The Signal, 1913-9-25, Page 6• TilliolinuT..tttev 11. tw
There's no fuss or bother
about getting a meal, with
Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes
in the house.
Always ready to serve, fresh, tasty
and nutritious.
Sold by all Grocers at l0c the
package. Look for this
The Best Place
for Shoes
It will be no trouble for you to find among our
different styles a shoe that is thej'ight shape, pattern,
leather and price tosuit you..
Added to this, every one of them has the;genu-
ine mark of quality.
We feel sure we can meet your requirements
for Summer Footwear, no matter how particular you
Call on us for your next pair. You'll be glad
you did.
Downing & MacVicar
The Signal will be sent to any address it
g Canada for one year for only $t.00.
Send in your subscription now.
and beauty-te prevent wrinkles and : mei w's�
feet" and deep black circles under the eyes -`4
nothing is atguod as
Give it a fair trial for banishing those distressing pajas
[itchy or
en one's vitality. This preeeeipwn of Dr. Pleree's regulates all the
womanly function.. It eradicates and deet eve "Poem* Compla;ut " r
weekasesse that steaks women miserable sed .id lmewe their time. Every ski
no. it before w.asadmod. Every nether teed. it It is an i
for the tassel. system. All medicine dealers have .sial it with�M�t. tw
asetomere ter the past 10 years. It is crow obtainable Is *mid er tg`9st tees
eddrog etoree-or .end 50 one -wont .tramps ter trial beet. M R.V. Pow leasi`'
)•iiia ilii ICZ'S lffiASAWT llSil!
sag m3Ye and fevIcnewl0e Mumsmdi. liver ami harie sig.'
.lige-' «aMd. they irammess. sissy es Gobs as si m4.
F1041 aussIONF
-a Sak that stays dry and free running.
lent this the Salt you have always uranied
all the year round -and eapecially In
Regal' Snit Is the Men rein et
windier see prepared - new WOOS=
Med palest arm minici Table Seit
ergs SIGNAL , a Kana ONTARIO
. �M ■ era r6..�i...r..a
NNW Dsa,�w Wee
glad mod NewNN WhMe DeitsMq
Mia. J. H. 1 Taylor. of ltootreai
shot sad 3111.4 ber daughter. Mrs.
]lurid W. Mortise, and seriously
weuadd bsr 14-yearold grandchild.
Isla Nortoa. also of Montreal. about
e ta o'oloek Sunday morales. at Alez-
. i&. One. *bile they were asleep
at the borne of her eon, J. A. H. Taylor.
IM then slot herself, but act fatally.
Mn 'Taylor, her Imbue. daugbter
sad granddaughter arrtved to Alexan-
drta ori Saturday eventns oo a visit
cad it all appeared to be • happy
Wally reunion. The dead woman's
husband, who Is privets eecretar7 to
Manse R. Hoerner of the C.P.R b
oa the ocean enroate to England.
hers. Taylor had been suffering for
e ases Ume from melancholia and Is
tbeugbt to have become suddenly de-
mented. She could give no motive for
the deed cad is held in custody In
bn soles home. s
A verdict equivalent to mansiaugh-
t was returned by the coronet's lure
lfooday. Mrs. Taylor sat placid
lilt vaunt -eyed dunce the hearing.
Japan Warned the Would Have to
War Against China Alone
China's acceptance of Japan's do -
mends in connection wtth the killing
of serene Japaeae at Nanking is con-
fined thus far to minor points. No
answer has been received at fokto
W the demand for en apology for in-
sults directed against the Japanese
ftlefore presenting the demands the
apanye Foreign Oce sounded
t Britain regarding Der attitude
In the event of military action being
teethe. and learned that Greet Britain
would view It with apprebesatoa. as
.oeh action would be .hely to en-
courage the partition of Clens among
the powers. The British Government
propulsed its support to Japan diplo-
maUo ally et Pekin in the demand for
tnnetnatty and apology, but refused to
osontenanoe military or naval action.
