HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-11, Page 3THE SIGNAL :GODLBT K 'U1AW'S LAWYERS I 60T BANKS' MONEY MENA AND SECURE A DELAY ONLY[;locked Move to Railroad Him Aeries IENUINE BEWARE s' OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER (GOODS A:: order. prompU attended :a to Saabs/ um it THE SIGNAL. L Os/dark& A. g. TAYLOR, STRATFORD. MEDICAL (� W. F. GALLOW. ILL B. D sal malimae. Sank a4iat, (o.a iss, eats* tlsasai Jteghwy Mlles. TatasWS 1rt- tF. J. IL FORSTER-EYE, BAR. ot sad tairaK fah. Rouse wwrra�,sea Cork Opbtkalmle sad Aural Iastltate Cliaral Await_, Har. Rescued 1\ mat Hagf1&. 6„itru wows. sad Meraastd Eye Hasptuo. Lassa. England. Oise r d Watseka Meet. a raised. weeds* Knee Ch artk. Barn e. :e U t to . 2 to t.► arn_- to a p . Taieaitme C. 158. GEU. *IID M. E. WHITING TIES. HE*LOIANN, sataois b,, ap.ti.ud.IL ..saes. ant chains'. dl,.y.as. acne. Musa' sad nsrvses dlsasiera ere. ear. ao-e int tarmac teerakatMs tree. limos Nath mat :bird door trim tar Square. 67 a sear. LEGAL I)IWU1)POUT. HAYS & K1LUSH i AN. Lemmata, .otleitor+. notaries •wbile. =ma h Um Marturce Court. etc. Privets hay to lmd at lowed rats d loiterer. odes. Hast aide $quare. Godatie . W rrt,L oPOUT, lis C.. R. C. HATS. J. L h- ILLuiLt S. the Line -Jerome Placed Under Arrest for Gambling Harry K. Thaw will be produced before the full King's Bench, appeal aide. at Montreal, neat Monday Meantime he may be detained at Coaticook or at Sherbrooke, or taken to Montreal on a moment's notice. et the dlacretlon of the faalgrstlon authorities. Two of his counsel. J. N. Greenshields and N. K. Leilamme, obtained a double writ -habeas cor- pus and prohibition -at Montreal last Friday- and whirled in a special train Into Coaticook, where not long be- fore the Immigration authorities bad ordered Thaw's deportation from the Dominion. Counsel for Thaw prepared a special train to carry him to Montreal 1 - edlately atter the issuance of the e pmt but it was discovered that such 'tate was unnecessary. A special train However. was called into use to rush pie habeas corpus document from Montreal to Coaticook Immediately atter Mr. Justice Cross and Mr. Jus- tice Gervais had granted the writ. Thaw's lawyers played a trump card 4n thus securing a stay in the pro- ceedings which bid fair early last week to burry him back to Matteawan. Judge Hutchinson of Sherbrooke found that he could not Legally be held in fail on the charges which bad been Made against him and ordered his release. As Thaw left the courtroom e was taken to charge by Dominion Immigration officers and hurried to Coaticook where he was given a bear- ing and ordered deported on the (ground that be entered Canada by stealth and had been In an asylum less than five years ago It was then that his lawyers secured a stay in the pro - (*Mints by appealing to Montreal. A side Issue of the famous case was the arrest of William Travers Jerome, Legal representative of New York State, at Coaticook for gambling. Jerome readily acknowledged having played a game of poker' for small stakes with some newspapermen in an automobile while awaiting the de - 'Melon of the immigration officers. The gambling charge was laid by a private cltizkn. Jerome was honorably acquitted on Monday by Magistrate Mulvena who apologized for the humiliation to which he had been subjected. When acquit- ted Mr. Jerome thanked the Court, spoke flatteringly of his reception in Canada, and added that he did not attribute his arrest and brief Im- prisonment to the thinking people of the Dominion. 