HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-28, Page 1'SPECIAL �FFER The Signal for the hal- , uce of 1918, tneadw� u - scriber• ,0O,,,,o .... 25c C(rest Britain, dy CONSIDER EVERY DOLLAR you put into good advertleiog not a dollar of expense, tut a dollar invested upon which you will receive higher div Wends thou from any othat investment. The Signal Is the beet advertising medium In Huron County ear( c'ut'KtH YEAK-Ne, N70 • GODERICH, THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1913 THE SIGNAL PRINTING Coast; Pvennownee THE STERLIMiBANK1 oPCANADA ormla SAVE, because- No.12 Common sense and experience prove a savings account to be the propel antidote to extravagance. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. G. NISBET Is THE REPRESENTATIVE FOR HURON COUNTY OF The New York Life Insurance Co. (1FF[l'E NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, GODERICH 'PBoNits : OFFICE 20 ; HOUSE 150. P. O. Box 304 G ANTED N1A RE HELP AND DOMESTIC 1-'+EKVANTA-Peron uires' farm help should wpl at ages W WI Dominion MoQU1L- 1.1\. ,minbo UoverUoeat Empioymeet .tgeut, St. Helmut t rat. Orders left with H. U. tvuoI)-. St Ralsss.OsL, wW ranee prompt att n:iyu. 10.1 LWT 0R FOUND QTH.tY ED ONTRB PMSMDfE8 OF 7 sh-uudenuaied.lat 31. BtM read. Gode- nrh tontedtip. s reeling dear. TM wiener M ee.iue-test to prove property and ply all era pease.. BERT HOLM ES. (heti T OMT. -A (TOLD MEDAL WITH \un- engravd ea tc Finder please leave at NON AL OFFICE. TOST OR STRAYED. - 81X- 1/ miisTHS-OLU Dolle dog. Aeewere to Yore ':Sandy Information regarding It will b aratefnlly received by H. 0. STURDY. J ONI'.-MONDAY AFTERNOON OR Tu.• -day morning. axon of money le bills. tinder el.ire return to WIGLICd DRUG sit) andnoaive reward. SITUATIONS VACANT. WA\TED.-AN APPRENTICE TO learn dreg beaches. era nae or two year man • mast be well nesmereaded. Apply tr. H. I: sere -LN. 1341 Queen tot. Wert. Toronto. WANTED. Live local man to engage in 5, 10, t:c business in town of Gode- rieh. For our proposition apply 1341X 67. LONDON ADVER- TISER. 2-t }(1ANTED.-GIRL OR WOMAN D, !MtRer&aKboOuBNa0Y, G8L d Gewaee Crescent. 'If1tt WANTED. -GIRLS TO LEARN 11 knitting and looping. Will pay five dol- arsa week while learning ; .teat em t, beret situation fere Mea Ap ynow. CLINTON KNITTING 00.. Clinton. Ont - 87 -1m. imam i%ETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO. 1 t ersamon CITY OF DETROiT II. FOR MACK INAC ISLAND Mondays, 7 p. m. $3 :41 one way WLOU round trip. FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 7 a. ns. :13 (1, one wan $5.50 round trip. WEST w WANOSH FIREINSURANCECO. One of the beet in the Prov- I ince. Fixed rate of awesaloent. Live Stork Insured at its full value whether on lbs facto or noL No trouble to snake adjust- ments. R. MrILWAIN. R for Col ttoa•0s. Arent Nilo. -n..s`.,�.�.�/'`../t..� fid► rye 1 NOTICE TAKE ROT..IGS THAT AIR .° sat wine LLL By seder. TIM /elipeass. Jame pfrJ7 tiid/. 110111016 AUCTION SALES. art Hoar. Sepia. 13.- Executor.' Bale of farm property/ s rorty acro-) In the town.blp of Gode- rlob. belonging to the .+tate of the late Chris Lapeer Lmbertns. Titre (it oriv..eeti0oeer. FOR SALE. 11LD ROSEWOOD PiANO FOR or sale. For particular* ■pp y to M. NA 'TILL Britannia road. s8 -3t. LIOH MALE. -I HAVE FOR SALE ten young (raw sed . milkersreining In this tall and early sfterer• Also a eriviaa colt. three years ad. and • few young heifers. J. B. COX. Saltford 1'. 