HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-9, Page 11 r, Fifteen Months- for onthsfor One. Dollar • Thst Signal •will be sent to ru vuaA subscriber lie Canada or (;neat Britain from now until January let, 1914, for only One Dollar. •IXTI' PGURTH YZAK--Na1M1e SAVE, because-- No. 53 Sickness or a financial reverse may cut off vour n;olne. Prepare tor such a misfortune. llead Office, King 'and Bay Streets, Toronto t:roderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE IN GODERICH consult A. G.NISBET who has a number of desirable properties for sale at i easonable prices and terms. orru l: NEXT CANADIAN BANK (OF COMMERCE, GODERICH 'Pilots= : OyylrK 2U: Hocb)/ 150. P. O. Box 38i LOST 011 POUID •111•141414101. AUCTION SALES JJ 1; GODERICH, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913 HURON COUNTY PUBLICITY RATEPAYERS ENDORSE BYLAW ILIVELY QUESTIONS DEFACING THE TOWN i BAPTIST CASTOR RESIGNS CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good advertising nota dollar of expense, but a dollar invested upon which you will receive higher div ideals than from any other investment. The Signet ie the feet edot'tleint medium fu Hume County a. It BRADWIN, Pvsus'sta Meeting of the Association's Executive Long Needed Measure Gets a MaJority I Held on Tuesday of Two Votes on Saturday Hydro -Electric Should Consult Council Before Cutting Trees 't'beezecutive of the County of Hur- By a elope nsargie of two votes the DISCUSSED BY TOWN COUNCIL '•i don't think tbe Hydro -Electric ou Publicity Association met io the Guderich Organ Cu. bylaw, fixing theAT LAST- MEETINstaff consult" us as they 'mould. They re court house en Friday afternoon to asesmeut at $20,000 fur a period of I MEETING staff go ahead and do things without our consider a number of matters arising 10 years, passe[ the electorate on !!tat-' - permission. 1 think the town ought out of their work. All the members 1 urday last. While the margin was to have a right to say what it thinks wete present_ Report was made of I rather small and did not come up to ex - ?Matter of Electrical Inspector Discussed and it is the wish of the council to please the citizens and not he ruled by the Hydro -ere ar ic," stated Commis- sioner Alex. Cbrystal at the regular meeting of the Water and Light commission, which met on 'Faraday night In the town hall. Mr. 4'llrystare reanarka were the result of a discussion 'arising from the way the trees had been cut and mutilieted un West street. Commissioner Murney said that the treee were spoiled and would die. Mr. Fred Gould, representing the Hydro -Electric commission, assured him that the toes were all right and not hutt. The commissioner replied by saying, "Just wait till you see what the papers have to say about it." Ale° the distribution of the booklete adver- pectations, the officers of the company tiring the county as follows: --Mailed feel that they have m,w the goodwill to booking .gents in Britain, 317UU; of the people of Ooderich and can wailed to British clergymen, 2.810 ; make alteration* from, time to time sent to immigration department, To- without having theiraaseesnient ridged. onto, •20); sent to immigration de- Asprrviuusly stat$d in The Signal, the partment agency in Britain, 1100; town will gain coQeidereble -by the dietribpted in border states by Mr. deed aasesewent and to place of reap- ; Forbes, 21100); miscellaneous distrihu- tion, 510);• total. 9310; nn band for further distribution, about 00014; total printed, 18,340. Mr.Greig•nd Mr.Leck:e reported an arrangement the, head made with Mr. Forbes, of Seafortb, to distribute 21000 of the booklets in various places in the border states across the line, and a detailed report by Mr. Forbes was read, the financial statement of which is al follows :-Amount of contract for work, $2110.00 ; duty paid on hooks, sz 20 ; cartage, express, etc., $7.05 ; !de Apollo Rejected 11004 additiooel envelopes for mailingSt. David's Poll 1-011 30 0 while in United States, 16.50; total, I 2-03 21 0 $238.75; received on account, $1011.00;St. Patrick s Poll3-48 20 1 balance due. 1138.75. 4-38 :il 1 19 0 39 0 11 0 180 2 ' • Fkm••. October le Auction -.de of fere.' OMT. - IN THE VICINITY OF, tack• p'int's sed furniture, property of MK. Harbor Perk on Seeder aaft.reees a geld watee tui with plain seal• .Molder will be re- warded by Navin[ same at 810Mai. orris t. tisT.