HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 8ta-
� U
?wormnet. ADo. 7, 013)
Another ►bipteeot of the
celebrated genuine Bridal Rose
Chime. Complete Diener sets,
tr1 pieces. ='C.`.it 41 piece Tea
Set. tlfi.75. Vold in separate
pieces at .p.rl.vl clog priceb.J
r j Keru,o l up. stud Saucers
:ere. Spoon Ttay C..x'. i'epper and
Salts %c per peer. Cake Plates,
two kiads. '.i`ie and :i c. l'rearu
and Sugar :rah per pair. Cele]
Tray 5rt,c Salad Bowl (greatest
value ewer ibowat arc Ming
piece F. void equ..!li as reaaun•
able -
Tbe int Shire
(. ts0. PORTER. Prop.
D'bone 10(' Cwiwi eb
Will kill every By in "'our
house or store. All von have to
do is to get the flies to the Pads.
Directions in each packet
gb•w bow to do this.
l• ✓ w w tie e w
'Bac. Livery
mid Back Stables
MONTI:0 Al nlv lc
J owl OTT Yr r Seet A N •
Paceengess Balled fur in
way part of tbelowe for
all trains at G. T. R. or
C. P. R d.•pntt. Prompt
sera lieard careful alien -
Our Livery and Heck
service will b. found up-
tn-0ate in ever♦ respect.
'Tour pettv.nage twtlicit td.
'Phone 107 Montreal Stttet
See , our new punch -work
centres. Beautiful designs.,1,.a
* Birthday Cuabions for ever y
month. motto and birtbr•toot
appropriate to each.
(leder ich Souvenir Vusb-
loss, Me and 30e.
Day Dinow Slips, a new idea.
('hildren's and babies' Dress
sea made up stamped for hand -
embroider y.. s: Different styles
and sees.
Stamped Goods of all kinds
kept always on hand. also mate-
r cal for working same.
Silks and D. M.; C. threads
of all kinds for emhroidering
and crocheting.
A new stock of Bar Pins, Pin
Sets, Ladies' Combs, etc.. on
Get your sewing thread
when getting your sewing -ma-
c bine oeedles at
The Singer Store
Next Bell Telephone Central.
The old reliable
ie aiIIer W.MIeafl�iII
now 56 years in business
A good .upplyoof Bed and
Horse Bianketa, king Yarn,
fsheetiag. Homespun Tweeds,
Rags, etc., always oe band for
the whole season.
Beitg smug your amens. Wei
washed and ueweebed. and
the higeteet presses for Ate'.
Jesse Gledhill
Proprietor, Sema err
Lyric Theatre
no l$sNse of Quality
sed Refinement
Sterrwtng but tlo roost
,.p r.• dare and highest /lass
Nor ...r Pic:rrr. r.t t•lnab1c
A complete change of
program each Tues -
da , Thursday a n d
Saturday. Songs at
intervals during the
week, also Good Clas-
sical Music each night.
ThM Theatre I. sprayed and
purified earl night with the use
of the noted "I•,M,'IRK SPRAY:'
The c..mfott of the patrons of
this Theater is always most
carefully consider el.
Special Features Tues-
day and Wednesday of
each week.
Best Scranton Hard'
Coal—all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire Domestic
Lump Coal — most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges, box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Telephone !u
WswxseuAT. Aug. Alb.
• lissvIrl»s.—Mea. A. E. Colborne
end sem Ambrose, of (ioderich, spent
the week -ed with her parrots, Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. McClooadl Mal-
vin Seboeabala. of Clinton, and Albert
Sasals, Goderieb. have been visiting
old trisects around this vicinity
Ed. Lawson. of Dunlop, was the guest
of Otway Hayden on 8uoday .... Reg.
Burrows was home from Goderich for
over Sunday ttev. G. Goatee and
(nonny returned to Dungacnon last
Friday aper a very pleasant camp on,
the lake shore.... Mrs. and Miss
Clark and Mies Alice Clark visited at
H. Hayden's last week Mee. Joe
Kennedy. of Godericb, is the guest of
her friend, Mrs. Walker Murray
A. B. Sylvester, of Stratford, visited
w ith his family in their cottage over
Sunday Mn. H. Haden is enter -
raining the members of the Ladies
Guild of Christ church this afternoon.
