HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 8• TaINUtWAT, Ocr 2, OW THE BI(?IAL : GODERICH ONTARIO eseleseAsteleePtieteleekeelessWArleikeeele CLEARING WALL PAPER SALE We have still several lines of paper clearing at 4s., bc and 6c per roll, regular from 5c to 10c. 'several hundred rolls 12c. Itis and 20c per roll, cleating tic and iQ♦c heilar reductions on 25c, 36c and Elk• papere. These papers must be cleared in order to make room for (lbribUuse goods. Terme of sale, STRICTLY CASH. No sample rolls giveo out during sale, but any Paper left over will be taken back, it returned within two weeks of lime of purchase, and money re- funded. The Colonial Book Store GI,O. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderich. 1 Novelties FOR Cf- ristmas �.ts Nov ';e. for Christmas Oi(ts on haat. now. Ladies, make your Christmas Gifts now in your. spare time. Some t •autiful articles for gifts, all made up, stamped for the touch -of -hand embroidery. such as Waist Cases, Shirt and Pajama Cases, Combing'iacques, Boudoir Caps, Tie Racks, Pipe Racks, Rubber Cases—too num- erous to mention. Come and vee for yourself. Handsome Bulgarian and Black Silk Collars, ale° stamped sets for working. - Stamped Underwear in dainty designs. A few made-up Night- gowns,• embroidery -trimmed, both styles. Children's Dresses made up, stamped for hand embroidery. Handsome array o Beauty Pins. Her Pius and Sets and Buckles. Mrs. Tape The Singer Store Next Bell Telephone Central. 1 efelesferreeresieseerietesesteeseeeseWeeleefe A PIANO FOR THE HOME How will you occupy the chil- dren's time profitably during the long evenings of fall and whiter? A pleasure to yourerlf and a profit for the children will be a gond Piano. If you haven't all the cash necessary to pay down, we will arrange terns for the balance. Talk the matter over, call and see us and give the children a chance. Quite frequently we have slightly used Pianos and Organs nt bargain prices. James F. Thomson Agent for 11EINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS This Wears Wig T,aysh Al... es - e� sa.r salsa de wow slwltiMendsbris. aster L. Owl Is erre • Ale• Nor....b,r oise�N Is r rw4r .dee, —Mass e1d s .... a e nd�llaMg�d,gor w etagA�•,.Y.s.�s. Rt1: aserw w. *ler Nae. M as a1..M. lag bee M Y. ark* b ee.� ass er • go1..e1 b 1, ba. ems... es steam a+sbw d m real Pa- eirr W .Sawa se tray se, Mees► DO We 1..dr sw i.l dr goody fele. d ib,a_ Ur. sees do .ea ser rre.e b.stlsa, ash hie yrs at oris 11. c. bear, os.d A. • goes alts. �nets% aft Locals and Persna1soMSN CONFER Ogee Anti-MlMI& Rewlutton Nut Not Rawer For Politics* Aa • result of a speech made by Will Thorjte, the English Labor or- ganiser Deters the. Trades and labor Congress at Montreal, the delegates to that body discussed the possibility of a full-fledged political campaign being run at the time of the next Dominion election to place In the Federal House a Labor party which would command the respect and attention of the other two parties in the House. The pro- posal to appoint a lobbyist In the Provincial parliaments however, was turned down because the power. to ekepolitical action 1s already given tete conatltutlon to the various racial Executives. The use of militia in conneotlon with strikes was vehemently denounoid. Atter condemning Hon. Frank Coch- rane, Minister of Railways and Canals, for permitting contractors to hire waters on the Welland Canal at than the fair wage scale, Congress oolded to press the Dominion Govern - Mont for the introduction of this scale ea all Its work. —The town council will meet Friday) Evening subject, "Gethsemane, the evenlo,t of this week. Testing Place of Wills." —Autumnal colorings become more prominent every day. --Miss Evelyn Fraser, of Toronto, is visiting at her home. —Mrs. D. Maodoe e1d is the guest of the Misses Nordbeimer, Toronto. -Mr. J. Ades Fowler, C.K.. has to- turned trout a trip to New Liskeard. —Mr. R. H. Elliott shipped • carload of apples by C. P. R. to Winnipeg last week. —Large strings of perch are being carried home by tbe fishermen this week. —Miss M. J. Hawley, of London. is visiting her nephew, Mr. W. H. Har- ---Misses Eva Somerville, Margaret Bieeet and Grace War000k left last week to attend the Facultyof Educa- tion et Toronto. We wisthis trio of promising young ladies the beat of so -J- am i>sear in their college course. —Mrs. W. E. Kelly and Miss J. Manson left on Wednesday for New York to',peod a month with relatives there. They *ere aecompauied by Miss Wilson, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs Kelly, for some weeks. —Mitchell Recorder : Mn. Moses Whitty. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard Harris, Kin- cardine. and her son, Mr. Leo. Wbitty, Godericb, returned home on Monday Lison. evening. She was accompanied by —We are sorry to learn of the seri- Mn. Harriet ous illness of Miss Jessie Symons, —Ripley Express : Russell Irwin. of ()awhile road. Oodericb, is home on a visit Mr. el—The Held day sports in c000ection and Mrs. Clement Newton, of (lode - with the Collegiate institute will be rich, are visiting her brother, J. W. held October 10th. Cnx . Mrs. Katherine MacLeod, of —Mr. Wm. Proudfoot, jr., and Miss Oodettch, is visiting her son, Wm. Isobel Proudfoot have returned from MacLeod, of Royal Oak. their trip to Europe. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Greene and —Mr. J. Reynolds has purchased the daughter, Moa. D. L. Richardson, and Cartercar runabout formerly owned Mr. and Mn. D. J. Brown, of Detroit, by.Mr. W. E. Kell motored to Goderich on Friday and Y- Y• spent afew days in town visiting Mr. —Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Rutland and and Mrs. Bedford. Mts. J. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Whitley motored accompanied them to Detroit on their to Wingham on Sunday. return. —Miss Ethel Farrow attended the —The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. Kuhn -Clark wedding at Crediton on C. A. will ec et Saturday afternoon at \% edneeday of last wrel . 1 „'clock in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. —Miss Gertrude Mooning* has re- A. this is the first meeting for this turned from a %ieit with friends et •easnt a full attendance of members Galt, Ayr and Brantford. ie requested. A hearty invitation is —Mr. Angus McNevin left on Sat- extended to all the ladies of the tt wn urday for Toronto, wbere he will con- to come and juin the auxiliary and in tinue his course iu dentistry. this way help our young men and —Mr.. and the Misses Hunter left boys. for their hoose at Windsor today after —Mr. 0. Pennington informs us that ndei tbe summert Wiio tomo. thee* were some errors in the publish- spendinged list of prize -winners at the Goderich —Mn. Marshall, of Stratford, is visit- Industrial Exhibition, in the poultry ing her son Carl, wbo is in the employ- department. in addition to the prizes went of the Bell Telephone Co. credited to him, Mr. Pennington was —The band is prolonging the out. awarded first for white' Wyandotte door coorert season, another concert r.,ekerel and white wvaniotte pull«+t being given on Monday evening. and second for white Plymouth Rock —Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heiman std c"'ketal and white Plymouth Bock eon and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Waugh. of ,.+flirt. Exeter, motored to Ooderich no Sun- rtie midweek service in Knox day. ' rlorreh is becoming the most Popular —Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W el.h, of feature of the congregational life. The Pine River, Spent Sunday in town with attendance this work was more than their daughters, Misses ebrisline and WO and it is expected that the large Marie. lecture rtiom will soon be taxed to its • —Miss Irene Bowler has returbed to utmost capacity. One of the .most helpful ports is the service of song. Detroit after spending her vacation under the leadership of Mr. Hunter with het parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. awl 11 e chcir. Both old and young Bowler. me delighting in ringing the old psalm —Mrs. Jessie Alexander Roberts will tortes as their forefathers sang them be the reader et the Y.M. C. A. concert 1 •rg ago, and„also"the beautiful songs in North street Methodist church on nt evangelism. The subject considered October 18th: - at these services is the Holy8piritand —Mrs. Walter Eldridge and chit- His power, and the devotional hour ie dren left this week to join Mr. Bld- Proving to be a great. inspiration. In ridge at Dundas, where they will re- fact. the people of Knox church feel side in future. trey cannot aff.