HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-11, Page 1ITY.FOURTH THA& -1. W1 WW1. I GOI)ERIOH. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1913 CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAi you put into good adv.rUiu not a dollar of expense. but a dollar Jeremiad upon whkk you will receive higher Eh eods than from any other cteameat Bismol Y the beet ad warted se niedUam u arms Owers TOE a7@NiL ti1NTiWU O0., L.. Pw-- A savings account makes a tiltan keen to take advantage of opportunity -and also provides the means. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER. Manager IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE IN GODERICH consult A. G. NISBET who has a number of desirable properties for sae at reasonable prices and terms. OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANE OF OOMMERCE, GODERICH Puma= : Orrice 70 ; House 150. P. O. Box 304 MILLINERY OPENING Miss Campbell announces that the fall and winter Millinery Opening will be on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19tH AND 20TH For this opening there is assembled an unsurpassed collection of novelties for the modern woman of fashion. All the whims and fancies of the really new autumn models ; all the dainty little touches that so strikingly bespeak Paris, the Centre of fashion : the best correct styles ust as they are created by the masters of designs the world over, are now offered at Miss Campbell's parlors, and creations of exquisite beauty and great variety vie with one another for special attention. MISS CAMPBELL KINGSTON :: STREET (>ODESIOB INDUSTRIAL LXHIBITION The rimes of the Fall Fair is in the Tows Hall. from 10 to 12. s-- and to 0 tied 8 to lop. w.. each day until the Fair. Retries meet he in by September 15th. J . ADES FOWLER. Secretary. NOTICE l TARE NOTICE THAT ANT il Umber paw rLpaepeeeetyy t•ksag sae %ta Wed mere Re ab r leer 01ew o r...eieA 11r air. MOIL STOTEHRE h..4ss' lowesasese, Jame 1 OIL WEST WAWANOSH FIBS INSZTRANCE CO. 4 Ose of Use r Use e Iaes Flied_.iro s of .-alsE Liss Stock IagraM at IW fuE vas bsthalms ee am the or eat. No trews.* M Saks epost- saeia ARet stor Qlbasrw>�b E. rdLWAaa Vi ANTED AUCTION SALES. d an-wtr. Best. i -A let ii ermaeeie L. ceded rawer**/'. at 1911 easel., Isle 1 tarm ateek art rp.m.a. C. M. Holten u pa- . Tow. OOsaay. &mellower. Tboarma Tearer. iii -anted Aaw . tact, ata. at int t aaNe L L D. C.Ibree .a 1 s .'alert W re enre. as the L.prira• e eve raopar.eebipt Jon Bas* L Soo. proprietors. Tar Dahmer, m.oth.Oer. ... A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC 1 8 wourTs.--Pm.ms roe.rrieg Sere bole LLN, awls at seas �pw rest AY anti t LLQ. DseiWm �g.mt, SL Ydee Had. Orlin left with H. D. W OODd at Haase.. Oat.. WI vecehe =Pt aidstow 8141 SiTUATIONS VACANT. POEM IOTICIe. TH. CA MUCK, OODKRICH.O1NT.. • Nelsee awl Albeit a vast& Fleddlem paiertiog. papwbmsglagneem ales. ate WANTED.-°IRL OR WOMAN p". inemend bourawark. O.sd wwa.. A PIA/ tMRS. C. L aOB1'18ON. ate Meant.. TO ADVERTISERS. to cruel to have an earlier issue of The Signal each week. we would ask advaa timers to mad in their copy for chimeras of advertisement not later than Monday eviness. It will be to the 1Dt 1'0.1 of advertisers, as well as facilitating the wort of this office, if IStrict attention n paid to this re- quest. BSSMANING.-TUE UNDER - Le shamus win rewire adore for drew making and tallortaade .alb at Mf.. Hag- wan1 Hog - =a s rdeae 0. R.siao eel, sear Bay- iaeriM6 red. M188 (RACY HOUblARTH and MISS IDA McIAUD. re71.71 DS ONE OF US AND MEET OUR te.mie. they an .rant to wed yea pial cards and exam re Metiers with you. the leave a list a people an over the whole world, arias Mg mew /dentes ad p$esmaL need 10 nen for rail parthealera to the CANADIAN CMK- RssNO DENCZ BURi&U. P. O. Rex all. Mama P. Q. 72-1m VOTERS' L18T, 1913. MUNICIPALITY OF Till TOW Maar Or CULHORN1, HURON COUNTY. Notice i. hereby glees that I hate tower witted or detrained to tae pelvess moot lend vomiting . and a of the Tater: lien Act tits mate required b the said enetb.s to he ee transmitted or delivered of the lie made per. swot to Ilisid act 0t all pone appe%rtrm by the teat mudded a.seenmeet nal to r„t.e in the rid maotdpallty u eleotisp■ ter mom ben i tae Legislative Aaembly. and at the musloi- r•1 eleeuom and that the e.M hid mer. ere posted up to my office at (Melee a the star day. d August. 