Donald McKersie arrived horse
on Monday from bis trip to his old
home in Scotland. He reports a very
n ice time and met quite a number of
his old friends Mrs. Payne, Misses
Avon. Rloreace and Freida and Masten
lougal and Clemons, and Miss Aggie
8 lif sat, of Stratford, are camping at t be
laky. They are staying for three
weeks. 'ibis is their first summer to
ramp hew. and they are grettly
pleased with the heaotiful surround-
ings ... Miss Olga Uolclougb, of
B(yt.h. n the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Wet. Brinley Mrs. Thos. Given
visited with Goderich friends for afew
day.. • Mies Luln Young. of Tor-
onto, is visiting with her aunt, Mt -s.
Will (iauley Miss Dora Schoen -
hal.. of Clinton. is visiting her many.
friends around Pert Albert.. ...Mrs.
Will McLean and son, Harold, of Salt -
ford, are visiting with her father. F.
('unnungbaw..... . Miss Jeau Morrie,
of Maltford, is spending the holidays
with her gra.ndpaients, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. McMillan.
Tutt PL tea tent PI(NIcss. - A number
of I)ur.gannnn : tt iz.ne held a picnic at
the beach on Tuesday and enjoyed
themaelvei very much. There were
several picnics here last week. It you
want to enjoy a good outing just come
to Port Alhert and you will sure have
Trait 'TltrtoouH AFftf'A.--Oa Tues-
day evening. August 19th, there will
he an illustrated lecture on "Through
Africa witb the Bible Society'. in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian church at S
o'clock, under the suspi es of the
(lpner Canada Bible Society. Mr, A.
C. Ttivett, B. A., of Wycliffe College,
Toronto, will lecture on the stereopti-
con views. Everybody incited.
The farmer in this vicinity are very
busy bervesting the grain, which is a
much better crop than was expected a
while ago. Threshing also has com-
OPg27-AIR Slnv1C&s DURING At--
ooesr.--Altbough the late afternoon
rain on Sunday kept quite a number
horns from the union service oo the
beach, there was a fair! good-sized
congregation. Rev. Mr. Robinson had
charge of the preliminaries and Rev.
Mr. Gomm preached. He gave a very
interesting and instructive discourse
on the text : "and he constrained them
to get into a boat and go to the otber
side." Next Sunday Mr. Robinson
will preach. If next Sunday evening
is fine, it is fully expeeted that there
will „be a great rneny more present.
These open-air services will be held
on the beach every Sunday evening
during August and everybody will be
welcome. There will also he more
seating accommodation provided for
8obdap. Service commences at 7
Mier Lila Howitt, of Auburn. is visiting Mies
ivy 1®rota.
Fier. Is. H. Boyd. of Landon, it spending his
holidays at "lakeside. -
Mir Idabel McIroaald. of the poetofce staff,
i, visiting et Mimeos.
Mr Abe Moors. d Lledon. i; ri-iting
Meader tow L lkl. week.
Mew Jetts Anderson tlyead daughter. of fig-
trait. art at "takesire.
Mew Lewd*. d Boe:tle. Warhinjton. 1s
visiting bee dee-, Mrs. M. Bates.
Mier Asses Howey kr returned to town after
a ®oath's rsaetise with friend.in Luekoow.
Mises Isis aid Marie Curren., of Trout*.
were einem relatives and friend/ tc Godrich
tide week.
M- and Mrs. Geo. Jardine. of Stratford.
wanted Mr. Jardine. unlit. D. Jardine,
Cambridge aired.
The Mitre Jean and Anna meson. of
Detroit. are breeding the moots of Aniu-t at
their here* bone
Mew Maros. el Toronto. retorned home o0
Monday ate a sesta'. whit 1n :own the
Crest of Mier Bi.rbane.
Mr. art Mra J. 1L Andrews re'n.ned to
t.er esad this week after vi.tung •: tM sons
et Mre Jabs8Uwste. Besodlier.
Atli McQearree left as Monday for
Mendek where bs nth b, engaged on The
sewer Part derisg tire month of segue.
Ski .1. H. Hanley, MIs. Lerner Healey and
Leeward Nedey. et Meirloue. Mich- an the
grids et Mr. and Me. Walter H. Berriso0.
J. A. McLane. et Tercet., whose Reny are
bYaayirg at the Betel ess.rt. .pent the
weekend with them aged renewed srgssist-
a•re wet old Mawr is tows
Preterit Waller. et Manitoba C ilmaatrendy
wM M acceding the Isterosdossl (;eelegeeel
40,000 FARM
Pl.. halt.•..t pwr ..1. from w,....peg w
M..ird t..1g.r7 a ads... to.
