HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-4, Page 5Rhode island. The cylinder is now
being placed, and in • few days the
cheerful bum of the Big Mill will be
again heard.
Distribution of Peonies.
'The Goderich Horticultural Society
will distrihute among its members for
1918 over 300 handsome peonies, each
member receiving one plant each.
white. pink and toimson. These plants
willhe distributed about the 15th of this
month and should be planted imme-
diately on their arrival in good rich soil
about three feet apart and es far from
large trees as possible. Care should be
taken in planting not to break the
tender birds or the blooming season
will be rettrded The plants should
be set so that the eyes are not less
[ban two inches nor more than three
inches below the surface of the ground.
A liberalamount of well rotted manure
mixed with the soil will improve the
quality of tbe bloom*, but nn no
account should fresh manure come in
contact with the roots: it only such
is available it should he used only as a
top dressing.
She had not bene to cod health and due ing this month by Rev. W. J. Ford,
ex-presidept of tbe London Conference.
Mr. Ford is a brother of Rev. .1. E.
Ford, pastor of Victoria street Meth-
Rev. Geo. E. Ross has returnad
home and will preach at both services I
in Knoz church on Sunday. His)
subject in the morning will be: "Main-
taining a High Standard," and in tbe
evening the eermnn will be of special
interest to students and young people.
on "The Education Net,essary for
Today." Everyone is incited to at-
tend. •
Another of the efforts for which the
Salvation Army is widely noted bas
beeeg arranged for. in the shape of the t
"harvest festival" effort. Prepara-
tions are on foot to make this occasion I
one of great success in this
town. A series of appropriate meet-
iugs is being held by the local corps 1
and ptowiaes to be of special interest
and attraction. The good work
which this organization has carried
through, and the success which has
attended its dealings with the more'
outcast and forlorn. commands the
apt.reciation of all who sympathize
with the spiritual and moral needs of
the people. No doubt ratans of these
will avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity to ebow their confidence in
such praiseworthy efforts. The local
corps will be commencing Sunday
school next Sunday at lel o'cicck.. Ail
children are Invited.
..r- moo
C Toronto.
Hated with Yr.
LoCALTOPICS 8.a�eseistpYb lionu (or tMpespls of
Deea't [ the H•s.N Jams ooa-
4sl cert in Noss► the
et YtiMiYtt drench
a Mteadn bee t&b
PettitioAl Peewitrded. ♦s
Qodeeie<t to pear oese Ot Atiwie•'•
Moa J D. Masco's Visit.
While the t}ov.srameat AMMO*
A....lirri. layuing• in the tyot is he did
day ororoi i. Tilted her and pai3
Ib Mayor Reid.
thea rrspecie to the Hoa. J D. Haus.
Miaistel of Matins. who was nbb rd
Thi Harold Jarvis Coming.
on a top down the lake.
end uthe rase bars ot the were party, � Mr. King has been euoceesful in
eluding Immuring the celebrated tenor, Harold
automobile ride a1•out the town and Jarvis, for a concert in North street
ezptessed themselves as delighted ' Methodist church on Monday evening.
will, to appearance. Yrs. Hazen waft September 15. Mr. Jarvis is beard all
so taken with the town that she suugg ' too seldom in Goderich, and there will
Kt ,1 t lunger stay bete, and es thisdoubtless be a targe audience to greet
wa, ,1„possible 00 the present trip we 'biro, especially as the admission price
mal- le.p.e to have the Minister and hie ; will be only 25c. Remember the date.
lad} among our summer visitors nett • Monday, September la.
Fere winner at Ninety -Two. Interesting sermons were preached
The Canada Temperance Aet pelt- greatest singers.
tlous, aceopp•ni by moots and
other documents required by statute.
Mee been forwarded to the Secretary
of State eit Ottawa.
Tnuassa". Sere. 4. Illi $
;�.s from
for our
Exhibit at
the Fair
o n exhibition
several Barrie
Gasoline Engines, from
6 to t2 h. p., and will
have one in cperation on
the grounds. Intending
buyers or anyone con-
templating the purchase
of a Gasoline Engine
should not miss the
opportunity of seeing the
Barrie Engine in opera-
tion. The Barrie Engine
is substantially built of
the best material obtain-
able by first-class work-
men, the price is reason-
able and they give good
satisfaction. Don't miss
this opportunity.
