HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH • ONTARIO
• leentarAa', Ars.. 9. 1913 7
TNews of the District
+44+* 4444 *44444 * 4****•*4
kflognax, Aug. 4th.
Pistoonat..-Ilialies tetra mad Ansa
Stewart have returned hos from 8L.
Bairns ..... Miss Prances Quaid, of
OliverDetroibar Miner. Mrs.
f Cook ,erg
Mrs. D. Horton and
children. of Niagara Falls, are visiting
their relatives here. Lillis Lantos -
slay es and friend, Emma McArthur,
lave ret.tri ed hone after visiting
fr:eods in Aubure. R. Smith and
sister. is st. Helens, spent Sunday at
the h -•m hawk P. have Stewart The
returned home
after , pleasant visit to their uncle,
gr. Pa aces in Michigan Mus.
Piper and children. of Calmest,
Michigan. and Miss Parrish. of De-
tro;t, visited their brother, J. D.
Fattish. last week The Musca
Walters and McManus are camping
ca the old McManus homestead. The
Wil, -m to be enjoying themselves.
Sabbath morning, August I(kh, com-
munion sen ice will be held in Le, -
burn church.
T. Shields, of Nike. is busy putting
up the fr.twr-wort of Will Fulford's
Can Find a Care in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
\ truer. Ont. -Aug. 4th (Special). -
cry wotenL Dodd's Kidney
Piii- Lave tirade me well." Those are
the w. ti• et Madame hugene Per re.
auit• is highly respected lady of this
pmt and mother of a large tastily.
Fuc t.reoty years she was • sufferer.
But let her tell her owe story.
1 es• always tired and nervous,_
she states "1 felt heavy and sleepy
alter meals. My limbs were heavy,
and 1 Mid a dragging sensation across
my bier. My skin itched and buried
at night. I had a Oilier tante in my
south..--pecially in the mornibg. la
twenty Years 1 hardly knew what it
was L. have a well moment Then 1
commenced to use Dodd'. Kidoey
Pill.. Six boxes carred me. -
Ti'nCHIP Coc3c1L.--Coaoetl met
on July l'it.b as per ad$urnwent
members all present. Minutes of last
'meeting read and passed. on motion
of savior and Mailough. Treasurer'.
-tatement for July showing balance
of $1'I.•' fted, on motion
! Nadl.,r and Medd. K. Cameron
waited on council with • request that
they a,surne all future work and
expense in connection with ditch on
row -re -ion 12. lot 16. Request not
grentrd. on motion of Maliougb and
Medd. Councillors Murray and Nay-
lor wee -appointed to deal with Oita
complaint. Bylaw ho. 5. amending
bylaw No 2, re pounds and pound -
keepers' feta, was read three times
and pissed, oo wotiou of Musty end
Naylor. Mi. Cballen, of Godericb,
was present representing the Amen -
can Road Machine Co. Motion by
Naylor and Medd that no machinery
be purchased this year. Carried.
Councillors Young and Mclarty were
delegates from Colborne township
with petition of twelve ratepayers
asking tor franchise in West Wawa
noeb for Colbcrne municipal telephone
system. Owing to previous litigation
the council was not prepared w act on
the matter without more information.
Reeve Bailie was delegated to look
into this matter and repott at oeit
meeting. on [notion of Murray sed
Medd. Tender for cement work for
bridge a' lot 14, ccocessioe 9 was read
froE. Miller, of SL Helens. also
price: quoted by Hill k Co., Mitchell,
and Hunter lima., Kioeardine, for
N eel M•,tion by Murray and Naylor
that this bridge be built. Carried.
Motion by Murray and Naylor that
township rate be placed 2 2-10 mills fde
1913. Motion iu amendment by Bailie
and Medi tha• rate be 1 1 -Ili mills.
Carried. W. J. Thompson brought up
the nutter of watercourse affecting
him ••neeneessioes 6 and 7. Motion
by Wall iugh that whole council meet
and examine the above case. 1!(0
see.'oder. Motion of Malloagh and
Naylor tbat accounts for work done
and patbmiutees' gravel accounts,
amounting to $110.63 be paid.
tarried. Council adjourned to meet
September lith at 11 o'clock. W. A.
%ILsas, Clerk.
Tie theme picture of Kiss Ruth Rec-
tor of New Tort is takes from life mid
ie oe Use label said esrtosru of every
gaesitae bottle a( Hageitse hair leafs.
it is %rearyfsw of goallty and mold -
Moe and we orgs nor poems to be
sore to look for tail laknsl. Illeprias is
Roaraateed to stop the hair tem MB
Num, to cure Madre* in tem weeks
ie using Missal ksastty late einem
eneittrootive Mir Swigs
the paleswMW
t betiew ei . Sr eat
mks* It rich r Is
et anise. Ssgsake melt
it tasebny 1.
ii i. nkat.
lupi h*Rest is Aodwin% far illmelme.
