HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-11, Page 7Ping the irew easy tou: hu for tars 1 1 —J ress it $1.00. ay Int •u la 0It Iib THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO 304 4/4 4444414414 4.111/44.1144440+44 44 44 tis f The News of the District 4- tg+46+45+++.4646+4,4446 4444 444444 4 4464444161061644545$ HUk1-E T. EXETER, 7 MlOtrta&T, !lept. M8th week tar isare w take cbm $' on left 01 e Mind Jobs tirsager, Losdeabord. r.aaUy - a tburongbbrd cow vabssd et over Pk Mises Mary and Ven C•rbsrt have vim to Strmttued, when they are igteedieg the moving school. auvJH Medd Vice. w arpen to the br e,h. t tiro mouths visiting members of bee Ir ieo L Rands has purchased the sorts hJf of lot 1tL coo the 4th mscts- rriss of Mullett, trout Samuel Pollard. !oo guns Mr. Roods one hundred acre*. wESTFIELD. TcgeoeY, Sept. tl'b. Mr. acrd Yea Rob. Taylor. of Ashore. spent Friday at Wm. Me- Deltel a - A bouncing baby. boy arrived at the fiasco( Wm. Rooth on Tuesday last, September -'tad. Mira M. Webster. of St. Helens. was ter greet of her aunt. Mrs. T. H. Tay- lor, over Sunday,, Mr. and Mn. Turnbull and children are eating lbs former's uncle, Jena Wahiawa. •Nr. and Mn. Albeit Campbell spent $Today with theforiner's sister, Mrs. Ww. Crozier, of Crewe. Myr Lilian (lark, of SL Helena. wase orer but Friday w enjoy the gam -oast with her toauy friends The young people of Westfield and vfdaity rojoyed a corn -toast io J. Wigbtman.* grove last Friday ' even- leg - Kee b. Jewett, of Blyth. occupied tke pulpit,io West.tteld chord' on Sun- day in the interest of temperance wart. The W. M. S. of the Westfield ,chunb were enteetai.ed at the borne din. John McDowell, sr., oo Tues- day afternoon. ' Word has been t.ceived here of the arab of the little three-yews-oW daughter d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pick- ett of Maple Creek, Sank.. formerly d Westfield. The Westfield Muddy scboo! is kwkipg furwerd w Rally Dry, which is to be held aro September Kith. Parents ate rt*.qyu. ted to keep this date in view and toms out and e0 joy the rally service. STANLEY. MWxneY, Sept. Intl.. sBoLxtet—Prrasolt.—A very happy enrol took place at the base of lir. sod M rt. John P.aswoe, of the 2nd concesee, of Stanley. et high noon w 11'.-dureday. August 27, wben their youtd--•. dauebter, Mary Irene, be., tante the bride of Waiter Gordon Butane. of Edmonton, eldest moo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes ofToron- t . formerly of Cltaton. Promptly et I o.,10,l, to the strains of the wed- ding w.i-h played by Miss Ida Haute.. A. T. C. M-, Toronto. i.110bride Soured the room, emeterted by bee father, end took her plasm beside the groom. beneath a wedding hell, in as evrtgeeen sod tome of sharp: meaty. Rev. Dr. /Rawest, of Toroo- ta, performed the ceremooy and at its Ouse Mn. John Inaes sang "U Premise Mor Tim bride eras prettily suited in rharmetue satin and carried •mower bouquet of whits roles. Her travrlliogdr,.. was navy blue serge. After congratulations and a stunpt uou. wedding dinner the weddiog patty lift tot Toronto. where they will spend afar dais before going to their house is Edmonton. Atoo.g tlsoss from • &Wane, who attended the wedding were be ileEwee of Dsteoit. uncle of the bride: Mrs. E. Raises of Ste Catb- arise*: Mr. and Mn. Robert ifolases and Mies Ida Holmes of Toronto. The bride was the recipient of some beod- saee presents, among them being s p erm from the groom. BEWARE, YOUNG MAN. IT 5 THE LITTLE DANDRUFF dr -RMS THAT ARE CAUSING YOUR HAIR TO THIN OUT. Put$ 2n bage•Stops Fatting Hair and Does Not (;ental, Poisonous Lead or Uyes. The ckere young man of today doyen t rake any chances on losing hid bur A man who is baldheaded at tbuty beaks like forty-five. and 111) Placed at s disadvantage wben seek- ing employment. 1f you have dandruff it bear.