'r G CAMERON. K. 0.. HARRIS Ill.rTr t.liatar, �"� pwas` osa`e- CANADIANS BEM SHOTS 66..ww fou Sues:, (JetdesieR tJitrd door fro., '�11AHLE$ GAKIiv'W, LLB., BAR , itierrnit. attorney, seltetter. fill . Osde urs. Mi+ey te lend at rew.at rats. AUCTIONEER, 1141OMAS GUNDRY 1 AVCTIUStKR Floc 1 .Oe6eriak All Wtraotloos by mu ie tdt at Maaal ice will be araesatel .i creed ;u. Jtesideem teiepsone lit+ INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. YPRIVATE FUNDS TO 7 U,000 Rea. Ap•4 te M. 0. CAA& z6U\. tismater. Homilies street. Ciadarlah. i1 • IL ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AOLNT. ilea Arco lssuT,R'ea : Bttithh, Csaati•a sou American. L:'nu.JR. aa;at,aw AND aa&mors ra leashM, n t :Ibe (aura AeaYst and Oaarees rc waauon. tradtsd. et lm•iw. Nag. r,uury Aar, Gt:AtAxtsa Lowes : Tae U.b. Fidelity sad Guarantee t)aataay. tsars si sortimast carom Vie- t 'ria andel St. IJaHl. msest. od171. lIcK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN ..JL e t.' H A N C t C oarsa sad idolater i'repsrty iseat.L canes. -J. B..ataaa. Pree., 8satarth P.O.. h.. •.oaasgy. %lamPras.. dirriali 1'. O.; Hamm 8. mays. sea.T1s .. aeea•rta P. O. Oueesar--U. P. )toOee/ttr, liesadrta ; Juan lav e: it re. N tatatrep; W mom= Itlan. Csastaact-. taw Jure webs seedheses; James Erases RarMadera es ; Js Watt. matted: : Mal olm ala arueiadd. Arista : e. w. lam ; R. aeaiA Mai iota' William (-lien•ey. 8ostarti ; 4rhstlar. $entts< I'waawy- ewers sea par asasarsea, ars deft Used seeds reseddra a. 8 J. Itanad a Charges Steno. Ysier. et at tJ. W lace ,J.eoer) ar erne street. UMM4eb. IIAERLAOE LICENSES t AL: kK E. KELLY. J. P.. GUULMILH. unr. LigsLE. of X4711RIAGI I.UC10480i. --- SHAVING PARLOR�� gDPORD BLOCK BAILBILB SHOP. -TiAJ b mil-taewn ant pester land saws its pause tis ban aerates r A•vtae• 7- OW ..kAlled eeladelrea• lttiwis edit M sppssiairL SL L. rspetsess. • Seth Quick and Permanent Strength. It yw are run down or tired out, tf you, Ake cold easily.have no appetite. ate Losing flesh or have other evdenoe •4 low cried vitality, try our MacLeod's hystc'm Renovator under our guaran- ty 1.4 refund tie peace paid if the remedy fails to give enure satisfaction. It aids digestion, tones up the ammo* systria and rives hots quick and per- manent results. One dollar a bottle. Manufactuied by MseLeod Mediehle . (; d..kh, Opt. For sate t'y lis H. Wed,. Brophey Bros. (MJDEKICH The Leading Funeral Director's sad Embalmers Qr'dsee e*refwlly atbemdad 1, fit all bones. .ice oft Say Captured F'rat Three Pr.zes at Inter- national Rifle Meet By winning the individual Palma match with an army rifle at Camp Perry. Ohio. Major George Hart Mc- Miarg of the 6th Duke of Connaught's Own Rifles. Vancouver. became the in- lvldual champion of the world by la Matta total of 220 out of a possible t26 on the 800, 900. and 1,000 yards eanges. Captain Neill Smith of the 54th Regiment. Chatham. Out, was second with a score of 220, and Lien - tenant George Mortimer of the Can- adian Army Service Corps. Ottawa. was third with a score of 220. Fourth, fifth and sixth 'laces were won by American marksmen and an- pther Canadian. Sergi. McInnes! of Edmonton was seventh. Switzerland won the International team match. Frannie being second and Canada seventh. - The United States won the Palma trophy again with a total score of 1.714 but of a possible of 1.800; ArgenUna was second and Canada third. Ex -King -Weds a Princess Manuel. former King of Portugal. was married at Slgmaringen. Germany. (�easst Thursday to Princess Augustine Vk'torla, daughter of Prince William Of Hohenzollern. a relative of the Ger- Man Emperor and one of the wealthiest Men in Europe. The ceremony which was a brilliant affair, was attended by many persons of royal blood. among them the Prince of Wales. Manuel and Ms bride will make their home in England. Two Tragic Deaths William O'Dell a widely known horseman was kicked by a mare. Lady Pako. which he was Miring at London Pair and died in live minutee. The accident occurred in front of the grandstand.