HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO
The News of the District
*14645454.464$44$445464545+4545+4046 +46516454641 eis 45454664,454,44646454*
MONUAY, Aug 25.
Mersin. -Illi. and Mn. John Most
*pent the week -end in Hensall and
vicinity...... W. B. and Mrs. Forster
spent Sunday in the couoty town
Juho White and family, of Godericb,
spent Sunday at the borne of W.
rasher..... Maitland Allin spent Sun-
day under the parental roof .... M
abler is preparing to move his house
en another site in the near future
Hugh 11111 took a trip to Walkerville
last week and brought up a motor-
truck. This is the Irst one to come to
this vicinity. Wbo will be nett
The 1-. P. A. of the Evangelical
el.urcb hell their weekly meeting at
the parsonage on Friday evening bun.
list,-e.b,uente were served at the close
of the meeting. A good time is re-
MOJIDAT, Aug. 25th.
sacs tie THE WBEtt.-Mrs, Jelter-
sut, and Eileen, of Crediton, and Alma
and Tommy Alton, of Luokuow, also
Aiwa Blake, of Crewe, are visiting at
the huanie of Mrs, %Vni. Blake
Mir %%'m. Soothers and family at-
tended a picnic at Point Farm on
Tuesday last Mrs. Brown and
Sahara are viriliog at the home of
Jas. ,auoders Mrs. D. K. Alton
is a.. present attending to her father,
Robert Blake, alto is very.,ilL...Mr.
sod Mrs. Norman Shackleton visited
the humet's uncle at Kingarf, who
has been ill Miss Ida Rivett, of
Crewe, isited her cousin, Mia Bar-
bara CiiiLelt, over Sunday Mies
Je.-ie soothers is visiting at the home
of Thos Stothera. Daogannoo
Misse- Lily and Mary Curran. of
(leer, visited at the home of Nat-
Saunder•s . Rich. and %Vitt Finlay
left on .itutday for Cochrane to look'
after their claims preparatory to their
moving tater in the fall Thresh-
ing i. now the order of the day. Thos.
Richardson. of Pint Albert, is doing
most rf the work Mr. and Mrs.
Shackleton, of Dungannon,
baited at Norman Shackleton'', on
Wednesday last Steve and J. C.
&others visited at the home of Isaac
A.-,dree Ian'Muoday.
Use :: as Dressing -Banish, Dandruff -
Stop Falling Hair and Scalp Itch.
Parisian sage, the delightful and
invigorating hair tonic. is a true
bait nnurirher. It penetrates into the
scalp, gets to the roots of the hair.
kills the dandruff germs, and supplies
tit( hair with just the kind of nourish-
ment it needs to make it grow
Since ita iutrodoetjen into Canada
Parisian Sege has bad an immense
tale, and here are the reasons :
It does,not contain poisonoua sugar
.of lead, nitrate of silver or sulphur or
any injurious ingredient.
It cute, dandruff intwoweeks. by
killing the dandruff germ.
It stops falling hair.
It promptly stopa itching of the
It makes the hair soft, glossy and
It gives life and beauty to the bair.
1t is nut sticky or greasy.
It is the daintiest perfumed hair
tonic made.
It is the best, tbe most pleasant and
invigorating bair dressing made.
Made only in Canada by The R. 1'.
Booth Co.. Ltd., Fort Erie. Ont. The
price is only 50 cents at drug stores
an: counters where toilet goods are
E. R: Wigle guarantees IL
tow Rates for Labor Day Vi$Canadian
Pacific Railway
ire• nrn t i(kets will be issued between
stations in Canada, Port Arthur
and east :and to Sault Ste. Marie,
Detroit. Mi'h., Buffalo and Niagara
%•'all., Y . as follows:
At single fare. -Good going Angus[
atth..,t.t and S. Member 1st. Return
loon. September 2nd, 1913
At (are and one-third. -Good going
August Cttil. 3nh, 31st, and September
1•t Return limit, September 3rd, 1913.