* down near Lite 1o/nts nl 1r.ut hyla aa a r it y cif ds odr u ff gee urs We ails. kiss are hair tout and destroying de iit•lit IaTMe hair out. grows beto arta betdne.s results nnng �:�o t yo.r reit? 1. tielight- fo Parisian °efs. It will sR.p f.Riae hent tau dsalieri< proM, modish bacc mod *alai .esi>R er ntsewq fettle mge is ally SO ernes • am, de.l. •vet r • hw►. M. Wigis's rs Girl e I h anbu-w hair ••••11 carnes. Leb for Parisian W b sot loam abet It *rift of ieat..g •re .rt 1n moieties when we '~'py •stile se nee *amber. (Aetst- issay wear ambles se iamb ie tier au .—n r- ph —�..s Mo*Dii, Sept. fish. Adolphua Hooper, who lost his barna by Iry • few weeks ago. will have . raising on Moods, aheru000. Mr. Hooper has certainly lost oo time. Francis Wilbert Coward. son of the late William Coward. died •t his bone fo Cohn tie on Saturday afternoon in bis thirty-fourth year. Mr. Coward had tarn io poor health for a long time, so that hie death was not unex- pected. Andrew Hackney and F. Kash* were delivering a heifer the former had sold to William Knell, cattle bt.yer, when the animal went mad trod turned un all wbo came io ber way. Although blindfolded and held by two roper, it succeeded in knock. IDE dawn Mr. Hackney. who waa con- siderably bruised. In her ruse to treat Ksrn1ck in • Similar fashion. the heifer tripped on the sidewalk and fell. She was finally overpowered and planed fa adtay. DEATH or M Et.ruten. — Michael Elford, one of the oldest settlers a L'sborse, died et the home of his dr.ugbter, Mrs. Isaac Johnson. on Sunday evening. 8rptember 7. biota his second marriage Mr. Elford had lived at Pott Hope. rwo weeks ago he and his wife cause to Exeter and U'sborne to visit their relatives and on Tb rsday Mr. Elford was etrkk.n with perslysis, from which be never regained coosciousnwM till death claimed him. He leaves. besides his wife and daughter, one son, Michael, cm the old bouiesteed. Mr. Elford was • lifelong tuember of the Metho- dist church. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. E. G. Powell on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the borne of Mrs. Johnson Inter- ment at Enter cemetery. HEADACHE 1. caused from the blood beio; thick- ened witb uric acid poisons circulat- ing in the bead. Ants -Uric Pills cure 41 forms of kidoey trouble. They are so good and so sure. F. J. B%tland guarantees teem. Bs sure you get Roti -Crit Pills. 11. V. Marron on every box. Sold only at drag store. In tbese days of motors London is divided into two claims—the quick and the dead. -$e Thoma. Dewar. DISTRICT NEWS. Res. G. Victor Collins has tendered bis reeignatioe as pastor of the Wing - ham Baptist cburcb. Dr McDonald, Iain of London. has opened a dental office at Hensel!, in Dr Sellery's old stand. Miss Pbemie Cowan, of Seafortb, has taken • position on the Collegiate Institute staff at Dundas. The death occurred recently of Tho.. Lynch, cattle drover, of $bipka, at the age of fifty-two years. Miss iia Shears. of. Stratford, bas been engaged by tbe trustees to teach the Union school at Sodom. Mr. and Mr... W. Brydooe, of Clin- ton, have returned home from tbeir trip abroad witb the party of Canadian teacher,. James Snell k Sons, the well-known sb '*-breeder, of Hullett. won several prizes at the Toronto Exhibition with their sheep. A bylaw will be submitted shortly at 'Exeter for a loan of 510,000 to an Ohio company that proposes starting • foundry there. Rev. Mr. Miller, of Toronto, has accepted a call from the Lutheran cburcb at Zurich and is expected to arrive about the 23rd of the month. Henry Horton, of Tuckersmith, who bas been teaching in the Lumley school for Ilse last two years. is now teacher of the sebool on the Mill road, Taekersmitb, near Hrucxdeld. Tbe contract for carrying the mail O ut of Clinton on rural route No. 1. which extends north to Sumter-rbtll and tben across Mullett township to Constaoce, has been awarded to 8. Law, cute. The death of Miss Annie O'Hara, daughter of the late Francis O'Hara, a McKillop. occurred a few days ago at Clinton, where she was visiting her sister. The remaios were interred in the St. Columban cemetery. John Armstrong, of the flan of Armstrong k