The Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 2Twaseriev, Ocr. a MIL
reweeme Doi No. 21.
Tenni 41116008r0000 .
111- .0 ear Mime is wereass.
eLI mem& Deno 01010101. 301..
To Valtet Natio sebeartlearo. IAN • Tear
euriotly la ads aortal
11101 tail to reweiv• Two 0401IJUL
rogularly by all will ansehw a toyer by sae
tiesdatiad me of the hook re as *arty • data as
WWII • C•1111.• UMW. Is torired. both old
and the Dew adllows eionbil le geese.
Arluoreesion Peer :
Leg si rued other 4:1/ar red verunerreuto. Pro
per Sae tor Ant iswerthoo aod le par has tor
race sobeepwat lawrtisa. Idereeend by •
pooparoil seals. twelve liar to an Wei.
Busier, cord. of ILnee .ad reader. Per
advertisements ot Lost. round, Stespol. site
Vat. &teatime Wawa& Harr toe
Bale or to Rem. Farms tor Sabi or to Root.
Ankles tor Salo. stn.. erst orreediog wee
row. 2v: each ineertios ; it ear Ant Isom& lov
tor web eubeequeni oroeUr. Lwow redrartiro-
wenta in proportion.
Aresonsooments irr ardiaary orseliso typs ."1
oente tor line. So notlos low Urea /6c.
Any epeedal corker. the olPeet ot wax* le tees
bonedt at any individual or sorool
clan, to becearedored as adrertioseaset ond
chorned aceardierts.
1:101401 tor display sad seedroot red rankle -
matte will b• gives on applkintlita.
A eldrim amearoselooNess
rioderieb. Oat -
Articles in. the Conservative press
foreshadow a redistribution of seats
in both Powincial and Dominion
Parliaments. Tbe probability of the
cutting down of the representation of
Huron county at Ottawa from three
members to two has been conoeded
tot some time ; but according to The
Mail and Empire this aunty stands
in danger of toeing a member at To-
, ronto &10o. The unit Of representation
in the Ontario House is smaller than
that for the Federal Home, aud it is
not et all clear that this county
should in fairness be deprived of ita
present repeesentation of three. How-
ever. The Mail and Empire says:
la several counties which have
three members there is a prospect of
one being eliminated and the riding
divided between the remaining two.
Huron and Bruce have been men-
tioned in this respect. Their redis-
tribution, if it is proceeded with, is
bound to cause a lively fight. Uolike
other counties in whieb, owing to the
fact that all tbe roembere see
supporters of Government, re-
distribution is a comparatively easy
matter, the Bruce and Huron ridings
include Liberal members. North and
South Huron return Government sup-
porters, but Centre Huron is the
stamping poued of William Proud -
foot., the authbr of the illatarred
charges against Bon. Mr. Hanna. The
welding of the three into two might
possibly give that member eomething
to worry about. -
In Bruce all three ridings are held by
Liberals, and they lire not likely to
view with pleasure Usepro.pect of
one having to deep mt. Itt the
esatern pert of the Province one or
two ridings may be incorporated in
The Whitney Governmeot. in spite
of :ts large majority, employe every
means of maintaining itaelf in power.
and not having accomplished all that
it deeired by tbe utifair redistribution
of five or six years ago it is evidently
preps' ing for another gerrymander.
As, :the l'unaer racist,. orgae foresees,
there will be -slit-Ay figle.- if the
Government atteirips a lepeti!ion of
..icb tactics.
". ht Pecans of the I)e,uo,msiic
measure at Weeshingioe will
ends'. ss liotidt t:1111. P 1. c •f.ep
thought on the part of tbe C•nadien
manuhicturers wbo opposed the reci-
procity proposals of two years ago.
The lowering of the tlutiee heretofore
exacted by the United States on many
lines of manufactured goods may
easily bring about • movement for a
similar reduction of duties Oil manu-
factured goods imported into Canada.
liven if tine does not come about,
there is apparently trouble in store
for Cansdian rneaufacturen. Our
farmers will find • emu ket across the
line for touch a their products,
with a consequent stiffening of prices
Oli this side. and Go increased cost of
living will be followed by a demand
for higher wages tor factory men. So
that in self-defence the manufacturer.
may be impelled to ask for the very
thing which many of them in 1911
raid would ruin tbe country, namely.
the reduction of the Car, tdian duties
on farm products to correspond with
the reduced duties in the Usited
States. io order that Caoadian pekes
W5 y not he maintained at a constantly
birth level.
