HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-4, Page 7'rHE SIGNAL : G(/DERICA : OWI'ARTA '!'nvwAY. ler?. ti, ISIS 1 The ews of tfreDistrict 4 4**46464644+44454 4444 44+444 4 4444 344446446N FORT ALDERT PORTER'S HILL NOLMl,v1l LE. Tt•Esoat. Sept. ±td. Norma.—Res. J. R. M. Cormick and family an ised have from their holiday on Friday .. litre. N.. W Ttewart a spent ■ temple of deys os the 1st con- cession last. week .. . The Hydro- electric potpie are tutting in their polyr.n t,je H•trmt r•ra4 Mr. and }Jr,. E. Pickard and Mr. end Mrs. John Potter ate taking in Toronto Exhibi- tion this week Mrs. Eltutd sod Jean left for their borne at Ottawa on Mon lay. Mr. Cour ice accompanied them as far as. Toronto . Mn. Lowe' y and 1 we eons left for North Lie! on status -day .. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins and Prank went to Tor - oat,. on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Comber and family left for their new home near London on Monday Miss R iberlsoo is back on duty at lbs nice seboolbouet. ... Miss May Me- Cartrey visited her aunt, Miss Tete butt, tbis week. WEDNESDAY. Sept. Sed. TrUSDAY, Sept. Mod. yt„ Elizabeth Clark. of Oudot ich. fratsa.—Mr. and Mrs. Pled Nor an has charge again p1 the Port Albert a poi l visitors lett The last of t be summer for their homes in Stratford on Mos - da, w ell pleased with uting saying it is the best camping eln. they have ever been at. McBee is the Nicky possessor of a black squirrel. They have be- came trey scarce around bete and Mr. gibes was rely fortunate to captur- irg uses in his orchard last week. The last of the open-air services on Ike beach was held last Surday et•en- isg and bad the largest attendance yet. These services base been a great ' access and it is fully expected that they will comuseoce much earlier in EVERY DAY the season next year. px,t.oN.at--lid. Olvsr bas been Dodd's Kidney Pills Proving Their Vales Leawith his brother, John. at as a Family Medinae. a ,..Mrs (Rev.) Joseph Deacon, South Hams. Wolfe Co., Que., eept. ( RidTetown, and Mrs. JE. oftbNelson. Ist—1Speeial►— Duthj'r Kidney Pdts 'of tit. Thomas, are the guests of their het mV rbeu ockiem, backache, sister. Mn. H. Hayden Mn. era gravel and heart disease. from which geindtej visite' with bre d•uMiu�t Grace I suffered for twenty year*." This is Toroot° last week the statement of Mr. Atnable Pinard cKeerie and Wallace Cunningham of this place. tuned their steadies at the •Thea• have not vet cured roe com- pletely. but they did completely cure my nephew, who suffered from kidney disease.'. Dodd's Kidney Pals always cure kidney dieeare. They will complete Amiable Pinard's cure. because all the diseases mentioned are the results of y kidney disease. They cured the young asYs with ale. nice rs. tii,u Only. man • kidney disease quickly. because y it was taken in its early stages. WESTFIEt-D. Amiable ?inaudis troubles are of Tt"geoLT, Sept. '_'oda twenty years' standing. and take a longer treatment: Norge. -Threshing is the older of the and cbildtea and Mr, and Mrs. out Morgan and child's°, of Poet Stanley are visiting to the neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Nor•wan McDougall, of London, are *Pending a few days in the neythbo,hucd. ... Miss Nell Mc- Dougall, of Seaforth, is visiting at Wm. Elliott's Miss Nell McOou- ald, of London. is visiting at Peter Mc- Dougairs Mr. and Mrs. Will Proctor and children. of Clinton, spent a couple of days at Wes. Vander - burgh's Mire Shaw, of C'alborne, visited in the neighborhood last week. Mrr. McDougall and Minnie. c f Dungannon, spent a couple of days in the neighborhood trod Collegiate Institute t;ndericb J(,pn Ne:son left tut Saturday for a ri-it with relatives at St. Catharines.. Mrs. N. C'unuingham is visiting with btr:oo, B^rt. in Toronto. . Shewill also volt at Pickering :Morn- ing home . Mi -a C. F. Hawkins re- turned to her eebool at 8t. Thomas on Monda • after pe.dlnq .the