HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 21 THU /DAT. Oct. i, 1913.
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Chateauguay and East Middlesex Have
Concrete Facts to, Vote on
Ottawa, Oct. 7. -The issue to be
faced by the 'lecture of Chet.•auguay
and East Middlesex it very d tfereat
to that which wee alsjudicaian upon
in the elections of September, 1911.
To the extent that it is changed it
has weakened the Conservative cause
and strengthened that of the Liberals.
The hypocrisy of the Tory arguments
and ruethods in 1911 hu been
thoroughly exposed. while the course
of the Borden government has in two
years completely falsified every prom-
iee made by theist previous to the
elections, with one 'solitary exception,
that of the Agricultural Aid bill.
This, however. was founded upon the
report of the Technical Education
Commission. appointed by the Laurier
government, and in itself was simply
an elaboration of the policy of Hon.
Sydney Fisher during bis fifteen years
as minister of agriculture. The bill
Was so strongly endorsed by the Lib-
erals that they compelled the unwilling
government to accept the principle at
the division of the fund pro rata
amongst the provinces and the expem,
diture of the money by the provincial
governments themselves.
Since September. 1911, the Tor
position has been completely revers
Their policy during the general elec•
tion was to shout imperialism and
denounce reciprocity' throughout the
English-speaking provinces, and to
denounce imperialism and the Laurier
naval policy in Quebec province.
Ilia chicanery was not openly` prac-
tised but it has since been absolutely
proved by Mr. Bourassa that the anti -
naval, anti-imperialist campaign of
the ationalist. in Quebec, which
robbed the Liberals of sixteen ,eats,
was secretly financed by toe Tory
party end tbat.bytMlisni "Empire
saver," Sir Hugh Graha.. Mr. Bour-
assa has also pre ved that. there was a
secret compact by which the Tories
agreed not to put up candidates in
Quebec where Nationalists were run-
ning and to support the Nationalist
candidates with money and votes.
This fact ie to completely proved that
even Mr., Borden's ministers dare not
deny it. ,
Mr. B laden and hie colleagues thus
became t-esp"nsible for tine wild and
disloyal ut1eranre.of be Nationalists,
and reasonable for their promises to
tbe people of Quebec. '1'he French
Canadian electors were told, ''Defeat
the Laurier government and you will
defeat the Laurier naval policy." and
they were promised that if Mr. B u'den,
should win the day nothing w cold be
done to aid in empire uses) defence
without an appeal to the profile ei; her
try a pie bi.cite or hy an elechnn.
Every one of these promises has been
broken in cold blood. Neatly all the
Nationalist members of parliament
have, with cynical indifference, repud-
iated the principles upon which they
were elected and have sold themselves
as servile followers of the Borden -
Rogers -Pelletier coalition. The prom-
ise to oppose any imperial naval aid
scheme has been thrown into the
Tory dust heap where it lies with the
promise of a plebiscite before any-
thing was done. The location is fam-
iliar to Hon. F. D. Monk, who also
occupies a position in the Tory dis-
card, owing 10 a belated • twinging of
conscience in this matter.
Can the people of Chateauguay for-
get these thinly'? Can they trust a
government which has been so utterly
recreant to its trust and so brutally
confident that it can cover the bitter
pill of official wrongdoing with the
sugarcoating of public works and
public hi ibes
Can the electors of East Middlemen
forget the criminal double dealing
which urged them to save tbe empire
by defeating recipe... ity when the
same political "patriots" were sending
immense sums to Rosana' the disloyal
campaign In Quebec ? if they can con-
done such conduct it will be a dark
day for Canada, when the people put
partisan advantage so far ahead of
political honor.
5100 Reward. 11100
The reader's of the -01 bo to
learn that then le at least one
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& 00., Toledo O.
ear roestieottoa
IMYURTKD. -faVenni re three Yeaand
over, W R. M rein. Wm. McQuillin,
W. H. Martin; snare two years old,
Vu,. McQuillie 1 and 2; mare one
year old, W. R. Martin ; foal hy Im-
ported dam, W. R. Martie 1 and 2.
HKAVY DRAlre1HT.-Spain in harness
and wagon, D. Scott, Jas. Forster,
Jas. Webster ; brood mare that has
raised foal in 1913, Wes. Henderson
and Sons, 8. Morrison, Jos. Hackett ;
foal of 1913, Jos. Hackett, J. Webster.:
two year old gelding. W. A. Taylor,
J. McDearmid, Jos. Hackett ; two year
old BUy, A. McKenzie, J Carruthers,
D. Scott; one year old gelding, W. A.
Taylor, Huss Middleton ; one ye old
filly, Joe. Hackett, J. Webster :best
three year old mare or gelding. Jas.
Forster, W. A. Taylor, Jae. Barbour;
female, acv age. Canadian bred, A.
McKenzie,`. Henderson and Suns;
hoe.) mare and two of her progeny,
'. Phillipe, J. Webster; best five
h..r;er front- either Huron or Bruce
two year. or over, Kinnon McKinnon,
one horse ; %V. R. Martin, three
horses : A. McKenzie, one horse.