• Herbert Purdy. a wealthy farmer who lived near WardsviUe. was found dead in his barn on Monday with bis face shot of He had taken his shot- gun out to kill a mink and supposedly toucbcd the trigger while leaning over. Fire Loss at Timmins Several frame buildings in the older section M the town of Timmins were burned on Monday. the lode amount lag to about 520.000. A child is be- lieved to have lost Its life in the upper story of the Ottawa Hotel. Confervative Elected Mr. George S. Henry. the Conser- vative candidate. was elected member of the Outset* I.egtslatur. for East 'York in Monday's bye.Meetion His majority over Mr Albert Chamberlain was about 600 N: ONTARIO .TuuMoAlf. Soot. 11,.101E ti Clever fierier Had a Most Carefully Worked Out Schema The police In several Orta.., ec 'r;s are now actively engaged to locate James Ray, who is itrr;:a around with him somethl:.a .e 512.000, which he secured from banks In Hamilton, Galt, Berlin. Guelph and Lindsay. lta; operates by the old trick of a forged letter of introduction. He represented himself as a Saskat- chewan farmer, with letters of credit from branch bank managers in the west. Early last week Mr. Saunders, man- ager of the Union Bank at Guelph re- ceived a letter from the Union Bank at Saskatoon. The letter stated Mr. Ray, a particularly good customer of the t'nlon Bank of Saskatoon was go- ing tq tape a tri t op Naives, end that Guelph would be Included tri h1( itinerary. Mr. Ray, the letter stand, might fi nd 1t necessary to draw on his account while en the trip and the amount required at Guelph would be 1n the neighborhood of 53,000. The letter was signed by the manager and ,accountant and contained a specimen signature of Mr. Ray. Living up to his advance notices Ray arrived at the bank Thursday and Identified him- self as Mr. Ray, of Saskatoon. He calmly cashed a cheque for 52.700, appending exactly the same signature , that the bank had received a few days before from Saskatoon- He followed the same method in the other cities and worked so rapidly that he had victitnlsed five branches before news of his operations had been made pub- lic. Ray 1a reported to have worked his game successfully at Brantford, Wood- stock, Ingersoll. getting over two thousand dollars from branch banks In each of those places. Awarded Genal Contract The rontrsct for 8.etiou l of Ate new Welland mal has been awards` to M 1 O'Brian and Hugh Dwgka4r for a,Froxhnately tee aauuoa douse& A Mirk fog whieb a ereared • dee. WApia was reepsasAfe for • eel. hoa Apia es nos Mew York. stew Mired sad tl Esserd Unit mar Czealbrwltk fast and aRft pwsiY JEWEL THIEVES CAUGHT' Famous Pearl Necklace Mystery Par- tially antlally Solved by Arrests Five men are under 'arrest at Lon- don charged with the theft of the fan••rrs 5675.0000 pearl necklace. which was shipped by registered mail from Paris to a jeweler named Myers of London some time ago, and for which tile police of Paris', London, Berlin, enna and other cities have been searching for several weeks. Some at the pearls were recovered. One at the prisoners, a jeweler, of Hatton Gardena, named Joseph Grimed, was captured at his place of business. Three others, who gave the names of Locket, Silvermann and Guttworth, were caught near the British Museum after having been tracked for mms time. They gave the police a hard fight before they were subdued. WALL WAS WEAK Error of Half Century Apo Cauasd Peterboro Disaster That the collapse of a wall care- lessly built 50 years ago was the cause of the disaster at the J. C. Turnbull departmental store at Peterboro was the opinion expressed by William