HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-28, Page 44 THURSDAY, Atm. N, 1$3.
._ ,err-:
District News
Lean and sister. Miss Sara, and her
frieod kiss Hewitt, of Chicago, aro
visiting at McLean's Misses Cath-
erine and Isobel Campbell. of Toronto,
visited their cousins, the Misses Mc-
Donald, Teat week Alex. Hamby
spent • few days at Toronto Exhibi-
tion 'Nr. and Mn. John McLean,
of Guelph, are visiting at McLean's.
Gordon and Russell Ritchie left
for the West on Monday.
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 27th.
Mn. W. F. Hick, Mrs. C. T. Ed-
ward and Master Clayton Edward and
Mrs. T. M. Johnstrn left on Tuesday
on a visit to Toronto for a week or so.
Miss Zeeman, .,f Preston, accom-
panied by her friend. Miis Bloom, is
visiting at the home of Time. ('ox.
Joe iuill, Reg. and Austin Sturdy
left on Monday per C. P. R. for the
UNIVN S S. l'ICNIc. - On Friday
afternoon of last week the Union
Presbyterian Sunday acbool held its
annual picnic on the ►)rank of the lake
behind R. Davidson'. fstin. The after-
noon was spent along the peach until
8 o'clock, when the call for supper was
heard. About oue bundled eat down
to • very inviting lunch prepared by
'the ladies. After supper the evening
wasspent in foott•all, baseball, races
and a tug of -war. The crowd dis-
penid about 9 o'cle-k, everyone de -
'daring it to be the best. picnic of the
THURSDAY, August 28th.
COYrtre AND GOINO.-Maws L Mian
and Colina Clark attended the Toronto
Exhibition this week Mr. and
Mn. Isaac Salkeld and W. T. Muroey
motored upfroru Ooiericb on Tumidity.
Mrr. t3alkeld. ar., who has been spend-
ing aevenl months at Mrs. Oordoo'r,
returned home with thew . ?Jr. and
Mrs. Cal�lick, of \Vingham, visited et
David lI'odd's on Tuesday
Misses V. D.: Rutherford and Annie
Clark leave on Thursday for the Weat,
where they will resume their positions
in Edw )nton and Saskatoon respec-
tively Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc-
Donald, of Wingbew, visited in our
burg this week Donald McDonald.
Robert McGuire, Rob. Smith and John
Cameron left for the West on Mon-
day.......Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mc-
Dewell, of Wesitfield, spent Sunday at
Mr. Clark's. Miss Colina Clark, who
has been visiting at Westfield, accom-
panied them home Mrs. Craw and
family returned to Fergus last Thurs-
day after spending the summer at the
'1't•KSI)AY. August 26,h.
\VERDINo.- 1 pretty wedding took
place on Wednesday, August 20th, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. A.
Johnston. Kintait. when their second
daughter, er Jean Elizabeth, united
in marriage to Ewart D. McKeith, son
of Mr. and Mrs. McKeith, formerly of
Lothian. The ceremony was con-
ducted under an. arch of evergreens
and autumn Hower. by Rev. J. S.
Hardie. in the presence of about one
hundred and seventy-five guests. The
bride, who was given away by ber
father, wore her bridal gown of
shadow lace over liberty satin, and
veil caught up with blossoms. She
was attended only by her Hower -girl.
little Miss Mary Meteor. After the
happy couple had received the con-
gratulations of their friends all rat
down to a sumptuous repast. After
spending r. few days with their friende
Mr. and Mrs. McKeith will leans for
the West, where they will make their
borne in the southern part of Sask-
Miss Grace MacKenzie jelled her
aunt, Miss Annie MacKenzie, last
wt ek.
Miss Irene MacDonald is visiting at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mont-
gomery, Ripley.
T,DAY, Aug. 26th.
CHURCH 4tr.oyxe.-R.ev• S. V. R.
Pentland. of Watford, occupied them
pulpit beron Sunday evening,deliv•
ming a very able address on the text.
r•Will ye also go away li".... Epworth
League on Tueaday evening as usual.