Arians.LTURA L. -Span in harness
and rig, Jas. Forster, D. A. McDonald,
Robert Moffat ; brood mare that has
nosed foal in 1913, J. McDiarutid, W.
Bueglass, P. S. Moffat ; foal of 1918.
Robe Moffat, Jos. Switzer, Wm. Mc-
Kenzie: two year old gelding. A. Mc-
Kenzie, W. Hunter and Sone. J.
Turner; two year cid filly, W. R.
Ferrier ; one year old gelding, Jas.
Barbour, S. Phillips and Sons, Ed. Mc-
Quillin : one year old 811y, Jas. Bar-
bour; female any age, Canadian bred.
Jas. Barbour, Robt. Moffat.
GENERAL PURPOSE. -Span in harn-
ess and rig, W. Henderson and Sons,
Ed, C. Johnston ; brood mare that bas
raised foal in 1913, W. R. Ferrier, C.
M. Aitcheson, J. McQuillan ; foal of
1913. W. R. Ferrier, C. M. Aitcbeson,
S. Phillips and Sons; two year old
gelding or 811y. Ed. McQuillin, R.
Elliot, C. M. Attcheson ; one year old
gelding or filly, J. McDiarmid.
UARKIAOE.-Span in harness and
carriage, Jake Reid : brood mare that
ha. raised foal in 1913, J. G. McLeod,
J. Lyons; foal of 1913, M. McMillan,
J. G McLeod, D. S. McIntosh ; two
year cld gelding or filly. F. Todd: one
year old gelding or filly, R. McQuil-
lin, C. M. Aitcoeson ; single carriage
horse. W. Henderson and Sons, 011 -
more Bros., R. Ormiston.
LIOHT Hoadm4. - Buggy bone in
harness, Robert Webster-. G. C.Currie,
W. A. McEvers, Harold Durnin (bigh•
Iy recommended); mare that has
raised a foal in 1913, J. Mclttoeh, A.
Nicholson, M. McMillan ; foal of 1913,
J. McIntosh, F. G. Moffat, A. Nichol-
son : two year old gelding or filly, R.
Webster, J. Alton, J. Lyons ; ,one
year old gelding or telly, R. Webster.
three years or over, J. Webster ;
bull two years old, McKay Bios., Wm.
Str others & Sons ; hull one year old,
M. Beaton, W. Henderson & Sons ;
aged cow giving milk or evidently
well gone in calf, J. Webster 1 and 2 ;
three year old cow, giving milk or evi-
dently well gone im calf, J. Webster,
McKay. Bros. ; two year old heifer,
McKay Bros., J. Webster ; one year
old heifer, McKay Bros., J. Webster ;
heifer calf, six months and under
twelve months, J. Webster 1 and 2 ;
heifer calf six months and under, J.
Webster 1 end 2; female apy age, J.
Webster : four calves, tbe get of one
bull, J. Webster; herd. one orale and
three female', McKay Bros., J. Web-
ster; herd of aged cow. three year
old cow. two year old heifer, one year
old heifer and bull any age, McKay
POLLED ANOI S. -Bull any age, Jas.
Barbour, F. Todd ; heifer calf, F.
Todd ; female any age, F. Todd ; herd,
one male and three females, F. Todd.
Male any age, Durham, HereforJ or
Palled Angus, McKay Bros.
GRADE. -Grade cow giving milk or
evidently well gone io calf, J. Web-
ster, W. J. Lyons ; two year old heifer,
J. Webster 1 and ' ; one year old heif-
er, A. Nichol«; heifer calf, Jas.
Barbour 1 and 2; two year old steer,
J. Webster 1 and 2; one year old
steer, J. Webster 1 and2; steer calf,
J. Webster I and 2: dairy cow any
breed, owned and kept in the village
of Lucknow-, not to be shown in any
other class, B. McClure: herd of one
cow. two heifers, two steere, J. Web-
ster; hest block animal on ground. A.
tvicholson 1 and 2.
year old heifer, R. Durnin, A. Nichol-
son ; two year old steer, A. Nicholson,
R. Durnin ; fatted cow, steer or heif-
er, A. Nicholson, R. Durnin ; best
three stock steers, R. Durnin, A.
Nicholson ; best steer, age or breed
not considered, A. Nicholson ; best fat
calf, eligible for the Guelph or Toron-
to fairs, J. Wehster, J. Barbour.
J ERegv.-Heifer cal, D. K. Alton ;
female any age, D. K. Alton.
LElcKaTER.-Aged ram, W. hitruth-
ers & Soos 1 and 2 ; sbearling ram,
0. A. Greer; ram Iamb, G. A. Greer ;
W. Struthers & Sons ; aged ewe
that has raised lamb in 1913, G. A.
Greer, W. Struthers & Sons; shear -
ling ewe, G. A. Greer, W. Struthers
& Sons ; ewe lamb, 0. A. Greer 1
and 2; pen consisting of ram, ewe
two .hears or more, one shearling ewe
and one ewe lamb, G. A. Greer.
