HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 7)ffer Buyers Ill refund railway ; or over or over ; or over this special offer. every auk mentioned Scotch Tweed, Eng - any worthy materials, s and patterns in Ane Ne have out done our are English parawatta. anted, real value/ g8.tm1. para tatter, same with 0 $8.80 ilor-made, five -pocket .... ........ 078 ad shoe line for men come in and see our VS CLOCK. 'THE SIGNAL : GODERICH :. ONTARIA THuasoAT, Orr. 2, 1913 7 Most Popular— with Most People— for Most Purposes COMFORT SOAP. COLLEGE AT HOME thousands se are ad w neema/1 1�vs t• r. pimaseaa•aNs,t► ..!'real.. is test seers ars AaMvlt/esY ienog ..... wit tors if me as tame.Mem sal IS. (I TbI,O1 mare asbrKWe towers brim *MOM e AIWSM wY OimesserelalMass. . tore aside: s Oust thwisess Clean liminess College t,. irow,oe s r. woo I'reareent Pe,edoal. PINDER Place es find among our ht shape, pattern, !m has the -genu - )tar requirement, ow particular You'll be glad tcVicar DERICH. Always in Stock BRANT?ORD ROOFING METAL ROOFING, all kinds -EWER TILE r.ARDEN HOSE and NOZ- ZLES OIL STOVER GRANITEWARE and TIN- WARE. Get our prices. They are al- ways right. consistent with good mate,isi and honest work. Hamilton St., Goderich. to any address it year for only $I.00. T.Swarts' 'Bus, Livery and Back Stables MONTREAL STREer JUST OFF THE SQUARE �–r BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Passengers called for in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt service and careful atten- dance .' Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in every respect. your patronage solicited. T. SWARTS Phone 107 Montreal Street SHOE STYLE Not Extravegaace ! Think of a Wispily Foot En- cased io an Uwsbapely Shoe ! 'T WOULD BE A SHAME 1 Sash ribose are sot to be }Goad Here ! You are Petlteetly Justi- fied is BUYING SrnISM IIBOES COUPLKD WIT1 COMPORT AND Sl#V ICS. When prised Reasoaakly, As Ours are Prima ! W. SHARMAN LUCKNOW LITTLE CHILD DROWNED. -- Little Margaret Bogue,. the only daughter of Mr. and Mn. Harry Bogues, lost her life Friday morning by drowning. The little tot, who was only two and a -bolt years of age, was playing un the bridge near the house, •ud must have fallen into the river unnoticed. Her mother found het some time after. Drs. Elliott end Spence applied arti- ficia! respiration for two hours with- out success. A('CIDEYTAL Buts .T1 t'. - (Amalie, the son of William Stuart. carpenter, of this place, was wounded Monday evening by a small rifle in the band of a chum. , He and a number of other schoolboys were out hunting rabbits in the swamp along the river near his home. The rifle et first would not go off, and the boys gathered around to fix it. Suddenly tbe ezploeion oc- curred and the bullet struck the victim a glancing blow, piercing flow side to side under the flesh part of the abdomen. His injury, while serious, is not thought likely to be fatal. HELP THE OLD FOLKS Why Mrs. Dionne Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mathieu. Riwouski Cu., Que.—Sept. 29th.--(Special—)"Publish it to ail the world that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me." Those are the word, of Sirs Dionne, an old and respected resident of this place. And surelythat cure VMS wa wooderful one. rs. Dionne bad reached the advanced age of azty-nine when ill -health overtook her. From 184 lbs., 'she wasted away till she weighed only 13U lbs., and she war a very sick woman, indeed. Speaking of her cure she says : "Mback and head ached, my heart troubled me, my sleep was broken and unrefreshing, and I perspired freely at night. 1 oleo had a pressure or sharp pain on the :op of soy heed, and I found it difficult to collect my thoughts. Twelve boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured we." Slow forgiveness is little better than n KOlEivenese. Drunkenness Can Be Cured Altura Will Do It ALC. RA, the widely -known treat- ment for alcoholism, can now he obtained at our store It is guaranteed to cure or benefit. or money refunded. Remedy that bas been tried by thousands and found to do just as it claims. Drunkenness is a disease. Those who are afflicted with the craving for lit uor have to be helped to throw it off. Alcura No. 1 can be given secretly in coffee or food. Alcura No. 2 i tbe voluntary treatment. Help your loved ones to restore themselves to lives of sobriety and usefulness and to regain the respect of the community in which you live. Only 11.00 per box. Ask for free booklet. E. R. Wigle, druggist. Goderich, Ont. DISTRICT NEWS survives. with three sons and tour daughters. A quiet wedd n took place Wednes- day of test week the home of Mr. sod Mrs. J. G. d, Clinton, Mrs. Medd's sister, Mrs. Emma Connell, being united in matrimony to Mr. William Stanley, of