Tragic End to Friendly Bourne --Titled
Gardener Dead up North
Mr. 1. W. Struthers. a Toronto drug-
died last week from a rupture of
the bowel caused by a light tap on
&he abdomen which he roeived while
playitjlly boning with a small boy.
Antoine Datgneau. a thrasher, aged
60 years, hanged himself at Tilbury
While insSpondent.
Mr Jehn Stuart. a well known in-
suraaoe man and financier dled at
Toronto last week. aged 83.
Count Wilhelm von. Talkenburg, who
for some years has sold farm produce
p• Halleybury market died last week.
fie was one of the early settlers. of
the district.
Mr. Charles M. Arnold. prominent
in the commercial life of St. Cathar-
ines for nearly three-quarters of a
century, died Friday to his ninetieth
n ear.
E5 -Aid George W. Armstrong of
London died in his 72nd year
The death occurred on Saturday at
Montreal of James Ross, the well
known railway contractor. engineer.
capitalist and art connoisseur. Mr.
Ross had been sufferiag from beart
trouble for two weeks past. He was
66 years old.
Quartermaster -Sergeant T Stanley
Harris of Ottawa was accidentally shot
e nd killed at the Rockcltffe Ranges
when a ride exploded unexpectedly in
the hands of Sergeant Robert Junes.
May Abandon Post
It U reported in London that General
Btr ian Hamilton is being considered
for the position of Commander -in -Chief
In India in succession to General
Creagb. who retires 1n tbe spring. His
probable selection. It 1s said. will be
due principally to the tact that the
Government is anxious to save the
550,000 a year which they are obliged
to pay out for the post of Inspector.
3enent of the Overawes Pttrces. It
le probable that on Hamilton's age
potntment the ornamental post of
Inspector -General of Overseas Forces
will be abandoned
Suspect Releaesd
The six persons under arrest to
ooanectioo with the Rubenstein near -
dee mystery ■t Ottawa were W re
leased from custody on Thsrs
Provincial Inspector Oris
sow In charge of the ease. to working
on a new clue wblcb developed out
of Nathan Shapiro's evidence at the
inquest. The suspects ars a party of
white girls with whom the book-
makers were nut for an auto ride on
bks night of Rubenstein's disappear -
Geld Find Reported
After searching 22 years tor goid.
Joke Ghetto. sited 72. arrive" at 5d-
isoatos last week wlUt the news that
bA lest he had reached Blidernila
substantiate his statemesdrhe bromilit
several gold miasma. seem over aa
oases In weirtit The district le
tliosilit to be north at ths otid or
stool oa the MacLeod Sher.
waists lortifte
ettlams of Niagara Pans at a mum
meeting derided to atessoriatter the
presently' the Mabee et Ntagare Palls
es the prayer site ter the erection et
the Memorial Midas eolobrstdas the
ear headred years' pease.
toile& (Were hes sereptud
n▪ oose, ut the Presbytiorl•• Cheryl la
tired (*me have boas apostate.