OXFORDS.-Sbearling ram, J. Turn-
er ; ram Iamb, J. Turner 1 and 2; aged
ewe that has raised lamb in 1913, J.
Turner 1 rind 2 ; ewe lamb, J. Turner
1 and 2.
SHROPSHIRE Dower.- Aged ram,
D. Henderson, J. A. McDonald ; *baw-
ling ram, D. Henderson, J. A. McDon-
ald : re m lamp D. Henderson 1 and 2:
aged ewe that has raised Iamb in 1913,
J. A. McDonald. n,Hendereon ; sbearl-
ing ewe, D. Henderson, J. A. McDon-
ald ; ewe Iamb, 1). Henderson, J. A.
McDonald : pen consisting of rags,
ewe, two %hear, or more. robes Oleg ewe
and ewe Iamb, D. Henderson.
Beat ram any age or breed, W.
Mtrutbers & Sons.
Hmutentna.-Sow that has raised
pip in 1918. J. Alton ; sow farrowed
in 1913. J. Altos' ; boar farrowed to
1913, 1. Altos'.
YORKSHIRE -Boar, ) Alton ; sow
that hsa raised pigs in 1913, P McMil-
lan J. Alton ; sow farrowed in 1911
J. Alton : boar farrowed la 1913. J.
Fow•L. - Black minora., Geo, Pot-
ter : light beeline., C. M. Aitobeos ; J.
dark brabma, J. Lyons ; white
horn, Geo. Potter; barred pl m
rock, G. A. Greer, J. Alton ; buff
pbiogtoo, (leo. Pour' • any k1
geese, J. Alton, G. A. Greer:
ducks, J. Lyme 1 and 2; any pelt
ducks, J. Lyons ; guinea Cowl, C-
Aitcheeen, J. Alton : anooaas; G. P
tar 1 and 2; best cock, hen, cockerel
and pullet of any one of the isllowl
varieties, namely: ancooar, inor
white and brown leghorns, Geo.
Ctticigrca,-Black minot•cs, G. P
leg- M. Thompson ; collection of faa'yy WOMAN A
ou Moose. Mrs. 11.
or 1 Ta bl K
th wort nix to twelve
m yu, Mrs. McLeod, Lena
Livingstone ; collection of knitting 1
cotton, Mrs. W. McKenzie, T
water, Mrs. T Moore, Mrs, H.
Tambly u ; collection of knitting i
wool, Mrs. W. McKenzie, Tisserats
Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs. H. W. Tambln
oollectl..n of novelties, Iwna Living
stone, Mrs. 11 W. Tomblin ; crocheted
counterpane, Mrs. H. W. Tainhlyn
trained counterpane, Mrs. H. W
Tambly', Mrs. K. McLeod.
Drawn work, Mre. W. McKenzie
Teeewata:, Stirs. K. McLeod, Mrs. T
Reid ; set of wonren'i fancy under-
wear, Mrs. A McCarroll, Mn. W. Me
Kenzie, Teeswater ; natch quilt in sit
Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn, Mrs. D.
Tbowpnon, Mrs. K. McLeod ; patch
quilt in wool, M1ks, H, W TatuLlyn
Mrs, D. 8, ,MclnFFrwh ; patib gni t i
cotton, Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn Mre. T.
Moore, Mr... 1). y McIntosh ; Hair ell'
wool blankets, Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs. D. i
K. Alton, Mrs. J. Alton ; pair union l
blankets, Mrs. T. Moore; erubroiderd
goo sofa pillow, Lena Livingstone, Mrs. D.
J. M. Thompson, Mrs. B. Mills ; hand-
s minted sofa pillow, Lena Livingstone,
, Mrs, J. C. Helen Mre, T. Reid ; any
ter; light heehaw., C. M. Aitcteson
sod '2 ; white legborn, G. Potter 1 a
2; piyiuouth rock, 0. A. Greer 1 a
2 ; white plymoutb rock, D. Scot
orphington buff, Geo. Potter, Mrs.
McCarroll; any other wyaadott
13. McClure ; turkeye, Jas. Lyon
anconad, G. Potter, Mra. A. McCarro
doves, Mrs. A. McCarroll, prize re
urnutende d,
c -
White fall wheat, J. McDiarmid, W.
H. Ferrier, J. Alton; spring wbeat
M. Reid, J. Gaunt, J.Turner; R
wheat, J. Alton, J. Turner; who
aoy kind, 8. Reid ; black oats,'
Alton ; white long oats, J. Alton,
Reid, W. R. Martin ; while abort oats
J. Alton, J. McDiarmid ; six -row
barley, J. Alton, J. McDiarruid,
Reid ; large peas, J. Alton, J. Mciiia
olid, D. K. Alton ; assail peas, W.
