HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-28, Page 8r TeotwnaT. too. NI, MO
Tuesday, Sep-
tember 2nd
We have a full, complete stock
of all the authorized Text Books
(tr Public Schools, Separate
Sehaola and Collegiate insti-
tutes. et publisher's cut prices.
Don't wait. recur, your school
books before school opening and
avoid the rush. We can tellyou
Dui books you require, e
guarantee phew correct.
A tcenieodous stock of Scrib-
bler,, 1Cierciee Books, Science
Note iBooks. Drawing Books,
Copy Books, Lead Pencils, Pens,
Inks, Erasers, etc.
,'letter and bigger value than
ever in the above ::nee.
Terms strictly cash.
The Colonial Book Store
'Phone 100 Goderich.
1 1
for Plumbing, Heating. Wiring.
and all kinds of Metal Work.
Always in Stock
METAL ROOFING, all kinds
1,6 W ICR TS,B
Get our prices. They are al-
ways li ht, consisterit with good
material and hnnelit wok k.
W. R. Pinder
oederrtca, *7th August. LAIL
Notices of a special mtetiog of the
Board of Trade held on the 98th Met-,
"to discuss one of the moat important
netters ever brought before this
Board, a matter of vtat interest to
this county as a who,' anti to (lode -
rich especially," we oral. to a
hundred of the bush:was (nen shod
other who were"uppoeed to be inter-
ested in the welfare of Goderich, ask-
ing them to attend.
How many responded to the call ?
Some twenty, 1 . tb i n k. How
is the absence of the remaining eighty
to be accounted for'. It cannot be that
they were all sick or had prior engage-
ments. Why, then, did they pay Ito
heed to the pressing notice sent them P
Was it because they have more buei-
nesi now than they can attend to ? 1
doubtit. Was it for the reason that
they have already made more money
than they can spend ? 1 doubt that
also, although 1 aw open to conviction
as to tote. Was it because they aro
satisfied with the town's present
material position -think that we are
sufficiently prosperous now --and do
not want any increase of population,
are satisfied to let Gunge go on as
they are and are content that the
town continue, to a large extent at all
events, to ben popular little watering
place (although here are many things
yet to be accomplished to render it
even that) and a quiet little burg
know,' chiefly as bring the locality
where comets are held, and where
there is uo noisy traffic to disturb the
calm so desirable for satisfactory
judicial effort and the undisturbed re-
pose of the citizens generally?
Is this the highest point to which
the local patriotism of these absentees
ascends ? Does this cover the sum
total rd their aapirations 7 I don't
believe it, and surely, theu, they are
not desirous that the work which,
if succeseful, will result in benefit to
them, as well as to those woo do 11,
shall be shirked by thew and fall upon
the others. Sorely uct. Surely they
do not wish to avoid their share of
responsibility and take nothing of the
toil but a, muob of the profit as they
That would not be fair, and I do not
believe that is their wish. InditYereuce
and the idea that nothing of con-
seuuence can he accomplished are, I
think, mainly .resuousible for this
apparent lack of interest. However
that may lie, its existence is deplor-
able, for at this particular juncture,
wheu it is; well known That leading
industrial estahlishwents in the United
States are desirous, as uever before, of
estahlishing branches in this country ;
when a greater , Kent un-ty presents
itself to us now testi in the past of
utiliarag our 'i.pIi ndid water emu-
mul,ii a: ion : and When the continua-
tion ut mu interurban electric railwvey
throughuat. this county is opening up
its prospect' of almost incalculable
progr ss to nur circa -t t hold b.ick
now, to breit t.', to tea faint-hearted. to
sleep s trimly upuu our foot. dtst•I.'..ee
the ca. ares:. . xhiisitien.. of issewate
folly eon:viral, --. le t its all realise
the g a s i y.1 re(' prrseut eituaatioe.
A year. 1t ad e.nit y tx' too tete. Let
us :.1: Mar: 't•grthtr now for the
cosnn'ou g. u...
