HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-4, Page 8• Ttnllm A v. tart. 4. IOU THE SIGNAL : OODERICH : 11 Aldo SCHOOL OPENING Tuesday, Sep- tember god We V. e a full.00mplete stock jai the eutboritied Text Books los Public Schad& Separate Rebooks sad Oollesdate I neti- tutes, rt pubttsber's tut prices. Dewe wait. secure your school boots before school opening and avoid the rash. We can ten y eu the books you require, and will imamate* them correct. A tremeedouu stock or Scrib- blers. Exercise Boots, Science Mete Books. hewing Books, y Books. Lead Peecile Pens, 1 a, Enure eta Better and bagger value than ever is the above lines. Terms strictly cash. The Colonial Boot Sure ONO. PORTER. Prop. ' Phooe IAD Godurich. CALL ON PINDER for Plupibing. Heating. Wiring. and all kiods of Metal Work. Always in Stock BRANTFORD ROOFING METAL ROOFING. ail kinds .EWER 111.11 GARDEN HOSE and SOZ- Zi.KS 01L NTOVK.$ GRANITEWARI; and TIN- WARK. (*et our prices. They are al- ways ngbt, oonsistentwttb good %Horned wo bocest work. W. R. Pinder Hamilton ot.. Goderich. Tin $gotten easiness Cu*j1 s. The Spottoa Busier whist epee ter a fall eery sS $s� timber add w -.re olargest er , . - young people ith •iii Cana & T 1•+npt- at; al Are eiatie. of C.r,.d• and haeet dela of sena oeltegee. of white eft Ciliates Beirut a Clonage t. & world tisk. Then are many reamer why' young sheaattired ons of Mese as we haveM Dear two thousand testes per yew. •ed these .e ooh. have been .esaestob.d daring the pact thirty year.. Every graduate M guar;siteed a position. oossegossUy so young pence may beeitate as W galling • foothold le the business "la a multitude of oouneellors tbereisWisdoms; consequently, hung over thirty teacher* in these various colleges. we hove been able to pick out a curriculum which very tar sur passers that of any other .obool. The famous system of Bliss bookkeeping is a leading feature in tbe Commercial Department,. and in thetitenographie Departmen t, students may take sitber Gregg or Isaac Piteous aborthand. Those who cannot enter of the open- ing on September and may eater any other day of the year, as each student is instructed individually et his own desk. Those who cannot enter at present may stud at borne through our RomeStud Department, without any further charge. The Spottoo Business Cc lieges have trained tens of Moussods of young people and conse- quently ate in a position to train otber ambitious ones. Those desirous of iw- pruriog their enuditioo in iite should write to the Clinton Business College, Clinton, Ont. The teacher was bearing her class of small boys in mathematics. "Edgar," she aid," 1 your father can do a pion of work in seven days, and your Uncle William ran do it in nine days. how long wauld it tate both of thea: to do it %" "They would never get done." answered the bus, earnestly. "They would sit down and tell fish stories.' —New York Evening Post. The London Fair. Now for the London fair. Sitwie fare for round trip commencing ri- day, September 5. Special low rate. $1.55, September A 11 and 1.2:, all good to return up to feeptemher 15. (let your tickets from F. F. Lawrence A Sons at the down -town G. T. It. office and escape the crush at the station. Money refunded for any tickets sot used. Cousin Danny He Had the Kioadice Fewer By ra.ARI San MACKE Whim Danny Rotted wart to seek his foeteas la tb. Klondike he canted witb him the prayers and ions( thougbts of his aunt and cutins with whom he had made W home dace aa early orphaned bojbaod. -We'll all ride 1n automebilee when I come Mar' shouted Danny over his shoulder to tb. little group on the sta- tion platform. Four long jean passed after Danny went away to the gold country, sad now the RolaDda had news of his homecoming. They ha4 heard from him as often u the postal facilities would admit for sometimes he was tar from any station At brit he had written of the country, the people, Ibe strange, new Its and of his bop for success. When be returned with the gold that mast surely be hes for the faking they would leave the little Cali- fornian borne among the roses and tare forth to some large city of the eastern notes when the gTeatest enjoyment is supposed to be extracted from the possession of mooey. That waa,-Qar tag the first two yawn. Since t� Danny's letters had bean less confi- dent, and there was between the lines a vague, homesick longing that im- pelled Mrs Rotund to urge her nephew to return home wbether be had stain- ed his coveted object or not. "Poor Danny," murmured Rose Ro- land