HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-28, Page 6• TausKaY. Ana, r 1013 4�• ti DONT FORGET` ?O ORDER FROM V`E YOUR GROCERAI, , ,JRN FLA THE FALL PLOWING Now, is the time to see that you,• pi,iwa ate in good shape for the f ! plowing. We have a gem' r lay of plows on our Hoe ncluding the Verity walk- in . .ud riding Plows: also the f uoue No. 21 Firm y Plow. if you need POWER we have GASOLINE ENGINES from one and oue-halt to thirty Horse- power We have two Buggies left and will sell, at a bargain 10 clear them out in order to make room for• cutters. A full line of MASSEY-HAR- RIS IMPLEMENTS always om hand. When in town:call at THE MASSEY--HARRIS STORE ROBERT WILSON Itanliitcul Street. (iodericb. YOUR BATH ROOM Is it as convenient, sanitary and comfortable as this ? NVhy riot have it so% MODERN PLUMBING as „r install it 14 w, rlh ail (he motley invested. It mexns good health. sanitary cleanliness arid luxurious et,uveu.it•ncc fur your family. Get Our est iinstes. FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET. GODERICH 'PHONE 135 WOMEN CURED AT NOME, Women's disorders always yield from the very beginning of the treatment to the mild but effec. live, action of Orange Lily. Within two or three days after commencing Its use the Improvement becomes noticeable, and this Improvement continues until the patient la com- pletely cured. Orange Lily U as applied or local treatment. and ants directly on the womanly organs, re- moving the congestion. toning W strengthening the nerves. and re- storing perfect rlrculatlonein the diseased partsin order to convince all suffering women of the value of t1Js ►emedy I *111 send a $$-cent boa, enough for ten data' treatment, atarolutely p'itis W each'lady lending ma hr addrw. Mit$ FRANCES E. CURRAM, Wlndaor, Ont 6 For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere. The Western Fair London, Canada THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBI FION $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Magnificent I'rogramme of Attraction Twice Dal., Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. S to 13 1 Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night $a.000.0o ADDED TO THE PRIZE IST THiS YEAR Take ■ Holiday and Viet Landes a RubikiWs Slagle Pare on all Railrrad:A in Western Ontario SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES imptentber I. trth sad tstb Prue !_eels and ail Iafartat.eMa tl,e. W. j. MD, President A. ■. M LINT. y THE DIGITAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO MAW cAPTtRo Reeseed Murderer Confined In Sher- brooke Jell Following his sensattoaal dight trout tae Matteawan asylum last week Harry Thaw came to Canada, where Me olein lost his freedom for a time, at 1 t. Sheriff Kelsea of New Hamp- shire was on the same train as Thaw *ad he recognised him as the original of the newspaper picture he was look - lag at. Kelsey secured his attest in Ooatl000k, Que. Thaw claimed to have been merely passing through Osaada on his way to Detroit in which case ft 1s unlikely that he could have hese detained, only 1t was shown that Ma ticket to Detroit had been bought at Ooaticook-not on the American aide. Meat Wednesday he 1s to be er- ra geed In the superior court at Sher- brooke, herbrooks, before Justice Globensky. on a writ of habeas corpus. In speaking 8f the matter, the justice said, "As the case now stands before me, It has nothing to do with extradition or depOrttatton proceedings. All that I vs to decide is whether the war- t of commitment on which Harry Thaw is confined to jail was legally Issued or not This warrant was signed by Justice of the Peace Dupuis of cloatl000k and the charge against ,Thaw Is that he illegally escaped from Matteawan asylum." FOREST FIRES Much Damage Done In the Northern Counties That there aro no forest fires of serious proportions In the forest re- serves, but that a great deal of dam- age has been done In the more settled autrlcts of Muskoka, Parry Sound and North Victoria, owing to the care Iesanees of the settlers. was announced ill a statement issued by the Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. The Minister states that the fire rangers hav4 done everything possible to pre- vent the starting of fires. On the re- served andw Cro n lands v r the Govern- ment leen m t have 676 rangers on duty, while on licensed lands there are 300 ran - pert. The great dlmculty experienced by the