The Signal, 1913-9-25, Page 1SPECIAL OFFER sari rotting TLa--ia ri4 The record of a mans success -or failure- is ,hen written in his savings account. Heed Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Crodseidi Branch-Axnstzw PORTER, Manager IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE IN GODERICH consult A. G. NISBET who has a lumber of desirable properties for sale at i easonabk prices and terms. 'PFICK NEXT CA-*fADIAIt RANK OF OO MERCE, GODERICH 'Putman . Orrice Bit: Hovis 160. P.O. Box 384 NOTICE ' j1' A R 1I HELP Ii1AK E NOTICE THAT AN t 1 mw persona dty• %aae 1�_�(i w0kis piemeeted. By s THOR STOTHIBIL Trustee' bii Itnrgam es. Jame. U. it WM WAWANOki FIRE IN SURANCECO. kee S+!n�wremdrj�i�ese mm Agear ism Ont. WOMd, It Balms. Ont., aft dose. DOMESTIC Wring taMddhelp UIIL- AkYE pi�4 ft with H. Dt will receive peempt tont [AST OR FOUND LOUT. -THE PARTY WHO TOOK cm Daly piste et embdelissy as botrioe doth tram ties tabes at the ear k aq.ested le eke to the rgptarr J.ADke j? wtn.t8 G-awiob One of the hest in the Prov- I ince_ Fixed rats of as:emtmeut- _ Live Stock insured at its full value whether on tbe farm or not. No trouble to wake adjust- mrnta. R. 1icILWAiN, Nile. Agent foo Colborne, GODERICH 'BUS LINE . . Two ' basesmeet all trains. Private tate bave prompt and careful animation. First-class livery oatlte at all times. Reasonable primes. THE DAVIS LIVERY T. M. DAVIS Proprietor `South Street 'Pbooe No. Sl J i ry -•'••••wY� 1 DUN(GANNON 'I FALL EXI1BITION Thursday and Friday Oct. 2nd and 3rd, 1913 $200 offered in prizes for Speed Tests ll assetkyts tlh t. .Himsblend Pips a..d v :M Hamm isDonaid Sisters. Ihns ueiB t ia«eisR due- lei- lag seM lag IM mad e..siam-. �-� l M will tis w wed Ommege will as Oa do warning al ialbid V tale 1 01121.T, set Bm.aM I MB HmOra e estaa at wit usisreiu was. L 1. ieetLwalw. PesaidasiL , Ams .e. -et sare 1 FOE 6 OE BENT A BARGAIN --THE UNDER -SIGNED hes quick m ie le hie farm of tm sores. lot -'s01 Oo sit derich townie/3i. ei a bared. This thea f. a good ooh add w81i void en [easy tecta For tnrthss panaea ands THOS. R. WALLIS. Goderich, Ont. 1 71-1a I OR SALK-TWORTORY HOUSE 1- on Keay, meet, owataialag ten room.. hs. madam bathroom, t$rweoe and .feeds lights thw.%gkly repaired from aware) reef : fall Lt madman bare with acme tried. Apply to W. >i PINDLP. 6-tf. L'OR SALE OR TO RE.NTT.-HOUSh 1' on Elgin avenue. near Soutb.tteet. Mod- s%Dsmisname.. Apply[ W. R. ROBERT - HON. VMatariasleet- RK\T.-A ROOM. SUITABLE 1 to 1 Dreads. Apty ', MBS. CARTER, ever udamr$s's Rads 74 d1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. We base fir sate ahem thirty town lets, Mors taagtag from trio upwards, &Mo three and ether dwe,lipp and a bar tarts. wttdpus D/OQT. HAY8 it i1L.OftAN, dee Oat Ii OL'8eS8 FOR 8A LE. -AN EiGHT- 11 ROOKED soon es Vixens s eusmt and e ns area rsemed haw en Whom street : both with animism eo.vaahsmw :.table en each eswpmtgAlm me ridm :manor bella- il.dgg ML Fes taRhw p.rop�ry apply to W. T.YLtJrOW. OMwdpb.Ont. 711-tf RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR BALL -The rsdds.es• with fear 1sts. tit.twb ka.wn as the A .Mc D. Anne army lunar.l�Raglan street& Geed kdwrfa modem aorb.ea Grem& Mated with v.rbty .f chasm Mita. U.. of the beg tsar. emir is WWedsh. Be --elite tests- P. J. RYAN. GMwlsh. LiOR SALE. -Titus ACRES OF r l..d, part of bet k L. R w- ommeree tate as.fp,....tyof Were& 0. th n %ptty a•Ase. sew hers. and • retps IhM mile m of �•rrebeed,...Ctmie pts. MM. oweerale ern* *ntlnrsd(� %tamr�os.and stare. NM . The hi �9spepwT M elm he lad 6n* A. A. wlli-IAM71. Demise fist. Alld an* fj1ENDKR8 WWIILL BE RBib CRIVK the parrerw of the tarn oink, of 16:eeeSH.atg - more a r kra ler seaain The k.0r• L'' rH an:..2.."'aat�M'' FARK � NOOBrts.RAIL-THE EAST �s. irsssa Blvli..1 the inw�emu TM hB of W dist el • On*. rats. Sara. lttars le a mall 1Tf i�0. D i IgNON AND FARM POOP- = 1Cln t ken a www. irrr s/ws catainkrin�afie' FOR aAiL-tots�cal. k Wooer br emy asatrg+ ark. a� batmaar� b� to sa a Is1M� �� �� s�herm wdeaa BARN IVa RA2L -LOT* Il AND ddew�s��eemrrtwra�erm/.s.� j.�t, �wae�t�llremlmfs,�.rrb. . irtl hesssee�M �amn .�� es v► ...e.itetl s~i.a wrass�la �roer;es wj�1Rverb -its• • Bass4=1 /sum 18.1 I GODKRICH. THURSDAY, SEPTEIMBER 25. 1913 FALL FAIRS. Bay ifie:d • M. 26 oo••• •Sept. p . 26, 28 Eh ktto. di, RI ililverton..............-Rapt. M. 22 Blyth....... Rapt. 20. Oct. 1 Deagansell Ort. 2. to Demob .. ,.. Oct. S. 8 Gerrie. Ort. 4 Teespsts, Oat 7. 8 PUBLIC NOTICE. • LANOE OF BUSINKS8.-BAV- WO seed Nay bakery Wars to Mersa_ Bros. 1 hereby watts all MS-aetemwa whims ewrime a . that taem tart wafts at sees_ -J. W. SMITH. lax DRESSMAEING.-THE UNDEE- EitGNiD will rewire sdase:ter dE wpartttl1.g and d u8sr-os . .seeraras11 Keo Meld reed. YhIBl OR� [a =aril W MISS IDA IIcLIOU. 73.t B ONE OF 118 AND MEE r OUR [!Maeda they a8 wail M mad rw pee cards • ad szeharks Hoerr with ren We here a list of people a8 ever the whale were. acre ler mens plealag add :fit. bey talctry pthe ...In* RESPONDENCE BUELU. P. O. Mootasat, P. Q. FOR SALL L'OR SALE. -A GOOD 11ILCH .3 cuww. Apply to Kit& O. J. MAW lora. LAR SALE. -ONE GOAL RANGE E mad two woad stns.. W Id Beed artitldd. Apply at THE SIGNAL. rIWR SALE. - PORTABLK 14 B P- i ,seam reruns la Ire -same working eerier. Will drive separator with wolf -Mew ,md Mower. Atm a Perls eattiag-ams far Meg dim on tracks. and in feet MOW : water wagon nod tank. peva mad be,.. ears grin by the entire outfit. My .muter. lar s1Biwg at tlic. sacrifice 1. that 1 hareyartaimed• Mine - big wait. JAMES CHISHOLM Daaip. 7tFtt _ DRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Mr. 3. A. Rumball, Umbria Road. wed ash the osdunu of his home by private ale dm ing tee comm weep- The whore mutest, st Masold. beautiful ps.m an* to - dude]. oosei.tiog of library table to Cutch mahogany. three9imoe parlor saint in .olid ma- begaay. p•-•ior matey table. mahogany rocker. J apanese ae-ir.:easel mino-. famed oak Mo - Ing rwmm suite desisting of buffet china cab MA, diaper wallop and routed extension table. amt of i-eut iioldapo•k Maser Maim oqe oflee desk are :Earn.three upholstered rocker. oak rocker. piano kitchen range. kitchen :abbot. nos NU. ti, coontent& of tour bedroom.. mortis. certain•. carpet .weeper, kitchen uten- • wra. drop -head sewing machine. ward- rotesr, food Moppet. bread mixer. new Kvealade taws mower. garden tools. hose. eta., and may small item, too numerous to ,meutiot. All gasp offered fn* sale will be shown with pleasure. Terme cub. J. A. RUMBALL. gr • B YLAW NO. 17. OF 1913, OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH. A B r t• er ro Maar T• Firm A*FZa.M ENT roe • Pn000 or Tea Ya•as ro THE Hour - MICR 01110•x CoMr•irv. LIMITED. Whereas the Ooderich Orme Company. Limited. has requested the Corporation of the Tows of Goderleh. through its Municipal Council, to grant it • fixed atseement of $:s. - p. -(n. for a period of ten yeah, ecennieneing wit b the current year. upon all 1t: assemble property, exclusive of . col tax. Aod wberma it is deemed expedient to grant LN.aid aid, fore be It masted and it is hereby en - tatted by the MuaidpY Council of the C orper- atios of the Town of Godericb: 1. It to berebydeclared that the load... bbup1ltldd-� f.gv. enaeafnsiy. plant and all the aaae..a6M property at .wnied bJ tb� e said The Bodo tick O, . l:ampaay. 