HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-18, Page 6• Trepnat, Sem 12 111=
That's the big essential of all
foods and Kellogg's Corn Flakes
possesses this quality in a high
Has a flavor all its own -as nutritious
as heavier foods but, being more
easily digested, is far more sustaining
Sold by all Grocers
Look for this
The Best Place
for Shoes
1 t will be no trouble for you to find among our
different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern,
leather and price to suit you.
Added to this; every one of them has the,genu-
ine mark of quality.
Wc.. feel sure we can meet your requirements
for Summer Footwear, no matter hefty particular you
Call on us for your nest pair. You'll be glad
you did.
Downing MacVicar
The Signal will be sent to any address its
Canada for out year for only $L.00.
Send in .'out .subs: ription now.
12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation
/l awe el, thee
Dear Yrs Cerrole-Ityam s.J. l.[ bettorlido lake Melteatbaa la Flaw for amyearrn..
ar+terusod i 1 ask my Dtwat hoe ttk. uM iave Utak O�rass ..Lay old a gresteettrwaeawt
for wemaa the wood Patera 2b
ass to Tort seas caused 12 tummy
or grower at same ort to he oz-
pebad 44me ware as Isrge aa a bees
egg, sad others smaller. down us
the dao are a walnut_ You try uta
my case la your ad.art.keemeat. ter
It 10 thte maid truth. &ad pow
cannot 4 lbs aS the good It has
dom'f`des for ma Mira Lodes IC Bette -
h letter rives as Indication of
the porUr. te that always
totem the tare of Omar* Lily . It re
an .pph1ed treatment and comes
_ to ere, contact with the ruffertae
sew==s 14 prod um," result* from
tie startfn ►vl meet of erowsea'a d»or'4era t painful periods. tames of
tib. IrregLLlars:lee Stumm-Mor. ata
1 will send a sample box miatalahar 11 dayr treatment absolutely fro. t an}
wearied woman who has sot yet tried 14 It she wig said me hes address Snow h
ttemmtss sad address MRS. FRANCiia E. CURRAH. Wledsor. Out. 4
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere.
ne.+w Ott .r Camila. He New Seeks
Prsbsetlew of New Hampaktn
Harry flaw has covered tbe lret
lap a his joureey back to the asylum
at Matteawaa He I no held at
Qdebrooh, N.H.. while his attorasys
are engaged in a bluer legal contest
to prevent his eatradltloa to Now
York State. They succeeded Last
Saturday is getting a temporary. delay
by sedates a writ of habeas corpus
which will be argued at Mlddletee.
N -A
Thaw's departure from Canada was
dramatic tee extreme. Rowed from
W sleep In the tmmJgrades oSlces
at Oaaticoet, Que . k was berried to
an automobile and rushed across the
border tato Vermont He struggled
and fought in vain and called on the
*lookers to save him from the "kid-
.appers." but he was whisked across
the border before Us legal advisers
Rare aware of what was being done.
'Dere be was told teat be could do
as he pleased [*teed wftb the turn
kis affairs bad taken. be entered an
ehtomobile with two newspapermen
and wandered for three hours about
the roads of northern 'Vermont and
New Hampshire till apprehended and
taken to Colebrook m a warrant
Leta with conspiracy to escape from
as asylum.
His deportation from Canada was
ordered by Hon C J Doberty. Minis-
ter ot Justice and Acklam Minister of
tie laterior. Thaw was an widest!,
whose case had been considered
by' ea immigruton Board of enquiry.
the Minister declared, and ea such he
Vas an improper person to remain in
the Dominion
Miler in Gas Works stew up Spread-
ing Destruction
A boiler in the Oshawa gas plant
rrptoded on Friday. killing Thomas.
Boukley, the fireman. terribly. injuring
Daniel Anderson. the gas maker. and
wrecking the building.
Bricks and pieces of iron from the
wreckage were thrown for blocks
;roved, and the balldinp adjoining
Bee gas house were shaken as by an.
