HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-18, Page 1--T 16 slxnr rtxn11111 Troll. I10i BODERICH, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1& 1913 1 yon put laic .dvagitis ehwt a droller empamay Ctt�� dollar ins uptick !a will a higher Wends t pan from any o1I44t I 'tweet meat. 14 The thenal is the bust adowthigli aaaNam la H area Cosy CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR A. L t1RADtl►IX. >hma•t, THE STERLING BANK 9 SAVE, because No. 15 You owe it to your own future to provide an old - age insurance fund through the medium of a sav- ngs account. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE IN GODERICH cult A. G. NISBET who has a number of desirable properties for sale at 1 easonable prices and terms. I*�1CB NEST CANADIAN RANK OF LOMMERCE, GODERIta 'PHolnts : Orrice 20: Horse 150. P. O. Box 834 MILLINERY OPENING Mins Campbell announces that the fall and winter Millinery Opening will be on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH AND 20x1-11 For this opening there is assembled an unsurpassed collection of novelties for the modem woman of fashion. All the whims and fancies of the really new autumn models ; all the dainty little touches that .o strikingly bespeak Paris, the centre of fashion : the best correct styles just as they are created by the masters of designs the world over, are now offered at Miss Campbell's parlors, and creations of exquisite beauty and great variety vie with one another for special attention. MISS CAMPBELL KINGSTON :: STREET AQCT101 UALfl TO ADVERTISERS. LUCPIOM DALE OY FARM NOCK Kneen. Je tesla BRXIS t SON will sally t+ubtie amiss at lot H. -*sae.ies I. L D. ( erase en THURSDAY. SEPT. TM. cvmmrulag at 17t. Meek scarp I Hum. If part Nl : 1 Hsrw, 7 years odd : 1 !lam, 4 cid ; t Msec. Agar 1 lire old . 1 Coe : 1 Cow. 4 yore ME d w t o edgy March. 1 Oew. 7 old. doe be eel vs 4.y ianeaO; 1 tgrow C. hit• tt Yeergi Staer riY ; L k amaSt `r rigor r� old; • gllm. rfol.it t yyeou'ir" cel: 5Orem :1eonsr�.; eat of d.eWe air - ere: 1 es d Mgg imam : h Wool flow: ,Parr, 7 wombs d&;4 PPliga. 4 masa..1dabout a Mom; nowt tMt -Abeam rwoM wre.411 atleri Cost will harros as .[Sl -t' irsws4 it ss ea .Re alga . isit advertised will >rra' ear. p.grlm.reerr 4 ainiet ! Jc7HM IMMIX It x171, T W41. O(JNOR T. lfrptoema AsWemone. NOTICE rig NOTICE THAT ANY 1lOmtsal_s�er ��it tennis : i1� Mei i�Owq (s. M TOOL STOTTiZRS. Trager 0-.---- Joe f, MI{. - - - Wweressomomeroppmppwsrossorrosawa r WEST WAWANOSH FIRE INSErRAWCE (O. Om. sol Os bulk b1 Oho Prow - ism. Mei wee of wiesnmsnt. L. ratchet ie cal el its fell 'Ws* `whether es ms or vet. NO taw ble be webs bs *f at chaeta N. i eLWAZ , Aasat lar Odb4Sitl, . (1 • •.rv.d►/`atjwwA.•ilk.rA in elder to bare an earlier issue df Tbe Signal each week, we would ask advertisers to .end in their copy for change. of advertisement not later than Monday evening. It will be to the interest of advertisers, as well rs facilitating tbs work of this office, if strict attention is paid to this re- q . nest %ATM M ARM HELP AND DOMESTIC N .MAW AMTS. --Pwsslis naai.e fes ►en vote at .e..O.vwemis w1Lal1JL MopUlt.- LIN. Ica ..t im.4uy t 4R. arra. (lot. Orders loft with 1t. D. OOds et Hlm0. Oar.. will re°Wve ion pt au .tMa SITUATIONS VACANT. s W• ANTED.- APPRENTICES ANiD TT eaperr. tad girls far rots and gree makrg• KOS LiLY (' . Meer Apart Mesta WANTED. -VFIIlNKEERR�a MAN 41 take Maim of departmest- T .TU with Wirt Moe i81 HAiDw'tisl be Molle.j EESSMAKING AMPlitiNTICE01 >tpw. appss Agcy W. T. Fal.. TVWANTED.- YEN BEE MAN TO .,bam devartsseet.st 7 M714.116wmss4, Almy c tHi RLRLINI HA.RDts'(101) (•U Asetlr.. Use. 7634 BORN MdAULLT.