1.rmtteo. and lyidg be- t woos idd street and ..'sweat a .trees . 10 tea .aid Taws of Goderich. together with arty im- prsvemeeta or additions to the pre.est plant; that may be made thereto open tee said hada within the period bssdaafter mentioned, teal) be valued and assessed for all p.rpoe•, eioep: shod taxes ter a period of ten years. onmmeed.n with the year 1113- st the sum of tsth t.401.Ot it being understood that e said ompsay shah pay denim the mid period. in .MtUo. to all ordirsary tam. the Menem tax booed upon said ex, ti mom mot i ThierBylawshall Wks *Beet on the day ithaAM Th.1 W ...mmoles electorslof the mid Town of tiodwise shall be taker en this Bylaw at tam so ew1R fleeo sod plasm% that M to say. e a *eater. the 4th day of October. NIA. cam - at the boar et 9 .dost in the fore- seen emeimdmg well Settle* la the •tlw- seen of the tame day. by the salbwles Depots Ratateisg tla{osss: Mader tee Re 1. at T hem asset Weed by Jobs H. Edward, Depide terrisss�g �%hdf. end Selo R Malay. asp eles ann �ap.Ireses Ms'`(Me xasiTReg r:: tPdl 8.1lvldoa No. 3, at Tows Hall. lerlad 8hieb r. Ileputy Bat.rslmt Other. .ad Wn Lees. Pell CCIlerrkk. Ponies kethilrbden Na 4. at Stotler.' Weed gyp, by Mersa A. Tithed. kr fsske 8.1arusar user. red wa Stetberr As seidavhden Ms. A et Kra .W J ..'. =s7414=.bra:deir O.Krf>t . tawh. Pesl7 al.b rri rt�I at .St811. an, t�aeP�aao%slas�,_011osr. SobliwdH. �a � sh 1. Psi sea IteMge betiWirt;�a. tMR .ed.s 4. On ?.sloe. W Wear of Oseshie. if, the Mayer d the mw 'rawm abet reuse es as umausa - Clamhm. s6 the mid news at tee sadist in She ammo ele appsa 9 wefts ids s.�rt{ts a/agv�mtsm p e sen a seedthe peaskag et .11.t/etWW eN1 ' 3"9.1to.T iae'a•i� y d Saseasaa INA lease L Q90Z K GREAT SUCCES 000E RICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBI- TION DRAWS LARGE CROWDtf toMbit• in Aimee( A11 Ltoes Show an AS a cis-8pes11ing Contests Keen- ly Oentested -Good Performances before Me Grandstand - Gate Re- ceipts Largest Yet Aga s the beds ieh Iodeatried Ex- ykhian ham brakes Ms own record toe Att..d.sat asd daser.l ease... Wedssday, ibis opinion day, was wet sad dr evMm, sitasdaa i was very email. est T►weedry sad Friday were pmtrin Ilaptemker days sad the sits alma ca help wwAs at the Exhibi- Oen pews& Thursday was "the big day. and ay staemdaece mast bave boa Bea w ells show,grommknomill TM total * spere ss►t� of rose*. 461.1.611•11111110 t Tbe iambiieatalned a eariet attenuate, Mani i wen mass ae too 'Imo 'yamartist marred temenees [die.. The toes( meeewsts es..Oed thorn -,es be the diWiay of their warty, ems their eHarte added nisch to the retaasmt taken in this demenesmt et the fair. was a riga lccnt collection of cwt Moa, offs twenty and frage..e i attraetd epoch admiration. Same .5apifaapt 1os.i dangles wars i.duded in the display, and there was • good eollectioo of pa ted plants- Al- together the display was one of wbicb the bortie.lturuts have reason to be �fruit display. always a great feature of the Godericb fair. was,.ot a wblt behind the displays of previcus years. In spits of a rather unfavor- able ..arson for *pylae. the king of fruits 'bowed up taegnific.ntly, both in gtunuty and in quality. Peary, plums, peacbes and grapes also were shown in good variety and splendid quality. 