HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-10-2, Page 10 rata door ala . ,lity Brei... !ring. a.: 'Pedal. rase Hat., stand - ;unity with D d. Special. .. Bute front good Met, fringe syn Special 40c lL al lines ct Just the the horn. I. Sale 1 /a . 1So nary t ,e -fight. tt 1mp.. Specrm! ��1. Q^,• B Oc Isfor rnttt.on up entire of former toes. There rest bargain- ly fftern Take :ton renis ups-• theur • Tale dish Is of Engli.b w ortment cf ranterd fast at per vsod .. .. lOc Dyes 85c cher wear ter pair 86c hear 252 fell t', Soft tir, meat 2Sc iuits gh clam. or black. Of style. $16.50 m DOw and will be just se they tire n4bred yards ems. le per yin DI re. black or easal.5.t et the tkieg at per pair *So ing rstioto .. tst n� l t Fen Months for On Dollar Ile dispel wi bo most to say sew setweribrr M Cambia Or Wig Grusin eta. now te.tJI Jason let, I91.f. ter only One Dem• EITTJOt'ETli YSAi-Iles two a 4 nal. OOD88IOH. TBUBSDA Y. OCTOBKIR 2. 1913 CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put ieto good av suing not • dollar of .xpe.es, but a dollar date intrusted .poo which will receive higher div than trop any other invest meet. The Ronal r the bast Sd.ertldas mat/am ta Hass Omelets L slab WI N Proumazo. SAVE, because - No. 52 Your own common sense tells you that there is trouble ahead unless you do save. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch-ANDKEw PORTER, Manager IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE IN GODERICH consult A. G. N ISBET " who has a number of desirable properties for sale at reasonable prices and terms. orriCE NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF OOMMERCE, GOD$RICH 'Nowise : Orrice ID: House 150. P.O. Box 364 AUCTION SALES LOST OR FOUiip ttsEMIDas. tet bar 11.-AnotYs ' st■i OST. -THE PARTY WHO TOOK ltess.ek ie Dlaorane �.p�.y LOST. web pas at swhddery as bating Eat: Sw: eaooesraso V. =spa, property tie Lela, B•Lt. T.1. ti.olrese. see- WINS boa tablas1• at the Me la rearward te saes tie same to the t eoratary. Petrit blatant 0et.ber t.-AmsYsm sale it brit V01r1.R. 0edoriek. tstam Iepbae.ta, prreste at Mr. Aia. refect r®. at to ttb era. L. D. AmAskt. spews m ail sena. T.oa OttrwSOD- homyT, ���sn. ey pokand t movoimm lsgltet M. H5.L14Preir. Hams eel w 81o.aaT /sem, elammons at 1.14 p. a Two Oce - sr. easboaer. A. WE�1' AWANOSH FIREI\ SURANCECO. tine of the best in the Prov- MsF ised rate of aseeae ueut Live Stock insured so its full value w tether on the farm or sot No t nor ble to make adjust - nest R Mc]LWAIN, ` Nile. r Agent b,r (,.'horse. J GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses "'meet all trains. Private calls have prompt and careful attention. First-class outfits at all times. iassooable pricer. 1HE DAVIS LIVERY T. M. DAVIS Proprietor South Street 'Phone No. as 06T.- oN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER L Mb. • pair d nid-rimmed LOF .pactaelse• I'.ndar Akar Wve at SI(i\ALOPPfi.E 1 t LOST. - IN THE VICINITY OF t�JLub lPark ksso Moloy attsrsea a soil world 4 Y•vlrs;sa� at OFf1Ce will he IL 7 .08T.-OOLLIE DOB, 6 MONTHS JJ VLD. calor tight browi, with whits nook. Saar COO ttrbt hind leg from resect cut Salt star reward for tla.r-ar intermstie. Ieadreg to roosvory. J. L K1LLORA..N, Ge.eeiek. T OST.