-At badierid. es Ssw4aysac amber irth, 1• Mr. sad Mrs Norman Mt Caeley a ata. DIED SAMD[RSe)\.eta hsJrrnta e.s erweiD. es WWillie. srarr .Has WU45a. Orderrer eared is yea0 aid tin ma0tha JO)RIIAN.-1. Cttmeo on Manch, B.pcember LMS. 1t• Joseph Jeers. aged M ,sate AUCTION SALES. '''"rt 'WAY. tap_ Il•-Aa101.3k ~Wm* ILL O.lawre tewerto. at larsidater. Woof hew crud ad 4m/rmessa C. a H.uea pro prow. Yates. Oeaise.amarerrr.. T.osmar.Srgt a dflern.tate.. ere at 4t /4. emaaalss i It. D. Goes.. ea I ]� . bled chary. Ne rout,.. es the lieminstars see diesier g parweinwp. Jolor Maga it Sr, ~stem t.ni. simommr..sstir.wr. Pvsuc NOTA. fIl H. CA.RRICK. °ODERR A".ONT.. l • Netses and Albeit egesta MINSdem,pai0tr.g. •opmebOagt.t‚-s1iag. 711-1m • ftRE138MAKINO.-THE UNDBR- i/ S10NI1D will !main odor. far dee.. mating and tailor-made err at Mi..- Hat earth s residers to saalaa ao.et , nea, 1143 dell rose. MISS ORALS HOWARTH god MISS IDA McLa)D. 73-31 BE ONE OF US AND MEET OUR tried& they all want te need you part oars and exoha let home with yea. We here a hat of people all over the whole world. meth - tag rare reser and pb0..t. rood Meet. Ler fall pwas.carn to the CANAD1AN Ot)4t- ILIMPONDKNCE BUatL•U. P. 0. Box 09 . Monta.al. P. Q. 73-1. `VOTERS' LIST, WMM. MUNICIPALITY W THS TOWNSHIP OF COLBORN L. HUMOR OU(: NTY. Nath le hereby gives that 1 M. web. - antra or dsIvrfi'to the parser motorail rd iw W ectlo.. S and 4 of the Trees' lap Rat the copies toga.d Mahe tar ..etro to b. .o tr.' emitted eradiroted of the lin epees per eu...t NJ Arid not of all proms appe+nat tap the Last rerird arm.meea1 roll to Tote is the nod mweripality at .!..boll, for member of the L.gp4attve A.eaabty..d at the maaui- pl elections. and that the aid list w.s 4ren posted up L my oar at Carlow es the Ota day of Auger, 0113aid norm there fee Irpoo- tam. EJee;oev are called spec r ezamfae the Wald lila. a.d if soy ore ion. w any erten are four thence Hi take tmsaoiWe progeedimms to hare the .aid moat* erleot.4 0courtlier to Lw. R. Sepi ce 1mbr iia N. Township s tp Clk TOWN OF GODERICH. -Takeo/low tint the muatdpal council of rho c.r..r.tisn d the Lowe of Garrick) wands to p +thud& oegmnt erdewala es t6- north side of NSewRate street in the .aid tine broom Hamiltw nicer sad Albert street. and intend, to mese a portion of the 4.e8 cora Meter apes the teal property to be immediately boneelNewe iei:t aforesaid.fronting' or bet won thhe `raid puler. sed to levy soh goal coat arawliag to Me boating thereof. by tweedy &semi apodal aftea meta ; and that s summer .Lowing the l.nlr liable to and proposed to he oared for trier work, .ad the names oof the owners thereof. PM tar as the same or te a.cermuied from too k.at revise areraent IOU .ad a hmwfr, ie wow died is the omen of the abut of the maddpality. and 1s apes dor wipe :be a urine ease rum The estimated .wet d the wast a (10.4P..( which 1344.2; is to he provided oat Of the s.werd funds of the m.tar/paaty. A court of reeler will be held ea the day) d Septeber. 8411 si the hoar of vett o'c'Joole ein the evening. at the °assail rooter is toe town at Goderieb, forth* //a'ltgs0ema I hau- lm osmpiainte against the /,epmedasemato nt o the accuracy of fraetaae mo.wteme.te. or any other POEM/MAW which the polos. iwter- e.aed may de.ire to make and whim a by kw oognrable by the mart. Dated the I(.tb day d September la4, L L IN(alx. ears - 72 -5. FOR SALE OR TO REIiT TO RENT. - EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE= Alb rt .taut.. Leet' emwws- p.c. 711L e. Apply to HILLARY MORTON 1-Roar A BARGAIN -THE UNDERSIGNED for a quiet ade is ernem kis fare at !e. awe.. bis ft sad s. (ledarid towaariµµ at a borate. This tam fs . geed re sal will be pmppl ld THO�8. R. W LLIS rarther leiribmishl tiedmYh. 