'The orchardists of Huron county are keeping up the reputation' of this district for the' production of first -clans fruit. Vegetables were a fair display. but field roots were not up to the mart 10 tbe number of exhibits. There were good displays o[ (dairy prc ducts, AUCTION SALES. • FaiD•T. October le. -Aachen .ale of farm stork. poultry and fureftore. property of Ma. Wn. C. Linn•.. Huron Riad. oomm0Dci01 at 1Jb p.m. Tetoe. tictronr. auctioneer. WEDX1210417. tJrtober 8 -Auction -.le of farm stock. Implement.+ and household furni- ture at lot 10. eoneewloe 11. Hallett, property of the late Lune Biu-. Taos. OCR -DRY. auc- tioneer. MOND•T. `Sept. 'SL -Audis.. 1e of house- hold furniture_ property of Maw es. Aemaeov. Trafalgar street. at L70 p. m. TBD.. Gt-MDar. auctioneer. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. -APPRENTICES AND experienced Mile for suite apse dreamaking. MISS LILY COX. Rural Apart- mmtw IVANTED.-VENEER MAN TO ppl1ooys take �a�e ofdeparmeet. Steady ran- aaksr.atwith agaLIn Apply tBERLIN £BIOR HARDWOOD Ca. Berlin.Onnt. f kRE88MAKING APPRENTICES WANTED. -Apply MRS. W. T. PCL - w . amines eareet WANTED -VENEER MAN TO v take charge of department, steady em- aldrment wttb bleibe-t wages, aloe cabinet �wkQs wanted. Apply to THE BERLIN INTERIOR HARD% 001100.. Berli.. UDt. WANTED. -A CARETAKER FOR CL'VTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Duties .war be sees.taised at Semwtarr's Mies •a/ are 1 eammenea at mea Salary 188.0 per yy++aarr A$pieetiar the to be is uses d the Beast n .et later than Malay. Oetsher nth. 1911, A STRATTON, Seem/arc 74-8 vv 1 5 50 GIRLS WANTED - he Montt Department. wood wages. 1 Bright sew metier. Blabsle aeon SS laeda Address for w pareleal. I D. B.I PERKIN & COMPANY. tel, 1 79 --ss Leedom. Ontario. AUCTION SALEM A U OOIN SAs OF HOUSEHOLD 111.111.Wt� MM. W. AC11111107.4.1 �will mil o,k��7ermm1ss1.t11 bf0 .OW= ether nids.M. Mp.VDAT, TJ:PT. is. 1TT is. P. K. eslease ef bee beesahW tee. M- Isdnem, Maim dishy. 9htasem a, epets, ear - ~rss►ii\res -til he me muse, as air•. debesaa le esemuhg bee Tito[ O L NOSY, AmeYa.aw. 4111.1=f1 SCALE OF FARM 81OCE JOHN MAIM a IOW will ..Ws sachem at ism N. em emdle. t 1. A fir%. 1111`__AY. BiwT. Ws. emsere.alT It f, e'dm i =Leg? sy1>�♦11mmsmss.. 5 ��rm�slmsrgsmPs mY : i y+mm sed gm; tdiumomlme lm '1 ti t 1 ysai. myelso- t iwmsea skirt Ile gave � �epesg cl8ew ,: • rf : f rm�iaamBa. Immo t so Er 11 r>ws wefts : s ./1 W i aeed Via% ��mwrtrlvte 11-11nen� • ,,; e ♦ lseumm. stmt 1 es grain* and other productions of farm - fell. Upstairs was a lar'g'e and varied ooileetion of ladiestaacywork, Pre- served fruits, pantry and other goods of domestic manufacture. The display of pies. :akar, tarts, eta, looked decidedly good. Of paintings there was not • large collectioo, and one teals has asking if the talent for floe arts is decaying in Ooderich. An exhibit of garden products by the pupils of the Goderich public school. evideored great interest by the youthful exhibitors in their garden - leg operations. The exhibit included tomatoes, Dorn, potatoes, carrots, cu- cumbers, pumpkins, etc., some of which would hive won prises in the general competition. The aesthetic side of gardenias was not neglected. and tbe exhibit included dainty bo.q.ets sed boxes of pansies and •stere. The poultry house held a large col- batim of prise fowl with a few rat bits and pigeons. As was expected this azbil.it was better than for some 7.011, owing to a renewal of interest on the ppaarri of many of the poultry- ewn 11. old "chicken -house" bas broome rather dilapidated, and next year the efforts of the poultry -fanciers should be encouraged by the ere:tion of • new building. The live .tock exhibit was especially in bosses end cattle. these deparsneents being well filled. There was some splendid stock on exhibition, and the parade of prix.