A large party of motors
Toronto was is town over Sunday
night. They left Toronto Saturday
afternoon, were at Brantford over-
night, and reached Goderich by way
of Lood3n. They returned via Stem -
ford and Berlin. la •dditioo to twen-
ty-one motorcycles, several ot Ibsen
with extra basket teats.'there ware
four rooter cars and • Dunlop repair
car. There was one lady in the petrty.
The machines were accommodated at
the East street garage.
vest. Deputation to Toronto.
Thecommutes appointed by the in Knox church Tut Sunday b Re •
A .,table achieremeed is that rat Board
of Trade in connection with the John Newell, if Seringf3eld, 0., who 1
\t'iu. Green. Trafalgar street. county electric roads proposition held
who at the age of ninety-two years 1 •meeting on Friday evening and made
hens taken several prizes for needle- , arrangements for a deputation to Tor-
onwork .t the Torout.o 1Jzbibition this �� w interview the Hydro -electric
As One o 1
Styr A f the
pioneer „wen
Commssion. The deputation. com-
et this district MIA. Green haft paarsda section or Andrew Porter. Dr. Holmes Methodist church will be held at the
♦ active life. but abs is still bale and sad fi. E Hndt is sena today. urbow on Mon-
seed! Goderich is proud ie harts(:sea f b y P
'dig Express Shipment. Rev. Wm. Baird Meikleh•m, of
sets. Glasgow will conduct both
Death of Miss Carrie Shipley.
(1a Monday one of rue largest 'B University.
Thr death of Miss lifter:* Shiple, 1God ebess shwasrOts deliver ered by�the next Sabbatth..in servicesat the (federich Seeptember' Baptist Seats
daughter of Mr. and Mn.'hos'.1 Canadian Express Co. to the Western free. All welcome. Rev. Mr. Pollock
Shipley. Clinton, occurred at Winne -'
Canada Flour Mills Co. It was w will officiate 00 the other three Sat
ppeegg on Sututelay morning last. Miss i Dew cvlioder for the engine disabled baths in September.
Shipley left Clinton the preriuus !several weeks ago. the „weight being to the absence of the pastor of Notth
Monday.intact/ to visit bre aunt, •0001bs and the express charges $5.9f1 street Methodist church on his heli -
occupied the pulpit a the morning
service. and Rev. G. Gomm, of Dun-
gan0oo, in the evening.
The regular month'', social evening
a of Victor:a scree
of the Eureka class
ignrous, and P eery pe �` y home of alias Irene '1'b
lies a • expert warden McNay eau 10 join it d. September S. All are invited to
r. et ort . attend.
sell a rand old lady arnoog its -
si. (it! . T. binsoo, at Regina- The shipment was from Providence• days, the slervices will be conducted
b wit,ned hoped She bad a sechange
ere attack
beoedt her.
of seasickness on the boat on the way
up the Likes and after her arrival at
Winnipeg bears failure ensued, with
fatal result. The remains were
hrought back totep and the
funeral tek psa twin sistern.
this afternoon.
The deceased was
L W. Levis, of Wiogham, formerly of
A Good Job Well Done.
The Bell T Iepbooe Co. is ttoiehiog
its job of petting the telephone • sires
op the Square underground. First s
ditch three feet deep and • toot wide
was dug around the /equate, with the
exorpt•oft of one block. and in this
ditch conduit pipe was laid aid firmly
fired with cement. At the head of
each tenet le:.ding to the Square •
mach( le was wean octet:, and through
three manholes the Mg cables, each,
carryip .over eight hundred wires
were led into the conduit pipes. The
work was quickly and neatly done,
thele being no delay end the toad
being nicely cleaned off after the
ditches had bee n fined in. The Bell
T.Iephone C,•. and the men iu charge
lit the work deslerve great credit for
the way in wb:ch the job has been
carried through ; it has been a rewrite
tie•n et what can be douse with capable
Notes from the Harbor.
The steamer Thomas J. Drummond
arrived on Tuesday with 90,(8(0 bushels
of wheat for the Goderich elevator,
The Government steamer Lady G,ey.
•eul.c •t i.1 wauageweot. arrived Monday night on the return
trip ft om Pcrt Arthur. with Hon. J.
School Reopening. D. Meson, Minister of Marine, on
Tue.day was the opening day of the board, and left on Tuesday afternoon
.cbools for the fall term. The p :pile for the south.