1(413 sod remains there for 1epec- ee. Eiecza+ are caked apse to mammies the said Let. and tf any omr.ri.aa w any .noes are brad therein to take immedtat• preceeding. to bare the .std errors corrected a000rdiog to lee. R. 8 em *LNMCTowao 1p (dark W ANTED. -APPRENTICES AND .�esa gg4frrI�.. ter asks .ea 4tea .en. Mt(w ULT cul. HMOs Apart - WNW ANTED. -VENEER MAN TO take d4.�remst Sassily am - opo wages. Aloe °easel- wauya to Use BERLIN e. IN- HAED O0., Barite. (M. 714L TkRi388MAEINO APPRENTICES WANTS:RLOw Aashee...tdeet MBB. W. T. PQ. FOR SAM TOWN OF GODERICH Take 0.tiee that the municipal council of the corporation of W toi d •oaeia iotea is to emitrocta cement Widowed on the north Ode of Newest* loos( is the said town between Hamiitee sweet mid Albeit a met. and tetead.atpooawow a portio. of the real east thereofbyproperty to be b.oeltled thereby. fimmediately frontlet abut pee Newest* street. aforesaid. bet weep the said points. sed to levy sorb final dost a, cording to the freet.ae thereof. by twenty annual special ..sesm.ute ; am that • .tatstment .twwing the tale bade to .ad propor:e4 t0 be specially .ssmied for chewed wort. and t he names of tie oww n.thereof. o fa7 as the owe cr. be .aoett.iged from We 1.4 revisal ae.eewse.t. mil sad otherwise, a now sled to the ohoe of Me cleat of tbe maoieipality, and is opee for napeotioe amine onm boor.. The ereteomed cost elf the work L $34L(8.of .herb VILE is to be provided out of the (meal food. d the mupia! path y. A court of re; iron will be held oo the 3ith day ofOn lite eSepMm�l .t r. Intthe hour of ragafa tb• tows.((:cad rfeh for the record of b..r- ing eompialzts again.l the pmpo,ted a..oe-anent or tbeaccuracy d [rootage me..nrement.. or soy other cowol•iot which the person. trter- ated mye dewire to maks sad .hii:h is by law by the anew. the 14Rh day of September. latx L L KNOX. Creat. 72-8. 0 Miss Moos Wallets, elocutionist will•aasist at tie Retold Jatvis con- cert is North stint Methodiet church on Monday eveiiag, September 15. CARD OF THANKS. LARD OF THANEIi -MK. AND MRS. WM. CLARK tat. this meow of expo entree their gmotetet th►rk. to the many Meade ter Wedowee extended duns( the t11 - ear sf their daughter sal for .ynaatby he their bereavement. sad a.yrtaay to Um ssem- beet the Paget heir -ia`. Deer Co. W The 81g mai norm rias AUCTION RALHOF FARM 8IOC K MESSRS. JOHl. BREEN it SON will sell b p•.Wte weldso at let It. 0000eeice f. L 1) celsorae. ea TSUBSDAl. SUT. 2. tb, es ..04ag at 170o'dork 1 Harv. s seat. *IS ; 1 1 Mar-. 6 rears old ; 1 - mid ; 1 ark Cart ; 1 Hasp: mew.; years old e. rising 4 yeses dog tee. 5 yen old, dee t clue in Marc ; l Cow. 7 7evs old. dee to calve i• Macs*; 1 farrow Cow; 2 steers. timet 3 Peals old ; 7 agilely. Wird 3 yore old; 2 Sumo. rising r years cid ; 4 H Sten rade( r yea, old ; 5 t Awes ; 1 set or 81e1Rb ; I set of doable Har- med; 1 sit of dole darer.. 1 brood Sow; V Pig.. 7 week. aid ; 6 Ply. 4 n.or is old ; aboat Yt Melo. Teems. - .+'11 sums of Pea and under. cash mer that amo,r&. t wdn pont M eredh wi11 be ghee oe torsi.bies apLvred Joint Doter. A dbe..it of . per scot alb wed for o..b oe c.Hit ataosnt-. Everything ad verified will restively be sold. w the evert -Weer ere dr..odviwt partner JON V BREEN t BON. THOS. t;t'NOR Y. Proprietors. Aswlomeer. IAIST Of FOUND. LOST. -TODAY (THUR.DAY1, A WATCH. Court Hou••. and C, P. R.seam r will dews vin at C. M. SOBER Heeoery,Stare. King - etas street. SM GOLD LOCK Er ANi (' D H Al V Locket hit. imitate H. E. Il.." tinder plectra lean at THE SIGNAL urncr. LUS .