-winniog Faim4 before the grandstand on ariday afternoon did credit to the live -stock hien of the dietricL A Splendid Eziibit One of the real attractions of the Exhibition was . the ezhibit of the Amencan Road Machine Company, wbicb comprised • surprisingly extensive lice of road -making macb- loery. The most prominent feature of the exhibit was a Champion stone - crusher in operation, with the acteen. and distribution bin turning out broken stone in the various sizes required for road -making by modern metbode. Included in the display also were samples of the Company's products in [road -graders. road -sweepers, road - scraper, plows, water -wagon., dump- wegoos, streetcleaoiog can and bag - derriere, road levellers, rued-drage, road -roller,, etc. The crusher was operated by a portable engine. whith was the only machioe in the exhibit not manufactured by the Company. The exhibit was in charge. of Mr. J. W. Kitts, secretary of the Company, end lunch interest was manifested by the spectators in the operation of the machinery. Great pieces of rock - many of them tough old "hard -beads" -were dumped into the mouth of the crusher, and in as incredibly abort time they were broken and crusbed into fragments. then carried to the revolving screen and distribution bin by which the different sizes of crashed rock were separated. The capacity of the crusher was sixteen tons an hour. and iia weight was 20,000 lb Larger machines manufactured by the Com- pany have a capecit, up to forty tons an hour. The exhibit was doubly creditable to the management of the Aruerican Road Machine Company. first in demonstrating the extensive scope of the Company's operations at the Godericb factory, and secondly in adding to the attractions of the fair an exhibit which commonly can be seen only at the big metropolitan ex- hibitiooa. The Buckeye ditching machine. recently imported by the Goderidb township syndicate, was shown in operation. George Salkeld being in charge. it is • wonderful machine, and its enure general see will help the farmers in solving tbe labor problem The Huron Gasoline Engine Machinery Co. bad a tent in which was exhibited an extensive line of Barrie gasoline engines. These engines are making a hit and much interest was shown in the display. Blore as Grandstand The performaoce before the grand- stand consisted of high -clans acrobatics by the "Flying Dordens" and De Renin sad Leduc The former troupe, con- sisting of eve men. put on the best performance of its kind ever seen in Godericb. Tbeir exhibition of won- derful aerial feats was punctuated with enthusiastic applause .n recog- ltion of their daring, skill and strength. De Rsnsc and Leda* also did some rema-1a14. acrobatic stunts. their performance being Snore to the comedy line. bowever. The Sped Teals The shower on Wednesday put the track in excellent condition and the speeding events were run off under e beet of conditions. The different events weir all well etootested The results wen $. follows A. matao iMT.OTcePaa. Gra Roseolas �aadtl aekaew 4 1 2 1 L Mel.eam, f f 4181 9m+ste- .5. dtisr/+1sa Sestet► rename' earn Ou race. le Taster} 1126 a1I 1 1 4 dr. a sd r. i. Wbelp. I.