HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 3ON
and winter costa
int in effects that
wo-tone color coos -
rive novelties kn.
Yit1 styles of suite
:ord Velvets
woo AT. Oce. 2. 1913 1
bound or repaired.
£J.4.promppt�a attrilar t os iwvtrtf
at THS 610 S AL Oodarfet.
woe tawny ftessary elks. Tenses= tn.
asses sad throat cola. Bow ssaa
Tack Ophthalmic and Mersa
Ear. man& 'Most
freaky Lod`ei1 serabeltlats
eppvo- . Kam aChaeat Saaw. S.
Mia a. t to i p. es. 7 to t p a Talar"--
glilillA%X sMeopsths. aporiaorto la
sewer sad chUdreSL Menem male,
Mak and and ser. oarismm.
' ddeSar. nose
slime Med door We Igws. Ashallee tamsnberth
S -
ma yarn. 35c
f pair Aad
10c ` 50c
, Velli I.:41 I,rik
'.s°. $5.00
white vend :black
fasteners 75c
_ L\. berrunen,, islideige.sgaldEigt
p�1�� i tae ManU as Owtf.
Ata ce a ked at bung Ialbassw .
.aLet ode >�itaeta
l4ul'ut'WT. G. t.. R C. J. L
TER. archer. eatery rebels. Mem--
&reet. 0udarie►, SIM drat Som
IiL•Ti:!:r,orney. wlidter. etc., Gude
Loi., :a'rel al, lo,le.t tete..
Auctio 11R
In E. t oderich. All lsereaUeas tie saU
Ir/t at t3lafu. edict wW be ptry M-
ond co. he..deuoe telegram UP_
Wan. As to' IL O. CAM-
B.rn.ttr, Hamilton street, Orsessab.
ISL L1,.H:ti;\e: /Walk, C. d as sad
tlH:a�zee Alyn alvinzntf Luau, -
ITT : The Ocean acceiest sal Qrsaaa .
::cr eraran, Limited. d Lorre. Zed.
ass 0c£a&arms noose : The U.8.
Piro and Guar cot sOtwegaay-
1s8 d a norther( owner d Vie -
streets. nor 176
linos N c E C o. -Farm and isolated
mea is weaned
meas -J. P. McLean. Pm.. Ess seta P.O.;
tbaaWly, % ics•Pres., OodwlaY P. 0.;
8. Hay., Sec. -T eaa, osafseta P. O.
enee s -If. 1. bo0lefar. asatbrt►; Jobe
bra Winthrop; Whirr Ler Osutamset
i beree� da monism ; Jame kveait.
ttiuoeneid. ank uarioct ; Mew=
G Aare J. W. Yee. Bs`wrme' R. Wane,
sliest; William Cheney. Swarth ; s.
Seta tl,.
aed ant their cards as
1 eftish's t Louise Stokes, ase M n,
Oaks Orecerl . tilasatee streK
to Shoe
artt Shoe is a
;hoe. You can
in the choice
in thedressy
Ind in the ac -
work man sh ip.
n feel it in the
table 6t.
17 ROOT&
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..0 koows end lar Mend
the Ma seirnfw at is tag.
erase' stilled heal a
rof�sasr s�
Quick and Perman.nt %'sngth.
you are run down or tired out.
Teaks cold eamly,have noie.
ung flesh or have other oiiiaaes
lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's
Renovator undue o�ar�°��'!�
10 refund the pre pass m the
fails to give aMbosslislssliw.
digestion.aad teem morgeng
both �t ws
One dolor a .11115.
lNerie►. bytMacL fay eodby e
Brophey Bros,
I1110, 0ele ieh
getakty or Perseed
UST Rev. W. Hinds; dent corn. Biel. Pfile
t Sou. J. W. Salkeld k thon : -weer
BOSSES ! corn, Joha Tough, Soowden Ih,.. ;
Qieia$L Punnets mote any •aarei{estty of corn. A 13.
aecompaalad by foal, John Heid, Thos. tlrwiR, - r.