Eddie Watson has installed • new
6-b.p. Grey motor in tbe hull formerly
owned by Joe. Tremblay
The planking on the highway bridee
over the C. P. R. near the edition is in
a bad condition. There are two
dangerous holes at the wast end of
the bridge.
The new dredge, which hitbertn has
been without a name, is oow the Gnde-
rieb, and the rebuilt dredge, formetly
of Victoria scbeul ars baying an extra
w•rek'► holi4iya. Weather strips are
Ing placed oo the window., and the
work is accompanied by such noise
Thu it was detidead to dismiss the.
sch,o1 until nett Monday.
Torte is no change in the school
.rare At Victoria school Principal
LIou is aasi•ted by Mies LeToosel.
Miss Miners, Miss Marion Fraser, Mies
Kate Watson. Mine Wiggins, Mi•s
Parsons, Miss Veva Watson and Miss
Dickson. There are 375 pupils on the
At CenrriA schen' the •tesf is : Miss
Sharman. principal; Miss Burritt,
• Mies Graham, Mir Stoddart and Miss
Clark. There are Sig pupils enrolled.
The ('ollegiate losaitute staff is as
hdtows : J. P. Hume, B.A., principal:
H. 1. Strang. B. A.. LLD.. A. M.
Roberton, M. A.. Mise Clifford, M.
A.. Miss Hadge, B. A.. Miss Lilian
Frn.e-r and Mrs. Dared°. The attend-
ance is about 175.
'+Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory."
s•taday afternoon a sprcitl service
was held in the Lytic Thesere coder
the auspices of the Student: Bible
Seri.•ly of Brooklanad, Wasbingtpo,
11 (' The sety:ce was in charge of
six young Oleo of that Society. The
theatre was crowded slid Mr. Gerald
Barry addressed • very attentive
attdi•;nceon the subjest of "Heaven,
Hell and Purgatory." - The lecturer
introduced the subject by stating the
d)'Terent beliefs as te the hereafter,
and dealt pueril -A.. a wieb 11.e views
Protest.sa,•Re disagreed and the
with the
(-embolic belief in Purgatoe7, ani
ar, e t hough 'here wag •
the Arnold:, has been renamed the
Menesetung Nearly tbe whole of the
cold dredge as it now stands is new.
$li.000 having been spent 011 it by the
owners, who now have a Fret -class
dredging out lit
The teplanking of the north pier bas
been completed. and a similar piece of
work oo the river breakwater is about
half doe.•, six hundred feet of new
planking baying ben laid.
Nnw 1. the time to get reed, for tbe tong
wiedMecyworkasmaie riair Smith'sprocurii s Art Store.
lestreetiar rices trove.
ikepsen,ber i. bene. four Dew 1.11 rule. 1t
not already ordered. Mould be attended to at
anew ham tbe Tailor guareoteea rotistac-
Wos V style ear. and et.
Geo. Bisset has purchased from F.
J. Pridham a want lot on Newgate
street and will build on it.
The steamer Cite of Detroit will
make the last all of the season at this
port on Saturday morning.
W. Hutchison, of Georgetown,
formerly of Golerich, has taken a
position in t be East street barbershop.
The electrical goods store on West
strut opened a few weeks ago by M.
I. Higgins. of Stratford. has been
The first load of new oats this sea-
son was delivered at A. .1. Cooper's
warehouse by W. F. Young. of L•.yal.
The ample was extra good.
M r Mona Waite locutionirt
will assist at the HatoTd Jarvis con-
cert in North street Methodist church
oo Mooday evening. September 15.
A runaway horse with a buggy
ittacbed ran through the court Some
park this morning and eninebow ren
other missed the trees and benches in
ire way. It was stopped with n^ dam-
age dost to e it her horse or vehicle.
The new Star Theatre, on the welt
aide of the Square. opens on Friday
night. Mr. ('ulcer has taken great
pains to make the theatre as attrac-
tive as possible, and with the good
line of films be intend.. to put on be
should have a large patronage.
The heed concerts the past week
have hewn greatly enjoyed by Gas
town..people. Per misers' weeks the
band was unable to furnish the reenter
eoocevta on account d a leek of comet
*rioted their. t players, hot Tom Waters. for mos
heaven sad a bail, the gout of • Pee•D° • n on the job, and betides the
' year. the "old reliable" of the
whoathe bolt' Iit4 so
was l isa- regular Thursdaymight mase•% eta
uali t ere--• somalleod to atlas* pines. mire wee Rives Nagger web[.