%relw .4 d . lE. rlrelda Dee 1. W101mktreLy 1 OMB Mai .3 I 3 1 1 a iferteg: ) Dimpiass is dr Ibis Or Is this Bassed/ simikk Ohs .f.. bail w n year w�'�", illy attractive is the e«tee of the raysia was 4M esblhlt of the Hydrealainle Oom- tmiodoe, M abbey d Mr. Outer. Ably gsehtd by dine )/0Oreetb of the b*cel sisetrle 1101 older. Tlas «blhit in- atbad • camber of olsgtsisallydrives t, ince CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good •dvertaing net • dollar of ezpeuee, but a dollar invested upoe which you will receive Maher div eked* then trots any Biba iavemesent. asWe s is times n.sumo ban edvst>tit4R A. s BRADw1N. Pomtwoh appliaaons, including a washing -ma- chine, • chum, a butter -mixer, a water - pump. • milker, etc. Then there were a number of smaller household ap- pliaaoss, such as toasters, coffee per- colators, krona, etc., demoostruing the uses of electricity in lightening the labor of the bousewife. No doubt when day power is available these will come into 00.5.5011 use. has. C. Lee's exhibit of stoves and hardware goods was very interesting. The display ioduded tires and other automobile goods, electric tans. elec- trical hangings, 'garden tools, fishing goods. etc., eta. The demon*tretiooa of the coal oil and gas attachment that can be applied to any range, heater or furnace drew large crowds who mani- fested mush interest George Hohmeler, the furniture man, wade a goad display. A cloning - roma set of Iumed oak Included daven- port, desk. rockers and chairs. A hand- some Nordbeimer piano also was on exhibit Mr. Hohuseier has the agency for this well-known piano. Hod ens Bros. had some of their highcl..e goods attractively displayed in their space at the north end. Theye was • handsome arrangement of Wil- lem and Axminster rugs and mats, and the front of the display was draped with curtains and curtain fab- rics of quality. Some very attractive tartan goods also were on display. D. Millar & Son made an attractive showing of sweatet coats, curtains, curtain materials, rte. A unique feature of the exhibit consisted of several models of COMM!' represent- ing the famous McColl patterns. J. H. Colborne had a beautiful dis- play of Wilton sed Brussellette rugs and mats. Some natty winter coats and coatings in the display were a seasonable reminder of tbe cold weather soon to be upon us. The Howell Hardware Co. occupied a large lection with an extensive di. - play of their goods, including Pandora ranger, McClar•y'a Famouo base - burners, Bele Oak heaters and Detroit vaper stoves. Mr. Howell was kept busy explaining the superior merits of his goods. R. R. Sailows had a number of his pbotographic views ou exhibition. C. J. Harper showed elects is light fixtures, bathroom goods, - Oxford range., etc. The Western Canada Flour Mills Cu. wade an exhibit of Purity flour in bags and barrels. In addition to their outside display, the Huron Oaaoljoe Begins & Machin- ery Co. had a space in the main hall in which were exhibited bicycler, bicycle psrts, tires and other autowo- bile goods_ L. B. Tape, of the Singer 'tore, hal an attractive display, including several styles of the famous Singer sewing machipes and some articles of fancy- work. The ladies were much interested in this exhibit. Tbe apiary department of the Guelph Agricultural College sent an exhibit and attendant The exhibit consisted of an observation hive, model hive, feeder and 'staples of supplies necessary for the .bee -keeper. In the observation hive a swarm of bees were making hooey. Informa- tion concerning the bees or appliances was courteously given by the attend - an