holi- day. The grain is turning out well to the straw...School re -opens today with Raymond Redmond as teacher. Both teacher and scholium wit' be pleased with the appearance of (he school- house. which has been repaired and n icr'c paioted.a • - • Hovey McDowell arum Toronto Isat week vitiating his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Had. McDowell He also took in the Exhibition Tho. and Will Taylor were Toronto - Fair visitors last week...... Miss Lovett is visiting ber slater. Mrs. teordod Johnston Robt. Hoover. of Bras ads, and his sister. Mors. Thos. Fowler, cf Cimrese. Alberta. wets calling en triends and acquaintances last Satur- day atur- day Miss Bel -a Campbell has rewrned to Ruliett to resume her sebool duties after the holidays Tommy Rodgers has seettred the school on the tl: b concession of East Wawa - nosh and commenced his duties today. W� . A. Harrison. of Lewknow. is visiting his dsughter. Mrs. W. H. aamphell. .. John Rodgers spent Sunday under the parental roof - Wm. Henry and family, who eneot the last three months visiting at the home c: J. Wtgbtman and with other. ::-.r'..'.-. have returned to their home in the states ... Mr. and Mrs Joe alc,oehouse ate Toronto Fair visitors this week... Mr. and Mn. Kenneth t'ameton. of Luckuow, spent Sunday at John McDowell's. sr Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell. sr.. are Toronto Fair visitors this week... .Rebt. Buchanan hates today for a trip out Wert to visit his son and daughters and other ['lends Mts. Wm. Crosier and little son. Clifford. of Ash- field. spent Sunday at Mrs. Crosier's old home herr. ,Tso late for test weak.' WEDNESDAY. August 27tb. Master Charlie Harrison is spending his holidays at Luck now with his aunt. Mt.. 11)r.) Gotdoo. Miss Evslyo Carter has retained to her. borne it Toronto after spending several months with ber graodpareote. lir. aoi Mrs. Samson Carter. Laws Soeist. — The Westfieli Epworth League held a successful lawn social at the borne of Reeve J N. Campbell on the evening of August 21st, There was a good crowd. many routing toenjoy the game of baseball between Belgrare and Westfield A good game was played, the borae team winning. A „musical program was given and ice cream was greatly in demand it kept some of the young people busy milting cows and turning the ice cream frees -vs, they basting to make six ,islloos wore than they thought they would require. LOOK FOR THIS WRL ST. HELENS. TUESDAY. Sept- 2nd. SceooLs OPE'.—The St. Helens school opened today with Miss Lillian Clark u teacher : the Tenth school with Miss Shaw; of Bluevale, as teacher ; tbe No. 3 school with Mise Dormice, of Seafesrtb. in charge. We wish them all success in their work.. _. Miss Colina ('lark and Durnin Phillips have returned to Godericb Collegiate the Misses Woods. Durnin and Miller to Lucknow con:.inuetioo class. and Misses Jennie Webb and Chrissie Miller to \Vingham High School. \rws Ncrres —Miss Pearl Webster went to Toronto on Thursday to attend the Collegiate Miss May Cameronwill resume her duties •t Donnyhtook school sifter spending her vacation at horse . Miss Elisabeth Rutherford lett on Monday for Lin- wood. wbere she has secured • good school _ ..!Miss Sara Smith ;s attending the Model School at Clinton.... R. Me- Al.ister amd son Will and John Web- ster motored to Kincardine on Labor Day for the county shoo' Will and Hugh Rutherford weut to Toronto on Mocday with a carload of cattle a,ud sheep ..Miss Jean McDonald re- turned to Toronto on. Tuesday after speuding the racaliou with friends here.. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell and chil- dren. of Toronto. are visiting at John Webster's Miss Jessie Cameron, Colooa Cameron. Cliff. Murray and Elliott Milier are in Toroo:o this week. It is well to have visions of is hewer life l.ban that of every day but it is tl.e life of ewe.y day from whish elements of a betur life must come. -M•etrtiinck. tSLYTH. TUESDAY, Sept. 2nd. L i'e OF PLux —A great many plums ate being shipped from the station here all the time, and el - though they aro a large crop the growers seem to be al le to get rid of the wbole crop at t fairly good ftgure. A buyer was hare Saturday and pur- chased uscbasc-d a great many for one of the large canneries and tbev were shipped this weer LanoR DAY.