HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 44 ToostaoAY, Utz. 2, 191& THE I I GN AL : GODERICU = ONTA RI O COAL Hsviogpurrhabed thr husi- uesa formerly' conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we pur pose dealing in Cosi, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Bciek, Ete. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. two lines which are recognised as the best. We wish to give the people of Goderich and vicinity tbe beat service pus eihle, and shall :,e glad to hear froni all of Mi. Holme: customer, and any othets who wish anything in our lines. All orders left with Jas. Yates, W est stre rt, promptly attended to. 1cDollagh&Gledhill 'Phone No. 75 Yards at G. T. R., Nelson Street A "START' is what we all have to snake if we want to get somewhere. IS THERE A START IN YOUR TINNING? If there is you had better call us in quickly to tlx it. OLD TINNING REPAIRED LIKE NEW by out methods. Bids and estimates given out for rid or new work. FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH PHONE 135 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFO/O. ONT. Our roq t.-traUon again exceeds that of any previous year. The boy or girl who has not received our free catalogue does not know the great opportunities of Commercial life. We have three de- portment!. Com ruerchu Shorthand and Telegraphy, and ea offer rou ad - not offered elsewhere in (icteric You may enter at any time. Write for our tree catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN! Princtpat 11 I!SSer al .1larlisg licesses �'."1GLE'S P11tRM9CY t.oderich, Ontario E. R. WIGLE SHORTHA] Subjects taught by expert in._zzt-,:a at the Y. it C. A. MSO. LONDON. ors. Students assisted to positioaa College in .e.rn n from Sept tad. Catalogue free. Fater any time J.W. Westervelt J..W.wtt�ttg unit, Jr. t7w S Prlst T�111s alfrtt}l • -1 SHAW'S SCHOOLS Give manseoodles teeasn SeaNe„ eeaboecte re ate so sad tow civil« andsledt gaesattrr teat foto ally bear _ t r ee�seter my rite Street liclai tI�L tagritansi HAVE YOU male earrtees ter e.aatgwistesr tse as rm ohhr lees n.His maw ' :wart Me I�hi �we 'piffledthe twit es :rinse we _mvieerrt -'re' bee ..tfi OVER Soo At -Rem ffowpeaN1ws11Oeat7t6, aw.ba..g w C. ateusesd tiler ae s:i Zed 4r Y 00. N. t-Sbeslsalesgas IS MM.. Glee District Nes WESTFIELU HULL&T News Nares. -Mr. Wnt. Jones and Mis'Joventry. of Wingham, motored to Westfield on SundayMrs. Rodgers is coofined to ber at the home of ber son, Mr. Wm. Rodgers. Quite a number (tom tbia,vicinity took in Blyth fair, Wednesday.... Mr. W.H. Campbell returned home on Fri- day from Saginaw hospital, where be underwent a suceeastul operation. He was acconipanied home by his brother, Ur. Jas. Campbell. of tit. Louis, Mich. Dr. Campbell is spend- ing a short time visiting his brothers, W. H. and Reeve J. N. Campbell. He is also securing a carload of cattle to take back with him Corn cutting is the order of the day The anni- versary of the Westfield Methodist church will be observed October 19tb. Rev. Harold Winans will conduct afternoon and evening services at 2 o'clock and 7.30 Miss Ella Mc- Dowell delighted the Sunday school on Sunday with an interesting report of the convention held at Holrzesville lart week. STANLEY DEATH of Mita. GRANT. -The death of Elizabeth Avery, widow of the late Thomas Groot. occurred on Ttie'sdsy, September 23rd, in her eightieth year. Deceased was born near London but bad lived nearly all her life in this township. Her husband died in 1873 and two sons and three daughters sur- vive : William, of Clinton ; Frank, of the London road ; Mrs. John Hunter, of (Minton ; Miss Jennie, at home, and Mre.Gleason, at Medicine Hat. FATAL ACCIDENT. - Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, of the Parr line, S!snley. was the victim of a very sad accident on Monday evening of last week, She i.nd her husband were driving when the horse took fright at a bon- fire of leaves or rubbish on tbe road- side and made a;quick bolt, throwing both occupants of the rig violetit- ly to the ground. Mrs. Stephenson was so seriously injured that she died shortly after. She was born in tbe township forty-seven years ago and is survived by her husband and six children. W EDDINo.