HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-11, Page 6e rircmm1A T, 817T. 11 11011 1 The Best Place for Shoes It fedi be no trouble for .you. to find among our different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern, leather and price to suit ,you. Added to this, everyone of them. has the;gen;u- ,1, mark ..1f quality. We feel sure we can meet your requirements for Summer Footwear, no matter how particular you are. CaII on us for your next pair. WWII be glad you did. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE. OF Solt"Alt r_, tiUlll 1tiCli. A WONDERFUL REMEDY • Orange Illy 1s daily eterles the moat obstinate eases of Mewls Dis- orders. Pal4ng of the W Us- Msu Plateful larul a Menstruation, etc., etc., are tA them relieved from the .tart by ate use. and a few week/ mr see lofr treatment a000mplishet a CUTS ?his remedy 1s a acisatifk preparatltq and oa tile discevertes of Pasteur ListerIt 1a an applied that a, it is net takes f but 1a applied direct to the set= parte. sad tt. the-efe e, acts triol an the Certatirty of the known laws of classical aciten. I Aa ft eemre to '�,�,t contact with saw, its aattsejac and nerve -food pnapertisa iarisot help have a �tuate. I receive from 1e to N letters daffy, atMekln[ a tb• benefits sad earn it to performing. and so sure am 1 that 1t will is what Is calmed torr It that I will send, abeolutely free, a Mc bei to every suf- fering woman who will write for it. Price 11 per bee. which 1s eufttdest for ewe Reseda' treatmaat. Address, sena. FRANCE" t. CURRAH. WINDSOR, ONT. r for Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere. 40,000 Harvesters Wanted EXCURSIONS Tt1 WINNIPEG sum* tlirut+•r,1dr.•.nstn,n1•1 I., the' 1111-.-trnta.aril. tr..rn Winelprg tct hirgioa. h. l et „on, Brandon. tri inn, Miser'. Kind.-nler, iiatRlefad, iedu Tinton. and ••. uthei poleax no the Comedian Northern Railway. Returning. half awn' . mar from .11 pr•rnu on f • N. it. •n N in aip•R. *ISA° from Winnip.g to original starting p,.ial in (interim DATES OF SALE. Is Terw..to , . . 1 .tatvrr• beat a•l obit n .parvo. Ink.. •11 t' Owta.te «•,4 bay of Q it..'e-1at4o,...e.0b'r limes t 1.w. on* teat ant. Maee/ Maae tetn„arie.. garner Ir.eaudMi..a•I1 «arise an an 1 . N era of sal Mariam! ,,r hue laveur to iIskateaw11, aid Q t L at J Ili aye s _ Vegas TOM."' r.nwr lAbkilte C. N ••.: aim Foist. ow neer town Ter eine to Nana 11. s Mother, owe wen taawaf. ?b.obiawa lb a�&ie Isr .'• whew w nem M11' I t wartime 1b. wale. Itis XI Tie w IIID wry ya P W t Va ewers, kyh.q, Afsoi��tsrystY.a yeti se ..bewitsg mew Simi kemaeteida a tba aAfi11r t 1. raft itIr (bra. NAL A . ala. 11108. 14.. Twwte. net ML3 THE SIGNAL 'MEDICINE KILLED CHILOI, OreMsee el Cootie, Fatal---ares*cwt Clwreh Leese SOmeish Pepperw A tesapogaftd eotlial" ,given to Itoil.vs culls. brentbt almost Instant death to the t e-year•dd child of Con- rad Kara, who Rees sear Bertin. The permits had forgotten the direction which stipulated ave drops, the label having bees torn from the bottle. Jana McNulty, a realty solemnise rfko•e relatives lire at Norwood, Out., wan found dead In his aback near ■daooton, having bpela shot at close range. Stricken snit acute indlgesUoo. Mr. J. M. Ferguson • traveller for the W. R. Brock firm, died suddenly at Toronto. James (amble, fireman at Point M- imed ore docks, was found cut to Pieces by a train near Sarnia. "BI11" liner. notorious