1iK •leo• Ih fire Ares fee else revile On
the • e..,.....its • f CJ mu...•s a w. Gane 1, C-..wei Atfe•re•wy AMlet le
timer •iree 1 •n Itf (IN 1 shwle i •'•'b a tee ley e.4.1 p.l ins ityi•i. 11 sed 1-ind-
s ir, 1Y few went so 1.... Nit char•. ing up to date hie magma' net the IN.
Cr Iva tt''P••t**gado insthe .•ieeeiwg pion Laser• Ant. 1t was {weeweed
~ "tl+Hien Pss'„P.evewt'anJ Veiteere." that ;hie,hn..l.1 les bssned thew yeses
HANNA. -At Hamilton. ot. Sundae Augu.t
NIM. to Sr. and Yen E. Hand. a daughter.
KILLORAN.-In Ooderich. oo Thunla>
September Clink to Mr. and ria*. James L
Killoran. a daughter.
YacMATH. -At HN.•ide Farm Godeticb
• township. on August 31a11. to Mr and Mra
S. R. riacMath. •sr 'William Good wins.
SHESRDOWN.-In OoIbor'oe on, Moods.
Sayteobar lent. Edith Saye. beloved wide. t .
J, c. Sheardown.
It Should
Interest You
Huron Gasoline Engine & Machinery Co.
Bak Toney Orders
11/----A!la Save Tr.lble and Loss ��
IBy mean. bi the Raqk Money II ""
Owhirl w issue, you efts se•od sums up to SS/Orders w anii
point in Canada !Yukon ezerptedlor to an y of the priaxipa!
cities of the United States with minivaum coat and tremble and
absolutely no risk or loss.
Orders for sums up to $.i cost ic.-from $5 to $10, etc. -frons
$10 -to -.$30, 10c. - from 130 to $50, 15c. Use them.
Toto Awls (Ow) • $7S,81t111
Davide+n, a supply minister of the
Benwiller circuit, and he gave a fine
discourse, (eking hie text from the
1erb chat or of John. The bereaved
one, have the syrups' by of the Leigh -
bre bond. !Uro. Butt was a consistent
member of the Methodist church.
TL•tte1DAY'd FIRg.-A disastrous Bre
took pace on Tuesday afternoon in
which Warner Walter lost his baro
with hie whole season's crop, Aldo
three valuable horses ; and John
Steve ns lost his entire building*, alio
a horse and some iruplet•,ent.a, all that
wa. saved fr the fl imes beiug the
furniture. Mr„ Sevens did not carry
a very heavy insurance, so that the
loss will be consideral 1�
Noyes .-C1iR,rd McCartney spent
WEi:r1 DAT, Sept. 3rd.
TUE LATE Mise. BVTT.-There died ,
at the residence of her daughter. Mrr.
Luther D. Attie. near Beomslier, on
Friday, August 22nd. Matilda Penne-
baker, wife of the late Henry But►,
aged seventy-three year!• after an i11 -
nese of several months' duration. She
leaven to mourn her demise one daugh-
ter, Mrs. Allyn ; one sister. Me. Ste-
phen Butt. of Benmiller ; two brothers,
Samuel, of Clinton, and Joshua. of
Poit Huron. The funeral took place
from the residence of Mr. Attie on
Sunday afternoon to Colborne'
cemetery. Those from a distance who
attended the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. William Butt, of Tuck Mn. J.
Mrs. J. 13. Diosdele. of Kippen
Petty, of Hensel' ; Mr. ;ad Mev.
William Palmer. of Godericb; Mre.