Mr We soot or malotr s. 01) ooloso.a.' t
Mad. -4. mater, or er.e.seo so wen .1 re
*MIST 22.4
--Frew di ender Si.7rr•eos se some Worse red cad sere brume
.—Ppaet� riot bawl were w Coad Trust Win Use I. Orrlades./
end tir
_Orr Terms amid Neta N-eiers One ds, Mer\ d bet see isde6y
tied Tryst Lia, Tears M Owed sed Best et Towner ami (imirees,
arks* Lair and Neie.. btrdnq dot0014•0
ti mean34---F'w Tenor W ea nurser es Orlrfat es net ere Weis
Green Trask Lir Taws ye Neal say
samba 546,--? ad etedase am ss Grad Trod
is Orris. �L ear creme es 1Mia bibs lege.
sr Wet ala bbaat leirddidins Aafse � Wirt army Ile fedi Sr
OM 111114 MI Nab MI WINO MU
Mre'er~eineed dor Libreeretlsee, oak as owl Wr teepee. Wermirs InkM • r~ersn .sped Mrs w sba wed
el wlmimirt ttr mi Wower. coign he beeee die bear esssyarirb peera�*�r/e t�skr�rwr,�
l=et fl r4� ebtd es eee�,e�rtfr_wel ed M e� tele dieser lbat CiMr
Net st4wO `ad Trask II .Ieylaeetrr. a la sea ens. rat era
Ilia fare see arms ski fr(gje/as�a Acs es e
smemei is rrlmilteer a1 �ey(sodd eMe des
Zrw ivite este a b�yrp't�"r sefer�rer'r re_
se bio
es qMtsaeer mat
PM de
fi. s. �!., a-!.f>j.. tri. tjzz
11 _.cJg ^.. P .oat.. �... 9';..:"w" -•'_`al. a.r r .",.r- .R?
00 =r11
wasaysr et w "'Wisest* art.
Mr. sad Mia Clare, Ons. Dsawtttw.
eawaaev.tas of dude diaghtger,
Job TILL u w et fas.vsr.
Oulearee, Asa et .ad fess Walker.
Mrmsely at The we taken tea take
pleas the screed west Lo destembsr.
Mies Maeda hale returned last week
t, Tonto.
Mies lsmay Thompson is visiting
friesds at St. Marys.
Mrs. R. C. Poetletbweite was visit-
ing at Stratford Ibis week.
Miss Alice Sharman, of Regina.
is visiting her relatives in town.
Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Dougall and two
eons, Cedric and Herbert, of he.
Thomas, are spending two weeks in
town lbs guests of Mn. Sinclair.
Britannia road.
)1n. Geo. Acheson and Mies Brown
ell, of Toronto, are 'asking • short
visit in emu.
Charles and Miss Alice Cresols. of
Hamilt.00, are visiting at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Humber.
Mise Blume and Mn. Vail and chil-
dren, of Washington. D. C., are at the
residence of Mr. cod 1111-11.J. H. C'ol-
bor\ne fir a visit of several weeks.
Mrs. M. J. Pion has returned from a
three weeks' visit tit the old bome at
K i nget ridge.
Mia Gertrude Whitehead returned
to Toronto this week after • month's
visit in town.
W. R. Robertson is away on a visit
to his sons, John C. and Robert S., at
their summer homes in the Muskoka
and Parry Sound districts.
Arthur Rockett. of Toronto, and
Albert Sorrily. of Dundee, were the
guests of the tenet's sister, Sirs. Wal-
ter Eldridge, East street, last week.
Hugh H. Polley is down from Re-
gina for a holiday visit. He read Mr.
Saliows' Western letters as they ap-
pe+red in The Signal, And—declares
indignantly that it isn't so.
Washing Gloves Fashionable. ^1
The washing g1c': i, has come to be
the fashionable a -Brie this summer
for day and even.:.. wear.
A large assortment of smart new
gloves were seen at a smart London
shop. The vogue 1, r bright -colored
kids has completely died out, and the
correct tones this year are white,
ivory, pearl gree. and graduated
shades of tan.
The white doeskin glove, which may
he had in all -lengths, has quite oust-
ed the once-popularsilk
what is more, it is now worn for
evening functions where formerly only
the glace elbow length glove was con-
sidered coirect wear.
Stiede gloves ar, also fashionable
and short black s::• de is greatly fav-
ored for morning v.•
The Trajectory of a Thing.
The trajectory of a thing is the
path of • ballet or anything gee
passing through the air from the gun
to the place where it strikes. (len-
erallc the weed is t pptied only to bul-
lets and cannon balls. In shooting
at an object near at hand you aim
point blank, because the bullet prac-
tically reaches the target before R
falls at all, but when you fire at a dis-
tant object ynu must aim above it,.
so that the bullet may have room to
fall and yet hit the object. The
desire of every marksman is to get a
trajectory as fat as possible. so that
the bullet shall have no need of fall-
ing very far. A flat trajectgry is obs
Mined by increasing the speed of the
bullets. by diminishing their size and
increasing the powder charge.
