HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-9-4, Page 3THE OVI4INAL ANI ONLY RENOINE NO fiTERENTIOW THE SIGN A14: GODRRTCH ONTA RIO OBEY MORAL EA Me own P personally President acknowledged mlsabp to Polley to n administration La's rejection of the u ane case '' intervent i, "tor ms or m from the circumstances either distracts ourselves th them." all Amerl e. everyone to exercise authority Government "s fortunes o not get ponalDle cosec to • atorthpp Valued e at any u 14rSNdent Wiliam is L.t M eels* Solve Problems In a pe �-y delivered message 10 Coogresa, t Wilson last week frank ed the fellers of the Lin Mexico abd outlined th be pursued by the Washingto tion as the result of Huer tion of Me pro powls. B E W A B 1 A summary portion of the United States, ounced by the OF I President, foll No armed 1 on. Strict neutralitybidding the ex- portation of arms munitions of war of any kind Vatted Etats to Me:loo.' Under Do cl ces to "be the partisans of e party to the con- test that now U Mexico, or coaatltute oat a virtual um- pire between To urge cans to lave Norco at one To let eve Mexico who as - ernes to exe ority knew that this Govern hall vigilantly watch the fo f those Ameri- cana who cannot away, and shall hold those rsa for their Suffer- ings and 1definite reckon - his." Negotiation friendly medi- ation of the fates are open to resumptionme. Lard Haldane Would Have Nations Govern Actk)n• like Individuals Before as aadleacr whisk complete- ly filled the Princess Thea:re, Mon treat, and Included the legal lumin- aries of this western continent as well se representatives from England and Prance, Viscount Haldane. Lord risk Chancellor of Great Britain, spoke, on "Higher Natlonellty-A Study in las and Ethics.". The Lord Chancellor began by em- phasizing the fact that Great Brittle. Canada and the Vatted States to nether form a unique group because of the common Inheritance of tradi- tions. surroundings and Ideals, and particularly in the region of juris- prudence. He advocated the settlement of dif- ferences between these three coun- tries In the spirit and In the manner In which citizens settle their differ- ences, and in this connection he said It was • splendid example for the world that Canada and the United States should have nearly four ttaou- sand miles of frontier practically uD- fortlfied. Lord Haldane dwelt at some length upon the difference between formu- lated law. whether civil or criminal; the moral rules enjoined by private conscience and the spirit of the com- munity for whisk the English have no nine. but which the Germans call "Stttllchkett," and which he defined as the system of habitual or customary conduct, ethical rather than legal, which embraces all those obligations of the citizen which it Is "bad form" or "not the thing" to disregard, the social penalty for which is being "eut" or looked on askance. He pointed out that without such restraint there could be no tolerable social life. and Bald that It was this insUnetive sense of wrkat to do and what to do 1n daily life and behavior that was the source of liberty and ease, and that this in- stinctive sense of obligation was the chief foundation of society. After Calling attention to the moral organ- ism of the community which is actu- ated by the general ethical will. he faked this general will from itt e will of a mob, which he character- ised u a mere aggregate of voices. He pointed out ttiai in time of crises history abounds with illustrations of the general will rising to heights of Which few individual citizens have ever before been conscious. Premier Borden welcomed the visit - lug jurists in a speech which empha- tfzed the bond of kinship exlsttng be - :teen Canada and the United States. lam -President Taft was one of the IMITA- TiONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Oh SINARD'S LINIIEN1 BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING oo LEATHER GOODS p�1� w bating ating :mea H SIUNAL, A. E. TAYLOR. Srarivroan