The framework of tee gas house.
whict was of steel, wee twisted like
a bundle of wire and carried over on
top of the gas tanks in a heap. but
fortunately the tanks did not explode.
• e plant will be out of commission
tar a month The monetary loss is
Mo Conference Could Settle Home
Rule Question. He Says
Sir Edward Carson. leader of the
U lster Unionists, in a speech at Dur-
ham, England. on Saturday, declared
t3tat Ulster sever would abandon the
principle for which she had fought
of being governed by an imperial Par-
liament with an Executive responsible
to that Parliament_
Thisdeclaration. was made with
reference to the proposal mf Earl Lore -
burn. that there should be a conference
between the great political parties
with a view to a settlement of tbe
Irish question ey consent.
Sir Edward said that the very pro-
kvposal showed that thinking men were
beginning to realise the gravity of the
situation. But. be added, between
those be represented and Redmond's
party there was $ gulf no conference
could bridge.
Redeclnq the Tariff
The Democratic tariff revision bill
was pawed by the United Statex
Senate last week by a vote of 44 to
3'. Senators Iatollette IRepublican 1
and Poindexter (Progressive) voting
for the measure. As it passed the
senate. the bill represents an average
reduction of more than four per cent.
from the rates of the original bill that
gm.the lower House. aid *early
per cent. from the rates of existing
Saw. Wtthin a fortnight the blit will
be considered by a joldi committee
of both Houses and thence it goes to
the Presid st
Export cattle, rim
Export bels ......
Bomber cattle, choice
6o. mediate
do cosmos 1.00
Butcher cows, coke5 15
do. media= 4 00
Cutters .t.... 3.he
Oo.imoe Tye 8.M
Butcher bulb 4.SS
do. median ., 4.25
Bologna bulla 2.75
Feedbag steers 4.76
Stockers. choke 4.76
do. medium 4.44
do. light 2.54
Milkers. choice ....-.. - 15.40
do. medium 36.40
Springers. choice 55.00
do medium 34.00
Staring lambs 7.25
Sheep, light ewes 4.00
do heat y ewes1.00
do. yearlings 4.76
Culls 3.00
Becks 3.00
Hogs. f o 9.66
dofed and watered 10.00
do. delivered 10.25
Calves 6.00
Bob calves. each 2.00
.34 .60 to id 7'
. 5.00 e
4.10 1.1.
6W 5.>
S 4
4 ;
4 e
3 s5•
4 e
Toronto Grain Prices-
rices.T e following whulesale prices are
mooted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat new crop) -Nb. i
fee; No. 2, idiere.
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W.'s.'41c;
No. 2 C. W.'s, 29t•sc.
Ontario Wheat -New crop, 84c to
Sic outside.
Ontario Oaf*- ew, 32c to 33c, out
side; 36c to 37c, track, Toronto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow. 80c, c. 1. f. on
track. bay porta-
Peas-No. 2, P to 95c, ear las.
Buckwheat -No. 2. 52c to 63c, out
Rye -No. 2. 58c :o Sec. outside.
Barley -For good maltiag barley.
61c to 53c, outside: feed, 46c to 45c,
Rolled oats per bag of 90 iba.
12.15; in smaller lots, 32.35; per bar"
rel. 34.96; wholesale Windsor W Mon
tr cal.