The an ti-reciprce4ty manufacturers
were, of amine. afraid of thre • %waterlog
of the free trade wedge but the
-tree trans wedge- is now heirs,
drives la by a body ever which they
have se eostroL sad they may Gad
themselves is wens plight than 11
they had mead by sod let the fame"
beer their chew* le tell.
Ose important diaereses bet wese
the prespestiv• cositeleas ender the
sow Velnal States fedi end those
whish w idd ham ogees %bed dweegh
esolpeeder is tint is the latter care
the Oesedlen wane bevy bad
en exclusive saarket in the United
realm lb hale meow he will have to
compete there with the products of
Brazil. Argentine and other countries.
Taking it all in all, the Cianadhus
menufacturers who opposed the reci-
procity Measure of 11011 nsay soon hays
to coracerie that they made a sorry
The town of VI ingham is establish-
ing • board of education. to take the
place uf tee public school and high
schooi boards.
The Ulster rebel. are very brave just
now; but wait until Asquith gets
after them and you will bear some
tall squealing from 1 arsoo and his
Hon. sydney Fisher. former Minis-
ter of A.griculture in the Laurier
Governaient, is the Liberal candidate
in ill- Chateauguay bye -election. Tbe
vote takes plaee on October 11. Tbe
riding went Liberal two years ago by
• majority of et, and the Conservatives
are making desperate efforts to
capture the seat.
Les, than tiftv per not. of the cases
of supposed mad dogs which cones
under the notice of the Provincial
Board of Health show any infection,
and onle sixteen per cent. of the
people actually bitten by mad dogs
develop hydrophobia. But, as the
Board of Health man says. "few
people earito take the chance of not
being in the sixteen.'
A Wise Saying
Winnipeg Free Press.
"To be clever enough to get Iota of
money," says a writer, Honore Willsie,
in Harper's Weekly. "one must be
stupid enough to want to devote one's
life to getting it.' A neater phrase,
nor one more profoundly wise, boo not
appeared in print for many a day.
Patrocrizing" Premier
Buffalo Courier.
The other day certain labor leeders
called upon SirJamer Whitney, Prem-
ier of Outerio, with reference to legis-
lation theydavor. 'The sensible way,"
said Sir James, "is to let the Govern-
mentioterpret what is best for the
people sod what the people want."
That is a fine specimen of old-fashion-
ed.Coniservative paternalism.
Consumers Will Be Pinched
4); tawa Free Pre.,.
it is uow reported that farmers in
Western Ontario are holding their
cattle for the rise which is expected to
follow the signing of the new United
States tariff by the President.'- These
farmers will gain, while the coneumers
in the towns will pity more. The latter
have only thernselve, to blame, as they
declined the corresponding benefit
abet) it Wili uffered to them.
In Spite of Reciprocity's pefeat
e:..CSt Swine. Journal
t is amusing. more. satirical, to see
published now uncles from day to
announcing that fruit is being
shipped over to Buffalo and other New
York State markets, not in small
quantities. but by the carload. After
paying tbe duty Niagara district fruit -
growers are finding it good business to
ship across the liDe.
More than this, baskets are being
brought in from the State*, carrying
a duty, &refilled with fruit and shipped
back again, and all from a section
wbich gave Mr. Lancaster 1,500
majority against a pact which was
honestly devised and intended to
brae& the MieSee.
What P4rotectise Does
Gnus drewers' Guide.