-ON BRITANNIA ROAD OR Aayadi reed as Trerseay. September tight sew usoar. chat please tears at rOST OR STRAY It D. -SIX - 1/ MOIITH&LOflnA oathdgemedh deg. Aoy.agwere to be byrewired by H. OSTURDY.it win gratd.STURDY. DYLtW NO. 17. OF 1013, OF THE FOR SALE OR TO RENT D TOWN OF 0011luti4H. W• ANTED TO RENT. - MOpERN a Brt.w roGaaxva F,W esasse ea K. seem ss.. or .,or reome. *illoemves4 • lhDOoo or 1 "n 1 Kann r0 T14 am A ppir at McLaCAN BR(b'.....re. L7 OUSE TO REIOT.-ONE-AND-ONE Il H ALF - story brick bootee -m Cameron .freer. le good repair; sablemareaieer. Apply to MRS. J. HALLIDAY. Victoria strew. To RENT. - EIGHT ROOMED „tioUste Albert street. Every oo.ye- leacr. apply to HILLARY HOHTON. Exeter P. O. 72*. TS EHOLD r1b.Vierellte e. SALE image �tMg r Camara mood. ttiw A Muwl QpI� EALC-A OOUD KILCB r AggM to amen a 4. (SAW. �► ISpierellALL - PORTA EIA 14 R. P. swan .bistionsu ft :abwerSir=st „H./4 Line • FOR iAI�-IrORre RUNABOUT. a ii b.p..b 4Ra 11. BARGAIN -THE UNDERSIGNED for a quick male is Winded M farm d tee acre.. iota fin and e. Gatorade towa.kla at • bereale Tbie farm 4 a geed oe add will be geld m ss. Lerma. Foe tush". partlruIae apply rdoa 1l. W ALLIS. U•4prir4 O.1. .1-Im VOR SALE. -STORY -AN D -A -HALF ✓ frame bea.., frith xttehea. weeding sad stable. im Use village d Ambers. Applyt. WM MUTOM. Adm.. 7►as irOR SALX.-TWO-STORY HOUSE 1' w Keays area. caetai.444 to memo, W modem btareom, teremoe awe Mark Bpd t repaired from eater terse : f.a let orad meal hew with elms hat Amplyot. W. R. PINDER. R SALE. -LOT b, 4TH CONCEA- S10If. WNW : s t ase.. Mica W 1chmrs. Chem terirk boom tea sttebwrd. well watered PRIM Dtit . - Apply w I[641L J. VOR BALE OR TO RENT. -HOGS( r e Halm saws sear eew44. street. Mod - ere ooaveiowee. Apply a W. R. ROBERT- SON. Vi aedadaec . REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALh. iLWe 4..'. for .ale noel thirty town lot.. pain. 104104 hem M opw.rim .tem three ontta0ee and Wow a soda_ low tonna PROs. DVuOT. HAYS t KILLOA7r, Oear deb Oat. ate EtOR SAL& -LARGE DOUBLE ✓ tows a lot ea Wet staves : alta wet half of lot iY, Arttwr dower. Oslm4.4.. le M1t7B DOYLL Wed street r mho= sl. R HAWEHN8.721 Ilett anew 8 w_ S wath tiaewtoa. Alberta. alt. RR8IDENT1AL PROPERTY FOR BALL --Tia .eeiaems with lar 11t.. resae1y hewers ea Ube A.MOD. ASB property. Moorrtawei►G..e brick Meer. taw .trim am 1Lst dues 'royale : needse emeo eeetta Orem& dented with variety d thole. Maim Oe et the bees peep. maw b Oadedeb. lleenwable tern. P. J. RYAN. Odsrieb. UOR 8ALL-FIVE ACRiif3 OF ✓ lase, pert et 11t L L R. w., Centers• ass . tempo awae«iat Senn ham a ma • wet .kap : welled sibs bum e= see �wClmwasts et�o swami ptsew M atm Qoa lmrmrr�. The prrogr tg ra '. a▪ re boli tem A°i A. wllAle t haeme m&1{DKRS WILL BE RECEIVED lose radios, ".. ..i bet * w A1.rawrler em4seeewr m"r.� e'�ttwwatk . heir :.dbowg� ISSOB. MIS�MISR sessionsiss relidludik � boa no.= • THOR. sot NIS ere IS otabard theory 1 . v►asesis tssessswat Q•tf CIX 115 RALI ZSS *ART ,M„' e o rm4iaee�aaatp(,' A�ik eit d s �t7m�. les 7, arc? Osaax 4041*. T., Umrrao. M bees. the Goderich Organ Campaa� Bolted. has req caw ed t be t7arparatioa .[ t4. Tows et Odder ch. through its M.Ydpal Connell. to "rapt it • axed seva.smet d eMt este. t..r a period of lee yews. ewmm..efae with the corrals( year. upon all it. aeesmbie property, exclesrve of scowl tax. Aad a Lwow it is deemedezpedie*t Masai thera+d der. 11*.. tee M 41 enacted nal 4t Y hereby se- amed by tbe ]twd0pal Council .t the Corpor- ation dthe Iowa 01(1deid L It i. bwas,dieaared Amalie lama.. beild- h em seenahwy. awl aid .R the assowsass /rape tr is mow4Limt.