0. (Colbo, ne Municipal Tek - 'base I. 1-4 j4'OR SALE. - PORTABLE 14 H.P. lay' ,team engine In acct-cln.e working order. Wil drive eeparator with .elf-'eeder sod blower. Also a Parte cutting -Dox for tilling *lir. on trucks, and 39 feet piping : water wagon and tank. pump and haw. eau will bur the entire outfit. My reasor. for sellieg at the sacrifice Is that 1 have purchased • three-• inioutfit. JAMES CHISHI)LM. Dunlop. ;aft. WOOD FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- w1GN ED hare for sale • quantity of wood deitab'e for fuel, bard. ,.oft or mixed. mostly In 144noh Imre he. Will deliver an required. Full meaoate ritfeet tothe oord. WM. HiLL. SON. Beemttler P. 0. Uderieb Rural Tele - prime are. X41. FOR SALE OR TO BENT PUBLIC NOTICE. WILL KENSINGTON BE REBUILT? G8U. AND M. S. WHITING D1t13. BEILZMANN. osteopaths. epeclallete in women a end children'e 41400.x, acute. chronic, and nervous dWordere eye eanose and throat. Consultation free. Oir, fics North street thhd door from the Square. B' 3 mor. TH. CARRICK, OODERICH, ONT., Neleon and Albert etr+a4. First -ewe palotingpaperhanging, decorating, etc. 74-Im SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. SALE la hereby art o that the list of lands' farale by taxes has been prepared that ropier tbereof may be had et this Once, that the list le being publlbed to the Ontario Gazette of August 2 e, 16 and 23. 1913. and :bat In default of the payment of the taxes and oo.te the land will be sold by pubile &ncttou alt b. Court Rouse In the town of Dederick, oo Tuesday. the 4th day of November. 1913, at 8 o'clock p. m. ('oontyy Trei..urer'.Orllce Ooderieb. July 88, 1913, WM. HOLMES. Treasurer. tat 4t TOWN OF UODBRICH. Take notice teat the municipal council of the corporation of the town of Goderich intend' to cooetruct a five-foot cement sidewalk on the south side M Britannia road in the ward town, between Warren streetaed Wldder street, and Intends to •eee.r a porUnn of the anal coat thereof upon the nal property to be immedlath' y benaatt.ed thereby. fronting or abutting upon Britannia road. afaresald. between the raid porta, and to levy, .itch anal °oat according to the frontage thereof, by twenty annual *pedal armaments : and that a statement ehewing the lands liable to and proposed to be specially rammed for the mid work. and the names of the owners thereof. so far se the same can be ascertained from use last rewire we4.o eur. roll and otherwise, te now filed to the oats of the clerk of the municipality. and la open for rrmpeotioh during office house. The at:Uotated cost of the work 1s $14 lig. of which $3630 is to be provided out of the general funds of the municipality. Acourt ofrevieon will be held on the 4th day of September. 1913. et the hour of eight o'clock in the 'treeing. at the couacil chamber in the town of Goderlob, for the purpose of hew ing complaint* ag-s i net the proposed aero-eme n t u, t Ise sccursoy of frootege measurement,. or any other complaint which the persons inter- e.ted may desire to make and which 1s by law cognisable by the court. Dated the _nth day of Aog o -t 1913. L L. KNOX, Clerk. Gait. L OIL BALE. -A BUILDING LOT on Newgate street. Apply to F. Jou D AY FORMALE.-STORY-AND-A-HALF frame house, with titeben. woodshed and stable. in the village of Auburn. Apply to WM. MUTCH. Auburn. 70-41 I,'OR MALL(.-TWO-MTOKY HOUSE 1' on Keays street. 000talning tee rooms. bas mod tan bathroom. f.ew•es and electric lights thoroughly repelled from teener to roof : full lot and email bora with esseetral4 Apply to W. R. l'INt1KR. 67-14. FOR MALE. -LOTS. 4Tti OONCE$- SION. Addled ;Zitatsen,briekbank',b•rn, bibk house. good .15bard. well watered. Chery_for quick ear. Apply to MRS. E. J. PEERS. Dungannon. mit. FOR SALE OR T() RENT.