Langford at the inquest before Coro- ner Greer. Mr. Langford inspected the buildingg on behalf of the Trusts and Loan Company while alterations were in progress. His view was con- curred in by W. J. Johnston. the con- tractor in charge of the alterations who examined the building atter the accident and found that a weak wall had collapsed. Appointed Judges eet Speaking before the American Bar Association gathering at -Montreal, Ex - President Taft launched out with no uncertain stroke on the subject of the appointment of the jMiraBp The system by which judges are appointed t iKI 1 d f tied b or a was vgoronsy sen 7 the distinguished visitor who also as- ; JUST ARRIVED IN QQOEJtIeH. sorted that in many states the dis- graceful spectacle was presented of hi aspirants for place* on the supreme . i•�~` court bench openly appealing for popu- lar support upon the plea that their j ' decisions would be In favor of one • clans of Inc community as against an- other. Alb CLARK'S PLUM PUDDING :.Y Ready b serve after bee tins-nawi r - psrsd for quality am* Lour. nowt 'mate your time to preparation. -8.y -CL,W. it KINCARDINE RIFLE SHOOT. Four Teams Compete for Trophy -Kin- cardine Wins Kincardine, Sept. 5. -Four teams entered the competition for the Dun- Aelly--(Hark trophy on /Woodsy, via , Lucknow, Whitecbamb, Loch.l:h and Kincardine, with the r.sult tbat the trophy comes to Kincardine to he competed for again next year. Thr competitive nature cf Ibe shooting was increased by individual prises given Ly Meters. Cargill and ilium. The note was as follows E___ R HITECHURCH.r_ '31) 560 H. Cenick. 27 86 ti. Deacon 7 14 Elliott . .......Ili 815 D - Becroft E0 25 O. Robertson 26 30 A. King.. Zi Cl A. Robertson ... 30 22 P. Leaver '" 13 2 LOC HA . J. Scott..... ... 31 A. Long 26 J. McDonald.........21 W. WaIdon.... . fs A. w aldun 27 A. Long sass..._ Lt1 D. C.neronv .27 F. McLennan,... .. .,19 A. Boyd LUC&IAII)W. 20 O. Putter. .. 28 W. Reaburn.... -....LD1 J. Heade* son . .....ell KINCARDINE. _w. H. Youtsg ....xY 3. Armitage 81 Ii:. Hoes . 2 A. H. iogram24 R. Emmerton ..3(1 J. Young:. .....2A P. A. Ysleonssoli.m..a F. A. Fisher 23 _ ����c��� 21 23 27 as 23 T' I 53 :i't 55 45 52 35 379 56 56 57 44 56 54 53 42 418 54 b8 51 56 til 46 ' 42 64 425 (r2 5u. 56 47 57 38 26 46 ..4148 Individual Fore W tapers. P. A. Malconisoo, 64; W. H. Youngs, 1T1; A. Mills, 01 : H. Johnston, 61; J. Armitage, 51/: J. Young, 58 ;Geo. Pot- ter, 58; J. McDonald, 57 ; R. Emmer- ton, 57 ; A. Long, 56; A. Weldon. 56; H. Reabm n,-56 ; J. `fro:t, 56: G. T. Roberteou, u5: 11 Hots, 56; D. Be croft, 56; W. Wilson, 64;T. Clark, 54; D. Ling, 54 ; A. Boyd, 54. A i,teetiug of the several teams was bold and a committee of two men per team was tutored to otrange fcr next yeat's sbout. An organizatiou was elTec:cd with Gro. P.'tter, cL.Lucknow, pirsident ; P. A. Makomenn, Kin- .atdioe, secretary; k'. D. McLennan, Lochahb, vice-preside.t, and A. 11. Boyd, Lucknow, treasurer. A fee of S5 will to charged each team compet- ing in future and 15 cents for inuivid- nalr. The League will endeavor to interest the county council in support of mat komansbip. Desperado Nearly Escaped The officers of Kingston penitentiary discovered last week that one of the Mecum brothers, alias Prank Jones, who is serving a long sentence, had managed to get a saw and cut through one bar of his cell. He 1s one of the Western desperadoes who knocked down the guards and got outside the walls some eighteen months ago. The saw was not of the type used 1n the prison sad bow 1t was secured is a mystery. Japanese Want War A mob of fifteen thousand Japanese -.marched on the Foreign Office at Tokio on Sunday. demanding war wtta China to wipe out the tastlt at tie