greed ember Simms aisd areal masher
wit Orsisd Least at
of oeveamalos soapiest= the Ma•
Tomato Cattle Market •
lwreeentsthle prices are:-
230poet cattle. choice lie .60 to K. T6
■Hort balls 6.00
[catcher cattle. choice6.60
do. mediu 6.60
do. mamma 6.00
Butcher cows. choke2.26
da stream 4.00
Oammoa Bows 3.00
Censers 3.60
Stitcher balls 4 4.26
do. median 4.34
Poiogna bulls 1..76
reeding steers 4.76
Stockers, choioe 4.76
do. medium 4.00
do. light 2.10
Milkers, choice 55.00
do. medium 36.00
Springers. choice 55.00
do. medium 30 00
Bering lambs 7.25
Sheep, tight ewes 4.00
do. heavy ewes 2.00
do. yearlings 4.75
Dans 2.00
Sacks 3.00
Hogs, f.o.b. 9.65
do. fed and watered10 00
do. delivered 10.35
Mims 6.00
Bob calves, each 2.00
Farman' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at St- Lawrence
Market, Toronto -
Fa11 wheat, bulb el ....$ 99
Data . 40
Doose wheat 96
Parley .68 60
Buckwheat .52
Rye . 66
Peas .90
Rye straw 19.00
Straw, bundled 16.00
ritir, loose 9.00
y, new. No. 1 16.00
Ray, new, No. 2 14.00
legs. new laid.26
Better, dairy • .26
do. oreamery .28
Pawl, dressed. lb .17
Ducks .18
Turkeys .20
Geese .16
Spring chickens .. .20
to $1.00
8 ring ducks
live chickens
do. ducklings ' .16
do. turkeys .20
4. teas .16
Potatoes, new, bushel1.20
Dressed hogs 11.00
W inter Fair at Dueler[
Preparations are well under way foe
tb, holding of the thirtreotle annual
Ontario provincial winter fair en he
held in Guelph on Dkeember Orb to
12tb. The premium lies, whit b is sow
to hand, shows a vet attractive claire-
lineation and & con.idereite iecreser in
the amount of prise mosey ofleted
over On mer 'outs. [lever•[ r etre sec-
tions have been added in t bs home
depaatwetet. la the daisy cattle sec-
tion, the pias have Mea increased in
several emotions. In the amine dr
partw.ent last year, a class wee pro-
vided one, for 'easy other breed, grade
cremes." This year the rimier. ate pro -
tided for "any other purebsed," mod
one f.'r "grades or erosive of guy
hired." In the poultry department,
*renal etagere been. been atleed and
the pr.zes for dueka air to ire i. creased
.00 aceerding to the number of entries
00 as is DOW the case io the classes fax
• e "'Quite Quite a nualter of county counrils
are offei ing especial prises for stoat* ur
17.00 ezt.ibitute from their countiee, every
Toronto Grain Prices.
The following wholesale prices art
quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wbeat-No. 1, 92e; NO 2,
Manitoba Oats -No. 2. C. W.'s,
39Rc; No. 3, C W.'s, 381ya
Ontario Wheat -Ric to $6c outside.
Ontario Oate-New, 22c to 33c, out-
side; 36e to 27c.•.rack. Toronto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, 79*4c. c.i.f.. bay
Peas --No. 2. 90c to 95c, car lots,
Buckwheat -No. 2, 52e to 52e, out-
Rye -No. 2. Ole to 60c. outside.
Barley --For good malting barley,
62e to 54c. outside; feed. 48c to 49c,
Rolled oat • per bag of 90 lbs,
32.25; in smaller lot, 32.26; per bar-
rei, 34.95; wholesale Windsor to Mon-
Millfeed-Msnitoba bran. 322 to 323;
bags. track. Toronto; shorts. $24 to
326; Ontario bran. 322 to $23 in bags;
aborts, $24 to 825; middlings, 326 to
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Steer's. 19 to 19.26; shippers,
18.36 to 38.25; butchers. $7 to 38.75;
cows. *3.76 to 17.60; bulls. 88.25 to
$7 50; heifers. 86.50 to 38.50; stock
heifers, 15.25 to $675; stockers and
feeders, 36 to 87.40; fresh cows and
springers. steady. 336 to 190.
Veale -36 to 812.60.
Hogs --Pigs. tee tower; heavy, $9.10
to $9.40; mixed, 89.60 to 39.66;,
$3.73 to 39.65; pigs. 37.60 -to 30.60;
reesits, 18 to 88.10; .tags. $6.60 to
r/.50; dairies. 39 to 39.50.
Sheep and Jambe --lambs, $6.60 to
=7.60; yearlings. 34.50 to 34; wethers.
$ to $6.16; ewes. $3.60 to $4.10; sheep,
mixed, 34.75 to 25.
Chicago Live Stook
Cattle -Beeves. 37.10 to $9.36; 'Pews
steam, 37 to 33.10; .Lockers and feed-
ers. 33.40 to $3; cows and betters.
33.Te to 33.76; calves, 33.60 Co 111.76.