(by the a1Yma Th.yagOoar - ►.r4ae tweePstreet mad Newzwe stew. ip tae saki 'Now K Godw4ib. together with soy im- provements er md4W..s to the premed, pleat stmt ear be merle aerate sere the weld 1a... .male the period bereineame meatieme1, Mall he ralwil sad m.eere4 Sr 0'l parpese. - se6wiwes th tal.er70 47w47uof theo .sw.. d ggres.trtAa R bode sedenteed that the said Camp..y abate pay dote" the said period, le Wattle° tela Ordinary swell. the wrtmery beehees tax Mod ewe wad atr.4 aloes e l. 21Y Bylaw .s..8 take Opo se the day d she Seal parte( thereof. & Tbo rased the elect. -ea LW mid Tow. et (leered* elan be taker. ea thee Bylaw at the f J.wiett tiers mid phew. that 4e to may. me Someday. the itli los d October. 1A7, c.o- n.saeior at the bar et s ...leak to the few wave ad opras.i.g moil 3etleek M the atter- mese et the mem day. be the 6100*1 w Deputy Rgsa.ls UOoev t1.Wrisiwt No 1, at Tbmsaprom's W by Jobe H. Edward, Dep•ty Re- tr.ieg U. .r Jain IL Ili= P011 cYvt. PoSt." B.WThim No. 8 at Wm. Ah.rssp'a Hewn B8h�sp.. 8.14,e'. by Marro Haw. V.y- ▪ Ra ereho Oiler. mid 1sa.8banw•m. Pete Clerk. me B.Mhidww Na S. at Tetra Hsg. b ®d C R.Ws..'Newt, R.tered.. Ober. . aa W. Kew. Pal (ler* Poles 8.ba1.fiss Na 4..t Author.' Wood (lap. t Her_ A. T■1hod.Tmmy Reteream telimed rim Sather, Pell cart. eebih4e GNem��.o rs�(. eat Mra Waimea Ssea wt*aeet. h H ('- Rt.ck. uro.tz V 4rmlwg Older, ted 0. Bt..7. Pei Psihe e.8141v4du Na et. et s Sim. wpm atr..e, tq H L w'esenm, r Rs tended OOrw. sod Wm Tea Pea . Howe. bHie NMciv.os9.tadwe•Pei Seherv*deeawss!.. tSor.01Hebert T. 4. O. Many. W !3 day d Oe6.be•. ERE W Mayor et tie odd Twee .baa stied et W ooiseeralprisiosbere clerk le W hremses ttt. peewee be geld Tjpidet, w•at t to armed at ties valines polling phew mawue1. .sod u tett tealMMII tee d the vera l the Clerk, see bebalt d t pose Wvvtmi is wwa premeLg w • eseled tae wtaa.g el obi. Rhee. t.mw ed th 1 710 Qertidriefl eirI1 stat hales 10 W Ytat a tum • dmd 4. W fa.s.ae d Mmarl y• W alb My elf Oreber /Mi teem the .ember et vow an cal aeNeet W rrwTrtee.mre armed at Ib. Comma (lees DEMJi*�� �D fA>Y[s�s��ma a.ri6.i � �H.: •r4�� pis s.� �asstas,Mest BIGGEST AND BEST. OOOERICN'S GREAT FAIR NEXT WEEK WILL MAKE A RECORD. Entries Already Indicate Large Displays in Many Lines -Speed Tests Will Be Unusually Exciting- Fine Spedht Attractions and a Good Midway - Everybody Borne. Judging from the interest already tiring shown, the Goderich Industrial Exhihtioo to be held on Wednesday. Muria:Lay sed Friday et next week promisee to be the moat .ocoe..ful in the history of fall fairs in Goderich. All provided, of course, t hat the weather is of the ripbt sort. Entries are coming in fast, and in order to tacilitete the work of receiv- ing these Secretary Fowler has located a temporary office at the tows hall. A good fruit exhibit is always ex- pected at the Goderich fair, sad the indications are that this year, in mite of an unfavorable season, there will be a good display of Huron couo frost. The exhibit of cattle promises to be large, and live stock generally will no doubt make a good showing. A novelty will be an exhibit of bees working under glass. This exhibit is bring bent b} the Department of Agriculture and will be accompanied by a demonstrator. The hotsewen say that the sped tests will be mote than usually excit- ing and interesting. They have been preparing for them for weeks. The purses are larger this year, and at considerable outlay the track -One of the beat in tbe Province -has been put in the •' pine of condition. The town council has risen to the occasion and is bating not only the main hall but &Ivo the .beds, stalls and other outbuildings put in good rhape. The poultry house is being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, I sad good accommodation is now assured to those who wish to show t their fancy birds. The poultry show this year