A beetle at a malimenes
beer is vs there. Othar alines iee"i
emp t A ds:see
atom:see, Aug. 4th.
Thursday, August 14. will be Luck-
now's civic halides, Tbs annual
uoion tiuoday school excursion to
Kincardine will be held on that day.
Clara Agnew bas been transferred
from the Lucknow to thio Mt. Thomas
branch of the Molsons Bank. Ou the
evening be(ote his departure • dance
was given in his honor iu Carnegie
A Kincaid' Raa!Dg%T. - Patrick
Kenney, a well-known resident of the
truth eonneeion of Kiolose township.
passed away on Tuesday, July U.
aiod sixty-two years. He leaves a
ow, three sons and three daugh-
A big porcupine was killed recently
et Rod. Caw bell's. line morning
Mrs. Campbell found the beads chewed
off about twenty-five of her fowl, and
Mr. Porcupine showing himself
shortly after was promptly des-
petebe.d. He was well equipped with
business men ct Lt.ckoow having
agreed upon takirg a half -holiday
every Thursday during the months cf
July and August, the agreement has
come into effect. Sboppers are re-
quested to remember that Thursday
afternoon of each week for the rest of
the month is devoted l y the merchants
to rest and rrcreatior, and to govern
themselves accordingly.
A•sseens rr Aerg*t1t.-Three ln-
terrstinl'eaaes of appeals were beard
by fudge Barrett at the recent Court
of Appeal here. One was that of T. F.
Cain against his assessment of N6,121.
Last year the assessment on the Gin
House premises was $8,300. On secant $
of. improvements titre made the judge
raised this assessment Ibis year IMO,
making a total assessment on build-
ings of $3,300. The business assess-
ment was fixed by the judge at $875,
making a total assessment of 54.375 (10.
Another appeal was that of Finlay
Malcolm against hairiness as,essmeot
as a teamster. The judge held that. as
the appellant drove his opo team, be
was a laborer rather than a teaming
contractor, and therefore allowed his
appeal. O. Martin. G. T. R.. appealed
against being assessed for an Income
tax in Lucknow, claiming that. as bis
place of residence was in Kinloss, he
had no right to pay the tax in Luck -
now. As be is assessed by Einlom
township kr this tax. his appeal was
allowed by the juige.-Luekaow
PgReorAL MerrioN. - Mr,. D C.
Taylor is visiting at Hamilton ....Mrs.
Shoe -bottom, of Loudon, is visiting in
town Mrs. Scott and daughters.
of Sudbury. are visitisig in town ....
Miss Holwes, .of Clistoe, is visiting
her brother herr Yrs. 8. Spindler
and family. of Duluth. are visiting
friends in town 71te. Sherwood.
of New York City, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. F. Catooell. of town.
....Mime Rose Smith is spending her
vacatiou with frieod. at Toronto and
Paris .. .. Wilbert Webster left last
week to take a course of treatment et
Mt. Clemens, Mich Mr. and Mrs.
W. Treleaveu and daughter. of Clin-
ton, are visitiog friends in town
/lessee Anna Barr and Helen Lock-
hart left last week era a trip to the
West ......Miss C. Treleaven and her
brother Will, of Toronto, are visiting
wick relatives in town Mrs. i Dr
Gordon and family. wbo were camp-
ing at Point Clark, have returned
borne.... Misers Margaret Henderson
and Ena McKay have returned home
from a visit to friends at Durban
Mouot Forret and otner places
Mee. A. Thompson and daughter. Mrs
Helwig, and her little son, of Winni-
pp--gg are vieitiog here ...Master
Noreen W ilesn has returned to Gode-
rich after spending a month with his
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. \% m.
Armstrong Ed. Murchison is
spending a few weeks' holidays in
Lucknow. accc.mp+wed t.y bis !nide.
a girl from sunny Tennessee ....Misses
Era and May Lyons have returned to
their borne st leincleehoro' after a
visit here Rnlert Graham has
returned home few Toronto
Miss A. M.6 or, of Hamilton. is visit-
ing in town.
Men\DAY, Aug. 4tb.
DRS TH Or Mits. Recrot•L -Another
of the old pioneer residents of Bast .•
Wawanosb passed away or Sunday.