+rd to mise the service. --Miss Piokney. of Seaforth, and Mise Viva Mairs. of Loridesboro', - ANNOUNCEMENT visited' at the home of Mr. George -- 11+tuff"! d li-t week. The ladies of the Baptist church will - Moss!. B. Hunt. r to g uii.t of Knox hold a tea and sale of home-made h.tk- church, will give the first of a series of ing and candy on friday,, November organ recitals on Saturday, October 7' h. There will also be a faney gofer 4th. from 44o 5 p.m. booth. Keep the date open and watch —M s.s Kat hryn Kenny. w ho bat been for particulars; later. visiting friends in Athlield end Gode- rich for the past week, nal- returned to her home in Detroit. —Mrs. Brown, of Stratford, is visit- ing her son. Mr. W. Brown, tbe Bell Telephone lineman wbo war hurt by a fall from a ladder last week. —Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, rector of 8t. George's church, conducted services last Sunday after being sheen t [dr a few weeks on holidays. —Mips Jean Inweon returned to Detroit on Wednesday after a two months' vacation at the home of her parents, Capt. sod Mrs. Lawson. —Gerald Kidd, of the municipal t n• gineering department of Westmount, Montreal, is spending holidays at the home of his parents, `Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Kidd. —Messes. John Linklater and T. F. Quaid, of l'oliwtnee shipped a carined each of sugar beets to the Dominion Sugar Co , of Berlin, by C. P. R. last week. —Mr. Russell Buttrey,late of 8trath- roy, is now chief clerk in the Howell Hardwate Co's. store. Mr. Buttsey hat had experience with several good Arms. --The regular meeting of the Eureka class of Victoria street church will be held at the honor of Miss Estella Clark, Piuestreet, on Monday. October 6. AU are invited to attend. —Mrs. M. C. Cameron left today to spend the winter in Florida. She was accompanied by her son. Mr. Allan Cameron. and bis family, who spent the summer season here. in Knox church Rev. Geo. B. Ross will preach both morning and evening next Sunday taking as his subjects "The Fading Lear and "A Remark- able Answer to Prayer." —J. L. Aitken was at Toronto this week attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. 1. N. Cwidy, who died on Sunday. The deceased and her hus- band formerly resided In Goderich. —Mr. and Miss McKee, Miss Fraser and Miss fir, of Molesworth, motored to Goderich on Sunday, ac- oompenied by Mr. H. Earl Elliott, ani were guests at the bomeof Mr. Elliott's parents. --Mesdames Innoe Watson, of Chicago, and Bailie, of Stratford. were visitors in Ooderieb this week. Mrs. Wataos is the widow of the late Lance Watson, of Ouderieb, sad Mrs. Bailie is her niece. —Mach str s ath felt with Mr. sod Kra. D M McLean. who have bees bereaved by the death of their latest daughter. Mary Amelia. The little girl, only eight menthe old. was takes os Setoeday evening. after a brief Mame. —Rev. W. K. H agar, Mire. Hagar and Mr. J. W. Vanalber stared tkde week from Mr. Hatpar's wnpsser cottage where they meat very kyle Bay, the Georgian boarle y of severed week". Rev. W. R. Hagar wig yrs In North slyest Met Meebssllel eNti se rse- wllillDay talk "T'he Clem& as he of BI-LflI oL8 Regulations Not Relaxed, field the Minister lof Education Hon. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Educe. !;fon for Ontario, lashed s - scoped statement regarding the ohattges Made An the bl-lingual school reguLttlonat It was fully provided, the Whetter de - dared, that every child fn the province ahoold receive a solid English edn- SitIon, dict no relaxation would be Aomttenanced and that no English - ch teeaeher would find opportnn- to encroach. The regulations *1 - Dr. Pyne Bard, were merely ra.ry one which have now been ed by permanent rules. Elected New President Me. Chas. ' B. Gordon of Montreal elected President of the Canadian stutterers' Association which held nal convention In Halifax last p r He is a dlreetor of many big ' . and pees sot of the Dom• ~ ~ 'fhxttle Cesmane. In qts address e "tarts win belief the Oan- o b a it ltptttty ,tt►or aAequsoy if graded through emery revteton. esaen- sald, *sled May be agrees! Elestlen The Uioortst p wsjseere off Hrttaln crafters to of�s�a take g w�f h have a very OKaet that �s esmctry Rale es the Masher Of (1M doss of easss4 will laic 1otos! of • a'wars1 Amens ed learn M/reeltAtg l/hersle abeam OMswrtye ilfe. 3. 