Meta ; foal, 'alpha Raid, A . Kleoat • J J, Moms, Zurich : tames
or auy two year. old, baa.; Tbouteoe, Ha Id.
or filly one year old, FRUIT
A. Elooat J. R injl, Grapes, Mrs. Hewson, J. W. S.Ik.
Aoatcvfi.lvaA`-Brood ,are ac- eld k Boa; collection of Rrap •, uses.
cos bad by foal, R. Gr .g, J. R. Hewson, Jokes Pollock ; collection of
8 ; foal, John Stewart, R. apple*, J. R. Sterliog, D. C. Galbraith ;
elg ; gelding or filly two years old, winter apples, J. W. Salkeld k Soo,
A. Dun.•ae, John Reid ; gelding or J. R. Sterlln*; fall apples, D. c' Gal•
ally ono year old. John Raid, C. B. braids. J. R. Sterling ; mannles,
Middleton • team, John Chambers. D. C. Galbraith, J. W. Salkeld kSon ;
HEAVY DluOutyT--Brood waft ac- spitoeuburs, F. Keegan; collection of
0000��ppaaooied by foal, E. H. Wise, John Pears, F. Keegan, J. R. Sterling ; fall
llc(iuira ; foal, John McGuire, E. H. Pours. F. Keegan, James Campbell
Wive ; •gelding or filly two years old, winter pears, J. R. Sterling, J. W.
Alex. Mc i.an, Ales. Mustard ; geld. Salkeld & Soo ; peaches, James Camp-
ing or filly one year oldt J.11. Sterling; bell, J R. Sterling; plums, C. Truern-
tearu. Wu,. Stephenson. ser, Rohr. De sty ; prunes, Thos.
Ro.peTsau.-Grund ware aawm- Brownett, J. W. Salkeld k Soo;
Nomad by foal, Benj. Higgins, R. G. haldwins. J. W. Salkeld &Soo, W. J.
Row; foal, BeoJ Higgins, R. G. Reid ; Tough ; northern spies, D. C. Gal -
gelding or filly two years old, c. breath, J. W. Salkeld & Soo; yellow
Truer„ner. A. bun -an ; team, John crabs, Soowden Bros., Thos. Brow-
tlryd, 'r. ; singroadster, Wm. John- nett ; red crabs, Rey. W. Hinde, D.
moo, isle et. R. J. McCormick. C. Galbra:tb ; king of tompkins, D. C.
Coasters. --Foal, O. A. Battles ; Galbraith, J. R. Sterling ; greeniogs,
gelding or ally two yeare old, G. A. J. R. Sterling, D. C. Galbraith ; ribstoa
Battles ; gelding or filly one year old, Pippins. J. W. Salkeld k Son, J. R-
G. A. Battles ; team, Roland Geiger ; Sterling ; twenty -ounce pippins, D. C.
single carriage borne, Frank Perdue, Galbraith. W. A. Balkwell ; Wagner's,
H. Rau ; gentleman's outfit, single, J. W. Salkeld & Son, F. Keegan ;
style considered, John Held. )r. ; lady golden russets. J. W. Salkeld k Son,
driver, Miss. Decker, Mn. Blair. Rev. W. Hinde ; blenheitr. pippins,
Ttun'rtlio.-Coria, Silber, Zurich ; J. R. Sterling, D. C. Galnraith ; snows.
George Sanderson, Clinton. This con- D• C. Galbraith. F. Keegan.
test was woo in three straight heats. Judges -John Cox, Porter's Hill';
Judges -James Archibald, Sea- John Porter, Goderich.
James ; Jaes Handford, Centralia.VEGETABLES "
CATTLE Early potatoes, Soowdcn Bros.,
(Dups.-Mitch cow, John Reid, E.7 Richard Peohale; latepot.atoe., J. R.