71-1. DORSALS. -STORY- ANDA- H ALP £ tram. Mew. with Mere. wedid and W eNe. in the village ' 04 Ae ms. awes 4. R -M HUTCH. Anises. 714 I`, OR GAWK. -TWO-STORY HOUSE r on Keay* tach. retorted tel gas. W moans 0athro m. farosn and Mark brew ; tf.reugbly repaired from mbar seen13; fail rt sad amen 0.1. with a.m. trait Agit to W. R PLNDM . stat. ITOR SALE OR TO RENT.-HOUSh, r es Maui armee. sew Moak nem. Med- iae env desem. Appy t. W. iL ROYgaT 14031. Triadsetmn. REAL ESTATE FOR S&p.. We bin foe are about thirty town prier. marine from Rha neemsb. air three agrees aid other dwellings ad a few from PROUD/OOT. HAYS 4 ILLORAN. Oro rich teat. Ott FOR SALE -LARGE DOUBLE brar ea kit OR WOW rsrea : also era half of bt fit{, Aivber Wrest, Geiwte& Apply e 14199 DOTLi, Tres street. er ea0.14 rho to J. a. MAI) 1.7M Sixth some S. W.. South Si/mat... Arbor. Slit. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR BALL The midento with four /W.. ~Lneerlf� as en s A l4 AeD.Les itreeto. G000 trick brae. two eterles, ui eswdrsi repair mews esered..Ww Oroue& /beard with variety of dere festa Mese the bra pop - cram is 0.4mli. iesersa le ewer. P. J. RYAN, Oderi It Lt011: MALI. -P1 VI AC14W4 OF r rd. part ef St it L L w- Olberse esierobloweizulurilers. Oa the 14 oral e.Mb.,. =mica a tram Masai.sad Was naf afrom ane be A. .. A. A. wlli.l AMr. Dario ? *NOKIA WILLsieritarelL MI RiOEIVED the pare sof ti. L5�Nitilie:t. �Armando Serbmwere.r► half d M hs. emssmrs 4.sommet ..esoaiwtm Me _ . mon wTho tmilg- tamoaro 16 fair ewmalt8oa, a*4 a itw rr► T 112. `inn 1 t~s�, r.. 4150 tM f1ALi.--?Hi SART a Me r Me 15Th egsrs� d gas .f Ana aprse TM _ - boon. ea► orf IERIDNlIOU AND VAIN PROP iaiea. To the WI Mar d The race.& dye -Racing ocos0iou to he out to Maitland eemet er y • abort time ago with friend., it was very Oasis( le- dsed to see bow dean and aloe the •smeteey is kept. 1 feel very much credit is due to the caretaker. Mr. Aldous. and hieaam►tart, Mr. T. Bor- rows, earows, for the ens shape it is in. JosarH D. W n aON. Goderich. Sept. 9. FALL FAIRS. G kesari. 17.`t 1111 4 Sept 18. 19eow K inardse 114. 19 hitrai fordRept- 18 19 Ripley Sept. 23. M St Marys ... ........... Sept. 24. >s4 Ba78eid..... ........... Sept. 3i. 98 W tagba.. Sept. s. , 25 Kirktoa., sept. ' It<s Milverton.. Hr'pt. 15. 95 Blyth ...$.pt. »Oct 1 Dungannon .. ..........Oet.2.14 Bruseele a. Ori. 1.3 Go,Tle..... Oct. 4 Teeswatrr - Oct. 7, 8 FOI SAL& R SALT. -A GOOD MIW11 OM. Apply to Mete G J. ediA W . Mls- shsth gait._ irt,aBALE. - PORTABLE 14 H.P. JL' .4ram .anise i. 4rtit ale” west ng sem. tt in drive eagrmaear with eedds.dw a.d blower. Aro a Paris .eating -box for Mice oL•., on truck. and Si fart 0ipag w.tor wagon anlk d tar, parr and haat Rase win My the arra noir My nes... 4.r .Whet at Mb reran the1 M a rook - tug s - ihtoolt JAM (,SLMoh >rint POR 8A1 -Y -FORD RUNA1140CT, Fhb yeear o .0404. ran wily IOW nue.. equipped wish to worth of extras. in IIt..t- rl.-. ,55dkiasL VIM Alen Lar $125. Apliy HO\ A T1.OESOIF10E.W1nrMs, O.- 72 -IL LRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD `` II:fl.NiTUKK. Mr. 1. A. Raoball, t:ambria Rost. will well, the ae.m.0 of .r here by private .ale dor lag the norm week. The snob mutest& malt be sold- Same ►r.t4al pieces are In- clu4ed...ssitiwg et library table in Crotch ,..