-HOUSB, on Klein as enwe. near Booth etreet. Mod- ern conveoleoeer. Apply to W. R ROBERT- SON. Victoria street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. We have for .Ale stout thirty town lot., riers ranger, from lie upwards, also thew p�ec{{tta.ggea and other d wellinaa aid a few fence. PROUDVUOT. BAYS & RILLORAN(lode- doh �de- UBLE u b SALE. -LARGE DO C posse os tat we, west atnM : dee end half of lot .164 Arthur street. Ood.rieh. Aja to M1�88}�DOYLE,lWed or submit � Swath nereestes. Alb�sfm to aysowM W RBSIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR SALL_The residence, with four tote formerly known es the A�.M0 an Allproperty, opener (Moores mid rtegta0 steeple. Good brick hour. two steric.,. In Snit -class repair : modern .anvwlee0sa (rooade planted with ertlse in erieb (eaeomtbl. ' .fchoicebutte. One e( t t Y AN, Oad.rloh FOR SALE. -FIVE ACRS) OF land. part of lot 1 L it. W.. Colborne townehlp. ooenty of Berea On the are • frame dwelling bowie end a wort e N screed.00hed.ard. Close to oohed. ate -baht alw from ebureb post.dl00 we stere. Mee place for a retired farmer. The properky be- itw/a se Mrs. 11 1 'vmminr�0uri 1'hleaero. propeller= ease be had teemA. A. WALL' AMS. Dunlop del Ont TENDERS WANTED. No Decision Yet Arrived at -Many Other Places Want the Industry. The 'rite of the Kensington Furoi- ture Co.'s factory now presents • sort y eight, only a few walls remain- ing standing of what s few days ago was a busy factory. Practically noth- ing but some lumber piles tette saved ; building, macbineryti stock and tool. all were destroyed. Across the road front the factory ware some piles of electric light poled. These twee burned; and the town also loses through tbe destruction of a large quantity of fire hose. Nothing has yet been decided about the rebuilding of the factory. Loudon and sesen or eight other places are tusking bide for the industry. but the manager, Mr. J. A. Riveted', would prefer to remain in Uoderich it certain arrangements can be made. Some- thing will have to be dose quickly, as some of the men have already secured positions elsewhere, and if rehhilding is delayed it will be all the more. diffi- cult to reassemble s Blatt. Mr. Saunders, of the Goderich Or- gan Co., bas helped tbe situation by giving employment to a number of the meo. The insurance is $88,000 instead of $75,000 as stated last week. The industry was one of the most substantial etnployers of labor in Uoderich, and everything in reason should tie done to retain it here. The Hoard of Trade has appointed a c-,tw- thittee to take any possible measures to assist Mr. Rumball in the re-estab- lishment of the factory. (1f)DERICH' INDUSTRIAL EX - Vi II IBITiON. TENDERS FOR BOOTH PIIIVILEGE8. The directors of the West Boron Agricul- tural Society aak for tenders for the dieing hall, booth a•d other refreshment privilege, at the indnetrial Exhibition to be held September 17th. 16), and 111111. 1913. Tender' to be In the heed, of the secretary by 3 p. m. on Saturday. September 6th. accompanied by a deposit or cheque of bre dollen. RA d gaarentee. which will be returned to unauccentful tenderers. Teedeis will he received in bulk or for separate privlIeges. AU information oaa be nbtaided on applte U000ttootheeecretary.J.ADESFOWWwLER.eh. gn oderl Nee 171. MENDERS WILL BB RBCEIVBD the pa rM ea/.rrthe Iii, i either oflgite sm. Bar �yt��tastaerdd Hr it bs Wie rause. es t of 1st ti, eremssew s. 1 w atainted IMsw+s roar+s Ma f11. M�aewd lase Is hAris iTH i (ted► slab THtte. tt..MMdi`y T OWN OF GODERICH. TENDERS FOR CEMENT WALKS. To Contractors -The municipal council of t be town of Goderich Invitee tenders for the coaetruotiou of approximately 14.3110 square feet of cement concrete sidewalk on Nelson Park and Wellesley streets and Brltaunia toad lythe town. SpeciacatIons can be seen end full informs 1400 coo be obtained on applioatiou to the engineer in chhatrrggee J. Ades Fowler, C. E. or from the andmsIRned. Tendsre la sealed Cover marked "Tenders for Cement Walks" and accompanied by a seethed cheque for3 per tent. of their amount will be received a to and including Tbursday, September 11th. 1913. addr'eo.ed to L. I. KNOX. Town Cle. k, Goderich, Ontario. Neither the lowest nor any other tender will necewerlly be weep el. 7.'