Ferrier, T. Smith ; timothy, J. Altoo,
D. K. Alton ; yellow corn, J. McDia -
mid, T. Miller ; any other variety
corn, D. 8. McIntosh, D. M Thomp-
; flour, open to millers and agent
only, T. Reiu, J. Alton, J. McDiarmid
flax seed, J. Alton, J. Mclliarmid
red clover sees, D. K. Alton ; garde
beans, D. S. McIntosh, T. Moore
white beams, Mrs, A. McCarroll; sun
flowers, Geo. Potter, W. R. Ferrier.
White potatoes in box or beske
named, T. Reid,' McKenzie Bros, ;
mangold,s Wilson Hamilton, F. Millet
yellow maufkolds, W. R. Martin, C. M
Aitchesoo ; snort beets, W. Hunter
Son, R. Potter; long beets, W. R
Ferrier, J. Lyons ; swede turnips
Isaiah Congram, W. A. Taylor; an
other variety of turoips, C. 11. Aitche
son, J. McDtarmid: Held carrots, D. S
McIntosh, J. McDiarmid; short gat
den carrots, W. R. Ferrier, J. R. Ha
tett ; long carrots, R. Potter, T. Reid
parsnips, G. Potter, C. M. Aitcbeeon
tomatoes, G. Potter, F. Miller
onions, Geo. Potter, 1'. Reid; to
onions, T. Smith, W. J. Lyous ; earl
cabbage heads, W. J. Lyons, D. 8. Mc
Inrush; saulif ower heads, Geo. Pot-
ter, Mrs. D. M. Thompson ; water
melons, T. Moore; muskmelons, B
Mills, T. Moots; citrons, W. R. Mar
tin, T. Moore ; celery. T. Reid ; tab'
squashes+, P. McMahen, W. J. Lyons
any variety of sugar beets, W. R. Mar
tin, C. M. Aitchesom ; collection o
field roots, D. S. Miclntosb, F. Miller
beat sample collection, Mrs. D. M
Special collection putter, Mre. D. 8.
McIntosh ; tub butter or box, Mrs. D.
S. McIntosh ; crock of butter. Mrs. I,
Congeals, Mesa H. Turner, Mrs. D. 8.
McIntosh ; roll table butter or prints.
Mrs. 1. Ccngram, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier,
Mre. F. McDonald ; home-made bread,
baked by a girl 16 years of age or
under, Miss H. Turner ; bakers bread,
T. Reid ; factory abase, 8. Fraser ;
honey in comb, D. K. Altott ; extracted
honey, Hagan McDonald, D. K. Alton ;
maple syrup, Mrs D. M. Thompson,
McKenzie Bros.: collection canned
fruits, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. D. 8.
Mclntosh; collection of baking,Mrs.
W. R. Ferrier, Mrs. A. McCarroll,
Mrs. D. S. McIntosh; articles of food
suitable for a working main's supper,
Mrs. D. 8. McIntosh, Mrs. Geo. Potter,
Mrs. A. NisCarroll ; five o'clock tea,
Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. D. 8. Mc-
Intosh, Miss R. Gordon ; collection of
pickles, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. D. S.
McIntosh ; plain home-made buns,
Mrs. D. S. McIntosh, Mn. J. Reid;
home-made tea buscuits, Mrs. F. Mg -
Donald, Mrs. A. McCarron; Johnny
cake, Mrs. A. McCarroll, MCP. D. 8.
McIntosh; light layer cake, Mrs. T.
Reid, Mrs. A. McCarroll; dark layer
carte, Mta. D. S. McIntosh, Mrs. A.
McCarroll ; fruit cake, Miss H. Tur-
ner, Mrs. D. 8. McIntosh ; doughnuts,
Mts. G. Potter, Mrs. D. S. McIntosh ;
oat cake, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. T.
Moore : short bread, Mrs. A. McCar-
roll, Mrs. D. 8. Mciotesh: lemon pie,
Mrs. T. Reid, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier:
apple pie, Mrs. W. R. Feerier, Mrs. T.
Reid ; pumpkin pie, Mrs. F. McDonald,
Mrs. T. Reid ; hen's egge, Geo. Potter,
C. M. Aitcheeon ; home-made bread
made from Havelock pure Manitoba
Hour, Mks. W. R. Ferrier: home-made
bread made tro:n Sepoy blended flour,
Mrs. W. R. Ferrier: collection of pas-
try baking, made from Bruce ideal
pastry flour, hire. A. McCarroll.
i Tells How She Wu Restored
To Health by Lydia E
Pinkhal�n's Vegeta-
1 bee Compound.
I Tilbury, Ont-" I could praise Lydia
L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all
• around the world be-
cause it has done so
n much for me. Far
two years I was so
run down that I was
tenable to do my
work. I had female
weakness and dread-
ful periodic pains,.
constipation a n d
backache, but now
I am well of all these
things_ I took Ly-
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
1 Liver Pills and Sanative Wash. I give
you permission to publish this letter to
help others." - Mrs. WILFRED MAR-
CHAND, Box 464, Tilbury, Ontario, Can.
Case of Mrs. Tully.