-C01.1.1KDOG, s-IIONTHI4 uLU. rotor sight brown wee white Durk. aaneesitrbt hied leg from recent cur. Sue• - WM.... Luta,at'. Huron road. and RU'HAKi Kuir. commencing at 1.31 p. ,n. Tlu,r. (icC- nay. auctioneer. Tureen... October lit -auction Sale of --Council Urges the Extending of Breakwater - Recommends for Local Institutions Made NVith the exception of Coon. Van - atter all the members of tbe Guderich ing a revenue of $312 per annpm will town council weir present et the lout now get over $4000 yearly from this regular meeting on Friday leer. firm by way of taxes. Mayor Reid was in the chair and there '!'here were 553 votes pulled in the was considerable bootless to he dealt seven sub divisions uud a, it required a with. The report of eaola committee two-thirds vote 3119 would be the neves- was received and adopted. The sar'y nuurbet- needed. The returns tr'easurer's statement for the month showed that 371 were registered in was read and reteried to the Finance favor of the bylaw, 180 against and two ref ec'ed ballots. The following table shows the re- turns from the dIRareet wards 'and pods:- The work was approved by motion acd hslance of account ordered paid. Mr. Muuningi. es treasurer of the aseociation, reported a+ follows in - Amount of county grew, 81300. 0), une-[bird of $1UMJU received from de- portment of aggriculture.tll3ltTi: Intal, *1833.33. P'tid out by enmity tteasur- er, vouchers for whi':b were held by Mr. Munninga, amounted to ,$1470.20. With other bills vet unpaid the hill appropriation of $t$33.33'will be rtquir- ed. This report was aeceptcd and Mr. Munnings was auihni:ize.d w transfer the government cheque to County Treasurer Holmes. The Berretta' y-tressu:er and Meeere� Leckie. Lane and Govenlock were ap- pointed a co.nmittee to prepare a re• taut for submission to the county council at its December ssseion. ' . St. George's Poll 5-55 St. Andrew's' Po110 58 7-YB . Total Sal SCHOOL BOARD MEETING • New Caretaker Appointed for Central School Building •The monthly meeting uf,)he. public echo I board was held ou M,ndey evening in the hoard room in Victoria school. *Rothe rtleulllei s were peel- ' amt. Toe orcretary treasurer re- ported that i*8388.51 had been pad out i to.Septemher SW h. Principal Long's report showed that the total rttendaboe at V ict,. La school was 375. for Septe►aber -185 hoya and 191 go le -the aversgeed,uly at'.eodamer. bring 3i5. • Maar Sherman. principal of the Centre! school, reported the tile' ar. tendunce to he 2141 for Srpreu,ber. The average were 19a. I3,th rrpuraw were veer ived. . Applicationfor the position of care - tater it the Central school were received end Mr. John Putt ►wing the unannunus *h ice he was a lacune Led a1 a rasa, y of 1;:1 it' Ver Ann.. lir. The tr„tguatpin of 111-..1.,,rs"it+wvtt *carpi ed Mae. C. M. Kobel Leon is HIGn,t nee place pato tem. • A resolution of Lhaisk5 Wes trnidered .`to Mew 'Parsons for het log rind tri hful service. hou.ehuld furniture. Mr. W. 1'. Loeb, wail ,.all by public ancUon on "fhunday. Oct. lath, RADIAL RAILWAY SCHEME I all hs. hou,ehold furniture and furnishing.. limns cash. 1 lain. G r volesaunttoneer. able reward for tinge 5 futurwsUoe lambed to owner). .1. L LIJJOAAN.Ooderich. - - SITUATIONS VACANT. T ANTED I OYS ‘WANTED TO WORK U actor sehnol or during -pare time, An ex• evilest erunitcyy to make some t brie ma. W umhey. VAM1`ERHM=OUN.• ' O16- 1'AN_, 111.11 Nt Rs1:S WANTE D.--TRETORON- . to Hospital for Incurable+ utters two year; training; eeMple►e mouse le mweAee: {,u'r graduate ne 1" Hellevue and .111Iva ho+p,a.d.. Neve York. Application, will be roetved by MISS uKK6\. Lady Superiuteo- denl. 170 bun■ Avenue. Toronto. MIL S so GIRLS WANTED .( for Hu•rult Department. Oood wage...l 1 Ht Stu[ new fwtiory. ltyleir -te eundi- 1 • Otto. Addr.•w for particular+.. t D. e. PKKKIN & COMP.! V. l.(taitrd, • 10AKUEii4 WANTED --AT EL- 1e/ItA11u Li(ICB*. West ett.s( Apply to 4h•f IatYl.rt_ - 1. AKM HELP AND LVMILITIC 1 sCJLVA\'15.-lemon• moaning farm help LM1ald apply at mice to WILLIAM 11d1UIL N Doseutses (beernateot Cas ploya,ent leeut. St. Usher.. eq. usere lett with H. ll. Wtades. et tletrrr, Oet., wall Rewire peertp1 .n • PUBLIC NOTICE LCOLIC NOTICE. -A8 .1 HAVE C pore up boaters all my aaronnta tad' be walled nut later that. November 1,4. A. l Itbtll'll . It. trcWt.