The Signal, 1913-9-25, Page 4e Tom—ea-T. owe. as. tam THE S1 GN AL : GODERICH V ARM COLONIST RATES Sept. !S' t► to Oct. Ilth iachutiutt From all statbns .n Ostarso at very low rates to Vancouver, B. C. Los Aa sere, Cal. Victory 6. C. Sew Diego, Cal Nelson, B. C. San Francisco. Oat. Prince Rupert, 6. C Mexico Ctty,M.x Portland, Ohs. Sean**, Wash. Spokane. Wash. (.ee way asewdrtar. Tad. only . to be tamed- psosertynn.us to ratsn to eaame Pslats u ArtzOo* Dral*Y Cola.Ms- (aMhrnla. Catora/a. lashe pentane. Merles. New Mexico. ()rswr Neese. Testab. Wa.klnataa ad Ms t erida[ F.11ylaitioolant berth row r.atew- str'. idio. erP. Lawrsnee t ass'. Tern Parc. 'wood Ticket Assaf. GOAL Haviogpurchased the busi- ness former!y coadueted by F. Barlow Holmes.. we pur- pose dealing in Coil, Wood Lime, t^ieneat )Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal. two lines which are recognised as the best. We wish to give the people of Godeescb and vicinity the hest 'service poi - tibia, and shall be glad to hew from alt u( Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our lines. All orders left with Jas. Yates. R est strew. promptly attended to. McDoaagYeGledhill 'Phase No. Ti Yards at G. T. L. Nelson Street 7 NATIONAL 7 FINANCE COMPANY. LIMITED Pelee, Geed ast [acme #2.000.000 We invite investors to satisfy t.bemsel re% regarding our 7'_ Debentures a. to the safety of tbeir priuicipol. the regularity of the interest payments, and as to the ease with wbieb they ran be coo - vetted into cash. We issue the Debeetures in three mod five year terms. The in• target. 7".".. Is paysole auar- terly. Write for fur:ber infer• 'Ratio°. 10 Adelaide Same E'et. Toronto. 7 e Vanuver. W,nn.peg. Ottawa. Nalihx etc District News CLINTON KJNTAIL Tho Mi.rea Smith, of tetrattau, at+ A Rood •saw) from this vidsity at - visit's( their anat. Mrs. J. M hooded the fall) show fa Uoderieh. Mi sF. Altos has resumed tier Place Mr. Merles McGregor. of Seteips- in Messrs. Couch * Co's *torsos book- villa, spent the week -cod at his home !emcee here. Mr. Russell May, Soo .,f Yr. and Miss Teas Cowes left bort oe Wes - Mrs. John May, is attending Albert day Ota( to attend the normal school is college in Belleville. Stratford. , Miss Pearl Drennan his gone to AUBURN Ooderich to resume ber studs at the Mr John Johnston received a car of collegiate institute. c,emeot on Moodsy. f Misses Anna McKenzie and Elle Mr. O. McNeaio, of Watford. spent Cowan. of the Ouderich collegiate 8uoday in our village. i Institute, were home over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Weir are visiting his mot bet in Strathroy Otis week. j ST. AUUUSTINE The frame approach at a be east epd , Mr. Jam R.obituoo is on the atek of our bridge his been tors down and list at petestent the space filled io with clay' - Mi.. Betsy McAllister is entities Marrs- Howson & Lawsoo are ship- Lueknow friends this week. wog tbeir stock of lumber this week Mr and Mrs. Joseph Boyle visited having sold to an Owen Sound firm. Mullett and Clinton friends this week. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the tioderich and Lueknow fairs last Thursday and Friday. Mr. A. B. Johnston is busy uamiag his let winter's out •of lumber ..o Lncknow. He is assisted by Merits. P. Walsh'and D. McAllister. Messrs. Gus Kinahan, Joe Bropby. Wm. and Robert McAllister and Wm. Thompson attended the rifle shoot at London last Thursday. All were cut eessful in winning some prizes. OUNGANNON. Mra. Pierer, is away on • visit to friend. in Michigan. Mr. Chas. Bailie. of Los Angles, Cill! forsi•, has been visiting his brother, Reeve Bailie. Misses Clara and Ida Wbyard are away on a visit to then sister, Mrs. H. Turner. at New York. Mr. Robe. Treleaveo, of Crewe, has purehaeed Mrs. Pierce's residence in Dungannon and will shortly leave the farm and come herr to reetde. Miss Halls, of Berlin. is &gain in charge of J. Walkom's millinery de- partment and Miss Langford. of Mil- verton, is bead milliner at C. Elliott'.. Harvest festival at St. Paul's church, Dungannon. will be celebrated on Sunday. September 213th (nineteenth euoday atter Trinity). Floral, etc.. decoration and ameonable music. Preacher of Matins and Evensong will be Rev. R. A. Robinson, incumbent. 