0. rubor. a Inerts r boss esltMld as Liberal as bye.Net1 s M M i Mbldesse agreement yea Asoet of the Ise Team MIK TO SETTLE NAVY QUESTION Kew Organisation Proposed to Take It Out of Politics The Cauadlaa League which L Lathered by Mr. Arthur Hawke. and kir. John A. Cooper, both publishers„ of weekly Journals, was launched at Thmeeting at Newmarket last week. e object of the organtatlon, 1t was Mated, 1s to create a sentiment throughout Canada for immediate set - Cement of the Naval A1d question aside m partisanship. Mr Hawkes is frankly in favor of a Canadian navy. He 1s not opposed to an emergency contribution, but believes that the gov- ernment should at once declare that its permanent policy 1s the building and ,manning of a navy by Canada eo as to do away with the suspicion that the proposed grant of $16,000,000 1s merely the forerunner of a per- tbanent policy of oaah contributions. MRS. TAYLOR INSANE Montreal Woman ie nc Condition fes be Placed on Trial Mrs. Taylor, of Montreal, charged OAthe murder of her daughter and shooting of her granddaughter, will tritely be committed to an insane asy- lum. She was brought before Mr. Jttatfoe Britton at Cornwall assizes, and after hearing the evidence of three physicians, all of whom stated they firmly believed the woman insane, the jury found she waa in no fit mental condition to conduct her defence. Mr. Justice Britton ordored Mrs. Taylor's detention at the pleasure of the Lieu- tenant -Governor -in -Council. She was later removed to a hospital for treat- ment. WRIT WAS IRREGULAR Minister's Action In Thaw Case Upheld by Judges The Court of Appeals at Montreal decided last week that Hon. Charles Doherty was entitled to ignore the writ of habeas corpus secured by Messrs. Laflamme and Greenshields for Harry Thaw in an attempt to pre- vent his deportation from Canada after the immigration authorities had de- cided to reject the Matteawan fugitive. The court contended that the writ bad been irregularly served, and granted the application of the Government authorities that it be quashed. Took Cash and Auto Four masked bandits, armed with revolvers, held by James Dany near Outremont, a suburb of Montreal, rob- bed two men and two women passen- ger, of money and jewellery and then stole the car Itself, leaving the auto party to reach Outremont as best 1t could. The robbers abandoned the stolen car after outwitting a constable, but got away with the money and jewellery aggregating {2,60. which the auto party Lad been obliged to surrender. Left Fifteen Millions Public bequests In the will of the late James Ross. precedent of the IDominion Coal Company, amounting to nearly half a million dollars hard Fn made pubito. The list incledeg' atted Art Aasoclation, $100.OH; vol l University, $100,000; Royal Vie- �rta Hospital, $601000; Montreal Oen- Oral Hospital. $80.000: Alexandria Hos- {36.000; Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Ont, $26,000. The estate estimated at between twelve sad ■ million dollars. Flys Killed on Crossing Pies people were tnstaatty Med hy the C.P.R. Quebec IQxprMgtea rise bom Montreal Trlday night tress eke eser4age in which they were ridi:g struck by the pilot of the engine. The dead Hormladaa Altair,, aad tib 'Sint Wilfrid Lortte. a beekelor, 4d old, and his two sisters, aged and of years. all d St. Mesar, Qss. t/tahoe O'Brien Coneaeratad Right Rev. Dr. O'Brien was mum- 81. Illahop at Ws atkedral obu' , of S1. Peter in %alas. �tfoer'b1eePr�� week with mask eoebrclasticaj $ p. Moeslgnor Stool. Apatelle Dale�ate and many blgb dtglytaries s! the Roman Catbotte theme 1a taaa tea participated In els oemeasay. tausde Porde, aged ff, of Niagara Mfas els ad atally revolver la R be MadIs ihe e kis Toone oosats, Jodi Syhssk *so 11 rbtlle Wog klade& w his ban�ewsrety�bssawv pint- = a passel sestailVoe WYM lad law embed tis 11Mterr. TUbs+. ltlds of owillioe tit Periled lel polos lar it sit 1 Tailored Suits at $25.00 These Suits are very attractive both in style and material. The value too is really exception- ally good. When placing Suit orders we made it a point to get the beat possible to sell at this price. They are made from good quality serges and many fancy weaves. The colors are black, navy and brown with some very pretty fancy mixtures. The linings, both those that show and those that do not, are good and the workmanship is of a high order. The styles are absolutely cor- rect, becoming and attractive. The price $25.0o. Other. Suits a little better $3o.00. Other Suits not quite so good $15.00, $16.5o and $20.Oo. Better Quality Flannelettes By "Better" we mean higher qualities than those usually sold. We are showing two of these, both of English manufacture and quality that will recommend them to thoee looking for something a little better both in material and design than the ordinary make. Lamba Flannel 2oc This is an English Flannelette, vety firm, bt+ong weave. Comes in a splendid range of nes,. Stuchive patterns, absolutely fast color-. It is specially suitable for children', wear, night gar- ments, etc. Thirty-four inches wide. at per yard 20o Zindown Flannel 25C This is another English Flannel a little higher quality than the Lambe. The colorings and p.t- terns are very pretty