Jule 27, wbeo Mrs. Alexander Rintoul
died at Mitchell in her seventy-eighth
year. The deceased lady had all the
experience* incident to pioneer life
and heed to see the township brought
Prow a wilderness to a prosperous
farming c)mmunity. The remains
were brought to R'iogbattt for inter- _ _
ith Biliousness and
Sick headache.
Calgary, Alberta, July -. 1911.
1 was a great sufferer for a long
time with biliousness. sick headache
and liver trouble. Nothing seemed to
do me sine. good. 1 had almost given
up in deeper when 1 decided to try
After taking sheet half a box the
headache Mopped end my appetite
improved. 1 have jest foished tbe
fifth t.ox and feel se well ae ever. I
l can heartily recommend Frg Pills for
scb and liver troubles.
Sold et all dealers in 25 and 50 -cent
hexes or marled by The Pug Pill Co.,
4t. Thomas. Ont.. Sold in Goderieb
by E. R. Wigl.. druggist.
1�1 useda e( feel It posy WKWOim are
1 mesas YRS 1. iC
Min Erma Symington leaves Fri-
day moraieg for trip through West-
ern Coombs
The Auburn bride, is .till in the
same state u it was left law Chrism
mas h is a pity something could
net 1.e done to berry the contracts*,
a little, so M to have it finished dur-
ing low water.
J. H Robertson, of the Sterling
Hawk. has been trawdetred frogs Monk -
toe to Auburn. A. 1 Hatetlton was
Mtwra on Use relieving staff. At pre-
sent be ie in G e.dericts.
Jets H. lockage, of the Sterling
Renk. Rebrintvflls, spurt tlpwday at
iris berme Is A sheen.
Artiste --My oMsm was to te,' tte
empress s11 the beswws of wee. How
do you like it r PrMwd-"1 leave
mem sem aRy*Mwg lutism barvibie r
went, the fuberal taking place on
Wednesday last from the residence of
the c t- eased's son, Albert Rintoul.
No Poisonous Sugar cf Lead or Sul-
phur Ir. Delightful, ?refreshing
Parisian Sage.
Give Dirt a
Hard Time.
If you haven't enjoyed the marvel
ons benefit derived from using refresh-
ing Parisian Sege. the modern hair
grower, beautifier and daodrutf rem-
edy. you have missed a real treat.
Every w..ma•n should use Parisian
Sage. not only to banish dandruff and
other hell troubles. hut to prevent
falling hair, haldnesa, grayness. and
faded ba,r. 'Parisian Sage puts lire
and lustre into any person's Bair. 1t
keeps the scalp and hair immaculately
clean, and causes the hair to come in
thick and abundant.
Parisian Sage is not a dye. • It does
not contain a particle of poisonous
lead to discolor the hair or any injur-
ious ingredient.
Geta hlttle today. It costs only
hall a dullerand is sold at drug stores
and rnil.t c.omte'$ ererywber ,
E R. Wigle guarantees
The Grind Bend summer resort is
having a good season this year.
Thos. Case bas sold his farm in Hay
to W. J. Beer and F. J. %Vick.vire.
Harol l Appel, of Z•tricb. has gine
to Merlin, where he is starting in the
jewellery buittnrw.
After thirty-one years of service.
Moe M. E. McEwen has tendered her
resignation as postmistress of Lead -
but y.
Miss Edith Deadman, of Brussels,
It.. been engaard a• teacher of the
seemed det-artment cf Walton public
The trustees o1 the Clegg se -heel,
5th line of Morris, have engaagged Miss
Florence Imlay. of Wingbam, as
The license of the Metropolitan
hotel at Exeter expire! on the last
day of Jule. Exeter has now only two
licensed house.'.
Fred Green. of Exeter North. slipped
while shingling a stable and fell off
the roof. receiving injuries to his hip.
shoulder and spine.
Wan. Amens, proprietor of the Sea
forth sawmill-, was elected Mayor of
Seaforth Qy aoclamation, succeeding
J. C. Greig,• who rr signed.
Two !hemmed people from Clinton.
Wingham and other inland parts of
the district spent last Friday at Kin-
cardine. Two exrnrsion trains were
run. one from Mitchell, the other from
V. iugbam.
Announcement has peen made of
the marriage of Miss Pearl Leavitt, of
Feeler, to Gold...Cochrane. of B-rltn,
.which took plate at Morse Jaw. S ask.
Mr. and Mr•. Coehrnne will make
their borne at Berlin.
The Wineq ham Citizens' B and i• new
in char see o( Fr•d Hinkley. who arrived
recently from England. Mr. Hiuklev
was it Grderich for a week or two be-
fore going to \Wingham. Ile is an
excellent cornet placer.