-21 AR et FOR B L -T E 'ASTel EXECUTORS' SALE. Dies in His Buggy. Brussels, August 27. -Fred,. Jones, a men of about thirty years of nee, a resident of the seventh line of Morris township, was found dead under pecu- liar circumstances on Monday even- iogAccompanied by his wife and child, it is alleged, he left. Bruasele in a helpless condition an the result of over -indulgence in intoxicants. A short distance from town Mre. Jones got int() the rig of a neighbor, end to make certain that no harm befell her .husband his horse was led behind the rig in which She was riding. When they reached home and prepared to remove the drunken man to the house they were horror-stricken to find be was dead. Doctors were summoned from Brussels, and Coroner Dr. Ken- nedy, of Wingham, wee notified. A post-mortem examination was made yesterday and the conclusion reached was that death was due to natural causes. - EXECUTORS' SALE or VALUABLE FARM. BY AUCTION. The executors of the estate of the late Elise Ball will sell by public auction at the AUBURN HOTEL In the village of Auburn on SATURDAY. SEPT. Q 191', at 3 o'clock io the afternoon : The farm telongln, to the raid estate. con- dense of Ula acres of land. mote or ler being pet of lot 39 and lots 40 and 41. cone. ton 11. Hallett. On the premier.. which le all In on- did repair, hemre le a good btiok s slate r000f good cellar. furn•cein �send arm house. The barn Is 113x30ore conveniences than1 on in stabl- ing. with • strew shed 23x33. deo on a ,tone wall. Also • large drive shed about Meal • good brick pig -pen and other outtutilinga Then la about two .acres 1. In a good state Plume end apples. and of exceptionallywellwaaretered. There 4. si, artestaa well at the honerwhich also an pollee which the ani the pee ie urc Mfieda• tai1ing spring. Terms of rale. -. Ten per cent. of pincher money to be paid or arnoasd for .t he time of sale. balance wit bin thirty days. or en mayor[ mail to half of the verdure money may remain cm mortg.tp to suit purchaser. H. H. HILL. GEO. 11. BALL. THOMAS (:AraNcttowY. Itseestots bars 7fss M EXECUTORS BALE ee VALUABLC FARM PROPERTY (P'ORTY ACRifJtIiV TUC TOWNSHIP OF OODERiCH. The Fatal Day Was Near. "Charles seems to be very exact- ing," said a fond mamma to the deat girl who was dressing for the wedding. "Never mind, mamma," said she, sweetly. k'They are his last wishes." -Lippincott's. The executors of the tact w111 and testament of the late Christopher Umberto. w111 otter tor sal. bra petite snare at the Union hotel. *Block MP mK ! the folowine lands. UO S1 Lot number two in the emceed e0nonwie0 of the said township of Ged.rich leieeptn( the sertb evoilily telaraie Mt off by the eonddnue don of the .estarly bsesd'ry nee ei lot twelve, "C" awaoswlos, 1w the town et ts0a0- r'leb. till 1t t4eiQs tint Motrary Ilse betimes Wm *so be •ad ssvw •0d oN hundred sad eiget, later l ,..,0 os. In the said Mod the .outhwesterly �yyeyww�sy�.1044l rowjumbrelsed sawn. est et by the Meer es.U.sisis0 et mrd s••ssrb b.. ' r7 are[ let twelve. "C' em seestetset Wt Is meets tM bssawaase7 nee fesmild• Mt tartsb�le sassed eesolen %rias mat NA erre,. 01 0 MM � w taseth.r tarty weir et era Ms. _ 7111. bas+• era al -- eery as wiso *sweet Vase/ • Visa/see .. dime ram, baa prism ta green "Mpg Iss 06606. Oates wok t V IAi.tt��-yyd1'sa ' we ,Worst a�s�s ~rywlthin Green ye 1Mnsster. -I- &:Pa.881 p m, rOV11 OR cian/armlaaaa�si''0 K�.r.Om, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. 28th. Readers -G. T. R ........... ................'�2 little Mise Mnffet-F. N Burdett. 8 Roomers Wanted -Apply at The Signal. For Sale J. B. Cox, Salttord... Reader -Stratford Bunine•- College 2 Steam Engine, etc.. for Sale -Jas. Chisholm, Dunlop Executors Sale -H. H. Hill, Geo. H. Ball, 1 Executor Man Wanted -Box 97, London Advertleer.. 1 Properties for Sale -T. Gundry.. 1 ReaderTheBrophey Studio. 3 DOR Lost -H. O. Stbrde 1 Lost -Return to W tele. Drug Store..... 