- ON SUNDAY, SErTgM- L WS NU btwass tbe Iadferd Hotel and ealtbd. • s bsaslito reader will receive reward by lesvbs mime u tbs 810' AL OFFICE. It FOR SALE OR TO RENT VOA BALK. -TWO-STORY HOUSE 1 so- Keays a.ast. ostaiorsd is ssm,. hes raal'trs hath,. Nesaas ani daeU to tlgbu ; th.r..ibl revoked tram cellar to ; tar lot sod small Wo- with ..wefruit- Asper to W. R PINDER. r-tJ- L'OR SALE OR TO RENT. -HOU SIL • os Illeia anima .Nr goWy street. Mod- em ooevsmksoa Apply ti W. H. ROBERT EON. Victoria deeet. r j10 REN T. -A ROOM, SUITABLE 11 for *rookie_ Appy t., MRS. CARTER. over U.Iherw.'e nem 740t REAL ESTATE FOR SAL& w. lave Ger Lehi abort thirty tows Imts. prion reaps hem 130 upworas. aim throe oo.aattt.mt�pww emit either evetness ase slew brow PRO=-DP'OQT, RAYS t YILLORAIf Gods rick amt. fi10 RENT. - A bEA-EN-R.jOMED 1 ROUSE os Newrtate attest ; ail mMsen oev,siasces, Aedr at the retidese b YISIS BLA CRONY . or at TBE 810 NAL 7ala FURNiMHED HOUSE TO RENT Mme Or. ATpplly at I H e SIGN AL�OPTICIL voai HoUsiS FOR SALE. -AN BIGHT - ROWEL) HOUSE • Visuals lase lead one seven mom* home ea Aaphisio sheet heti wilt al menses es.trweswm ; ataW es *eh Abe ase draw maser bbeet- T.YiL1,.' Tmr `.etMsei . '" seer 00. 74-tf RRai DE TL. PROPERTY FOR SAIL -The Ii.Oto low isle. Ose.ory knows s Sia A Ar ear Comers sod Hap. sYarbw 0S h melee;ammo tlrUw Im fkee4dam raper; veraeietri � mnianna.Oe.�b tem. r 1. RYAllOseee1e �� DUNOANNON a�-Flog ACBEf3 oB FALLF°�'""oP.M�`lr�',= a °�'`m'e ars a ordwoliNrS hwlsa rear EXHIBITION �,a,p..`.,Mr�,�p.,w (r ( W ew .. A M111.IAlot. Ds'P Oct. 2nd and 3rd, 1913 i I i71� F° NAST Thursday and Friday y� OR SALE -THE ■oprkeWew Dl ass al m ;Me ma ▪ a boom born $200 offered in prizes for Speed Tests heed d IA M 1.. :L4 4Ms .me�• r�sand sweelas. I Boa. KSDtmsid wM e t ow of Pebbly. • ahL Om as riliCerszI .~ k.lr�snntb`4 ho Idedarlab UL L D lobi �B' as• ' >6sie saw et ?& aglsrt .t MIL 111A1... LIR. iA MoILWA N. .,i ..w�a HATS s PUBLIC N M& Llit AI4GE nE BUSINgtS. - NAV - Me �+u.''i ereblikmN l Mss a.s1Ni �. Me are •w twat wefts at moan -J. W. LTH. B B ONE OF US AND MEET OUR made email wast re aced nit para a adIle •i baton with saw. ora My les www and t� -tt emelt, noisn be a tin U. P. 0. D 00111. - BURSA WI Y.Q U. P. O. ! Ola. F OR 8 A GOOD MILCH Oban* Ase to bilat . 0.4. SHAM. RI* SALE. - PORTABLE 14 H.P. drive ttas a lean Is aet.•im wasitea order. mmeause s Mower. comeigass ter Salm Mot on trod* w SI fist ; waw •aeon wed tan. peas awl ben gyp0 wm bas the motive see. My ,sa.s.. for odMwa at twhG. rmc tSce is that r harrower*** a thrwa- tarp oath JAMES CRIB UH LY. Donama. NAL VOTERS' LISTS, 1911 MUNICIPALITY PALITY Or THE TOWN OF GODE- RICH. COUNTYHURON OF HURO pleasNottse t• hereby . tram - aimed se Mamma to tie Semi ss� iswastlesst las oestene Ms miens Tame lets Aet r•Oglne kir d . . s M • lbs else a at wiz% a[ l est. male1.k. per - snot to said AM, d all Presse �eaefsg h� the last perked amesmest n11 al the call municipality to be atslid M w... to IM said imesMipatits .t -'-I.