assassination of Mortlare Abs. as attache of the Foreign Office, sail other murders at Nanking. They also demanded the resignation of Raton Itobuakl Mansbo. the Foreign Minks ter for bis failure to satisfactorily settle the Californian gaastiou. Jeb Fee Newkkn Private William A. Hawkins, wie- ner of the King's Prise at Risley. has been appointed by the Government to a position to the Toronto (metas a House at a salary of $1,0,0 a year. *Raring spokes to public witjoat te- ing &rrwsted to serve another ponies fit bar tkrwyear sest•nsa, Mrs Task - lora is planate' to crew the Atlaatls 4a short lecture tear Gaud1f►•eessasar' Lodge as 520 d voted 0 of (rand Lt ah to Namara a wettable praseat sur !sale Arthur et ("bnnaagkt on tae a wale• of Ids tastntsgu *Oat Blue ad Albert •aHsaa, *Asesers watttWeeedetaekrwalei l l t151115 sal !sa/a reef isosee. Imo te twat ~a -"+ s `; .• 7.1 The feageine Firl is to he seen in F. J. Hutland'edrug store and ren every 1..111. if Sogeine hair tonic that is. g. mine and said under • pr sitire gurrrr,ter to stop falling hair. erudi- .'e d.ndtuf and •.. row the moat 'ifrli es, mai ae. dry 1.nse in tbi.k. soft ::rad shun lent. hsceine 1. a deme. sc sentitic hair tunic .oaolaoaerl of t1., mo.t modern heir producing and iran- tifiyir•gAgents : it is tree from gamey sutt••ani.re, is Dot a dye and is daintily perfumed. Sagein.. is the termite of 1..Hicula, people end is sold in Grde- rirh only et F..1 Bat land's di tag weer. Sageine is only 50.'., w •o to ban it within resets of all. Kincardine terist Map Sur•nsd. Kincardine, Rept. 5. -Mir,! about -2 o'elesk this morning dsstioyod`e tires - story grist nail owned by .1 W. Rat The lois M shout gloAlleand laenrwsse anieente to 18,354. The on wee down near Wiese street bridge. over tbs Mev. wad the fit ernes wnrknd mils synod water- pressure. Mr. Reals hooey and stehi.. not tar away. *158. erred, and no other batWfogs task Ire. No wrote wee injured Afit wheel was loot with las tui M a ssnsidsrable quantity at seal }til re ii 1 AcCa 11's Patterns D MILLARSON Perrin (Moves Fall Showing .�a Exhibition Week This coming week is the banner week in Goderich. All our new Fall Stocks are complete and the Goderich Industrtal Exhibiticn will be on a larger scale than ever. Our Special Exhibition of the. New Coats for Ladies', Misses' and Children Already the selling of the new Coats has been brisk and far beyond our expectations and at no other time of the season ail! the choice be ell g cud The new Moate cone in all the lastest ma- telisls, which are Zibiliner, Cheviots, Boucles, ('hiocbilla, Madame, Tweeds, Diagonals and Ride Wales. , We will not de.eiibe'eny of the features of the season novelly, hut diaw special attention to "hotting a od Wins'21.at 312.60, 315.00. $18.00 00 The season's' novelty -the Billy Burke Hat to Match your. coat. Misses' Coats, exceptionally bilge selection at 38.50, 510.00, 312.50 to 520.00. Children'. Coate spec:ally feat ureJ. Our chil- dren's depot t ment is auk oowledged as headquarters by all who know. Just to band -our Fall showing of children's and wissei breasts. This is prac;ic:tlly a uew de- partment with us and no trouble has been spared to get the best fur our patrons. The New Headwear for Fall is here. r New Dress Goods and Suitings A stock of the new Suitings such as we have never had the pleasure to show to former seasons. All the newest clubs ate t,eing shown and most of them come in only one suit length to a style so as to insure exclusivene... Special values in black and navy Se es just received from England and are exceptionally good wearing qualities at 600. 