The Signal, 1913-9-25, Page 5EAST STREET GARA eIE To clean up afar 'took, we will sell at bargain prices what we hare left of Bleysies. Auto Titles and Tubes, Hoes. Gaaeline Engines cud Act'' Thew are all asst -claw goods with go flaw whatever and to snyooe likely to use same they offer an I unusual opport unity for .aving a good deal of money. Huron Gasoline Engine &c Machinery Co. ';.WAYS OPEN GODERICH ONT. 'PHONE 24* SHAW'S SCHOOLS Poe comas in al E:e ssod toma -ai�bes�lyJ•v�U emms poet Mess_obels tweaks the ural Ragas=Guises el ts. Poor de .,ayester ray rameitediateunnult ty No . tarat/se4 KRAw Prartlis-t. tial t sass THE FALL PLOWING Now is the time to see that your plows ate in good shape for the fa plowing. We have a good &spier of plows on oar floor, includiig Use Verity walk- ing sod riding Plows; also the famous Na 21 Fleury Plow. If you need POWKR we have GAIlOLINE ENGINES from one and•ooe•balf to thirty Hone - power We have two Boggles left and will sell at a bargain to clear them out in order to make room for cutters. A tell lite of MA BY -HAR- RIS IMPLEMENTS ;always on band. When in town tall at ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street, Goderich. Lyric Theatre The House of Quality and Refinement Showing nothiag - date •ad but the most ' class Mpol to Pictures higobtainable. A complete change of program each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Songs at intervals dur- ing the week, also Good Classical Music each. night. This Theatre is sprayed and purified each night with the use of the Doted men fapaAS." The eomfort of the psoas of this Theatre is always most carefully considered. TO SPEND A PLEASANT EVENING VISIT THE LYRIC Special Attraction Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 30th and Oct lst The liners' Destiny la Luse serfs Don't tall to see thi.. Alen another Big Special Thursday and Friday, Oct 2nd and 3rd. Admission 10c and 5c HAVE YOU mate prevision for employment dat- ion the Fan and A later esaathe of b yes wise steady rsaeaaoet i ve work the TOW throlorla Writs sa sad roars ear Aasst'• teeme We seer tam bed In thin bashma Pay weaklytree outfit. eselado' termer" Ov'lIS poo ACR28 nada' canvass & LatsbIkisd over thirty -Ivo years. A rmpstarass for =4" .tact .niher sa 11t. A a-i-aaan ore nab ttt�ey ewtae for ea We wast as e•erestte. reliable mss for Osilariali sad de aftr. 11=!T 00.. Tweets. Oss. N. 11. -Fee s•al'eeew Neesst. Electric Wiring Electric Wiring of :every des- cription done on short notice. Repairs a specialty. All manner of supplies kept in Nock -Dry Bauerfes, Flash- light Batteries. Tungsten lamps, Shade., Irons. etc., sold at bottom prices. W.IHUUDDART I traitor. North Street Sever tlisnal Offices Op woolens A PIANO FOR THE HOME How will you occupy the chil- dren's time profitably during the loog evenings of fall and wiotei% A pleasure t.o vour.elf and a profit for the ebilitee will be a good Pismo. If you haven't all tbe cash necessary to pay down, we will arrange terms for the balance. Talk the matter over, evil and see us mod give the children a chance. Quite frequently we have alne rtl aged and Organ' at bar�ain prices. James F. Thomson Agent for HEINTZMAN k CO. PIANOS Remy Calb Rasa Mimi ct eirse.mse wase- soon One ollo ar Lejfiledlisaspe semill..= a. dr...rs...r.r. Weft d ILLY rldidd nab limb. t.rsmr•r r at Seib Wei newel gdwd s.MJL lima Resew sus gators win ti=nt marrow taus on rsirpsesa w.• -ser imams aid So masa env.1 rasa.. mpn. wsas ern anal osabee Armilr non bare so no ewe Muse serer gym.sorsa Le. SateRoy d Edweed ....Soot le FWC.".... Itorrl Goons Oak t k.. Swat Edward .. Ons 1s L. Rafal Fal ward Nov. LS la _ . Naval Osseus .Nov. ti WAIN tor bea•mmi amass. a.s b.ruw sins as ae tint near mom n ado a C. asmar.Owansi ntl erases Ow. Canedim lferei eso fAeswshlp4 Hifi LOCAL T. PI C 000ERM.»i soy MA*RISO Charming Bride Comes From Down by From the /*sect Croix Courier ofthe Sounding hos kless Peeseetatie,i to Mn. J. 1. Were At a wheel of the Hrotbee*so4 of Locomotives sad held at Stratford last week, �Krs� l Moore, formerly of Goderiek. war b000r.d by a presentation from the Stratford Ladles' Auxiliary. Mrs. !tome was recently elected grand president of the auxiliaries of North America and her local comrades ea a further murk of appreeieties made her the recipient of a haaadee ee gold watch -too, the presentation being made by Mayor Greenwood. • King -Smith Wedding A eery pretty ueddiog was solem- nized at St.(ieorge'• church at six a.m. on V1 edmesdav, when Evade . May, daughter of Mrs. Wilmer Smith. and Mr. W. Croskcy King, formerly of Brighton, England, were united in the holy bootie of matrimony, Rev. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman officiat- ing. Only a few immediate relatives and frieuds were prereut. The bride wore her travelliog suit of grey whip- cord with hat •,o match. The happy couple left on the 7.(16 Grand Trunk train for Toronto and other eastern points. On their return Mr. and Mrs. King will reside in town. The Signal joins with their many friends in ex- tending congratulations and beet wishes. Goes to Sessions James Burns was last week before Magistrate Andrews on a charge of subornation of perjury. His counsel. Mr. L. E. Uanoey, waived examina- tion, and the case was traversed to the December merlons at Goderich. The action arose out of an information laid by Iospector Oliver Johnston against.' Robert Reynolds, proprietor of the British Exchange botel, Gods - rich. Two Clinton boys, minors, who at first swore that they were not served with liquor, later mu:e.asigned statement tc the contrary. Tbey have been committed for trial also on a perjury charge, but obtained baiL Barns was formerly of Bayfield. but has been living in Clinton. Crown Attorney Seeger conducted ` the case for the prosecution. A Bright Young Lite Ended. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saodersoo, of Meoesetung Park, bas been bereaved by the death of their sou Willie, who was called away on the 16th inst. at the early age of nineteen year. Por some years the departed one had been crippled by an ailment which balled treatment, but in spite of the suffering and die ability thus caused be was patient and cheerful and indeed extraordinarily bright and intelligent His afIection- ate nature made him a general favor- ite, not only in his own home, but with all who knew him. The funeral took piece on Thursday last to Colborne cemetery. Rev. Geo. K. Rose coo - duct the services. The pallbearers were David Stoddart, James Mitchell, George MacEwan and Will Bisset, Pretty Home Wedding The home of Capt. and Mrs. Mur- dock Macdonald was on Saturday the some of a quiet but bappyesrly morn- ing wedding when their daughter, May Bells hseame the bride of Mr. Frederick N. Lecky, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lecky, of Goderieb, Rev. George E. Row. B, D.. officiated at the ceremony. The young couple were unattended and only immediate relatives and friends were present. The bride wore a smart going -away suit of navy ratine and blue crepe waist with white trimming and bine plash hat She carried bridal rose. and wore • lovellitre set with emer- alds and pearls, the gift of the groom. After • dainty breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Lecky left on the 7.Oii C. P. R. train for Toronto. Hamilton, Detroit and other places. The guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Macdon- ild, of Kincardine; Mr. sad Mrs. J. A. Macdonald. of Detroit, and tbe Misses Flo and Haul Macdonald, of Detroit, slaters of the bride. A table loaded with costly presents testified to the popularity of tbe bride and groom. On their return they will take up their residence in Goderich, the groom being connected with the Canadian Pacific Railway Death of Mrs R. W. McKenzie DAILY •STWCaN A life that was full of quiet, useful service was recalled to its Author when on Wednesday morning of this week, sbortlyy after midnight, Mrs. R. W. McKenzie away at her home in St.Vincent street. The deceased was a member of one of the oldest ftliies of Huron county and was widely known. and the news of her death will be received with univer- sm1.orrow and regret Elisabeth Holmes was born" at Holmeevilie. Goderich township. in March. 1810, a daughter of the late John Holmes, M.P., and continued to live at Hotmesville until her marriage in 1855 to the late R. W. McKenzie. After their marriage Mr. and Mn. McKeosie raid • sthoet time et Inndou and to Goderich, where the had slope resided continuously. Mn. McKenzie was a very active arember of North street lllet ebireb, taking a kading sadlRsalve part in various depart - meats of the church work. She was greatly interested in the Woman. Temperance TYnion, taking a eeomioent part in its activities. Withal obs was pwetweed of a cheer- ful kindliness sad benevolence or dis- poiNoe which eodesred her to all. Her boshaod predeceased her See years. Two children died in infancy, sod one son. 1Lverett H. McKenzie, a WOK, clever young man who Rave promise of a eplendld career, was tit off twelve �cars aai� at the aaof twisty ri,it yastR ggee The untimely death of her sop and use later bereave- ment