-- Ike srmeees d the L teadoUve Arawlpy ern mat momiYiesl also- logMiro rel that tie M Ran. wee se thpined e s fre.w HO, and rules there ter 1r xtiam. Asd I hereby sal ape all voter* to take im ''cabala psaesdL. b Nape ass errs* or trimimismeDem .1Oedema' *IOWA IOammAd *law. tembet. LLKNOX Clot of Town of Goderich. CARD OF THANES ('ARD OF THANKS. -MR. AND kJ nets. FLBhHLR (ALDERS delve to more.. their Amore *no* to their neighbor. and fries& for the kindly not. and tokens of .ympat by shown on tbe occasion or tee death of their coo. Garnet They gratefully appreci- ate tke.e all the more in tae absence of tie hu.b.nd and ether in the weft, and feel It a duty to emits this pull. acknowledgment IMIDENOB AND BARK PROP - FOR SAL several w pled Web ma oo le Srort �� .rIm l e me kayo FOR81L&-LOT 00014 Ea=smemais 1111isn ' 4itI) Or' THANK/A.-WE WISH to ack.owladge the peowensms and court- esy of the Metropolitan 1.x4. Io Com- pany 0t stow Vara eel Ms bed saar . IDark. ie Maw tie psalp all iswr0aaha r o0+Uy dneassd day titerMary The amemt mil was Leser than oar and the sttiemest was =sae wtthio a tjie see0rwtatfaaof Unthaws. YR. and SITUATIONS VACANT: WANTED. -A CARETAKER FOR TT CENTRAL PUBLIC rot BOOL Datil may be saoerrafae1 at tl.rreaT'r sake aid sarro to mamoomed at peen Balers VIM Per AppliamallialseretaisNet lam sas la the bores et saw taa:elt srar.oaab.ree. Hq A STHAITO&. t(emsseev. 71-5 30 GIRLS WANTED ler moss Isgrrtment lied wawa Helsby sew ta-y.ii f elm& time. Aderwor ler P. 8. PERBIN i COMPANY. Idaitad, 73 -1m hoodoo, Ontario. FOR SALE L'OR RALE. - SINGLE COMB L' want LECHIOKN,l. 21 hese and id e.ekerah: ro k-. 15 beo. at rea.mmabli prima L. 1L DUHST, Benmiller. 11. A 'l PT. a s• ine • eamie s lit SALE. -A SOUVENIR BASE- BURNES BTOV L in fr -eleas oosditias 68. b FOWIIL Metasysee. WHEEL FOR SALE. - THIS wiled bas bees owed for only a abort while. sad w be sold eke no kw es*. Apply to MB. ARTHURMacslATH. Bettaa.1 road, OaawtieY, It AUCTION SALES A UOTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD t1 FURNITURE. Yr. J. A. Rsmb1B he. instructed m.e te milky public osetlee an lei tw.see. C.ss6Aa road. w 3i..dsr. oeOMer eta. st otootop. a.. the 05- imam: tame tales te erste maiseme. tar souses soder sato b weld maa-wssr. Embalm, amber Mena mk files= Mute esosialaiof MAW otls•makla . mIceed pond exandballeble. est on Omer deMy piss book k s • baboons. wain esetelaa.40= weeper. Wadies Wealuco amber. . l mbar. sew law newer. Radom sada bees Oa. sal may am 8 trams tee .amens 4 THiUS. OL'NDBY. Audlwwer. AUCTIONS BALE OF FARM i+fTOCK, IYPLLIIENTs. Wo- Ma Mate B _ T st Nt f Ori oda L D. wooled ea eemmsis et 1 e Mme. se Wer• NUMB lifemagt yeesemw tort/ wild 1 s..aral I Fens t li : f yasr" CAYTLI 1 Came rain .14. Iles se vrw D+��brr e taais2a.Mes. mto es�'sY �Y1►� (LAymweorf w le oval ma 1 Oew. i lease 1 Ow. louse tt 11mesartnrCor .rel... Mies a •ft t mmlele1 �d •t1 11101,arts �s1 Ommlelt dellsomit mrsg► WIN Misr line BOARS OF TRADE ENDORSES BYLAW "Moved by Mr. Chas. C. Lee, seconded by Mr. J. W. Kitts, that this Board of Trade approve of the application of the Goderich Organ Co. for a fixed assessment of $20,000 for ten years, and urge the ratepayers to support it." This resolution was passed unanimously at a meeting of the Goderich Board of Trade held this (Thursday) evening. A Special Offer Groat three days' optical sale of high-grade gold -filled -rimmed s pec - Metes and eyeglasses, with best spherical lenses, for $1.50. Sold in regular way for K3.5U to 115.00. Eyes examined free by Mr. liughson, form- erly optical manager Kent s jewellery store. Toronto. Sale begins Friday. October 10th, and will close Monday, October 13th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Sor'ti's ART Srost L lioderich. T. ANTED -as A It M HELP AND DOMESTIC 1 a l 81:;... 