robber and jai! breaker, died last week at the Georgia State Prtaon Miner ogee 'raped from the New Westmtastsr, B C. penitentiary where be was serv- ing a life sentence for train rubbery. David Smith, a veteran contractor mid builder. died at SL Catharines last Thursday. Injured In a runaway accident, Mal- • lin Munro. •� prominent West Elgin Farmer, 61ed i1 St Thomas. aged ei Recta's Porte/, an aged lumberman ON kis lite Ina fire which destroyed hen's lodging house 1n Cobalt. lrweric Roy and his bride, a daughter of tbr•tet's, narrowly escaped death. �� R. Parker, Secretary for the Department of Finance of the Matho- Mlst Church In Canada, died unexpec- 0dly#e last Thursday at Toronto, aged He was one of the most energetic land prominent Methodists in the Dom- inion. Oaptaln James Retd of Sarnia. veteran wrecking master of the Great Ickes, died at Detroit of paralysis. William Pearce, president ot, the es and Labor Connell of Brant - died last week. He was but 30 rssrs old and leaves a widow and tom .mall obildr te. 1 Prof 8. L IImbaeb d t*•pisrvtlle. Fehe., died at Cassel. Germany, whll. towing Eurove. He was a native of Woolwich township and a former iftvaagelical preacher. Albert Dartos and lila wife of Sault Marie. Ont" and Mrs. Robert of the ldchiono Soo were on Sunday wiles ttheir Manch swamped at Cedarville. Three re in the boat were rescued. Mr. Osoca* A. Barnes who had just assumed Ms duties as physical elle* g�oorr at the new Toronto T.M.C.A_ fell !from the horizontal ban to )asatttm gad sustained falyd In feet Friday. His home was 1n Sherbrooke, Qac. &LidANCE ON WAS -PATS Dseldwian-wide Prohibition Measure Now Aimed At The Council of the Dominion Alli- ance. atter a two-day convention at Toronto, decided upon a Dominion - wide probibiuoo campaign. When the ort L to be made, or what methods will be employed ars not yet settled. War is declared upon the liquor trafilc In every corner of the Dominion where li operates. When the first shots are .o be fired, and the kind of ammu- nition, will probably be decided upon at an early date by the Councll's piecutive. It was decided to form a legislation committee of all the mem- bers of the Senate and Commons favor- able to prohibition, augmented by • few from the Alliance Council, which prtll moist iv Ottawa frequently dur- ing the Parliamentary session and Resp close stab on the . opportunities /ad possibllltles that 11e in Parlla- Namt itself. An Influential member be selected to Introduce a care- t% planned Dominion prohibition act. Bey Smuts Not Cadets At the annual meeting of the Sun- day Schools and Yoesg People's do- Kistis of the Methodist Church of nada. held 1n Toronto, a reeoluttoa was adopted deploring the fiat that e military authorities of Coned& ve made the attempt to turn to Mary account the Boy Scoot or - tion. The resolut.lon urged up- "all r"all Scoutmasters and others to nsibiltty In the Scout moyemeat Make clear distinction between It W the Cadet movement" King's Cousin Here 001011e1 giro AugV,tus Charid- Fre ck F'Itsgeorge, third son of the late ked Cambridge, and groat-grtnd- of King George III. -•and. cone - (0.011y. sereno cousin to King George TY. le r1Nting In Canada. With a party of friends be propose' to tour northern Omtario. Ins peetl�g L mining properties and eajoylnt tie irbooting series. Sir Augustus is 00 years o.d And a bachelor New Church Collapsed