The subject "Pi ison Reform" taken by
C.Dustow. Meeting led by Miss Elm•
BRIEFS. -Mn. Edgar And her son
are visiting Mr.. A. P. Sbepperd this
week .... . Mr. and Mrs. John Connell.
of Galt, ate the guests. of Mrs. Con-
nell'x parent.. Mr and Mrs. J. Taylor.
Rev. S. V. H. Pentland and
family visited at J. 11. Peotland'e this
week .... .51is. M. Ryan and Miss
Dais were Sunday visitors at David
Girvan ......Mies Minnie Currie leaves
nn Friday for Montreal, where she
has received her flat Deaconess ap-
pointment a. "travellers' aid."
Meagre. ('lark and Clayton, of Carlow,
visited Nile on Sunday evening. ..The
sympathy of the community is extend•
ed to Mrs. R. Ryan, whose mother,
Mrs. Jesse Gledhill, died on Sunday
after a long illness.
slndA of fowl. If {.oat
bring . bre In before
hureda), MRS. D. E. MLNRO. Auburn
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 27th.
The Mitchell Advocate of last week
pays : "Messrs. Wm. Bickle and Sid
Pearson were in Auburn from Satur-
day to Monday. on a fishing trip.
They had a good catch, but owing to
t le unmense size of some .of the flab
the railroad company refused to load
them. Rumor has it that Mr. Pearson
was looking over the ground as to drew'. Foreign Missionary Society
is of invertin inn hatchery." was a decided success. The proceeds
amounted to about 5ltl.
A Now Pacmiu-r.-A meeting of the
citizens and summer relents of the
village was held in the town hall last
Friday afternoon to consider the proj-
two weeks; visit at Seaforth and Clio- ect launched by 8. F. Glasa,cf London,
ton.... _Mr. Hamilton and bride, of to form an athletic and amuse -
Pickford, Mich., are visiting the bride's ment association here. The idea is to
aunt, Mis. A Asquith....Mrs. Bert purchase suitable property in the vil-
Wilkins, of town, is visiting her lege on which to erect a club house,
parents here .... Miss Lizzie Nichol- in wbich dances and other aowse-
TUgaDaY, Aug. 86th.
Mrs. J. B. Jenuinga, of London. is
tbe guest
of n. H. 'raid sa
Mr. and Mn. D. Porter and (soul
visited recently with Mr. Mn.
Mn. J. A. Ferguson, who has spent
several weeks with her husband, C'ap•
trio J. A. Ferguson, on the lakes, hos
Seaforth. Henson and Zurich held
a big picnic here Saturday, and every-
one enjoyed the boating and bathing.
In the evening a dauce was held at
the pavilion.
The young gentlemen df Clinton
gave a dance at Jowett'& pavilion for
the campers and town boys and girls
in return fur the many kindnesses
shown them this summer.
WEDNESDAY. Aug. 27tb.
Rev. J. Young left on Monday for
Tiverton. where he will spend his va-
]as. T. ugh and Mrs. Tough, o1
Edmonton, are tbe guests of the forw-
er's sister, Mrs. Jas. Campbell.
Mrs. Wm. Sterling and daughter.
Miss Maud, who have been spending
the past month with relatives in Mich-
igan, returned home on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Steck, wbu have
hreu spending their honeymoon in the
Maritime Provinces. returned to the
home of their mother. Mrs. Stanbury,
on Saturday of last week.
Mr. A. C. S. Trivett, a student of
Wycliffe Episcopal College, Toronto,
and agent of the Bible Society, gave
an illuutrated lecture on Central
Africa in the Presbyterian church o
Monday evening.
The set' of home-made baking held
un Mr. Balkwill's lawn last Friday
afternoon by the ladies of St. An-
proipec R
BREVITIES. -Wesley Maley, of De-
troit. is visiting his uncle, Geo. Beadle.
.Mrs. Hawkins, of Burke Falls,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Carter.