-The bottle of Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Taylor was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, September 24th. when their daughter, Mary A. was united in marriage to John S. Somer- ville. of St.Marys. Rev. D. K. Grant, of Clinton, officiated. The wedding march was played by Miss Maud Som- erville, sister of the groom. The bride was attended by her sister, Emma, and the groomsman was Rob- ert Somerville, brother of the groom. The wedding party left by automobile for tbeir home near SLMarys amid showers of confetti and followed by the best wishes of many friends. LOYAL BRIEFS. -Mr. Will Young has gone NVest. We trust it is only for a trip. .Miss Grace Thomas. of Godericb, spent Sunday with the Misses Wise. Mr. Alfred Linfield is visiting at the old home after several years absence in the States. He purposes continuing his studies in Toronto Many of our citizens took in the Goderich fair on Thursday last Mrs. Varcoe, who fell down stairs recently, is doing nicely towards recovery. Her daugh- ter. Mrs. Trethewey, of Cobalt, has come to he with her Miss Barkley spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Campbell, at Auburn. A Horne BEREAVED. -Death came suddenly to Master Garnet Gilden on Friday morning, September 19th. On Wednesday he played around in his usual good health, but was suddenly seized with a violent illness which the doctors pronounced appendicitis. He was removed to the Alexandra hospital. where be was operated on on Thursday evening, but the shock proved too great aud,be passed away Friday morning. Garnet was the third son of Mr. ant Mrs. Fletcher Gilder's, • bright little lad of seven year,. The funeral. which took place Monday afternoon. was conducted by Rev. A. Laing, of Smith's Hill Presby- terian Church. Mu:6 sympathy is felt for the sorrowing relatives. Par- ticularly sad is tbe death of Garnet, as Mr. Gilden and Miss Elsie left for the West some few weeks ago. leaving all in the hest of health. and they were un- able to be present at the funeral. " This is wy third husband. isn't it queer. they've all bad the name Wil- liam?" " You're a regular bill collec- tor." A woman Mania love what ebe may gain in rank who tops ber husband s place. 5100 Reward, 5100 The readers of chicwill be pleased to Ware that there le at iwst nee dreaded dhows twat edeas has tees able 1• ewe Is all Its stases. aled .eaurit. Zaire antarrb Core rho weA Mows t L~Oesa seosties• = et WM alp trestostioL tiaretheigTIA Isabela - =Who t�o trleatttis• off slip, e lagwIts W :bat tb m��rwhets ~ioae 1. =aleista i y .. [bat It Mkt to ogre .1J ('RLNIsY. S.ld ai1Z yes (Yl. Tolle. v. Ta ko Rall'. Y. ter ova somata . SUFFERED 1 W\ED Wlti Biliousness and Sick Heaidsche Camey, Aima, J,t1y S. 1911 wish bIlle eh `... 'or a lows three eades a.5 Hese o eatla Nothing Sasser to de • e say good. I had almost is.. up impar when i decided to try FiG PILLS iter tai abaat WI boa the -sloshes sod ray ire i' r". the r i1i •si. e i bes ever. i (w w•relly nesasessel Jig Pao for stem* sed liver troubles. K. MART 1tame. Sold at all as l dashes to * and Semi Mese or l by the lit=a04 aavlet� la II Ill Wig* Frank Lansing baa purchased the Elias Ball farm of 185 acres on the base line and now has 995 acres. 1be price paid fur the Ball farm was a little over 58,000. Miss L. Young, of Londesboro', left last week for Regina to resume her duties on the teaching staff of the Regina College. Miss A. Potter, who was visiting Mies E. Miller for several weeks, how returned to ber home at Bay City, Mich. HOLMESVILLE NEtva Norse. -Mrs. Joseph Jervis returned from Detroit on Mcnday.... :,In. Margaret M. Cole, of Vayne.4 visited at Mr. Will Jeokio's last week. Mrs. Holdsworth is itnptoving her properly by having a cement foundation put under her hou.e. Mr. Hiram Hill has charge of the Sot k.... Mrs. Will Pickard left on Tuesday for Medicine Hat, where she intends mak- ing a three mouths' visit..... \11-,. W. Nesbitt and family, of Medicine Hat. who have been visiting the lady s mother, Mrs. R. Acheson, started for their home in the west on '1 uesday, accompanied by Margaret Leroy, of Calgary. AUBURN Mr. George Beadle is busy tilling silos with bis new Blizzard. Messrs. John Mellville and F. John- ston. of Londesboro', are painting the new manse. Messrs. J. C. Clark and Jas. Mutch are reflooring the east half of the Midge with plank. Mr. and Mts. A. Bennett, of St. Thomas, are visiting the latter's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs.''