher and W. H. Robertson ; manager of intermediate team. Mr. John W'lg- ps; manager of junior team, Mr. Charles Riley. DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment Tbnusande of wiv.., mothers sed Meters are .ntbuai•• ,i - in their mise of ORRIN", beseoes it has eared their lowed Ouse of the "drink habit" and thereby heetserlit, happin.ss to their homes. Can be River aarr.tly. ORRiNS ems only $1.00 per box. Ask few free booklet. F. ,1. Boiledd, NION BAN re icalty -1, Sal Syste� t KHaphazard, occasional saving seldom accom- ale CAMA•A piishes much It's the steady, persistent, regular t:gtrt. ttr.n.. ti$8,373,0111 Total its (icer) - $70,IN,N depositing of so mar y dollars a week, or month, or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one financially independent. The money accum- ulates all the more rapidly', too, because of the In- terest'which is added every six months. Try it. LF. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager Goderich Branch. EAST STREET GARAGE Motorcycle for Sale 4 h. p. Flanders Motorcycle for sale at $135. To be seen at EAST STREET GARAGE Huron Gasoline Engine& Machinery Co. ALWAYS OPEN guns:RII:H ONT. 'Fiume 248 A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HER KITCHEN. sOR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A BRIGHT REPUTATION. USE BLACK KNIQHT. A PASTE TUC F F DALLEV @. LTD he DUST NOWASTE I MAMILTON.ONT. pNO RUST A Business Opportunity The stock and businese of the Kingsbridge general Store is offered for sale and the store for rent. A good business is being done and can be increased. Money Order Poetofllce in connection with eto}e. Oocd reason for selling. Apply G. R. BELL, Kingsbridge PUBLIC NOTICE Just Arrived! A New Shipment of 1,000 TUNGSTEN LAMPS all sizes suitable for voltage in this town. Also for the coming Hydro Electric. These lamps are all high grade and of the best make, and will be sold at a small margin above cost. Also in stock Hotpoint Heating Goods, which are guaranteed for years, Excell Dry Batteries, and all kinds of Electrical Material. Wiring of every description done on short notice. W. J. IIUDDART EI ectrical Contractor (over Signal Office) North St. Open Evening