HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-18, Page 8• T fiensnay. Sere: 11, MIS 111:11 SUWAL : GODZRWCH ONTARIO WALL PAPER Oeet tea thoaoand role to Wall Pottier to cigar, mid in order to do et% we have tot prices from' i ter' ♦f- Every roll Mound be gold to mine room ter Oberman+ hoods arriving 'hookyAll It. bre ie and Be pavan reduced to so sad fie tier roll. Benders to Mate* 1e pee yard. AU lie and Ile yarns rehired to fie cad lis oto root. Borders to mMcb 111e per yard. Oyer seven tbommed roils regular lir. ]ate wad fir per roll. reduced t G 10e sod 1 .o per toil Speen) linen, Yic, Sur end 75.e pet roll. reduced to ilio and Bio per roll During tato sale positively no ..ample rolls given out. sod Do exchanges made, but any com- plete roll. left over will be taken bark. and entry t -funded, if returned within two weeks of purchase. Terms strictly cash. The WWII Book Stere G110. PORTER. Prop. 'Phone 100 Goderrch. Novelties FOR Christmas ;Gifts Novelties for Christmas Gift* on hand ncw. ladies. make your ('brism's+ Gibs Dow is your spare time. Some beautiful articles for situ. all made up, stomped for the touch -of -heed embroidery such as Wein Oases. Shirt and Pajama Chars. Combing Sscgoes. Boudoir Ceps. Tie Racks. pipe Reeks. "lubber Oases --too num- erous to 'Dentin - Come and are for yourself. Handsome Bulgarian acrd Blanc Silk Collars, also stamped sets for working. Stumped Underwear in dainty desists. A few made -u1: Night - cerise.. iecava.. embroidery-teinned. both styles. Children's Dreams made up. stamped for hand embroidery. Handsome array of Beau, y Pink Bar.Pini sad Pin Seta and Rockies. Mrs. Tape The Singer Store Next Bell Telephone Central. Maple Leaf Grocery Honey We have received a new shipment of absolutely pure Whfte Clover Honey. SATURDAY SPECIALS Pineapples. Grape Fruit. Oranges. Banana.. New Potatoes, Wax Bess. Cucumbers. Ames r a It e a. Lettuce. Onions. Radishes, Spinach. Toma►oss. ORDER EARLY K iodly get your order in early for Fruits and Veg- etables wad ovoid der appoistaest. S. J. Young Hamilton street SALE OF GRAND SQUARE �PIANOS Our satbjemity is yaw opprrr- We and the room k -r• a ship - meet of new Pianos. One Ernest Gable... one Oster & Sous ..... One Metropolitan .. These limos are all trod mad a asap as the PI4C1. Oa mad sae than. We have also a Dumbest of sammiiaed Organs at bargains. JamesF. Thomson Agent for aaft?rl�Atc & 00. FUNDS COLLEGE AT HO M E wmt[saY wawa Ysfars tD Y node/ g ree• akin 1118‘11111. .► tare apes V Weft ll Rtrli.h t 1 THE FALL PLOWING Mow is the tame to tee that 'your plows ate in good shape fot for fall plowiog. We have • gid display of plows on om floor, including the Verity volit- ive and riding Plows: also the iseous No. '.5 Fleury Plow. U,ymoo need POWER we have GAIN ill ENGINES trete *canned cite -half to thirty Horse- power We have two Boutin left and will sell at a bargain to clear them out in order to make tool foe cutters. A full line of MASSBY-HAR- RI8 JMPLKMENT always on When in town'rill at THE MASSEY--HARRIS STORE Locals and Personals Mabel tint her bass bailey - at her hems at 011.s+- --Me. W. Baer aodsnd -1 the Wltn ere tette at Lesbos last gleet. _Bits Mamie Poster bas rwm.sd lei he. seised nails at Vaebi -Mr. Stevie' £sdrews was a beer sem visitor to Tess este lad week. -Mr. W. J. Powell and acs. Haber. were visiting is latsties last wsk. -]lies Ida Smith left Ian. week for OPERA HOUSE One night only. TUESDAY, SEPT. 23rd. "The One Big Reard-beaking Surma AL. RICH COMEDIANS Lod Entire Metropolitan Prothro - Gus. in George Barr 14n0utebean's Famous Story Brewster's Millions Dramatised