110o, es., 31.00. $1.25 and 31.50 per yard. Special Values in Flannels and Flannelettes Gray Wool Flannels, special values at 15., 20o, 25o 3Oo, 86o and 40o. Navy Wool Flannels, special values at 260 and 3115o per yard. Cream Wool Flannels, thoroughly shrunk at 40o and 50o per yard. Special line in Flannelettes, extra heavy .Iva!- itT free from dressing, in rasa& deigns. .34 inches wide. While they hast 100 per yard. Horrockese„' famous English Flannelettes, the best for Lard wear. 34 inches wide, per yard 20o. Special values in white Flannelettes at 10o, 15o and 20o per yard. Our new stock of Wool Blankets and Com- - foams now in stock. - YOU WILL FIND' US AT OUR USUAL STAND AT THE EXHIBITION. Make our sture your headquarters when at the show. We will take care o'f all your parcels and wraps. rb• 56 MilIar's Scotch Store Phne 56 io. The cause of the fife has not beeo 1 mill ai will It is under -tool That the I by G�L�OOD mull will be irl,uilt. M•. Rea has IV been s. resident of Kincardine foo fifteen years. Rich Food. Min -"What is the matter with your Majesty : ' Cannibal Kiug-"Ob. I've an awful n•digestioo." "What have you been eating' "L Have just polished off an American millionaire ' l -'(food heavens! No wonder you are i11. I've told you repeatedly to beware 1 of Anything too Itch." Keen Everlastingly at It. John fit, awauaaker, +t ling among sucees.ful Itus;n%s$ wen, says: 'there is only one way to advettise .and that ) is to hammer your n.tme and your! business so thel't.ughly into thel peoi lr'. heals that if they walked in their sleep they would continually took W your stole. The newrlwp.-r is .your be -t ftiend, in spite tot your ':a it i- I dew. it helps to build upthe tountry wb•ch supports you. When the day comes that the kewsl'apers •ie deed, the people ase near the edge :.f their gess0., with t..s one to %lite tbeirj - Solemn Part of the Ser: ice. ?be Sunday aftrroom) catechising at a Abut two chus ch. The V ice r -"end now we mine to the most ,rine in n 1.111 of the s'e,vire. Wil sort rbcn:y tell me whet that psrt.i'.Y' [Hand up and inroheient m••raeuoirg from is small laical Tt.e Vi. sr (. n&- uregiugly )- '\%ell, r,w ak rap. Which ie tot- in' at I sea -stn part of the serria r The Smolt 11.1 (Meth the air of.‘tie r.,rr ..f bis fectei--•'Vfeeee. sit. the ofrrtul y r MCJHE R S- REMEMBER 1 The ointment 'yon put on your child's akin gets [BSO the system just as surely u flood the child eats. • Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of tba cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood I Zan)• auk is purely herbal. No poi,. cmcate coloring. Use it shears. 5Oc. Das at AY Davos .,.J leas • WOMANHOOD oat MOTC COD Assist Ffstaww nor and t.4ers, with a gentle cathartic Dr. . tierces PLeas- ar-dPellets toes up and tnvi or- ate liver and bowels. Be sues you get what you ask for. The women who have used Dr. Pierce'. Favorite Prescription WiU tell you that it freed, them from pain - helped them over painful periods in their life -and saved thfan many a day of anguish and misery. 'This tonic, in Liquid form. was devised over 40 years ago for the womanly system, by R.V. Pierce, 14. D., and bas been so.dever since by dealers in medicir.2 to the benefit of many thousand wolncn. 1t'ar-ilprou prefer -you can obfa:n Pierre's Farurile Prescription fab!cts at your druggist al SI per box. also :n ,'Oe site or send 50 one rent stars ro Dr. R. V. Pierce, !Buffalo. N. 1. for trial Sax rlies THE SIGNAL, 25c to January 1st, 1914 Fall and Winter Shoes Charming Appear- ance, Excellent Fit and Up-to-date Style are some of the qualities of the Fall and Winter Shoes that we have just re- ceised in the Vassar, Cleo ani other lines. Ladies wanting per- fect satisfaction in foot- wear should call and in- • • spect the latest assort. ment at J. 11. McClinton's Repairing a Specialty.