Hog, -Light, $2.40 to 30 23; mired,
37.01 to $9.200; heavy. 37.10 to 39.56;
rough. 37.30 to 36: pigs. >K to 33; bulk
of sales. 31.10 to 33.76
Bhaap--Nave. 33.76 to 14.$01 �[s -
tart, 33 M to 34.30; yearnsgs. H•%8ti
V 36.30; lambs. native. $6.0* to 37.0;
.[Recti. Kat to 37.45.
Choose llsrloshs
wstartowa, 24 T.--Chease sales.
OK hoses at to 11Ie; os
Oliva* tones.
Ilatiovnio-1,160 white Wand; 760
Mel balsam refused. 11e-
Loades-471 bests st Mama all
offered. 1de maw Wass.
Cottle at Meatresi
Pr** booms, PA to MN per
to II%
116 to 6
Ilbesp. sheet W. leisha. dig to 11%
Bow 10e.
Wan Woe Dereettve
The jory whit* segalred tbe
Peterhere wss usable to Os the blame
ter the eetastrootte apse aay pore's
test said the wall wide! mimeos"
va• kV pews WI sod very poorly
section of tbe premier list b•irg
supolen.ented by one cr more of three
county specials. A copy "f the ldet
may be obtained upon application to
the secretary, ler. R. t1. Wide,
Pal liament PJuiidinp. Turoen.
Flo wiser. ly saere'.ful has Ort ice
been le. fly's e•e g the victims of tl•e
"Drink bele. into «ober end useful
citizen[,, KEN Lacs etr.rea igen c(mllLtence-
fe itr Curative power, that we want
toempha.ise the fret that Orrine" is
sold under this positive guavantl e. 1f,
after a trial, 700 get no benefit, your
money will le refunded. Orrice costs
only 11.00 per box. Aft for Free
Booklet. F. .1. Butiand, Godeticb.
There is mere catarrh in tnta 6eet403 of th e
eosatry than all ether diseases pat together.
and until the'a.t few years era. soppamd to be
inesrabie. For a great nosey rears doctor•
proaoaaced it a, sod Comm
soand oro"^riled
=medic*. aril by Toon-lenity fai!•t,g to
cure with local trratmen• pro.ourwte'I 1, in
curatrie. Scene. baht proven ratan h :o be a
coast itut!tteal dims• and th.'cfnre r•quirt a
constiiutioa.l treatment. Halt. Catarrh
maaafaotured br J. F. l Matey It ('o.. Toledo.
Obi., is vb.. only esi' at Wool core on 'be mar
tet. /t is taken internally
ternally in dear hem tea Trop.
toe temp w fat. It set- directly as tat a'oad
and aOocosasurface* of thea•tam. They ,.der
one bo Bred dollars for any ease it fafle to etre.
Send for Wrestlers and fetlinnai.t•.
P. J. CHRVKY a ('O. Toledo. 0.
Sold ley drugr*M•. 7!i
Take Rad'. Family Pills for con tipatlan.
Yr. J. Hoover is enjoying a visit
from Rev. and lilts. Basle gad son, of
West China. Mr. Earle is a miesioo-
ary under the de ect ion of the Meth-
odist church.
At tt.e meeting of tbe Maitland
Presltytery last week arrsngeteroi^
were mode for the induction of Rev.
Mr. Boyle. the new Presbyterian
minister, cal'ed to Reign' reand Calvin
churches. The date is October fhb.
The introductory services of Rev.
Mr. Page. the new rector at St. Jobst'.
rhurrb bete, were well itstained. and
the outlook is favorable. lira. Page
and son will arrivefrom Montreal next
tnonth, often hrutekeeping will br
taken up in the rectory.
The funeral of Mee Lawrence
Wheeler, an old and highly esteemed
trident of this focality, took plea. 20
Brussels cemetery on Friday. Mr.
Wbeel•r, four sora and an adopted
daughter, survive.
The sad nous of the unlooked-for
demise of Mn. J. McLelland. of Ethel,
war received here. the went to
Ouelpb for an of'erstion but summate
ad shot fly after it was over.