Chicago, III. - " I take pleasure in
writing to thank you for what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha.
done kr me. suffered with such aw-
ful periodic pains, and had a displace-
ment, and rece?ved no benefit from the
doctors. I was advised to take Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
am now as well as ever." -Mrs. Wu.-
LIAM TULLY, 2062 Ogden Avenue,
Chicago; I11.
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you,wrlte
to Lydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Maas., for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
other kind sofa pillow, Mee. K. Mc-
Leod, Lena Livingstone, Mr,. D. M.
'Thompson : ..ny kind floor mate. Mrs.
T. Reid, Mr.. A. McCarroll ; home-
spun yarn, sic•tle and double, Mrs. T.
Moore. Mies M. McKay ; table centre
piece and four doylies, Lena Living-
stone, Mrs. D. M. Thompson ; any
kind Berlin wool work, Mrs. H. W.
Tamblyn, Lena Livingstone ; hest
dressed doll, Mrs. Geo. Potter, Mrs.
D. M. Thompson ; sop kind baby's
bonnet, Mn.. W. McKenzie, Tees -
water, Mr.. H. W. Tamblyo ; button
holes, display on three materials, Mrs.
W. McKenzie, Teeewater, Mn. D. M.
Thompson ; cbild'a fancy dress, Mrs.
D. M. Thompson,- Mr,.. Geo. Potter ;
darning in woollen or cotton, Mrs.
W. McKe::zie, Teeswater, Mrs. D. M.
Thomtl.nn ; embroidery nn linen,
eyelet. Mrs. K. McLeod. Mn. A. Mc-
Carroll ; embroidery on linen, mount
mellick, Lena Livingstone, Mrs. H. W.
Tambln ; fancy handkerchiefs, Mrs.
K. McLeod. Lena Livingstone ; faocv
embroidered towel, Mrs. A. McCarroll,
Mn. T. Reid ; fancy apron. Mrs. W.
McKensie, Mrs. H. R', Tamblyn
girl's cotton drew., Mrs. G. Potter,
Mrs. W. McKenzie, Teeswater ; Irish
lees, band made. Mrs. H. W. Tamblin,
Mrs. D. M. Thompson : battenburg
litre, hand made, Mrs. K. McLeod ;
boniton or point lace, Mn. K. Mc -
Lend ; laundered shirt and cuffs, Mrs.
D. M. Thompson ; laundry bag, Mrs.
W. McKenzie, Teeswater, Lena Liv-
ingstone ; lady's crocheted shawl, Mrs.
H. W. Tamblyn, Lena L:vingetone ;
lady's knitted .bawl, Lena Living-
stone, Mn. K. McLeod ; -lady's dres-
sing moque, Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn,
Mn. A. McCarroll ;pair pillow covers.
band emtroidered, Lena Livingstone,
Mrs. A. McCarroll ; any kind pillow
sbam, pair, Mrs, A. McCarroll, Mrs. H.
W. Tamblyn : patch on old garment,
woollen or cotton, Mrs. T. Moore, Mrs.
1. Congram, 3Ire. W. McKenzie, Teee-
water ; pair men's fine mitts, Mrs. W.
McKenzie, Teeewater, Mee. T. Moore;
pair women's fine mitts, Lena Living-
stone, Mn. W. McKenzie, Teeswater,
Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn -; pair men's
heavy wool socks, Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Kenzie, Teeswater. Mrs. I). 8. Mc-
Intosh ; set -crocheted table strata, •Mrs.
H. W: Tamblyn, Mrs. A. McCarroll ;
set table doylies, Lena Livingstone,
Mrs. 11. W. Tamblyn ; sideboard
drape, Mrs. A. McCarroll. Mrs. D. M.
Tbompson ; tatting, Lena Livingstone,
Mrs. J. C. Hole ; tea cosy, Mrs. K.
McLeod, Mrs. T. Reid : tray cloth,
Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. 11. W.
Tamblyn ; women's working apron,
Lena Livingstone, Mrs. W. McKenzie,
Picture frame, Lena Livingstone,
Mn. D. M. Thompson ; box, Mrs. D.
M. Thompson, Lena Livingstone ;
placque, Mn. H. W. Tamblyn, Mrs.
D. M Thompson ; collection, Mrs. D.
M. Thompson • amateur photography,
B. Mills, Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn ; marine
view, Lena Livingstone ; figure, Lena
Livingstone ; animals, groupedor
single, Mrs. J. C. Hele, Lena Living-
stone; Canadian landscape, Lena
Livingstone ; hest single painting,
Lena Livingstone, Mrs. 1. C. Melo :
figure painting. Lena Livingstone,
Mn. J. C. Held ; flowers, LODI Living-
stone, Mrs. J. C. Hele ; landscape, Mrs.
J. C. Held, Lena Livingstone ; paint-
ing on glass or pottery, Lena Living-
stone. Mrs. J. C. Hele; crayon draw-
ing, Mrs. K. McLeod, Lena Living-
stone: assortment of houseplants in
pots. Mrs. A. McCarroll; table bouquet,
orr:'mental, Miss R. Gordon, Mrs. B.