1 Tenders for Concrete Welke -Town of Gode- rich ode- I Special Offer- W. J. Powell... ........:, Readett -C. P. R House for Sale -Wm. Mutob. Auburn 1 A Splendid Showing of Pure irlob Lfaoas- W. Acheeon ft Son.... .. 2 Fehool Opening -The Colonial Book Ston8 The allCampaign Is Just Starting -l. H Colborne Novelties for Chrlet mast Gifts -Singer Ston8 Painting. etc. -T. H. Carrick 1 GODERICH ON TOP. DISTRICT LACROSSE CHAMPION- SHIP SAFELY LANDED. Three Decisive Games by the Locals within Eight Days, Putting Clinton and Wingham to Sleep --Next Round Is with St. Marys. Goderich has won the district lacrosse championship. Hy a splendid telly at the close of the season the locals bested their strong competitors of Clinton and Winghain, winning three decisive games withib eight days. Atter defeating Clinton 14 to 7 on the home grounds on aVedoesday of last week, the locals went to Clinton on Friday to play the second half of the round. They did not require their lead of seven goals, as they dttested Clinton on its own grounds to the tune of 13 to 4. Toie left Goderich, Clinton and Wingham lied for the district chain- pion,bip. Clinton decided that it had had enough aid dropped out, and the issue was then between Goderich and Wingham. A "sudden death" game on neutral grounds at Clioton was de- cided upon, and this was played yester- day. the result being a victory for the loyal twelve by the snore of 7 W 4. Much interest was taken in the re- sult, And when the boys reaehell town last evening on the 7:05 G. T. R. train they wet. met at the station by the town hand and a cheering crowd. A procession paw formed with the band in the lead and tbe parade proceeded down Eaet street to the Square in the midst of noise and enthusiasm. Clinton Defeated. On Friday last t)ie return match of the bowe and home aeries with Clin- ton was played at Clinton. Clieto0 had a scone of 14-7 to overcome but were still confident. Goderieb got the first goal, but were won tied by ('lin- ton. Goderich. however, soon broke away again and in a very abort time had the scote 5-1. The half-time score was 7-2 in favor of Goderich. Good steady Wolk followed in the last half, team play being a feature nn both sides. Despite the rough tactic in- dulged in the game was • good exhibi- tion. Full-tiwe'core 13 4. The game was not through until 7 o'clock, too late for the boys to catch the train ; out through tbe generosity of the Clinton manage- ment the local players rode back to town in Elliott's auto -truck. Wingham Succumbs. GODERICH MARKETS. rail wheat, per bush Book wheat, per both Oats. per Prue per bfethi Btarisy, per bosh looggos, par tat fir• bmity. par cwt Floor, patsst. per set Ilse. Pee tea Bboru. its Baa Hay. :ys OIL S•5*... Butter. parse.••.-•• ••••• e M to Old CWood. ver hess Pee • In to TuUaa0AT. AUL 88411. 10a'rtoen82 0 48 to 030 0 33 to 033 080 (0 016 045to 0/8 9D 00 to 'la 00 lotto 283 2 90 to 300 to 00 to 22 ,'n alt 00 to IS On IS Onto leen no to 0n 8 �••f 30 to a tet Nem Chasm. ism ash. per its jet pee lob' e 18 to e!t to New Potatoe'r, pee �asw 0 76 t00 o Cattle. Poradtay grew, pe cwi: s sme too Hasa e�oef� 8 II; t0 Mtn on Tdbw,peecl n IM to yy;yymdd�.�,, ppeerr a c0 to i as,baklaa 4r Lmas, peep.ier loaf 0Ss n 2n ('24 1 30 10 0 8 30 e 23 9 75 Orn nib 9 a) M BOARDEti** WANT1D.-RRRP11>CTABLII MEN berweeea Close to-�p�R�T . Terme =tMidi Mits. Mi :le RATins. ree, Owassi b. 1 a 5f1.