MEDICAL nDR. W. PGAeLLOW. Y. B. eth*�ihie Y we .GSed+t+sNorth strait. p so* ix IMI . Mica Treetop* . it ad F. J. R. FURSTER-EYE, EAR.P .ow . throat only. Roam saraoss. Wee York Ophthalmic .ad Antal I tue'aNautical, al.Usld n ddonue. nd M000reged Lys pco leans.. Kadla.d. &I cs. tl A Waterloo Street. lzMIeed. se root• Koos Church. Hour e. Vs Ws. a, f to a w a. t to s p. a Telephone , DTINS. GEU. AND M. E. WHITING BaLEMANN, osteopaths. speciaUet. to w•seis and eb1Mr•.'s dlseasos, acute. rhweieand nervous disorders, eye. ear. nose and cissa Consultation fro. tiros North .Urrt third door from the Ensure. Q -J mcv• LEGAL DROUDFO0I', HAYS & KILLOR L AN. barrister" solicitors. notaries publir. ,xoctor� to the Maritime Coarct rte. Private at rad+ to bed at lowest este. of interest. surer. Vast side Square. Uoleriob. W. r•KAC'UFUOT. . C.. R C. BAYS. .1. L K ILL/ tKAN. NG. CAMERON. H. C.. BARRIS TCR, solicitor. notary paw Mom- 'arailtoo Street. U,rderle4 wen deer boa •tpnare. ttiAKLFSK GAKKOW, LL.B., BAR 1; R1dTYIt, attorney. seitslor. etc-. Gale - rich. Mosey to lead at lowest rates. AUCTIOIIEER. THOMAS OUNDRY 11 AUCTIONELR di» 6. Uoderieh. All instructions by mai.. w left at Sig•al case will be promptly .t- ended to. Residence telepaone 119. INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. )O,OOO PRIVATE FUNDS TU GV V loan- Apoty to M- 0, CAH .tt0 s tl.eviater. HaoUtoa street. Uoderich. 1fi' K. ROBERT••lON. 1 INSURANCE AGENT. Sur LID Ls&TNL'IO : iirlUsa. Caoadan and American,I ►:71PPOEN LIN AND LYrtormea' LUSH. ITT :'I be Uwe Accident and Usar•atet .ayorfuoa Luxated. of 1.4011d011. m ltisg. ostAND doawrr sc /POND.: The Videllty %ad Uneasiers company. olds u r.1Yeooe, Borchert meow of Tic. I .ria sod Bt David's.trM4.. Pboae Il!. Uc1IIW.OP MUTUAL FIRE 1. L d O 19!V E C O. -Farm and LiMatou tens ered. U rac'ora-done•$. Pron. Soaforth P.O.. r (Meekly, Vio..Pea, Uodericb P. U.; tune L hays, dsc.•Tr-s.. dostorth P. O. lereccae -b. P..1li reser. de.toeth : Jake U. thieve. �inchtvp WWrm Mae, (o arum; t. wets,lteodb.te.: James Evans. Reeds weed ; John MM. Aa5 ; 1latoolm M.. w.oa. tkaostl.M. Mlabaswelle; R. Smith. B • rlos a itham pc ser, Ser-baddeene : /i Madam. Seisforthu sni and `�oilloee-reOetpMY'l .. B J. Merrieh's c lothi•g.r at 11 U. oat it Droner, Klrnrsera et.ost �ederbr- ■ARLIAQII LitDO'iis ,W ALTER E. ALLY J. P.. Sw Mi uCH. 141?. Neuss OF MLPi1AOS LlCENSZe SHAVING P&ELOJt LDFOSW OR BO& BA M8iU SHOP. oeais vW the tfest�rvise it *baying. sairea.ew.e.lav� i . , -_• _At+oos,a. .emIed•eei. H. B, CROWD CHEERED THAW Unprecedented and Undignified Scone in Court House at Sherbrooke Judge Globenaky of Sherbrooke an - Pounced last Wednesday after careful consideration, that the application of Marry K. Thaw's lawyers for the die Continuance of the writ of habeas oor- was sustained. This placed Thaw the same position as he was • week revlously-that of being charged with entering Canada by stealth, evading Alms immigration officers and wtth be- ing a lunatic: It 1a admitted, however, 'that these charges are faulty. When he will make his next public appear - &ace is a matter of oocjecture. Pb ons appears to know. The fudge's de- cision was at least a temporary set- back for the lawyers representing New Work State. When flaw was being driven to the Court house the people of Sherbrooke acclaimed him In the streets like a conquering hero, and when Judge 'Olobensky refused to entertain the ob- jections of Hector Verret, represent- ing New York, a wild burst of cheer - totwhich drew from the judge a scathing rebuke. Hever fn my long experience at the Bar and on the Bench have 1 wit- nessed anything that could equal this barbarous demonstration," be said. Both Quick and Permanent Strength. 