—The weatheron Labor Day was almost perfect for a holiday, The matinee horse rarer held here drew a large crowd and as every race was well filled a gcod' afternoon's sport was et.joyei by all present. The track was in good rondttion and in consequence fairly fast time was made by the vat loos bones. The bowlers also but 'tome games of bowls on the green in the morning and evening. 1t is usnalon a holiday that quite a Dumber take advantage of the cheap railway rates to visit friends here. while others visit friends out of town. and tabor ray was no esceptiot: to the tele. PERSONAL AND GENER.at--Rev. Mr. Arno, of Egmuodrille. occupied the palpst of St. Andrews church on Sab- bath last preaching two splendid ser mone..... Mr.. Jae. Mcllurrbie. who has been on a two month. visit to Scotland. returned home on Saturday evening Miss Hattie Spafford lef on Monday for a couple of days in Toronto. before re.umiog her position in A1Iist.co as milliner's &satsuma.... Dr. Tanner. of Vancouver. who has been on • visit to his slater. Mn. Geo. Powell. left this week for bis home.... Jas Dodde, of Toronto. spent the boli - days with his mother here W. Moore received hi. new McLaughlin ear this week and he is highly pleased with it .... The public school resumed wrist again on Tuesday after the long holidays. The full str.ff of teachers was on hand, also a fair attendance of the children . Mr. and Mr. Joe Taman and family. o Sieafotth, visited with the torsos.' s sister here. Mn. S. H. Gidisy Quite • number from here were in a,t,ndanreat tbe Toronto Exhibition Ibis week.... The Mises McManus, of Oodericb. visited tbeir friend., the CommMimes this week .. J. Diet, of Teeewater. was a visite, w.th bis uncle. A. McKenzie, this week.. .The foresees have now finished their harvest and are busily engagedgetting it 'hi esbed,and by all reports it t turning oast !_ good averse crop of first•clses quality T'be rains of late' have aided the root stop groat/ y _ tram the reamt sassy am here atsesdM s s match at ("listen on ;Vedette - glee lest Newels" Ortderich and Wing. hion and +•rr w,11 p'eo•e•I with the high go•los t f the game .Jobs* Torn.i. of Path, was a riai•or wi h his Mother here tax a few Aays cif the peat week .. Mr. sed Mrs. A. Elder meet a few date of tie pent week the guests 01 Toroeto sad Dolton Mende When yon ask for Sageine see 1 hat (hie gins pieturs M on the label. This n a gtursntee of quality esti esesl- knce. Stein* is the wotld's tbremeet hair tonic. Rageine is ee good we pairantee every bailie tad U yos ate ent satisfied that 8agNee 1a tie blot scalp classier. dandruff eewdieatoe and hair beautifier you Imre emir tired, see will ritandr oheseiwq MI we inks t. p. j la agent in (lode, ir•b f• A•gei..e, so ise sore to go to P. J. 1941'184er. drng Kms. other steels dost ha • e P— rimly ale. a beetle. Oon't Nigel the seas. MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. Muscular rheumatism exists in two forms : Acute and chi lemic. In acute muscular rheumstistn there is first relined a dull pain in the muscles which gradually increases. This pain often shifts from orfs muscle to ar.- other, and the working of these mus- cles makes the pain very severe. Musculto. rb atime is a blood dis- ease and should not he neglected. A proper treatment shewld herein with the first syu'p'orus. Rh-umo ie recent wended by the foremost people every- wbete because it dtiv.