HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-18, Page 3AND ONLY GENUINE DEW AAR OF MITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF WISER WISE BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or tep4ired. ,OLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS rwnstr suaaad to en iiesvm. . t i atsTHE SIGNAL, Gimierteh. A K. TAILOR d ellATWOILD. MEDICAL Dg W. F. HALLOW. I . B. el tt ase reslamoa haute .sew. Oalerim. ceded Comity ltegltu7 aim Telophase In. DR PA. R. ¥VIISTSR-EYE. SA.R. jy -ass t ims ear. Ham wq asst Fw Tat u.hicussie .aa Lerai lawits te. Masi Arm- Ear. Nese ..i l treat Betpite1, Salim .Wan. sad iliosrellabi lilac He+/tal, lwel. forMee. ulna Y SWM iai 8 z.el artdate. upe..it. Kam Came!. Bators ft lira a..:to 4 st r- steep. TWvbws C. GEO. &ND M. E. WHITING IIILLh .loo N, edaaestis. •,-d.sMs is emm • snit raudrea's dreeaaea abate. tlta.kase sorties arneeiee. eye. ear. sae ase lanai. Cooloa tataw baa. tram Meta .net ladle Sear Mai W Sear. ay.3 mak LEGAL 10110CDOuUT, HAYS t YILLUR'• I AP. i.rn.l.ev .suwaara..ne+m tw oases 111tae Maness Cwt. SAD Mb w iced at Mimi ram el Merest. Eke tea Ale Kabure. (Diene . W. r•ut:1MWT. K. C.. H. C. HATS. J. L CIILOItA\ ILG. CAMERON. L 0.. BARRIO TL8 +diatar. savary Paha Rime - imam Sum. Mad ties taad deer fres mar etlAR1,1 S trA (1W W, LL .B., !eAK- EltlT li::. mummy, bendier. eta. Gorr red Hebra :o load a lower rate . AUCTIONEEIL THOMAS (11.7NDKY 1A AUcTioNtift la C. bedew•► All uatreetaess by a•S et he a Menai 'Nos will bs- maw Ka Keeareet Miepesaal't"a"" at DISUiASCi. LOANS. STC. M000000l PRIVATN FUNDS TO f seas. 4.p 7 M !t It. CAA4 LIS. mamma. tleaife, strew. Oedie ick. W. R KOKKRTtiON. DiSU&A$$CE £OaNT. itis sees, L.rssrsase : inti & Oaas.laa ams atamaw . ua.0ia♦si AND a4QtOrtr' Rafa- • Ire : Its trams amiliat sea Mm seers onesenImam suo� B��� a U.& Mew ..a tiasae.eustamp.sy. ual.�i ea M. Mad at was.Those awunan wow et o Yc&tLLOP MUTUAL PIKS IN eeitANCi Cd -lase. ass Mimed ruse mom, ••ease• umaar�I. !i Mama. Piga. Smam & P.O.; >�t�••• 7. •ae�tye� I ..1.aa P. U. Ma blur• ilsolorah 1'. u sesem_" r• seamier. dasfsata : Jana Lama armee: tsi.rd n itt.R Osasmass: +� s emseedasetm : Jame BMW West. __.sa, err iiiamama: lfl*Imar lama :.. g -. Two Heftraw , R. anew lastest • Walla= Cheseep. beach a : 1. Mah4. amen*_ t'empbamas baa Is/ sae pt their min feagasl ea 1 . ~OA '• Ctaat.s 111111110A1••••11. r as o- *mey. assesses ease•, taea+tee. IVW&I< MILIEU WALTRK R LALLY, J. P.. etrttfitit.B. OMT. Issuia or MA1taLAOE 1JIC>QISSI SHAVING P ASLO[ BSD BLOCK BrRBSB a tv" t,ulr mea M moi+ OA, eta UAW ash stales Mode m.tihimpad�ao�a livarrTgri. wit be Quack and Permasue,t 1Mrowalla it U YQO are Vee down or tied est. yeeltake cold have so sty Wine fleet orhave other ev errs _dimmed vitality, try oar hfia.a' ins Bbs7lltes Renovator undue sear risme refund the price paidp it tie _ hyd fails to gave soothe matidnw aids afl. t+s4 to up the nerves "Mese and gives both quiet and pev- massat r.sulta Oce dollar a bottle. wesetartulod by (ass Gederich, OatPut xseem loed k n.hello Brophey Bros, OUD>II108 Tbe Lewin Nord DIradara t.1 Babel oars 4Sam . b.1 11 'wrIM was$ t NOTED f16DRES PASS Moyer (teyser at New Vert Dish ea the G ...