oland as ber mother dneabed reading the last letter. "How eager he was wben be went away from us and bow Maple Leif Grocery Honey We have received a new shipment of absolutely pure White Clover Honey. SATURDAY SPECIALS Pineapples Grape Fruit. an ('rges. Bananas, New Potatoes. %pax Beans. encumbers, Asp• r a g u s. Lettuce. Onions, Radishes, Spinach. Tomatces. Cabbage. ORDER EARLY Ki.4ly get your order in tarty for Fruits and Veg- etables and scold dis- appoint is- appoint t.trD t . .s. J. Young Hamiltoo .tree' THE FALL PLOWING Now is the tame to see that yourws are is good shape for the fall pi w.yt. We have • gond displayof plows on our Moor. blockading tee Verity walk- ing said riding Plows : oleo the famous No. Y1 Fleet Plow. 1f you need POW KR we have GASOLINE 10'40INES from amend one-half to thirty Horse- power W. have two Bttgities left and will .re, et • bargain to clear them wet is osier to make room ser utters A tell Inciof alMOIST -HAR- RAN iMPt.&MKNTA always eta hard. Whin is town mall as THE MASSEY—HARRIS STORE T WILSON ■slain s sawn Asdareek►, FIVE STRONG POINTS about our Plumbing. including gond materials, up-to-date supplies, super- ior workmanship. promptness and reasonable prices. For SATISFACTORY PLUMBING can you ask more ? vet our estimates first.. anyway. FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET. GODERICH 'PHONE 186 Novelties FOR Christmas Gifts Noveitiei for Christmas Gifts on hand new. Ladies, maks your Christmas Gilts now in 7oar spare time. Some beautiful articles for gifts. all made up, .tamped for the touch -of -hand .eebroidery. such as Waist Mates Shirt and Pelama Oases. tbenhiag Sacquee, Boudoir °ape. Tie Reeks Pipe Rack.. Robber Oases too num- erous to mention. Corse and vee for yourself. Handsome Bulgarian .red Block Silk Cosh'', abo stamped .eta for westing. Stamped Uaderw.er in dainty dssig... A few made-up mNigbt- I° ebreider7-trammed. rots .tylea ObiMresb Dresses reads e . stamped for head embroidery.. Handsome l Pit., Her lis. and Pin rlaa .md Bookies MIs. Tape The Singer Store Ihs% M'Itiirpfasee Owen& TIN= wow v i 0LZsaun nr10 IQs ♦at.. hoped his letters have been: Jud think of the hardships be mast have suffered in that cold, strange conntryt" Beth smiled softly. Sbe was the youngest and she bad missed Danny more than anybody etas To ber the tali, handsome weed. was • gallant knight gone forth to Beek fortune far his lady, who was imprisoned in • rose embowered castle. "Hs should be tome by'tbs 1st of May. Dont you think .o, moaner ask- ed Rose from be low rest seer the open window. "At the very latest Now. daughters, remember thee be must bare a royal welcome, for think of his bitter dtsap- potat.est at his failure to succeed 1n Ids esde taking." 9 always feel that tore wbo make Oe failures of life should receive the warmest sympathy ail tenderest wee cOma," said Rare quietly. "It fs easy to beer oceans, tet fallen borne amid Os di scs of Mends is twice bitter." All the way dews in the teals to the little bungalow on the outskirts of Los Angeles Danay Roland talked to his trevs4ng companies of the aunt and corals winm be had left babied eta kis trip to the Klondike. They were both tae, stslw,rt, brews young mon, with clear Wes and geed, dean est features. Tbsy did net leek Obs two dieeppotated sold seekers, fot that to what tbsy wars Roe will be glad to see your tells again, Davy" said the Bier rethler wist- fully. "r wise then was a welcome waling Inc ass es swbes; but yes know, all ay paop1 died Wen 1 lit home. I meet peg out • mew pines ter smelt ft Imes Lagsies' "Then yee're gels( back oil yaw premia te ge hams with met" daatand- d Danny M.asb- 'Net et all." oglaieed Arthur oflf- fNati mealy r was twit membig a atsfe mesa teems* 1 dlda't have a bete asst sad two pretty omens le greet ma ire se. or yes. Dna ant ass le go with yes 1 weft yen woalls't to- ad aad ea me messopaityleg yes le He casae habil . Rarely they will west te sae yea .lana the ir.- -tieit tttpf" eseeataalai Dan slate/. 'Vim, will he dsylisl assts ear mss who $awl my Ilea 1 baps yen dean Ori I bare aspseles them OW he game and bow nor— Mt Nes Una as ON se i asn�sslsta uu Pa use MI6 is L Aaigdes► iT Vole w Ors►" sell DOOM twerss*e i+..