Tb. new Rawdon Street Methodist 1n process of erection at Md. sad on which the shingllag bM•g done, collapsed last roars- I and 1s a mans of rules 8 EMIRS, Weraman was pinned by the salt a felling )not and had his collar - broken Tblrt.e.. men Neve at Ween when the building rolla7sed. Hat •prinig. Fie - mews,* Mere than thirty b1•?rks on the Mg. of Ilse busing,* district e( l9ot Springs. Att-. were destroyed by fire Friday n1Rlt Th. loss le .y Muted a1 over $4.900.000 Oae hundred Gormand deligrw 4am age war nese b ire at t31e J R Booth i rhes p1..t, Ottawa. on Sunday, Three hundred mea .n thrown out .f vat Pepe Pius It N ettiorlag from a e lltbt 1a01sposttloa dmllar ter bis R1 - O Ms of lest poet Nas le reporeei (roes k t&•sa /tarMaim. t oat/tared ttmMrw Mt 5p file tasslhma Meda ONTARIO THE LATEST mARKETTI . Tomato Orals Prises. T1s tdbwtag wbdwis prices are emoted at the Tomato Board ce Trite: Maaltobe Wheat -Na L Nat. Me, No. 2 Nor , 911e; No. 3 Nor . 93e_ Feed whest, Ole. cm trach at lake forts. Ysattoba Wheat Mew clop! -Mb. 1 %lee; No. 2. sae MaaJtuba Oats -No. 3 C. W.'s, 3s See No. 3 C. W.•s. 3$',4c. Outsrto Wheat -New crop. $4c 10 fife outside. Ontario Oats -New, 3=e to 23e, out silt; 34c to 37c. track. Toronto. Cora -No. 2 yellow, Mc, c. L t. an track. bay ports. Peas -No. 2, 30c to $5e. car lots. outside. Buckwheat -So 2, 51c to 43e, oat side. Rye -No. 2. .4c w 53e outside. Barley -Por good malftng barley. 11. to 62e. outride, feed, 46c to 411c, outside. Roiled oats per bat of M 106- 13-1/4; la entailer lots. 32.36; Per bar- rel. 14.06; wbo.raale Windsor to Mon- treal. 11111tted-Manitoba bran, 321.00; bap. track. Toronto; shorts. 323.00, Ontario bran, 321.00. la bap; shorts, 113.00; middlings. 331.00. 1 Farmers' Market. repeals[ are the Latest gtotatioNS tor farm produce at 8L Lawreees Market. Toronto,; - Mall wheat, bushel $ IN to 31.00 Data . 40 .00 Goose wheat ti .00 Harley 63 .60 Buckwheat .63 .00 117e .66 .04 peas .Oa .00 ltye straw 11.00 19.00 Straw, beadle! 14.06 16.00 S traw, tools 0.00 .00 Old hay 17.00 13.00 New hay 14.00 16.00 Eggs, new laid .00 .Zs Butter, daffy .111 .23 do. cr.S ry ,00 .00 Fowl, dressed, lb. .1t .10 Duck. .11 .33 Turkeys • . .111 .16 t3eese .. .16 .13 S pring chickens 26 00 Spring docks .1s .23 Live Chlekena .16 .30 " Ducklings .14 .14 Tbrtey. 17 .20 " Hens .10 Potatoes, new, bushel .. 1.140 .00 Dressed hogs 13.00 12.00 Torowte Cattle Market Represeetative prices are:+- Xipor't tattle, choice.... 34.60 to 1j6.76 B erbo ttie, eneiee...4.}}4l 3.10 do. medium 1x50 3.50 do. common 1.00 6.40 Butcher cows, choles3.06 6.00 do. medium 4.00 4.16 Cotten•3. W' 4 . ►0 (Common cows 3.00 3.60 Canners 2.60 3.60 Butcher bulls 4.26 6.00 do. medium 4.26 4.00 Bologna bulls3.76 4.26 reeding steers. 4.76 3.36 stockers, chola 4.76 6.36 do. medium 4.00 4.00 do. light 2 50 3.10 Milkers, choice 66.00 76.00 do. medium - 35.00 Springers, choice 66.00 do. medium 30.00 Spring lambs 7.26 Bb.ep, light ewes . 4.00 do. heavy ewes 3.00 do. yearlings 4.75 Coils 2.00 Buck. 3.00 Hop, f.o.b. 0.35 do. fed and wstered10.00 do. delivered 10.35 Calves ... 5,00 Bob calves, each 3.00 66.00 76.00 60.06 6.00 6.60 3.60 6.60 3.76 6.00 10.00 .06 16.60 6.50 4.00 East inlrsio Cattle Cattle -Prime steers. 33.76 to $1.I0 0bipss. 3325 to $1.06; *actors. 37.00 to :au; 0; co.., 33.60 to 37.26; bans. $6.16 to 3726. bolters. 34.09 to 33.00; Mock betters. 