5101 1 . Pores•. sa.sldet sew tL- *sold ad moo to IDG i lt; O wpm t0e yca au miss. ih-tf ANTED TO BUY. -CO MPORT- ABLE 004)85. eves ce eiStt rooms, all t.R+vommeata. Moldy bested. with .table. Will pay ea* ler wettable plane. W. 4. POWFLT 7i1f 1est Onesiii l;L4?�mlZ t Ltr.i!• sesmsier: ; 1 eel. :1 e. 1 GODERICH MARKETS. w�1aar.(t.� TstammaT Oct Set. osia.rHtmasekvbwirot /Ker ► b S • 01 t. 0 r .014 ow 4•t• alt 4510 000 5 �beii� /ass 0 ai r 4 8) !r4 b40 �atrt sift sr per .urs! M 4 700 ta•a nee �0ttr. On aro 25 1 Hal Ow aeR Nw 15 10 b 10 » Melsperrid 60 MU ea 0Us o10 OI C1�.....parD., 087 New Clswsw 001710 0 1D 1pAjl �jer hl ds .:..... s s0 w 0 zt Now Por.t.a... portended. oAV 5s0e0Catty.,« 7Mfaad.per cwt. s soCatlir axsat.per ora..... . . e SI5 .' ..... ,. 470 per .. i 00 K n Otto 005 Inns , 900 th 4 ee Ste t) le Ple ro.r twoe=oemsrolloo.• ant wearier* evertor oltig .fars T. AIiI. frAmiebe"f .11 THE conoucx ORGAN co. BYLAW I VOTING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 To THE i:DiTOR OF THE SIGNAL, - As you ars aware from the advertisemeIlt ap- pearing in the local press, the property owners of our town will be asked to vote on the bylaw grant- ing a fixed taxation to The Goderith Oman Com- pany, Limited, for a term of ten years think it is only fair to the ratepayers to ex- plain the position. -n that they may decide what the town. and tbey as citizens will gain by voting in support of the bylaw. Our Company was started in 1889 by a number of our merchants and citizens, who despaired of making our town pay as a summer resort, and wished to see it grow so a factory town. Like most industries without capital, the directors, after three yeah jot losing t.usinese, offered the plant for sale. The writer. in partnership with the late James Clara and James A. McKay. bought the plant in Novem- ber. 1892. since which time the factory has been operated continuously. without a breast except those caused by fire, employing from 50 to 12.5 workmen. In 1902 the Company suffered a heavy loss by fire. the factory being completely wiped out. The Council of tbe town, and the Board of Trade. recog- nized that it would be a serious blow to the town to lose such k progressive industry and have it go to other towns, which were offering inducements to have it locate with them. They approached the own- ers and finally agreed to make a loan and grant exemption for ten years. This period of exemption having expired. the Company is now asking the ratepayers to grant • fixed assessment of twenty thousand dollars. which. together with the business tax, will amount to thirty thousand dollars. Fur the past ten years our taxes have amounted to 1312.00 per annum. Under the fixed assessment asked for. we will pay at the present rate *870.1)) per annum for the next teen years. making the town the gainer of $558.00 per annum. The ratepayere have already granted a fixed se- ressment to two of our important industries, and proportionately to the busioem tracacted we will pay a larger amount than either of them. We feel we are treating the town generously and expect generous treatment in return. This. however, is the smallest part of the gain to the town. it is the