The Seafor t h ('nllegiat. I net tut.
board has eng.tged Miss M. E. Cuu.an,
of l.ngeuia. as teacher of modern len
images and history. as successor to
Miss Bower, svbo resigned since the
school closed for the holiday.
The death took place at Wroxeter
on Thnrsday. July 24th, of Jane
Munro, widow of the late Andrew
Miller. Mrs. M ller was shle to he
erouod until the d.y of her death,
when she had a paralytic stroke. She
was sixty -right years of .g-.
Ephraim Walker. nneea well-known
resident of Seefortb, diel at lest •le
Lake. near fieetrle. on the 6 h of July.
at the age of eighty years. He is sur-
vived hs hi. widow and two daugh-
ters. Mr. Walker moved to Seattle
about twenty-flve years ago.
On Friday. July 21. Miue A. Morro.
wife of Allwrt Hewit•. died al the
home of her father in Elena townsbie.
aged forty -firer ars. Deceased woe .
meter .d M. 14. Moore. V. A.. Bets -
sees, and rhe and her hothand were
formerly residents of B.USW IA.
A member ..f th. Kincardine Hiatt
Reboot st.ff asked to ire releematl f.o
his egrsesnrn'. barring been off -red a
better salary elsewhere. The board
offered to release him ..n condition that
be pay A25 towards the expense of
securing another tenches in his place.
He paid thei..o'".
John Goldie Sturdy and Miss Elsie
Kells Cooper, both of \Vingham, were
quietly wedded at tbe Metocdist par-
eooage in that town on Tuesday even-
ing of last week. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. W. Hihhert.
The young couple will reside in %Ving-
tin Saturday July 26t b. at the home
of Mr. and Ms( John Dodd.,-esforth,
the marriage took place of their eldest
daughter, Miss ina Rhrdella, to Wil-
liam Blain McKay. of Halifax. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
W. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. FIs Kay will
make their home at Halifax.
Mn. John Etter), of Exeter, died o0
Tuesday, July :Jath, in her seventy-
ninth year. She has been a resident
of 'Exeter for twenty-eight yeah,
prior to that time bating lived on a
farms near ('entralia. Her hushand
died in November of last year. Two
sons and one daughter survive.
On Wednesday aftergpon, July 23,
William John Mitchell. of Howick,
and Miss Elizaheth Westlake, of aim
sante township. were united in wed-
lock by Rev. J. W. Hibbert at the
Wiogha•.. Methodist parsonage. The
couple will make their horse on the
boundary line of Howick and Turn -
beet y.
On Tuesday. July 22nd, Mrs. Wm,
Cnolter died at her home at Z -eland,
at the age of sixty-three years. She
was herrn near Perth and wis the
da'ghterof H -try McGee and si-te•rof
John an! James M'(. -e. of \Wawa-
ncsh. About a year ago she under-
went an operation from which eh;
never fully recovered. Beside. her
husband, she leahi six sons, W. J.,
George, Prank. Samuel, Alex. and
(James, and two dough's is. Mrs. W.
Thom, of Dungannon, and Mrs. John
I TCraig, of Whiter hutch.
Hearse Dorset.
I Fordwich Record : kVbile the
funeral at the late David McLaughlin
was oo its way to the Brussels cent..
1 tery on Saturday last, tbe procession
was met by an automobile between
Jamestown and Brussel,, and the
team on the hearse became frightened
and unmanageable, and turuing
quickly around tippet the vehicle
down a steep emlianku.ent, hut did
not run away. The bearse was Madly
damaged and the casket thrown out
and slightly broken. Word was sent
to Brussels and the emir' taker from
there met- the pr.erssinn and the
rcumin. were conveyed ouw..rd with-
out further mishap. The driver of the
eutonnobileacsed in a most courteous
manner and helitbe party iu every
,.w.ide way. Tb. undertaker and
driver who were on lbe.hearer escaped
wi'I. •ut iejaiy. No Mans f r the
accident is attached teeny person.
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at tin
Y M C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept 2nd. C•taiogoe
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westrrnit J. W. Westerdt,'JL
Prlaelpal 17
mostobstin ranted
masIlly Is s F� Dis-
omb, Lara-
c�000rrbo.a, Palaful and wSuppressed
itenstru.tion, eta, alt, are all Of
them relieved tram the start by the
use, and a few weeks' ar menthe'
treatment seem tfahss a
curs. This remedy Is •
scientific prSperwtios. end
as the diseever4as d Pastsnt aid
Lister. It in an applied treatment;
that is. It is net taker tatmmatly,
but is applied direct to the salsrlea
allltths certainty d the kaowa taws
of chemical actio* S As ceases is
Menet osetaet with ties Olssased those. its aattseptie and serve -feed properties
sanest beep have a t>enefieest Isfioeaea I receive from 1e W is petters Oath,
ineskIng .1 t!e benefits and cures tt is performing, and so sure an. I that tt will
do what is calmed for tt that I will send, absolutely fres, • rte box to every net-
tiwrttepsg women who will write for It Price in per hex, which is outdoes for sae
*astir treatment G`EE
For Sate by Leading Druggists Everywhere.
now in full swing, and, no doubt,
during the hot weather that now
prevails, you will he needing one.
