HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-4, Page 6• T'$ -t, Seer. 4. 1143
Why should any other
cereal be�called".just as
gam„ as Oeflij
Because Kellogg's is known to be the best
and most nutritious cereal on the market -
Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
is enormous as trade returns will show -
Because another large modern factory, the
best and most sanitary in Canada had to
be built to take care of our constantly in-
creasing trade -
Because the imitator, knowing these facts
and having few selling arguments for his
own product thinks to create a market for
it by comparing it to Kellogg's:
But ---the flavorand the sustaining
qualities of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
cannot be counterfeited. Sold in
big packages at 10c. Look for
the signature.
The Best Place
for Shoes
It will be no trouble for you to find among our ,
different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern,
leather and price to suit you.
Added to this, every one.of them has the genu-
ine mark of quality.
\\'e feel sure we can meet your requirements
for Summer Footwear, no matter how particular you
fall on us for our next pair. You'll be glad
you did.
Downing & MacVicar
• Noftrri SID}: OF .111'AHr., GUDERICH.
ti • Ten Mrs' Treatment Free
T is • dare ter tissue. L 17 nor
Mrs Persons Killed at Peterben-s10
Nominees Place Sank Into SANS
a .-
with Its Oocupanta
Teterboro experienced the wont
tragedy la Its history last Tbursd•l
w►ea the building occupied as a
general store by the J. c. Turnbull
Oempaay collapsed killing five persons
sad ta}urtng several others. That
entire did not lose tkeir lives seeau
sYssogt • miracle, as some fifty clerks
were employed In the store and the
,rase came with but one minute's
learning There were comparatively
ew customers in the building when
accident occurred, the crash com-
at 9 30 in the morning.
Tose killed were
Mies Lillian A. Boddtson. saleslady.
MW Dolly Staaoo, saleslady..
i Sera Elisabeth Brown, 264 Hunter
Mn. John Kelly, of Norwood.
1 Jahn James Cuff. carpenter, Braid -
'Wood Avenue
Mrs Brown and Mn. Kelly were
making purchases in the store. Cuff
was employed with • construction
galrwhit+ was making alterations
n adjoining building. Part of the
had been removed and this oom-
ed with a defective iron pillar prob-
■bol, weakened the structure.
The Injured
Sirs J A_ Finlay. of Norwood, prob-
y fatally, Henry J Manley. car-
ter, Mn. Sidney Middleton, of
mi i. Mrs Agnes Tucker. saleslady;
Shearer. carpenter; Edward
rimpton. carpenter; George Curtis.
car -
Mas Sisson" and Miss Boddtson, the
two salesladies who 1oet their lives.
here very popular, and both were en -
grimed to be manned In the near fu-
Wet. Hall Killed at H I lierese-Chatham
Last Distinguished Scholar
•Jockey William Hall met death while
aiding "Tom Ifencock" at Hillcrest
ja��rsek. Toronto His mount col -
Mded with Jockey Moon
's horse ,
%'Panama" and Doth boys went down.
Moore's Injuries were not serious.
Catching bold of the handle of
6srrit* which came 1r' contact with
k Hydro wire, Wm. Becker of Berlin 1
arta killed at R'aterloo.
0 Mother M Borgia of the Ursubne
per lied of heart failure at Chatham,
native city.
Dr. Alexander MacFarlane noted as
RANCaa 4 CURRAM, Weidner, Oak.
Fee Side by'Laading Druggists Everywhere.
The Western FtirH
London, Canada
$27.000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
Ta i e i)atl)
Sept. 5 to 13
Speed Events
Every Night
Talcs • Hobby me Visit toatWt to iisiea
iitagtr Pon' VRl eft Raitrnsdtt in Western Ontario
SPECIAL EZCURSION DAT ILS --Segarebr Ob, ti %sad rail
Feiss Lists sad •0 1t8srseatisa frets em erx*tery
j REID, Pe.MMMwt A. W. HURT. Eamaav t
an educationalist died at his home in
Chatham last Thursday, aged /2.
Mn Louise Parish. aged 91 years,
t/1.d at ber borne to Bt. Thomas hat I
1!'tanday from tbe effects of a tall.