Mire Sadie Carter is boine after a
son, of Buffalo; is spending her holi-
days with her mother, Mrs. T. Nichol-
son . . Misses Tena Johnston and
Gertie Asquith are taking in Toronto
Exhibition this week The young
ladies of Auburn called at the home of
menta could take place, and to lay out
the grounds in tenuis:courts, bowling
green., etc. It is estimated that
$10,0110 capital will be required and
this has been divided into ten -dollar
Quires,. Subsct ibers are being solicited
A. King on Tuesday evening and pre- and already several hundred dollars'
sented Miss Julia Lawlor wish a linen worth have been taken. The meeting
shower on the eve of her wedding to adjourned to meet again Thursday
Wo. Medd... ...Mrs. Munro is in Clin- evening of this week.
ton hospital, having undergone an
pun on Monday. She is doin
nicely at the tithe of writing A
nilmber of our citizens took in the
races at Blyth last Friday and report
lots of iDcrt.
OFF TO THE VEST -The harvest
excursion to the West on Monday re-
duced the pr ulation of our village
and neighborhood by fifteen : Mrs.
Jas. Jackson and Miss Ruth go
to Four Ways, Alta.. to join Mr.
Jackson, who is on a farm there.
Mrs. Jackson has lived in our village
for forty-three years and her absence
will be felt by many. Miss Minnie
Dobie goes to Holland, Man., having
*position there. Miss Minnie Naegel
and Miss Andrews go to Regina.
The following left for different parts
of tate Prairie Provinces : Jas, Law-
son, Thos. Adams, Josie Carter, Geo,
Lawlor, Lloyd Ferguson, Russell King.
Henry Leishman, Jas. Plowman, Jos.
Thompson and Mr. Finnigao.
TUESDAY. Aug. 20th.
and Mrs. F. C. Elford and Gamily have
been visiting at Mr. Courtice's. Mr.
Elford and two eldest daughters left
for their new house at Ottawa on Mon-
day. bin. Elford and Jean will make
a more lengthy visit Miss Martin,
of Seafnrtb, visited her sister, Mrs. L.
Tel -Amor, last week Mr. and Mn.
J. W. Yen and Mn. B. Forster are gone
to Toronto Dr. Goldsmith and
wife left for Pittsburg on Wednesday.
Mise Jennie Holme!, of Clinton.
and friends visited at J. R Holmes'
nn Satury Last Sunday morn-
ing Mow 'Cooper, of Clinton, gave •
splendid missionary address' in the
Methodist church herr. We under-
stand that this young lady has offered
herself for n'ission walk in the foreign
Aelde..Rev. R. J.MrCormick was home
for Sunday Miss E. Holland has
left for ber school at Thedford
Miss Vance, of London. visited at her
Geo. Holland's, last week... .
C. Tehbutt left for hie school at Fort
1Villiam last week.
JJ Incknow, W roamed visiting outside
pointe and will henceforth five his entire
atttntlon to i he hang ofsoe. Lueknow, where
he will be found ever? dor. AU modern meth-
In Dungannon for The Signe/ Is at the
oetneloe Welk And Stationery store, whore
orders will be received for uutrcrlptbs , ad-
vertising and lob work. and receipts will be
✓ iven for •mounts point for the MOW.
Moose board of North Huron. of which
the late T. E. Durnin, of Dungannon.
was a member. has sent the following
sats to Mrs. Dernie and (sally :
Wit. the Iasperta.r ..d member. M tae Paan
baud of Rooth B res. emirs a convey te ran
pargeomfittaof sur Vele surrey 1a Tont sad
esest kistae souk of pear a twills last w. toe
_at ort• 4. • wine sa vtw • sea ef
.;elft•. M• left1.f las, hiss
rpwyeloMiaf �roar resat firs( a sew
rot: • me rte
operas R
Can he cured by the great fruit kidney
and liver remedy.
Brantford, Ont., Aug. 13, 1911.
Your medicine, Fig Pills; has
worked wonders for me. The rheu-
matic pains have entirely left me and
I owe everything to your remedy.