President Board of Trade.
liatoillon St., Goderich.
Md. The:Moors,' took place from his
late redden, Queen street, south aid.
oil Monday afternoon, beingcooductei
by the I. G. O. F., hod was Iareel at-
tended. Among those preireot at the
humeral were Messrs. Frank. Thomas
and William ; Mrs. H. Mpenc) Tor-
onto ; Mr. A. K. 8borelend, Detroit ;
Mr. Ww. Eden, Mrs. J. Small, Arthur.
Those eontemplatliog
having their house
wired would be wise to
get my prices. Wiring
done without marring
walls or ceiling and Bs-
iehed in worktuanlike
manner in aocordaUoe
with Canadian Fire Un-
derwriters' rules.
Supplies of every
description kept in stock
including .t3I as s w a r e,
Electric Irons, Batteries.
Flsshlight Batteries,
Tungsten Lamps, etc..
aril solei at tnckbottom
pr ices.
Repaint a spec ial I y.
Electrical Contractor.
North Street lover Signal (tlged.
t Open evening-.
Maple Leaf Grocery
We have received
a new (shipment of
absolutely pure
White Clover
Pineapples Grape Fruit,
Pot •toes. Wei Beans.
tluctanhers, Aepn r • g u s,
Isettnre. Onions. Radishes,
Spinach. Tomatoes,
Kindlyget your order le
early or Pruite and V
Mablea and avoid dQi-
S. J. Young
HawMten strict
Hotel Sunset.
Arrivals at Hotel Sunset: Jessie
C. Currie, Luc Blake, W. T. Curtis
and family, Mrs. J. Ralston, Miss
Miry Sway, 8. C. RRynolds, D. H.
Barnett and famil , Detroit ; Edward
Lauder and family, Durham ; W. J.
Pierson, J. D. Coghill, J. A. Philips.
Stratford ; John Parsons, jr., Toledo ;
A. Cummins, Detroit: A. J. Johnston,
Toronto; Mrs. and dies C'otkshutt,
Brantford ; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gib-
bs ns, 'Toronto ; Mise Scaife, Mies
Chauffeur, Brantford ; H. Marti..
Mrs. Martin, F. Martin, Windsor;
Mr.. J. J. Salliette, Ecorse, Mich.:
Mire H. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. E. (i.
Otter. G. M. McLean. Miss R. McLean,
Mrs. 0. Herds, Detroit : Mies G. L.
Gray. Miss M. Gray, Toronto; Mr.
and May J. 8. Bleck. Donald Black,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kempt, Mr. and
Mr,. W. Lundy. F. M. McGinnis,
,'Detroit; N. Menderson, ('incinnatti;
Mrs. J. P. McKellar. Chatham ; Mrs.
J. Felvy and son, Detroit ; Minnie L.
Kobinds, Minneapolis ; F. T. Chap-
man. Jessie May, Helen Reno. Detroit ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyer, Brantford;
Mrs. J. Herds and daughter, Detroit ;
Mrs. M. Robinson, Brantford; Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Burgin, Guelph ;
A. H. Foster, Windsor ; Mr,.
W. H. Breithaupt, Misses Mar-
garet and Martha dreitbaupt, Berlin ;
Ohas. B. Baungar(,en, Manchester,
Iowa: Austin La Due, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. F. 8. Jarvis, Toronto; Mr.
and Mr,. C. W. Cadwell, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Urifilths and son, Windsor ;
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hagerty, Miss
R. M. Marshall, Miss 1. Geeswold, E.
E Bloom. Miss A. M. Joyce, John H.
l'ringle, Detroit.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
By loal application. as they cannot reach the
dowered portion of the oar. There is only one
way to cure dafeeu., and that is by oonstits-
Lionel remedies. De•tneas is mused by an in-
flamed condition of the muoou. lining of the
Ku-stachian Tube. When this tube 1. Inflamed
you have • rumbllrfit wound or imperfect ar-
Ina. and when it is entire,' closed deadness
the result. and unless the inflammation can be
taken outand this tube restored to Its normal
000ditiuo. hearing wilCbe destroyed forever;
nine cases of every ten are caused by catarrh.