Cast!,'Seafortb, baa pur- chased the Anur mill at Chesiey, and will devote bis attention hereafter to that eoterpeiter. The inurioro at Sea - fort b will ire conducted hy Mr. ()ass. The Centralia Methodist cburcb has been reopened after uodergoing im- proveweot and renovation. Tbe re- opening services were conducted by Rev. D. N. McCamu., of L.nndon. and were .Ueodd by iargeozongregatione. Mrs. Geo. anon. Wingham, met with a painf I accident A letter pros was being taken down from $ high shelf when it tell sod .trunk Mrs. Mason on the face. Her -nose and face were badly bruised a04 bet eyes blackened. A quiet wedding was .olenrnized at the home of Deed Mack. Einer. o0 Wednesday. September Ent, Isis niece, Kia Mery Ling. sed J. A Simpers, both of i(emsall, beteg the rsrioripals. The ceremony was performed by Iter. R. J. Sharp. De. Georg. McAllister. of George- town. Ont . formerlyof Hensel!. was married cm Antral b at Rbaw.illa. (ld�ee., the bide being Annie 1(41(b Siliote. only daughter of Mr. H. H. P,Hi.rtt. of tee Quebec town. Dr. Mr - Ablator mad 81s bride will regalia at Georgetown. The T Iell t TAeasos.J gbnreb. Reiter. w as the recon of • weetify westering on N'tut flat. August SUBS, w hen Roo at ,I Rayls Wakes+ •all Mk. v,,.►-• rya. 1snsgbter .4 Mu. Amtbnaty Alum, of Lseeer, ft rreerty of ('enemat y, we- e wanted In na.rr1g. by Dry. D. W. (whir•. Aber the honeymoon trop M.. end Met Qsanee will take up their residence is Exeter. lie marriage of Kim Miens heats ie. dssgtkksr et Ur. awl Kis. James Beattie. Ileatur•tb, to J. Ernest Boltb. B. 8 A., of Petaeborr. , took piece oe ?wed4T. tivembse2ed. in the See - forth f ,atboiiet ebw ch. The ceremony wee pertained by the pastor. Rev A. W Barker. Mr. mad Mts. Smith lett to speod a brief honeymoon in Muskoka before taking up residence at Peter - bow'. Au interesting event took place in the 8eatoetb Presbyterian church on Monday, September let, wbeu Jana A. McNaughton. of Calgary, and Mia Janet Bur. daughter of the late Rev M. Bair, were united i. maniac,. The nuptial knot was tier! by Rev. F. H Larkin, seated by Dr Neil Ma I Phereses. of Springfield, Mame The brut was given away by b.r uncle. Dr. Sparks, of St- Mary.. Mr. and cNeugbton will reside at Cal- gary. where the groom occupies a prominent place among the nal estate fraternity. Walter Breckenridge, a young man in tee employ of the Thompson Egg Company at Brussels. had • close call from serous injury or pe•sib!e death one morning last week. He was dnfy- ing & team of horses attached to a dray loaded with empty 'egg cases. tieveral of these were shaken from tbe settee as it pawed over the street crossing : young Breckenridge fell et the horses' heel., and the animals tak- iag fright dragged their driver quite• dirtanee before be could get free. He war badly bruised and suffered a deep cut in the forehead. Tbe death took plate at W iogbam oo Wedoreday, 27th ulr, of James Weir. in his eighty-seventh year. He was ill only two days, following a paralytic stroke. Mr. Weir was horn at Galton, Scotland. and when a young tnao came to Tin nberry town- ship and took u a four. Ten years •go be gave up 1atming and moved to Wingbaw. where be had since lived. He was a great Inver of his native land. and waited it On several or- ca.ione. In'religioa be wase Presbv- teaian. and in politics a Liberal He isaurvived hy bis widow, five stns and one daughter. On Mocday after000n, let inat., there palmed away at ber home in Brussels Urania Stattom. wife of (lenge Pollard, io ber seventy-eighth year. Mrs. Pollard war born iu Corn- well, England. and after emus years' resideooe in Canada came with her husband to Monis township. later retiring to Brussels. Nine children survive, also twenty -mien grand- children and two grest-grandchildren. Mrs. John F. Warman. of Clinton, is a dangbier, mend Mertes. who lives on the boaresteed Mertes. in Morrie, is the only .on living in Huron county. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard celebrated their golden wedding a year ago. Dr. J C. (;earlier, of Chigoe, Wedded.' On Wednesday. 