You are at liberty to publish this.
At all dealers 25 and 611 cents or
mailed byThe Fig Pill Co„ St.
Thomas, nt. Sold in Goderich by E.
R. Wigle, druggist.
mportant Changes in Urand Trunk
Train Service from Toronto.
Train leaving Toronto 10.15.a. m.
daily except Sundry for Penetaog
Wharf n ill be discontinued from Allan -
dale to Penetang after Saturday, Sep-
tember tith, but will tun through to
Huntsville and North Bay via Muskoka
Wharf, commencing Mendel, Septeni-
her tlth.
Muskoka express, leaving Toronto
12.01 p.mgaily except Sunday for
Muskoka Wht.rf and Huntsville,will be
discontinued after Saturday, Septem-
ber 6th.
Buffalo -Muskoka express, leaving
Toronto 2.20 a.m. for MuskokaWharf,
Huntsville, Bork'e Falls and North
Bay. will be discontinued atter Sun-
day. September 7th.
Belgic) express, leaving Toronto
12 06 a.m. daily for Niagara Falls and
Buffalo, will be discontinued after
Monday, September 8tb.
Train leaving Toronto 1.40 p.m. Sat-
urdays only for Jackson's Point will be
discontinued after Saturday, August
Train leaving Jackson's Point 7.30
a.m. Mondays only for Toronto will tie
run on Tuesday, September 2nd, in-
stead of Monday. September let, and
will he discontinued after that date.
Through Pittsburg sleeper on 4.3'a
p.m. train from Toronto will be dis-
continued after Saturday, September
Last Pullman Bleeping car for King-
ston Wharf will leave Toronto 10.45
p.m. Saturday, September 13tb, and
leave Kingston Wharf 12 20 a.m. for
Toronto after Monday, September
l.it h.
"What are you thinking of,
Beatrice's" inquired Mr. Hainer of his
wife. one morning while they were at
"I am dreaming of my youth," re-
plied the woman.
"Well," replied the brute, "1 thought
you bad a' far -away look in your eyes."
- Lippincott's.
Meant What They said.
"One dollar will procure you four
pain of socks which can never be worn
uuL" Mo ran the advertisement which
caused Jones, bachelor, to spend that
sum on • postal order.
hen the rocks arrived. Jones sur,
v, them. horror-atrioken.
- acts received." be wrote to the ad-
v• r •er. 'The patterns are vile. f
Jell be seen out with them on."
ls.-veral days pegged and the wrath
of Jones w.zed and stronger
each time he r
the startling
footgear. Again wrote to the firm,
this time 1 hreatenlng preoeeMsgs•
-What are yon snaking seek a fuels
about r (-erne the 'mower. Didn't we
gnsreatee you wouldn't wear Um seeks
est r
Josses Is a sadder and wit sans.
1V have Basionyaebotss
10 °leSankaahee eat yes �ise
Berner -or i Dse
res .r Diatela& Then b r
dr rwailiag and doctoring year
the y
ma & ng kat
it esus Backache every tip"
TUESDAY, Aug. 28th.
BRI=ln.B'T5.--Miss Mabel McDowell it
visiting friends at Lucknow and Dun-
ganonn....Miss Emma Campbell is
visiting friends at Londesboro' this
week..Misa Rachel Young, of Loodes•�
Loro', was the guest of Mre. J. „L. Mc-
Dowell last week . Mr._and Mrs.Will
tiovier spent Sunday at Robt. Buchan-
an's....Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDow-
ell spent Sunday at Mrs. McDowell's
home, dt.Helene Wm. Campbell
lett Saturday last for Saginaw, Mich.,
where he will undergo medical treat-
ment in the hospital. We trust to see
hint return much improved in be.• lth.
TUESDAY, Aug.26tb.
Tea BowLEaa.-Two rinks of the
Seaforth bowlers visited Blyth on
Wednesday last and defeated two rinks
of the Hlytb t.owlers by sixteen shots.