will ahc w a decided revival. A proposed iwpruvement that should be carried out is the placing of a telephone on the grounds. It would be a great convenience. Combining amusements with in- struction, the directors have secured a number of flat -elan; special attrac- tions. including the Balton Sister*, direct fiom New York. wbo give an aerial acrobatic performance, and De Remy° and L.due, who give a funny revolving pole act. These attractions woe caritully .elected early in the season, the directors baying decided' not to have their selection until a few days before the fair es in previous yeaIn addition to these grandstand at- tractions. there will be a large and interesting Midway. Those wbo ex- pect to bave some fun at the Exhibition will not be disappointed. For some year. t here has been a very small showing of machinery in operation. This year there is to be a splendid display of the machinery manufactured by the American Road Machine Co., who will exhibit a com- plete ervsbing plant end otb-r lines of'i their product*. With a commendable public spirit the management bave irsued invitations to the heads of mun- icipalities all over Western Ontario, asking them to come end visit the Exhibition and see the products of this progressive Goderich factoty in operation on the ground.. This will be a most interesting and instructive feature of the fkir. The Hydro-eleat-ic Cmmmission has proorived a display, which will be located in the main building. Owing to the fleet that hydro -electric power is not yet available it Godericb, the heavier in.cbitlee cannot be ibowo; but a great variety of bouebold app:iaaees foe cooking. washing, iron- ing, ete, will interest tbe ladies and show bow a turn of the button will iighten their labors. W. E. Kelly. agent for Ford auto- mobiles. will have an exhibit of these popular machines. The Homo Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co. 1A. M. Glover. man- ager) will exhibit examples of gasoline power. The merchants of 3oderich fo many years bave not dcne so well as trey will do this year. They we showing a great revival of ioterewt in the Exhibition and there will be no bare spaces in the amain hall. With many of the fairs around taking the same days, or partly so, it behooves all tbe friewde of the Gode- rich lodnetrial to rally to its aupprrrt and help In maintaining its poatioo as the ;argent aid best district ',how inilW eet.rn O.tarin. AODERICft MARKETS. bora. at tie Tewe sr ossarisii. the Mb liar aSeptember. 110Clerk- ANNOUNCEMENT. peeing The Signal into his hands. With this imam of Th. Signal • Clange takes plane in the ..:al•aRlr meet. the plant sad business of The Sia 1 Pristine Oa, Limited, bevies been 4aed for a term to Mr. Brdwia, late ediwe and publisher Of The Parry Sound North tier. do rho with the hope that he will have the co-operation and support of all who have so kindly extended the same 10 are, and that his work will be re- warded with awe. W. H. ROBERTSON. SALUTATORY. Alum' wore than ten years of almoai4 Aa announced above, The Signal this locoman tworkintheeditorial and bans -,week appears in charge of a new noes amamagememt of Tb. Signal. 1 feel editor and publisher, and Do doubt a the advieabi.hty, 41 tent the need, of s few words in the form of an ir.trodur , rest and a diange. sad 1 am taking tioc will be looked for from me. this method of obtaining thew. T1tie I do not come to Goderich as an en - 'Lep is taken not without some regret. fire stranger. My boyhood days as I have loved to watch over the were spent in \\'ineham and for columns of The Signal week attar ltwelve years I was the editor amd ub- P licher of The BI pleasant relations with the readers d the paper, the advertisers and other patrons of the office, as well as with the staff. No menet where the years to come may diapoee of me, 1 shall always feel a deep and intimate inter- est in The Signal ; and should the course of events bring me back again to Use old familiar poet the interval, trust, will have given me such re- ewal of vigor and refreshment of mind that I worth be able to do better work than ever before. 