15.00 to 37.1• stocker and feeders, 26 0 to $2.60; Orate Cows and springers, $36.00 to 390.0. Veal. -10.04) to 312.60. Hogs -Heavy. $90 to 34.41; mixed. 39 60 to 9.15; yorkera. $1.16 to 31.11; I alp. 33.11 to 39.00; roughs. 33.60 to I .; stags. 34.60 to $7.60, dairies, 064.00 and 19.60. (beep end iambs -Lambs, 35.60 to 37.30; yearlings. 3440 to 3415, wMb- lirs. Kat to 35.50; ewes. 41 50 to 34.11; Deep. sized. $4.76 to 36.16. Chirps Live seek Cattle -Awes, $4.30 to 39.16; Texas , 34.70 to $7.73; stock*. aria 6.50 t0 17.00; oows sad Wert, $3.70 to 31.10; calves, 16.76 $11 71. aM it $1.64 to 3015; mixed. i'0 w p to. Leavy. MIA to 9.90; $7.66 to 1.40 ; path. 1{ t4 Keel-Ntrk ttw3 60 to 0073 �aItt 9.71 10 36 ; y� .00 ps 16.06; lamb. aaetve 36s6 2013'170; ' 'esters, $4.0 to 37.gi. Cattle 00 Meatreel West End Market. Montreal, prices } sae lrws.ea. Ili 4o 7; melt sa, to 44 nooses, 1% to 654; semi Is. 1 to Calves. 2llo to 636. wage 4416 bs, 36. to 416. 310.40 par hundred Choose Marerds Wats towa. N. T -Cheeseaa1a�i1�� LW bolas at 1Ile; 100 bosoms se ptttt� isms �aaaes. Oat 442 boxes of.r.l, pM at 13 5.14e; b0Mlbg treat 1J la 13 0-10e. IIilabavd tb0_ML WNW el "leak Es" was ahead mike arrest et as a ehs of ertmtaal pbel _ D int l eA.Faoids Y as evil1Y Ofae/iM9 sod Msreal* Ask your Druggist or Grocer to show you the new plantar killing all the flies in y,out house or store in one night, and have neither flies nor fly killers about in the daytime. The Hauf.Geon Diamond. A city appsenlice bailing from a west Hytblaod riliage recently rpm t his Snot week -end kith. place of his birth, says The Glasgow News. As a mark of his prosperity in Glasgow be displayt d o0 one of bis angers* hlgbty polished ring, in which scintillated a sloe* of gnat brilliance. He went the, length of explaining to the inquisitive that the ►tone was • diamond ; but an turtber interrogations on the subject Ile peremptorily discouraged. Happeo- iag to as.et his old scbootzlaater, be 'aintaived to biting the ring tato prominence. The dominie, exm -woe of his old prerogativ.wok .1 the boy's hand and subjected the • rag to a aretul examination. "Acid you mean to t.11 me, Donald,' be said, "that you believe obis stone to be a liamoodr "Well. Mr." moiled Don- ald, with an air of anality, ••tf it Masa I've been done trot of mit hanf-crvoo." TOS FRIEND''$ ADVICE Aad Dodd. Kidney Pins Geed Har Sam: Springbaven. Yarmouth Co.. 11. 1.. epi. *b.-lopeciai) - Simple amid straight to the point ie the stattnams6 it Mrs. Rs wen t;. Trefry, of this plass, out it tells of another grand caw by Dodd's Kidney Pills "My fitteeo-year-old son Angus.' Kr.. Trefry states. "suffered frau pain in his beck, beadacbe, and a pain over his eye". he was eo bad be could not walk dentes the floor. My friends advised we to give him Dodd's Kidney. Pills. They cured bine." The reason Doll's Kidney tills cure rbenenatiese, bsek.acbe, gravel, dropsy, Brigbt'e disease, diabetes' and aiodred dioc.r.rts. is teat thee& all spring from disordered kidneys. It you have any of these dioceses try Dodd's Kidney PiW, They always cure. Made Him Certain. A Seutswep visited Luodtn by hied - crit tut the tlt.I. time "to soar roond," etr as Ise testae' dIL On bis return to his dative village he informed a boon oospaoson tact it was a grand place, but that the people "were no' bund.' He'd bad his dtots all the week, but satisfied hita.edf of the fact