►ages,. ihrecores parlor suite ie amid au- botaay. pa -lar ants tor. soarer is rocker Jaeaa.r corr. Mahal mlrter. hoses or 41.6 Mg roses coke eon0W.ag of buffet, chins mai- ler re►last. dram wages and roan* extrema table. est of Seat gals eek 4isaw chair. two ears dots W chairs large upholstered rocker. oak seeker. Mao beach. bocce. ban minor. t.0.1'0. stand and rod. kitchen mage. tLelw aabiest. fall haat table. ice biz. tae 0.07. to of roar bedroom•. carpeu. curtain, comet sweeper. rows= .weenier. sitcom om- en.. New Peersthw sal oil shove aur.,. Whir dreg - .ad motor m.e inn. wardrobe guitar. for charmbread m1w. new eve -blade lawp Power. g.04.lt. teal, him. chicken., ate. Terms oast J. A. HUMHALL. (,JYLAW NO. 17, OF 1913, OF THE LP Tows OF GODERICH. A BYLAW To GRANT Frim AasiaurzxT roll • Praia, or 1 z. Torre To tee Oohs. MOM OSMAN COMPANY. Lulgysm. Where.. the Godericb Chi.. ('emoser. Limite& es. requested the Corporation of the Tow. of Goderich through it It anicipal Cowen Le grant it a flied ger em•eet of sen. eel 00. tar a paned of tan years nwtoaheeeaog with the earreot year ripen all its ars..able property, exclusive of wheal tat. dad w benow k r deemed txpdie0( to groat th Therefhere W. ore M it racial gad it r berehr es - mood by the Municipal Orson d the Oerper- . iss et the lows d GodarYl: 1. It b heter decLid tint the 1.0ir hair- less. resti0417..opiam sad y.11 the 0eserable prom Oar - risk tilsp. C. 55.7.. �L4.t.d. athe aaad yang hs twesa k04 Wrest sod N.were surest r abs cid Taws et Dederick. eele10.. with Day im- pe. f.wt• or additions to the roost dart that may be made thereto apes tho said rade within the ported br'Y.Rer mostlemed. ,dull be eared sad -errs.d Sr W primes. .mete other (*250 cora period .f tan yam*. oe.a.ernie with the roar Mil at the ere et s4tyeirno. W. It rise aa4wesaed that the aril On.0.4.7 Mall pay duri.g the and period. is eddkiea to ss. marry tuna.. the eMo.avy 0./511. 'tea hard era rid azar after i ▪ 11r Bylaw shall cage earl an the day of the 10d pares threat S. The vote of the error et the rid Tows. d Gedentich shall be takes es thh. Drbw at the 4.ia.wbig Gainer p4.em that 4. to .ay. m Hamada,. the 4th day d imager. 1311. car .md0t at Ute beer or •'c .ant to the fors 00.e o0i eo.1 52i 4 aril Welsch in the altar uses d the Wee der. 0r 1415 0.ls*ieg Depap RetaMng Wren : wpallizSawed-ion Ho 1. .t Tpbeps.p.s. John .t den`si1ar b . and Jeho u0. lithr. Pili chert. p li�arMit0�z n1ps8.1i.ones 140.2. et W.!Rahman W amerrog U sod Hag.�3h0!Poet elect PsnlRz Ss0livriao No. 1 at. Town Hall. try !id C Rdife. Doerr Ltwmers Ofeer. and weal Esem. PMI I N AN* lialdislaiew Na 1. at Stotts. Wad �.p t o Hoes A. Tager!. f t7 unreal.. 1 tp�ier. 004 w' as Scrim., Pe6 tierb. K 4ehavlrs*. 14s. 1. et Mrs. w-ako0r. Sim., g Gal 4. b G.._}.0'. metra Denary Hon.. mer. cad 0.. U. utvay. Ned Cirrk PsRIag 4e04ivhi.s Ma l st r a Stora wee eum Tidt, Peg fac.. Ybr t. Wates. R. Hmm. hr Dm.�wM°`tnimiIDCw1e. i".nr0r go 7. at Dears NortlItio Ur.er..0.4 Roe,ert TO.. 4. O' Friar. tae lel der ettbetore. 1113 the isemserarame ber.sait Taws Mid Mad st the G tea o 45ay d 114 T.wO 0terre"erre"t41. fwe'eWa be Tows wearto sad ▪ u 18. y re pram law .`iia r the C7ler'k_ es behalf of tbe meow =El Is ad pe. , vimpaemtar fao pram d tar iTt•0�e0w ialell w nglv.iy. 4 Clot d tie o rand! K the ear Tarn .f 00451alli shell a ked et Missies te the Tows JIM at Mn eller le flag farmer' d Marchp. the 41141 My figOorahm 41tf, r won tap the roar d v.c4rgtt fee awl '4rk'et the Oiremld r Zito L 4. EISOOL OWE hrs. at the MgR.mMm: - Maser. Tam et r as nal goer0 rile semi Omer pyht4 l 11 wr a�m�sfe yM eMw t..erm .. TOWN COUNCIL ACTS ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TO GST PETITION FOR RADIALS Hydr.