. Straughao. Mr. A. King has engaged with Mr. A. C. Jackson to assist. in the chopping rnitl and commenced work on Monday. Mr. E. Helwig and mother returned from their western trip on Thursday and now the tailor shop is open for but ine.s Mr. Thos. Anderson scent Sunday it the village and was accompanied home by - Misses Ruby and Olive Young. Mr. John Raithby got a sore hand on Mooday while filling a silo. His hand was caught in the fan of the blower and was torn. Dr. Weir dress- ed it and put in nine stitetee. The injured member is doing well. 'KIPPER STUDENTS AND TEACHERS.- Today Geo. E. Stephenson leaves to" take an engineering course in the' School of Practical Science at Toronto. This re- minds us of the fairly large number of students from the territory around our burg who are attending outside schools. ,For instance, we have Arnold Petrie, Walter McBeatb and James Smillie attending Clipton Collegiate ; Henderson Forrest, in Clinton Model ; and Royal and Melville MrClymont, in Clinton Business College : Aneits and Doris Graham, in Exeter continuation school ; Haul Hay, Grace Ross. Gretta and Emily 'viand and Murray and Allan Fisher in Seaforth Collegiate and Keine McBeath in London Nor- mal. Besides there are a number in various years in Toronto University and affiliated colleges. The teachers from here wbo have returned to their schools in various parts of the Prov- ince are Misses Nellie McGregor, Perth county; Maggie Mellis,Vieona; Violet and Anaobelle Petrie,Sault Ste.Marie; Etta Jarrott, Stanley and Messrs. Wm. Smillie, Burford and Leonard Smillie, Bruce county. BOCHANNAN-LATIHER. -Miss Eliza- beth Ruth Latimer, formerly tele- phone operator at Comber, and Mr. Webster Allan Buchannan, of this place, were cjuietly married in Blythe. - wood on \L ednesday afternoon, Sep- tember 24th, by the Rev. Mr. -Ming - ton. After a sumptuous wedding supper at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Archie McIntosh, the happy couple motored to Detroit on a short. honeymoon trip. On their re- turn they left for Seaforth via Strat- ford. They will reside in tbe future at Kippen. The beet wishes of a hot of friends go with them and they have the .warmest kind of welcome here. ST. HELENS BRIEFS. -Mr. Clark got the tele- phooe in this week... Miss Matson McPherson has sold ber property to Samuel Coulter Edward Morton is very poorly at present........Tbe Calvin church shed is being shingled this week Mr. Herman Phillipe spent the week -end at Listowel Mr. and Mrs. Clark spent Monday at Westfield visiting their daughter, Mrs. Marvin McDowell....Mr. Pattie is engaged with Mr. D. Todd for a year Mrs. Dunkie, of Guelph, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. McDonald. CALVIN Careen ANNIVERSARY. - Anniversary services will be non - ducted in Calvin church next Sunday,, October 5th. Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., of Brussels. will conduct the services morning and evening. On Monday evening. the 6th. a teaweeting and entertainment will be given. The twmmittee has secured the services of Christopher J. Pink, of Leedom, the famous tenor singgeer� also of Miss Mona Walter, of (Soder-Mb. elocutionist. Speedos b Rev. .1. Ure Stewart, B.A., of Whitechurch, and Rev. Gilbert Gomm, of Dungannon. Supper from 6 to 8. Come nee, come s11. EAST WAWANOSH Cot -eco. MaETtxo - Minutes of 'council meeting held on September $Ib; members all present but Mr. aucbannao. Minutes of last [meatier/ road and adopted oto motion of Ooaa• elaess Carrie and $toasbeese. The treasurer wee instructed to adwstiea for sale the Toll drain debestmee. tenders to be renewed up to Saturday. Oet*r Mb next. Moved Dr. Ste*Mar, weeded by Mr. that the reeve cad tewsaseer be auth- orised to borrow a farther sem of ISMS to .est the ordinary township eepsu- dilare. -Carried. itis tot a. :curio were ordered to be --,l. Loss, tile, 11140;Jq. Tawd- Tama., gra waa redeem w est bk sou. i. aN I at=west ea reaShree eelvest. ma. w .seta ; Pssd W. one. - aides Matsui Mabee tat to 161* o..oftaeamsf.ng..