t The complete prize list will be found on pages three and seven. Notes of the Fair In the school children's exhibit there were six gcod-sized pumpkins, grown by Gordan Anderson, Bert Bradford, Alex. Mallougb, Helen Howrie, Grace Videan and Henry Taylor. There is some class to the spe- cial attractions of the Goderich fair. Last year the trained elephants showed only at Toronto, Ottawa and Godericb in this Province. This year the acrobats who gave the thrilling performance in front of the giaod- stand came direct from New York and after the conclusion of tbeir et:gage- ment bens left for New Hampabire. Such attract ions cost money, but the directors of Godencb fair make it a point to secure high am. amusement feature.. There was quite • "crush" around the Road Machine Oo's. exhibit. Order. please 1 R. R. Sloan's name was prominent is the fruit display. R. R. is one of the leading horticulturists not only of Huron but of the pioviooe. There were a number of sharpers on tn. grouede who relied In considerable mosey before being "ckeed up" by Use pollee. The directors should be aiseful to prevent this .ort of thing. Tbe farmers' tr+t was a great con- test, ooe of the fastest events of the kind ever sago in these parts. Tbe winner received an ovation from the crowd of spectators. H. Bosee.berry, of Dashwood, said be bad been on eleven race tracks this season, and the 8t.. Thomas track was the only one that, excelled the Gods ricb txwrse in the condition it was in last week - Lneb Kennedy, of Wingbem, a former resident of Ooderich, was the official starter for the speed Geeta. Herber Noise The steamer E. N. Jaz arrived ne Friday with a e•e'gn of din to elf opal for the Westers (Canada sour mills. The *Mame, Doric arrived oe Sunday with a cargo of 112,000 boaheIa of wheat for the big trill Boat* leave belie areivitg almost daily. for the e,op of the west is eons - keg in at the sort/mew ekrw•toen asd must he sbipped at ones to avoid tem - weeks. The arrival et the elevator imps the steamer Scottish deco on Thursday with 1.1n010 busloads of whets and seas ; the Mesmer R. J. Drummond as S.Ka.dsy with i60.11D0 MONEY All GONE PROBING AFFAIRS OF DEFUNCT ONTARIO WEST SHORE Huron and Bruce Municipalities Guar- anteed Bonds and Are Now Paying Interest *resident Noyes in Chi- cago -Hearing Adjourned to Se- cure Detailed Statement Another attempt to unravel the affairs of the Ontario West Shore electric railway sad make the pro- moters romoters too the line and show when all the money raised on bonds guaranteed by the municipalities has gone to was made before the Ontario Railway Board in Toronto on Friday afternoon last. The primary complaint came from the towns of Ooderich and Kin- cardine and the township of Ashfield. Mr. Wm. Proudfoot, M.P.P., appeared for Ashfield, and Goderich was repre- sented epro-seated by Mr. C. Darrow and Kitrcar dine by Sir. P. A. Malcolmson. The bearing in this important case has been atandiog ad jurned all summer. Under the questioning of Mr. Proud - foot ,certain evidence was taken. The promoters of the Ontario West Shore electric railway undertook to build s lin, between Ooderich and Kincardine and issued bonds to the extent of 5000,000. The municipalities to be served by the lire were ap- proached and cheerfully consented to guarantee the company's bonds up to 5400,000. Work was started and the money raised on the hoods was paid out from time to time by the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, with whom the guaranteed bonds had been deposited for sale, upon