01ertory given for diocesan mission fuod. On Monday evening Rev. Mr. Robinson will lecture on `New Zea- land Past and Present." Admission. t6 cent. Trizreo•ts Co. Mztrnxo.—At a meeting of the direstors of the Goths- rich odsrich Rural Telephone Co. held recent- ly. Jae. Johnston was re engaged for sheen months as manager at a sub- stantial Merriam in salary. Mr. John- ston was also made secretary-treas- ores, succeeding T. G. Alien, who re- sigoetd. Misses Luella and Esther Bellamy were re-engaged as operators and Miss Ells Stonier' was engaged as third operator. Dusoalrttolr PAts—The big event of this district—the Dungannon fair— takse_place next week, on Thursday and Fraley, October 2nd and 3 Witb good weather an excellent ex- bibitiou is in prospect. Arrangements bave been Mede which will emote good accommodation for all wbo attecd from outside points. The talent secured for the concert on Friday evening is of the beat. For further particulars .ee the advertisement cm page one of this issue of The Signal. Our Planning is for your health. r,rm(oet sod con• veoien Y. In our estimailon A Model Bathroom Deeds not only It tares that are artis- tic ie outline. emnitary and durable, bet Inures that are simple in deign, sea to clews and keep clean We hate the same emetics' ideas about quality work is all kind. of Modern Plumbing FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH -room las SEAFORTH Mr. Russell Hays. of the staff of the Domipion bank, has been removed to the St. Thomas branch. Mr. Themes Geary, who has been oo a visit to bis daughter. Mrs. R. A. Mo. Hinson. in Calgary, returned bolas this week. Mr. A. U. Ault, who has been in the grocery business here for oxer 50 Years. has disposed of his stock to Mr. Ueorge D. Haigh, of Lucknow. The new proprietor takes pose.sion as October 1st. Mrs. John Robb and daughters. EW and Jessie. lett on Tuesday for Toma- to. Miss Jessie will attend normal school there. while Mrs. Robb and Miss Ella will spend the winter in Cluny, Alberta, with Mr. Robb. Mears: C. H. Brosdfoot and W. T. Box, who bare conducted a furniture and undertaking establishment bere under tbs firm name of Broadfeot, Box & Co.. have dissolved partnership. The boniness will be carried on in future by lir. Box with Mr. 8. T. Holmes as ST. HELENS DEATH or AN OLD Ramemzll!T.—The death of Hugh McDonald, one of the old and respected residents of fit. Helena, occurred on September Sod, at the ripe age of eighty-eight years. Mr. McDonall was a native of Scot- land, bot had lived in Rest Wawa - nosh for about eft -five years. It religion the dseaaasd was a Presby- terian, and in polities a staunch Liberal. He is sdWestived bis trite, seven sots and one The sons areDuncan. a W.t awaooeh ; John A., of Wingbane ; Dotaid, Angus and Hugh, all In the West, &soadd Colin and William. at borne. The daughter, Mrs. Mepheirsos, lives at Morristown, Ont. Aligns McDonald, of Lacknow. U• a brother of the deceased, and Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. McAllister, of Pustiaeb, are sitters. The funeral took place on Friday, 5th inst., the interment being made in Dungannon cemetery. Among thoes present was Deputy Sheriff A. D. Cameron, of Goderich, a brother -to -law of the deceasegdt. Pcierts —Rastas Norwitz.