They then went to Clinton, where they
'were defeated. Dr. McTaggsrt's rink,
consisting of T. E. McTaggart, R. H.
Tbomaa and A. W. Robinson, with Dr.
McTaggart as skip. also went to Clinton
the satire night and defeated Mr.Dowd-
inR s rink of that place by the score of
28 17. As next Monday is Labor Day
it is the Intention to have a local
tournament on the green here. provid-
ing the weather is at all righL '
WEDNESDAY, August 27th.
LEEBURN LOCALS. -Yrs. Rustin, of
Stratford, accompanied by her daugh-
ter Margaret, is on a visit to her
father, John Linklater Miss Jean
Clutton has gone to Toronto, where
she will spend the remainder of her
holidays, Miss Hilda Kirke returns
with ber after some weeks' visit. at the
('button nomestead Miss M. Chit,
of Stratford, is visiting here this
week James Chisholm with his
up-to-date threshing ou'flt has been'
doing good work in this neighborhood,
cleaning out four and five barna in a
day. The tbrtehing season is likelyto be
a short one this year, owing to the ex-
tremly dry summer .. Mrs. John
Horton has returned from a week's
visit to her daughter, Mn. Gavin
Clutton, of Stratford. She was ac-
companied by her daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Horace Horton Ed. Shaw,
Erving Hunter. Bert Bogie aod sev-
eral others left here on Monday for
the Weat on the harvest excursion...
Ed. Lawson left on Monday for Glen-
coe, on a scouting expedition. ..
Misses Jessie and Mary Linklater en-
tertained some of the ladies of the
neighborhood with an afternoon tea
party in honor of their sister, Mrs.
William Rustin, on Monday after-
noon. A most enjoyable time was
'pent by all present The monthly
meeting of the W. F. M. 8. was held
on Wednesday after000n of last week
at the home of Mrs. James Clark, of
Loyal Miss Addle Cox, of Porter's
Hill, was the visitor of Miss Ruth
Shaw last week .... Miss Spence has
returned to Cookstown aftec a week's
stay with her sister, Mn. Williams,
and her brother, C. Spence, of Gode-
Second Wife of Eloping Coagregattona I
St. Paul, Minn , August 2."). -Rev. J.
H. Pearson, a Congregational minister,
of St. Paul, eloped with a seventeen-
year -old girl of bis church. They were
married in Winnipeg last week. Rev.
Mr. Pearson has made a number of
statements regarding previous mar-
riages that. have resulted in the sug-
bestion that he may have committed
i any. it is alleged chat his peoond
wife formerly lived in Clinton. Oct..
and that her people still are there.
Mr. Pearson at first said she died in
Sioux Raplda, tows, then amended
his statement by saying he meant the
wife of a friend of hie (tied in Sioux
Rapids. Pearson also is quoted as
having said he obtained a divorce
What became of hie first wife also is
not clear. $be is an Englishwoman.
it is raid.
Har About You ?
"It is a well known fart 'bat mostly
everybody has a well-developed bnmp
of enrin.ity. said the pram mai mao.
'Think scar" inquired the other,
crop ',weft
vices awl nuns Ilia gdwutfnsed ergs
see ono mooed eft 71e mom 1 sea,
The Fall
Just Starting
We are here with a
Targe stock of Fall Goods
at the lowest prices that
dependable merchandise
can possibly be sold for.
Beauty Draws
and when hitched up
with such a team as
Quality, Style and Low
Prices, makes a force
that irresistibly draws into
this store the best patron-
age of this section. Here
are kept articles above
suspicion, desirable and
daigty, chosen from the
best that the markets
afford and all the advan-
tages that money com-
Visit this Store.
Every buyer should
examine our goods and
Dress Serges
The famous ••Kharanta" Serge
is as exglteits fabric, tight iii,
weight. Arm its texture and has
a beautiful surface. New quali-
ties are now to hand. 111. starch
of • dependable serge look in
here. Prices in 95c.black BOB, S.
95c. SUM. al 15, 81.2UB
5, *L65.