(t 1'MA\(.E U►' MII ,ki.- HAS' 1,1,\4.owd bakery been)... w )le.,.r.. tallith Mot.. I )lett[( all my cu.Luu,er. who are uw they wow .stale reat o . .1 W. 7a3t >j,`OK SALE. -A GOOD MILCH. .1 IoW. Apply toMIKE. O. J. SHAW, kl1a- ,ebah .uevt. VOTERS' LISTS, 1913. M 1'NICI ,A '.ITT OP THY: TOWN OF OUA K - tat H. COUNTY OF HCRON, Nebo. 1.. hereby oleos that I have trans tuuird or d*nvoreJ to the person molt Word a swoon a of the uniertu Vol.,, LW.. /to. the '.,1,1., required 1•y raid section to be eo rso0uu.d,w dell vet el of the 114. made oor- iaattoe-IR ant. end all penwn+ appearing by he hat revt.ed aawrmeottoll of the ,and imtripWty to be entitled lu roue la the .aid muMnp.lit, at election* for members of the I. g.tubr Ae.eu,bty and • t rnanNipsl elec- u• that the ,aid 1bt was and. pasted at u ,1 °thee at the'1 own Hall. Ooeedoh, on the .M.h day of September, 1113. and restrains there sur ,b.per two. .tbd I heieh, call upon all voter. to take lm mrdi,t. procmdiza.to have '7 error. or ••t•"••..14,. enr,erted aceurdingtolaw. o:ued ALL darteh tel./Blade, of September, wl:t LL KLUX, :+rL Clerk of row's of Gsderlch. At '3 1m Loudon, Ontario. FOR SALVOS TO _BENT W• OR SALE. -TWO-STORY HOUSE 1 ou Keay. street. containing ten room-. Ilea rued tau uathroomrurna,e and electric I1Kh4 : Iboeougbly moaned frau neper to roof : t oil lut ' e ndam•ll bare with .anefruit. Apply w W. 8. PINPICH. _ 117.1. FOR SALE OHIO itEN1'.-HOUSO on Kl.lo a%elide, near booth greet. Mod- ern con'.eulenan... Apply to W. IL ttoilk.lt '- SOA, Victorfs.tieet. rllO RENT. -A TWO-STORY BKI('K 1. HUUSII with ell modern oun.enle'ce'-. Apply to Mtlt8. W. A. /MYNAS. '.est -treat. ;art U 'SAL h:`iIAT'1: FOB SALE - etre have for sale about thirty tow, lot", prier. 'awing f,otu gat upward.., alio thus con4( es' and other sill,.(. and a few f .1 m.. rRUt'UFINII, ri 1 r to I.ILIAItt..' riune. rk:h out. .air HU,IJok.. Pint SALe..-A.. i:ll,tf r- HOual K I► HU l • sE un V iutoria street 41111 nue re. ei roomed buu.e tin .5 nipw.ea KU c; t . both with all wud••rn convenient- : ,taUle on each plopur,y. Aho a.e choice coiner hullo- ing lot. sur further p.rttnuau ewer, to Si. 't. i-'KLLOV . Wide,/eh. Vit. i1tf_ l>'i>blt1 TIAL ?Ri)?ERfY FUR 1L 8.1Lh.- The re•.idonos, with four tut., t -(-mealy s no w u a. the A . M cD. Allen p• operty . earner Common *oil tu.•ton etrele4. Guo.i brick beim. two .l .turlea. to tire -a.. .epalr : 1 WEST WAWANOSHa"rwurenieu-. ceGrounds plautad wive FIRECO. varlet/ aeay.4 chola, trait-. One of thebwt p.vy- erties in tioderich. rrew..,asble term . r•. J. Y tt A PI Oudertch. EiN3UR•ANGECO ---- S I [y'OR SALE. -FIVE ACIWJ4 OF L beta, part of lot G L 11. w'.. t,olbwte towa.hlw cout.ty of Huron. Vo the property ate a frame deviling huuue and a sura sour ri acro.uf w„bard. ..low to 4oboni. wnumatt mile nous chwch. pomades lied wore. Nate for a retired farrow. the property br- Mra 11. Cumming.i. Chu:us. tutus ore bo Lad (reit A. A. W ILLIAAla, Mud. p Ont.hilt One nt the heat in the Prov- ince. Fitted rate of asresatneut. Live Mack Marred at Its Gull valve whether on the fairs or not. 1 ubt- Nu ►e w trouble to ora j i 'mote. R. SkILWAIN. Nile. Agent for Collative*. J ta.- f C10DERICK 'BU LINE Tire imp* meet all Crowne. Privet* rafts bare Olsd rwwinl anantiosr. ii omits [ire el `-mss. M 1 ltaswttlarle ire kart, 11+: DAVIS LiV,ERY T. ItL DAVIS Pt. •peister 4, i eat& IR net 'Phone No. B 1j -..•►�_a..._.�.....s ver....,. J 1 L'AK,u FOE SALT. -!lib AA8/' £ hell elf let one tr las fa0,th atrwe -am nesters Diodes of tae towr•klo.f As'\ field, ees'ablr't Ill nares••. Tee bmuidums wre- -I6 ref a Imre hewn ewe tremae trees_ Added r e .asap ekahem. !et apply tr. Me nererestsea. PNWU etwr. dAYO slag -u4 WKAN uas.r. . j��{ 1LA31DKNClt AWU 1rAKll PHOT ookotTI n1 FO* SAL L-1 have lira planed with ere tad gree wale art en, ./ reale eireterw•. 111 mewl eve [dal Wiest • Id O.rd each ' ewe sail', , term bels eNote a 81511 inewu.n M. sewn. 1 t yea woes shyer hoe any wren. lav Mw Idem. 'VON eil OdelMAY.O reef L%AKM FUR sALit it 21, uu.. r 5. Wet W.waasra. 55.15.401 lar serf : 1.4 seem Were& awl maw eew/v.r l.' .. berme.. 1. Wed. wed mum. a lens, Sad ole/ a••5 .1 .3 Mas well uw5tisea 1 we4lle� tlwas. hw.e, tr u.. Ware. earl arse Szedow reef iMtr, eMve.oA. to rete.