-o r Deeds* A wireless message last Thersday eaawaoed the seddee Nath os the steams Baltic d Mayor Gaynor of rt, wits was t& • GIP W Iiagtaad for tae beedt of kis kealtk. The Mayos died to • oft deck of keen tenure. He was years old. sal worth probably a sallies dollars. elthoagk la his youth he knew tee Mach of poverty. James Parley. wbo gained tams sad tiebss as a ',clattered 0rRsbC- .r, died last week at Ptettsburg. )IT. Jobs Flyaa, mood M. a rialto, from Calgary died os a ear bets... Loader sad 8t. Thomas. Knocked down by a C-P.R. freight trula, Joke A K Drummond. • proud - mat edtlsw of Kingston. was autagied to death. Moan Shahtz. a sscoernfsl termor, was killed to a runaway mccideat es his fares after Waterloo. Albert Huron. the eldest reddest of Paris. Oat., died last week to kis '1st 7emr. K 8. Dirk.. manager of the pleat of the Dominion Carolers at Peat.kul, was electrocuted in the cellar of kill raddeace on Pl'id•y last while patties. oft ea electric light bub After a quarrel with his moa. James Gaynor. a Toronto contractor. dropped dead of heart failure and the yooag man is held by tbe polios ;wadies an inquest THE LIFE HEREAFTER Absorbing Subject Discussed by Nosed Engll.h Scholar A notable speech at Birmingham by Sir Oliver Lodge. President of the British Association for the Advaace meat of Science, has caused wide- spread discasslor. The em1� t scientist dealt with socalled o�Jc8J1 occurrences and tbe question of life atter death. lie declared his coovle- tion that occurreales now regarded as occult "can bR exasfaed and redwood to order by the methods of selenee carefully and persistently applied." and that "already the face so examined have convinced me that memory and affection are not limited to that asso- ciation pith matter, by which arose they can manifest tbemselvea here and now. and .t1*t personality persist', be- yond bodily deatb." HOLE RULE CONFERENCE Not Generally Believed Earl Loreburn's Advice Will be Taken Earl Lorebura. formerly Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain has issued ea appeal through The London Times. urging both potftttcal parties to confer with a clew to a se:Oement of the Irish gumboil Serious rioUng at the very least. be said. would ttleult if Home Rule were granted to Ireland over Ulster's protest His letter ex- cited tremendous interest throughout the country. sad may have consider- able influence in future discussions of the Liberal bill in parliament. As a practidal euggestion, however, it L believed that it will prove unavailing. Explorers Killed George Street of Ottawa and H. V. Radford. an American, who were ex- ploring is the far north of Canada are believed to hive beam killed by a bead of Eskimos with *boa they a arrwllsd- Word to this effect teach- . Ottawa art week and • patrol of west Mounted Police was 'op- tima! rtiered to investigate_ Clolosel Street. h einiver, claims to haw received word tint kis brvtber escaped. wounded. mid is sow at • Hudson Bay post Time crime is mid to have been com- mit:I over a year ago. The Biter Bitten John Andrews, the Ooaticook. man who caused the arrest of Wm TraversJerome on the gambling charge, was himself placed ander sr rest at Colebrook. N.H., os Monday. oe an old charge of a.sl.t1og a pauper Iowan to enter the Uatted States 1n *Ostia of the fmstgrstlos laws. ria aaxtmus penalty for the oSrnes Is a flue of 11.100 or two pears fa- prleionment. Jerome decries be was net a party to the arrs.t Suir.pust Regadatlmw Aniseed A new regulation W replaced old No. 17 i. the bilingual tutroetfons resod by tbe (Warr Government la the sew oder Mon liberty is allowed the chief laspeesor to vary the regslatless to meet existing con- dttloas te different schools. to addition. English Protestant and Pesach Catholk lemmatise are pet on a par except that all are under con- tbwl of the Afef lsspartor Ghana Eats H,.wbis Pie The Government of Chis* hes reeds tall apology to Japan for the faults offered to her tither. and flag at )leaktng. Hankow sad other