by Wiooben Smith and Byron Otiaey. Mort Thrilling Yacht Scree eves. Staged. Absolutely Continuous Laughter. Praised by Evers 1Irannat.ic Oritic in the Country. Seats on sale Saturday, t. 2ittb Priors ;44!74* Apfew at 4100. " P.i*aes a beer sem tet! to Lbsdes —Mr..J F.: ve el odbeese w. • Bedaekb widow ise -Mrs W. D. Ota, of LaeisRMs. whited bur fatjsee. Mr. E. Dawsi.R. over 8ssday. --W. L B Gray. late of the Httirhie t branch. ie the sew teller is the knot braseh of the Vision teak. Condos to talo • poviuosi is lie. wit- -Mr. and Yea B. Meitner have eon's atm returned from a visit to their dsttgb- -Mrs. J. Addle Fowler left ow Yon- ter. Yrs. oafs. at Guelph. dry for New t:.kestd for a Mort visit -Mr. add mss. Walter R. Haeriuos with frieoda. nem ebbing Mends at Lomb's add -Mr. George A pronto- sense the Webers fair last west. viol cosstabie, of Wis ws• d -Me. Hughey McMinn:n. of Feet tows os Tuesday. Men.* ismer Ocietieh boy. ie viit- who hoe bead ammo old bee* then aced. -Mr. Jack (criWn. �s ase speeding • few week* 1. Illinois, re- cursedhosts last week. aprsdlds the week bent with his - Mr. Edgar Woods, of the Union He io tdg ds sied by Mw Carbide Co.. Mia faro Falls spend- Carrie seri u$btet' ins his holidays to tows. -Mr. Rank Minden, of Deleon. fs -ilea Jas. Moon, Olodeaste: Ter- ,gsndieg the present week with race, has reiterant from a two weeks' mends ld 3odeeisb, Wiseman and vigil with Mends et Blyth. other Heron musty points. -Ni.s,Peeri Bradford. of Tomato. -Jude, Holt in making a circuit is visiting at the brans of Inasps+es tae the courts in tag scribers part d`�- Mr: and Mrs George Bradford Wiseman, Bruvnel.. 6e and Hfyth will be visited by him. -Mr. Rai Syneoddr, a (lode b_ old boy, now a resilient of Bran ie in town this week shakingwhitds old friesand viewing thew of Huron meant y s great fail -Mr. John DonaYrrn. of Brant- ford. is a Goderid traitor this whet. He remedy diepomd of his inteseet in a livery twsiness is Itraatload to his patsaer. Mr. Os•e s Walker. - Mr. T. H. Mae, d Mitcb14 , known among the newspaper Germs, icy as the wielder of a fhale ped, called on The Signal yesterday. He was hers as judge of bait and fine uta at the exhibition. --Mr. Alex. 8atmdees, president of the Ocdeeieb Organ Co., is attending the reeetieg of the Canadian Manufac- turers A*eoeiatioa at Halifax. He is secompasted on the trip by Mrs Sinn - dere and Miss Jeais SaadJets. - - Division ooart was held on Thurs- day last. Judge Holt presiding. The followings cases were disposed of :- Holmes vs- Bates. adjourned to Octob et 1st • Babel n Brown. jdgeseet reserved. Tbe ocxt session of the division eoart will be held on October let POWELL for GROCERIES PURE FRES/1 and 000D W. J. Powell away eseisillpm la!M -Mr. E. Foa, who has held the Position of cutter with the Jackson Mfg. Co.. left on Monday for Hami)- toe. -Miss Laura Wilkin docs returned from Clinton to resume bar position on Mosses. Hodgen: Bros. millinery staff, --Miss Dotter Blaisdell aad brotter, 0. H., of 0hasepaign, Illinois, are. visiting at the home of Mr. Joesph Maeda. --Cosa. Medd. of West Wawanosb. is among tbe visitor to the great fair this week. Re is accompaoifel by his daughter cad niece. -Mies Grace Stewart left by steamer City df Vietr'oit for C1evelaDd, where Oat will make w extended vat with her taster. Mrs Andrews. --Mr. F. Wo-,licombe, manager of the local brooch of the t-miou ban& has purchased from Mrs. W. Acbesoo be: t -e idenee On Trafalgar street -- Mr. Jock Holmes. of the Bank of Comore* staff. Wiogbam, is speed- ing his holidays at the home of his gt-aodfetbes. Dr W. J R. Holme. -Mr. George, Rabi°son