• �y �e...rDiastase le I DROPSY for obid Dodds E34esy Pith' ass the eery cert. cans le Drepey the Kid - pays an th saad =odd thehaater which be aapelled la the form of urine, Sows back andlodge• 1. the cella of the flesh sad pets oat the Remove the Itkb which pugs the drain. Reston the to a health. There u Doty ear Kidasy Medici.. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS $11 ; Hunter Bridge Co., balance. due contract on Marnoch river bridge, $ 1,30: J..1. McCaughey, payment on Prairie road south of Wingham, $1$); George Cowan, townships share on the Younghlnt drain, $25; James Ctinpbell, Hullett clerk's fees on Younebint drain, 53: C. A. Jones, en- gineer's fees on the Younghlut drain, $37.:sa; A. Porterfield, services render.! ed under the U. and W. Act. $35; Dr. Stewart, attending Provincial health meeting. Toronto. $3; John T. Coultes, furnishing tile and putting in drain, cons. 6 and 7, $100; J. McGill, repair- ing culver•, sideline 39 and 40, con. 5, • J. M^Gill, cleaning out the north branch of the Haltaban drain, 5110 ; McKinnon Bros, , putting inculvert on eastern boundary, $5.7/0: McKinnon Bros., putting in culvert on eon. 11, $3 60: McKinnon Bros., balance on gravelling contract.on con. 12, $3.80; Wm. Purdon, repairing culvert, con. 13,18; Wm. Robinson, filling stone around abutment on Marnoch river bridge, $12 ; Wm. Robinson, cleaving nut cuvert, con. 9, 52.5U ; for gravel - R. J. MmcGpbeeell 58.80$4,, WWmm.. Dobie 58.6hizon $8.500, C. Ca, Wm. Kebue 95.50,S. McBurney $4.60. Wtu. Purdon 3230, Jame! Tunney 59:50, George C. Naylor 57.90, V. Ger- man 53.50, W w. Nethery 58.60, We.. Walden 30, R. Sheila, 51; Stanley Cook, shovelling,51.25; George C. Nay- lor, shovelling, 51.80: Wm. Kehue, shovelliog, $1.26; Joseph Wilson, shovelling, 75 cents. Next meeting of council will be held on Monday, Octo- ber 8th, at one o'clock p.m. ALEx. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. CARLOW FAREWELL. -We regret very much losing Mr. Archie and Miss Lillian Ferguson from our village. They have located in tiouerich. We cannot very well afford to lose such good citizens, but we cannot complain, as the town offers so much greater in- 3ucewents. The good wiebes of their many friends follow Mr. and Miss Ferguson to tbeir new home, and we look forward to seeing their pleasant faces often in our village. BRIEFS- - Mr. 'l boa. Burns has greatly improved the appearance of his house with • coat of paint. .... Mr. Richard Levy spent the latter part -of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mn. John Levy Mr. Joseph O'Connor is doing a rushing business these days shipping live stock. ...Silo Oiling is the order of the day. Mein. Wm. Watson, John Feagan and John Treble each have had a silo erected this fall Mr. Jae. McBride had a very successful raising Monday. He bas improved the looksof bis beautiful farm with a new driving shed. Mr. A. P. Giant is the contractor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott spent Sunday with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of Saltford. were s isltors in the village oce day this week The Bean Bros. are busy with the cement this week We ate glad to report that Mrs. Vat;-' c-oe is improving, though slowly Mrs. Trethewey, of Giroux Lake, is visiting at the home of her parents, Col. and Mrs. Varcoe We are glad'tn see Mr. Jas. Scott out and around again. (intended for last week ) BRIEFS. - Wm. Cunningham and sons are busy cutting their corn. They have a fair crop considering the dry weather. Misses Florence and Minervia McPhee, Jean Young, Edith Glenn and Mann. Frank Cd- lina and Karl Cunningham spent the weeko nd at their homes here. Earl came out on his motor cycle . Alex. E. Bernby spent Suoday at Lothian . Mies Florence Young left on Monday to attend Stratford Normal school The teacher and most of the pupils of our school took in the sights at Gods rich exhibition. Arthur Clare took in London ezbibition. He went in H. Hill's auto....Resitb's Hill church will observe Rally Sunday All come and bring your raildree. . Richard W. Levy spent Sunday at home. ft -THE COLBORNE STORE Every Department in the store is now overflowing with fresh and fashionable fall fabrics that deserve more than a passing notice from critical buyers. The right kind of merchandise has found