\ .ureter aer,h More, ehoiu i. Mar Iwo es wMrare •1011 10 tM s.dw.y./d. (MUM. la l LOH. rk. Hideo. WARM N -IAA' 1 II �AKM F'UK ALK. A Pr. It. nerve lewd. !veracities.. IMOD a11.. u.as Oed..lea. We. r•, OD. leered. where 1. meow*** W ; ad w. • 1 add +I IM hate lie • deed wade M esker. - Ila,a i tame A tM farm a woe nein, baa.+, illy yy � e r 1. e•na Z7 -s, Mit 7R meth .dots Not .mesa w.h(. er A seat e. M a5 s e. ver er re ewe tonere \ hour . n, Mie aW s1)sw l . sews.$ -\4 .111134; par ,,e■a c .rd • Mb 11 measle trees; rn • hen 1, •.was a•.l over Mer+' f iJ rruaa /lard .a.br•1. Teras. s W fia 55 lar • r- 155 e.. Aebq es lbaker. 170'14 . w . �ltt111/ r (M.., •w 5//(4.54 r . 1 ►r M. o. Wt. Mar Local Residents Discuss the Matter for Huron County A number of interested citizens in the c.,unty rad:ral railway scheme &tethered in the Mastro' of 'nude rooms ort Tuesday evening for she put po+e of discussing thin wa to. -1, two county cetacean's w, - Mr. H. \V, t.ivt.'R.ton, reeve of Grey.,an.l )lr. JoLu Leek w, reeeeeof Brusarls, wereitt town. they were p.•eaetit at t he uteeting and tout part to the diecu-siun. One thing in favor of t he prepooition irtbat the Hydro-Electi•ic cumrulsrioo� have agread where tad ial liner eliet 10 supply power within is ',otitis of nine rodeo from the railway for the benefit of the farmers living in these sections.' The general ()pinyon seeutrd to he 1 that the county .L Hut on we. Manly in nerd of a railroad ut this kind. for in the isolated parts of the county the ferment have not hewn *lee to stake a trip to Glydericb for bus:nese purposes under,twn days. Alter much diacnetion the follntvitt, decision was art iced st :-That a full 1 spurt of the prl'posrd scheme he pre- pared and furnished to all the county ,pbpars with the request that they publish the smile for the Iwnrtit and enlightenment of their remit n, DISTRICT MEETING Methodist Ministers in the tioderich District Gather at Blyth A meeting of the Methodist n,iuia-' fere in the Goderich diatect was held at Blyth on Wedne-day . f Ihir work. The matt.r .f co'inty lu ssionary conferences. was di±.:ire-ru and each circuit was urge] to appoint two delegates to •tr•h conference. On Tuesday mot ning Rev. If. A. Meller gave an address nn "tour Fimulciel ' obligation.' and Ihs 10•001 (*tree of Their Diuch.rge." Ifev..W. K. Hager, B.A , spoke nu "The spirituel Life, Character and Wol k of Men." le •v, 8. C. Edmunds. B.1►.. c mdurted the religious devotions. A con vete. ton on ttrdevot ionel use of tbe 13i1i1* mot hymn took was led I,y Kee. -:4. J. Arlin. Rev. W. L. Bien -age. 11.1). led :4 similar COO wel•.ttinri nn p tea. :• v, siting. Other splendid ed.lt-...-.-- on ehuro h work were givru by Rev. 1. J. • ' Snowden, Ph. B., Rev. J. N. For'!, 1 Rev. J. H. Us'erhon•, 11-v. A. W. Btu Ito, B. D.. Rev. liarol•1 W11.14041 Iand Rev. 1t. J. McCoru,iek, M. A. The ' M_eis '•f the Joni i' t ere:- 1 Rev. Jeers E. Ford, chart Haan ; Rev. K. A. Miller, fin .ocuet aerreie' y ; Rev. Orr,Ige Jewitt, secreta y of temp r- en.* and w.•ral reforms ; Rev. A. W. Berk. r, president of Epanrth leave a : , Kee. J. E Hnnte,, ■ecrel••ry of Mon- day ..e heel. ; Rio. J. A. Boos, , "tine stone' y Secretary. VANDALISM Tui THS KILOTON op THS SIGNAL.: 1 Iatw,-IVhoever Is rr-ponsiade for the eiut'Iation of the leve. in IVeet .tort .Mould has. bar heck twiste.l. 1e lbw" DO awl henry In l•••wn rap ode ref ,ralrng a118 the tree bit eh -n? r,nely after )este of effort 1n 1.-notityugg,h• tow.. Ne eh, n••t to alio -v w 'sag . f 1.141414 In alweh weal d••-1 rev 1., 1 h s w ouN t -t rho mayor h 1 1 mato Urinal 4.t. u.d act yek thy, 4..d in a way their the tree ttutew.sr wbl trnder- etaod 1 e 11.4 tee. one of arae c sees,- t teem ender 1M wt10 i re of all • Y.11. l' A.e• (es bfaid in the No•1., stent Met 'Noma 1..I 1 hot•'..! , 'lot. - bee K!.►. will he „edltg. Ivy Jra-i.