Government is that the area of bush land is so great that it is almost Imposelblct to prevent fires caused by the carelessness of settlers LORD CHANCELLOR COMING Molders of Thts Office Not Often Al• lowed Away From Home Viscount Haldane. -Lord (3iancellor of Great Britain, who. with his sister. Miss Elizabeth Haldane, sailed for New York Saturday on the Lustanla. expressed regret that his visit would be so short. He said that the last Lord Chancellor to leave Engltnd on a public mission was Cardinal Wol- sey, who was sent across the channel to Calais, which was Engllsh.terrttory at that time. Speaking of his coming address at the meeting of the American. Bar As soclation In Montreal, Lord Haldane said It would be broad In scope and would cover matter of interest to both countries. The Niagara Fruit Crop After suffering for want of moisture for nearly eight weeks, the drought In the Niagara district was broken Friday by a terrific thunderstorm The rain came down In torrents for about half an hour. This will mean thoueriinds of dollars to the fruit- growers ruitgrowers throughout the peach belt, as late peaehes, while very abundant, are extremely small, and needed the molature+ to promote their growth. It L expected that the peach crop, gener- ally speaking, will be very heavy. Plums, pears and quinces are also 'plentiful, but the tomato crop. upon which the canners are depending, is extremely light. Decline In Cheese Output G. G. Publow, Dairy Inspector for Eastern Ontario. stated that the de- cline In production of cheese In On- tario from dry weather will total 17,000,000. At an average of 13 cents, the reduction In value of output will amount to ;2,210,000. In the 880 fac- tories of eastern Ontario the falling - off has been one cheese, or 80 pounds per day. Position for Molloy Lorne W. Mulloy has been appointed assistant professor of Englleh litera- ture In the Royal Military College at Kingston. Mr. Mulloy, after losing his eight In the South African War from a Boer bullet, went to Ktngsbon and took an arts course In Queen's Uni- versity. A New Port Port Weller 1s to be the name of the new town at the Lake Ontario end of the new Welland Canal, In honor of Chief Engineer J. I. Weller, who has planned all the work on the canal. Clerk Resigns Police Magistrate Joseph Pattullo, of Orangeville, who has been Clerk of the First DIvlalon Court of the county of Dufferfn for the past 26 years, has tendered .his resignation of the clerkship to the Ontario Govern- ment. Flee at Midland A very disastrous fire took plane at Midland about 11 o'clock last Monday slight when the lumber in the mill yod Of Chew Bros was reduced to mie.. it is estimated that the lose will amount to 8264,000 A Canaille's -Star Herman 1 Weigand. of Rrodh ages, Oat-. secured the highest number of naP1b at the Uslverstty of Michtgsa Ude Year The AtferaeI t y.waeral » &doed I Th Me Federal Minister of Merles to le veettgats the drnw.hag of the leek band who fell farm the •!tamer Me •steel It Is elellmed Qat iwoom Mort Ams •s* made tit Slave kas. THE LATEST MARKETS Toronto Grohs Prices. The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1. Nor., 51.00%; No. 2 Nor., 99%c; No. 8 Nor., 940. Feed wheat, 66c, on track at lane porta. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W.'., 40%c; No. 3 C. W.'s, i9ykc. Ontario Wheat, New -84c to 86c, t. o. b. Ontario Oate - 35c to 36c outside; 870 to 88c on track. Toronto; new oats. 820 to 36c outside. Corn -No. 2 yellow, 79c, c. 1. t, on i track, bay lora. Peaa-No. 2, 00c to 96c, car lots, outside. Buckwheat -No. 1, 62c to 5$c, out- side. Rye -No. 3, 600 to 62c, outside. Barley -For good malting barley, 6)c to 68a, outside; feed. 480 to 60c, outside. Rolled oats per bag of 90 lbs., 23.17%; per barrel, 24.60; wholesale, Windsor to Montreal 2d111teed-Maaltoba bran, $20.00; bags, track. Toronto; shorts, $21.00; Ontario bran, 220.00 in bags; shorts, 221.00; middlings, 223.00. Farmers' Market. Following are the latest quotations for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence Market, Toronto: - Fall wheat, bushel 5 .99 to 11.00 Oats .40 .00 Goose wheat .95 .00 Barley .68 .60 Buckwheat .68 .op Rye .65 .60 Peas .90 .00 Rye straw 18.00 19.00 Straw, bundled 14.00 16.00 Straw, loose 9.00 .00 014 hay 17.00 18.00 New hay 14.00 16.00 Eggs, new laid '36 .28 Butter, dein' n .36 .28 do. creamery .28 .00 Fowl, dressed, Ib, .17 .20 Chickens .... .26 .18 Dtoka .18 .22 Turkeys .20 .26 Geese .16 .18 Spring chickens .26 .28 Spring ducks .18 .22 Live Chickens .28 .25 " Ducklings .16 .20 Turkeys .17 .20 - Hens' .16 .18 Potatoes, new, bushel1.20 .00 Dressed hogs 12.00 •18.00 Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are:- Export cattle. choice....16.60 to 26.76 Export Dull■ 6.00 6.50 Butcher cattle. choice6.26 6.65 do. medium 6.00 6.75 do. common 4.00 4.60 Butcher cows, choice 6.00 6.60 do. medium' 8.60 4.25 Cutters 1.50 4.00 Common cows • 2.00 8.60 Canners 2.60 3.60 Butcher bulls 4.76 6.60 do. medium 4.26 4.60 Bologna bulls 2.75 4.26 Feeding steers 4.76 6.26 Stocker', choke ... ,4.76 6.26 do. medium .... 4.00 4.60 do. light ' 2.60 3.50 Milkers, choice 66. 00 76.00 do medium 36.00 66.00 Spd0. ringerm 'I ......,,66.00 76.00 30.00 60.00 Spring lambs 7.26 8.00 Sheep, light ewes4.00 6.60 do. hesv� awes .60 3.00 do. yesril•p 4.75 6.50 Culls .._ 3.00 4.00 Bucks 3.00 3.50 Hogs, tabs 9.86 10.60 do. fed and watered10.00 .00 do. delivered 10.35 10.60 Calves 6.00 8.60 Bob calves, each 2.00 4.00 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Prime steers, 88.85 to 29.00; shipping, 28.25 to 38.76; butohers, 87.00 to $8.60; cows, 23.50 to 27.50; bulls, 26.00 to 27.60; heifers, $6.26 to $8.36; stock heifers, 15.25 to 56.00; stockers and feeders, 26.00 to 87.60; fresh tows and springers, active and firm, 835.00 to 887.00. Veale -86.00 to 818.00. Hogs -Heavy, 19.25 to 89.50; mixed, 59.60 to $9.70; yorken, 29.60 to 29.76; tgs, 89.16 to $9.60; roughs, 88.00 to 836; stags, 87.00 to 27.60; dairies, 9.00 to ;9.25. Sbeep and lambs -Lambe, 26.64 to $8.76; yearlings, 84.60 to 16.60; weth- 11, 26.56 to 85.60; ewes, $2.60 to 86.00; Keep. mixed. 84.76 to $6.26. Chicago Live Steak Cattle -Reeves, ;6.90 to 19.10; Texas Steen, 86.70 to $7.86; stockers and feeders. 85.60 to 17.80; cows and betters. 63.50 to 28.30; calve., 28.00 to 211-16. Hogs --Light, 58.46 to $9.16; mixed, r.I5 to 29.16; heavy, 57.60 to 18.60; rant. 87.60 to $7.60; pigs, 24.60 to x/.60; bulk of sale., 87.90 to 88.66. S heep -Native, 81.76 to 14.75; year - Raga, 86,25 to 86.00; lambs, Retire, 56.76 to 87.90. Cattle In Montreal At the West End Market. Montreal, ibe following prime are quoted on livestock. Prime beeves, 6% a to 1%c. mediate. e to 6Hc; common, 1%o to 4t; � es. Me to 6c. shams. 4' a to tiger !w. elic to 644o; bels. telco Cheese Markets Lando• --4U boIes of ahem* mimed. Iib sales. Riddles from 13ter to 11x•, Watertiters. N. T, _pee.* stales, boxes at 14%e to 14%e. lad 1K o• private tuftal. flirt Teat laorralls els •adtrvtla+J lime Kr. Albtist Okimberlals ed rseastaherillkett tos warm!mei la irsair KS Se Wargo w. cawstR acre. s6eesseaL Distressing. First Auto Agent -"That was a peculiarly distressing cane of Swisher', who was run over by an auto yester- day !" Second Auto Agen•-"D.rd2" First Alto Ageut-"No--t.ut be was negotiating with me for the purchase of a Rump Detroit and it was a Rump - I etroit (hit rin over him." BISHOP FALLON WILL STAY. Too Large a Program on Hand to Remove West. 1t is auth :rtta'ively stated in Lon- don, Oot., the there is no fount:ation for the story that Bishop Fallon will become head of a new archdiocese i• th Wes', with headquarters at Bran- um. Itis pointed out that BisbopFallcn has embarked upon an educational program in London that will take ten yearn to- work out, and which to abandon or turn over to other hands at present would be very serious. Thio includes a seminary far' priests, a college for young boys of quasi -mili- tary t heracter, a college for Ilii Is under the direction of the Ureullues and a novitiate under the direction of the Redemptorist Otder of Monks. It is understood that considerable business is iuvolvt d in the Bishop's p: esent yirit to Rome, and that important an- uouocements with regard to them will be made upon his return. IN THE WEST. Dodd's Kidd Pins Are Making a Repu- , talion for Themselves. St. Phillips, Sask., Aug. 25th.- (Bpeeial).