of Regina. has been spending the week in tear. visiting his slater. Mer. R. E. Hick. and shaking hands with old acquain- tances. Opening Display of Millinery continues all next week The Opening Display of Fall Millinery styles will be continued throughout the coming week. ldlany new stylish hats have been added and you will be sure to find much that is filteresting. Come whenever and just as often as you phrase. We want you to feel perfectly at home and free to study the season's correct styles at your leisure. -Mita Florence T. Kerr returned to Chicago on Tuesday afternoon, after rpebdtng her sonatina with bur parents, Mr and lin. John Kerr, Elgin avenue. - Mears. V. K. Roberta, John Gait. Joseph Kidd and Andrew Portes motored to Zurich on Saturday even- ing and while there were the guests of Mr. J. J. Menne, Y.P. -Rev. C. A. Seeger. WA.. prineip•1' of St. Mark's ani -ger. Vancouver, has returned to the roast otter' spending the stunner with his parents. Crowo Attorney and Mrs. Seeger. -Misses Norma and Ruth McLaren. daughter of Col. J. L McLaren. of Hamilton. who were visiting their graodmotber. Mrs. McClure. have returned to their home at Hamilton. -Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fellow reurrned from Fdmooton last week. Yr. Pellosr, who has been away for five months. mese back with fall con- fidence in the west. Mrs. Pollee% who bas heen visiting there for a few weeks. eccossp•nted him bugle. -The money -saving boy becomes the backer. the merchant, the pro- feesiona) man. Tbe boy who never eaves a mot maker the man who -Mr.Dad McDonald. who ham bald yarns the bread by Me sweet of kistion d manager in the Bow brow 1 who never oval a home or co- � _fes arclw� ti's. store for the pass. joys e luxtaties d {iia yew. lea . left laweek for Louden. where =Yr. F. B Holmes. of list C. P. R be will take charge of the strove and tool department in Weetmaa's Hard- ware- Mr. McDon.M. wbo hoe lived in town all hie lite was well liked by eve'vooe and lam vex -ked for the Howell Hardware Co. four years. During that time be worked hammed u p from the foot of the hardware tear- oom and his late employer speaks very highly of him. We join with Dull, friends is wisbing him success in his new position. - Fire was discovered on the rod of Mr. Robert ('lark's ice house at noon on Monday but the prompt work of tie Memel] moo eztinggui.bed the blaze. Very little damage was dons to the building. The fire was thought to have been cussed by a spark from a paean' g engine. -Books can carry typhoid germs if handled by the patient or surae duriog illneHs. Tbe tuberculosis be- eit►tte can Lye in boots far monde. Rooks that have been in a tack mem. if the disease of the punkt is oe s- tagioua, should be carefully fumigated before being sent elsewhere. • -There is nothing more delightful at this time of the year than a walk ioto the country in the early morn- ing. Tbere is much in the - rural pates hereabouts that is lovely to 10 upon just now, and the frees nit and exercise do o man or woman more good Chao any doctor's tonic. .--Screen your refine piles sad dis- obey your g.rhege for the mate of the liUle a i1dreo if nothing dee. There is nothing else •o precious i our town as the lives of the Iota. Ain you guilty of harboring for ties on your prier. se farVar you cannot be bead guiltiest when disease snows its ugly presence in the town staff at Port McNicolt, was in tows het week on holidays. Mr. Holmes has recently received notice of pr.sso- tiger said will bate shortly for St John. New Bionserick. to join the staff of the hist railway corporation there. -The game