The apple evaporator is ready for s
leg seaeoe and is being run by Mese, t.
Burchill & Co.
Cannington Manor, Seek.,
Writes :-" My brother suf-
fered severely from sewn..
The moron were very extern•
ave, and burned like anal
into his Seth. Zam-Buk [book
out all the fire, and quickly
gave him ease. Within three
weeks of commencing with
Zam-Buk treatment, every
sore had been cured."
T bis tie but sae e6 the Meige
gown we we sessimily re dsig
trees pimple who Item proved the
.hee�all•"ps*.s ltd 1uk. Per
est al
it. Mm �e�is
18 glee ` wbodi i20 helm
hoe bees Sled.
All 14.006. ids. Mia
RAIN Maws.
Specia1 & Offer
to Out -of -Town Buyers
During Exhibition week we will refund railway
fares on all purchases as described
151mile and purchasing $15 cr over
so -mile and purchasing $20 or, over
3o -mile and purchasing' $25 or over
Be sure and tike advantage of.this special offer
Suit Specials
A ehosn-tot saving of 119.00 to 116.110 on every suit tnenthtt:e.t
here. You Inas if you miss awing these Stile Scotch Tweed, t:
left Worsted Blue Serem. Sample wits of any wostby motet is
splendid $13.00 values, 11111.11111.
Mote samples, h •de. emu Met colors cad patterns in 8•
imported f*brla, $11400 valuer.
Raiacoal Specials
Acknowledged Raincoat headquartere. We have out done t ur
eel ere for Extion week. S4.9-dntibte text uielengiisb penitent t.
pure enol covet isd, all seams sewed and cemented, seal value,. 311 ,t.
6Y7 GS -Hoek and double texture, fine wool peramatN, same a 1' h
501111 yoke, hewed and glued meanie, regular 112.00.
Boys' Suits
School and dreetwp Suits from $2.25 to 166.50
Mta's Pasts
Iffeu'r Pants le blue merge and worsted, tailor-made five- ken
pact.. Regular $4.00 to 56.00, for a,7s
NOTICE -We are grins in to the boot and shoe line for m• n
and boys. Only before you buy eleewbere, come in and e. r fat,.
pt leer
Tiassas& of
to fats P
M weer I
tee Acu.ntea
ism ou
jog. F:oten
sal tD4
Tbinr Year.
Waist:* in t.
aa•wted wit
Ml a:
thieve e. t,osdon
Ge., yr
The Modern •• . ltlrier to alae
��w iCttlr iO�r i%4!
These words or express;• • -
tng Um some meaning are c -1
la hundreds if the letters 1 r . • re-
ceived during the past year ?Lir
were from women wbo hae..�".44
agonies from falling of /10,r t' lore
Froin women who had ea. -.•' •.d •..:ft-
'rouesurgical operationsas t`.a
termer. • alders had been rerrev-
M by Use masa d Orange Ly;
sad other, wbw bad sufsred iron
erne eased menstruation. !nicer.
r20ea. mist* perteds, etc. For all
eea awe the atter troubles known
to gensr•ll as a Disoretee.
Oldfea�t awc. alvei cure. ptt ft 1s
awned ._ the - e1- - .r haw es. rs eelto mead beaeaetL
(let our
wave nee. (-
miter and
and ha
any part o
all trains
Our Live
tie' vice wil
to -data in
Yrur pat
Dear Amy: -
Of course you absolutely must hav
nice parlor so you can entertain compa
But I believe in having a nice parlor f
their surroundings, and the best way tc
uaslelito.r the time, and
Children are influenced so much by
keep the boys at home nights, and out of
mischief, is to make home attractive and
happy for them.
a n lichee nh alB aeb. y John grows up, he shall have
Your chum,
P.5. -If you or any of your friends nee
nor Furniture by all moans buy it from
Geo. Hohmeier
$00110,90114 •
Ng Exit
eii14.11 10 an 1
Such entree
Here ! you i
fled in
When pi;
As Oen