the order of the . en- gineer in charge. At the present time an immense sum has been sunk in the road, yet not a tar bas been run over it, the company has gone under and the bondholders are making the muu- icipalities carry out their guarantee. The first witness was Mr. T. E. Rob- bins, with whose house the guaranteed bonds had been deposited for sale. The total issue, be claimed, way 1900, (00, on the hulls of 515,000 per single tract mile. Of this amountttbe muni- cipalities through which the railway was projected to run guaranteed 5100,- 000: The proceeds from thesale,of the bonds were $364.isl1, under which the towntbip bond. brought 9e and the town's ilia. The t2110,tIu1 of bonds not guaranteed by the municipalities were turned over to tbe president of the railway company. and M-. Robbins did not know what became of them after that. Out of the total /de 1839.G6 is left with the trust company. "Where did Om baiasce go," asked Mr. Proudness. "The money was paid out on the certincates of Mr. V. M. Roberta, the engineer, Inc construction work and material. Our arrangement was that we should pay the money on receipt of certificates from the engineer. We acted in accordance with corer instruc- tions as trustees.-' Some fifty-seven certificates in all had been issued by Mr.'Roherts, cover- ing the shove amount, and thie. be re- peated, represented work and mater- ial. "Upon what basis did you make out those certificates of payment?" Mr. Proudfoot pressed. The reply of Mr. Robbins was that they were upon the percentage of the work done, part was to be in bonds and part money. Mr. V. M. Roberts, the engineer, said he attended all the meetings of the electric railway board and took his instructions from Mr. Moyes. the president. He knew nothing of the contract between the railway com- pany and the Huron Constriction Co. He kept books at all, only memoranda. The fifty-seven certifi- cates that to issued allowed work done to the amount of *139.9t19.49. As this did not prove satisfactory to Mr. Proudfoot, the latter urged for itemized statements, hut the reply of Mr. Roherts was : "i never kept books on an estimate in my life. i worked years for the C.P. in the same capacity and never kept books there. it was Mr. Moyne who attended to all the distribution of the work." Mr. J. W. Moyes, the president of the defunct railway, mind who pro- moted the proMet, is at present In Chi- cago, and books, records, and all other data required for the Inquiry are not available and nobody seems to be abler to tell where tbey can he found. Chairman McIntyre grew impatient at the appearance of witnesses who bad no material to proceed upon and adjourned the inquiry on the under- standing that data will be fortbrnm- ing.t the next meeting, which will be held at Toronto on Friday. Oc- tober 3rd. Ho 1 for Dungannon Hugh Hill proposes to take m party from Goderich to the Dungannon fair nest Friday in his big auto wagon. Anyone wishingto 10 may leave word u Signal oe. The auto will leave town at 1 o'clock. Fare for the rusted trip ere. BORN JBRVIs_ -At 1R- Marys bs.pitel, Tebbe. Al .5. J. w` t sm. is ]leer.. en i Ma Fred 1JNMr.Jsad 16 J P. a 'Needs', almoombar jM ■4. .-At wat[Wd, ee Pgeessbw sbt em demob - 14. eel Mrs. A. Beer a daesbtmt �DIEDa�t ��a� IIaLIL-In h, so Tort to .f baobab ab of *best and ass : _ti. *Learner u(�a 1 weltlsoi a welt Ka.A00 bt+abels' J ZAK - At ?Mho her 8 e p� M 11 iNj�ee�aasaers secs. mob, sir M t sen of Its. end o. [« em F SiigM�lpKrsi -h �: ora 1 I tab. ..Bb et wMa . seas mil flea., 1 ii.'Tie Sea►