Holwesville. The death of Mrs. Dunbar, of Ethel, occurred on Tuesday, 311yd ult.h atter an illness of several weeks. Deceased was born in Grey township fifty-four years ago. She leaves bee husband, raiz sons and two daughter,. The death of Mrs. Win. Chapman, sr., took place on NVednesday of last week at (be home of her daughter, Mrs. John Dick, of Oakville, where she was visiting. The remains were brought to Hensall for interment, the funeral taking place from the resi- dence of her son-in-law, E. Rennie. One night last week the house and barns on Peter Koehler's farm, a mile and a half south of Zurich, were des- troyed by Are. The horses and live stock and a number of implements were saved from the barn find stable. and most of the contents of the main house also were rescued from the fiances. The annual meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Association will be held at Clinton October Oth and 10th. Mr. Emery. science master of Stratford Normal School, will give two address- es, and at the evening meeting a lec- ture in Scott. with illustrative read- ings, will be delivered by Rev. Mr. M,. M illan. On Tuesday. September '3rd, the Evangelical parsonage at Dashwood was the scene of a pleasant event, the wedding of Miss Theo J daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. Jonas Hartlieb, to William Hey. of Zurich. Rev. Mr. Grensel••ch ollel•ted. Mr. and Mrs. Hey will reside on the gn.um's flee tsars on the Babying' line. Mrs. Joaepb Guest, of Cl,ott u, de- rated this life on Saturday. Septem- ber 3Dlh.at the rage of sixty years. The deceased was twice married. Her flee, husband v w late Mr. Peter Cooks and t y 1 for several years on the trtb nor r, • n of Goderieb township. Seven v. s. ..go sbe was married to, Mr. Jon/. U Jest of Clinton. A pet .: walling was solemnized at the brow of Mr. and Mr. R. J. Hoover. township, on Wednes- day, September 17th. when their eldest daughter. Miss Grace E., and Duncan McCallum, of Hallett. were united in marriage. Rev D Wren officiating. Questa were present from Kincardine, Duegaenen n, .dile. Blyth and Seafortb. Mr. and Mrs. McCallum will reside cm the groom's fine farm in Hullett. A pretty wedding was solemnized on Wedoesdaj, September 34th. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark, Crediton, whose only d►oghter, Myrtle, was united in marriage to A: E. Kuhn. of the same place. Rev. S. Jefferson performed the ceremuny. Miss Carrie Kuhn, sister of tbe groom, attended the bride, and LeRoy Coultice, of Toronto, cousin of the bride, war best man. On their return from the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn will maks their horns at Crediton. Sudden Death at Exeter On Tuesday morning of last week the residents of Exeter were shocked to learn of tbe very sudden death of Thomas Case. Mr. Case had been up town in the morning. apparently in his usual health. About tweity minutes after returning home he was stricken with apoplexy and died in a few min- utes. He wks sixty-six years of age. He was born in the township of Us - borne and lived tbe greater part of his life on the term on which he was horn. A little over five years ago he moved to Exeter. Mr,. Case died four years ago ; four sons and one daughter survive. Mr. an.] Mrs. Charles Soule, of Sea- fortb, left recently for Winnipeg, where tbey will reside in future. In a cougbing spell, brnugbt on by an attack of bronchitis, Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels. cracked a rib on her lett side. The 100 -sere farm of the late Mr. J. Procter, lot 4, concession 4, Morris, has been bought by Cameron Robin- son, for $4,006. A Filth teacher has been added to the staff of the Rjingbam high school board, in tbe person of Mise Edna Cooper of Clinton. The electors of Exeter will vote on October 17th on a bylaw authorizing the loan of 110,(0) to the Exeter Manufacturing Co., Limited. Mr. William A. Campbell. a former resident of Seaftirtb, died on Satur- day. lath ult., at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., at the age of fltty-two year,. Mrs. James Oliver, formerly of Brussels, died on the 41st ult. at Thessalon, in her ninety-third year. Mrs. J. Leckie, of Brussels. Is a daugh- ter. Mrs W. Hodgins, of Hensall. de- parted this life on Monday evening of last week. She bad been in poor health for some time. She was in her fiftieth year. Johnston's Methodist church. 