poteu ens has promised to popish tale odkials is whose districts the dtaord.re or !carred The Ja.pasese des made were to the eater. of am dtlasatai, the perpert of which was ussalstakablie Japan seemed ready to •slwmm bei domande by misses of bier arm? MN.ry le Doane Tbomsas& of workers are Idle la Dobbs as a result of the tortoise dbeabd erlgter1Iy agai •t the Trams - pert aures,' Oalss Cairns the e,wh8e r aps.dIb veined starvwee geese raj flalaMm. OssraMsa Sawveyere R111y Two surveyors a.arbed to the ty alts bswriery survey were MINI wage s leadsade dsstrovyed their came at Cage fres•. roll tied. Ahmere lie was* of Me nee are eves se 11.h.rnies and Sade rev at Trams. Oat . destroyed the n ut e1 the vim coxa sestina. the tint sed a dwelling bora, THE SIGNAL : GODgRICH ONTARIO FIENDISH GRIME NEAR NAM( ED D•gowerwte Half-breed liutchered L:ttle Charlie Device•, Confessed Calm- ly and Seems Urtarst.rbed 1. Brantford jail Jamas Tai icr , s k& -breed knows as -the Spaniard' awaits trial for one of the most brutal murders ever committed in the pro - "lace. The victim was t.hlrteen-seer- oil Charlie Norma. whose mutilated body' was found on the roadside near Catnevilth sad tour miles from Brsal- with the throat cut, fifteen stab wounds 1n the Lace and breast. and almost completely disembowelled. The boy lived with his parenta at litho Place, but occasionally did not return boom at night and little was tbought of kis absence on the night be met W death. Ite had been seen with Taylor, who was arrested without trash., and calmly admitted tat he killed the boy. Taylor took the omc* s to the scene of the crime and helped Sad the knife with which he had killed the child. Beim Magistrate Livingstone in the police court he pleaded guilty to the charge of murder, but Yr Thomas Woodyatt, who was appointedeoounsei for him, witbdrew this plea and sub- stituted ofte of not guilty. Taylor 1a a degearate of the t pronounced type. but lir-rioters las been considered harmless, though hoe occasionally had been trouble with the police over small Millis. He does not seem to realise sitter the awful nature of his crime. nor the serbuaness of his own posi- tion He talks of Kingston Peniten- tiary, apparently without thought of tie Ukellbood of his going to the gal- lows In jail he spends most' of his time sleeping and at meal times he eats with a voracious appetite. MURDER AT OTTAWA Racetrack Folsemere Charged With Complicity in Murder Three men, Nathan Shapiro. Charles Drayfuaa and Robert H hrno, and two colored women -Lottie Brangman and Bessie Sims, are under arrest at Ottawa charged with complicity in the Murder of Abe Rubenstein, a book- maker's clerk whose body was found he the cellar of a vacant building on Somerset Street. Rubenstein had been Massing since August 28. The body Mien found was badly decomposed aad had a wound on the head. It had been taken to the vacant house in a trunk wkich was found to the cellar. It is bettered that man was killed on the street for tbe purposes of robbery, it has not been learned when • actual killing took place. Two further arrests were made at Hamilton. on Saturday when Cook and Stevegs odored vaudicille artists were taken tato custody. They admitted that they knew the two women arrested it Ot- tawa but disclaimed all knowledge of tie crime. Dreyfuss and the two women were seen with Rubenstein the night he disappeared, and Shapiro was Ms employer. DEATH TOLL OF THE AIR Oar a Score of Lives Sacrificed in Germany Alone No leas than twenty-three persons loot their lives last week as the result at mishaps to German air craft. The marine airship Ll