— A quiet but pretty wedding wag osis txated un Wednesday, September 17th, at Maple Hill farm. SL Helene. no the occasion of the marriage of, Miss Wilhelmina (Minnie) Ramage, youngest daughter of Mrs. James Ramage, to lir. Edwin Purvis, of Lock now. Rev. Wm. Mackintosh omciated. Tb• fair bride, who was gives away by ber nephew, Mr. Robert Brooks, looked charming in a goes of bedford cord trimmed with shadow Mee and white satin buds. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and arnatlons intermingled with maiden hair fern. The bride was un- atteoded, except with the assistance of the flower girl, little Miss Rena McArthur. niece of tbe bride, who bald the flowers while the ring was being placed on the finger. Mies Nellie Brooks. niece of the bride, played the waddles march. She wore an old rose silk dress trimmed with Irish lace. The bride's travelling suit was of dark navy blue. After the ceremony the guests. wbo wars °De- fined to lmmedist latives and dose ttiesds p tly Ism y, partook est s dainty fd 1t, Asa the gusetWWw.re Mr. Robert Rrookeensd NMI ette Cottle. of Wingbam ; - Miss Hdna Ceylsr. of Wbiteebnrch, and Mies Violet Morrison. of Lucknow. • ars Name dYrtdms. Tb U1 ssi MarM a Wood d al rat Am there. Tis bleed grassm atemai the tdi asye wary One mie.sea ■ IMs Mims do their mark r i or cr et diserlir s.• metal is ra eiadelea Lagar tbsa that Mae. lbsnrtise i bled is .m at seder Lids tailed is their mmrk. army .ti.eleine . somobeastg One .etieise wJ 4e all dad epd meet imit ted Dad marsM,N/a is Dodd's Sidney Pills large alas. and See animals. Poultry somas were is emcees of tat year. and cattle, sbeep and bogs of Sae gsallty. Oo. of the meet amuses features of the fair was a sorrier. Whet the jade-. Capt. Tote Hebron, called for Lb. saddle Horse theme bows entered on posies and were a.aa lied the priers alter a trial 'rowed the half -mile track. Earl Powell. deemed as as Indian and r4disg os Topssy, woo first Jo. Voll ck. deemed as dad man, rid- ing Dan Pae.t.-k, woe ingot ; while DA- NS Charlton, oa tie •ley ccaa i• third. Theepeedieg oo,rseta were witbd m aeoomet of rain. Returns the gate receipt" inesaaed o 10. WESTFIELD Mies Gladys Cute, d Bt west Sunday at Mr. B. H. Taylor's. Mw IdaDstarkley spat the week<ad wit► her Bakke. its. Albert Campbell. Mr. sad Mee. Wm. McDowell t Sesday at Mr. Bart Oarttntr's it Drtr •da Obseeb sensivereari..—Doss brook, October ilii and W.daid. October Mia W. B. Campbell is railing her wgelter. Mrs. Wm. Crosier, at am J. P. Cameral visited her sister. Met. lames dusty, of Londe. - bore'. ea ltanday. Mr. and Mks. A. C. Haedhty mad family have Mme •sed from Eegland whoa they sic the summer nolo he Mfr 1[a/eia Farrow. Mine Ramie Campbell ort Miss Ella McDowell attended the swarth hese ee and Sun- day school a mesetios held is Holmes- vide oimssvitas w Hadley and T.siay of this week.ltis! 'Pars sett these me do gnu s lase The Epworth league ret the Methodist church eatartained the Mecham at the collegiate institute and ppaatie ee,ti000l of an "at borne" in the leotars room at the church on Tuseday evening. A splendid program of music and read- ings was given. after which refresh- ments were served. A be fight. clear i k and a warm u greeted the Gosforth sun fall fair. thisear and u a result the largest crowd in years was in •ttoodance. The Merida dis- play bold in the agricultural hall was Tully equal to that of tomer year*. There was a gnod display of flowers and plants, many beautiful varieties shown: horticultural products were represented. especially plums, peaches and apples. There were also good ex- hibits of garden vegetables