• Alegi odes. a Tortilla A lar aa tares - out is etpewssl. MATTERS IN_sBI: LYA'B Local Concern Will Soon be Doing Hushing Business 31 r. G. P. smith, (eche,' y sups intend• eta 'H the lidwry Mei•caut.le l'•`„ which ,c. utpany bis taken over the I'.cu,ry Of the Goderieiq Wheel Rifts Co.. m•tendutg 1.0 operate the local lacuxy da coi'juu.ct4Hi with Illrn factory air Elkhart, ![Miami, left in Monday Morning for Elkhart. Isle tuission in Geeletich wave to gut 'ordinates tarot prepare prices for ,h. ctuuing-esa•1n. Mt•e the Didion,. firm'M.k neer ill•• local couce. it it tbee been all. wing matters to gland in eheyasice, and Ie now employing its staff in enup.y print up Its old material. However, 'hi. will onl he the rase until rhe cont - I -any is piopeuy cagoule d and ...fit :e re app. utast It is then the intens ion 1 f the com- pany to put nut several ttarelief OU Use toad, and it th• rodeo ea rant n willprots./sly eras'ge the Id fac- 1ot•y. Mr. $,uith, o• fore hr left 'eon, y re was epnkeu to by 1 tie S•goul mad er:,t- ed that his amine• y wouht inanely - ture just as mar y w.k,cleo (tea iy ...- liege. as- 1i.gge. and g rce. 1-1 a, coul.i.tte a 1 t, Mr. G. fir. Jutin*ti,.., a yotieg mei' of euusiderahle p, ace i*al r z1.0I irocr, hat' ing been e•g.frtl 111 1 hie . 1 e■m of u ut k in Ell: herr tor 10 y.•.re ire emote, will take cnerge .'t ,i facto v hoe a, factory sup -r intendettr, 1.L•. 1'. U. Brandt, who for .see the ue•ident. \Vheel Rig. Cu., ie ....ger and it le I , w 11 n n r th i he be ,. Lied authors't pl ire, wanently. The l..c.I 0111 1•'a ere su-u ewhat retic ent moue die•".ring /1,e ma: ter Inst The S Kn"1 limier etends that .114 errusueu,rnte will and w.thiu a shunt retool year. pee. 1,au .ger • f the linty actino 0.,,.I oireed upon Kochi at, •rt est r 'rte time . IY new Aron tv.11 (e ter.'ing n,1 t a large . utt.u: Rev. John Pollock May Finish Studio at McMaster University - By his retirement from the par tor. rho) of the Baptiat church here, and possibly his depr.rture Crow the town, (:odelich loses an eloquent young preacher in Rev. John Pollock. Rev. Mr. Pollock carne here about three years ago from Toronto and since his stay here the debt on the Baptist cbureb has been reduced by $1300. Apart from his ministerial life he was a prominent Oddfelluw and while here was aesoctated with Huron lodge No. 02 as chaplain. .The Children's Aid society was organized chiefly by his work and he has always espoused the temperance cause. He preached his farewell serwou on September '213th and has not definitely decided what his plans (or the future will be, but intimated that he might leave for Toronto and conclude his studies at McMaster university. country - committee. be cemetery sexton's I Rev. Mr. Pollock Ie an old lepot't being [rad was teferrrd to the: two trees near the const house are man of a strong p o . Eight Cemetery and Parkou Ice ,owit tee. I said to be in the way of sone of the years ago last Tuesday h ended at As the engineer has advised that St, lights. it has been decided to allow Philadelphia. For some time be at, Andrew's street sewer he done et once, them to remain until it is seen that tended Hiram college in Jbio, She col - which will entail a cost of $481). it they must be cutdown. rage of which the late President Gar - *its moved by Coun. Young and The North American Chemical field was once principal: From here seconded by Coun. Moser that the Company has requested the coronas- be went to Toronto and took up a reports of the engineer and that of the •ion to give thew power for a consider- courr'e of study at McMaster university clerk be adopted add &leo That the sable number of lights end wanted to and at the tame time was pester of oourtt of revision be held on November I koow if they could have a definite the Disciples of Chriot church in To- oth. This motion was cart led. answer as to when it irould he supplied rooto. Mies Mahal Welsh, of Bowmancille, A statement froru the Bank of su that they might wire their factory Montreal showing the etauding of accordingly. The commission stated because hes wife about three years ago eeverel town account, 0's sew emrer, the power would he given as soon as and elle has been a help to him in his 211th last was lead and 1etrrre-11 to the ' osarble hut that the wiring would work here. Finance committee. i p have to be done according to regula- COUNTY CONFERENCES --Air7terdated September 10th from, tions. Ow National,aluuir,Pa League was l' A number of residents of Hincktl tend aid on wo•.lonut Reeve Munnings street requested that a watermain btl Laymens Missionary was ordered to br file'!. laid on that street. It was decided to Operate