- r. for that afternoon. The band will c bees 1ELECTRIC ROADS in attendant•.. The admission prices will be: Men Ere.. ladies 15c. ATTRILL PROPERTY SOLD. Windsor Capitalists the Purchasers- May be Bought for Military Camp Site. The announcement no Monday last of the sale of the Attrill property created a good deal . of interest. The purchaser+ are said to be U. E. Flem- ing, a Windsor lawyer, and O. W. Tadwell, a contractor of the same place, and the price is said to be E40,- 000. Mr. Fleming is a prominent Con - 'meatier, and the general supposition is that be has a pretty good idea 1 hat the Dominion Government wants the grounds for a military comp site. The Western Ontario cautp has been held on the place thtee tunes within recent years, under arrangewent with the owners, hut. this year the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, trustees for the Attrill estate, would not lease the grounds for camp purposes. Auother object the purchasers may h`lve had in securing the property is tbe obtaining of a supplyof gravel and sand for building purposes at Detroit and Windsor. It seems a long way to take the material ; buteup,glies for the points named are already being obtained at. considerable, distances, and transportation in scows across the lake and down the river would be commit atively cheap. Along the front of the Attr 11 property there ii soy amount ot gravel. which would be very valuable if available for builders. It the main portion of the grounds were turned over to the Government, the bougie and the large and handsome pars might he retained and converted into a summer resort. A- better loca- tion for s summer hotel can scarcely be found. The property contains 000 acres or more. `" Mr. Fleming and his family are among the summer zolony here. They have been summer visitors in Goderich for some years. Col. Hu4h Clerk, M. P., was in town over Sunday and it is surmised that his visit had something to do with the purchase. Before one of the largest crowds ever seen on the Recreation Park at Clin- ton, Goderich defeated Wingham on Wednesday by a score of 7-4 in the cleanest and fastest exhibition of lacrosse played this year. to winning this Goderich not only defeated Wing - ham, thereby winning the district, but also gained tbs eoofilence of every enthusiast. Nor w as each Item lack- ing in supporters. The noon train from \Vingbam brought with it over 200, while the 2.35 train from the county town carried no Tager load of Godertch "rooters." In all over rsir were on the grounds, behind the rapes. The Clinton people bad a chance to stand on tbe side line and figure out their own defeat. Referee Doyle's whistle brought everything into action at 4 o'clock Like a soot from a pistol. Beacom rushed down the whole length of the field, passed to Belcher. who should have scored bad it not been that. Mc- Lean threw his stick at him to save a goal, with the result that be took the count at the penalty bench for 300 con- secutive seconds. Time after time shots came off the Godetich stick.. with poor luck, end it was not until the second quarter that either team scored. After thirty minutes of play Wingham got tbe first one. followed by en upheaval from behind the ropes. The angry fire flashed from the eyes of the Goderich twelve, and putting themselves on their mettle they had scored four goals before the audience bed recovered themselvew after the first one. Half-time score. 4-1 in favor of Godert .r h. The third quarter was fast. Wing - ham notched two to Uoderich's one. Play was even. in the final spasm Wingham came fast and credit is due the Goderich defence for holding the score down. The hard cbrt-kiog began to count to- wards the close of tbe twenty minutes and Wiugbam faded away to let :lode- rieb get • 2-1 score. The game ended with Goderich pressing on the Wing - ham goal. Wingham bad gond team play but a slack defence Goderich bad speed and strength. The Anal score was 7 to 4 to favor of Omit/rich. The li.e.np was as follows: w'tryw a w. Gongmnrw. K eeebtrl goat W Morel Hoar -heap petat U. Joann on gurney cover plot F. Date Hanna letdefwes E.W Statham F. McLean led W Drew W Wait eosin R W.lvr V .n Week 3rd base 0. Beacom c. Neiman lel W. I►esk Groves let " ROOMERS WANT1D. - A F : E R ed j=yam, Cnnveelent to Chniate Itheltate. Apply