A well known figure in milltag dr-
rdes. George Tyre. Secretary sad i
Treasurer of the Duluth MOW Cq..1
Ned last week. He was a native of
Montreal •
Mr. F. Barlow Cumberland, well
known In railway, navigation ,,and
literary circles died on Monday at
Port Hope
Almon S Ral•den. chief eleetrtdaa
for the London k Lake Erle Trans-
portation Co. at St Thomas touched
a big. voltage wire at the Hydro !eh -
statics and was instantly killed.
Captain 0. G. V. Spain, who was
oommander of the Canadian armed
cruising deet for tbe protection of
the fisheries died os Thursday et
Toronto. He saw active service aa a
caval officer daring the t yptlsa war.
Mrs. Gundy. wife of Rev. J R.
Gandy. • superannuated Methodist
minister. died last week at lit Thomas.
John A. Hamilton. tax collector of
Bernie. died at Watford as a result
of appendicitis
Mrs Alexander Pattullo. widow of
the late Dr. Patten°. a prominent
Rnnrpton man. died Friday in her
Nth year
Mr. John Chambers. former Parks
Commissioner for Toronto died atter
a long illness on Monday.
Fanners' Market
Following ars the latest (moieties'
tor farm produce at Bt Lawrence
Market, Toronto:-
rall wheat. bushel 8 .09 to 41.00
Oats .40 ill
Goose wheat . , . .16 .00
Bartel .111 . 00
Back wheat .l .12 .M
Rye .K .04
Peas .90 .M
Rye straw 18 . M 19.00
Straw, bandied 14.00 14.00
Straw, loose 9.00 .00
Old hay 17.00 18.00
New hay 14.00 14.00
Eggs, new laid .24 .28
Butter, dairy .26 .28
do. creamery .28 .00
Fowl, dressed, Ib. .17 .20
Chickens ..., .26 .22
Ducks .18 .22
Turkeys .20 .26
Geese .16 .11
Spring chickens .26 .28
Spring ducks .18 .12
Live Chickens .22 .26
▪ Ducklings .16 .20
• Turkeys .17 .20
- Hens .1$ .18
Potatoes, new, bushel1.20 .00
Dressed hogs 12.00 12.00
Dangerous Blaze ee Hina Vemesi While
it Lay In Port
The 1mperator, the biggest liner to
oommlaskol was damaged by In to
the extent of 860,000 as die lay at bar
Hoboken pier oe Thursday Second
oak -it Gobrecbt bet bis life while at-
tempting to reach the blase In the
provision room. bet tie 1.00 steerage
passengers aboard were landed wtth-
oet accident or panic 1t wee noise
eery to Good that part et the stip
fa which the Samoa raged and the toss
of water taken Is eased the great
neer 20 list heavily to starboard. Elbe
will be temporarily repaired sad pro-
ceed to Hamburg w1r little 6.20y.
Had Leaded Seelig
Military tactics covering a wide
range were coabeeted is Misters
O•tario lest week. c°seledleg with • Soled Hay and Strew
dam battle seer Mount Brydgee.
Wbole•adealers are le deal
Loedcm was the p let attack. lot pa7la8 PI
the 404.6411K -net' torr* saeeeeded Fed
k. Toronto:
is driving the "Noes -back Daring katy. No. 1
the maneee•res It was fused that some
el the -Rives- had boss supplied with NO
ball cartrldges taatesd of ►leaks but
the cristate wee dtaeevee.4 1a thaw
Trento Cattle Market
Representative priors ere: -
cattle, choice ....$6.5 0 to $6.75
bulls 6.000 6.600
sr cattle, choice1.40 6.80
do. medium 6.60 5.80
do. common 6.00 6.40
Butcher cows, choice6.25 6.60
4.00 4.76
3.140 4.00
Datcber halts 6.00
do. medium
Oommoe cows 8.00
do. median 4.25
•fses 2.76
Stockers, choice 4.76
do. medium .,, 4.00
do. light 2.60
M{kers, choice .. t,6E.00
do. medium 26.00
Bfringen, choles 66.00
do. medium 00
1 tring lambs 11.15
erbeep, light ewes v 4.00
do. heavy ewes '8.00
do. yearlings 4.75
cis 2.00
, f.o.b. 0.16
. fed and watered. 10.00
delivered 10.26 10.60
ver 6.00 2.60
D Calver each 2.00 4.00
Toronto Grain Prices.