1 take moose pride in the fact that during my torsi of management the circulation of The Signal has more than doubled, and soy hope u that it will go on to prosper and increase. I am not saying good-bye to (lode - rich -for the present, at least -but this occasion affords an opportunity of re- turning my sincere thanks to the people of Ooaericb and vicinity, and to the friends of The Signal everywhttee, for their goodwill and their kindly consideration ezteuded to me for many years. I do not expert to find better people anywhere. Now, after all this about myself, let me say a word for my successor. Mr. Bradwin is a newspaper man of ex- perience, and having spent the greater part of his life in Huron is well acquainted with the county. 1n a•t �1m.t1w►,wiiawal .. 08 Mewwe: ~ 01 tMl d b t. eves[ d the semi sof ao am. tre*rg leen tam.a►o4 mash � W e.. wibe w i sr l at leamrtifa► • t n • am WPM Tea% _ brew - talghlltars taeia= F'�+ aro wise Y ob Standard. Even I with this acqu.iutanoe I feel same- * bat at a disadvantage in assuming tie responsibilities in connection with Um publication of a well-known news- paper like The Signal. • It is not soy intention to make any great promise., but I will at all times •strive to present to my re der. a live local paper, one devoted to the inter- ests of Goderich and Huron county. My ambition is to give all the home and district news. and to give it while it no news. To be able to do this a newspaper must necessarily have the aseibtance of its friends and patrons. In matters poliucal, The Signal under my direction shall continue to champion the principles of the great Liberal party; whose principles' in the past have always been in the best interest( of Canada and her people. - A Local newspaper is what a town and -surrounding country sake it,.and I sincerely hope the patronage which The Signal has enjoyed in the prat will eonttnue. A. E. BRADWLY. BENMILLER. ' TBU1tBDAT. Sept. lltb. Miss Lottie Goode is visiting at London for a week. Miss Sadie Goode, of Chicago, ie' making a holiday visit at her horns bele. Tmrommie, wept- 11W. rail offer, per boa 130001•80i3 Ikea whim. pr tam* a a be ale gtpar b•e s r ato pee Wei pea Oa Barley. per Iter, a 4i to . M per tem ale be eel pr wt,. t. 1 4f r. sta.eet. /r wet -..»s..., r le be a M re..peeum =M be II per tan ...... ..»».rO M s. ass r.pw • lowsee ...... . % w li 84 mg�eqw,/�,�p"..I. »»» ' w t. s Se oY tensa, pr W.:»...:»»:: i 5 ors. E s PIO OWNS O 0 v O *ora,....111111.. »....» . • r a. • tr w. PeId �dae�t ....., iso i s =I. womb tea : _ V a 77 pr eon.... •• 1 • a 4 On r 81 St a .M lb ..e..... a • M 6 4s. sea..,...... ..... (Atm se) THE BIG DISTRACT FAIR Goderich Industrial Exhibition WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY SEPT. 17 - 18 - 19 brand Displays of the Agricultural, Horticultural and Manufactured Products of the Huron Tract The Prize List has been revised and improved, and greater interest than ever before is being taken by Exhibitors. Intending Exhibitors are requested to make their entrit s as early as possible with the Secretary. A GREAT PROGRAM OF SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS has been arranged, including THE BALTON TROUPE Europe's Best Aerial Acrobat‘., direct from New York, in wonderful and thriling performances. DE RENZO AND LADUE in their great comedy revolving pole act. Other Special Features seen only at the Big City Shows. HORSE SPEEOINC CONTESTS Big program for both Thursday and Friday Come to the Goderich Fair and have the best time of the year. ADMISSION 25c - CHILDREN 10c ISAAC SALKELD, J. ADES FOWLER. President. Secretary.