alt OverMovement Ontario Will w The atter of appointing an eTectri• 'do the work immediately At a meeting of a number of clergy eel inspector wits The subject of mgel 1 in order that -each street may be discurS 00 and the mayor re ported � treated alike, it was decided to wire I laity of all the Protestant chUrebrs in - that he hed.twen All Seetoti.h oh Sep- Pictun street throuthour, rolerich, Najd in Knox church up tewber'2i h in concretion with this The usual eccuints mese passed and I Wednesday Night, Mr. S. G. Ca,tev, matte.. '!'here he advo. atod appoint• other routine business was dealt ith. �lrr"nel%1 organizer of the L+ym+u's Jltrtiunar movement i tTorooa•, out- ing a local man to. have -supervision I - •I lined the work which is being done over.the propottd district. It wast WANT HUME RULE by the society in the province. He Moved by Heeve Muuninge, necouded --. Rev. A. W:"flrown Says English People I''tated that the movement hall formu- tiplan to hullo series of cuunt- Would Welcome the Measure 17ated ler' conferences all over the province ht Coun. Watteau. and corned by the council, that t hl• action lee supported. It is prop wed to giro an toe/sector t be coming months. $1200 a year and tile° hit elperfeer. think that the people in the mid.' during Mr. W. E. Kelly in a eu,nmuritet tion dated eepte.uler 214 h asked the council pet mission to erect. an auto- matic measuring pump in front of his garage on S . Andtew'N.tres-t. As the m,ti.ti of (dome*. Moser and Young wen carttedl, swing so the effect that his request Lw glowed .providing the' lir es►unir a I t rep 'Ir i'.ility and rigs. r t.r t ruubul-•e the town - for damage which Wight iar•se from the •ewe, 11 4. Ivies granted the privilege to put np the pump. U'•t•n. Laithwaite voted agtinet this toot ion. A leaser date) October lit from the Hjelri/-Eiretsic Mower Cbmtn'ee,un land counties ut England would w•el- it was decided 10 hold the confes- cotue Home Rule," wets the statement encs for Huron, county here en Nov. of Rev. A. W. Bo own, pastor of the etuber7tb. Atthis convention • rep - Methodist church NJ Kri,miher, to Tho resenlntit'e froru each'"cuugregationA in Signal.. 34.. Brown has just returned the county i,' rxpectral to al tend. All froma thee months' trip to Eogluud the town chwcb -s base pledged their and while there has bed a chane to -sup jiut't• ''"Y" th. conditl ns' whiph prevail Cumwrittevs mete apptu'uted to begin ( here, IM work omlinrd by 7l►•. Cuskey. Mr. Itis five yea's since he had 'leen 'hack , Tastes Mitchell acted as secretary. in the Old Cuuutry and he has found' considerable changes fatten place. CHURCH NOTES "The flue nciel condition of the wnik• I Mg claseey in all the par's which I Sunday last war oh•erve,l in the visited is greatly improved to what Neith rtieet Methodist chinch as Sun - it wen five grata ago," be said in day raioul r'ilwMM-4ay. In the morning with reference t•, the Harron cuOM y eoe►cluawu.. •!'cmc line. war read. and .m mo ion I ed appropriate sermon,' end in the o[ C' :one. M Clin..ou end Moser it ware , Brute County W.U.T.U. xfteruoou special exercises were given in . he Suudu ech•1ul. (n his werrnun telrrrea w tht• Mptc,alco.utuii.ter. The '25th annual convention of the in the w4 ,lIiug the piwslcber sonde & Reeve Munuin4s In roe.* and sJouu. Bruce county Women's Christian Mo-er .erOuii$ee( Ihat the matter uf;Tewper.nce Union was held in the; krgJJy exhortation to the panga- aueet litfh1 Ii4 tw rel..' red 11 the Pub- Preshyterian church, Witit•tonou Uurr to Ines out. W the Rally service. Iic ‘Vin -ss C••iu.ni'tee end suigewtthe' septa -owner 18th end Ithh, and while and sought to expound the meaniogof it comer N 0th the Water and Light there *cue not ia• many drleg.tee !the day. g.etIuer nententl-ud !hat, shat tallying c triple. pnnsrut [' for w1;hrrn part of the leader end as a bestehen captain direct- ed rile matter of urging the county ai had •:en hop -d Inc. still . rd his men in tht+c individual laces gore. mu• tit to extend the nreak- these wu4 (0 lack of enth+r-iest it; in. P Nater,- .1 ss it trsoluitun rooenl by 1ere•t it each session ..f the convert- ills captain of our ,'wive was de It -eve Munteng• end recon:te.t by liun`dur.ng the two dap. The follow• "Irons'.