-Electric Commission Will Bear all Expanse in Connection With Work of Enytineers-Local Contrac- tor Awarded Tender to Build Cement Sidewalks at Eight Cents. The meeting halt ou Friday evening was Dot a regular greeting of the town council but was .ailed 10* Lar purperse l7t oon.idertog a prom orlon 01 waoict- pat owned electric rallwsy lists throughout Huron county ao.l to deal with tenders for the couati ucua n of cement walks. AU the members were present but Councillor Vanatter Hi* Worship Mayor Reid occupied the chair. On motion of Deputy -Reeve Clark, seconded by 'Coon. L.ithw•aise, the delegates appointed by the Board of Trade to go to Toronto and interview the Ontario government regudrng a radial railway for the entail- county were heard. Messrs. Andrew Porter, H. E. Hodges and ThomasGuodry represented the delegates,. Mr. Porter explained why the dele- gates elagates visited Toronto and had an ter -view with the Ontario government and the Hydro-Elect,'ic cuu,mission, the object being to tiuJ out what steps should be taken to girdle Huron county with elecuic roads. Tee io- sLrucUoes received from the commis - biota were to have some municipal council in the county peas a resolution asking the Hydro -Electric commission to Beni a staff of eogroeers to tbe county to snake survey'. and prepare facts and information relative to abs building of radial. All this work would he done without one cent of ripener to the county or any munici- pality in the county, tbe Hydro-E[ee- tric commission bearing all expenses from a fund given by the government. Mr. Porter further said that the reso- lution should be passed at once, so that the engineers could get here early and have as much work as possible duos befcre the next meeting of tbe county council. Coon. McClinton moved that a peti- tion be soot to. the lieutenant-Rover- nor-in-couocil requesting the Hydro- EleetJic yommissrun to give a full re- port on a system of electric lines throughout the county of Huron. This motion, which was aecooded by Coup. Grabaw, was unanimously, car tied. Moved sod seconded by Coun. Moser and Young, that the solizitrr prepare ani forward the petition. The tenders for the construction of cement sidewalks were received :- ;II libel -.Habel at 4 etc per square foot. inMiring crossings; Cole A Bryson, Owren !Sound, at 1Ug cents per square foot : Joseph Beacbler, Park street at 10 cents per quare toot, Nelson street at 11 cent* per square foot., Welles- ley street at 12 cents per quare foot, Britannia street at 10 Dents per square foot; Perth Contract C.I.. Stratford.. at 11 cents per square foot. Moved by Reeve Mooning,, seconded gCoun. Moser, and carried, that Mr. i the awardeJ the contract, pro- viding be signed contact to build all the walks that were mentioned in nor tract_ Moved by Coun. Young, seconded by Cuun. McClintock, that all cheques and money he returned to unsuccess- ful tenderers. This motion carried. Motion by Coun. Graham, seconded by Coun. Young. gad carried, that all private parties furnishing foods for the construction of local improve- ments be allowed interest from date of reoeipt of cash. The motion made by Coun. McClin- ton and Young, that Coun. Graham b e appointed inspector of the construc- tion of the new sidewalk. was eatried. On motion of Deputy -Reeve Clark the council then adjourned. At the Exhibition r The flower display at the Goderich Industrial Exhibition is the best for many yews. One of the most attrac- tive features, which all should see, is the exhibit of George Stewart, the Ooderich florist. This includes a beautiful design in theshape of a harp, s band bouquet