�•, ne tickets and rein information
front any C. P. H. ages,.
TUESDAY, Aug. 268.
Noteo-Mins Addie Cox spent a
few days visiting Mips Shaw in Col -
home i(ir. and Mrs. Lowry, of
North Bay, visited .t W. Vander -
burgh's last week W. Vander-
butgh. wife and child spent Sunday
in Clinton Hiram Cox left for
Toionlo en Saturday... ..Mre. Nor-
man Snider and daughter, of Radios
son, Sisk., and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, of
-Maitland concesaop, visited a1 John
'Cot's lust week Miss Woods, of
Bayfield, visited at Jim Blair's this
week visited - • • . Fred Wallis, of the Soo.
at Meth. Cox's this week.
Leila Emmerson Is spending a
few days in Tormlto.
Maul People Err in Thinking Une Can
Rates Rule There.
rrlditerhin theuair rte vbe postal
rates for rural delivery. Marry people
who are mailing letters for these
routes are under the impression that
the rate for letters to he delivered on
Orem u the ordinary city rate of °De
it( per ounce. ood in the town' are
putting only that a soant of portage
on the lettere of those who are includ-
ed in tbe rural service. Postmaster
May told The Nesaldalot oftrouble
i velar is too eommnn
-tis misspelled been mt�e1lid to sepostal nd nut
eirrtllars to be di teibeited in the nos.•
"rev throughout t
rites th r' ghoutt►. Province. The
ruts" delivery are abs
rims a.
those toe ordtssry trlsfllatg;
That rate is two casts per oases sr
*action thereat. The only
[ Manna
hal a,er,e,i at Ih. nor elm" t.
are 1b. drop lettere, which are ror d.-
') at the @.m. 011108 whws they
TUESDAY, August 26th.
Nlwa Narita. -Mrs. Geo. Bropby
visited Toronto friends last w eek .
Ed. and Russel King, of Molesworth,
yirited friends in this vicinity this
$eek Rev. C. Rutherford and
311e. Rutherford, of Reid's Corners,
visited at Win. McAllister'. last week.
Harvesting is finished in this
vicinity and threshing wilt soon be
the order of the day James
Ploughman, Henry Leishman, Joseph
Thompson and Robert Smith, jr., were
among the excursionists to the Rest
this week Wm. Redmond visited
Ashfleld friends last weer.
TUESDAY, Aug. 28th.
Miss Hattie Cameron, who has been
visiting her brothers in the West for
the past two months, has returned.
Mts. McEwen and Alex. Mustard
left yesterday for 'Winnipeg, to visit
their brother William, who is in the
hospital there and is very low at pres-
ent, with iso prospects of his recover-
Harry Magee has left for Toronto,
after epending a month at his home
here. He came up and also returned
on his motorcycle.
Harry Horton has been engaged as
teacher for the coming year at the
Magee school at a salary of 1700.
James Baird and sisters, Miss Baird
and Mr.. Harrison, of Detroit, are
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. Sauvage, of Seaforth, coo -ducted
the services in the Presbyterian
church here last Sabbath. Rev. Hall
Woods, the rotator. is expected home
Mir week.
Nearly all the fanners have finished
harvesting. and threshing has com-
menced. The grain is turning out
well and of an excellent sample.
Plums are getting ripe and will be a
drug oo toe market, as nearly every-
one has Ln abundance of them.
Mrs. Moses Culwill, an aged lady.
of the 2nd concession. Tucketsmitb,
is vety pootiy at present.
Low Rates to Toronto Via Canadian
Pacific Railway.
To accommodate those wishing to
visit Turuntc for the great Canadian
Nations. Exhibition, the Canadian
Pacific Railway will issue return
tickets at single fare from Fort Wil-
liam, Port Arthur. Sault Ste. Marie,
Vs indoor and all stations in Canada
east thereof to and including Hull,
Ottawa and Apple Hill. Good going
August :Zed to September 6th, tuclu-
From Port Burwell, St. Thomas,
Bade Piuk. St. Mary., Goderich,
Lotowel, Elora, Wingham, Tees-
eeswater, Walkerton, Owen Sound, Pott
McNicoll, Parry Sound, Bobcaygeon,
Ivanhoe, Hamilton and intermediate
stations ; also Berlin. Waterloo. Pres-
ton and Hespeler-Augnst 26th and
Bath, September 2nd and lab.