The following wholesale priess are
Obted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
• Manitoba Wheat -No. L Nor..
$L00; No. 2 Nor., 91c; Nb. 3 Nor., 14c.
Feed wheat, 66c, on track at lake
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W.'s, 40c;
Iia 3 C. W.'s, 29c. '•
Ontario Oats -New, 30c to 31c out -
aide; 34% to 3611 track, Toronto.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, 77c; c. 1. f., on
I rack. bay porta.
Peas -No. 2, 90c to 95c. ear lots,
' Buckwheat -No. 2, 62c to 52e, out-
Rye -No. 2. 66c to 611c outside.
Barley -For good malting barley.
foe to 51c, outside; feed, 46c to 48c,
Rolled oats per bag of 90 lbs.
42.5; in smaller lou. 42.36; per bar-
rel. $4.96; wholesale Wtt.dsor to Mon-
Millteed-Manitoba bran. 221.60;
bags. track. Toronto; shorts, $2210,
Ontario bran, 822.00 in bags; aborts,
=33.50; middlings, 424.60.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, 28.85 to 49.10;
shipping. 88.26 to 43.75; butchers, 87
to $3.75; cows, 43.75 to 47.60; bulls,
126.26 to 47.50; heifers, 16.50 to 43.25;
stock betters. 46.60 to 61; stockers and
feeders. 66 to .47.60; fresh cows and -
apringen active, 82 to 43 higher at
435 to 290.
O•Jvss-$4 to 812.
Hogs --Heavy, 81.90 to 49; mixed,
ice to 89.10; Yorkers. 48.75 to 80.10;
'pigs, 48.60 to 88.76; roughs, 87.60 to
N7.75; stags. 86 to 47.26; dairies, 81.76
to 89.
Sheep and Lambs --Iambs- 16.60 to
47.71; yearlings. 14.60 to 86418;
I,.thers. 46.25 to 86.60; ewes, 82.60
to 84.16; sheep, mixed. 44.76 to 46.26.
Use them outside. in of
near the gaub qe Wilk els
well as in the house as stare.
and sNB
Qy *social P.r,n)t.
"Here' 'What does this meas Y'
shouted Whoopty, as he found his
youngest riding a brooms ek ov,r the
top of the piano.
This is all right. Mamma yard if
rd stay in 1 could play on the
Lady -Why do you give me this bit
of paper t
�•mp-Madam, I do not like to
criticize your soup, but it is not like
mother used, to make. Allow me to
give you her recipe.
Wife --I have decided. as you say
we must curtail our expenses this
Lear, not to give Ida _ • new hat, but
to psa� on mine to her. Husband -
;And yon+ Wife -Oh, I must have a
new one, of coarse.
Values Palace at 817,880,100.
A comprehensive urination of
Buckingham Palace and its contents
just completed by • west end firm is
given at 417,500,000. The value of aim
room is estimated at 82,600,000.
As Usual.
"Did you hire that pluiebae
Commended to your.
"Yes." .4
'How did he turn oatr
"dh, he filled the bill, all rights'
A Test.
The man who can truthfully say
that he has never been jealous has
never been in lova
Kerr VA -Vest --
Prom South Africa Dome reports of
� d nasalis from • new variety
06 wheat called Silver Bar. In 1910
lit !!f beibsls par sc s. and lhs
ie68 r Si.
accomplish their purpose
with maximum efficiency
and minimum discomfort.
Increasing doses are not
25c. a box at your
Druggist's. 174
Ca. al Ca.saa Nimbi&
Dear Amy: -
I'm teaching Baby John right now that
when he marries he owes a duty to the girl
who gives him her heart and her lire. I'm
teaching him that nothing will make his
wife as happy as to first furnish her home
beautifully. I teach him that if he him-
self wants to be happy in his home, he mus-,
first make his wife happy.