and dairy products. In addition, several of the merchants bad a good exhibit of thele wares. The outside show was the bast in years, the directors eepoetisg they never had autb • good sahhoowiog of heavy and light bores.. In the agnoultarsi class there was no lase than 14 teams entered, and in the single roadsters there were 14 entries. A Business Opportunity The steak esd *0.1..w of k h.. R iagM* G astral Stem is reefed fee ..l. and tb• .i ore flet rest A good beetsem is being c. o- .nj nes be Messiest Money Od ter onne. in c. •easetlos with tithes. sr4 , A G. R. BELL, Kingsbridge EXETER Mr. George Hockey is moving into the residence co Andrew street lately vacated by Mr. Thomas Hawkins. Mr. Clarence Smith and rule daughter, of Sault die. Marie.are visit- ing the former's parents. Mr. and Mee John Small. The coapt of revision for Exeter bas been fixed by Judge Doyle for Satu - day, September 27th. Altogether there are &bout 75 appeals. Miss Margaret Case bas returned to town after spending two moor's abroad with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Case. of Toronto. She is staying at ber grandmother's. Rev. W. M. Martin,B.D., of Loodon, represented the Dominion Alliaoce in Cairn Presbyterian church lent San - day morning. Mr. Martin is a former pastor and is always appreciated is Exeter. Mr. Wm. Dsadord. of the Lake road. bas bought the Smale peop.rty on the c,roer of Carling and Gil street,. Mr. Dunatord inteods ing so up -to -late bougie on the owner. and will move his family to town. Yr. R. Phillips, wbo spent the two months at his old home in England,han returned to town.atd Is presiding at the organ at James street church. Miss McFalls, wbo has pre- aidd at the during Mr. Phillips •besot*, baa' ven entire .sti'tsetioe. The fun of Mr. Mark Clark. who did in Clinton, land whose remains were brought to Beater. was held o° Thursday from Beverley'' undertak- iog parlors. Mr.. Clark was 80 old, and prior to goissgg to the boots. of refuge in Clinton lived in dieter for eo 1'be tsueral took place at Exeter cemetery of Thursday of the late Dr. Luis, of Dasanoque, whs for IS years oondueted a drog store and pessebed medicine here. The late dagger said out and removed to Oareasoi.s 'seen years ago. The ft:meal took C {{ar s from the reidemee of Mr. Wee. Cr care. The Methodist cberobes of !zoster district will mon have ample aeeommo- dation. Rtmride oosgra atioo (mmd • large new died last Sunday. Mats street rhumb, Exeter, win opus tae Gert Sunday, and Crediting eory{e - tioe expset to have a sew .bad sem- pleted by the time of their ahem* eenlvmaary in October. in 'pite of the heavy eels that grits walled Krebs fair was s greet enema There was • ooeidersblj 1ae11rtr spaced than last year. Ti. year the dime- tore irerton increased their i ead se a oom osegsoe the entries he meg chases wan tar in vas's or Inst crystal passe was IPA 114:1 with Melt vseetaitl.a woos hooey. hame-madet to:wapiti* limenis on b.. tet the * leans e t ei em PORT ALBERT Mir. Vietaritt Sees* of Goderich. visited will heeltrissd• here last week. is Um gust et Mr. and We. Birth. m. Kstd Mrs. Pigmy. of New York. were visitors at Mr. George Draper's last meek Mr. Jack Drees in as happy as the dol • ong.yews* sos arrived on dsy Ilia. Hillo sod Master Cecil. eat Dederick. have been visiting at Mr. W. s. Our creek shot. Jar. Jacob McGee, lel Wedsssdaysig toe London to compote is tb. iaoc Mr. and Mrs. let Dresses and baby. of ti.o.rish. were visitors at Mrs J Dreanas's laetwesk. Mr. Witt Crawford is the man that is wearing the big stile Dow. A little daughter atrr[ved last week. Mrs. Alma Quaid returned home lam weak after a elnatb's visit with• relatives at