From Windsor to Melrose, Ambro
lo Sudbury, Tweed to Smith's Frain,August 27.th and September 3rd. Re-
turn limit on all tickets, September 9th.
Secure program containing rates and
full patticulars tegatding special train
set vice, etc., from any C. P. H. agent or
write M. G. Murphy, district passen-
ger agent, Toronto.
TUESDAY, Aug. 26.
few of our kcal Carlow snorts rod
some rooters visited Dungannon on
Saturday evening in response to •
challenge from that town tb a base -
hall uratch• A veru exciting game was
the reaulr. ening with a score 7 to 5
in favor of Carlow.
LAWN So( art.. -The question of the
day is, Where are you going on Sep-
letuber 3rd ? Why ! `Vhal is go-
ing on Oh, di.f you net hear?
Smith's Hill church is hawing a lawn
social on Mies L. Ferguson's beautiful
lawn. Supper served from 5 to 7 p.
also a fine program and a return base-
ball match between Dungannon and
Carlow sport.. Everybody come and
bring your best girl.
Ngwa NOTES. -We notice that Ed.
F,sher has treated his house to a coat
of paint, which has added greatly. to
its appearance The farmers are
busily engaged in threshing and the
turnout is very satisfactory. Some of
the farmers have begun sowir.g their
fall wheat Alex. Barnby and W.
Clayton intend going to Toronto on
Ftiday to attend the great Exhibition.
Mrs. Jas. McBride left Tuesday
for s few weeks' visit with friends in
Hamilton and Toronto . . McKenzie
Young, of Pittsburg. Pa., bas returned
home after spending a few weeks
with friends here Mins D. Smith,
of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. J. A.
S. Ver nos . . Our school teachers,
Miss Tena Johnston, Miss Gladys
Levy and Richard Levy, leave for
their respective scbo?ls next week.
Miss Levy return" to Huntingfleld.
Richard Levy goes to Jamestown and
Mies Johnston takes a school near
Bh th Mre. H. Fisher, of Da-
kota, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tho,.
Hamilton Thos Hamilton left
last week for a trip through the Slates
and the great Writ. He expects to he
away a month. We wonder if he will
enure heck the same way as he went.
is. Leila Boggs. of Toronto.
visited Mier L. Ferguson during the
past week Mie Annie Y. Hender-
son, of Chicago. is the quest of bee
sister, Mre. Andrew Johnston.. Warn-
er and Anhrey Walters left on MOT,-
omday for Weyburn, Rank. We wish
thorn • safe journey . R M.
Aoung's many elands are glad to see
him out again . Mre J A. Walters
leaves Thursday to spend +l
eosple of weeks In New h ork
Rev. John Young, of Pittsburg. Pa
wbn hes heen visiting relaUvre here,
bas returned to bis home. going by
way of Haoilton, where be spigot a
Indigestion, gout. neuralgia, nausea,
gravel, rheuwatiam, dropsy, lumbago,
nervousness, beast[tee, (siding eye-
sight, sediment in ul-ine,asstone in the
kidney, dizziness, headache, Anti -Uric
Pills drive mit all uric acid poisons
from aha .blood. F. J. Butland sells
them and guarantees them. Remem-
ber the name Anti -Otic. B. V. Marion
on every package.
millLiss.towel'" tax rate this year is 'LS
Kincardine has a tax rate of 32 mills
on the dollar this year.
Seaforth is talking of having ao Old
Boys' Reunion in 1914.
H. Uavis, of Wingham, is suffering
from a broken rib, the result of fall.