1f you are run down oe tired out. if Talliake cold easily, have no appetite, are losing flesh or have other evdei.os of red vitality. try our MacLeod'* Kystem Renovator cruder our guaran- tee to refund the price paid it the remedy fails to give enure satisfaction. it aids digestion, tones np tae nervous system and gives both quick and per- manent result. One dollar a bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Itoderieh, Ont. For male by R. R. Wiglp, Brophey Bros. OUDERIOH The l eadifa Numeral Directors sad Embalmers 4rre.s u all e eefuUy attended t" peau*, night On da} ' BLOW BROUGHT DEATH Tragedy on the Heels of a Row In Hotel Kitchen James Dickinson, a Sootohman and betel porter 1s under arrest 1n Toronto charged with the murder of Mies Lucy Ives, a dish -washer at Smith's Hotel, porner of Queen and Simooe Streets In that city. Dickinson struck the woman after she had slapped his face oaring a quarrel over the handling of some toe. The woman fell against a table, breaking her neck and dying instantly. Chysl.r's Farm Centenary The hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Chy0er s Farm was cele - near Morrlabwrg last Wednes- y mad Thursday by a military and pyrotechnic display, and stirring pa- triotic addressee by Premier Borden, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. lt.P., Hon. O. P. Graham. Andrew Brobeur, M.P., and others. The whole district was en fete and thousands visited the bat- tlefield where a century ago the victory was won which preserved Canada to the British empire. 1BTK'Ii TKOIlliMa T. Barr. 4.111918 a Geod Harvesting Weather Following scattered showers In Mani- toba and parts of Saskatchewan the weather has turned fair throughout the west with much higher tempera- ture. There are few districts now in which cutting Is not general. while in many it has been finished and thrash- ing is well under way. Reports/of thrashing are 1a mazy cases snrprlr ingly good and show *at in a number of districts the yield bad been greatly underestimated. All seed. Irked lcanicety ; erbole. �t.aaly.ad hill Heating only is neseseery. N Attacked the Premier Two militant suffragettes attacked Mr. Asquith while he was golfing with bis daughter at Elgin. Scotland, oil Thursday. handling him roughly and *siting him "liar' sad "scoundrel.''s The Prime Minister refrained from wing force to kin own defence, but his daughter was not hampered by any such chtvalrosa sentiments. Disappointed Avl.t e Harry O. Hawker mode • brilliant attempt last week to win the London (Daily Mall's $16,000 prise for the eight around Britain. He had covered two-thirds of the 11100-m11. journey when he fell into the mea near Star- tles, 16 miles from boldin. Hawker teed a waterplan.. which. in falling, broke the arm of Rapper. his mechanic Premier Wielded Trawl Premier Borden last week laid the corner stoats of the new Tecknleal High School at Toronto for wbfch plans have been considered for tea rear. Twenty -ate strikers were eoamltt.d Mr trial on chargee of rMtlsg at vesialao, B.C. only tore ase brag acquitted oat of the first bate& to be tried. pr, A. la. Hateoek of Perth was CY Oetaeervative trial lete for Booth sth tan•re seat in the aa House as,m« F. Jen me bees appointed wan lwlstrps at IIL Thomas PRESIDENT POINCARE. He Is a Brilliant Man and Thorough Democrat. Concentration and simplicity of lite and manners are the most marked characteristics of M. Raymond Poin- care, the President of France. "I like to feel that people know me," he says, "bust I don't Lite them to think it necessary to take oil their hate to me.'' M. Poincare had not been President half an hour before he announced that the traffic must not be stopped when his carriage drove by. All that be wopld accept was that his car- riage should be given precedence over other vehicles at the moment it pass ed, and the Paris police have instruc- tions nstructtions to allow no More favor than that to the President's equipage Fur- thermore. he has suppressed the out rider who preceded the carriage on state occasions. and reduced a stabla of twelve horses to four. And he astounded the permanent officials at the Elysee Palace Ly strongly objecting to the trooper of the