MCLEAN BROS. have in stock a full line
,s,If Straw Hats of the latest styles and best
makes, and are offering them at
Half Price
The Square
haw d Marriage l icetres
(lodericb, Ontario
S"! 5
are most eery ic, able wb• u you
have them made ,of the tweet
goods in the meet elite -slate
styles. You will ubrain abso-
lute satisfaction if yi u patronize
Dunlop the Tailor
West St., Godes ieb
Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. tat
Neely graduate guaranteed a
position. Thorough coureee. Large
staff of .pecialista. Individual in-
struction. Best equipped College
in Canada.
C'. A. FUMING. F. C. A.
Pt incipal. li.• D. Ft.lnaING
Meer Lary.
onaar imam, our
Cassia's Item Staines* Cot lege
We re sa ' berwr.ga manor. ...d riven
est r see , Wooed ia4rwetrti Wad*
as I. raw r iitoilnev. sal ar•dastew
5. a-• tW . Al mooing win
e .i•, le two olthrting liana ins to
t . 'i : et spa NO M trained brio Rosi
-e s•..
e.r wheretboyrot t e ben
e.le We have targe departaeent..
('asemetr aI. Marne bawd and Teas
g• sMr. tree our tree °staMgar.
U. A. • MCLAfit LAN, Printip,L
Thonsar.ds of ambitious Ionai potpie
are fast preparing In their own homes
to occupy literati Tit po.ltion. a. -tMog-
r•pberwbookkeepeni. teIeg.atberv. civil
• serseatn in taxi every spbe a of Baal
na..,Aetivities. You may stat -b .•t oat -
kite if von .o wish. Positions- g�oossrtaanan.
teed. F.nter.eolkwe soy day. 1�1vid-
ual in4reetinn. Expert teaahere.
Thirty ear.' experieees. L.rge-t
trainer.. in Canada. Seven oI4ege-.
Sparta! course fur teseher*.
Atstiated with l'ommerci.l Moan -
tori Aesoc:+t;oe of (•ands. snmseer
School at famov- Spot ton H• -ire...
Oo iese. London.
Chalon Business l411ege
Geo. fronton 13. F. `.V , N D
Maddest. tansiW1.
Binder Twine _
McCormick, 650 tt.
Twine at I2C per lb.
550 ft. Twine at 11c
per lb.
We have a few rods
left of the Canadian
Steel Wire Co. all No.
q Fence. which we are
still selling, at:the old
7-42 fence for Yb^ rod
7-49 '• ,• 26.! •'
S-49 „ „ 18c
I5mE-BE$TTHAr 15
Portland Cement .
We have just got in
a fresh carload. _
Do not forget (that
we handle the genuine
white ash Plymouth
hard Coal. This Coal
comes from the Scran-
ton Carl fields hut from
a vein in which there is
hardly any sate or
3 stone. It is guaranteed
not to be over two per
1 cent. stone or slate.
II Pea (foal 36 75
i Pomade Onal $7 NI
iji Sr v. end Xui $7
" w";Ofsii
L.t De flgnrr not vont i'inmlring, Heating. Electric Wiring, Kave-
1rows hies. rte. AN wort gnarenteed.
Chas. C. Lee
PHONES Stars MI House 111
Pte S1sew.s-Iillremr Isisre Carer
tlr�iiiliili�W tLt1litMi�fl/itlrl� ;
6 -
Cannel Coal ;r
We have just got in
a car load of Dixie
Birdseye Cannel Lulu!)
Coal. This coal will
,not crack and ,throw
coal all over
room. Price
per ton.
Call and see our
Hammocks, Hammock
Couches. Refrigators,
Oil Stoves. Gasoline
Stoves, etc.
Screen Doors
and -Windows
at reduced prices.
1)., \ on 1, want j 1
Cleveland Bicycle
We have three new
bicycles which we are
seliing at
2 IISIttel wheels for INS tit
1 Md90 wheel fuer ti; lUJ
' Rued Messed -based wheal;
with now tire. fn. kr.ea.
t1+MTT rTitiol000r IR
sit ,