W. J. Pattison has disposed of his
grocer y and flour and feed business at
%Vingham to Marshall Bell.
Mrs. John White, of Listowel, form-
erly of Grey township, diad on the
14th inst. at Listpwel, aged fifty --one
Barry Mathison, a forayer resident
of Brussels, was electrocuted at Toledo
while working with some telegraph
wirer. -
Mrs. S6lownnJ. Shannon, an old re.i-
dent of McKillop township, died on
Friday, 13th iost., in her seventy-
second year.
The contract for the new armory at
%Vinghaw has been awarded to John
Mills, of Kincardine. The contract
price is 111,168.
Mr. and Mre. Joseph Stalker, late of
Wingham, are taking up their resi-
dence at Ingersoll, where Mr. Stalker
has been appointed. principal of the
public school
Miss Lu- y Pearl Dobson, only daugh-
ter of David Dobsoo, formerly of
Ethel, d.ed on the 3rd inst. at Minto,
Man , aged twenty-four years.
The property of Thomas McEwen,
en old resident of Jamestown locality,
is offered for sale, as Mr. McEwen
and Lis wife intend to remove to Gode-
An officer of the Provincial Hoard of
Health was in Seaforth recently urg-
ing on the town council the advisabil-
ity of putting iu an improved sewerage
Fred o)rr, of %Vingbain. who lett
last week for Edmonton, was horoted
by a farewell presentation in which
several of %VinghaMe leadiug citizens
took part.
Mts. Wilson and Misses Lizzie and
Jessie and Master George left Fold-
wich last week for Edmonton, where
they will join Mr. %Vilaoo and wale
thein future home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins. of Clin-
ton, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Frances M., to %Vllliant J.
Vodden, of Youngstown. Alta.. the
marriage to take place on September.
At the Ontario street Methodist
pparsonageat Clinton on August 21st,
Er ncis Elba Coleman, of Stratford,
and Miss Pearl E. Nickle, of Clinton,
were united in 'matrimony by Rev. S.
J. Allin
The wedding took place; at Southamp-
ton on the 6th inst. of A. Harry Houl-
den. of Medicine Hat, formerly ofClin-
too, to Miss Isabella McCullough. Mr.
and Mre. Houlden will reside at Medi-
cine Hat.
Mrs. Mary Ann Docharme, Widow
of the late gli Ducharme, died at the
home of her daughter, Mre. John Char-
ette, Sauhle line, Hay township, on
Tuesday, 19th inst.. basing reached
the age of seventy-nine years.
Mr. Powne, of the Brat of Towne d
Case, owners of the apple evaporator
at Clinton, has been touring the dis-
trict to look over the apple prospects,
and found them so poor they may not
attempt to operate their evaporator
this fall.
The home of Mr. and Mre. B. Ring -
ler, Wroxeter, was the scene of a very
pretty wedding on Wednesday, 1:3tb
ins[„ when their only datigbter, Miss
Jennie, .as united in marriage to
Chart, s D. Craig of Tilsonbut g. Rev.
R. S. Lachlan(' officiated.
The sad news has (leen received at
Brussels of the death of Mrs Carey
Evans, of Edmonton, formerly Mists
Ida Williams, of Brussels. She was
twenty-seven years of age and had
been two years mai ried. She leaves a
baby boy two months old.
The death of Mr.. W. H. Routley
(lectured at Toronto nn Wednesday.
13th inst. Deceased was a native of
()ray township. and removed witb her
husband to Toronto about ten years
ago. Her death was due to cancer.
She was in her fort y -eighth year.
Geroge McMillan. second son of Mr.
and Mrs. George McMillan, liquasele,
died at Watertown, South Dakota,
recently, as the result of an accident.
He was twenty-eight years of age and
leaves one child, is ho bas been living
with an uncle and %tint at Brussels,
her mother being dead.