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies.
Pierre Loti's book on the Balkan
war does not represent the first occa-
sion on which he has spoken his
mind in regard to a campaign. But
Whereas neither England nor the
United States ever bore him malice
for his criticism no the South African
war and the Philippine campaign re-
spectivdy, he has received innumer-
able insulting and threatening letters
from Italians for his strictures on the
war in Tripoli. In fact. for some
months he was in the habit of throw-
ing away unopened all letters bear-
ing Italian postmarks — London
Japan's Great Bronze Bell.
in the temple of Chionin, at Kyoto)
Japan, is a wonderful bronze bell)
said to weigh 100 tons. and when ib
mellow Mem is heard the ,pedestriai
stands still, and the workman pause*,
to listen. the vibrations being felt
over a large area. It has no tongue)
but the end of a wooden beam. se*•r
pended horizontally in a platform;
swings forcibly again-st the brazes
meas. There are only two larger'
bells in the wc,rld. that of Minden'
Min, in Bernie. and one at Moaoow.'
Brown—T met White a few min::tes
ago on his way downtown to recover
his son's body.
Green—You don't tell me' Was his
son drowned?
Brown—Oh. n. ' But his father said
he needed a new suit of clothes. •
The Meek.
''You should try to be • little lees
assertive. my dear Remember,
meek shall inherit the earth'."
"Oh, yes; I dare say they will—
when the others have done with it."
—London Opinion. '
Chlldree with Defective Sight.
A letter received by Mr. Gardiner.
prince!. psi of the Oetario ee bool for
the Mad, from the superintendent of
the Amore:we Missies School her the
Blind, at Bombay. India, mentions
that the evacuated number of blind
people In India i. GOl1,Oflf1, of whom
certainly Dot more than MO have
had buy opportunity for an education
or traMieg atone fedueuial piss+,
from m placer in the
t. is ted Matsu, a. wail ae from seve7,1
Miedw le s 'see that
UbeMod ae eatielllef
-atilt of gator term
es lbs part of tis phTt -
dae. sed euro -W11110 lie reeneas
of the bet Domisies ewe= ea this
urine t haws not yet hese tabulated
and published. there is meson to be-
lieve that a similar atateateat M ap-
plicable to Cased*. Pieveetheteek it
is probable that there are sow --as
there always have been—many youoit
people in Ontario wbo ought to be en-
rolled ee pupils in the school at
Brantford, but are not. Some
parents of blind children bass never
heard of the school: others are sen-
sitive about letting it be known toes
their children are .fsicted, many,
from what might be described as ex-
cessive affection, do not like to be
separated from their cbt.ldren, eveu
for the children's good. To get into
communication with the permits of
those for whose benefit the eet:ool
is maintafaad, the principal depends
largely epee the kind ietervaetipa of
**tanbark teaebees, minietertll and
municipal officers and to win hal glad
to get f rom anyreader of The Masai
Lbs same and poetoflsoe address of
any perms umd.e twenty-one years of
ege who is blind, or whose sight Is so
defective that attendance at the torsi
puKlic ecbool is not. practicable. By
the methods in use at Brantford. a
English education can be acquired
the sightless, and (n+tructioe M
a given in such trades as are avail-
able to made the blind to become
s.11- opportlug. There is no eflarge
for board, tuition or books. Address,
H. F. Gardiner, Principal O. 8. B.,
Sic*, Headaches—.
are cot caused by anything wrong in
lead. but bycoasttpatioe,bilrws
free deaden,
tura t any Dr. M ,,Headachebut
India* Root Pl71s do cure sick head-
ache is the sserble way by removing
the con,tipatios es sick stomach
which caused them. Dr.
Indian Root Pills e purely
table. free from any harmful drug,
`aheada the coming : you les, the
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
The Last Week of the
Midsummer. Sale
THIS most successful Midsummer Sale swings into its
last week with interest unabated. The values are so
exceptional that business is humming every day.
Next week must see it brought to a close, for already
Fall Goods are pouring in on us and must have counter and
shelf space. Your dollars will do extra duty if you take ad-
vantage of the many unusual offerings. Every price cut adver-
tised last week holds good until the sale is over and there
is many a good thing gets on the bargain tables that never
gets into the paper.