in- tlatio0 of the Company to build additions to the pilot if the fixed assesement is granted. Every ad- dition means the employment of more labor. and adds to the general prosperity of the town. If • stranger Deme to our town to establish an industry. and only asked the c nesseion we are asking. i am convinced the ratepayers would readily grant it. 1 have meet nearly all my life in our town. bare been devoted to i4 highest inaeroes.'pent my time sad energy to the development of this It. par - eat iodsetry, and have invested my earnings in the iswn. I haus always stood foe the progress sad de- veio,meet of our industrial activities. Mhetakes may have been made. bet on the whole our town is to be eotgratulated es tbs program made. The measole of moons ebieh is ours toe- the seeking bre sat bass aeblevad, aid I bops to see in cur midst r the stet few yams a goodly number el le- duserias styloylslt lsrRe sumbrw of workmen. 1 we .vary y repmq.•wsr wbo wishes to nae his tap rase redwood to as tit, end vote 1s unit of t bylaw so a wordy beim y.a*aitl... and eaeso• asps ether ,rosyssllve emperors of labor no Nesta v ser aldol Ny iwter..te aro itMti8od with tie town. i web 10 smirks bole aid hay M bglM it up. Brow no by your vote Inst 1 bawl your s„wvaL Very body ,nous. ALQ. SAUINDERS, Pod psi, eadmi s. igM• !,r lflllal. Tba a+doeldl Osis Ow, 1Ambed EPWORTH LEAGUE - AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Workers of God Bich District Hold Cos- vennoo at Hdmeville The annual Epworth League and Sunday school convention of she Godench district, hell in the Metho- dist church, Holmewvill,, on Monday and Tuesday of last week, was one of the best ever held in the district. The convention opened Moods morning, the president, Rev. A. W. Barker, of Seafortb, in the chair. The morning session was for the most part taken up with reports, registrations. appointment of busibeas committees, etc. The afternoon session was opened by the president, whose address was bright, helpful and interesting. Ex- cellent addressees were delivered al this weetiog by Rev. T. &' Sawyer, of Sparta ; Rev. .1. E. Hunter, of Dungannon, and Rev. F. H. Langford, field secretary for Sunday schools and Epworth Leagues for the Province of Saskatcbewen. Atter tea , the secre- tary spoke again on "Personal and Team Work in Evaugelism." At the evening service the secretary spoke on ••Our Call to the Home Field" and Mr. J. A. Irwin, of Clinton, on "Our Call to the Foreign Field." The "Morning Watch and Bible Study" on Tuesday morning was taken up by Rev. J. E. Fold, of tioderich, chairman of the district, aid during the' session papers were given on "The Junior, Our Under - worked Mine," by Mrs. A. W. Barker ; "A Study in Committees," by Rev. Mr. Langford ; ••Christian Steward- ship, a Solutiop of Our Financial Difficulties." by Rev. H. Willaas. of Nile ; "How to Maize the Weeknight MretingGo," by Itev.'Ir. Seery. r. The afternoon e-ee•t;.0 was opened by Rev. 5. J. Alit). of Ciintou, and Miss M. A. Bailie, of Nile. gave a most , interesting paper on "The Valle and Method of study Classes." Rev. R. J. McCormick. pastor of the Holwesville church. gave an address on 'Teacher Training 'The Challenge or Our Fourth Department' was the subject 11 of a stirring addre-s t,y the secretary. He also talked on the .uhjeecct "What Can We Do '" and Rev. Mr. Sawyer gave an inspiring talk oa "What Shall We Try to Do r After the evening meal Rev. Mr. Sawyer gave a talk tin Consecration. The opening exercises of the evening service were conducted by Rev. Mr. 8nowdeu, of Varna, and the principal address of the evening was given by Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, Exeter. president of the Conference. This was followed by a fellowship and consecra- tion service led by the pastor. The following are the new district officers : Hoo. -president, Rev. J. E. Ford, Goderich ;president., Rev. R. .1. Mc- Cormick. Holmesvine ; 1st vice. Mie Creeie Elliott. Bayfield ; 2nd vice, Miss M. Erratt, Auburn ; • 3rd vice, Miss Gertrude Reid. Seeforth ; 4th vice, Miss Mabel R Clark. Clinton ; 5th vine, Mrs S. J. Attic, Clinton ; serretary, N. W. Trewartba, Holmes- ville ; representative to Conference. Rev. A. W. Harker, Meatortb. There was a good tally of workerr from every pert of the district, every sermon t.sr.g well attended. Eacb address was full of belpfuloese and in- upitatron, the discussions were lively and enliebtrning and the whole con- vent i -.n misled with enthusiasm. l'be goof people of Holwwesvilkvade most getter tots and hospitable armage- meats, for i•n'..rtaining the and dories both dayr served l and snow in the basement to ail wbo would remain. Much of the success of was due to the who mals each ample prc- vbdss. 10 the semen tsese who had 1 be seeaysesHt et abs seestinpts in hand. sod w bbt4 lid enthusiasm shown ty.1aheenghe 1 tions taking part The Aaiesswllls mak choir led Use sliming stabs evening seldom* of Lae ss ntentiss.ru.401105encs± tion Ste Seel 1111611dOkr. TO. Moms L bb sew• woo adult one evening. rim Rsbd, of SssMtetb. eosLribstt�sdd a min as did Wes Miss Osiers, a visitor Is tbs sigh - THE ORGAN COMPANY BYLAW The Signal has no hesitancy in ad- vising the electors of Goderich to vote for the Goderich Organ Co. bylaw OD Saturday Dell. it is a business prop- osition, and we believe it will be good business for the town to give the Company the fixed asreasment which it asks for tin yews. During the past ten years the Company hes been pay- ing an average annual taxation esti- mated at somewhat over $500. By the bylaw now uoder consideration the Company's taxation will be in- creased by over 1500 annually. It is to be expected that during the ten years to come the Company will make further extensions and improvements, from which the town, at the eod of the ten-year term, will reap • direct benefit in a further increase of the Cowman y'a taxa.on. It may be said that the Company would make tbeae extensioos without any encouragement from the town. This may be so or it may not be so. Without a fixed assessment. the Cem- pany,every time an enlargement or im- provement was under consideration, would have to face the certainty of an iocreaaed taxation, and this might be s sufficient obstacle to prevent the con- templated enlargement or improve- ment. It 1. to the interest of the town to make such conditions as will encourage the Company to build larger, produce mote good'', employ more workman and' increase 'the amount of business dune in the town. The fixed assessment is tbe cheapest way we can see of doing this. It would be to tbe advantage of the town to adopt a permanent policy of granting fixed assessment. to manu- facturing industries. The town wants all the factories it can get, and it would be an inducement fcr capital to locate here if it were assured of mod- erete treatment in the matter of taxa- tion. Some day the principle of ex- empting improvements irvm taxation will be ge(netally apolied, and the warkiuern,n will t e able t.