on leaving. "Ab bought a box o' pia. labelled 1,000 for a penny, and on couches Ibem in toe tram I fun'seveuteeu .bort." No Gambling in bolt. An old Scotch golfer was &eked to lay two to ooe on a watch to which he wee likely to be much the better. "Na, na, say man," was bar reply ; "gowf isn't a game to be degraded by the vice of gambiiog, like your bot se - taxa', your pigeon *bootie'. an' the teal It is to be played for ibe pure love o' the game. Besides," be con- cluded, •'there's r -a toss tae ane aboot it -but 1'I1 Ly ye az to tower." Marital Life. Wilkie Bad tells a story of a hus- band sod wife who were always quar- relling. A friend ehJled one evening trod found them in the midst of &tow. After the storm had subsided a little he ventured to remonstrate with the bu.baod. "Look here." be aid, "you sbouldts't quarrel like that, you know. Look at t.be dog and the rat lying there. The get on vett welt to- getber.""Yee, they may, retorted the husband ; "but you tie them to- gether. and see what happens then.-• The Apo elle Paul 1.11s us that & will is of no Loire w bete tl.e testator livetb, wbicb i. Kett' 1.. as well as good gospel. -Lord Keotedy. _-t Oily 4 Days at Sea Hfetor y rc•..riew 49 the tr, Man the St. ora... r.. •oriew. Quint. raw d Abraham. wasted Cara. W Ara mbar N Ma..na1 Warm, ta.,a4 le swam *asr hal of mat. Meow ear ..1... Imo Wein lain i. Iia wee nor er tae KIM Revel Gooreo Taw, a.a..e womb s... awl • a.w as.r. sod is ammo 00,1 dt....wa oirrlem A., era e^iA- maim* ••••11•11.• ala rum ,•says 0055... n•b.w .ara...rr..- *me wee M. W i. cearr.aur•s• .ere A. Loaves. Mem.. .r 0001r lar tact rine. rI. *..*'01. AN. Le. Praia, t.r. i�aaya)asa N • .,„ .5WWel OsaM, 1~e:2 wA to %I base/.e sad TT'ees.•1•.1 tees twee* s.taga. vrwa.l�,•,i aft 101. art . r+s.a. fila Camadlas NsrM_ i Dear Amy: - Yesterday, I was down all' day. I was dreadfully time I got home, so tired off my hat, and Just fell chair, and took it easy for half an hour. How some folks get along with nothing to straight, stiff chairs in their homes, = do not see. Give me an easy chair for :omfort, every time. Your always, Lou. town shopping tired by the that I threw into an easy P.S.-You see the nicest easy chairs ever, when you go to Geo. 'Hohmeier =amnion 1 The Signal wilt be sent to, any address it g Canada for one year for only S 1.r?o Send in your subscription now. I Tit MAT S1! MAIO= 7f. trre.et .wd carr eiat� n.�.t�r.a rwsm.esn.+.r�rlsr.aswra ateesseaatsee st......1111111LAMMIgg.1 Cow 01 Me s/ Ore 01 1041b Davy -awaked sled BtrEfilo- 111 to Dec. 1st) Awa=AP.k Otese•1laa• w.ar rt t/.ir i.T.ilyi+r .seold ds riU* .&l•k• sin *wee asei.ad a.4 .mist. sasseswq far m.rtedea M C. t LI 1.. 5ta.w.rs. Int war saes yet tar name neiC. e R Sea. Ma a .sr y,..r La a.siarma i..te.t. t• NE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. 1...1.1F1 .4e+'1 law. IL t a.ea■,_t.ea ?mato= . f. W. 0. asa'1 Pow Ane • r Special "Offer to Out -of -Town Buyers During Exhibition week we will refund railwa, fares on all purchases as described 15 -mile and purchasing Sly cr over 20 -mite and purchasing $20 or over 30 -mile aged purchasing $25 or over Be sure and take advantage of this special offer. Suit Specials A elean.eut saving of «i 00 t,t Li 00 on every euil 1112rntiooe0 here. You low if you miler owning these SR% I4'olch Tweed. Eng fish Worsted Blue Serg.a. Kemple mita cf many worthy material. splendid 312.00 values. 