-In a new country, where changes cf climate and impure water are among the difficulties to be sur- mounted, kidney trouble is prevalent. it is the kidneys, the organa that strain the impurities out of the blood, that:lest feel any undue strain on the body. Cons' quietly, Dodd's Kidney Pills have been well tried and tested in this neighborhood. They have stood the test. Many szttler3 tell of backache. rheumatism and urinal y troubles cut ed by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Otto Ol.bewrki is one of these. He says : "I suffered from kidney disease for four mgnlhs. My back ached. I had heart flutter- ing., and was always tirtd and ner- vou'. My akin had a harsh, dry feel- ing: my limbs wete heavy, and 1 hada dragging sensation about the loins. "I consulted a doctor, but- as 1 did not appear to improve, I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used six boxes, and now ani all right." "AGIRL 1N THE WATER." Boys at Go Home Bay Make Thrilling Rescue. Go Houle Hay, Aug. 19.-Pa.aengek on the slrame•r 1Vaulic, which runs between Penetang and Perry Sound, witnessed a thrilling canoe upset and rescue jost as the steamer was back • irg out from the dock here. •'A girl's in the water," was the cry as the canoe tipped over, and the Boat at etc•i flowed down. Passengers on the Rteanter were botriffed. and there was great alarm on the wharf, which was c owded with cottcgers. A young fellow standing on the dock promptly jumped in and swam to the rescue, followed by hal a d( zen other. Among them were a number from Toirltto, •aid to include Puri. Hallantvnt.'s sen Charlie, ftrgiettar Brehner's son Bart ; also Grog. Clot k and Billy Milne. The watt'. was alive with rescuers, and others ran to get towboats. When the lin p form was taken from the water, the boys pulled t R "her" disguise, and dierlosed Prof. Robertson's son Grant. The boys had all leen in the plot. hot Chet (lid not melee ti.e thrill any lyse rtal fur the Weubic passengers. our Sable Is Ended Open evenings till 9 p. m. The Square But Don't Forget that you can get good value here for your money the year round, and our stock o Men's and Boys' Clothing, such as Suits _ Pants Hats Caps Sweaters Neckties Suspenders Socks Overalls Etc., etc. is.,the largest and best as- sorted in the County of Huror% Give us a call. Our excellent values will be sure to please you. M. ROBINS Advice for Hubbies. Here is the secret of happy wedded life, ss revealed by a Seattle man (a millionaire, by the way, but perhaps that does not wetter) after eighteen years of marital bliss. Husbands who earnestly desire to be heppy are en- joined to observe the following rules' : Keep all promises made before and at the time of marriage. Keep a joint bank account. Go to your club no oftener then one night a week. Hive no dogs or pets of any kind. Call her u On P. th telephone at P p p lean t three times a day. When away from huute write or telegraph every day. Take her with you on business and plea,ure trips. Be more p Mite to her then to any other women yo t w -'et, Remeur- ler that she likes flowers, candy and hooka. (Jake it s business to be com- fortable whenever she is happy. I)o oct criticize het dress. lie a gentle- man to ell women, but a husband to one only. If you have only a dollar you are not wasting it by spending it on her. When she is dissatisfied get. a divorce. Life is too abort to waste any of it in tr;iog to please an abnormal woman. Nothing is easier than fault-finding. No talent, no self denial, no character is required to set up in Ihie burin's: , She -"I ale aye think of al1 the unkind things that I've said doting the day before f go to deep at mato, He-" fou don't say bo can you do with eu In tie bleep?" THE GREAT SHIP SEEAPDREE taeserolalrews u.tttewwtl I.Mnee i ta'."ra uta° t°'ui last ss"'sts.rf..a.. w.rt..tier Maaddoaas 3ewmws BQAfq[zow of %tis gad OW of Soma. Daily(( -Cleveland and Buffab-(Ma lgt to Dec. 1st) gal.. llr�rlo . • 6�re P. sGs A. Owerae t# A. W Garai Ce -a --_ wade at Buffalo with trains fee as bald for Pat-la-ls.y,y Toledo, Dw+wt sad all solare welt sad saate.aat ' •r Cag eta say rdrraadIlse borrows C7neseed sad Ba6M r'•�e .tai ow C.* 18,1 b* •trimers. Ads sonptad for tr.. Sew! etatase tar tredeaee booklet. your babel hetet tee titter vim C' ! 8. flea aid r emu THE CLEVELAND & sUVFALO TRANSIT CO. T. Y. Nesters, Gs'1 Mgr. H. R IIetlea, bfe lle Y Pas, . BweCowl Pae. Arw • el 2.41 Dear Amy: - New Furniture demands new Rugs. When you go to buy your Rugs it makes lots of iifference where you go to buy them. I Always leave the selection to people whc know what colors will harmonize with my furniture, and what kind will give long wear and always keep their bright colors. Always your friend, Lou. P.S -Neither I nor my friends have ever been disappointed in the Rugs we bought from Geo. Hohmeier 610olutsoH