which is nothing' but an inflamed condition of
the anaemia surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for any
case of de fness§ i mused by catarrh) thdt can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. J. ORKNEY & (U.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists. 73e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
M w sl. Brie of Pee Albsst au Itlr.
sed Neese. at nellerlab. sae
R J. RusabalL!, Ilest Mmes. r
Teeaa 'Exhibition this ween end t.
vattag at Niagara Yalu gild I�a4ea
Mies crew TOW: wad suet MV ova
field aaid�Seaford) wb.a their relatives.
Mr, Waist.) A. Lawson sod damigh rr•
Asset Jean. Assand al &. et, MR
day on • visit W Ter onto and Hamilton.
Miss Joao Segdeu who hr bees v=g
Miss. Blackstone, tett for gnglan• ea M
Mies Blsoketose accompanied her to Tomato.
Geo. M. tltrmabss. of Topeka. Kassa,. has
bosuns town thea weak .pendlut a portion et
Ms holidays with W grandwother. r,. Ueo-
hills A. Id wards. el Sherbrooke. tluebse, end
Mies 9e11e Monologs. of Klo•wrdine, are visit-
ing at the realdeace of Mr-. L Donaldson.
Hindu. street.
Ripley £xpprre.as�:� M
uUr. and Mrs. Jobe Arm-
eog. of odertoa, were vleltIag Mts. Arm
ssttrrooms.a a sister. Mrs. J. Shelton, add other
friends this week. inge
Anal. Greene baa returned to W home ie
Detroit. Mich., to spend a few weeks with his
dstat. Mrs. D. L Rtcbardio•. In their summer
collage •t, ('.se Like.
MIs Birdie Hays who had been staying with
her nephews and Menne at Sesforth daring the
absence of Mr. a -td Mos. R. S. Hays in the (ltd
Country, bas returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. L F. Searle hove been in
town the past seek. They lave just returnee)
from • Utpto Albertawhere they visited Mr..
Swart.' alder. Mrs. W. C. Hone°. at Waste.
Mr. and Mrs. A. it. Vail and their two
daughter.. Margate,' and Elisabeth. who have
been visitlog at the re -ideate of J. H. celibates.
leave en Saturday for their home at Washing-
ton. D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. John Levy. of (,'snow.
announce the engagement of their eldest
daughter. Lillie May [ t William D. Mervin. of
Woodstock. The marriage will take
quietly in 8t- Stephen's eburcF. Nina peg.
the scooted week la t,eptember.
Mrs. Douglas McKenzie. Master Harold and
Jeanie have recuroed from a trio down the
St. Lawrence Itl+ee end through the Thousand
Islands. They slatted Montreal and also 81.
Catharines. making 11e• trip on the -teenier
Vorkton. of which Mr.. McKenaie's husband
l+ chiet engineer.
To the *Fritter et The dlsnal.
Sts, -Big Hydro -electric poles are
planted in the middle of the road at.