Protection fine. us when we pur-
chase necessariee of life, and maker'
food, clothing and homes both scarce
and dear. It dee/eases the value of a
dollar, bill and impoetre a burden upon
all workers. It increases the cost of
production in eveey iodustry in Cana-
da and burdens the development of
those industries for which this country
is best suited by nature. Protection is
tbe father of trusts and combines and
the creator of ooe of the worst forms
of special privilege. It enables a few
to anima great fortunes at the expense
of the many and leads unscrupulous
meo 1.0 use corrupt methods to obtain
tariff favors from parliament. Protec-
tion ia a millstone around the neck of
every Canadian (armee
A Hard Luck Tale
Kincardine, Sept. 29 -A story of a
run a unusually hard hick haa reached
here from Huron townslup. The
chapter a misfortunes moony ex-
penenced by a farmer living near the
county border is enough to make hie
neighbors believe that be is being
put -sued by some releutleas "jinx" and
enough to make the fanner himself
adopt a very morose outlook on exist -
o nce, particularly bis own existence.
Here is the stoty :
A few weeks ago the farmer's eldest
son war badly injured when tise
wheel of a threshing elegise broke
loose and fell on him. deareely was
be pronounced out of deeps! whoa
another .on taught Ms bead in a
shredder and had lt chopped ell Souse
days later the barn. wilib • geed poet
of the seasou's crop inside, wee stemma
by lightning andit
• aral h es el a
sumed-(t-oly two days a-
surs.ore had lapsed sad honoree raid.
But the clime: was reached whims
the seighbore eallected a rolist per..
mid smut 10 sive Idea the diesstios.
he generosity of tbe lerseers ensued
ebbtribeted 1111111an4 tere mem wee,
, pseud to take die ellsrleg to the es-
t ity aippeoarbing bis
same the two rad Yes rift to the
.areyard with. male esti- lawmen
tbat a very V•01100M Jersey sow bed
lest ebokod os as apple and was dean.
The downy of the -S•00 wish it was
'NOM beteg coeviserd that their
seighbor will blare need of It.
The redo who impede be gmessed cm
sreipathe will sesely
111.1111111TOBA METHODS
- -
letrednced by Hos. R Rotors in Feder-
al Byreektchoes
Ottawa. Sept. 29. - After fear
months of eacillatiou aod menet prim -
&realm. the Borden Germanised bee
at lait-eleolded to hoe the electors le
two ot the four vacant tidies'. Os
October Ilth Use electors of Ohsteau-
guay and oe the 21st those of East
Middlesex will be called upon to pro-
m:mete their judgment uu the present
Government '1 record.
Hon. Mr. Rogers. whu tright be
called Mr. Borden's -Minister of glee -
lions.'" since his chief claim to digitise -
tion in the Cebinet is his boast that he
can win elections. is taking charge of
the campaign and every one knows
be is not scrupulous as to the method
14 wbich be wins campaigns.
Special efforts are being made by the
Government to win Chateauguay, in
the hope of being able to point to this
as a gain from the Liberal ranky,
since Mr. Brown's majority at last
election was oely 441 East Middlesex
has been continuoualy Tory since Con-
federation and therefore will not re-
quire such expensice governmental
n ursing, Already Hon. Mr. Rogtrs
has visited Montreal several times aud
has been in conference with the Party
leaders there and met deputatious
from Chateauguay.
The methods adopted by the Barden
ringniastem are signiticene nest they
sent to the scene the wo.t notoriously
unscrupulous member of the Govern-
ment to bold seeret meetings with the
local party woekers. The train was
sect etly I eid . Deputations from Chat-
eauguay met the Minister of Public
Works with their demised,, and it is a
carefully published secret throughout
the riding that their demiuds were ex-
tensive and that ale of them were
eagerly granted. Then when every-
thing appeared in good shape, with
the certainty that every possible party
advantage had been clinched by the
Government force., the election was
announced for Outober Ilth, leaving
much lees than a month for tbe cam -
Atari. Not • eingle detail was missed
to &outs the people that the Govero-
mem. was determined to win this bye -
election at any coo of unfeiroess or
worse. It will be interesting to see
how Chateauguay and East Middlesex
fere in the Public Works estimates of
next year.
Crooked Bye-electioss
It will he well for the people of Can-
ada to keep their eyee on Chateauguay
and East Middlesex for the next few
wacky. There has not been a single
bye -election since September 21st,1911.
that has not been marled by inaolent
disregard for all Isere a decency and
public opinion en the part of the Con-
servative workers. Not even Provin-
cial bye -elections have been allowed to the corrupted stream of Tory
crookedness. Itt. not likely the com-
ing bye -elections will be any better,
save in so far as Liberal activity cow -
pets Hon. Mr. Rogers and but hirelings
to stop their bribery and corruption.