1st line of Morris, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary a the cnngrega- tlnn on Sunday and Monday, October 12th end lath. Mayor C. O. Venstnoe, of Wing - barn, who is leaving for Toronto, was tendered a banquet by the citisens of tbe town sad was presented with • gold -headed cane. Harold, the feu: -year-old son of Mr. sad Mee. George Jacksoo, ('Baton, who was rsoentlii severely nursed by Isis dbt is eretching fin. .ueeumhsd to his In atter several days of great lag Mr. Hebert pryer, • former em- ployes of the Ha11 engine works at Mrfoetb. died en Monday of Iasi week. aged Ofty-two year*. Over • year ago hs W • evens attack of welt' els sad sines thea bad freers •uses helpless. HasaLamont. wile .t Lachlan Mc- Neil. 14th a measles at Gs . arway es the Nib II Ifs her IWIMILI MI Ind lwe yaws Mew was moulsd So Ito. Moises, sobs Weybare, flask., on September 10th, her en illness of • few days' d ura- ion. While assisting with w binder m((his son Robert's farm, be received slight scratch on one of his fingerer, erhieb developed into blood -poisoning nd resulted in his death. Mr. Mooney was in his *sweaty -third year. He wase resident of Huron county from 8118 to 1898. In the latter year he ook up land near Weyburn in Sask. being one of the Arlt settlers in that part of the country. In 19(1(1 bis wife died and three y ars ago he retired row the farm pond took up his residence in the town. He leaves hree sent and Ave daughters, all in he West. Death of Lt. -Col. John G. Wilson The death of Lt.-Col..1. O. Wilson, eblch occurred at bis home near Kindersley, `cask., on the 18th inst., removed a former well-known resident of Seaforth. The deceased, who was rho y -five yeah of age, was the second eon ..f the late Alexander Wilson, of Silver Creek Farm, Seafortb, and • brother of Robert and Lt. -Col. Alex. Wilson and Mrs. A. Young. of the same town. He went West about teu years ago and latterly had been en- gaged in farming. His wife and two daughter. survive. Lt.•Col. Wilson ome years ago was in command of the :gild Huron regiment, • position which his brother Alexander now holds. The remains were brought to Seatorth for interment. and the funeral was conducted with military bon 011. Doable Wedding at Clinton A pretty double wedding took place atthe home of Mrs. Arthur McRae, of Clinton, on Wednesday of last week, when her daughter 13ertha Isabella became the bride of George A. Mac- Lennan, of Clinton, and her daughter Zada Florence was married to Robert J. Charlesworth, of Port Arthur. The brides were unattended except by their little niece, Miss Helen Roberton, who made a very pretty flower -girl. Mrs. Thadp on. .of Brussels, played the wedding march. The double cere- mony was performed by Rev. D. K. Grant. assisted by Rev Dr. Stewart of Toronto. $ Botta couples lett on the afternoon train for a brief honeymoon trip to Buffalo. Niagara Falls and other points • Mr. and Mrs. MacLen- nan will con, inue to reside at Clinton'. and Mr. and Mrs. Charlesworth will make their home at Port Arthur. Death of W. H. McCracken The following from The Brussels Poet refers to a man well known all over the northern , part of Huron county : After a continuous residence in Brussels of over fifty years a well- known and highly esteemed resident paced away last Saturday in the "per - a a 4 1 t f r Deatk of Samuel Smillie An old resident of Hensall, in the person of Samuel Smillie, passed wway on Thursday last, after an illness of two yeah. He was in his seventy- sixth year. He was born at New Glasgow and was educated at St. Lynn, Quebec. attending the same chool as Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He came to this country when a lad of seventeen and after taking out a first- class teacher's certificate he taught school for several years in Tucker - smith and Goderich townships. He also engaged io farming, taking tip the 200 -acre farm now owned by his son Alex. tie served the mun i- cipality of Tuckersmith for some years as clerk. He leaves a widow, one son. Alex., and one daughter, Mrs. John Tapp, of Bengali. Death of Henry Mooney The death of Henry Mooney, fonrt- erly a well-known resident of the township of Morris, took place at ON'T DREAD 4 'I 'w 1-1 •Rtfirt 11P4, 4 Most people would be benefited by the pcca- siorral nae of Na -Dry -C• !a=atives Gently, thoroughly, and without discomfort, they free the system of the waste which poisons the blood and lowers the vitality. 