H. Wise ; heifer two years old, John Sterling. RObt. Delgaty; yellow globe
Reid, E. H. Wise • heifer one year mangold., Snowden Brno. ; interwed-
old, E. H. Wise, John Reid ; heifer iate no golds Snowden Bros.., J. R.
.Jr,cA. Kleoat, John Reid ; steer cal(, Sterling - field carrots, Sam. Cleave,
A. Elcoat, Thos. Brownett ; steer two Richard Smith ; table carrots, Sam.
Cleave, A.
years old, John Reid 1 and 2 ; steer S Erwin ;table beets, R.IbL
one year old, E. H. Wise 1 and L ; fat Delgaty, Robt. Blair ; heads cabbage
cow, heifer or steer, Wm. Stinson 1 James Campbell,Richard Smith ;
abd 2. heads cauliflower, F. Keegan, John
Dosawat.-Pilch cow, E H. Wise, Tough ; muskmelons, , W. A. Balk -
well, James Campbell ; parsnips,
Beatty Bros. ; heifer two years old,
John Reid. E. H. Wise ; heifer one Campbell, Sam. Cleave; largest
year old, E. H. Wise, Beatty Broe. ; pumpkin, Richard Smith, Thos. Cam -
eros •Isrgeatquash, Snowden Bros
heifer elf, E. H. Wise, Beathy Broe. ; Saw. Cleave leave s
bull calf, E. H. Wise, Beatty Bros. ; 1eld turnip., W. B.
JgRetteIIr. -Milch cues, John Gardiner,
Battler, Snowden Brox. ; watermelons,
Geo. Lindsay. Richard Penhale, Sam. Cleave; sugar
JIJDcisti -8. Andrews, Goderich ; fits, Snowden Bros.. J. R. Sterling ;
R. Fitzsimons, Clinton. beads white celery, L. E. Ferguson,
Mrs. Hewson ; beads winter radish,
SHEEP • Richard Penbale, W. B. Battler;
LEICESTER. - Ram, E. H. Wire ; citrons, F. Keegan, Richard Smith
shearling ram. A. Elcoat,C.B. Middle• £mall white bean'. Gen. A. Cooper,
ton ; ram lamb, C. B. Middleton I and W. B. Battler; large white beans, W.
2 ; pair ewes, C. B. Middleton ; pair F. Metcalf, Root. Delgaty large Rog -
fat sheep, Snowden Bros, A. Duncan ; lith potwto onion', Snowden Bros.,
ewe lamb, C. B. Middleton 1 and 2: Thew.' Cameron ; large white onions,
wether Iamb, A. Ricoat. Thoe. Cameron, Snowden Bros.; large
L1NCDLvd. - Pair ewes, Snowden ted onions, James Campbell, Richard
Bros, ; pair abearling ewes, Snowden Smith: large yellow onions, Richard
Biros. ; ewe lamb, Snowden Bras.: Prnh'ile, 'chard- Smith; large red
wether lamb. Soowden Bros. Ghmatoes, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Hew -
Fins Woof..- Sbearling ram, A. son ; large yellow tomatoes, F. Kee -
Duncan 1 and 2; ram lamb, A. Dunc- gan, J. Decker ; peach tomatoes, W.
an ; pair abearling ewes, A. Duncan : F. Metcalf, Richard Smith: salsify
parr ewes, A. Duncan : ewe lamb. A. roots, Ham. Cleave, W. J. Tough.
Unocal'. Judge -W. Warnock, Godericb.
Judge -James Snell, Clinton. LADIES' WORK
PIG8 Six fancy handkerchiefs, Mrs. Row,
BEtti:,.H I, F:. --Aged boar. Snowden J 5. Howrie; l,i-h crochet lace. Mrs.
Bros.; hi n,.,l sow, Snowden Bros. 1 and Ross.Mrs. Huston: crochettahle,mrra,
h •t
J. 8 Howrie,
2: boar •ix months or under. Snow- \l1.. Huston ; cnh.
den Bros.; sow six months or under, work in cotton, leis. Huston. J. 8.