Mille ; sweet peas, collection not less
than two varieties, Mies L. Taylor,
Mrs. D. 8. McIntosh ; gladioli, Mrs. T.
Reid, Mrs. A. McCarroll : dahlias, Mrs.
A. McCarroll ; asters, Miss L. Taylor.
Mrs. B. Mills : auremia leaves, Mrs. A.
McCarroll, Mrs. D. M. Thompson
ponies in sand. Mrs. A. McCarroll,
Mrs. Gen. Potter : zinnias in saod,
Mee. D. M. Tbumpeon, Mrs. I. Con -
gram ; marigolde in rand, Mrs. A.
McCarroll. Mrs. D. M. Thompson ;
ferns. Mrs. D. M. Thompson. Mrs. A.
McCarroll ; foliages, Mrs. A. McCarroll,
Mes. 0. M. Thompson.
Curios nr beldittee. Mrs. K. McLeod,
Mrs. H. W. Tamblyn, lir.. A. Mc-
Carroli : hardware, Bdl k Dowse
groceries, canned goods, etc., T. Reid •
ladies' fine shoes, J. G. Murdoch &
Co. ; pair fine shoes, J. G. Murdoch &
0o. : set single harness, Geo. Potter ;
rook stove. Bell & Dowse ; parlor
stove. Bell & Dowse ; above furniture,
Bell & Dowse
Noxious weed. named, G. Thomp•
son : decorated load school children,
St. Helens school : specimen of pen-
manship tinder 14, Florence Mc-
Gregor, Jean Johnston :drawing any
sweet, Evan Allan, Frank Bogue, ;
boys' race over 12, S. McKensie, N.
Reaburn, H. Burne : boys' raps under
12, G. McColl. B. McLeod : rase first
icor pupils, R. Robertson. W. F.
McCollp.on, 1. iieaber•n ; sack nee, G.
.7 Reaburo. H. Burns : sCllt
✓ ace, R. Potter.
Basrpape dompetition, marches, D.
C. Towers, J. McKensie, M. Me-
L,noaa : highland fling. A McPhee.
eon. Gladys Fits,dl ; iri.b jig, 0
Pitmen ; .anon'. hornpipe, A. M
B oa, (i. Firs! ; best dreamed
%ander. A. McPbsreort, D C Towers.
E McLeenas, Gladys Fitted!
Prettiest babe uoder one year of
Alexanders, McIntyre Bros., F. Mil-
ler; haldwin, W. E. McDonald, J.
Miller ; ben davis, W. E. McDonald,
'1'. Moore ; culberta, eM. Reid, McKenzie
Bros.:cayuga red streak, 1'. Miller, Mc-
intyre Bros. ; duchess, F. Miller ; any
variety of crab apples, McKay Bros.,
F. Miller; gravensteine, McIntyre
Bros. ; wealthy, W. E McDonald, T.
Moore, D. S. McIntosh ; king of
thornpkin. county. W. McKenzie, Mc -
Rennie Bros.; mann apples, McIntyre
Rene, Jas. R. Hackett ; king pippins,
McKenzie Bros., Jas. R. Hackett;
blenbeim pippins, McIntyre tiros., J.
Gaunt • rilueon Dipping, McKenzie
Bros., J. Gaunt • Ontario, W. E. Mc-
Donald ; rhode 'island greening,, Mc-
Kenzie Brow., McIntyre Bross : Rox•
boro russets, J. Alton, W. R. Ferrier;
golden russets, J. Miller, W. E. Mc-
Donald ; tamer's or snow, .1. Moore, J.
Miller : northern spy, W. E. McDon-
ald. Meintyre Bros.: warners. Mc-
int,'re Bros., 1'. Moors; Canadian red,
Mclntyre Bros., T. Moore; McIntosh
red. W. E. McDonald ; any other fall
variety, W. E. McDonald ; any other
winter variety, J. Miller, T. Moore;
three varieties fall, W. E. McDonald,
McKevsie Brow. ; ten varieties winter,
T. Moore ; bort varies named 'apples.
W. E. McDonald, J. Miller : summer
pears, D. K. Alton ; fall pears. C. M.
Aitch.soo McKenzie Bros.: winter
pears, F. Miner, D H. Altos ; red
Plume, W. R. McDonald, D [. Altos;
yellow pluttss, W. A. Taylor. W. J.
Lyons : blenbeim apples orange war,
iety. Jas Gaunt : barrel of strewn
apples, 7. R. Hackett.
Collection of dreseaslskiwg or bosse-
.sde Apparel of any sed, goods from
G. Murdoch & Oe'w store. Mn. D.
age, Kennethi Duncan, Mrs. D. M.
Thomlwon's (baby under six months)
highly recomrnende • lady drivers,
with single horse a,,1 buggy, Mrs.
Robert Webster, Miss Nellie Brooks,
Miss Kirkpatrick ; gentlemen's turn-
out, outfit to be owned by exhibitor,
W. A. McEvers, R. Ormiston„J. Kirk-
patrick ; ladies' hitching race, Miss
Kirkpatrick, Mrs, R. Webster ; mare
or gelding any age or class, W. R.