25C. a hoz, at your Druggist's. Hatlsmbal Drug sad Clw1111f.al CO. .f Cambodia, Usslt.d. I 76 son of W. 11 McCt.uken. He had been off dui y for shout a year suffer- ing from acute indigestion and at times near the borderland and al- though his demise was looked for a feeling of sadness pervaded the com- munity when it was known that the taper of life was extinguished. Mac. was everybody's friend and we doubt if it is on record of any isetanee where be declined w helping band to anybody. He was born in township of Dummer, county Peterboro, seventy- two years ago last January and was a strong, healthy roan with a wonderful capacity for work. For many years 1 he held the premier place as the !grower of wonderful roots and vege- tables and the tall fairs were annually visited by him and • great sheaf of prizes carried away, despite the large number of busy competitors. The subject of this notice was a great moo for church and' society work and whatever be belonged to be went into lit heart and mind. In the Methodist church. especially in its earlier,history, he was one of the leading officials and 1 many a paator bad to thank him for kis generosity. Western Star Lodge, I.O. O. F., was dear to his heart and • few meetings were missed by him and in lodge duties and degree team work he took his sbare in fine style. He was also financier in the A. O. (J. W. until compelled to desiet owing to ill • health. At the municipal council ! board he at for vatious periods both as councillor and reeve and was town • auditor on many occasions. In politics he was a staunch Liberal. Forty-five years ago he married Miss Jane Car- , vette and she, three sons :Fed. and !Will., of Brussels, and Robt. O., of ' Minneapolis) and four daughters ' (Misses Amanda and Eva, Brussels ; Clara, of Edmonton , and Carrie, teacher in Toronto) survive. Their home was a most bo.pitable ops and many shared in it. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. SHOE. POLISH Clothing for Menand oys This is our specialty, and we believe we have the best selection of Men's and Boys' Garments in the county. Just now we are selling a good many Hats. We have them in great variety, stiff and soft styles, and can please the most fastidious taste. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Goderich SEMI•READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats. Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. earearesieaesOSON011e THE FALL PLOWING Now is the time to see that your plows ate in good shape for tbe fall plowing. We have a food display of plows on our floor, including the Verity walk- ing and riding Plows ; also the famous No. 21 Fleury Plow. 1f you need POWER we have GASOLINE ENGINES from one and one-half to thirty Horse- power. We have two Buggies left and will roll at a bargain to dear them out in order to make room for cutters. A Lull line of MASSEY-HAR- RIS IMPLEMENTS ,always on band. ., When in town can at TIIE MASSEY--ftARRIS STORE ROkERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Goderich. t�1111 tt�llil tt111if tt�lill ibur a Prepare to enjoy its exhila- rating frosts by making your blood rich, pare and active to pre- vent colds, grippe and rheamatiem. (God blood prevents sickness and Seott'a £mulsionwill energize To= blood a n d create reserve rtriseth to endure changing ='s fmnulation is not an suipatibent6bu,t Isasserved humanity halifilly for forty year's; it contains tie cod li Hee from � drugs. ell Asea ton is nature s girt eked-malfer and furnishes nveesary for body wraetoll blood and healthy circulation awe edam ear ssiss/l.see eat •rtasrl iss gesswisse ante's gesrht.e ming.2671.141 i%Oar EWER tel 3 The Sherwin-Wlliianra Paints Cover the Earth 1 MacEwan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates --the highest quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome s t i c Lump Coal — most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Statiilafd Chest n u t and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate Telephone sib 1�11�11�Iy11�11+11%t1111 IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST Use Sherwin- Williams Paints and Varnishes A suitable finish for every kind of sur- face. Made to look well and wear well. Beautify and pro- tect your house with Sherwin -W i l l i a m s paint. Call and get color card and Home Decorator. For Chilly Days a Perfection or Famous Oil Heater is the very thing to keep the house cosy and comfortable before the furnace is started. Perfectly ordorless Easy to carry from room to room. THE BEST.LI NE OF THE BE CUTLERY, BrsAT&TH E _ ow. R MRS. HOUSLWIFL: DON'T YOU WANT SOME GOOD, FINE KNIVES AND FORKS AND SPOONS, AND A CARVING SET FOR YOUR MCC TABLET OVR CARVING KNIVES WILL CARVE: OVR CUTLERY WILL CUT. WL CVT OUR PRICES WHEN WU FIRST MARK OVR CUTLERY. NO -SHARP" PRACTICE IN OVR HARD- WARIz STORE. CHAS. C. LEE Phones :--Store 22 : Hoose HZ For Hardware, Plumbing and Heating, Eavestrongking sad Eketrie Wiring Grandmother's Way Was All Right in Her Day Clean your house as it should be cleaned. We - have both electric and gasoline Vacuum Cleaners for rental. Tungsten Lamps We have just re- ceived an import shipment of Tungsten Lamps, both clear and frosted, which we are going to sell at prices which cannot be duplicated even in the city. We are Ole sole agents for these lamps, which are of wire drawn filament and guaranteed to give the best of ser- vice. It will pay you to call and inspect them. re - E: 0. quill a