Snowden liras.
Yo KRHIag. - Brood sow, W. B.
Battler, holt. Blair: sow six months
or under, W. B. Battler.
RED Phos. -Aged boar. Snowden
Bros.; brood sow. Snowden Bros. ;
boar six months or under, Snowden
Bros. ; sow six months or under,
Snowden Bros. ; best boar. Snowden
Bros. ; best sow, Snowden Bros. :
best pair bacon hogs, Snowden Bros.,
Robert Blair.
Judge -James Snell. Clinton.
Silver grey dorkins, J. S. Howrie ;
barred plymouth rocks, E. H. Wise.
W. B. Battler; white plymouth rocks,
G. Truemner ; black epanisb, J. 9.
Howrie 1 and 2 : white legborns, E.
H. Wise, C. Truemner ; brown leg -
horns, J. S. Howrie ; silver spangled
homburgs, W. B. Rattler 1 and 2 ;
red caps. W. B. Battler ; thode island
reds, C. Truemner ; andalusians, J. S.
Howrie ; white wyandottes, NV. B.
Battler ; silver wyandottes, J. S.
Howl ie ; black minorcas. W. 13.
Battler, J. S. Howrie ; hoodoos, W.
B. Battler : black langahans, J. 8.
Howrie 1 and 2; bantams, any variety,
Alf. Copeland ; pekin ducks, Snow •en
Bros. ; rouen ducks, E. H. Wise, C.
Truemner ; toulouse geese. Richard
Smith ; any other variety geese,
Snowden Bros.. C. Truemner ; any
other variety of turkeys, Snowden
Judge -Wm. Carter. Constance.
Salt butter, John Reid, Thos.
Brownett ; butter in blocks, John
Reid., Robb- G. Reid ; butter suffic-
iently salted for table use, F. Keegan,
John Reid ; bome-made cheese, J.
Decker, 800wden Brow. ; borne -made
wine, Dr. Woods, W. A. Balkwell ;
best collection of borne -made wine,
Dr. Woods, F. Keegan ; best collec-
tion of canned fruit, J. Decker, F.
Keegan ; hooey in comb, Robt. Brown,
booty Beatty ; hooey in jar, lenty
Beatty, Sam. Cleave ; best oolleetion
of bogey. Robt. Brown, Lsaty /Neatly ;
test beese-made bread, L Ferro -
sue. Soot. Dalgety ; quart of maple
syrup, Mil. Huston, Seowdeo Bros. ;
best add lanob for nse person, Mn.
A. S. Erwin, Mn. F7 Keegan ; plate
of boos, L. E. Fspruaos J. Starliqg
rate ire
aerobia.. Miers. L.
Mn. Dr fr. et.
esif, eW. A: Hiikwell ; special b7
James Wiles Inc the best five puede
of better made by girl seder twenty
LSSA d age, nettle Greer, 0. A.
Battiss : -yr' by Goo. Greenslade,
So�potm�art.�tWad mar the est Wel fro. Five
=tie, L. E. Femmes.
1'Yem sebum.
., Lerida *I . Hades,
GRAIN AND !1108.
White winter wheat. Oto. A.
pgpsr. J. W. /sissy h Mw : ted
'rioter wheat. Mail Temgh, J. W.
1g�sM & 80s ; e*slsg whilst. J. N.
Wises W. IL IMO a r • white
.fee. J. K. WW1 mon
WWIS fie,
J. L W4 : ali=
barley, J. K. Wise, Sam. Roamer;
e wrbeowed J. t. WW1=
.,., J. L Seas.
Sass, K.
[. s. deet
•LWiw. J. R. t J.
Mee t yellow mss+
Howrie; crocbr. work in wool, L. E.
Ferguson, Mrs. Hustr:n; fancy bead
oecklace, Mrs. Host. n, Mrs. Ria. ;
shadow embroi'.,y, Mrs. Huston. J.