was wrecked by a hsarrtcane Dear Heligoland and sixteen mit of the crew of twenty-two wets &tow led. two soldiers fell from great heights near Leipsic after brag ear - into the air entangled In the ropes a the military airship Et. and Dr. /linger. an aviator tell from his aero- plane near Johaantsthal, all being Mod. A military aeroplane plunged lsto a crowd at Beechen -Beiges aad Mod four spectators. Islands Sank M Sea Word was received at San Francisco ea "Video that the Falcon and Hope biases of the Priestly or Tongo group the South Pectic had disappeared �� view In th. sea. W 7fi them 7idtssrsl Modred settees sad a tow ribs resters ts daasppeered. A t ls.Oyiake shock 1s supposed to neve reseed a sub,Merce d the Ose r sit /he etewna. Mesomewdsd as My Benedlotine Wthennaa. a eevwteon- 7iarold Mostreel girt who had bees Heist from her home for tt�oo *oath•, was arrested in Tessa's alibi dr la r • bey Slipro leas p• brime la fee eestheatre 1! } Peneles Camme Hanes 1 The Sovereign Pee Savarese* Oss- a Canad& with beadgertan at item gone out d bootees*. its beteg takes over by the Pare Iesarenee (lsmpsay d The Caa-'t-- concern hid **ad heavy lames ht hark of de ss is hv�l Ms. Coale .r r "ars .. tv7.r- r..r tea= h wadi Wows. law TIN ces oar bwise arllaW d .•..r. bis.ma - ta ata- a M •a s bra. r.. - sweet sae • Awn 1 6.r. aa+.• WO 7w. Wm.µ..ms RMS. • Swat mow. w r •rr....i is m. rar e -ca....s rt hr ha Whim wets 14 i e•n •.• a•Y. w ..cert th NJia•• ' 1 Lag m a-.. T eseadina N_*__ Sessemblekiiiment THE LEASE OF A 111/1•LL TOWN lite. the Ysd.k tats..•.,. The depletion of pttprlstic.s in rural 0staalil. Sada a starting sequel in • *usi:er oonditiss footed is • number n .1 the tows and villages of Octane. sa While the young es from the farms ave nave been leaving in sofor west- ern Canada, the buys and :tic „iii. the e villages heels oho been re- pondiog to the coil of the cities and of the western province.. The Mercury has one case in mind d a town in Modclesex county. it is surrounded by a beautifully fertile farming country, containing a very gauge proportion of cable land, and its crops are undo" oily good year after year. But the town has gone back. and many of the towns around it have gune back. In the place in question a former principal of the public school .bowed a aieaculy roan a photograph taken at the town school about 25 years ago. 1s it were about *111 prom using looking youngsters of all sires and conditions. Attending the sae now are 148, showing abet ribber •ace suiude nam failrn upon the nataceat ear that the 1>npulatwn is dwindling --the latter bewg un- doubtedly the case. Anot her signifi- cant feature muwas noticed when the in- foraoa wan advanced that of the IOU children in the picture taken 25 ,rarelt ao. only four are now it. the town. Tbe res( are scattersd w the cot nets of the world. The sane thing was found to exist in the country. On a farm a short orricedistance from the town orrice lived a thrifty Scotch family, conslbting of t i ee •one and four daughters., 1'hey lied hail acres of land an,l it pro- videda good living for the-nt .11. The setae family now own $I0 acres of land on the same road, four otber families having gone west and cold out to the •41114C1 -pat family. Where there were five families, and most of them large ones, now there are two. 1t stands to reason that the a cultivation. sd production oo that land is not so intensive now as for- merly. *Tu retnrn to the town It bas • I population of about 1,'Xti. It hes I waterworks, plenty of shade trees, I good public and high schools, and i, only • few miles from the lake. Yet