This is a record 01 tbe Conservative
Government 111 bye -elections since Hon.
Mr. Rogers introduced "Manitoba
Methods," devised by himself and Sir
Rodmond Roblin for winnitig elec-
South Renfrew
Renfrew South -A "geni_lemeres
agreement" by whirb Hod. G. P. Gra-
ham was to be allowed election with-
out opposition was broken by the
Tories and Mr. Borden's ministers
made strenuous efforts to defeat Mr.
Graham, with Lavish promises of
public wore, and promises of large
expenditure* under the proposed higb-
ways aid bill for good roads through-
out the county. Farmers of the var-
ious districts were told to elect the
Conservative candidate and they
would have 5500 spent in that particu-
lar district. Hon. Mr. Graham was
elected. a.nd South Renfrew got neith-
er public worke Dor money.
The Macdoeald Iniquity
M scdonald, Man., October 12t.h,
1912, generally regarded as tbe most
openly and violently corrupt election
that has occurred in Canada Once Con-
federation. Not only was money
spent by the Tories with reckless °pen-
men, but Liberal workers were dogged
by detectives and bogus pollen:Bete
their baggage searched by gum-eboe
workers and 'themselves iotimidated.
When these high-handed methods
failed, Liberal workers were actually
arrested on trumped-up charges, with
bleak warrants issued by partisan
magistrates, and kept in jail. with all
sone nI illereattsent, until the elec-
tion was virtually over. The election
has oaturally been protested and tbe
bearing of this protest is being staved
off by every device •1 the command of
the Government workers and lawyers.
Richeises Bribery
Richelieu, Oct, 24, 1912 -While vio-
lence was not resorted to in this by..
election as in Macdonald, the most
open bribery was practised, both in-
dividually and generally. Sir Ro-
dolphe Forget, the famous Tory -
Nationalist financier, was wet to the
riding as tbe personal emissary of
Hoe Mr. Roger.. The people of Rich-
elieu had long needed railway. and
this is wbst Sir Rodolphe Forget said
as emissary of the Tory Goverunseut
and piwty-"I pledge you my word of
b000r that if you elect Mr. Morino
(the Conservative candidate, on Menne
day the Marine Railway will be voted
during tbe parliamentary session
which grill he opened next r000th."
Mir Rodolphe prcceeded to declare
that be was speaking as the represent-
ative of Hon. Mr. Rogers aad tbet he
had tbe Minister a Public Work.'
written pledge to tide effecL The
Richeiieu elector' teemed the bribe and
sleeted Mr. Cares. tbe Liberal.
Naturally they did inen=te Harise
RaUway and Sir
tried to sneak est st-en.-0"ps=
meet with the essesemelble Sides
that be bed beim
Illedselsgs Pareardies
Sochrhina. Qua., Nev. le. SW -
This was a byeeleetlos for the ream
of Hoe. LOIlle Ogden. as Seereterp eif
Store Time Uber.I party bed reamed
to oppose hies in the eireesielenes
Bet the Natiosellet end Labor
who bad bees as Oenft duped
the Tory doveremen‘ pen* • need -
dale. mere as a prowt doe with any
Wks of didestieg Mew Hr. Ordsere.
Tet after dim deeds* it wee isd
garrirtoy beige that
bed eggeskiel a system of daha-
=rileserbtlad "equesiser beams. be
ouene his agens. end
wesili Dot "nose acme with the
mireey they demeaned. Hon. Mr.
Omisme merely denied the charges
`sea declared that his asesasere were
el. to bleveokassill him. It was
hower, that he had ad
Mom to them men. eseered eft a
Geweesemest job and promised presi-
der to die Gibers. The lett" dial-
Itieged Me. Codern to
these os the criminal iqz"
mediae. Nearly a Teter has elapsed.
but Hos. Mr, Ck;derre hashes° gied to
Mid his job It tbe expense id tartuab-
ed honor.