51.60, 51.85. 81.75, sta. Navy
blue. Bk. 85c, otic, 51.00, $L15
$1.36, 41.50, 51.75, 42.26. Forty-
two to fifty-four iuche&
Tweeds and Heather
Suitings -
We have a large offering of
these suitings in about ten com-
binations of mixtures from 40 to
54 Inches wide and from 50 cent*
to 51.75. This is a choice tot of
cloths and among the newest
designs and weaves.
Whipcords and
are booked as amcng the late
strong dress materials for the
coming sermon and will be much
sought for by the well dreierd.
Fifty to Si inches'. Prices 51.16.
51.x•1) and $1.75
Dress Velvets
which were so strong a year ago
will be even more in demand for
the fall trade. The particularly
new designs are in Cords, Shot
Ead a of
ecta and Brocades. Some
the colorings are very fine and
they aro sure to be wanted.
• Rai. Coats
for the fall wear, made by the
Imperial Rubber Compao of
8 nd, fa two qualities, a {lain
clog at $5 75 and • poplin cloth
at stf W and waterpnwf. Pet
ferCy rubbered on the inside.
Dress Trimmings
Direct from Switzer land 1..
almost endless variet). in All
overs. Banding*, Insertions and
Edgier'. Black and cream from
quite narrow up to eidhtrrr
inches wide and we know we ai
dead right on prices.
Dress Goods at
Bargain Prices
About arty ends and sbo, t
pieces from two or three yard.
up to twenty. Most of theist all
wool and good colon to oi..k,
into school dresses. The reduc
tiooe are some ono -quartet ..ff.
same one-third off and oth.•t-
ODO•halt off regular pricer.
Ten dozen of heavy rib, a
great early fall hose, direct from
the factory. Une of the best
school Bose made for girls or
boys,great Lo wear and no seam,
and feat color.
in Sky, Pink, Brown, Catclit. .
White, Navy and Black, itis.,
and nos,.ju' f inches ide and
n silk. A great hair ribbon L,r
CHURCH N(rres.-Rev. Dr. Stewart,
formerly of Clinton. Ont., now of Tor-
onto. occupied the pulpit of St. An-
drew's church on Sunday last, and was
welcomed by large congregations who
were pleased to hear him again. Al-
though Dr. Stewart is one. of the old
ministers, he preached two capital
sermons. The choir was assisted by
Miss Smith. of London, who at the
evening service rendered a solo and
also sang 113 a duet with A. E. Cook. in
a very acceptable manner. Rev. W.
D. Turner. who is on his holidays,
preached in Rev. Mr. Abraham's
church in Guelph on Sunday last. and.
we hear,left quite an impression there.
May Spafford, of London spent
the week -end at her home here.... A.
Taylor. who is employed as carpenter
on the G. T. R., returned home over
Sunday Mn. E. Lsundy visited
with her parents at Wingham over
Sunday ' R. N. McKay motored to
London and back on Saturday Les-
lie Woodman, who is employed as
relief man on the C. P. R. at Elmira,
spent. the week -end with friends here.
. County (,lark Lace, of Goderich, paid
a visit to Blyth on Friday. being on
his way to Wirgbam on business
Quite a number from here will take in
the R. C. picric in Farquhar's grove in
Hullett on Wednesday of this week
A number will go to Clinton to see the
sadden death game of laceosse between
Winghan. and Goderilrh. ..Geo.
Badly. C. P. R. operator at Goderich,
who is on his holidays. spent s couple
of days of the poet week with friends
here .. .Mrs. (Dr.) Charlesworth is on
a visit to friends at Stratford.,.,. Miss
Edna Higginbotbam lett on Saturday
for Goldstone, where he ie engaged as
teacher in the public school Rain-
ton Bros. shipped a car of hides to
Toronto la.tweek I.. Hill received
a car of lime for his building opera-
tions last week R. Stewart, who
is engaged on the staff of the Royal
Bank. Toronto, is at present spending
his holidays at bis home here
Archie Bell visited at his old home at
Ripley over Sunday ..Monday. be-
ing the first harvest exbursion to tbe
West a great many from here took
advantage of the cheap rates. W.