Rev. Mr. Thun, who has resigned
the pastorate of the Lutheran church
wt Itashwood, was honored at a fere-
well assembly of the nongregation
He we. presented with a well-filled
purse. while Mrs. Tbun was given a
handsome cut glass water set. Their
sometimes reduces her strength to the
depths of weakness -her devotion to
household cares prevents sufficient
rest and recreation. 7bousanda of
women in this condition find Scott's
Emulsion exactly what they need; it
is predigested body -food so medically
perfected that every drop yields direct
returns in strlo�t eniz the o,�a�e
and Baena and InlM kiss g hesMhy.
l>!e-daring blood•
Soett'e Etlwtales
The ant this` the average birrd girt is devoid of alrohol or any harmful
doss is look is the closet asd elm op drugs, and overoo ass tiredness sad
the deadly shaker •ervow,se u its a sesfwi•ss tray.
Comfort Soap means
"Comfort" --not just
THURSDAY, Alma dl, 1013 7
new field of labor is at Napoleon,
Farewell to Principal Rogers .
The citizens of Seaforth gave G. F.
Rogers, B. A., the retiring principal
of the Collegiate Institute, a farewell
smoker and presented him with a
handsome club -bag and a pair of lawo
bowls. To Mrs. Rogers were given
asilver cake basket and abettors jardin-
iere. Mr. Rogers goes 1.0 North Bay
as pi iucipal of the high school there.
Blyth Crop Competition.
The judging of the standing barley
crop eompetition in connection with
the RiytIi Agricultural Society re-
sulted in the awards being made to
the following : Oliver Hemingway,
Bruss(1•, 80 1-2 per cent ; Jame s Snell,
Clinton, awl; Donald Roherts,n, Brus-
sel, 77 1-2; R. R Sloan. Blyth, 79;
A. W Sloan, RtyLh,78 I-2; Robert H.
Shortte(d, Walton, 78; 1'' Toll, Blytb,
77 1-2.
A Clever Stud(nt.
W. Brenton Kerr, son r f Mr. and
Mre. James Kerr, of McKillop, made a
splendid record in the recent matricu-
lstion examination. He headed the
Ptuvince and carried off the Prince of
Wales and Edward Blake scholarships
for general proficiency. He won nine
other scholarship., but these were
awarded by reversion to other stud-
ents. Mr. Kerr, who is only seventeen
years of etre, lies been a student at
Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
Fire at Clinton.
Clinton had a fire eatly Tuesday
morning of last week, Al Forties' coal
office and a warehouse or cupied by
Messrs. Ford & McLerd being die
troyed. The coal sheds near hy, in
which a quantity of coal was stored,
were saved. The contents of the ware-
house, vetted at ahnut 3,igt, were a
complete los., there being no insur-
ance. The building, which belonged
to \Vm. Peri in, alao.wa. uninsured.
Mr. Forbes puts his loss et $1,:d)i, with
an insurance of 341)0. It is supposed
that the fire was caused by a spark
from a passing freight.
Subjects taught by =Put histn.crt es
r Y.MC.A.
is Nasion from Sept 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
JAL, Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
It eirsosscied
thlita latlftliNobiii eiiiVfiM
Binder Twine
McCormick, 65o tt.
3 Twine4at 12C per lb.
j 55o ft. Twine at 11.
per lb.
Home from Great Britain.
Seaforlb News : Mr. and Mre. R. H.
Hays returned on Monday [tom a two
monthii visit to the Motherland, look-
ing and feeling hale and hearty, if a
ttrfly e burned. Thespent most of tbeir
time in London,' England, although
they visited in Scotland and Ireland
1 They enjoyed their trip insult nsely, and,
Iwhile Mrs. Hays did not get the worth
of her money as regards her board bill.
Mr. Hays was "Johnnie on the spot"
at evety meal. The return trip was
made en the Teutnni:, and was
most enjoyable, hut our friends were
glad to come back to the Land of the
Maple and the wee bit bairns.
Pearson- Cole Nuptials.