the price of property is ridiculous. The writer knows for a fact of three m lots not ore than three minutes walk from tbe centre of the town, having • frontage of about 40 feet each And a depth of about 130 that sold for the magnificent sum of 7120 each, about the price per foot that well situated property would bring in this city The manager of one of the banks in the town stated that be would be pleased to make • present of a building lot not two minutes' walk from the post race to any Penton who would undertake to build house on it Compare these conditions with some of the western centres. lawns not half the site are idling lots similarly located away up in the hundreds. and if the town develops, it will never do any snore tban the Middlesex town does, via., serve as &local distribution centre. The western town has absolutely nothing in the way of ons- veniesces amid general comforts nom - to tbe Ontario contemporary, Mwhy the ditrrence in the price of property? Either the value is not in the wasters lots. or el.e the Mid- dlesex town has a bargain day in them. It is impossible to reconcile the difference in Priam on the heals of reship. lm common with rural On- tario. the small towns and villages have teaser day. •bead of them t bowttb. The mad desire to 'get west simply for the make of getting wet bas passed away, and wben a careful invoice of actual via awe is takes. Owtario'• farms, tows, and villages are sot going to be lightly peeped by. SI. Marys is the Finals lr use of the hardest fought games in the hist of heroine, Hanover • fettled Rt xatys at the former own on Friday in the mooed game tbe round of the DAL . inter- mediate peeves by a score of 4 to & A. M. Mersa hada lead a II goals in the dam* is t he Scalae Tows uo Tuesday. Is ter death from tie fourth Mat limey coneegoenUy win the round wisdew d e Mob/ma M the easy nn eras of 10 gnats �"trs The tatter tem woe sad Ban- co reaps from • sus vett. as. 1 ovarian, wish Si. Marys success in ad to •merit her. Pteeen .kir final game witb Braes r dge for wed 11. wee meets. tri ! fib. a hampiosabto. ter trial es a tearer al. fat Marys ems attribute their victory over Ha.over to the tsse nifle nee of 'their defence. Hanover had tie ball . .ass w. Msod*rdd. Googol or three q srtm, of tie time heat coati M 1ttd.eM. woo soosoossi to not tweak thrwgb gas intense. The mantas' taprtsam.est t(. as, Aasov r PlintlegettrePnebablY .trwtaar PJM .f the 'h1M fee& IMhYw•Dy fest flit 2Sarys ha more aides r tag sefteessr.. I tants Play. Tit. torn biro road a rhepe. atter .talo w fists wits asd amerce Frank y.. a Iirt. a roe as his wattOre art est Seward Awe* Wing r w hit, elites rem injured Leaped M have ieoasr laterisewtwareill lea w.iberMgn eta• dtOnOne=warinOM is beak + df a row took plow to. mil Mat walk t. M ta'a" a arra the dews el the blase. ssol taw Seri • attar ml 3.L. P'as ptadsr, r Amens,• ar..Growl 18 yes maser owe et the _Ilis ea eine esneireell.a boo et Marys players while dewy. He amelia alar O.taalitlr art fittktls q ' war onsuese red a le p.Be• 'Iwtrtbema T. dais. IS. ISIS >t ricCall's Patterns D.MILLAR&SON Perrin ()loves llore New Coats Have you selected your new Fall and - Winter Coat yet ? If not, you should not delay, for at no other time of the season will the selection be as good. Many new garments received this week to replace the great number we have already sold and all of them are real beauties. See our special Coats at $10.00, 512.