8. Howrie: eyrtet embroiJery, Nr•.
Roes, Roland 0. ig •r ; embroidered riveo dock tea cloth in anon. J. 8. How-
rie, Benj. Pfile & Son : child's d e•s
feather -stitched in silk, J. Decker, Mrs.
Ross; knittedquil'. L. K. Ferguson, W.
A.BalkweU; embroidery in Lee stitch-
es, J. S. Howrie, Mee. Ross; cellar and
coif set embroidered, J. S. Howrie,
Mrs. Hustoc ; drawn work, Roland
Geiger, J. S. Howrie ; bedroom slip-
pers, Snowden Bros., John Stewart ;
battenburg lace, Mrs. Ross, W. F.
Metcalf ; doylies, fancy braid and
crochet, Mrs. Huston, J. 8. Howrie ;
plain hand sewing, Kate Ross, Mrs.
Ross ; hemstitching. Mrs. Ross, Mrs.
A. Erwin ; pin cushion in eyelet, Mrs.
Huston, J. S. Howrie ; sofa cushicn in
embroidery or fancy stitch, Mrs. Ross,
W. A. Balkwell ; tea cosy knitted,
Mrs. Huston, Mn. Roos; etching on
cotton or linen, Mrs. Huston, J. 8.
Howrie; modern cross stitch, Mrs.
Hinde, Mrs. Rose ; braiding, ,Mrs. A.
Erwin, Mrs. Huston •; Irish point lace,
J. 8. Howrie, Bate Row ; hooiton lace,
W. F. Metcalf. Kate Ross : band -made
buttonholes, W. A. BalkweU, L. E.
Ferguson ; Wallschin embroidered
centre piece in white, J. 8. Howrie, J.
Decker; floral tinted centre piece on
linen, J. 8. Howrie, Kate Roe; hand-
made whisk holder. J. 8. Howrie, Mt*.
Huston ; pierced brass candle stick
and shade, J. S. Howrie, Mn. Roes;
kitchen apron, J. Stewart. Mrs. Rosa;
darning on sox, J. Stewart, Mrs.
Huston : hand -mad• ladies under-
wear, Roland Geiger, Kate Rose:
roman or cut work, J. 8. Howrie, Mrs.
Rose : hardanger, J. 8. Howrie, W.
F. Metcalf ; crochet fascinator in
wool, Mrs._Ross, Mn. Huston ; hand-
made woollen sox, Joho Stewart, Mrs.
Huston ; band -made woolen sbvtah
Mn. Huston, J. Decker; hj ds
wool mittens, John etewart,Seimedss
Brave. ; rag mat booked, J. W. rpelot.
Mrs. Muatoo ; plaited mat, Jobe
s" Mrs. F. eegao(; patched quilt,
cotton, Roland Geiger, L. S. Ferg-
uson : patched quilt., cloth,
Ferguson, Thos. E. Harrison; crochet
quilt, Thos. E. Harrison. J. Decker ;
silk quilt. L. E. Ferguson, J. Decker
beat up-to-date collection of ladles'
work, J. 8. Howrie, Mrs. Roes ; cro-
chet lame in ootton, W. F Metcalf. L.
B. F knitted tare in wool,
Mrs. Heston, Mrs. Rose; faaey *pros.
W. A. BalkereU, Mrs. Gustna ; 'emer-
iti* Lae, Mas. Rosa
Jrrdgea - Mrs. James Clammily.
eh ; Mi. Alice Johnston, Lou
� I
� meta Hew- ,
so., FNelsaal . .malt koetq..t err I
Mowers. W. F. Metea8, Mrs os Rowe ;
dahlias, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Histo ;
parries, Mn Bewsnn,, Mr. F. Kee -
stn g wnrrinsa. Mea Hew.oe, Mrs. F.