the intersections of Wellington and
Lighthouse sweets and Vi ellington
and Quebec streets. This creates a
quite unnecessary danger. Some-
body will be running into those poles
with a buggy or an automobile, ani
the town will have a damage suit on
its bands. The town council should
have them moved at once to the side
of the road. z•
visiting Mrs. K loess. at
Clinton Model School,
The following teachers -in -training
are in attcndanc. at Clinton Model
School, which opened last week :
Daisy Copp. Clinton
Mary Reynolds, Clinton
Manley A. Shipley, Clinton
Albert F. Cooper, Clinton
Harold R. Uantelon, Clinton
Elizabeth Ford, Clinton
Joan Wylie, Clinton '
Gladys Draper, Clinton
Henderson W. Forrest, Clinton
Flossie Brown, Londesboro'
Emily P. Law, Druwbo "^
Charles Fowler, Wiogham
Beams E. Stewart, Wingham
Robert I. Ferguson, Belgrave
Nellie C. Moffat, Teeewater
Una Martin, Teeswater
Lorne 8. Farrell, Teeswater
Isabella W. Potter, Blyth
Cora M. Schroeder, Dashwood
Matilda M. Miller, Dashwood
Florence M. Lewis, Clandeboye
John F. Cook, Belfast
Vera A. Atkinson, Lucan
James C. Walker, Exeter
Pearl C. Mackenzie, Dunganncn
Laura Griffin, Kiotail
Anna E. White, Redeckville
Elva R. Watson, Kilmenagh
Hugh A. McMillan, Holyrood
&arab Smith, 8c.' Helens
Grace Bcbram, Parkhill
Ewart D. Cameron, Lucknow
luniq Macdonald, Ripley
Annie C. Curran, Ripley
Gertrude M. Kidney, Ripley
Annie M. Macpherson, Ripley
Te the Udder of The Signal
Mika 8iit,-it has been a pleasure
this summer to see the squirrels in the
oonrt house perk. They seem to rely
upon the protection of those in author-
ity. as they are cotnparatively tame
and show little timidity. To the credit
of the present generation of Uodericb
boys be it said that they do not, as
boys in bygone years used to do,' begin
chasing a squirrel with sticks and
stones as soon as they see it, and end
the pursuit only when the poor litU.d
animal lies limp and dead before them.
No; the ,quarrels ere an additional
attraction for our pretty park, and no
one should allow them to be molested.
Winter will soon be coming on, and
they will need some winter food.
There are no nut -trees in the park,
and it has been suggested to me that
an ar.rllciel- food supply should be
provided and placed where the s uir-
rels will be sure to get it. Perhaps
the court !moire officials, sander whoa
benign protection the iqutrrels gaily
frisk about the park, have alrend
taken steps b pee that the little ani -
Mals do not starve during the winter.
1f they have not, 1 would humbly pug -
gest that they start a fund for the pur
pose and the undersigned (who leaves
his name at the Signal office) will be
Klatt to subscribe.
Yours truly,
A Lovett or NATURE,.
Kincardine Reporter: On Saturday,
the 18th inst., there pawed away an
old and highly a ttremed resident in
the person of John Adams, aged .ee-
enty-flue years. The late Mr. Adams
was born in Uermary and carne to
Oanada with his perents when a boy,
first settling near Fergus. He cave /o
Kincardine *bent thirty-eight years
ago He was an employee cf the
Grand Trunk Railway for over thirty -
Ave years, bet for many years past
has lived retired at his home on abe
south side. i)re,ased was • mac of
quiet disptriti.m. He made many
warm friend. duringhis residseee
hare, who will regret is paster away.
He was one of the old..t menrnses ni
the Prneteneore Lodge,I. 0. 0. F. In
r.igion he was a Methodist- Elie
wife predeceased him about scar years
ego. The n om:therm of bis fair ''y left
to mourn his ss are Kiwi M sad
I MJobn, at honer ; Thomas and William.
Pslwe etnn ; Pienk. 0oesnieh : Me',
P. Kay and Mss, lemvetr, Aan Frame
elsee. L 1. t Mee, Cleaver. Haltimbwrieb
The Kincardine Reporter had the t
following ppearr leek week toe -
owning a cl.rgyynnt well known in
"A man hardly knows what tile
future life may mime. On Sunday
last a lady well up in years braved the
heat of Use day and went to the
Methodist church to beer Rev. Dr. Le
blear. She said, 'I knew Jimmie les
Gear when he was a Utile boy and he
was a good boy then. kind and true.
That sermon of his tonight shows that
he bar developed into a grand and
Godly man. It does one good and
Wanted to Get It Right.