Millfeed-Manitoba bran, 112 to 623;
bags, track, Toronto; shorts, 634 tc
625; Ontario bran, 622 to 623 in bags;
shorts. 624 to 625; middlings, 326 to
Farmer's' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for farm produce at St. Lammers
Market. Tomato: -
Fail wheat. bushel $ 58 to $ .9C
.Oats .11 .44
Batley .fA .14
Rye •; .65 .00
Peas .10 .14
Hay. timothy. sew. -11.00 17.0(
do. old „ 17,00 18 OC
Straw. bundled 14.00 15.00
do. loose 10.00 11.08
Rye stray TR.410 18.00
Eggs. new laid. dna.30 .33
Butter. choice dairy.20 .23
Fowl, dressed, Ib. .18 .3C
Spring chickens 20 .23
Young duck .20 .04
Live spring chickens. 19 .23
fowl .., 16 .18
Potatoes. bushel 90 I.00
Apples. basket .2i .25
Tomatoes .. - .20 .4C
Green corn, dna .10 .13
Cabbages. each .10 .00
Battle Meroes Honored
A beautiful white marble tower to
memory of the men who fe11 to the
battle of Lake Erie. sad wllcb also
marts the one hundred years of peace
between the United Stated and Great
BrlWa, was dedicated last week at
3 ut-ts-Bay. Oblo Tie remains of the
British and Americas oombetaats who
Pell Is tbe battle were interred 1s a
crypt b•neathe the tower. Promio et
speakers from Canada and tbe Vatted
States delivered speechee.
East Sulfate Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, 68.16 to 39.10;
•htptag. $8.26 to 38.76; butcher. 37.84
to $8.00; cows. $3-50 to $726; bulls,
4526 to 37-25; heifers, 34.00 to 3.15;
stock heifers, 11.25 to66; stockers
and feeders. 34.00 to 37�; fresh cows
and springer. steady. 325.00 to 390.00
Seals -44.00 to $1210.
Hogs -Heavy. 38,75 to 39.10; mixed
20-10 to 31.20; yorkers, $8.75 to 31-20;
pip. 3825 to $8.60; roughs. 37.10 to
$7.73; step. 64.50 to 3725; deities.
$6.76 to 89.15.
Sheep and Lambe --Lambs. 15-50 to
37.10: Yearlings. 3410 to 36.90;
wstbers, $5.26 to 35-50; ewes, 32.50 is
34.75; sheep. mixed, $4.76 to 15.25.
Postmasters to Get Selsey Rare.
It was announced at the convention
of the Ontario Postm.atai Aurorae
Lion that as emelt-met in the salaries of
postmasters had been decided upon.
The aanomicessset was made
Mr. H. K Proctor, secretary of t.A
association. It was pointed out that
the duties of the postmaster have
greatly increased recently, and that
there is a need for • corresponding
raise in wages
In bis presidential address. Mr.
James Scot of Clintoo, stated that a
number of reforms were secired.
"We don't bold then cooveouone
merely for selfish. interests." said be.
"but are wot king for better condi-
tion. " •.
The following changes in the system
were'egg.•eed :-
1st. That where salary is deter-
mined on per'oebtage *seek tbe follow-
ing schedule be adopted : 00 per oe•t.
on actual and proper stamp sales up to
110U per annum, 40 per rent. on males
from $1,000 to 58,000 and 30 per fret.
on thole from 13.000 to 118,000: and
the minimum of *3) to he considered
a fiat allowance The percentage
allowances to be •dditiosal.
2nd. That postmasters be given an
annual allowance (10 per cent.) on the
legitimate postal revenue of each
office, or web an approximation as
woold trees) just and Lair.
3rd. That all earned increases of
allowance and commission he paid is
connection with the year is which
such increase bas been earned.
4th. That el be moat clearly under -
Hood that positions bold by post -
!rasters are permanent. except they be
incompetent, etc.
The special committee on the seere-
tary' report recommended that the
Post department be asked to
compensate the postmasters of Can-
ada for outlays tbey make is certain
cases indispaerbing rural mai) matter.
Regarding the probable introduction
of • system of parcel post which the
Committee tbougbt would be in the
interests of the public. and would
ultimately , he introduced. the opin-
ion was expressed that provision
Would be made beforehand for the
necewary machinery [bat would be
required in the various offices.
The committee's report was adopted.
Break Whisky s Grip
On Your Loved Ones
Drunkards will tell you with tears
of sincerity that they do out wast to
drink. The craving coming from tbe
ioftareed membranes of the stota•eb
drives them to it.