at THE N 11 AUCTION SAM. UCTiON 8AUR OF TUU. to .IwM .AMed ter ale ber sviAraatttbeekwwsea sed rot the Onideerysrytai «.sad Iayet eot M►ember�101wawaw : Tea or' amt. 4simin t at tae Use of sad the Woo,* wlthe6R latent r 1.6111er dtYs t�iss�fter. 9ATei liI.LORssN, Deist Osfl S - =7gNi V Batmen os'a41e T. /Woti, : [awe { \wm•eket. e ItslrJasK reIl St. Marys Next. Goderich plays nest with St. Mary., the wfottiers i0 their district A game will bre played in sari town. wide. rich playing at St Marys on Labor Day. and St Marys ben on Wednes- day nest The Wednesday half -holiday ammo bee (doted. flet in ovder to enable ese700e to me bbe kimonos snatch belt Wedtseoday the 0orebeets haus aired to eisee *dr /loess of bedews MANY HAPPY RETURNS' MRS. A. CARRICK, who today celebrates the ninety- fourth anniversary of her birthday. Although ninety-four years old to- day (August Eithl. Mrs. Carrick is vigorous aid hearty, and is aa active as most people thin years younger. She is a native of Scotland. but has lived in Canada since she was fifteen years of age. She spent some years at Galt and Brantford, then for a quarter of a century lived in the township of Astifleld, and for over twenty-five years she ham been a teei- dent of (loderich, living with her daughter. Miss Carrick, in Newgate street. In honor of the anniversary, Mrs. Warnock gave a dinner today at besides the guest recent sato which were p of honor, her daughter. Mies Carrick, her son, Wm. Carrick, of Boston, Mrs. Wm. Carrick and Mise Cnvelle, also of Boston. Another who is here for the anniversary is Mrs. Carrick's granddaughter, Min. Wm. Doirning, of Winnipeg. Hugh Anderson Scores High. FOR HURON BOAR° OF TRADE IS TAKING UP THE PROJECT. Proposal Is to Connect All Parts of the County Not Already Well Served with Railways -Committee Appoint- ed to Secure Information and Bring the Project Before the People of the County. A project for the construction of a county interurban electric railway, to serve all parts of the county and give to each part a more direct connection with other parts of the county than exists at present, was the chief subject of discussion at a meeting of the Gude-- rich Board of Trade on Tuesday even- ing. The subject was introduced by Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, who pointed out - that the Provincial Governwentmight be disposed to assist such au enterprise in lieu of the county's participati(.n in the Governtneut good roads grant. Huron had spent a great deal of money in bygone years in establiehiug goad gravel roads, without Government assistance, and now that other countiee are receiving assistance in building such roads, Earns*agbt make a cia11D for assistance in establishing better communication by way of electric roads. Dr. Holmes thought the carry- ing out of the project would help to secure the developuleut of the Mait- land aiolaid River for power purposes and would reduce the cost of electric power throughout the county. It would be important to secure expert information as to the financial phase of theproj- ect, so that the taxpayers should not be burdened with an undertaking that would not pay expenses. H. E. ttodgens pointed out what a factor electric roads had been in build- ings up ce, Iain sections in which they were •operated, and Vice-president Moore gave an example from his ex- perience in Ohio which went to show the revenue-produciog capabilities of electric roads. Andrew Porter emphasized the fact that this was a project for the whole - county, but it seemed that Goderich had to •'start the ball rolling." The idea would be to reach all the points not now served by a railway or not well connected. He proposed a com- mittee to secure information, to inter- est the people of the county as a whole, and to present the project to the coun• ty council at its next meeting. A number of others