Municipal Guard wbo is. supposed to sleep outside the President's bed- room. - "It bas always been the rule," said the officials, wben Poincare obiected to the sentry. The President allowed it for one night, and then quietly sent the soldier back to the barracks. M. Poincare's simplicity of life is well illustrated by a remark made by his cook when she heard- that he would probably be the next French President. "I hope he will not be elected,' she said. "Both )rt and madame wig be -very unhappy at the Elysee; of that I am sure. Just think -all that they ordered y and fried esterday was beefsteak rlsltors. potatoes." And M..Poincare oertainly loves his MOVE IN PRISON REFORM own fireside -and his pets. As • boyat Dame's school of Mile. :ontmlaslon Appointed to Investigate Mare. of rraine, he delighted in the the Whole Guerion society of his dog Pompon, a parrot. • squirrel. and several cats and can - The first step to the direction o' cries. Tr. -day his favorite companions are Scott, his collie, • his faithful watchdog Brave, who guards pia country house at Sampigny, and his Siamede cat Gris-gris; and there is nothing which M. Poineare 'delights held of prison administration. The in more than to spend a quiet even- tommisston consists of George M. Mac- 1 m wifb� books and four -footed. Donnell. K.C. of Kingston, Dr. Freder- I I>so irk Etherington. of Kingston. and J. P. "I owe res," he says,s than to Downey, of ()riffle, superintendent of thea* 'fast we sometimes mil our inferior brothers. .he Asylum. In what are they inferior! I di? - It Is probable that the commission- cover in animals a sense of logic urs will devote themselves to the snore rofoand than that of many Prison reform by the Federal authority las been taken 'by the Dominion ilovernment in the appointment of a 'enttenttaries Commission. clothed with authority to investigate the whole luestfon of findlag some system whereby the reform of the convict may Se effected while at the same time mitigating the suffering of those who WO dependent upon him. hum beings and a refined sensitive- was ensitive peas of wh%h numbers of us seem ine�bId" Yotnoarw'a first pet was a parrot. "I Iow.d the bird," be says, "because tsBah[rtg my Bisons to Raymond"— FAIR BUILDINGS BURNED Ytsyaaot t awned like his master `nngti'e them to me at the same ..ondon Gets Bad Set -back But is Rio- time•" Ing to Meet 0e -cession short time n.a„'it was believed �_Emon lar ssLi_aUtly Exactly one week before :he open - da of London's big Exhlbltton iig y ' Ilse Western Fair. fire destroyed five buildings. The five buildings destroy - tel were the Cement Product. build - lag. the Machinery Hall. Transporta- tion building. hone shed. and the tV.C.T.U. dining ball. The seine shed and boiler house were also damaged rho total loss will be about $60.000. With insurance of nearly 110,000. In- tiendtartam 1s suspected. Temporary puddings will be rushed up to house ;he exhibits in ,time for the fair Favor Preferential Tariff Hon. Geo. E. Tooter has returned` from his tour to Australia and the Orient. with the announcement that. while both rival parties In the former are favorable to a policy of matte' Preferential trade with Canada. politi- cal oondtttons there slake any such nt imposalble of negotiation at b+wees . There is latae likelihood of developments for some time. G.ese.w Chief *anger Hon E. O. Stevenson. Supreme Chief Etr of the i,07.. Informed the na Court gathered at Toronto le would personally provide and maintain, while he lives, a home for rroosters. lie bas arrsage.dtbiat aiz de•lk tke Institution will bo 4owel to the =test of 11101111011.0011.*by e p.reoede of two tate iWrsaea p.0 .. of WAN sash. wkick M OOP. Mss. Kidneys Wrong ?— If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at ooce. Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica Gravel, Diabetes, Galt Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. Bone's Indian Root Pills contain • most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates t he kidneys so that tbey do their work thoroughly and well. Try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Het. L P. Pelletier. P otaasoset (surra, has authorised tlo 1,wa.M e t postcards bearing Iastrootios. Y both lftsgtisb amd irw•b. At ties Dominica Pbmrmarautdsal essueatioe's rogveati•s t• Teswb W H Grahams nidletrmr eh the aat1. at pbar'maay eharged fiat Clore to M n ttasetve • trade to teems•• h Ow tart. A thresher's ettsrette ceased MO lets by ere of Mr. Leeward Stme's big bars .ear Pr oakford. Ns waste tow ssaa''st eras sad • eemplmb *rabbi* BtPiprta W bees d.OapMdMM/�b Ip' low her DONK sad aIle r free asossaima ef~ AdrtalmpM ~ Clarissa as tY FLS tri Pa girl •wan Peek etMMa& 1 COMPLETE SHOWING OF New Fall Merchandise On Saturday and following days we will have on display all/the season's newest and smartest merchandise, personally selected to meet the demands of our steadily increasing business. In the mantle section there is a greater variety in the new coats this season than ever before. We have the best garments of five of the leading Canadian manufacturers. Ladies' Coats from $7.50 to $25.00. Misses' and Children's Coats . We hate paid extra attention to our selection of these Coats and for variety and moderate prices we show a stock that would do much credit to a City store. Misses' and Children's Coats from $3.50. Dress Goods There is'a great variety this season. handsome novelties are now on display. ings. Ratine Suitingg^i, Brocaded Suitiogs,. Tweeds, Boucles Suitings, Bedford Cord and Suitings Fancy Suitings are numerous and many We mention a few of the newest suit- Eponge. Cloth Suitings, New Heather Suitings. Coatings - Coatings All the newest Coatings are now on display, including Two-tone Diagonals, Reversible Tweeds, Veloyrs, Ratines, Serge Coatings and Blanket Cloths. New Wrapperettes and Kimono Cloths ... A choice showing o: title newest Canadian and American' Wrapperettes, K;mono Cloths -'nd'Eiderdowns in extremely new designs. New Wrapperettes t24c and 15c. New Kimono Cioths 15c, 20c and 25c.•', "'' We cordially invite an early inspection of the new goods, for at no other time will the selections be as complete. "A Store that is all a Store should be." nese 54 Millar's Scotch Store Pane 56 1 FALL SKIN SORES What troubled with fall rashes. - or say Ma disease apply Bak atrprlaty bow gtickly k Sasso tM aamrdsg sod stiaglatl Also dens tarts. bunts. soros aa/ piles. its -Sok le sago but )t++MI- balsamic... Naomi falls -t0 .neral poi..— Wisest bsaMr 1 DrsAM tertIr m Iserraksta m -F ask • eMangered for the President - was oil` served to leave the Ministry of For- eign Affairs looking depressed and p pied. "The situation must he b ndeed," whispered onlookers to one another, regarding the Premiers furrowed brow. But they were wrong. One of M. Poincare'* pets was per-' jowl" ail. Fall and Winter Shoes Charming Appear- ance, Excellent Fit and Up-to-date Style are some of the qualities of the Fall and Winter Shoes that we have just re- ceived in the Vassar, Cleo and other lines. Ladies wanting per- fect satisfaction in foot- wear should call and in- spect the latest astort- ment at J. H. McClinton's Repairing a Specialty. eika "tit-caraera.•i came -r ;' t t: c e t.cc.l to. -'a-'. t' c.. r 1 ••cs!'•_.:."y���er SF'ti„'.1-r:r'll --. :-ry c'a ^, r-: 'Ir 'Yrs -;'s:7 ' _:ex t 1 if tic =::''i a• Bas Davis' Horse and Auto Livery 1 em continuing the livery business in THE Stone Barn was TEO.. • _ .*-3;JIM !M/ in Godericb by HOWELL arta Wig HARDWARE CO. Pandora Rats ges are cold iii everywhere by good l.:r kr, who back t;, Our EJ- .n:ee on this 'A splendid range -- IOW inns :fie :::.:::.:.........:: .. Mouth street, with e complete and up-to-date equipment of Buggies. Hicks, Surreys. Bend waR„ns, He., and a fine stable of horses. AUTOM OBI i POR HIRI 'Buses meet all traits and boats. Orden promptly at tended t• •t acv time r.f h.d.y 'releptv.i.c 51 T. M. DAVIS