Martin : most valuable horse, pedigree
not considered, W. R. Martin ; hest
halter troken foal of 1913, handled by
a boy 15 years of age or under, J. Mc-
Quillin, D. S. McIntosh, W. Hender-
son & Sons ; foals of 1913, sired by
nmmy Bars, J. McIntosh, A. Nichol -
.n ; boys' competition, 16 to 19 years,
' dicing horses (in this case tether's
u .me us given) W. C. Webb, lid. Me-
Quillin, J. Webster ; boyar' competi-
tion, 15 years and under, judging
horses. C. McIntosh, J. Alton, 84.
McQuillin; beet roadster or carriage
horse on the:grounds, R. Webster.
-ID Colchester township, near Aro-
heretburg, a petition is being circulat-
ed asking the minister of public works
to aesist in preventing the lake from
washing away the old Christ church
cemetery, where the pioneers of the
banner old township lie, their requiem
sung by the waves of Lake Erie
Writetoday for the catalogue of
Toronto. Ont. It will heirp you to answer
the gqtiuellon- Owen' judgment should be
exerolaed in choosing a school,
special Bargain
List for This
We have tried to provide for every need you
may have, bountifully. Come early Saturday or
Monday while every stock is complete.
Women's Coats at
$7.00 and $9.00
`I'uuples and mutat so I k
soode, sande from soft Tweedy
and blanket clue hs,in a .ninny of
shades and style-, all new, suit"
able for misses and isomers
Special bargains, $5.00.
$'7.00 and $5.00.
Colored Dress Silks
LRteet Pekin stripes and
Cord Silks in browns, greys,
blurs, ivory, black, latest
French style and very hand-
some, 38 inches wide, wear
guaranteed, at per yard, $1.25
and $1.s0.
Pallette and Messa-
line Silks
Colon. blues, browns,
green., redo and shot efeets,
38 inches wide, heavy. new
valuer, at per yard, $1.00.
Curtain Nets
38 -inch wide Bungalow
curt Ain Net. neat pat 'erns,
splendid quality and in Arab
and c -cam colors. Saturday
and Monday, our .itis and 60c
quality, at peryasd, iso.
Qeouine Dutch Ind
ign blas
Pristr, heavy weight and in a
*mash y f'f neat patterns, all our
211e quality on dale at per yard
Ten pieces of plain black
Hide Shirting, hest goalit
made. and cruor warrant
Reguria:. 16 • quality, clearing
Saturday and Moo lay only, at
per yard 10o.
Children's Coat
Red., navya, grey,
wool. . Coat Sweaters lett h hell
and nicely finished, .11 • .es
regular 111.35,111.9i end .- I tl,
clear at, each $1.00.
Mink Marmot scarf- .ud
throws, No. 1 quality, new and
'strew styles, very correct for
early fall wear. Reg alai $1,311,
for each $3.35.
Stink Mermot shoulder
stoles, new styles and select No.
1 tkine. Regular, $12.ls1, for
each 1116.711.
Mink Marmot Imperial
muffs, large full size, select
skins. Regular value 811 fir, at
each $5.00.
Curtain Scrims
Twenty or thirty end, of
from three to rata yards, 1,4rular
20c, 23c and :30c quality. ail ..,1
sale, at per yard, 1 150.
Floor Linoleums
More Linoleum§ received
through our custom, here this
week from Eagland. Linoleum,
2 yards wide in a good range of
patterns- Special at per square
yard iso.
Dress Silks
Our recent import .+f Isres.
Silks and Satins Is probably one
of the largest ever brought to
Godp'ricb. Bonnets' famous
Mack Du^bess Satin. Fleur de
Nice Dress Silks, every yard
stamped and warranted, pu're'st
silk asd of deepest lu§tie, wood
weight for dresses or coats,
width ed inches, at per yard.
special $1.643.
made INIS der
Ing the Fal' aannd N Interpe.oawtahe or en
you wish.tsadr revnene.arly.wort the
Tear t Aroma! Write as • 0d Neeere ser
Agent's terms. We orbs OA. beat la
the business. •'.y weskit tree net fit.
exclusive teniro.y.
tinder cultivatbn. Eetabl4b.' over
thirty -ave yes'•-. .A reps.,* Is. rT
blot rade stuck end fair deal fir. A
soletw eau swat. ..en.y rl'Irg fee
us. We want as energetic, retlable nae
for ()oderirh and vMn)t y.
For taeene writ •
1a'men rNit
N. H -Free catalogs. oo rear,
1:; j•ts
:anti: ='.'.....................................................r .,.s
' Panora Range will both
cook and bake at the same time to :r
- its full capacity. This feature and
many other exclusive ones will compel ti
your serious consideration when you .4:•:•;;;;;:•.-
select your kitchen range. '•
7113 ,''r• �e_,.•,<.