T111u>hburg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Obariss Brown and Masters Clarence and Lloyd, of Depot Harbor. ars vi.itiog at Yr. W. G. 8. Brawler. Mr and Mee James Oliver left on Tuesday for a trip to Rdmoo too. They will also visit their :son, ?rank, at Fort William Harvest festival services will he held in Christ church os Sandal., October SM. Tbere will be morning and evening service bENMILLER Mr. Heath Hill's moor truck is very much patronised as a mode of travel by the Young people of the vicinity. A bad of Dearly thirty went to the Goderich fair in it least week and Mr. RIB Weeds to take is the Doogannon and Blyth fain mut week. Rgeestr st Botta.-8.v. A. W. Ithowe is expected home from the old land nest week ad will resume his work es October sib. with s harvest home festival is ftsemiller church. morsiseg sod remise; and Sunday •abed hasty at Zion (sortie) church in the atternooa st the. Mr. Drown has ben ant three moth• and this will be s Rood lopertusity for the eireoie to weioome home their pastor. Ten tars Mas. lama U host t.— Aa .Id sad well kimono rs'ident of Dumpier peened away remedy to the death of Bye. OI.dbfl, with of Mr. Jew swami d the 8eseeiller cooties mfrs. The doomed. whoae maiden same was Ssrab Jesse Vantstone. wee • native of t1odesMh ttowsehir. but had lived tie the O.Merua side of the river nearly all Mr Ns. She was married !fry -four yeah ego to her sew hemaved parer sail hour years •fin last Jety the asides w.ddisg was osaebr ted. eHHer dsneem is hes •eveo- ih ti Breides it bndbsndrdee leaves ate ees, WasiTJksdhW. of Ben- efit. sad !dime tseebtrn : here. A d Ther et L. 8ssk. Salk. ; M+. r i Bleheedow el- . is aslwIwid elm by heather awl two dem : Wade Ve_1 ate est Mho Vanssase, of sed Mea tater..t Wisstum OMdhill was a oes.M•sdiet gineett t emathsr et the Meth tenewel garrison eeadA rss b w adnieler t Noe. MZ11:"IMM:"Yela. Daytona. nee Ia sa t Wag it -THE COLBORNE STORE. INC Seasonable Goods is Large Assortments At prices that will give us fame—Yes, and something better, too— satisfied customers. We want your help to make our strong business position still .stronger. r Read on: The billowing Items of Interest are for you. Rugs Our new stock of Rugs for this fall's selling is pow in and ready for your inspection. It is a pieseure for w to show thew beautiful floor cov- erings, beeauee we ars certain the patterns and textures are the latest. If you are looking for a rug let us bare the pleasure of displaying our beautiful assortment. Price low, quality high. Linokums This Great Flax Covering is now used by nearly everyone. Nothing so sanitary and cleanly on your floor as linoleum or oilcloth. Our fall stock is Al and our prices aro just eight. Let us show you what we have. Velvets itis essential when buying 'shine for coo-. tame that you sbould be certain that tbsy are alt dyes. You should ask tor and insist oo getting velvets guaranteed to be in Weevil's' fast colors. You can get them sure at this store and at t: a same prices or less than you . pay for commas dyes. Dress Trimmings This tall a lot of bnttoa trimmtog is in vogue and we have stocked s large range of the newest makes. Our Allover laces for yokes sad collars range from 25c to $6.00 a yard sad are really beautiful goods. Everything new and op -to -date. Our fall stock of Coats ooats is here and an ele- Huron ALWAYS gent lot they are too. The Rodger'. Coat in New York latest styles and new.q weaves is cloth Every coat we show was made for this fall's wear. Examine our coats and get our peiesa. Rain Coats English Impatal Rain Coats, absolutely wa terprooi, $&75 and Sten Knit Uoods The latest designs and color combinations arae now ready for the fall Leads in Sweater