•s all uric acid poisons froom the blood and enriches it sn that she aystem becomes healthy sad free from the tortures of rbeumr. tient. Geta bottle of Rheumo ludas and rid yourself of rheumaliro.. Sold in Godetich only st F. J. Butlandb drug Pitts. DISTRICT NEWS. The Clinton Hortieultaral Society beld • dower show laet Thursday. \V. B. EII.cit, of \Vingham, bas been appointed a game warden for the Pr.vince of Ontario. The dwelling of Mrs. Madigan at Wingbam was partially destroyed by fire one night tecentty. Miss Cunningham, of Belgrave, has been engaged as teacher of the Mar- oo-h sebool at a salary of 90(10. Harry Moore, of Brussel,, has kern engaged ar priocipal of the Trow- bridge school, est a salary of *IOW per annum. G. F. Coiling• who for several years leas a rn-tnher of the Seafortb Uoilei,i- ate institute .taff, died last week in Toroot r An or_snixation has been formed at Seatorth for the bolding of an old boy's reunion in August. 19i4. in con- nection with the firemen's tournament. M. H. Moore. veterinary surgeon, purposes moving from E rusaeis. w bets he baa lived for twenty-one seats, and removing 10 .Listowel, where be bas purchased the practice of \'ete.ioary Milner. • The Carnegie politic library bold- ing at Seafortb is now completed and ready for occupancy. The buildings and equipment will rnat abnat 810,000, the whole amount being furnished by Andrew (..at oegie. Misr Helen R. t,Vilaon. daughter of John A. Wilson. of Sraforth, has to turned from three *years' ,Cody of music in ier-naity and has teen ap- pointed instructor in piano in the Tor onto Conservatory of Music. ' Mr. Alex. Yonne. on. of the pion - e r residents of East Wawanosb, died in the Vet on Sttutday, S),b ult. The deceased was mother of Samuel Young. of 'IVineham. and Jae. F. Tnung. of Saar Wawenosb. !Flse•teetbe of be miseries and rises et Eraakied proceed from idle- ness. - y% ant OMFORJ S OAN. IT All RIGHT u A Wall of Soap One year's sales of Comfort Soap mesas enough snap to Ist,ild a wall 15 feet high and 29 miles long. Think of it ! Enough to completely surrount lb* City of Tor•ootr. POSITIVELY THE LARCLST SALE IN CANADA News of the death of Mrs. Guedy. wife of Rev Dr. Gundy. was received with mueb regret in gingham, where Dr. Gundy was formerly in charge of the Methodist ooegregation. Mrs. Goody died at St. Thomas, where she and dor husband bad been living Maes Dr. Ounde's superannuation. Therm - mains were taken to Exeter foe iater- etenl. G. F. Roger. late principal of the tleaforth Collegiate lostitote. has hero app{toointed prtrcipal of the London Collegiate. He resigned his position ■t Seaforth this summer to take the Collegiate principalship at North Bay and w•as oil his way to that town when the London appointment was made. Mr. Rogers made is very good record at Seaforth. An old re•, dent of Seafortb and viedoity. in the person of Mrs. Michael (YKeefe, departed this lite nn Thurs- day. Asmara 21st. Mrs. O'Keefe was seventy-eight years of age and was one of the pioneer settlers of the town- ship of Hilbert About fifteen years ago she end her husband retired to Seatorth. Her husband died several yeah ago and she is survived by two sons and three daughters. The death of John Hey w ood, who. departed this life no August '.rot.b, at Exeter. removed one the oldest resi- dents of that town. The deceased Sts born in tkvonshire, England, in 18m He came to Canada and to Exeter when twenty-seven years of age and lived for offer thirty years oe a farm two miles east of Exeter. in 11180 be retired from the farm and since that time had lived in Exeter. His wife died many years ago, and he leaves three sous and two d.tugbten. 409 SHOE STYLE Nat Extravagance ! Think of • Shapely Fcot Rn - •cased in an L'nsbapely Shot! 