♦ bevelling salesman died suddenly
and was taken to his boon* in the
West. His relatives telephoned the
nearest florist, some tulles distaste to
make a wreath ; the ribbon should by
extra wide, with the inectiptlon,Reef
in Peace" un both ride*, and, it there
was room, "We shall Meet in
The florist was'Kway and his new
assistant handled the lob. It was a
startling floral piece wblcb turned up
at the funeral. The ribbon was extra
.vide and bore the Inscription :
.trengthtse one's faith to And the "Reef in Peace on Both gide., and it
youth you have kitowc true to the old There It Room We shall Meet in
doctrines.' " Heaven." -Lippincott'..
Walkerton. Sept. 11, 12
Exeter Sept. 15. 18
Listowel. Sept. 18, 17
Mitchell Sept. 16. 17
17, 18
UODERICH BRPT. 17, . 1 s
Lucknow......., 'Rept 18, 19
Kincardine Sept, 18. 19
Seafortb Sept. 18. 19
Stratford Sept. 18, 19
Ripley ..... ........... Sept. 23. 24
St. Marys. Sept. 'L4, 24
Hayfield .Sept. 25, 28
Wtngbam-. ... Sept. 25,28
Kirkton-. .. • Sept. 25, 28
Milverton.. ....... ScnL 26, 26
Blyth. ..... ._ .8ept. 90. Oct- 1
Brussels Oct 2,
Go.•rie Oct.
Teeswater .............. .... Oct. 7. N
Jimson-"1 do spring cleaning at all
seasons of the year." Jackson -
'ti tea s that. Jimson-"I'm a watch-
The mac who insists on having hi;-
owo way at all time* is apt to inter-
fere with the progress of others,
end, in so doing, step on bis ,.wtt
Uneasylies the head that wtar, o0
Bair in fy time.
It's only a matter of time until a while
lie beoosaeadirty.
Thera. • lot to be seen at the seaah re
besides the shore.
Some men ars honest -just as ssnur
women are silent.
Soulful Bore ----Ab, thst I could be
transformed by some kind fate into
some article you wear, so as 10 be
always near you!" The Bored One
tabsently)-"Dry muff. for instance.
A Fine Attraction for the Goderich lodes.
trial Exhibition.
An interesting and novel feature of
the Goderich Industrial Exhibition
this year will be a display by the Amer•
ican Road Machine Co. of • complete
line 0111s product,. This will include
a complete crushing plant, dump
wagons, road roller. toad grader,
street sprinkler, street sweeper, etc. -
in fact a complete line of machinery
for road -mating purposes -and not
only will it give visitors to the Exbibi•
tion an opportunity of examining the
latest and hest road -making appli-
ances. but it will open the eyes of
many citizens of Goderich to ttte im-
portance of one of the industries of
their own town. Champion rout -
building machines are shipped all over
Canada from Goderich ; but many
Goderich people never saw one and
do not understand that right in their
midst is an iridustty which in its line
leads the whole Dominion.
Power wilt be supplied by the Com-
pany, so that the machinery man be
exn 49 actual operation.
The Company is notifying the heads
of municipalities all over Western
Ontario that the exhibit will be at the
Goderich fair, and it is expected that
this will bring to tows the representa-
tives of many municipalities whicb
are projecting
board will no doubt
provide every posable facility for the
exhibit, as it will be a great *dvertioe-
ment and attraction for the fair.
Another exhibit of interest will be
that of the Huron Gasoline Engine &
Machinery Co., who purpose showing
an extensive line of gasoline eugines.
MIs Tena Watson is visiting in Toronto.
Ernest Colborne le Fpeoding a few day.; In
will MacKwan lett for Toronto today for •
short visit.
Victor Dean leases for Huffelo on Monday
for a snort visit
Mies Rhoda Howey, of Lueknow. in !letting
friends in town.
M. A. Macdonald. of Vancouver. B. C.. was
In town this weak.