[ lite followers. doing bkewi►e C,•un. Y•,nng. ii a.ai distally derided lug ,esr•Iuuione, %hien ase well worth by gathering tuounJ His et14ndstd. to rept• 'itis 111411er to the Special resoling, were mooed in :-I1) That. io Knelt church.1J',e Hwy. list'. E. limas r• 'Vet. t•1 draft w rre.•lurion to we stand now, as ram.. opposed to Ihs n" fl°ndey .est pe ,-. bed at both ser• per-ent i•0 the Ptibl.c %Vol he departs t gelized liquor traffic. end believe v e -s, wM n IArsr ring ell "oneiwrr'1' 117,1,11.711', •eut at 0 tare. ;night - ! [hitt u11a1 tib -uncut:.• f.,r the inJividu 1 I r• i 0-a Iain >.b i tui were "The Fw- 1,,,bn. lits.*.r b' aat the .goes- a..i Pruhii.itiuo for the stwtr or nation ing Lrat, and'•A Itrnuu kab'e Ainewrr the power o t t- tel t ) at at this . gl�plc u `VI hr B'1 Ir Ire' u1 a by bfr woe isle' red to.1he Mote:tat cenimitt.ea: pressor e.ti•ie 10- temper 'nee reform, 1 and evesinat tier. W. K. Hagar preach-• tion or uuwlleriny; ane. Melees in the to be the only.11tie "'eft -anat." from w Prry(r,' 1Att u• rurrtti Irl "he tawr, Mit i6 f, h'. I ;12) 1'b hi .. • "Thr l:reat 85111.1 ti will be the W fu'Ih*.r drat with Ir. 1 le hen for the first. time in our notion •1 l 4►Irs Lowry. o[ Ureenfie al, In- •1,;ouue. •Mo,er and (lir:ahem moved a histo, )• Ll.p te.upereuce hila tsn 111ts4; t11'na, Ilex, Sunday after noun at the re.ollll het Mi. John 8. Platt bei been 'mule an ;esus in polities, ws1L(tti': thrat.r OA ,Herr u'�b•ck. No I p •14 $1U far hist• *vires in valuating would urge all chriatian tempt.' 10ce. Lytle. wall be taken and Lhe public r Kiusford salt black. ° K I voters Lomak,- put typolitic swe(mttu i4lnvited, - The Fire t o t re had is cn:uple tmope; an7e and uoa-41 seforin :I:i; That I lit: le rrqur 15 /0 meke.. It to. -..,o se, 1lace on record our arpi,•ri.tiuul . Are You Going West This Fall? ltteeile. 1.11 O. ,t etr11111 .tromp • (4.1".1).' of the 'moister oil militia, Cid. Magma, , rl t"• 'n►r advenla,q;e of the t•rmuk- r►e pur.•i re -e. 1 iu wrier LII 4t rill .rticl• a hs upholding the law against liquor in all y low no. -rats arc mil. Iawl:nlomlet b !engine to the toe u.'ptrtmerie our Military vulttnoter ranters : 141 sorra tit Vnnc'•mvrr. ietn.l•. Nelson, Fran - coal.' he **Iso p- d in flame , and a r,ti.• We woi.1.1 1.1ace un teem that hietg `tPua ane, See.11-, i .,,11..td. 5.111 Fran - I th 11 f h h J of'laher I. ' a 1 1 1 c neo Lu• Angle an Diee° etc in K le 't t.•r a u•r •p alio. y, y I aapia-ova o l e tort o s r fie, da ly ant I Octota r Ti. h; orif of Ct I( arerusr• ! rilrployr.l 1.7 the millirem 1n'Trogcrire- rreou,- 1 w.aterni ('10'144 i. u a - ele.tioation, The Finance r nntn'ittre we will ars. vete with faith and rffo• l y mt0-b d that the is .......fl 22 nu,l. uu in clainnng 0,, G()d-rices , gilt of thio Ills low 'ere llr•nlreer• kern' recur- thr dntl•u• be Irvird 1 p -,•-pose., • hpHot for the pto,ecl lou of the t " "^'• i, in rKe''t rash Tuewlay until i r O li w , c r33b. Tile one , f the in. biding ale.;[. is&I L vy, six w Iw toe 15) That w r believe that in general t moat scents in the wnu"d. Maar in mind pu'dicald sonars'e amore rales and simplicity. emufort and healthfnlneee, that the Canadian PariMu railway yeaIWOr 1018 rob(`. Aldi reset �dfor 21 peel by sensible woreeent men.e II SO. iv i. dveidrd°inal•ft-rs the finest •po.eilde 4qO pmen sur. be 4•11044 td iu all vnleutr of and teltrr . tiainservir.. It 1s the wn.l paprovemeit upon that of former years, 1 'ex -s trade un nr I•.io a November f but we .tt,ngly rxvrras our oive.I11ee operating through standard am'1 15 h land Adi.eon, t of "•01 ercent. hr. approv.I of some of the •xe-rme LM,ti•L aleere,e st o ,:' g•cars to a I ri �1 ni „ r and Y us' ,vr '. g • , I) travel - tore l 1� b t ,• s• der Y torr U•c•-ns e r 1st. The committee m est al y h it nun l) Naos! . ohm utut hiof rt wnu rws *. int het chat rd on I and pulpit t'midi.' celled fort h itis 1 hat o - •,hnrr ust te11.41, c• Inn errs I of K i atgi g) di po`w.IrI.8 •1 C• quiptnertt T p l I I tax o not pod by Dec. -meet. late, an411 cord a vigor nue prct.•et or *into, Ise is owns 1 4"`i t•P' ' 1- 1 by lbw C.I'.I' • Hot+ perrax*. lire. p.pl b• torr light re"trner nupoerll trrr•rtly in 1 affords r Inc ',ighrrt form of rfiiu- anuar) (.sorra ca -ea ism. rva • . Tlw kin meet c nn tee 1.140 sug• t (' wu •and tura{ echtptlr• g .i ed [bat the f•.Iluwrng grants be' fate Oxendrn out rag*. : 17) Owing le Iu1111*11,ed14'• • 01• Write •11. (i. Mor- u,nda:-Alrttsndr,s genrlal u'ariurltse lapid dev.