by leer husband's death were pieta which affected bit deeply, hut able mistimed her setivitire sista March Wilde year, her last atM•d- aaw at slkoseh service being on Zsster f'fsiy. Blues thew bus strewth W been gradually raising iEss. McKenzie is survived by ureas leatherette)/ three wetea : Dr. W. J. 11. it deea. of tiiodrrirh, tropes., 4 the testy of Rarer • Jobe It of sd.s will. s D f. is... O. d Denali t Mn. Leech and Hwetl. of oaa i*, Ube a at Keheidevii will take vises t aher.4 ,S •t II is Meese tier Caning last Thursdayr puWi�.ebad at St. The directors of the Y. M. C. h. Ela tea New Bimwe take the ham. secured Mrs Jessie Alesander Roberta for their benefit concert Thutedey evening, October lith. Jes- sie Alexander is well-known as one of the beet and most popular readers in Ontario. Keep the date --Octobr-r 1Wh -fee and be sure to bear Ser. Received Bad Fell 'While working on the wires wound the roof of the roert house, Mr. W. Brown. of tratlod, who is employed by the Bell Telephone Co., re^ v a bad fall. He was detaching a point o0 the line preparatory to taking it down altugetbrr when the loosened wire caught him on the chest, throwing him off the ladder. Falling adistance of 40 feet be Iiadetj or bis shoulder and elbow but fortunately no a plot of soft gran. Mr. Brown was taken to the hospital when it was found that no bones were brokers. He is doing well though the bad shaking up will disable him for a short time. ria N debi MMllami etfm-1-yberradilmes./t , �wN Canning and Evaporating The Goderich canning factory is now in operation and already a cottager - able quantity of tomatoes have been handled. atao some plums. Mr. S. C. Saylor, an expert from Prince Edward county. is in cbarge of the canning plant. which includes an ingenious machine which caps and seals the sanitary, airtight tine in which the tomatoes are packed. Mr. Saylor aye there is no reason wbv Huron county should not have a canning industry as great as that of Prince Edward county, where there are a large num- ber of canneries. Mr. D. F. Hamlink proprietor of the plant. hopes that next year larger quantities of toma- toes will be grown in this district, so that be may extend his operations. Mr. Hamllak's apple evaporator also is commencing operations this week sod there is everyprospect of a busy season in thhandling of both evaporated and green apples Mr. Hamlink is again taking care of the product of tbe Huron Fruit`Groweri Association. Unavoidable Accident On Wednesday evening at about eight o'clock the Square was tbe scene d a very unfortunate accident when Mr. and Mei. T. M. Davis were thrown from their carriage at tbe corner of South street. Rev. Father O'NeUI. of Parkhill, was turning his automobile in front of the British Exchange hotel preparatory to going to the Forage when the baggy collided with hum. The buggy was overturned and its occupants wen burled to the ground. lira Davis. who was nn - conscious when pinked up, weaburried into the hotel mud later to her home. The latest report today shows that else is doing well, no bone. having been broken. but 'be is suffering trout the severe 'Meek. Mr. Davis escaped without an`j• tujury. Fortunately the horse did net run when the two vehicles collided oralii result would very likely have beep more serious. The front axle of �e baggy was badly twisted and -the Mend guard of the automobile bent' down on to the front wbeeL Movement for Radials Preliminary work in connecttoo with the building of eleetric railways throughout Huron county commenced this week, when Engineer Buck, a member of the Hydro -electric commis- sion staff, spent a portion of this week in the county. Tuesday, in company with Messrs. ('. C. Lee, H. E. Hodgen and Andrew Porter. be visited tbe southern portion of the couoly. The municipalities visited by them were Bayfield, Brucefield. Hensen. Zurict, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Crediton, Ex- eter, Kirkton, Seafortb and Clinton. The folldwing day be made the trip into the north, and visited Carlow, Nile, Dungannon, Be>igrsve, Wing - ham, Jamestown and Bummers. On this trip he was accompanied by Reeve B. C. Winnings and lir. and Mn. C. C. Lee. In each mnnic•pelity they were welcomed by local official, who promised to prepare data regarding freight in and out. Engineer Kock ex. pressed himself as favorably impressed with the prospects for a radial system throughout the t•ounty. Next week he will return With a surveying and engineering staff. • CHURCH NOTES Sunday school Rally Day will be observed in Victoria street Meth- odist church next Sunday. Rev. J. E. Ford will preach to the parents in the morning.These will be an open session of the school in the afternoon with a good program. Subject for the evening. Tree Clanks of Workers." lo Knox church next Sunday the service will be conducted by the minis- ter. Rev. Geo. E. Row, and the sub- jects of di.dourse will be those recom- mended by the general aseembly in the interests of tbe young people of the church ice Chet day. in the morn- ing the subject will be "Our Future Oitisees.