Mies B. Ostrow of Toronto. is visiting her
brother. Chan. Ostrow.
Mra Sandford Stokes left on Frid•y to visit
friends le Seaforth vicinity.
Mrs. R. J. DeLonl�t( and daughter. 11*. are
vis*Ung relative. In lerif tto.
Mrs. T. M. Davis will receive on the first and
third Ther *deed of each month.
Mies Meryl* Yilmore who has been visiting
at Rmbro, returned on Monday.
Brua.els Poet : Mhos Hotel Lowry ti enjoying
a holiday with Uoderloh friends.
Mrs. 1'• MacKwan is visiting her daugbter.
hire. Y. T.:Kterer. at Woodstock.
Allan McKenzie of Woodcliff on Hudson.
N..1.. M Manias relatives is town.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elder lave on Fri lay
for • two weeks' trip to the West
T. Schuler let t day(Thursday) for Berlin
when he expect. to tae • pa*Uow.
8afortb Expositor - Mrs. Ketcham. of Gods*
rich. is Mating her deer. Mew. Robert Bell.
Mr. and Mra. U. Johnston and Marten Archie
a tad Kelm have left for • vao•Uoe In Toronto.
Mas .1 H. Milian M visiting fnend. at
Bruoeseld sod Blake top • few dab. 1110 week.
Mrs. Samuel Lynn left last week to join her
bust mid at Sudbury. where they mil reside In
lira. W. a Web ter to •pending • few day.
at the home of Mr. and Mr•. Dooley Johnstoo.
Mrs ('hr.. Fairbairn. of Regina. is visiting
Mapto, Mr. ase Mra Joan Graham,res esewesu.
Mra J 0. Howe), of Lacknow. i. slatting
ler /augate.e, him. V horn** seed IOW
Aga,. howey.
Kim 1.LU•e W hiUne,etsreed lel week ane.
Weeding • pleasant vae•Usa el Sarela. Buffalo
mod lleVMaed.
P Jews Phillips of Kennett Nur* Pa,
preu4dest of the Amerman Need Machine Cs..
,• le hewn lefty
Pommel Comes. of Easel' %belt was the
rarest 11. meta a Mr. w a Meager a
Iwo tees loot week
Mra w Tweeting and random of Tomos
esteemed how so T.eda7 after .esadtee two
arsathe erne tetaUvs bore_
Rev J. and M a Pellso1 aim Mester Rhys
trays ler for tire womb. v.e•eten to 1• moot
a t T.eeies eiwt ashmr mama
Thaw Without et Plasma Palls, N. 1
MOW seet.asme
e. Or. M. att.., s,
OMAN sem ttraabam blas wesh-
��.sMiaserlw1� Jebeist ss mai he�rlddsegst.e, Mr
rr moss r, an n• greases .f the
Have Tau warn our window display
of stdgerne hale tonic? We are ex-
clusive agents in Goderich for Batfeine.
We are giving one special attention
b Sageine this week •nd we are
anxious to have you try• bottle of
Mageine at oar risk. s . say : if
Magnine won't please the most skepti-
cal we will refund the money. Rage
ins comes to F. J. Rutland with a
great record of tureen and we .ver"
fortunate In securing Itte agency.
Sagvine is 'mid with • guarantee to
atop hair from falling and to renrnot.
• clean growth reg•rdime of WE
kingou have 'offered with dandruff.
Saaene ia the favorite dressing with
wowsn of refinement throughr it the
United Roam and Canada and ( e
pries le only Me. • hugs bottle. Eie
sore to go to F. J. Holland's, other
stares esmnot apply yen with Sage.
Ding Dong Bell
Back go the Boys and Girls to School
They will be wanting new stockings, of course, and per-
haph a new sweater coat for the cool days of the early Fall.
It may be the girls want a new dress. We are ready to
supply their wants with stockings, coats and dresses that
will stand the wear the boys and girls give them at school.
Values and qualities are up to our usual high standard.