3rd inst., at tbe resideoee of Dr. 1. A. Macdonald and Mrs. Macdonald (siseer 01 the b ide(. Toronto, the marriage of Miss t oa- steaee Rehm Christian. youngest dsogbter d William Christian. to Dr. Joseph Marin Gandier. of Clinton, w oo of Bev. Joseph tisodier and Mn. Gaudier, of Newburgh, was solemnized by Rev. Mr. Gaudier, father of the g room, and Dr. Macdonald, brother- in-law of the br ids. The bridesmaid was Miss Jean C. Macdonald, niece of the bride. and the tot man was Dr. F. E. Mellow, of Uxbridge. After a trip to Muskoka Dr. and Mts. Dandier will reside at Clinton. Fats- O'Neil Wedding. Un Monday. September 1pt, at the home of Mts. D. B. Kennedy, Clinton, Belle. the second daughter of Mr. and Mn. Frank O'Neil was married to Leonard Pair, of Drayton, only son of Mr. and Mn. Joseph Fair, of Listowel. Rev. D. K. Groot performed the cere- mony in the presence of only the im- mediate relatives of the bride fend groom. Tbe bride was given away by ber father. After the Ceremony a dainty wedding luncheon was served at the Hotel Normandie and Mr. sed Mn. Fair left on the aftern000 train on their wedding trip. For a while they will reside at Listowel. where M r. Fair is relieving on the: Royal Bank staff. Bleevale Hotel Burned !lows. Tbe Royal hotel building at Bluevrk wee burned down early Saturday morning, 30th ult. The sheds also took fire. sod floe .goals of the fire- lighters were directed tottering Scott's blacksmith shop, which they succeeded le doing. Rad the blacksmith shop naught Me the tither stores and houses in the bink could hardly have been saved. The betel and sheds had been boarded up since last towing. when the proprietor. 1. C. Johnston, and his family moved to Saskatoon a few weeks before Iocel option came into faro. There were sane honeebold effeet• in floe building. This summer an effort had been made by the temp.rmnce workers to rain. fund. to buy the hotel l.uilding, but without entree.. The insurance carried was 51 -fart It ptioreaD.bsrty Nalrtes1 The marriage of Helen Irene, oang..l daughter of Mr. and May. William Doberty, Conten. to Ss•auel T. Eemplborne, of Raskatoon. son of tMr. and Mee C W. Kensptbnrne, oe Whitley, was solemnised le West ey chureb, Cliatno. on Weodr.eeday after - Doors of Iasi week- 1tev, Dr. Roiled.* officiated. end th • w.ddiwg mst/e tris frayed by Pref. WWgoem% pudpsl mama •-it Ira .0 e1a� 4,4: ,11 •��r{•7aa ,i: iI SUMMER r roasts %sass s*rvogl i sed Maws is easily castrerbel, but Sostt'a Erre wI.ion pr seedy ruse tfle raid aa$ • , t,it.id year ern+Mi prow sirloin flattest a wr.a n—' Nee lot, t.. Clothes Stay White if You '1rest . Them Right. Use Comfort Soap. POSITIVELY w LAMEST SALE f• CANADA S Js- email WO e e G HT" of London Conservatory Of Music, of which school the beide is an honor graduate. '1 hs church was pleads decorated with paints said pink end white oaten. The bride ware given away by ber father aid wore • beautiful Bohn of white brocaded matin with lace bodies and pearl tall trimmings. Her veil wits arranged as • mob cep and was aught with lace and orange blrxrmoetu. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and mauve orchid,. Her only acne- ment was a diamond necklace in plat in umset ting, the gift of thegronw. The maid of honor, 34 'es E. bel Doherty wore meteor blue crepe de cbene with white and blue bat and carried pink roses. Miss Maisie Kemp - thorns.. sister of the groom, totted as bridesmaid and wore pink chiffur. with I.rge piok picture hat and carried pink SHOE STYLE N&t Extravagance! Tbiok of a Shapely•Feot Fa- med is en Unnbape ly 8bot ! r WOULD BE A SHAME! Hoch Maas ere not to be found Here ! Yon are.Peefee:ly Justi- fied in BUYING STYLISH SHOES COUPLED WITH CirlaPORT AMO sEavIct, Whin priced Reasonably, As Our; are Priced ! W. SHARMAN roses. Jamas Dobiety, brother of tie bride, aMat•d the groom and Guard Doherty sad Will Middleton were usbers. During the .iguing of the register Mee. Here, of Whitby, esog