and fishing laws recently ironed present the foliowie open seasons. which will doubtlel be of interest to local hunters : Qutdl• wild curter. black and grey squirrels. November 151.h to December Lt : docks. September 15th to December IsR : groes.., easanta and psru idge. October 15th to November 1Wr geese. September 15th to April 15th. -There will be a disnpplay of fruits cad re tet abies in tbe Salvation Army hall next Saturday and Sunday. September tete and 21st. seeing that it is their harvest festival week-etd Adjutant George Smith. of London. will be conducting the meetings. If you like to bearood singing said esesio, come and aloe adiotaot ,ming sad play his baajo. On Wednes- day. September 24th. there is to be a special meeting, one great features being the selling of the goods- Come to this •e well and you will enjoy yourself. - -le response to a request by an al- most 0Daarmtwss vote of the audience lest Semday. it baa been mu -rouged for B.snstdirt Beery to lecture again at the Lyric theatre sett Sunday after- noon at throe 0 clock. His topic will be "'The Great White Throne of Jedg- meet- Mow who bees been inters weed in the preceding lecturer will lid this topic of special istereet rad dosbarem many who have sot yet at- tended w:11 do well to take ad- vantage of this further opportunity As usual. all sects will be free ere theee will be no eollattios. BUSINESS jivers HORTHAND 4' thieved b a irsataalsse Wilma/ from Sept atia. Culthiges aseeted be miaow Cis, E.e..qgraadt fb.us shreftiltss eiginied and —Rare ere you e vsolo ~ °oat sowlesses's Lit Soot stent t Toots It is to admin at. taw amine is a sew tidos .merlin Ire erreaata -New• sw on. sat .tiros nits' bat it Pt em Lea Tonne const oat Tee o0* ons o f W mato w Mat anew ee svtrisg to ora row moo Pallione .iu an oottee1 wove, way you takothoss. The W.Ya of Vi or% asewt Mdidat oaatde win edemas tsib its cestamostios low • i ehstkollim sti lest M ma as s saresem . awes tea Ina M,trete w tisr trams teen $ hot p. es haw vete• a r tedmaiaMi--_D ii The Outsber date r r rtidar. Psttare Bats -Mrs. W. Athletes Fs selling by, irate sae at lose veer dsser. -Itam4tar street. a quantity d furniture. peewee. pasta. •B her ear - pets. roe, eortaiam. etc Mos. Atheism twee sold the reeidesee sad it must he vacated by September Wth. CHURCH MOTES The Ladies' Aid soeiety of the Vic- toria street Methodist church her decided to bead tbeir annual bol sup► per on Tbaekegiving Day. The Methodist district eseetlec fee Goderieh district will be held at IMyth on Tuesday, October 7th. of see p. m IWINSIMEISSESISPIWINWWHIFINIMMII L the ereafsg thee+ wilt ti los •velee- Wet taking for hie test 1esiah iii. 1 : lslf especialy lot moa Os is►.Ba everyonetb mi . everyone that steet,an iwe ye day aecireiyd ssto t aneit5ooe tbsre e maim ..4M that bath w will be held it 'spiritual ensferrsee 0*mod" :gems ye. bay. sed est : yes Mniellyfor Me mbiets+. fie„ hey w(rohod milk without Rev. R. L [levee.. e; 0.11. 5* seed we bdutpektts' leave shortly to fall N ere emgst i as bane tato BM& d too wkly. hos ria nod wrist 44 "•••• pawls tats teat tbst fled was lbs endy nvdved. psrbsbly bar fey pdr,slwts .dr ernseeesN dor web a kraal blot. eves is s esuagy so huge as Omni everything dsshsbis Me. %aewite b to posse& the saloon s Mad. Wss thews awe awry serumme eft the cettsbrdlbe of aMsus.s� mdat d 4 .Msedd , ei 4t-Atsdvsw's ere gest Wsdissori r kw es 16e > b Vdst6 .as os MpAe.her theses steno Y e ansiMiebaim end arescas be Extra Valuta` in t ' FallSuits at I6.50 At this popular price we are showing some excep- tional values in ladies' man -tailored Suits for