- cad in the evsnibg 'The Cal of God." In the afternoon rally day will be obverted in the Sabbat school by a special service in the the auditorium. A full attendance of the congregation is expected. ria SALLOW Liver Spats. Pimples, Dark Circles Under tie Eyes are ail sign' of t he .ystt• being deg - fed. The liver and Newels are inset. fee and the ach is week teed tedigestnd fond and foul gases. FIG PILLS titin t trait tamale, will sake post *Mlleasaaw ae1�i�_g., Jairs V. 11111 £1.K Fit of rose)1fa )Reef Ike ydlesch ane Iver trembles"' A. fed said wast/ .i &. to M alt Ns� ti i .1 - itavv r,a n.1111. Oat. Zia 4)4 R.MM. 41111PRIM. follow account of the martiase of Yr. W. Lane. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm lane. of Goderich. and which will be of interest to the groom's many old friends throughout Huron county :- The Methodist church was throcged by friends of the young bride yestee. day afternoon te witne s the oeremony that ur:ited in marriage Miw Pauline iiarrieon Clarke, eldest daughter of Hots. Accrete J . c lette, R.C.. • er of the house of assembly,and )len. Clarke, and )jr. Vi'rlliam Stuart Lane. a young attorney of Vancouver, a member of the firm of Meier& Hod - well. Lawson & Lane. The church was handsomely adorned with palms and flowers and the .cede was • very pretty one. Rev. George F. Dawson, president of the Methodist conferen e, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Dr. Campbell. uncle of the bride. Mrs. Charles E. Swan. of Calais. played the welding march and a quartette sang •-Tbe voice that breathed o'er Eden" es tbe wedding party stood at the altar rail. The brideentered the ehutch on the atm of her father and was attended by her sister, Miss Doris Clarke, maid of honor, and Mies Jean Camp- bell, of Sackville, her cousin, and Miss Mildred Todd. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Todd, as bridetmaid4 while little Miss Edith Bonoel', of Fernie. Brilisb Columbia, her oousin, was a winsome flower girL The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. M. P. Lane, of the Bank of Commerce at' Revelstoke, British Columbia. The ushers were Dr. E. Vincent Sullivan. Mr. Lewis F. Mills, Mr. Kenneth Young And Mr. Howard Mumble. The bride, who is one of our most justly esteemed young ladies, was attired in a gowu of white brocaded charmeure trimmed with Carrickmacroea inc., with veil of tulle caught with craage blossoms and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the vaUey. The attending young ladies wore gowns of pale yellow brocaded satin with white plush bate with ,ellow trimmings. The little flower girl wine a dainty drew of white and carried white flowers. Mrs. William Lane, mother of the groom, wore a gown of pale yellow brocaded satin. Mrs. Clarke, mother of the bride. wore.white satin charmeuae with white lace matte. Many beautiful costumes were worn by the other ladies present. 1 -be ceremony was performed at half past three, and immediately at its close the guests repaired to the home of the charming young bride, where a recep- tion was held and later all made merry at the festive board. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Lane departed on a wed- ding tour, but will return to St. Stephen for a few days tefore leav- ing for their borne in the far western city. The bride's going away dress wits of dark blue with touches of white and black plush bat. The groom's gift to the bride was a diamond necklace set in 91 t num ; to the maid of ho xrr and tLe flower girl, gold bracelets : to the bridesmaids, gold pine set with emeralds and i pearls : in she groomsman. an eruer.ld and pearl scarf pin ; and to the usher.., gold pins. Very many beautiful presents testified to the esteem in which the young couple are held. The out of town gueete attending tbe ceremony included Mr. ' and Mrs. William Lane, of Goderich ; Mr. M. P. Lane, of Revelstoke ; Captain and Mrs. N. M. Clarke and Miss Marjorie Clarks. of Sr. Andrews ; Rev. George M. Campbell, D.D., Mrs. Campbell and Miss Jean Campbell, of Sackville ; Hon. Judge McKeown, of St. John ; Mn. 8. Boonell and Miss Edith Bon- mell, of Fcrnie ; Mt. and Mrs. Preemie P. McColl, of St. Andrews ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Morton Metrimao, of Water- town, ater town, Connecticut. Miss Isla Fawcett. of Sae kville, and Mr. Charles Stewart, of Ashfield. TOWN COUNCIL The regular semi-monthly meeting of the town council was held in the council chamber on Friday evening. The members present were Mayor Reid, Reeve Mannings, Deputy -Reeve Clark. Coun. Moser, Conn. tirabam and Coup. Laitbwaite. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 5th and the special meet - in of September 12th were read and adopted on motion of Caune. Moser and Graham. The treasurer's report was referred to the Finarce committee, as was also the collectors bond. Deputy -Reeve ('lark moved. second- ed by Colin. Moser, that the matter of the .ppa•tntment of an ioepector for ekctaic wiring be referred to a special committee. -Carried. A motion by Deputy Reeve Clark sad Coale Moser to have aU windows in the Agricultural hall shuttered or wired was carried. A communication was read from the Bell Telephone Co.. asking for the return of $179.19 overpaid in taxes. On motion of Reese Munnings and Ooun. Graham it was referted to the Finance committee. A report on the W • drain was read from Mr. V. M. and on u motion of Reeve Mooning. and COMB. Laitbwaite itstrictiots were given to relay the tile at the expense of the interested parties. Mr. Roberts also reported on the drainage sod plashing gstem at the Victoria school. This part of the re- port was soot to the school bowed on motion of Reeve Munnings and Coen. Orshem. A co,.:munication was reed from Mea. Bell, Oambrtdge street. cemplain- hia of lbs flooding of her cellar. Case. Laiihwake std Maser moved fast it be referred to the Public Wash ease iuee to investigate and IO' heatede rmeo r Save Systematiadly •ANK Haphazard, occasional BR Gll<A>V saving seldom 'accom- plishes much. It's the steady, persistent, regular depositing of so-manv dollars a week, or month,or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one financially independent. The money accum- ulates all the more rapidly, too, because of the In- terest which is added every six months. Try it. F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager Goderich Branch. 4 � THE Star Theatre on the Syuare is now running full swing Having made arrangements witn our Film Co. to supply us with the Very Beet Service ob- tainable we are in a position to give our patrons as good a show as you could see in any large city. Special for three days com- mencing MONDAY, SEPT. 29th Wm. Proven. of St. Marys, the Scotch man known as Harry Lauder the Second. Also four reels of Pictures. One hour and a quarter's enter- tainment for only 10o. J. A. CULVER, Proprietor. 3 vi Rprsssat•tives from the Greed '1frsn rsllwa were present with reference to beilidieg • switch for froiphe psmpasau to lire worts of the American nand Marble. Oeand ether heal industries. After afasidrrskle dieeleetkel the railway ;9statiose oaMsd and a report�aMe. hews srgoestsd. The (brawl o1Mtale preseat ware Me. VV.11 iii Rs,J. est oa,Davtoadowt, reL.041 ems t divides i1e flawed' fres i�M�sel • 1 PWOELL for GROCERIES PURE FRESH and GOOD W. J. Powell Grocer On the Square 'Phone et Simmer Snits are most serviceable when you have them made of the best goods in the most up-todate styles. You will obtain abso- lute satisfaction if you patronize Dunlop the Tailor West St , Oodericb Jas. Cumming Painting, Decorating and Wallpaper Hanging. All work done promptly and in thorough manner. Residence—Albert St. Telepbone No. 2e7. filt ......--,1;.,...7,,:,..;,,--,-,...--,c3. 014 ihr::Afit: Make a Note of It 1 Those who visit our Ice Cream Par- lor's for the first time, regret past mis- takes and resolve to call again. There are reasons, investi- gate! F. E. BURDETTE Balmoral Cafe The Square 'Pbooe 64 Public, Take Notice Owing to the high price of Live Stock, we, the undersigned but- chers in the Town of Goderich, have decided to conduct a strictly cash business, commencing with Wednesday, October tet, 1913. No more c relit will be given to any- one. So please do not ask for it. This new system will be a decided advantage to the public as well as ourselves and any effort by our cus- tomers to aid us in tarrying: out a strictly cash business will be :appre- ciated. We desire to thank our cus Comers and friends for the liberal patronage shown us in the past and trust to be favored with a continu once of the same. O'Brien & Legg, liumpW. J. Baker, ''17-" ;7,1; .-.. Thomas Morrow. ler