Regan glldk,los, W F. M.Nslf.
mete F. `Reagan ; fothMrs.gra f s, Wier'
Mew -
sou. M. F. 11 ; foltag•a
Mrs. F. ta.gaa t bora piaete. Ian.
F. assMea T. Rawson ; seThee. iese os Me. A. E. Erwin
Mr.. Mande. Mrs. P' [sags.:
qMrs. F. t..g...
.ligelOoorge etswert. Ooderiola
Posed daterh , lists Rom. Mi+
Era J. weatwvsTiTiii rwss, E. 3.. writ..:
'I have a large mass d smell sensors, ase
It ►ss seer ma away a e.eese . but. Pei.
eaten, eon treat it k Ides ay.r flat 1117
lle girl W rpreiar bee amide ale b ear -
leg aIlledwars ;ra l ass seas! sucker teas
Apply tae Relief se the target and a te.t
eater tae wafer smarts and rareas. CM.
RNway'c Yana 1. rare flare r 0111 treriy
mare tae rweta. 7' a rifts told. tale a
t et Relief wItC a ere w
fel of aeasplawn,
la a terrier ef Mt water. tierce ■t are to
ted. • prefer pa4rntw will break at.
aka le tM wermeo tae era will M rose.
aaDWAi & CO., *menet Caa.
Roos; crayon drawing, Mit. It ea,
Kate Ross; watercolor painting, Kate
Roos, W. A. Balkwell ; oilpainting,
J. 8. Howrie, F. Middleton ; Kensing-
ton painting. Mrs. Rosa, Kate Roas;
peo and ink sketch, Mr•. A. E. Erwin,
Mrs. Huston ; lustre painting, Mrs:'
Ross, Kate Roos : painting on silk,
satin or velvet, J. 8. Howrie, Mrs.
R0011; hl st snapshot of Bayfield
scenery, Geo. E. Greenslade, W. A.
Baf ; burnt work,- Fred -
ton, Kate Roos; handpuntedMiddlechina,
J. 8. lkweHowrie, Mn. Ross.
Judge -George Stewart, Goderich.
Set single harness, Lanty Beatty 1
and 2; ret double harness, Thos. Cam-
eron, John Tippet ; skein of twisted
yarn, Thos. Brownett, J. Decker ;
skein woollen yarn, Thos. Brownett.
Judges -Thomas Johnston, Zurich ;
Wm. Scott, Brucefleld.
is a curable disease, which requires
treatment. The ORR1NE treatment
can be used with absolute coutidence.
It destroys all desire for whiskey,
beer, or other intoxicant,. Can be
given in the home. No sanitarium
expense. No loss of time from work.
Can be given secretly. It after a trial
you fail to get any beoett from its
use your money will be refunded.
ORR'NE is prepared in two forme:
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder ;
ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, for those
who desire to take voluntary treat -
meat. Coats only 11.00 a box. Come
in and telt over the matter with us.
Ask for booklet.
F. J. Britiand, Goderich.~
A Cancelled Prayer
Rev. 11. E. Knowles, of Galt, the
well-known Preebytelian clergyman
and author, officiates at many of the
weddings that take place in and about
Gait. Recently a couple quite strange
to Mr. Knowles came for him tn per-
form the marriage ceremony over
them. As was h a et'tom. he oRered
s fervent prayer. invoking t he divo,•-
blessing upoo them. As they •een.ed
to be worthy folk and not over hurder,-
ed with this world's goods, he praye.I,
among other things, fir the"r mater i el
prosperity, and besought ih • Lord to
greatly, increase the man's busine
laying much stress on this poit.t. In
filling out the blanks it hercame
necessary t o ask the m to h' business,
and to the minister's horror he said,
"I keep a sal..on."