and absolutely fast. One special feature of tbie make is that it is the soft finish combined with the extra strong weave. It is vety popular wherever it bas been shown. Per yard - - 25o The best values obtainable in ordinal y Flao- nelettes. plain or striped, and at per yard. 1Oo, 121o, 15o. Underwear for Mid -,season Wear New fall Underwear just in from the mill this week. Several qualities specially suitable for mid- season wear. Vesta or drawers, at per gat mint, 2150, 35o, 800 and 21.00. Satin Skirts Satin Petticoats, good quality Patin that will wear well. A splendid range of colorings includ- ing some pretty shot effects. Newest style, per garment 22.80 Pretty Designs in Lace Collars Just in stock this week some pretty Lace Col- lars and Neck Wear. Patterns that are new and values that are exceptionally good. Of most not more than two or three alike. The price 28o, 5Oo and 21.00. kerallIres Best "Hosiery" Values We use the word "Best" advisedly, for vie know there are no better How anywhere than these. They are bought direct from the English mills and absolutely right. Children's Ribbed Cashmere Hose 25c These stockings ate made from pule Ansa a- lien yarn. seamless feet, fine ribbed. A stocking sold all over at more money. All sizes, special at per pair 23n Llama Hose 3 pairs for $1.00 This is a splendid stocking, soft finish, yet an excellent wearer. The value is as good as most 50c stockings on the market. Our'special import price 8 pairs for 21.00 We have good ribbed stocking. at the saute price. The Ladies' Horne journal for November is going to be an exceptionally at tractive number. Among many special feature, wilt be, a complete section entitled "The Three Times a Day Problem—The Table." The colored section will have eight full pages, each a gem in its class. Leave your order for a copy now and be sure of getting ibis special number, or better still let us enter your name on our list of regular subscribers. We Re-cover Umbrellas Have you an Umbrella the handle and frame of which are good but the cover gone ? Bring it in and have it re-covered at a moderate price. We Upholster Furniture We upholster all kinds of Furniture, have a good selection of coverings and ate prepared f o give prompt attention to all orders. Furniture called for and delivered. rl� TO ADVERTISERS. in order to have an earlier issue of The Signs) each week, we would ask advertisers to send in their copy for changes of advertisement not later than Monday evening. It will he to the interest of advertisers, se well es facilitating the work of 'this office, if strict attention s paid to this re- quest. NO MORE DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR, SCALP ITCH Men and women—do you want a splendid head of luxuriant hair free from scalp itch and daodr•uff Do you want hair so bewitchingly radiant that it compels the admiration of all who welt! Do you want a seaip as immaculate- ly clean and bright w • newly minted coin ? Do you want to we a hair drawlag that will surely prevent beldame that always refreshes aad Invigorates aad makes year retire bead feel Ane Then mead OD epos this very day sed get a bottle of Parisian Sage at say drag store or toilet geode counter. IIss K se Meee*M and you will sever can to see censer; teaks meals. Pio presumes paler of Med. no eel - =67 lajmuisms is to 1plarMl.. Seep. Ask for a Sage. s. R. Wigle pu.UL - k America's Greatest Hair -goods Artist PROF. DORENWEND ofToronto 13 COMING To the f'at HOTEL t BEDFORD Goderich On Wednesday. October 15tth, to replace hair on the heads of ladies and gentlemen who have lost their hair. By his beautiful, natural hair consteuctiow, which are known all over the world, every woman and man can be made to look younger and have the natural protection to the head, which means Health. Comfort and Good Appearance. LADIES do not miss this opportunity. Ree his Transforma- tions, Switcbee, Wavelets, Pompedoure, Full Wigs, Oasis, etc. The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee Gentlemen wbo are bald, protect and adorn your bald brad with bursa hair. Is order ho bays a ooaoeption of the wooderfsl eebiserm wt is the art of hair oosetrootin every laid tee sbosld Bail and vee iba __ 111111.11111D 004 of Hair Taipans aad Iraq Wigs which Prof. DMoowti da ul abaw . is, so ss(wl 1s a*pearesee that detac- tles It beepseribie. Tiley ars adJssMd is eesesaiy to asy Wei Clot they t12. e� some gawpbwearer's aadwieb.serz =a b t • time dssrertaleation M es - tried to dL Come stdAear biers bo The Hotel BEDFORD , on Wednesday, Oct• 13th.