Beloved It Is Morn--' To the bride's atteedaots the gru.w gave platinum 0ecklsees with diamond pendant,. Hisgift to bin best man wse a raver nerd ase and to the umbers be gave gold monogram cuff -Oaks After the ceremony a reception was held at the house of the brides patents. A buffet lur.cheon was carved by several i of the girl friends of the bride. Solos we.e given by Mrs. Herr, Prof. Wile goose and Murray Jackson and serer al tediums, of congratulations were read. Mr. and it,.. Kemptborne left! on the 3t(i train for Niag.ra. From 1 there they will go via the Dt. Lawn's,* to New York and other cities on the Atlantic coast. The bi ide'a travelling suit waa of desk blue cloth with I null blue velvet hat. MacEwan's CUA Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates- —the highest qualityof Coal th:.t can be .bought for the purptme. Empire Donie s t i c Lump Coal most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chest n u t and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate Tcleobone D8 ±. Twomitiev, Sneer U, ISIS 7 OFF TQ 1 SCHOOL You want a new suit for that boy of yours who is starting off to school again after the vacation. We believe we have just what you want—something nice and natty and MADE TO WEAR, at a reason- able price. Bring the boy to us and let us fit him out Don't forget that in MEN'S WEAR wehavethe best lines on the market, right up to the minute in style and quality. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderieb SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Agents foe Carhartt Overall*, Stanlield's Uoderwear,'JFitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars add Cliffs. •memtneertimmewwboloNateweeemosireasimemNA01010 SPECIAL OF Fog Tto nswig nusb! forte bhr.e fhnGof 1911,g.daor Great Britain, only Notice la Shaw . Scaool.. Toronto. lamas people are trained to ears good ealareee. We conduct eve tio.iatw %baste le t bis city. tt•e .roald eke t0 mend See our latest oatatogse. F.11 Term tram gept. rod. W. H. SHAW, President. Summer Suits are, most serviceable w ben you have them made of the op-to-datebest goods in the most op -to -date sT tyle•. uu will obtain abso- lute satisfaction if you patronize Dunlop the Tailor West St., Godericb i� 11b 1111�11�11�11�11+11�11�1 III W Binder Twine .'3 McCormick, 65o tt. Twine at 1 2C per Ib. 3 55o ft. Twine:at 3„ per Ib. - Fencing Miff USE We have a few rods left of the Canadian Steel Wire Co. all No. q Fence, which we are still selling, ati the old prices : 7-42 fence for 25c rod 1 1 " " 2Sc Portland; Cement We have just got in a fresh carload. Coal Do not forget that we handle the genuine white ash Plymouth hard Coal. This Coal comes from the Scran- ton Coal fields but from a vein in which there is hardly any slate or stone. It is guaranteed • not to be over two per • cent. ..tort or ..;at(• Pnrn•rr Stove and Nei 117,73 Uflik. q"AfitielitillgtctO COUR tikkOWARE 15 THE 6E5TYHA7' 15 MADE. OM S1Ck THERE'LL BE !.0 GULSS YOUR HARDWARE SROM VS. WL KNOW WHICH BRANDS WILL STAND THE HARD W LAIR. WHEN YOV NL_F_D ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. FROM A CARPET TACK VP, COMIC TO VS. YOV'LL FiND iT W OVR STORE WE DO BUSiNESS ON THE 3QVARL. Let es Agues on your Plumbing. H.at,og. Electric Wiring. Rave - roughing. rte. Alt work grsar.ntFed. WORK WHEN YOti BVY Chas. C. Lee PHONIER . Stere flt2 House 112 . Fh• Shatwia-Wi//tenor Paints Corr flea Earth 1lnili11ii11iufliiL 111i1i W W ilii/il� LCannellCCoal We have just got in a car load of Dixie Birdseye Cannel Lump Coal. This coal will not crack and throw coal all over your room. Price $8.00 per ton. Call and see our Hammocks, Hammock Couches, Refrigators, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, etc. Screen Doors and Windows at redu..ed'prices. Bicycles I)o you want; Cleveland Bicycle ? We have three new bicycles which we are seliing at reduced prices. 2 Sea.*10 wbeets tow $46.00 1 $45.00 wheel for MOO 1 R ...1 ►e..wwi. hand wheel with new n,.,. ;•Ir f'' 1'4 c eft*Wetf.04A0WIA,014