In telling the story to his wife Ffter-
wards, Mr. Knowles said that as he
wrote down the occupation be whis-
pered, '•Inrd. you needn't answer that
Fire in Mullett Township
Seafortb, Sept. 29. -The large bank
barn of Garfield McMichael. in Hullett
township, wasdestroyed ty fire at six
o'clock on Saturday morning. The
fire wag caused by a lantern Mc-
Michael was carrying. exploding.
causing the burning oil to fly in all
directions and making it impossible to
sa, a anything. All the season's crops,
as well as all the farm implement*,
were destroyed. The horses and cattle
fortunately were out, but some 200
hens were burned in the building. Mr.
McMich*el's low will be heavy, despite
insurance of $1,500.
Legal Quarles from The Mail and
W. H. W., Bayft Id. - Q , -WVha'
legal redrew, if any, h-•. a farmer,
whose steer strayed nut on the public
road and a neighbor set hi.• Ing on th-
steer, which was so badly injured that
be had to be killed l'
Ane. -The owner of the1. is li all -
for the value of the animal. The own-
er of the steer can sue for damage.
But the owner of the do,t is also
criminally liable under section 538 of
the Criminal Code, which says :-
"Everyone is guilty of an indictable.
cddis.e who auempts to kill, maim,
wad. poison or injure say tattle or
tis y.ssg thereof." If the steer was
tessammena it could have bass im-
pounded. It was a vicious act to set
a dm on a domestic animal, which
mtdarally wanders anywhere where It
e.S get food. See Birmingham' v.
Salley. 38 8. C. 481. Wherever the
mod "tattle' is %mod it includes other
djssasstie animals. such as harem.
sWirp and pig.. Bre Child v. Noow..
A. R.. Ssafortb.--Qu.-M tat romper-
tbe assessed for 0a each valor T 2)
If the property was Imagist for
can It be asesssed for $400) dating the
same year?
♦as. -The Aseresmset Aat says:
1 t hi the ease of anneal Ls..
olb.r inns oil Lads. teal resgmt7
doll be aesw. cis Hs setae' eolue_.
la onesostos bed heeler b.l leip
.hmew. gins volas of the lead mod
buil- q.dsI b/re.i.ed esp.r.la
eosise los II of the Asitosmest
A. Tits amesdmtiet of 11r says
•1.s bolts/ &A be aoaasd for
ttbe def the - .e. beihww
the name of the ulpp-
nae e
ly attar * whop of the W,
V there wwon ep on it. (111
Ths piss 01 ebb a groper le
.blood Is malls bta..iis. dila .s=
bet too romesm- are sot berm. by
tank '' to wbss a " soi i.`a
flcCal I's
filo v�
Winter Coats for Misses and Ladies
We have this day received; a shipment of the n:west novelties in smart
Winter Coats for Misses :and Ladies. Misses' Coats from $Io.5o, Ladies' Coats
from S 1 o. 5o. S L^
Children's Coats Children's Coats
[:=jWe make a specialty of Children's Coats and have all sizes to suit children
of every age, Girls' heavy German Blanket cloth coats to fit ages 6 to 14, in the
newest styles, in Navy, Tan and Grey, at $5.5o to $6.50 each.
Girls' Navy Blue Coats, lined throughout with best quality red flannel, collar
can be worn high or low, to to 14 years, $7.5o each.
- Infants' Bearskin Coats
A special showing of Infants' White Bearskin Coats. These Coats are speci-
ally recommended for their splendid washing and wearing qualities, made to our
special orders. They come in many qualities and styles at $2.00 to $6.00 each.
1nfa� arskin Buggy Robes in many styles
Infants' and Children's Smart Headwear
h1e We are=the recognized headquarters for children's. -millinery. Infants' Bear-
skin Bonnets to match coats, from 5o,: each, Children's Bearskin Hats for the
bigger children, from $I.00 each, Children's Velvet and Cloth Bonnets, all styles,
from 75c each, Children's Tams and Felt Hats for school wear, from 5oc each.
A large assortmentot Knitted Goods for baby's wear, including Jackets, Pull-
overs, Bootskin Leggings, Bootees, Infanties, Mitts, Veils and Scarfs.