Geo. Nott, of Clinton : Mr. Brown and
Mr,. S. Pennahaker. of Clinton. and
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Westentt, of
Hamilton. The service b s Ddu ted
at the house and gra 7
' s *Ire rev 06.41....”. se a•�.•Le`k,
li hane sour{i t 11.r•ry is Is glare aweeher
adelre.,e len the Lytle 'Mester. The
subject ese.esweeed l 'The Two Reser-
•tsetieae : Rodhe Oslesthl. Bodies
awresteisr (1 One. Idet0 •
wgn. Ms: it wan held over nplH 11.e ren
viewer a then l)rtsrio Ma tes wlweh will
be completed▪ ef The week,
est maim be members of the
ieegal f etersiy sax orsese ! t1 now
be :seared may. Jae. aeltaidl. L.
exieu between usaod even
Our Very Best Patrons
Yet, this amine- .., esn•natiug
Our Soda Fountain
and delirious ICE CltEAM
Balmoral Cafe The Square
'Phone 54
Sunday on the Maitland 0. R. and
Mrs. Forster (pent Sunday in the
t county town ....Ezra Durst was down
at Toronto Exhibition last week with
la bunch of chickens and succeeded in
landing a few prizes. Me. W. B.
Forster attended Toronto Exhibition
last week, also spending a few days at
the home of her son Russell, at Locust
'•Hill... . D. F. Schwann is haring his
borne printed this week. Mr. Snazel.
of Ooderich, ha.. the 2ontract....
Harold Forster and family spent the
week -end at the former's parental
Star Theatre
on the Square
Opens on Friday night
Everything fresh,
bright and attractive
A fine .election of
films for the open'sg
Rome an I see our
es' mforte Me, Dory hour.
SV. inl.nd tri eoa-
dart a pi. -i tyre theist re
th.t shall lie eer.'nd t
n.•oe, and our palr,•L•
may rely upon Arse -alar
screen is every respect.
Admiseiurt 10' and
W. J. Pclwell
ii•M•1•011. APB
Our Sale
Is Ended
But don't forget that you
can get good value here
for your money the year
round, and our stock of
Men's and Boys' Clothing,
such as
Suits Pants
Hats Caps
Sweaters Neckties
Suspenders Socks
Overalls Etc., etc.
is the largest and best as-
sorted in the County 'ot
Huron. Give us a call.
Our excellent values will
be sure to please vou.
The Square
Open evenings till A p. m.
Lyric Theatre
The House of Quality
and Refinement
Showing nothing hot the most
up - to - date and highest - class
Motion Pictures obtain • b l e.
A complete change of
program each Tues-
day, Thursday a n d
Saturday. Songs at
intervals during the
week, also Good Clas-
sical Music each night.
This Theatre i. sprayed and
verified rash nicht with the OOP
of the noted "Enemy SraAY."
The esrenfort of the palnoow of
this Theatre is always most
carefully coneideted.
SEPT. tad -Seel
Pet., iM nr
Another Special
Feat ure
F. WOOLLCOM 1 E, Manager Goderich Branch.
The undersignei having leased
the Hyslop gasoline Vacuum
Cleaner iron \fr. C. C. Lee. all
orders for cleaning will receive
prompt attention.
Housekeepers will find the
Cleaner • great help in the fall
housecleaning. and the expense
is not great.
Orders may be left at Lyric
Theatre or dwelling, or tele-
phone No. 302.
Terms Cash
As we are dierontinu-
iog these Tines, we
will clear our stock et
Proportionately low rates to Edmonton and iademediage .tatlsaa
SEPT. 5 -From all stations Toronto to North Ray te919499 ewe wait tAereott in
Harsee•t Help ',pedal train wilt leave Toronto at d P ase September stk. ria
Guelph and Stratford. 1 he Grand Trunk Pacific Ratlw•ysa the .Meese and Quick-
est route between Winnipeg. Saskatoon Edmonton.
Goderiob to London and Return
31 90 Sept. 3. et 7, & IU, 13 31.55 Sept A tl, ld
All tickets valid for return until Monday. Sept. Iitb, 1913
Full Particulars from F. F. Lawrence a Sens. Town Passenger and T•ckel Agewt
'Phone e.
Industrial Exhibition
SEPT. 17 -- 18 19
(irand Displays of the Agricultural,
Horticultural and Manufactured
Products of the Huron Tract
The Prize List has been revised al.d improved,
and greater interest than ever before is being taken
by Exhibitors. Intending Exhibitors are requested
to make their entries as early as possible with the
has been arranged, including
Europe's Best Aerial Acrobat::, direct from New
York, in wonderful and thrixling performances.
in their great comedy revolving pole act.
Other Special Features seen only at the Big
City Shows.
Big program for both Thursday and Friday
Come to the Ooderich Fair
and have the best time of the )ear.
President. Secretary.