For a school Stocking there is none so good as
as the "Hole -pro )f." Have you tried them ? They
cost a little more than lots of other makes but
then they are worth it. Every pair is sold with
the maker's guarantee that they will wear. Extra
weight and reinforced at heels and toes. We
know of rough-and-tumble boys who have been
wearing tbem fer the past three months and there
is not • hole in the stockings yet.
Black or tan. all sizes, three pain ((0�
in a box, at per box $1.00 1 eW
A Good School Stocking at 15c
These stockings are made front good quality
cotton yarn, seamless feet, and very strong and
serviceable. Best black dyes. All size,, 15e
special per pair
New Sweater Coats
New Sweater (-oats for boys and girls. Ai.
desirable colors and combinations, all sixes. Splen
did wearing. natty and nobby garments.
Sweater Coate for boys.... Iso and $1.00
Sweater Coate for girls $1.00, 51.28 .1nd
Girls' Dresses at 79c
Extra value and extra good Dr'ewe•.
from good quality gingham'. A big varier} int
patterns and coloring'.'
Regular values up to $1.50. Special Inc
prices, each only X77
First Showing of
New Suits and Coats
The new Suits and Coats for Fall are here and we invite you
to come and see them. Mane and most attractive are the new
garments with styles co radically different to any of past sear
sons. There is a variety to choose from now that there cannot
be later on, f.tr of the most exclusive we have but one garment
of any given style. The stcck is larger, the assortments are
greater and the character and style of the gar."encs are distinct-
ly in advance of any we have heretofore attempted to show.
We will be glad to have you come and look the garments over
whenever you find it convenient.
Man tailored Suits for women
$i5.00 to $35.00
Man tailored Coats for women
$8.5o to $30.00
Nemo Corsets
If you once wear the Nemo it will be hard for anyone
to induce you to wear any other Corset. Every woman
whc once wears this Corset becomes an enthusiastic devotee.
A demonstration will prove a revelation.
The important part the Corset plays in conforming the
figure to the present day style of dress is worthy of your
closest study ; that is, in selecting the model that will do all
that is required without discomfort or injury to the wearer.
The Nemo is a scientific figure reducer ; has the latest
lasticurve back, broad gores of elastic cloth extending far
below the back steels, giving good style and perfect comfort
and ease to the wearer either sitting or standing.
Nemo self -reducing 4ont, made of strong coutil, sizes
20 to 36. Prices. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.50
Sale of Umbrellas Continued
The special sale of Umbrellas will continue all
tris week. You have no better chance to get a
good Umnbrells for Fall at waving prices. Tops of
good `loris with taped edges, steel rod, bulb run-
ner. hollow rim. A splendid variety of nobby
bandits Regular value $1.60 While (>,
this lot last*. tach only ..... . „ ...... X998C
Many Bargains in Cotton
Dress Goods
Many are the bargains at the Cotton Drew •
Goads counter. for we are making a clean sweep
of be last of the Summer stork Gingham's Moie-
ties and Franey Weaves of all kinds A big rot -
lection gathered together and thrown on one of
the Bargain TabIsa Regular values up tr. i6r.
You ran take your amine at per yardr]
only 1 LA.
Hundreds of Handkerchiefs
Still to Sell
The prettiest, the daintiest, the cheapest and
in fact the most all-round attractive int of Hand-
kerchlefs we have ever offered Is now selling. it is
an agent's set of samples and there are some really
handsome ones in the lot. No two alike. Rego
lar values are lbs to 76e. Wst
are selling them at t C o 4 C
Millinery Department Re -opens
Tuesday, September 2nd
Mies Reynolds will return from her vacation
on Tuesday nett and the Millinery Deportment
will re -open Inc the Fall se.aon. The data of our
for•wtal opening will 110 annaulloei • little later but
we will le ready right from Tuesday to attend to
business The new stock is all hers and we will
give prompt attention to all orders from thsjdati
of oar re -opening.
_ w
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