+t amen the airs then drew r it asslUi. AAs tie W MMWIK ata dein edeas IAIr b deaves7— Disaaro M ble $abed es hams and kr- lbw r11er (Matti to a eenveeleat Mier Oradell a teensy ear wbtA would Ulm them 1111111de • .tile et the dee- As n}As the Me wbtlm•d est Dames bows best Imes aid a slew reel bested tale kb thesis. lift b meessltag was a .seg dlleeab ens treat that be had piaw sod test years age. wfsa tbs spb1t of 1dvembe a laid a sueag bold epee him . ad lel him tar away treat the vim- yard eryad and tL, little bungalow. New las mead iss that ke bad me lege seglected a sea's deft la Naval" the three women of W twiny to seam- an erany the via -.rd as beet they toll with bind hdp while be west rstvew chasing te the cold nelson of the aorta. That was what he calls/ t "rainbow cluing." "ash it is jet as Profitable." he mattered to Mama M the car reached its terminus and the tumbled out Their way by through hedges i wild rates sad mocalyptti Is the background were groves ot oeaniie and sunny elopes gray -grow with young olive trees. Thee were the smell of hoaeyeackfs and geranium nal the song ot many birds. Tbe two young met sweng anal the beautitul highway. one wttb a rap ally beating heart at the coeds( re- union. union. the other with a pigment sari of expeetatios in the new friends be was about le make. Barely if am were Dan Roland's people they weld pg friends et his baring the long nights when the comrades had slept together 1s. tbs northern cold each bad tangled to the other all hie history; aid Dan Re land's had chiefly to to with kit sant and cousins, and M had talked se epoch about them that Arthur Clifford began to feel that he, toe, was ac- quainted with them. Hs bad almost fallen to love web sweet Rosa, whose Meters was toetoded in the three which Dan treasured. "Hare we are" thenad Danny ea` dtedly, and be ram forward the last few steps that separated them from a rustic gate set in a privet hedge, wide% In its turn was half smothered is Cberokee roses. Clifford bung beck that his friend might hare his meet- ing uninterrupted. and be bon se grudge that Dann, forgot him for the moment Three women siting 1n the veranda of the bungalow were gathered into his arms, and then were langbter and tears mingled with their joy- ous reception of tbe cousin wbo was more like a son and brother than a more dlsta et relation. Clifford ttaned his back on the happy once and look- ed away over the bower decked bolds. Danny's voice brougbt him up the graveled path to the foot of the steps. wbere be stood witb bared head while be was introduced to Mrs. Roland and bar two lovely dsugtters. "1 am so glad that oar little hours is roomier than tt bots," said bird Roland cordially. "Dailey's Mewl mast not think of gd.g to a hotel. HA Clifford." Arthur Cuffed ezpreseed hes tbatYa and wee *sly too glad to accept the waren invitation to remain a 1(110 while. He bad s ar04y taken his mdse from Rose's face, except when be sew that his glance embarrassed her, and then be stole a look now and thea r satisfy himself that abs was Seek area blood and not some beautiful creeds* of his Imagination which might va*ish at any moment. Dana, was relating to his comingc the story of bow Artber Clifford had saved his life two years beton and how ever sins that thrilling raise* they bad been chums and fa•aparnMe Mends Beth sat entranced seder the epol of kis graphic recital. 2110 meatis was tar handsaw than her knight of the air castle, and bur maiden heart was stlrseg otlasgety. When they west to to the luncheon that Mrs. Roland bad peepand Maar paused for a mead with one band ea ifs back of his chair. 'Aunt Ce tin," be said soberly. "fids Is a vst7 different homemade( fess eke ow 1 bad planned wlss 1 west away. De Toa remember say airy premum sip automobiles sad Parts gowns seal a palace 10 New Tort, h say .. et steam yachts ant hems? Hero r aa, set a pang debar b oaf PM dlggfag. Waiting a ram ,napes Mose will sn► ons wires, fertue lee bees the some as t:7 owe. aha yet yes web tome se a it we were relanlig home laden witb Klatsi, ,s .." He led* ed armed et the these Irving fatal witb tear diem,/ era "Sat. Dean, des." prebeilled fade Mite. 1.10.. See knew we WNW/ mind asst the moss/. We well. rather baro had yes eta is !less the gait le Me world. Yaw r! oemfiblag. my O.eea" aha dam& in Iles as tbsy eebeel aces*& els ag: I w sail sibs ti.wsil Oe as wills but ayes •Mash wlr iapplona the rent cessrd bsapfew it put bshine its pdnb 11sds► tilt I mag sad kar giasgset -asAtr sad 1isr dasg s ell bMsa- Oro Ons. Oa IMO U marred ka Dew. sat ter sway r ••tester VW, bsat8, Irian AMOw CMOs' eat Ms woo' oast• ars ea IOW -$Mews amass w rust Al fest floe Woad w peeafaMe Wit elites lead Os sums efts ahem r*dr bsesbime pert essssaolltagR Oat mew some maim • 'Ws eons lar /near* per, atm yet we wail M atla"OS clew =As. •Athan Mesa* 1111118181,10 Relasd sum ret 181111i reed her ib tush_ t lbissa •$tear w� a- , ratio T1 .11 /$•hell * T% Wm Carrrnm. BUJSINLSS COLLEGE +rearrest. 