Jackson. C. P. R. ticket agent at Clin-
ton. brought up • large load on the
auto truck who took the train here for
the jL'esr There is a Netter chance
for men to go this year than before on
account of the harvest being Hnished
here earlier than in no st years A
great many from these parts are flgur-
ing on taking in the Exhibition at
Toront.. this week and next Ming
E. Oidl.y is at nres.nt visiting with
her sister at Aylmer The pluni
crop In this loatiity is very plentiful
Canadian National Exhibition
Return Rates from Goderich.
Aug. 23 to
Aug. 26, 2111
Sept. • 2, 4
All tickets geed for return until
Sept. 9.
wt.ao KM of astir west. at tae i•l:.
ester sad tesla .entre kis an
Irti seKlialan Iwai JJ . Y(QD c P.
tbis season, but the apple crop is
almost a total failure. 'This is the
third year that the orchards have not
yielded a crop, which is a serious lots
not only to the growers but to others.
Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and
1 'wily, of Guelph, visited the former's
other's family here last week
1. ht. Slater was the guest of Rev. Mr
1 .wegrove, at South Cayuga. the
past week ...... Dr. Fred Milne with
his wife apd family, of Jackson, Mich.,
who have been visiting his cousin here
for the past week, left this week for
their h: me ..Mr. and Mn. P. Gar-
diner are visiting relatives in Exeter
and vicinity A great many in
these parts are wonuering wbether
the Canada Temperance Act is to be
voted on this year or not. Although
the petitions have been signed and pent
in, some seem to think that there will
yet be s legal qui:,Lle that will stop it.
....Dr. Tanner, of British Columbia, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. Powell.
Having purcbaaed the husi-
ne.s formerly conducted by
F. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognised as
the test. We wish to givo
the people of Goderich and
vicinity the best service pox
sihie, and shall bre glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
All orders left with Jas.
Yates, West .treat, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 79
Yards at 0. T. R., Nelson Street
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at 0. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
'service and oorehl att.o
dine -.
Our Livery and Hack
service will h. found i p-
te-d•ts In peel" roped.
Your pat eenage soi laic ed
Phase MIT N MwY Nutlet
Yroportiooatelr tow rates to Edmonton and intermediate station•.
AUL. U. -From all mtst.loo+. Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclu.d r, via Stralf.i.-c.,..od
South thereof In Untario.
AM. If. -From all stations Nrrtb of, but not Isdodtat Mali Line Toronto to Senn,
Tunnel, via Stratford, all /station+ Toronto and No. W and La -t of Turonto to
Klace on.
SEPT. 3.- From ell .tat.bw Toronto and East, and East of 'MUM and Scotia Jet. •
SLIT. 1. -From all taloa. Toronto to Not Di Has inclusive and West thereof in• •ntario.
The Graod Trunk Par-fi Railway is the shortest and qui, kest [Date
between Wl.asipeg, Saskatoon. Edmoatoc.
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto
GODERiCH to TORONTO and return $31.90 Aug. 'ri 1,i s pt.•
Inclusive. $2.05 Aug. 26 sad 211, Sept. 2 and 4.
AU tickets v .ltd for return until Baps. e. tall
Felt Pantie"tan from F. F. Lawrence ei ions, Tenn Passenger and 7 c..' Arent
'Phone L
wear ozir
furnishings aiadbe
:�...�-mss viw
Many a good, capable man passes
a whole lifetime without ever learn-
ing the Value of Dressing Well.
When you go to hunt work, the
very first thing the man you ask
for the position sees and Judges
you by is your Clothes. How else
can he first Judge you ? They are
the sign to him of your success or
failure. No man wants to hire a
failure. This is a serious, earnest
talk we wish to make to deserving
men, whether they buy their
clothes from us or not.
We am r'!M, Dewelsty Ernsid" tG_Mlsll.