Always your friend,
P. S. -If that house is in business i+her.
John marries, I shall buy furniture: an:
things for his home from no one but
Geo. Ii ohmeier
The.Si nal �tt11 be sent to any address it
SigCanada for one year kr only Si.00.
Send in your subscription nuts.
Eire s2 50.
��,1a�,t �CawlEAT N!r �=sw�sA,,IL�S
- 1-_ sl1 AP Uirsrai�a�sgrrtrr Y u",1,'
alsoesow s abaimen �AIl� 4 se Ms awl 4 daSmash
Dreg -Oe cubed sed 157 ,7z, to Dec. 1st)
�ayy� /� 1
ry o a�,i�.he,, .L r =.i'-'s+rs.ra..e �f�eb r..r.s •t•
leo between asre4sa/ sail �V nes i.se fee v*saearaatb1'
C. tat 91.t las at..eeaa- Y %.ar tltar .s.ssr Y.r.rC a a ra & a a ~11
tagatrv�ar b,..al.t�lli chm"-tlsctAag & SOF/ALI?rTIt .O�11P:Aro.
Chicago Live Stook
beeves, 81.00 to 21.20; Texas steers,
$4to 47.76; stockers and feeders,
11140 to t7.18; oowa and heifers, 22.85
N; calves. to 812.
eat -Light. 4f to 48.70; mixed,
47.00 to 81.16, beery, 47.20 to 84.38;
r oogl,
17-20 to 87.10; pigs, $3.11 to
60.40; balk of ashes. 87.00 to 33.30.
111«g - Native, 4441; 7etilark
16 to td: lambs, nova. 26.10 tis
RleMag 1. OdiI.
Ore ass was killed sad upwards
r,r e.e 2Mdred persons very Wand
during strike riots which orcarrs4 la
it.b4t. se Sunday Ae poHco. mad -
dosed by caw slows of stases whit*
were hurled at the charged t$.s
atter time. beettag down mea. washes
sad cinema osweIUy Over thirty
arrests were scab.
Saska4eb.waa earners aro dimming
ter more bNp sad QUI maws
b•neelers arAvls( from tba lest
12 N edicialIy lwisd that Prise•
Arnow e1 C.aaaswgbt wlO ssassN Ms
Mahar. nib Dadra r
Lard and Lady •tasrlarS MOM
, New Tent ea Maar • Oak IOW
112.00 to 414.00
11.00 12.00
10.00 11.00
8.00 8.18
Mitchell • Fine Shot
°apt Thou Mitchell of Tomato. •
raters& merksaxan. won the City et
Ottawa match sad the Onkel s-
Erthe latter with a sears a 171
a a possible elf 881 at the Dania.
Rus. Aaw ct•tlsa meet at Ottawa.
Ocelli► LJghO*Iag Soh
Poor theasaad assn were teapor-
betty throws oat of eapl•Tmsst le-
asee lightning damaged the twit*.
board of the Mama a Steel New -
alba at Sault SM. Marie
Tis Catholic Metwal Rene&t Lase-
dallsa. 1s ewvastfrs at 11aa11Ms,
Sodded to raise Ice rates.
Alt Molitor et Lesdss has boos
slssad prsaldsst et the Ostn9a M.
Ova Attati•Atai•
Look for this
label on every bag
IT means best quality -tested
quality -All measure and
thorough aatiefoction.
It is on every bag of
\l \\CF.MENT
CANADA Portland
UM FSS you have Facilities for hem ceniont, )e is*
depend upon the manufac uretr for Cr i
reliable - Every car of Canada Cementis
tested, and unless it passes every teat it is not &IOW.J' *loin
the milL
You can depend upon Casada Cement.
Be sure you get it.
Canada Geer a* Ceempas7 la -'ted. Montreal
There is • Cassia dsomerda.lr i• year asiglibasios,i. 0 yea de art
V+ar iiia. ani ea be his sata
rale sr Ayiesasase Sera■ fee • � very air JYO Jae "Mit
Go Pensee Ca• Ib V' Cassesus.