* paint his house..•r put up a c-:tandab,cor Wild an extra -i, t. to 1,1- dw-c.liu;, without baying his industry and enterprise rewarde 1 with an increase of taxes. We haven't got that far yet. but the day is couliog. In the meantime, the voters of Goderich should look at the Organ Company bylaw as an opportunity to help the town by encouraging one of its mast important industries, and The Signal hopes they will come out as early as possible on Saturday and toll up a large majority in favor of the bylaw. MARRIED xiste-.a1rrg.-Ao.w0 t s,...� all "`'dMw♦'' w/ u. C•mrsl Lbw al The Signal is informed that some ratepayers, in discussing the Organ Company bylaw, are -unconsciously. no doubt -placing the assessable value of the Company . property at alto- gether too high a figure, thus making the proposed fixed aevessment of 180,0011 look altogether too low. Under any cireumstancee the machinery and stock of the factory are not aosessabie, any more than household furniture is. The land and buildings alone are liable to taxation. Mr. Saunders. in his letter to the elector,. estimates that his taxes under the new bylaw will amount to 1870 yearly. Mr. Saunders has forgotten the r.cbcv.l taxes, on wbicb be receives no exemption, and his tax bill will be considerably larger than he has figured it. Another m•sapprrbeniic,n which is said to Ise r.rrrent is that the 820,000 mentioned in tbe bylaw ii, a bonus to the Company. This is an entirely misteken ilea which would be correct- ed by a reading of the bylaw. The proposition is. briefly, that the anese- meat of the Company for the next ten years .hall be fixed at *89.000. on which the company is to pay. "in addition to all ordinary taxes, the enet0miry business tax betted upon acid fixed assessment." Reboot taxes will be paid upon the full ae.eaement of the (.owpany's property, whatever that may be from year to year. -ED. Statist. ly0aoD011AL .-Aa boon d tar w ��Ti.a� es14.Q. OteD. lux'*! t as- - . Alta - e' a lm r rear. Cai1�T.-AO .rs SusIlt z srteedltw. lira Ie .m m. yarn' t4..rts efO.i► beweedelp. .. ot ttrl Wm► M d. D. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --Oct 2nd. Paso Cams Hee.-P. L R_55j . s A 8ssrt-Peal Haat Poultry far gab- H. 1H.Dont 1 Vetere UMs-L L Him t Spsetwm Le-Lesv..t prod chem 1 Odesist Haseo 1 spit .....d Austin 4lNe--Alis. Peen t Maser Cons -D. YSi.r s how s Clsaaing Md Papertib-46m, Pater s Neese IsAs.t-Any at Tho Sipa ....«1 nesse-PteL Deow sad ... s NNles ewe rot/ hbr+..-a. t o per..... Awake sols -.7. A. •••04111. 1 Mow be lisle-llas. a_? s...... l wsaeh Tab Inns-a.w Paso 1 A.....r.eaesa- tl..ei.t Mora Lass AM0 OMtltlog ter More wed nor• -Mayos tow1 Rotes 4m.Il AMestles-lAB themes Teamed SOr-asbemo Her. S Dap tensa. L mares ..... .. 1 Cad sf Tfmsse-Mr. eel lila VIM. -. 1 A *.mal ODrr-Ills: ■.isms ............ lmorlek East- figsarfer Sale -Arris Maoslssb .......«..• AOrsrsetabea r Is -T. IL G A. len= 114st-ears Hmms.k 1 Nor.' Weald -W y. Pews 1