'I' WOULD BE A SHAME! Suet Shoes are not to be foe0{ Here ! You are Perfectly hull - fief; in BUYING STYLISH SIDES COUPLED WITH COMFORT - AND SERVICE, t\'hr n las iced Rea.uutab1} . As Ours are Priced ! W. SHARMAN The death of Mrs. -Philip Allen, wife of the former porentast.er at Red- g earr, took t-1 ice Moioday of list week at the home, of her son -'n -law, Thos. Lunn, Howirk tnwnithipi The de- ceased was in her eightieth year. The pi^nic held no Wefnesday of last week ender the auspices of St Joseph's church, Clinton, was a great success, financially and otherwise. The elaborate arrangements were well carried out, and an imnt-use crowd es, present. M/s. S oriel D trrance, a former resident of Mcn•llop end Seafor'b, died et Chirar•t on Sat.ot•tay. 23rd lilt She was a sister of T. E Hays. of Sea- frnth. She went 1n Chirago about fifteen sews ago 1' reside with bee song and daushter. . Res. F. It. Lirkin and Mr,. Larkin, n( Seafnrth. w.rn presented nu the Mtn of August with a beautiful and costly Fitt of silverware fr.tm the ron- yregatton of • he Reafnrth Presbyter- ian chun'h. The clay was the twilit y - lift h acniveraery of their wedding. The G. T. R stall .n .t Clifford wit, ',token into by four hnrglars early Mondry .norning of last week. Al- though the pia-. was ransacked the only thing known to hate peen takes was apair of eveilaeees. One of the burglar.. has he •n .neat -ad. but the others °lade good ;heir escape. MacEwan's COAL Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. - Cannel Coal for open grates --the highest quality of Coal that can be ,b ug::t kar the purpti-e. t Liierire Domestic Lump Coal — Jnoat . satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. . Standard Chest n u t and Furnace Coke. All kinds of ,Hard- wood end Kindling. .Peter MacEwanEstatei OFF TO SCHOOL You want a new suit for that boy of yours who is starting off to school again after the vacation. We believe we have just what you want—something nice and natty and MADE TO WEAR, at a reason- able price. Bring the boy to us and let us fit him out Don't forget that in MEN'S WEAR wehavelhe best lines on the market, right up to the minute in style and quality. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfeld's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. !SPECLAL OFFER Trleobone Se The Signal for the balance of 1913. t8 new subscribers le Can- 2f�,.. Ada or Great Britain. only JLI. PRISM oopisagreeable--C dor in it Weather there is No Turpentine Easy to use, Good for the Shoes a Binder Twine McCormick, 65o ft. Twine at I2C per Ib. a55o ft. Twine2_at t lc per lb. PAINT NOW St";/EP Fencing We have a few rods left of the Canadian Steel Wire Co. all No. q Fence, which we are still selling, ati the old prices : 7-42 fence for 25c rod .. „ 2/Se .. !t-itt " '. " Portland; Cement We have just got in a fresh carload. Coal Do not forget that we handle the genuine white ash Plymouth hard Coal. This Coal comes from the Scran- ton Coal fields but from a vein in which there is i hardly any slate or stone. It is guaranteed 411 not to be over two per cent. stone or slate. !� res Cass' it Fernere 0 .1 57 :a Stove and Kut $7.75 .T*441t41111P4WT°M, OUR 1IADWAftE ISThE5TTIW ��SICO5t VMiiiiili tiiil.>llriliNriiriYili Cannel Coal IF THERE'LL BE h0 GVLSS ;WORK WKLN YOV !IVY YOVR HARDWARE:FROM VS. WE KNOW WHICH BRANDS WILL STAND THE HARD W LAR. WHEN YOV !VELD ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. FROM A CARPET TACK VP. COML!IfTO ;VS. YOV'LL FIND IT IN OVR STORE WL DO /BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE. Let ugors ne nn -nor Plumbing. Heating, EMrtr.e Wiring. Eare- trnasebing. etc- All wort guarsteteM. Chas. C. Lee Live have just got in a car load of Dixie Birdseye Cannel Lump Coal. This coal will not crack and throw coal all over your room. Price $8.00 per ton. Call and see our Ham[hocks, Hammock Couches, Refrigators, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, etc. PHONES : 91oes 22 Hove* 112 SIE Skerwia-ttill,.eee iaiwfa Cir•' the Earth 401444#314.4 Screen Doors and Windows at reduced prices. ' - Bicycles Jo 1)o you want Cleveland Bicycle ? We hare three new bicycles which ilk we are reduced 5 - FC IC ' 1,0114 PTTTTorol 1g1Tlt- selling at prices. 2 551 igt wbeeis for it., iv 1 581.00 wheel for ElEfs. 1 good seeoed-band wheel with sew tiles for 11itet