Antigua& .- Ili istake"
Andreae!), N. Ie. -Although this
wa• a mere Provincial bye -election in
Nova Se,otia. Hon. Mr. Bogies could
oot keep Isis heeds off. In absolute
breech et all t be rules of dearecy and
official secrecy. • abort tins° before
the electioe the local Tory paper came
out witb a full list of the generous ar-
propriatIoes made by the Dominion
Government for public works in'
Antigonish-to the tune ef $212,U00 .
with roomier -6 of more -long before !
they were preeented to parliament. as
demanded by i he constitution. Nistur- '
ally the pruinises of tbese generous
Too- grants sided the election of tbe
Conservative , andidate to the Provin-
cial Legislature. When taxed in par-
liainent with this grqes breali of his
oath of office. Hon. Mr. Rogers braz-
ened it out by intimatine that the
list had been sent to Senator Girroir
by an oversight, and that it was only
a trifling matter anyway.
GOO Bribes, Too
Mrs. Hamilton Tells How She
Finally Found Health in
Lydia E. Fruikham'a Veg-
etable Compound.
Wanes. lnd. - "I was bothered ter-
ribly with female weakime I had pales
and was sot regular,
my head ached all
the time,' had bear-
ing down pains and
owlets& hurt no the
biggest part of the
time, I Wag dizzy
sad bad weak feel-
ings when I would
stoop over, it hart
me to walk any dis-
tance and I felt blue
and discouraged.
"1 berm taking Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound and am now in
good health. If it had not been for
that medicine I would have been in my
trace a long time ago. "-Mrs. Arne E.
F1•1111 YON R. F.D. NO. 6. Wa/Tell, Ind.
Man.-Altbough this was
purely Provincial bye election hut
May, it was marked by the usual
methods which Mr. Rogers had taught
Premier Roblin of Menitoha. All
kiods of public bribery were used. in-
cluding a definite promise from the
Tory elovernnient that for every dol-
lar spent by the farmers in building
roads the Goveroment would spend
another dollar, -provided they elected
a Tory candidate.
Not a single bye -election has occurred
since the Tory Government came to
power in which that Government was
at all intererted without the sloven
hoof of Hon. Mr. Rogers and his Mani-
toba methods leaving its trail of cor-
ruption and crookedoess. Electors of
Chateauguay and • East Middlesex
must boon t he rilert to prevent their
ridings being disgraced as were Mac-
donald and the others.
Bilinguals and Politics
Toccata fear.
The Orange Sentinel, while it criti-
cises adversely the new bilingual reg-
ulatioess, ai,o Maims the liberal
newspapers. because it says they con-
tent themselvee with cynical remark*
as to the Sop.
We have never concealed our opin-
ions as to bilingual schools, and we
wish to see tbe question discussed and
settled on its merits, not upon party
grounds. We admit that it pregenta
difficulties to any government. But
we believe that these difficulties can
be overcome by a firma and steady
Tbe guiding principle must not be
anti -French prejudice, but a recogni-
iron thet every child in Ontario ought
to learn English at the earliest pos-
sible roomer): Eeglish should be the
language of instruction in tbe schools.
It is found by experience that when
this rule is adhered to, the children
who do not understand English when
they come speedily acquire it by bear-
ing it spoken hy the teacher. It is not
necessary to banish French frorn the
school -room. but it is against the
educational interests of the children
to maintain a bilingiial standard for
any but the youngest pupils.
To carry out this policy. teachers
must themselves have a thorough
knowledge of English, tested by their
ability to teach an eubjects in that
language. The grant should be wale
held unless this is dooe.
The inepectors must be in sympathy
with these eioss-enthusiastic advo-
cates of English teething, tactful and
These are the general aisps to be
kept in view. It is impossible for a
newspaper to enter into every detail
of educatiosel method. Much depends
upon administratiou. The Minister
acd his officials must be held ro
sponsille for the working of the
system. They are entitled to fair
coosideratios, but they cannot expect
to retain the confidence of the public
when they respond alternately to
Orange preesure and Preach -Canadian
pressure. If they desire to keep the
question out of politics -and that is
our desire -they must disregard all
COM I Jemtioss except tbe welfare of
the children.