its way here and is sold at Bed Rock prices. GLANCE AT THE FALLOWING OFFERINGS AN- NOUNCED BELOW Dress Velvets Anotber shi;.went of Bedford itib Velvets io Brown, Potpie. Grey and Tan. a wide flat cord, the very newest male of Bedford Cords in Velvets. Dress Goods In colored Drees Materials, the stock is bril- liant and popular. It requites little urging with prudent buyers to spend their money here where it commands big salons. Prices from 60c to 52.25. Black Dress Goods "Quality" and it is the thing most difficult to get at • reasonable price. "Quality," in this case ..:eans unchangeable color, firm texture and a fabric that will wear. e have these in special' prices of Berges, 42 to 56 inches wide, end prices are more than reason. able. Rugs Our new stock of Rugs for this fall's selling is now in and ready for your inspection. It is a pleasure for us to .bow these beautiful floor cov- erings, because we are certain the patterns and textures are the latest. it yon are looking for a rug let us have the pleasure of displaying our beautiful assortment. Price low, quality high. Rain Coats English imperil Rain toats, ah, I ,trly wa terproof, $5.75 sod 58.110. Coatings We are showing for this season • most attract tive and large ausortment of there good, in wide stripe diagonal nap weaves, quite new, u,ostly in two-tone colors and heavy winter weights. We know we are dead right on theme coatings. Loge and small buttons to match every combination of Dolor.. Wrapperettes Buyers should see our Lew stock of these goods, 17 pieces to choose from. Prices 12±r to 25c, colon good and dependable. Hosiery Our new fall hose are here, from 25c to 75c a pair. Remember we always lead in these goods. We think our 25c wool hose is better than fall offerings in former years at that price. 1f you want the test all wool 50e Cashmere ribbed hose, ask for 99. J. H. COLBORNE BENMILLER EVANGELICAL CHURCH -The Col- borne church of the Evangelical A -sedation will bold their annual Children's Day services next Sunda, U [:ober 51b. 'The pastor. Rev. A. N -h, will preach a sermon especially 1• he young people and children in 1; morning. and an interesting pro - g • m will be rendered in the evening. Tl.e church will to appropriately decorated and everybody is invited. CANADIAN NACtC COLONIST RATES tone Way -Second Clan From all Stations in Ontario to Cer- tain points ie Alberta British Columbia California Montana Oregon Washington Arizona Idaho, etc. Daily until October I0 sou porticslers. rates. etc.. Iron, Joe Kid/C. P. R. Meet, or write M. Q Mer. Mr. btetrla Paeeewger Agent. , e,w,te. CRANO TUN'S"M COLONIST RATES Sept. 25th to Oct. Iitb inclusive From all stations in Ontario at very low rates to: Vancouver, B. C. Los Angeles, C.1. Victoria, B. C. San Diego, Cal. Nelsen, B. C. San Francisco, Cal. Prince Rupert, B. C. Mexico City, Mix Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. Spokane, Wash. ,h,e way sassed- Mse Ticket. only will be Isesed. Pruvort.is•ate low rater to 01 her totnt. in Artaema. British Celtobia. , allrornla. Uelm.ds_ [dabs, 1{eetaaa, Mealen. New Ysx�aOt.wwaad WNn7 eta.. Utah. Tall pertheeleen berth remerraUoo.. etc.. from P r, Lewr.eos & Rom Town Peores- ger and Tieket Age.t. Dungannon -Fail Fair Meals Served at the Excelsior Bake Shop, 25 cents each Hot Dinner and Supper Suitable Accommodation for Horses Fruits of all kinds, includ- ing Grapes, Peaches and Oranges, will be sold at low prices during the Fair. Ice Cream and Confec= tionery a specialty. N. J. Treleaven, Dungannon: 11.1111111.11 EA. To el have left and Ace Them anyone 1 raving • ter Nur° ALWA1 Lyric Extra Thursday, Oct Special Hap 1 s ughable Monday, 1 day, 0 n a'Ilrsk Also Tue a A Special AR Thursday. Oct The in a Thr livery(' Extra Adm. G. PO GR( A Business Opportunity Tie steak sad bustaass et theGemmelSure brewed lee sola and the see �r Sri. A seed beim le balk dean and sae be bweassd Mosey Order Geed ream seem sele semeselea etdth sea elle t• G. R. BELL, Kingsbridge Pandora Range Most Stoves will work but the Pandora is the range that gives lasting all round satisfaction. Fire -pot of semi - steel. Guaranteed for five years of service. Howell Hardware Co, Ltd. T Stagy on th MOI Ever' bright every day a C coast' duet that may meet Admi, J. Ii