Coats, both in ladies and children's. The Mosarcb Knit Sweater Goat cannot be surpassed. Hosiery We carr an extensive stock of Heeiery from e 25 -cent cashmere mere acid heavy wool to a fine Liana at 75c. Bear in mind we hold first place for hosiery values. Underwear Our underwear stock is now at its best. You COD get scything from a 35 -cast garment to one at 31.76. Nothing better to be had anywhere Baas what we can show. ebitdruo'a, girls', ladies'. boys' sad mea'• Flannelettes Notwithstanding the advances in the prices of these coeds we aril still offering the tame values and press as lata year. lOc, 124c and Mk. J. H. COLBORNE (ietraadeone), Richard Echlin and 7 Walton (e nephew). Pone crea'noxa.—On the evening of fib;, previous to beer mar- riage ljaa Walker. of Deaver. Colorado. the friends oaf Mie. Jessie Oke. to the number of 60. sesswbl d at ti e home of her parents and pre- ssm • cl bar with a most beautiful mantel da and silver oake fork. aceompaa- led van address expressing the good wisLee of the donors. Mr. and Mrs. Walker left for their home in Denver on Friday of last week. On Fri- day .vomer of last week the members of Good Will adult Bible class and their friends met at the Temperance hall been. Thera was a full actesd- anos. T1. clam t, Mr. Ris- ley. ls evduring tbe evetoiMg theoccupied the Da W.oe to take theplettorm, when be was meet by Mrs. Jae. Long, who read a oomp- plienestary address and Mr. Roy l[ohriag, who presented him *with a parte dtgold in behalf of the member* of the dasrand their friends. Mr. Davidson made a very feeling reply and In theaking the class for their gilt: said that the three months he bad spent on Betmilfer circuit would always remain a green .pot t° his memory. Mr. Davison is leaving herr September Path to continue his studies in Montreal Methodist Theo- logical College. McGAW Uw'. WANTED. -1 meprepared to buy all kinds d grain on Wedoesda , Thursday and Friday of each week. Higbee prices ggueranteed. Also flour and teed for gale. A. ALLIN. An) Woman Can Have Beautiful Hair Dandruff Disappears, Fall * Hair Ceases, When Yes Use man Sage. No prepanstion has done so much to stop falling i. hair ; .rsdieate dandtvtt .td make woos'. hair baautitul a. Parisian M a It Use only certain dsssroyer oe the dandruff microbe, the ranee of most hair trouble.. Parisian Sege is Bost daintily per- tained. erfamed. It Y as ideal prepasmtiot. not sticky or ocean. It does not acetate poisonous eager of lead or sulphur or any lis maerniflosmt dressing for woman tun desire luxuriant. lustrous bale tireompels .dsiretioo and for tees ad eb(dren sothlog can nom• lea with it It does away with terrible scalp itch over sod moms the hair to grow /bbu feAnd a large bottle of Parisian Sags costa only (u cent. et al drug and tsllt.t goods mentos B. it. TVigle gessraslee. IL MIIMMIneeple THE PLO Now is your plows the fell good dings door. incl - ing sand rid famous Na 2 it you need GASOLINE one and. power We have t will well at theta out in for cutters. A aur lice 818 IMPILE band. '1 Dungannon Fall Fair Meals Served at the Excelsior Bake Shop, 25 cents each Hot Dinner and Supper Suitable Accommodation for Horses Fruits of all kinds, includ- ing Grapes, Peaches and Oranges, will be sold at low prices during the Fair. Ice Cream and Confec- tionery a specialty. N. J. Treleaven, Dungannon. Pandora Range MASSE r.S ROGER Hamilton '8 The Hou and R Showing no np -to - date Motion Pk A compl program Thursday Songs at ing the w Classical night. This The purified each of the noted The comfort this Theatre carefully coos TO SPENT EVEN] THI Special Tuesday and 30te The Ilia in Don't t Also ano Thursds Oct Admissla Dowell hardware Ca, Ii: liMr rr ♦ail