Altura will soothe the trembling
nerves and r•en•ove the crsvies that
is ruining your bome and st an
otherwise kind bunbend orf from
Too. It costa only $1.00 per box and
If it does not cure or be=nefit after a
trial the money will be refunded.
Ahura No. 1 is tasteless and cam
be given secretly is tee.'oofree or
food. Akers N 2 is taken volunta
ily by those willing
to help tbem-
Ahura can now be obtained at oar
stare. Ask for free booklet telling ail
about it teed gi.re Aleurs a trial.
wlgle, druggist, Ooderieb.
Speci1 Offer
to Out -of -Town Buyers
During Exhibition week we will refund railway
fares on alrpurchases as described
15 -mile and purchasing $15 or over
2o-®ile and purchasing $20 or over
3o -'talk and purchasing $25 or over
Be sun and take advantage of this special offer.
Slut Speeisls
A eleameut saving of 10.00 to 45.00 on every suit mentaooed
here. You low if you tete. aeeier these 610 96 Scutcb Tweed, Eng.
lith Worsted Blue Serge. Sample suits of many wortby material.,
splendid g1YU0 .aloes, $*.ls.
Yore samples, high-grade. Hearted odors and patterns in fiat
imported fabrics. fl 4.00 values.
R*ia.&t spm
Acknowledged Raincoat be.dquare.rs. We have islet done out
seewee toe Exbitetion week. 44 05-ooubie teat u,. )4ngIisb para -mete+.
pure wool *marine. all seams sewed and cemented, real .aloes Mem
17.35 Sicard and double texture. 0.. wool permeaay, tame with
satin yoke, aewed sod glued seams, regular 112.0u
Boys' Sails
School and drew -up suits from *2.25 to 15.50
Uida's Pasts
Me*'. Pasha in Moe serge and worsted, sailor -made, five.jpN.k<t
pasts- Regular $4.00 to I6 -W, for bi4.7b
NITI'10E-W a ere going in to the hoot sod shoe line for m . n
and boyo- Only before you buy elsewhere. come in and see out
ills 1 l rd hist s mea ►r a week beat and per
0s skseL fir �h =*meal• m ski as �kl�l4et� tt!
�s �ertla� ries
WS el airs `w�esar 7 h. a sed rare t �m
tsiddssairesbee firbledt tVWt�"y'` rhe ��'
=e=mit meets wirers
yw�mMw ossa wed w Y� et w fYesb mar hawked iitai
..gred111 es boomer
�esh�=oistsi bees eg t"114
k find 4dls�srissa w
Ode hmttsasthemrntlbimftasee wow •sersrathat los ma-2um ar�nAd
DR.' T'IttCi~!s�
- . eewalOss� r
}ww pe•.lpuri g
toe Posers ste=t 11885 rAGIALC 7tAss1D 001111110 11 IISDICrc
ADfIiW W U SS 844? ![6i. COTS DO= POI a its-G1111>T 8MMY/.
TL! CREAT SHIP sezmakez
�rant.+es�eaewweraanaw�lalr,�wriawdswwtL b/w+fwJebtrt.
-sbaisee- lsmwets 110141101111% 0/4, of tide and Ops 1 Mite
Daily-asisolond+W StojkLIst to DImre Sai oe.' 1st)
• 4lLr
w r s Orr[ ata �Iar tan ds emmil Desi s i a r (nue
Se C.
dda>ratie• LIMOS
t Coeds._ W Dia* scrim eetT/lesr�ebtrwa eariaw
M/ee� toss=es- tarart.. seer saes gam •a• siirrl.G 1 R Ise, �t a erten
TO vi tL 1gLAtlg! StU DAALs?Tiitl Gait a£C Oi
No more trouble with the
Salt, when you fill up the
shakers with "Regal" Sal
n [
"Regal** Salt
damp - never
clogs the
shaker. It Is
the ftaast skins
of the temees
r e• , Morels r Tales
$,aft - beaded
;I: lees r with lthea