Fall Winter wear. Great c'-. has been taken to have these popular priced garments reflect all the latest touches de- manded by fashion in Fall Suits for women. The ma• terials are high-grade, the linings of good quality and the workmanship of high ;corder. These Suit, are really exceptional value at the/price $16.550 Other Suits at $15.00, $19.00. $25.00 and $3o.00 Some Pretty Dresses for Children We have just passed into stock some exceptionally neat little Dresses for children and young girls. They are made in neat, attractive styles from serviceable ma- terials, mostly all -wool serges. A good range c'f ma- terials, styles and sizes. Prices range from 75c to $4.50. Moirette Skirts ;1.88 Ladies' black 31oirette Underskirts. ]fade been good quality this aoirette. eat in tbe apneet style for thea sasoi's mode of dress. viten MIL /tetra special value 11, M Children's Cotton Dresses 59c Here is the final flooring r°t children's ('ot.ton Dresses. A splendid chance fir you to bay even if they do not wear Ibern this season. However. there *Iota of cotton dress weather ahead of w Fifteen or twenty dresses to sell. Assorted Kyles and colors. Regular prion) up to 11.75. Mitt log at sew Imported Llama Hose 35c We have just p..ssd into stock a big .hil Ailment of Cashmere o.. direct from the English motet's - Thar are bought at mill prices and are t,evoed goest��s the bast valor we have ever offered Tan. [t you want a aim. soh. medium weight,. good wearing. comfortable Cashmere Stocking. we would salt your attention to the special Liam* Hose whieh vee are showibg at We per Dain or i patter *1.00: t Thome are made from pure selected yarn. ate yen. soft and comfortable and will give excellent wear. If bought through the usual channels they would have to sell at 40c to 90r. Buying in quantities sad direct from tbe makers we are in r position to moos this uncrµal offering. An iizen. per pair Me. or 3 pairs for *1.00. . New Gloves Just Received IJ.. have joge repired our new Sid Gloves ft ma Frani The Gloves we tell are the Toot usse, trec•gnised as arse of abs world'. blgb-grade Kid Glove.. We guarantee unreservedly every pair. They are sold by lbs brit storsin the largest sties and we eoofidently recommend there to every lady wanting • good Kid Glove. The slue k we are showing Doer L perfectly fresh. the skins ate of • eeptionai quality Three quali:ien in stock AH sizes, Mack or oboes. per pair. *1.00. 51.28 sad 111.40. - ' " Special Walking Olove.51.00 These are made Mom good quality "cape - bother. are pique sewn and •re tis• Durst twrtiee- stile and sty)isb Glove for street wear for F.R. All rases. Ilte.dedly ex,ra ipstisl,at per pair 51.00 1 We Plae.over Umbrella. We Upholster Furniture. We .Hake Miens to oroer. We put up and take dow- Awnings. Prompt Service. Moderate Pnc es 1 DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment l'be ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit end be wed with abolwte edsldesee. It destroys all desire for whiskey. beer or door sleobolie Mime - lame. Mousaeds have e.ceeed.I)y toed it tied beve bees restored to lives of sobriety and serfulnees. Can be dote isseretly. Cees only SLIM per box if you fall to get results from ORHINB after a pial. your mosey will be refunded. Ike& for Ince book. let telling ell about ORRINE. F. J. B%nand. Ooderic h. t.� �• rote Mr7inetideet. t kisowis that tier. Wm Said. Mnikltim. ofmastels4 bed"l gnash It von DotlaOlnespor w tpe ellamb ww Bels b eengMal about 0.i Wpmeeheli I Mt ay. foo shitl seeh desWit Mr Yblban, tie�i� oad es en Pita __ sires whit# !e"e ems tar Tom$ tilLLIONS. OPSRA NOM 1.111".1.1*