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $25.00. Children's Coats are a specialty at our store. We pay the same particular attention to the select- ing of the children's coats as we do the ladies' gar- ments. Children's Blanket Cloth Coats. extra heavy qual- ity, neat fitting to fit ages from 6 to 12. From $4.00 each. Children's Hudson Bay Coats are very popular, to fit ages from 6 to 12. From 55.50 each. Sweater Coats for Fall Wear A splendid showing of these serviceable and com- fortable Sweater Coats in all the newest styles in color- ings of cardinal, fawn, grey, brown, electric, black, navy and white. All sizes from 34 to 42 at $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 to $6.50 each. Childreos Sweater Coats in nave. grey, Car- dinal and white, from $1.00 to $276 each. t)ur special shaker -knit Sweeter Coat as shown at the exhibition. This ie without a doubt the best value that is too be had. All pure wool and made without aiay seams, for ladies'• or gentlemen's wear. Colors grey, cardinal, blue, maroon, brown and white. Sizes frorq 34 to 44. Special $4.b0 each. Dress Goods and Suitings A beautiful showing of all that is newest in the season auitings, the popular material'. are Boucles, Zibilineo, Jacquards, Brocades, Wtip- ands, Serges, Tweeds asd Bedford Cords. „ Velvets Are Popular Extra' quality Cord Velvets for ladies' and children's wear. Colon brown, cardinal,' fawn, taupe, navy, white, etc. Twenty-four inches wide at 800 per yard. ?kw 56 Millar's Scotch Store Phew 56 U Rod and Gun for September This magazine contains a list of , contents appropriate to the month and to tbe character of outdoor life. •'Canuck" gives some practical advice too duck shooters and reminieoeacrs of duct hunting expeditions in days gone by Sbooting over e. log by •'Senex" will be of interest to those sportsmen with find big game hunting too etren- nous but enjoy the milder form of sport involved in tbe puusuit of small winged game. A Day Among the Ducks by a Sakkatcbewan writer is a i very amusing account of the duck hunting experiences of an amateur shot. Amongst the Manitoba Prairie Chickens. The Club Across the Mid- way. Hunting tbe Loon, Tbe Sport of the Red Men and other illustrated articles make up an entertaining num- her of this publication which is issued , by W. J. Taylor. Limited, Woodstock. Ont A nlan is all right in his tray as long as be keeps out of your way. GRAND T ;UNfi(iY,`TY"` COLONIST RATES Sept. 25th to Oct. Ilth inclusive From all stations in Ontario at very low rates to : Vancouver, B. C. Los Angeles, Cal. Victoria, B. C. San Diego, Cal Nelson, B. C. San Francisco, Cal. Prince Rupert, t3.O. Mexico City,Mex Portland, Or.. Seattle. Wash. Spokane, Wash. Cee -way Seoaeder.e• llekete este will a i+ared. Preportao.ato low rates to other palet, i. AeMese. 13tttiah Celeaeda. C anent••, Closes, Idaho. Montana, Mexico, New 11yr iytheett'NOredIarar. Utak. rrtos msod asa, Fbll particular., berth res rradem etc.. from F. F. I,a.-ranee k Sons. Tows Pose get and Ticket Agent- -CANADIAN Pc c, r-ic COLONIST RATES tope War -Second (las ) From all Stations to Ontario to Cer- tain points 1' Alberta British Columbia California Montana Oregon Washington Arizona Idaho, etc. Sept. 25 to Oct. I0 ttwa l O. P.11011.111, wsp .;' ' Ma,.N r tem a FALL FASHION SHOW FOR MEN All that is good, new, worthy and attractive may be seen now in the Semi - ready Suite and Overcoats. With that precision and care which expert tailoring we have the finest display ever. specialists alone can silos in their Suits here at 115, $20, $25 -and up; with Special Order Sample Suitinge as high as 140 and $45 in value. We find our clientele demanding tbe best fabrics made in the world We have thew to show you. ItMcLBAN BROS., GoDSucltt ONTARIO