and a very handsome centrepiece for oroamentation of a table. Some orchid blooms. from Mr Stewart's collection of these rare flowers also are included io the dimple y. Mr. Stewart keep rigbt up to date in everything pertaining to flower col- ter. and his business in supplying Rowers for weddings. dinners. funerals and other special occasions is con- stantly growing. S€NMILLE.R Mr. John S. Kernighan gones this week to Gtaesph where be will attend Use sarricultoralcollege for the sermon of 191314 (i00ERmCH MARKETS. ltismap*,. Sept. Rath. wheat, per rah $01141010111 pmbwbhart II 0 In IP 0 `0Mss 11 per t.4. ... arm ole Plow. par fMte 34 esto 0 rr P1. r•ea.et per wt .. 170 to 3 • errs. ratios ...WOW s A Za Par to'.............»... 1104 41r . pw two M ri 70 to M A er __ bows bud shred wile mlorwasetWo.�;s�iYa4 L. � M 'ad mouses wwworlil is -"- ~0 wcion 6Cii>t . red=. w` x>�Rte �r�ii. i Owe t• rivet, hese........ ...»» 4 a be 5 M 4.t0m ear ..• a to • �! Old C�WWss, •..�"..... •son • Irina pelse .. Mew• •Mss • a per ms. .. i..»1 Min 1 w 5 e to 1. .lest 40t. 7 ASsets V -4.141,.....................-IMte iN pow 1..• ..... .. ...:: •tis .r ME .....,....... 0.44. • MI •••••••••• •••••••••••• 0 M M Harbor Notes The Two Mace Robing tug, which i had bene meting on the bottom in the seat end of the harbor, was raised int week preparatory to the reeaaval of tae sagta* from the bull by the owner, lir. William Marlton. A steam shovel Witt work about four miles out on the main Una of the C.P.H., excavates, earth foe the new piece of Use main line to be put in aide of the Icing treed. at the foot d Wellington street. A work train is plying between tie steam .hovel and t resale. Thr steamer logic arrived on Moe - day with a cargo of r7 U,IJO bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator. The .teal -clad steamer Simone arrived in port en Thursday. The Simone is the government lighthouse supply boat, which started &1 King- stou and will proceed to Georgian Bay and Lake Superior Fora. In addition to the crew. 1M r. P. H. Hardy, light- house inspector, and his staff are on board. LOTHIAN Master Kelso McNay is atteediog Lucknow high aebooL Messrs. Mike sod Billie Hogan took in the ezcursioe to the west. Miss Bessie Barnhy is spending • couple of weeks with friends in Detroit.. Messrs. Daniel Ferguson and N. J. McKenzie attended London exhibition last week. Mrs. Rod. Campbell bas returned home after spending two mouths with friends in the west. Maas Mary MacDonald left last week for Duluth. Minoeeota, where she in- tends remaining for some time. Rev. Father John Hogan, of Clidton. spent a few dey. last week visiting h:a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hogan Mr. W m. Hogan visited his daughters at'trathroy`, aodalso took in a couple of days at London exhibition last week. • Mrs. Mary McLean, of Calumet. and Mr,. Catherine McLean. of Alpena. are visiting at the borne of their heothar. Mr. Red. Ceulpbell. HOL.ME4h1VILLE Mr. 'Baker, of Clinton, is painting the psrsooage. Mira Holmes returned from Gode- rich on Mooday. Mr. Courtice returned from his holi- days on Friday. Miss Snider is visiting at the home of Mr. George Ladd. Mr. Ormond Alcock is spending his holidays with his mother. - Miss Miller, d Clinton. spent Sun- day with Miss V. Jervis. .. Miss Emma Levis, of Clinton. visit - ed in the village on Monday. Mrs. Holdsworth was in London lest week for &couple of days. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Larder died Tuesday morning. Mrs. Joseph Jervis is visiting io Detroit for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Howard. of Goderich, was visit- ing her aunt, Min S. Tebbutt, o0 Sat- urday. Miss Robertson attended the Harold Jarvis oonoert at Goderich on Monday evening. Mr. Dwyer. an Armenian, gave an address in the Methodist church on Sunday morning., and also a lecture Mooday evening on Armenia and its costumes. which was very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewertba, Misses' Mal.el Pickard end Florence Holland. Mn. Alt. Jervis, Messrs. Norman Holland. Albert Pickard, Clarence Potter and many others from here attended the London fair last week. ST. HELENS The monthly meeting of the st. Helens Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. George Webb on the afternoon of Thursday. the '1Sth inst.. at 2.30 o'clock. The roll null to be answered by -receipts of pickles. The subject to be discussed is 'The Rights of Children.- All the ladies are requested to come prepared to talk on the subject All ladies are welcome. - - --_-_-- LAURIER Miss Tallith& Kempton ie sgaio attending the Goderich Collegiate institute. Miss Marguerite MacLennan hue gone to Lucknow to take a High School cornea Miss Welsh, of Pine River. bas been engaged as teacher of Laurier echooL We wish her every success. Chas. J McGregor has gone to feebringville. where be is engaged as pullic .ebool teacher. Our bent wishes go with him. The friend, of %Von Wylie of Amber -ley, who bad his Fero destroyed by fire, have raised a substantial sum of moo', to assist his in his misfor- tune. WESTFIELD Mr. Colin Campbell envoi Mattteday in Luckoow. Mrs Snowdon is visiting bee sister. Mn. 3..ma•e McGill. Reeve Campbell was a Winslo 's oe Monday on business. Miss Butler. of Blyth spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Robert Twomey. Mr. W iU Bocbanan, of the Wing has high srbool. spemt f4aturday ender the paeemtel nod. Mr. Will ][.Dowell lied Mr Marvin McDowell task in the Harold Jarvis concert .t Oodsrieb on Monday sight.. Mr. Jebsow V in the with his =wise enter geetiee the wood eat 11ar wbMr. EXETER Exeter lost one nt du oldest an& most eat osai resident • in the death of I Mr. Richard Crocker. which occurred all his ret:ideoee Tuesday morning. Ha was in his e(Ith year. and had lived in Exeter nearly all his life. H. is sor- t uri owed by his widow, two eons (Roger and Edward. of Torootol and two f !dam/eters (Mrs. Fined y. of Haileyborye t and Mrs. WeUiogtoo Johns. of Ex- eter). He was & member of Jags street Mstbeiiett church. a Conserva- tive in p JISL. and a lifelong advocate or tes44ssimee sesassires. PORTt71'R HILL Mr. Cress Elliott spent Sunday at If4eatorth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Cox and Hiram spent Sunday at Colborne. Mn. Peter McDougal and son, Mur- ray, spent a week at Port Stanley. Miss Emily Routledge returned bowie afters Boding a week in Toroo- to. Mr. and Mrs. Castle and children, of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mr. 0. W. Potter's. Miss Ruby Potter left on Monday for Clinton bospital, w here a.be inuodr training for a nurse. Among those wbo attender! London fair were the hollowing :-0. N'. and Harvey Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young, Howard and Maggie Cox. Char lee and Gretie To urg, Robert Baron, Mr. and Mn. Wesley Vander - burgle LUC:KNOW. Luckoow's tax rate this year is Se mills. New PARTNERSHIP -J. G. Murdoch and R. D. Cameron have formed a pattnerebip under the stele of Mur- doch A Cameron Co. The combined business will be located in the store which has been occupied by Mr. Mur- doch. J. G. raid R. D. will make a great trial. Btl•va-(leo. Haigh, who has been clerk in W. J. Taylor's store for several weeks, is removing to Saforth. where be has purchased • grocery store Mrs. J. Joynt has returned home after a visit to her daughter in California. Harold Newton w attending the College of Pharmacy at Toronto. Jack Newton io teaching at White- chureh . Herb. Graham is here from Torooto on a visit to his wrote. . Mn. T. E. Finlay has returned from a visit to friends at Peterboro'. Paul 8mel:ser is away on a trip to the west_ AN 01.13 RESIDENT DEPARTS. -The death onthe 4th Inst_ of Mr. loin) Aear removed one d the old t.