•1"pwent of roller ,• phv, Meta let l'..a,engeeAgent, 1' or, n- h••s,o a1,'„,521,4.).1. : O 71(-.:::::, l••. •. h Irre puha. 1 known a• the ••a hire slave ir.f tc" In i lo. librw. y 0µ7.i ; Go Iw 1. h r..0 icai our 1.1,•I)uminiun, resolved, that ver. BREAK WHIS.1EY S GRIP tr.nu the (-levity herr deity. enc If each 4 tri r un Ire fou nl J 1 Ra 1 t t l conduct In ' Yp norahly the "IAuin. urply to any C. P. agent Ins SUDDEN DEATH IN CLINTON Manufacturer and Church Worker Sue - combs to Heart Troub's l very ..''•hien ,l a h occu' a eJ in (' Intoe on M .ndey morn tor ear. at (1.. 1)..A. ►trio, of 11.e 11 • to of Mees! s. t Ta)Ior. Kite •i. pa.•wd away et tate hon,. • f Mr•. Attlee U ono. He 'rad rotor to ('1 01,,, , tI St order with hie w if, tont. ke a sh,•rt . i.it ao•i i tt Sander etteedea church eel vie.* u:••tni• g and er. n ie, and wlvt motor - r.l •i Seaton h iu ' o« elle, ur' .n. an•1 eat leastar 11 re. 1 ..k feslinggsite et ell, F•'r s"awe ).ars 1n- h• -art hoe her • w r 1 • . I Irk a Iw ni .. .and I.,1 i v a• J R deal .•f anxiety. and another sodden arta k cowed bio death Mon Jay m .111 - Nth year. N. WIN ♦ le, ta,•.rnt trtwnt,frtnr'wt la Kee' er,aret sae -*tire •o+n.l,••►,1•1,- Met\,.Fiat ' hen h. ast,ne a. runt* Water. care leather ..wt $-o. l■y .,-M M •up -stn ,•'drat Ate many rem, 11 s w f' viol 'herr • Sts. 0..l'rre•mit R•'e•, Warren and Wilt Hos., .wrelre Lien. The teswaan, wet, takes, to Ethtr r •-fr ]f -Imlay. 1-1 y $.'300 l ..- l -the .,renal.,.• of Br.cr ronntY tot :1,/d.r esus a warty. $311. • W.(..r.0 eon%entinn, toner w in ...ie014 LA n, I YOUR LOVED CSS tar Put•be 1Vo ke ro nn•it'er made plar'e in tamed .sur 'Lwp ltgrrt 40'11 -- s •.kard.will t. 11 you Irl h tear t••co.uturnt•tiu•e rhe' orient for •t'oogeli.apl t.,•verl •f the rant", ataDsus w•tgesw. i •-u ug a oratits .1.. (hot Use hwr,•Ly Nina ourY.e low i., do 1411111 nor • f cincrI I v 'bet they ..0 not Want r.. Pa.k .1'r.t W•ok ia aonnplrte, the power loaeo , in pooling down lei. drink. Tee . raving .•oonngfrom the cool aa. ter paid SO pet ceeL i( alae Jrpl ea1.1. ,,.m4- in Ihs yeerng title 1' fi o rt .or11.1•0.nea ' ( ahs ttomarh r rn 0.41 oft 1►r'vwk. ••f our rnun4 y wn•1 rb gr op11q i hn•r 111 t r h ,n it. i • ase he'r•ij ahs n- -cashy • r t.aing1111.1..`,":''01h4,`"‘"5:; V.'us wi 1 soothe 11, lt+m►Iicg 1 -- 1 +001. .new no Ln hMd o••t [hie prn.e• and reur•vr ills cr•vmg that -Thar w i 1 1• a [•...•pawn for lora) to tris •rr 1 punsab wi•at a .i rr►a A !and iaa n.ling your l, -•mw an 1 elral.ng so :epee. in 100. r'• n Illi, yea. .14 tn. , a' brtwiee kin.' hn•b,n'I or lathe, ur•'r-'. y t:wee s"" li .w ►,•w n, dr, li."•wrnt•gr•1 in'he'W.... { t from emu. Ir ...-t• may Slim mer 1..z ter M A. 1. •t • i w - ler i I, • w rr li t Ii • 1 t M 1 an.l -t at rte not c'1 hr t e , re ••r w.a r r ' h I' 1 i0.4t -� favorite t'atwwdf•w re:J•r. es e.... r.11y •.rel• •-r•i ,h.a bY.. tit se. WA.' » ••. t w• w n0•1,41,J. .l' w ag.nnt t e tya'.r in; tire. a a t• tor, the money will los t,londrd. J.eae .\l. ta'.ale• . •+.ring t* 1. t1-. 1 •a Iaat►Ie.s en 1 even Lr to . n ..l r e ut Saver•, sl' Ma. •lth .l Mww ,�, t ' 1 i 1 l i i Akro• n !1In, i rMd. he• h r • Is.l nn) 11•• 1 ore. •n t• wiser• • ai'! y AI'n,r• Nc. 2 t, Ia1'n v' tom.eriI A Y e• ea »n•i•.•• Il err. (w. .e. w•. n A 1 r e ..••ruler ••f Ino+ will 1.. 1 st rhr•oerlwee Ills a,•••.) inR•r.w rel .ifis,.... aN /1•wI -'Ni•e.a1r1(s) ave.onJ •'.utthlr, .•/ g P i I' Itis Prlrr McKwv nl l'ml rw. d AIr IIM .111 now 1r ,.1. 14iw«) at nor iw 1.•e•••at•t.1.1. rhe issapd twvnl hors were,ly in tea, re fee. so lows a• 4. btu eb. a•. sal 8. r..-•vra.rw•. ' ••'WP. A.$ I•r Ire. talkies resile` lar rets r.. w h,. h •,u.w /n•r•i :Viet-.' w� 1• vi•itin4 1• Keel. in Kiwaw•Aia.• ell ahs., o an.1 sive Ale•rra a trial w t••n ver,„ • f the sins t r ..r'.eR t wa..t,,rsrtl .u.latrnly IS tlh M p ,deet- K. 106,b1... u,wKRie•. 14o41kb, "Lt. a•• 1st •w q,n•*. Ilte'y.8. dry 1 .e nets i.. awd 440544 ins few bog.'. Mw toad , w111 ver.'8-Ary atm.eatc14.l ea tM enly.•riv4sohm t i%me hwforr and-SayR11. whr.. war Seen gorfrtl Wiartoe direct on. isteadedAwn ries /,vet el Jay 1VI.y o ....bs 4..-a.i t,vtch lesser.