Light Colored Serges 2oc
Light colored, all wool Serges, 36 to 3tt inch•,
wide. worth double the mosey. Midsummer Sale
price, per yard 20o
Black Serge 45c
One end only black Serge, all wool. a splendid
wearing cloth that is suitable for any purpose you
use Serges. Special Midsummer Sale, per card
Embroidered Laundry Bags 25c
Linen Laundry Bags, full sire, colored em-
broidery. Special for Midsummer Sale, each only
Summer Cushions 5oc
Two dozen Summer Cushions covered with
good quality cretonnes, suitable for veranda*,
boats or summer cottages. Good quality filling.
Very special Midsummer Sale, each 500
Hundreds of Yards of
Embroideries Selling at 7c
We are making a determined effort to clear
the Embroidery shelves and have picked out hun-
dreds of yards of high-grade Embroideries and in-
sertions to clear at this ridiculously low prix.
There are dozens and dozens of patterns to choose
from and qualities that sold all the way up to 20c
and 25c per yard. Midsummer Sale, clearing at
per yard 7o
25c Chambray i6c
Highest quality French Chambray, extra wide
width with narrow border. All the popular color-
ings. Standard Mc all over. Midsummer Sate.
per yard ilio
More Ginghams at ioc
More Scotcb Ginghams, broken checks and
plaids. Regularly 15c to 18c. Midsummer Sale.
per yard - .. 100
Buy Long Lisle Gloves
at 35c per pair
These Gloves are of exceptional quality, high
finished Lisle, black or white. 20 inches long.
A Glove of quality. Midsummer gale, per pair
A Splendid Curtain for $1.i5
We have fifty pain of Lace Curtains to sell at
this price. They are worth actually 12.00 per
pair. A fortunate purchase makes us in a posi-
tion to ]make this moat unusual offering. and in-
stead of 12.00 we put 'them on Sale at your choice
of fifty paire, at per pair. $1.15
The Last Call for Spring Suitings
These Suitings make splendid skirt., suits or
separate coats for cool evenings. Regular prices
Are up to *2.00 per yard. There are ten or twelve
ends lett. Midsummer Sale you take your choice.
at per yard 71tio
A Young Ladies' Coat for $6.5o
Just one Spring Coat left to sell. it is a good
quality nevy serge, misses' size, A splendid gar
anent for fall or early winter. Worth a great deal
More money. Midsummer Sale, for only $0.50
Some of the Other Specials it
Worth Remembering are
White and colored Cotton Dress Goods
clearing at leo per yard.
The ffic and 3&e Embroideries clearing
at 17o per yard.
The 50e and OOc Corset Cover Embroid
ery selling at 33o per yard.
The 27 -inch and 4b -inch Flouocines,
regular ,x1.255 to 12.00, that are selling at
590 per yard.
The ladies' high-grade Umbrellas with
handsome silver handles tbat are selling at
$2.25 each.
The ladies white Skirt• and Gowns that
are meth sg at $1.4111:
The lot of Sample Underwear and
Dresw s, worth up to $2.60 cub, that are %e11-
ing at, your choice for SIM.
The 73c Keyser Gloves that are selling
a t 50o.
These and other bargains we have not
room to mention ere making this Midsum-
mer Side the biggest kind of • success.
The Fur Display
Our Midsummer display of Furs is now complete and we invite
you to visit our upstairs show -room any time during the month and
look the beautiful Fur garments over. You will be fully repaid for the
trouble of the visit. If you have Fur buying to do or Furs to make over
we can make it worth your while to do your choosing now while this im-
mense stock is here at your disposal. Some of the choicest Furs it has
ever been our privilege to show our customers are now on view in our
millinery show room.
Very Handsome Linen Towels
We have just passed through the customs
some very hendeoma Lives Towels, hemstitched
or scalloped ends. beautiful designs embroidered
Mroee one end. They eoee lo three ewe. greet,
•rdinary and large. This is the handsomest lot
clad the best amertatect we bare ever imported.
Motor and Steamer Rugs
Tartans and plain colorings in genuine Scotch
Steamer sad Motor Reego. m. wools are the
andmt obpDahM, the doitw�reprod>the � of attY
and the ds • gweoier.
Sovstelt Teems. They are all spade to Reotland.
where the Iseet grades of the Rugs are mann-
factored. will stead an end of hard wear
and rotate their color
qualities. *SAO, 117.s*
.sD and *.f0 each.
i .&'
11 on bars any PutrdH 4
istem Tref west repaired or R
0 geliS
belabored ire err. prepared
Aremeetotake year y
seNetumistisio to
gMirdaetoryx�js► and r rprsldis
t«esy ' st