Mistress - "We g moral I y have
breakfast &boot eigbt o'clock New
Maid -"All right -if I ain't down don't
Another Cass
Magnificent Showing of
New Coats Sylts
Rough fabrics ere the populer weaves for fall end winter coats
and iise we are Dow &bowing • wider airsurtnsent in effects that
are Mihrent from anything regularly .bowleg. Two-tous color com-
binations are promioent In our display. Rxelusive novelties int.
ported slimly and win sot be duplicated. Beautiful atiles of suits
aod separate °Datil at from si2.0wo 25.00
Dress ,Fabrics, Silks, Velvets, Cord veRets
in every :,orrect make and color.
130 0 K
Flemosd. R. L - " I write to tell you
bow much good your medicine has done
use and to let other women know that
three is belp for them I suffered with
bearing down pains, headache, wes Ir-
regular and felt blue and depressed all
the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and commenced to
gain in a short time dad I am a well wo-
man today. I am on my feet from early
morning until late at night running a
; boarding house and do all my own work.
! I bops that many suffering women will
; try y eads,. It seellas
! wives sad anodises. "-Mr.. Ant&
ant. Esmond. Rhode lame/
roodern young man, 'aye a
female critic, has only one good quality
-he is punctual to his nixie,.
Gentleman (entering) - "Do you
work bore, boyr Office -boy -"Only
wheu the governor is looking."
km et THE SIC
W. F. (.
Mir mil feud
pygnpl Comte I
J. R. i
pere rod t
fat OOP
heist. E
P IM m..214)11
WM Gnat.
if '1111121.rh..0
semes Lad c
*Wait we liery,
t84nat. em-
erge third door
AN. barnAir
le tbe X
ised at
Zest erdi
TEEL. saner
Riding Breeches are
mand as the pleasure and
! health of the morning gallop
becomes better known.
! Everything in Tailordom
is represented in the Semi -
ready Tailoring --and what
we have not in stock we make
, to Special Order.
This is a Service Store -
where we do all we can for
you -never satisfied until you
' are satisfied -and cheerfully
ready to win your regard.
Riding Breeches at $9 and
•Rave you seen the new
Book o4 "Cloth and Clothes:
the Sty." There's ::1004r
hereeelagymte Worth
Special Hosiery Values -
'Women • black l'ashinete Hosiery. fall and laic,.
"Pen Angle" make. perfectly weionlese, time Llama yarn 35c
Sizes Se to le. Per pair
Rib Cashmere Hole, famous 1 aod 1 rib. every pair silk
119." Sims 6 to IN. Ranging in ergs* 30c 50c
Ladies' Shirt Waists
New tailored waio • in Linen. Clientung Silks, Vyells F:si Deli
and Messalines, all colors and siore, 1111.25, *1.50 $5
Si2.50 and
Kid Gloves
Direct import of French Kid Gloves in tans, white and :black.
Every size 6 to 7. guseette 1 tenger, and 2 donee fasteners 15c
Quality guaranteed. Specially priced per pair............
Os8. Goleek
at Mae
to. Rearle
"Is she nervous r " Nervous She'd
even jump at a prepoieL"
Write today ter tbe Catalogue of
AIL 1.14./11.1
; 1l.e Om
Ceporatioe, L
ANL 0u
Meta and LI
awl 84. Davi
'tweet, 10e
011oln-J. 0.11
L Hays
e llebers-P. k .
: Join
flee k , k`,1
orator t
J. mezbao.
thwe Grocer)
rhe gentile, COMM abseil be
To -o,10. OW. II will yes to seawyr
evert -vied 5.ollowdogb
r.-...:re.1-cor7inc:c 1 r_- -
be waslIcd
It Leo be used kr pesesevine. :3
see; heating wane. T.eitie„% a ste-"1 f=tuee
:ere h.:port:in colter eci:CT
iseestant once Wren INadara in Lie
ki ci Cireenst Raneae,
Sie.• : : Lex:
It's a
Fine Shoe
The Hartt Shoe is a
"fine" shoe. You can
see it in the choice
kather, in the dreggy
finish, and in the ac-
curate workmanship.
You cs.n feel it in the
comfortable fit.
ALTell E.
MOM 01 /1
-This well -I
Quek an.
U You are n
Tociliak., a cold
2pli_nit flesh
P owered "1.
to rem- d
Y fails to
Ws digest io
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