011?. Cntaffs's test ausiaiss Oahe$• We bin tares Oamerm as s i*0 . t .sad yl i'LY •."rtes t�af .r M we •...a rer�s .u(d at d...r'd 1....r ire. mer at•Y.at5' acct .rhea w"rrw At. f•.r. t bra tai.etr W loom. what «.....i.t. .� 0. A 1k'LACIOL... rdaei..1 BUSINESS AND • se the eeinswa Gawps in 6111.111ba. Sart • Rol. Catalogue Ire Roar say time J. Mittelwli J. 11. r� Jr. tT � Jas. C -um ing Painting, De sting and Wall -paper Hanging. Au work dare promptly and 1t, tb s ougb manner. Residence—Albert Si, Telepbooe No. be; "Ready„ Is theme Watchword all. over the Store Every department is ready for fall business. Ready with splendid new stocks of the brightest of new fall merchandise this store has ever started a season with. Stocks that have been selected from the best markets with the greatest of care and represent what is cor- rect in fashionable wtearables for the coming fall season. ..An Extremely Attractive Collection of Autumn Models in. Suits and Coats 1Z Attractive styles, attractive materials, attractive values. j Garments that reflect the latest god ,Most favored styles for fall. The Coats and Suitsare de- cidedly different from those shown the past season_ Ou stock has been selected •t ith the greatest care from th, models of the best makers. The styles we show are confined to ourselves. Materials, workmanship and in fact everything about these garments is of the high- est class and we cordially invite FrSu to see them as ne believe them to be the best collection of Coats ane: Suits within your reach. There is not an old style or an old garment in the lot. All are new and an, season's styles. ' Of most, no two alike. We are showing handsome man -tailored Suits ti $15.00, $19.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. Men -tailored Coats in dozens of attractive styles a' 510.00, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00. A Clearaace of Dresses aad Underwear 31.1111 Twenty or twenty -eve Dresses. White Skirts and Gowns. Tee last dean up of lines tl st sold at MOO to 81100. Beautiful ger. Mints every one of them. Going Dow SiQ Q et your choice or the act, only e A Collsetioa of Odds mad gaols TOe Thirty or more pieces of Ladies' White Cotton Underwear and Children's Colored Dresses. These represeet • eleas-up of our stocks for the season. There is sot enough of any one line to edvertisealore,.o we group the lot and gievyou your elegies at Doe 79c price. `. -Hokproof ' School Stockers Holeproof School Stockiigs Inc bays and girls are the very best yoo can hay. They are made to staid the wear the average boy sod girl give their stockier'. Black or tan. fast colors, pot up in poxes three pa•th to the box. with the maker's absolute led a.q all Mf� Sed tie month. guarantee. Per box only. 1 am Flanselette Special Five Undo d yards English Flannelette. seat said attractive stripes is pick. blas pery g0 s1 and grey.•s absolutely fast- 1 Vl. rd Taa Hose 3 pairs for 50c Penna.'s seamless Hen 71e standard Me quality all over. Too maay w were shipped as os veyaat of our eaaamer .term 'mimed d'Slse a pale, you ee. bny Lim surplus et $ pain fee A Great Black Silk at 95e bis that is really wooderhtl. Fall yard wide. Splendid atrfty pliable and pure Silk. The best Silk fcr the money we have ever sold. fresh in the other day. Actual value et SIM. Our pedal per yard Spie&4M Valises fa Imported Ser'ges We have jest posed tato stock some im- ported Navy sad Black Series, and .bow to- day the tees atsertmst of these popular dress and .nit materials fiat brie ever been as our emitters. 11. is • dye and gale of these Serum le of the very stgle..t aider and from the lowed to the best the values are excep- tionally good, at per yard. 10e, 71110. $2 C� $1.00. $1.=5. $1.$O and .��ffiiwv Iailial Slowing of Misery Suter ay The Millinery Departmeet is now ready for as business. Saterday we will mak. the initial display of bah foe early fell wear. if you want something sew .sad ratty you will be interested in bell the text week styles. lite eats of the formal opening m Dry Departneat Re -opens Monday Piss °Doth wQl return fom her yanation andf me our Dris.making Depact.t will be open 01 etas__- the afternoon 01 Meoda September Der Rt b s We will start abe ave with s full staff and bop' to be Sade 14 give prompt dispateb to 511 order.. We barg room foe two apprsntiess a.d twu heifers 1* title aspartame,. steady work sod