At the home of Aire. T. D. Johnson,
Clinton, oo Tuesday evening of last
week, the wedding was celebrated of
Clatissa Elisabeth, only daughter of
Mr.. Angus Cole, art Wayne, Mich.,
and George William Pearson. eldest
inn of mi. and Mrs. Robert Pearson
of Goderich township. Only immedi-
ate relative,, were present as gueste.
The r. r• innny was performed t y Rev.
Dr. Rutledge. The wedding march
Wig played 1.y Miss Nellie Hicks,
cousin of the bride. Mies Flossie
Pearson. sister of the groom, was
leidesmad, and Will Johnrnn, cousin
i•f the 'ride, was best man. Little Miss
Bessie Cole, cousin of the bride. made
*dainty little flower -girl, a pile Mas-
ter Leslie Pearson, brother of the
groom. acted as ilnc-bearer•. Mr. and
Mrs. Pearson left fur Chatham and
other prints on their honeymoon tt ip,
after which they will take up residence
igp.troit, lite gtoonl being connected
w the Conrervatoty of
i JERoms
„ •
Excellent R,sinev College Department
• Eaauent ColezeArU Department
new Mho;. et! 6w. INZM, .auipsa4 .t
The lel g..:7sa.e.us It,,.et.
r,.ae.‘t,xt-,n,eser 1.0.4-sw.er au,- o.
\a""`-uTf re ....,,,AslWtbynti-tr.'r'ule a_seatcwonos
SATES 4. Ne •
:r.t� us.Adds.
M.t eL,c.
now in full swing, and, no doubt,
during the hot weather that now
prevails, you will be needing one.
MICLEAN BROS. have in stock a full line
of Straw Hats of the latest styles and best
makes, and are offering them at
Half Trice
The Square
1 E. R.Din•WIGLEr
baser of Marriage Liceases
WIGLE'S PHARMACYGoderich, Ontario
Summer Suits
are Most serviceable when you
have theist made of the best
goods in the most up-to-date
styles. You will obtain abso-
lute satisfaction if you patronize
Dunlop the Tailor
West, SC, Goderich
Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 1st.
Every graduate guaranteed a
posit 100.% Thorough courses. Large
staff of specialists. Individual in-
struction. Beet (quipped College
in Canada.
C. A. FLEMuw. F. C. A.
Paincipal. 0. D.FLEYINO
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest,
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Domes t i c
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of 1 -1 -
wood and '
Peter Ma
We have a few rods
left of the Canadian
Steel Wire Co. all No.
9 Fence, which we are
still selling, at; the old
prices :
7-42 fence for 25c rod
7-49 •, 28k
5.411 „ ,. 28c "
Portland .Cement
We have just got in
a fresh carload. r
Pee Coal 111.75
Pommes ass $7.30
9to.e -Ind Nos >j7.7;
Ti*gurMlis ci inorTop
Do not forget that
we handle the genuine
white ash Plymouth
hard Coal. This Coal
comes from the Scran-
ton Co.tl fields but from
a vein in which there is
hardly Any slate or
stone. It is guaranteed
not to be over two per
cent. stone or slate.
Let us figure on your Plumping, Heating, Electr 0 Wiring. F.ave-
t r 'oohing. etc. All work guaranteed.
Chas. C. Lee
PHONES Store 22 Nouse 112
r a • •herein-IIIIr•iws
allb 41 A
P.infs Corer fh. E•rfh
1biU iii o, tliN, t, mi of omi two
Cannel Coal
We have just got in
.t car load of Dixie
Birdseye Cannel Lump
Coal. This coal will
not crack and throw
coal all over your
room. Price $8.00
pre ton.
Call and see our
Hammocks, hammock
Couches, Refrigators,
Oil Stoves, Gasoline
Stoves, etc.
Screen Doors
and Windows
reduced prices.
Do you [cant
Cleveland Bicycle ?
We have three new
bicycles which we are
seliing at reduced
2 flab to wlre.is for $ r..06
1 345.ttt) whip.' for 1126.00
1 good sseosd-haed wheel
with new fir.. tar $15.im