-od.-,.t.. of this district. Mr. Agar roar hors in the county of Tyrone. Ireland, eighty- three years are swig when but as in- tact was b resOka by his parent. to this contimeet, the 4itlmily settling for a time in the Stats of Obi°. In 1852 he came to Ontario and being married the same year to his pill surviving partner the young couple made their bowie in the township of lases. Simco. county. Sixteen years Later they calve to Ashfleld, and resided for thirty-one years on the 10th conces- 6100. For the last twelve years or so they bad lived retitbd in Lucknow. Few couples are accorded such a long period of happy married .life as Mr. and Mrs. Agar, who for sixty years walked life's journey .aide by side. Tbeir marriage was Maned with twelve children, three of whom died in early childhood. Those surviving are 4 rs. T. Reid, of Edmonton James, of Floral, Sask.. Thomas, d Toronto; Mn. John Dornin . and of Brannon ; William sod Mrs. S. J. A. Boyd. of Hannah, North Dakota. and Alexander and Robert, of Belfast, the last meot,oned residing no Use old homestead. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. 7th inst., be- ing conducted l,y Pastor Vbelfton of' the International Bible class Students' Association. Jo irr-FREHMA, Nurret .e. - A pretty wedding was solemnized on September 10, at the borne of Mr. and Mn. Frank Freeman, Luckoow, when their ooly daughter. Edith Florence. was married to Mr. J. Wesley Joynt, only son of Mr. and Mra. John Joynt., Rev. Mr. bileKinles officiating. The brideemte id thedrawiog-room, which was decorated with ferns and asters. with her tatter, to the strains of the wedding march played br Mrs. Robert Thompson. of Bruisels. In embroider- ed crepe de chioe The bride wee beautifully gowned in cream ducbees matin and train with Venice point and coat of real belie Irish lace, her veil of silk Brussels net arranged in Juliet cap fashion. caught up with lily of the valley. She wort a pearl necklet and pendant. the gift of the groom. and carried a shower of cream roses and lily of the valley_ Tbe staid of honor, Miss Myrtle Imlay. of Wing- haros wore pale Nue Juliet 6.1k with shadow lace and rosebuds and r*rrud pink mre.. Miss lima Free- roan. retman. S afnrth, entrain of the bride. was hridrwmud in pal. pink silk with Irish point and carried pink roesa.e.eb wearing bar pine with pearls, sifts of the ggrr'000.rnr1 sod the hest man. Mr Rob- ert Jeyst, a pearl pin Before the ceremony Miss ARM.nf Loc4unsealing '•Beloved it 1. Mono." is pale lave silk and ninon. luring the signing of the rvgi.ter Mr. A. H. Wilford, o1 Win gba.m. sang '•Recuse ' A leer quer war on the lava with dej.oser the table dsoorataoes were lovely with pink and white amens and terns. The toes to the bride and groove we Cand responded to. atter whish gad Mrs. Jervis iat for the St. !.wren., the bride univelliag 1n a writ of tem -toned Fledfnrd coed wMh had to match The out -01-town gguwee.stt,ss were her Loudon. H..eall, He.feethe Wingham, Bremela libel red Tess - water. ilr. ami Moa Jeymt will be .4 lease after Noe.n►sr >< at their t.i- denes. ieet greet. L4elaw.