Individual Instruction. Thirty -
einem years of success. Positions
gnarae.teed to graduate.. Inform-
ation Free.
Principal. G. D. FL,teINti,
-The Parkhill Gazette says: 'The
repairs on the Middlesex county Court
house have reached over 875.4100. aid
the end is Dot yet."
90 LD
bound or repaired.
BOLI) LE1'1'M:le[NO
011 LEATHER 001
Alindsrs promptly attended W on ler
y at THE S I O N AL. Ooderieb.
albs sod residence. North rtiasf, GOdr
seek of Curet y Registry clot. Todenhon
F. J. It.1•'UItSTER-EYE, E
sot and throat only. Hoaw r
York Ophthalmic and Aural Intl
.testi., Ear. Nose and1 hroat How
Wan Square. and Moorefield Eye Hos'
ardor, Aliilaud. office, 53 8. Waterloo 81
L.Uetd, opposite lino: Church. Ho.
steaet, 2tulp.in.. 7toll pm. Twee
arlLLMANN, nate upathr, spectaIt
trans and children's disease.. a
*sok and nervous disorders, eye, ear.
aeitbreat Cousultatton tree. Unice 1
trot third dour truu, the bossy..
67-3 ma
Uttul;UkuuT, HAYS & KILL
i AN, bernstere, a:manors, notatiea Vt
cr u the alarIUwe Court, eta
ne, FinPn
w 10 d u lowest r$10, of lute
Jaa side rtasars, Oo erica.
roll. ueulJT. li, C., IL C. UUA Y4,
Tat. esd.>ttur, Lunar) publlc. UOt
'km sunt; U,rdsl,cb. Wird dour
1 eiAttLta uAltlt4)W, LL.B., le.
U uleTYdt, atteroey, solieftsrr. ens: , C
rrrrrtkkkkkkkkk. Messy to Woe at tuwest rate..
Rs 4, Oedencb. All in.trucUons by
lin .K DIK.,•/ ..fie.e aIlt (1. yra.opu)
MN w. Itee-Ueina.. IelepauIC 1114
/20,000 PRIVATIC r'ON�i
11'.41. Ai/ery w rpt, u, u
bas.,, dari.1c , nauresum isnot, Dalen
ii , ft. ItuktEl4T `.
ant len L:4MTNINe: British, C.neuuw
10aa.alJ.lK::xre, AND k.Rrt.° sus' L11
: 1 be tA:a..u, AWM4twG W41 tr LLati
..Lr1,bllllun, w,ul,ro,a, ul 1.000(10, 61111,
rtrEIJ I t *Poi, V CAMANTa► MUn w: 1 be
.sit) ...nuUru
uu oaitee t.uwlwny.
Wks •. rs...ucuw, UUrta..at wruut of
.era see 01. Dat las .Loma-. • 1 1.0a. 1
LitelL1 (.r' MUTUAL r into.
a. -u. ...a not
MI p1.1Or1) ,neYib.1,
hates+ -J, 1,, etua.w.y Pru•,diaforth I
A•. ,Ozone)', , a(1y.ries.. tooUwwn 1•
al.aesk. h.ye, ow. -1 tar., ttoatu17,11 t
ie.A ,.-D. t. mcGreRur, -wtunn
UINts, N ,,, l lal (1r : N 01.aUU Rico U, t.W.SU
seaw..,...r, . .siaSe.u; .1,uaatle 6.
. Jut.,, 1...,,M a(11/4„..
Loa t..t.u.M'. _
Wiens. 11',;IIaaI 1 hes„e,. Stat ttb
asrarw. Jea,u_.1'. r,Uoy-ewatere ono
sal lode owed., retesayul
ts.h 11(11.01.5 0Wre,t.Waw4, w
V ,...,.. a. •.•.i...,0...r,pt, 00001
/ It's a
Fine Shoe
The Hartt Shoe is a
"fine" shoe. You can
see it in the choi,e
leather, in the dressy
finish, and in the ac-
curate workmanship.
You can feel it in the
comfortable fit. w
letlukk Or MARRIAGE Licit/isms
-Tn. well-known and a
b tem.* Use bast se r u,
. r1r., esl.
etc. L.d•ee elm=deet
w Uel, killed hau
LI y 'N aI-', ter ayL
be appceolR
Quick and Permanent Strang
you are run down or tired r
Sal tak,. cold eagtly,have no app.t
ung flesh or have other seek
lowered vitality, try our MaOL.
rare Renovator MIAOW our guns
to refund the pries paid if
y fails to give satire satisfactl
.ids digestion, tones np the neer•
and Kies., both quick and I
beet results. One dollar a :rot
elect ureal by MacLeod Medio
tt4erch. Oiit. For axle by K.
vet NNIP10
IT. 101414
Sold in Godencb by HoVELL
Reis Agent. (;vderleh
W. mak* a ynialty .d Repairing
Brophey Bros,
Tbt Leads(
reseal Oirecis f
sad Bsltahlers
Oedere earefully iMgnobd t
at ala hours. eight or Aay