spoke, and a resolution endorsing the proposal was unanimously adopted and a com- mittee was formed to carry the matter forward. The committee is composed of Andrew Porter, H. E. Hodgens. W. H. Robertson, Thomas Gundry, B. U. Muuoings, V. M. Rob- erts, M. G. Cameron (president of the Board)and James Mitchell (secretary). A vote of sympathy with Mr. gum- boil in his lose by the burning of the Kensington furniture factory was adopted on suggestion of Alex. Saito - dere, and a committee was formed to wait upon Mr. Rumball and see what arrangements can be made towards the rebuilding of the factory at au early date. It wee decided to petition the Min- ister of Public Works at Ottawa for further dredging of the ship channel at the harbor, to render it safe for the large vessels. Some other matters were discussed, and altogether it was one of the liveest meetings the $card ot Trade h,u had for sometime. At the Ontario Rifle Association meeting at Toronto lost week the Ot- tawa Collegiate institute Cadets had • number of shooters, and the hero of the lot was Hugh Anderson, son of the bite Rev. J. A. Anderson. of (lode rich. His prises totalled about $40 and he will probably receive a silver mednl for the highest score among the cadets. Incidentally. the color of Hugh's pyres is a factor in a controversy regarding the enter of the eyes of the beet marks- men. it has been .aid that the hest sbole have grey or light blue eyes ; but Hatch's orbs happen to be brown. A P owapsper elan interviewed him and ' eked him to describe his feeling. while be was making his winnir g ►bola. "Just ordinary," was the char- eeteristic reply. Hugh is seventeen year. of ewe, and aa much the greater raof his years hes been spent in sieh, we have some right to he pgood of him up bare. The Spotlon Business Colleges. The Spotton Business Colleges', which re -open for a fall term on Sep- tember 2nd, are the largest trainers of young people in. Canada. They are affiliated with the Commercial Educat- ors' Association of Canada and have s chain of seven colleges, of which the Clinton Business College i3 a worthy link. There are many reveons why young people should attend one of these colleges, se we have over two tbouaand graduates per es r and three schools have been established during the poet thirty years. Every graduate is guaranteed a position. coosequently 0o young person may hesitate as to gaining a foothold in the business world. "in a multitude of counsellors there is wisdom;" consequently, having over thirty teachers in these various colleges, we have bees able to pick out a curriculum whicn very far our - passes that of any other school. The famous system of Bares bookkeeping is a leading feature in the Commercial i)epsrtment,. and in theStenographic Departments student emay take either Gregg or l.aac Pitman aborthand, Those who cannot enter on the open- ing on September 2nd may enter any other day of the year, as each student is inetntcted individually at his own dark. Those who cannot enter at present may study at home through our Home Stud Department, without any further charge. The Rpottor Busine0e Cr lieges have trained tens of thousands of young people and eonse- gneetiv ate In a position to train other ambitious ones. Those desirous of im- proving their condition in lite should write to the Clinton Business College. Clinton, Ont. Miss Oemeron is at Toronto this week looking up late styles in fall end winter millinery The new designs will be ready and nn view st Miss O•meeswt's on and atter September tI Sad the* ladies are invited to call and "c,4§tvi°:tliit gat: -se Doe't forget to buy your ticket. for Toronto from F. F. Lewereoe A bore at the down -town ticket office. Special rate, ELM. on Tuesday and Thursday of nest week The Brophey Studio will be opus foe buelteees an day Monday (Labor Dsy). J.. W. T TRuetuLER, Prop.