Specjal Value in New Kimono Cloths
in the season's newest designs, some suitable for children's garments, an extra
heavy cloth, per yard, 200,
Monoplane Flannel for Ladies' Tailored Waists and Children's wear, un -
shrinkable, fast colors, per yard, 19c.
New Fall Gloves now
in Stock
Periio's and Kayser are the
best makes.
Our Special Cashmere
Super quality and splendid
wearing. per pair, 35r,3 prier
for $1 00.
Special Values in
Children's Warm
School Sweaters
all colors, frcw 50c each.
McCall Patterns and Publications.
"The Store that is all a Store should be"
`� � Millar's Scotch Store ��
a a�
can Lie f
The Guaranteed a°OaE DY
A11 Kinds of C:o'_
n t awls.. rO. Caere et reeC.eda a 4'. -
'tasJsaaaea-a+,lr,a,aa � U..r...%
Sudden Death in Hay Township
Hensel!, Sept. 29. -When a daugh-
ter of Mrs Duncan Taylor, Parr line,
Hay township, knocked at her
mother'. door about eight o'clock last
evening, she failed to get a reply.
When the door was broken open later
the body of Mr. Taylor was found
1 io at ih•• bed-ide. The late Mrs
Taylor had been an invalid for a
number or years, hut had appeared no
worse of late. Dr. Tamlyn, of Zurich,
war notitl.-(1, f the occurrence. but an
inquest was 1 .'t considered necessary.
Nr Taylor went west a moth ago
on a bet veotrre• excu••'nn, and has
I.en notified by wire. '1'be late Mrs.
Taylor, who was about forty-five, was
the youngest daughter of the late
Robert McLaren, of Tuckersmith
Women's disorders always Maid
from the very beginning of the
treatment to the mild. but effec.
tive, action d Orange Lily. WI
two or three dors after comment
ire tae the bsw.ws...e. t keDees
cnootticeable, W aft 1�a�laears�s.�.
continues wean Orars. Lily le eh
r ocal the worrier
moving the congestion, tenant yid
strefigtbenl the nerves, and re-
storing perfect ejreulatl nota fps
dtaeessedI parts. In order to �cooxnvi�ncQee�aA11 a fferind`aiwsomentoof the pavpalttus of kala
rte each lady �Nnding ms hd a er ado ear. fa.tFRANCE` a. CURRAN, Windier n
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere
O kir Correct)
shits and overcoats
keep okYer men
313 laatas ST., Ilann.Tox, ONT.
"Five years ago, I was taken bows
with what the doctors caned Inflamma-
tion .1 The Siodder-ietesue pains in
hash mad loses, and dilrult is urin-
e, sad the attacks,
e/kn. beetles
mese i.ssaal, esmoted to unbearable
agony. ! beams so weak that I could
set walk across the fear.
hl wile rand is the papers shoot GIN
T•ILi,B arra seat foe m lox. From the
vary ant, 1 hat that 011gi PILLS were
&log tae good. The yais was relieved
E.mantai`god gibs elimebs were ion
/iswebs, the Bios* in the
libibro.teaWheo I recall
bs► I tlliwd sad how wow 1 am
lmirly eta aide to week, I mute
m7 PILl.e ...egb when
eI�Mk of what 0111 have des.
les um."
PILLS awnless 1 egtr-b-s i«
bitea nil el gels N your
ligoo ben
dyes amt benne them.
M pea grill
air. .'O isseasat Drug a
et Comodty Lambe& Tdn oto.
‘"A woman is as old:as she looks."
So is a man. It Is a scientific fact
that "As you feel so are you." Trim -
fitting, handsome new clothes
actually make the man who wears
them not only look younger but
feelounger. If you don't believe
this just come In and let us slide on
to you one of our brand new sults
and overcoats. You don't have to
buy them unless you want to. We
never urge anyone to buy. We let
our Clothing do It.
W..dl '1*b Osewry Cloth..."