106.21. More sampler'. high-nnwde. sin et test colon and pattens in flu• iwrortrd fabrics. S1s.00 Raiscost Specials Acknow ledR.d 1(4inroat 505dy,1'1;✓r• 11.'1.,. ' out dor. ow selves for F.,bib.tiow week. 54 116.-0. ',lit.. est ut a N•rrglish paramett • pure wont novel inrt, all seam...wed •nei ren'rrted. real value. 1lt.tr, 47. .• .ieftl. and doable text urn. fine wool p&ramatta, aaare with satin yoke. sewed and glued seams. regular $11 flu Boys Saute Meboo) and dress-up'Nuits from S11.*5 t.. as.t6O Mss s pmts Mena Pants is blue arr. and worsted. tailsr-saal4 1w 'tket pante Regular 14 00 to 0600, foe 0111.711 NUT7t's W. are vise in to the hoot sed ghee Ree for ttn.ew and boy". Only before Too hey elsewh.r.. seem is turd seg env pricer M. ROBINS OPEN RVENIMGS 1 ILL ♦ OCLO( ,• • I The 4, .LLss 4 YtyX L n yyaE4S$ LJJoo 1e1 W oaks Ctlat K Jrmngrr. l.00.- , lad a tburv•4tbbted �rt gets. !6>r DLan'rr in3 the rWebb°t' .trip to tb. Wr.t, leo s paha visiting : �1)r. Imo loci lot KOn. rat if ulleu, from o Rices Mr. Rends L rise lair sae' «ESTFIEL TvmDA ,ls, and Yts. Ito yborn tperot Ftid$Y jJowell s. j,, , Uf �%gr. Howitt 0 taFtes' l,rr -ed. �„ y. N'.b.tmr, of beset of her aunt. over Sur fie jl,, and Yrs. Tnrsbul we vitalist the 1 • Joke IV,ghtman. y,, ar,d Yrs Albert(: eunday with tbefoess Wo. Ctcltier, of (stews flys Lilian tAarit, ear�r. over last FrWay ecru -rt art w lob her The rouf3 per. to wirisit} rojoyed a -• iiigbta+an • grove 1Aat inR. Bev. ti. Jewett, of the pulpit in It e.t4el4 d,y to the istetwat wctt. Thr W. K. ti. of ,ebtut h were ewtertainel0 Of1n.John McD oar;, day att.er0000. word has been race. death of the 11141* daogbtrr of lir. and y rot- •d Maple Creel, �: of 91'estfldd, The %VeN4eld tSun oo543 forward W Ra,. u w he held un eE Parent. are tr**gctUe.ted dale in r,t-w and conte the rally service. the for. STANLEY. MDWDA ■ 8ot.ltte-PEallierdt.- ersot tt,uk place at the •od Nn. Jobs P 01•11C•9•111011 of Stanley. un tt.-dnraday• August Tuutg�•; .auicbter, M cater foie ' Kolmes. of ‘14.F:41100101411%, Itr. and Yrs. Robert Ilio kr. formerly of Cnoto*. 12 u'el•,ci. to tie strain dial tuar_h played 1 Hotu.r.. A. T. C. M.. Yridr rutered the ruts her father. and ok be oke togroom, beneath a w as evergreen sad t• ee opy Rev, Dr. Stew to, prrfdoser'moedMn. theJobserme its 1 Pronri.e !Ice The suited to charmeuse a tbuwe a hong hs of wbi ttaw.lhng 4.... war na After congratul&tioes wedding diouer the frit fToronto. wbeet t •boa dais befresmart i5 Edortnootoo.oAasoeg datan.-r wan attended were 11r. IteEweo of the bride : Mrs. S. arises: Mr. sed Yes. ash R ars 1 ata [idtlses of tNidr was the . cheese& took t.r'renta aendms 5)1.100 from the grooms. BE 1T 5 42R Part WARE, YOUN THE LITTLE MS THAT ARE CA HAIR TO THIN :an liege Stops F Does Not Contain f Lead or Lep Tlr. .le.e, young t dts..n t cake &0y chane. bar A man wbu n tbntt L'.5. lik• fr.rt tllacpd a! s d.trrdwasuts4 hey eruployinent. I( y,. h&,. d•ndrnf 11 s.an. duos 0 Omar the 1 rr.Ns d your hair 4. uw y of V oda uAg.e ua Yr ma.kitag 141. Nair 1.001 6.d4.17118.:.:1 lb tleatrm its • s t alit 1•im1 TMs balr 1.11, oil. Warm trtowr tkn sad be .etig eri.a : your P askkis It w ` w1 sad tldlbtel5 r *)Iden •lite it nr •^+1- .t t int. Wit ~'leher.. Gi.1 . ., wry l 1'rtes. A. u • 4n sot k stew 44:4600711, wl'ng are .et. in s '5'Ply et.iY ew lea ani waab aKb(ag w as sosay