HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 6M ltirvrnar, Atte. 7, Mists' THE 8I432; . ' OODDBIQI OITARM THE GREAT SHIP SEEANDBEE The W seat Warm as Inland waters of Is .cots t�a�fs.tdrw.athe Mtaee.irarA.r:,10er.Moeor and wrlT ��a. Nieseissse Steamers =ANDMEE. City of Eire of Wit, D.iiy-aeveland and Buffalo - (May 1st to Dec. lst) Loose e- -rmad - • SW P. M. L..s. Blab • - F p. Army Buis. 6Jl A. M. Amro a ie.eland 6.20 A IL l d Cressee si ,. maat Swab area f E.teri, and Caa.dian ;Drente; at Cle.sioad for Pot --ser Telapo Deusrt sad u1 pots Wert and 6aeeweet. l.. ear rei4w.dllae ►et�es• or baa os os. C. & lest stemmata. safari accepted roc cr...n.ru pomace for asadeeoe t.etlet went car t.eYeo,la C a B. t.a. 6�d i ems. THE CLEVELAND A RUFFALO TRANSIT CO. 7 r Neem.. Ger'! We-- H. k spa. Tradir M w r Herman- Go -1 Pr. ♦ac.Ohiet w Dear Amy 1 - Laura and her husband stayed with us last night. How she praised the furniture in our spare room! You feel like having your friends come to visit you if your home is beautifully furnished throughout, don't you? When you go to buy furniture, you should not only know that the style is right, but that it is strongly made ; and you should go to an honest store where you will know that the price is right. Always your friend, Lou. P. S. The style, Quality and price will all be right. and you'll have a big stock to ohoose from. if you buy your furniture from Geo. Hohmeier COWS WRECKED TRAIN P1ve Limos lost WAsa Freiga. Was Derailed on Graced Trask which the dead men were planed. I CATASTROPHE AVERTED Union Organizer Under Arrest on Meet Serious Charge After weeks of strenuous cork on Use part of provincial detectives a man named Stead Gamble. organiser for the Structural Iron Workers' ,Delon, Was arrested at Toronto and taken to Whitby on • charge 01 mali- Cious injury to property. It L alleged that acid was applied to the hoisting !limes of a scaffold used by a bridge Construction gang near Dixie on the 0.P R.. to such an extent that when the cables were tested with weights, ,tie scaffold crashed fifty feet into the Teethe below. A strike was in pro - 1 EIs and Gamble is said to have been ng suspiciously in the neighbor - Gamble was given a prelimin- Chearing and remanded without YORE BLOODSHED LIKELY Gloomy Outlook for Permanent Peace In Near East The conoluslon of a peace treaty between the warring Balkan States liens assured by the news from Bucharest that a five -days' armistice was agreed on last Thursday at a ooaferencerbetween the representa- tives of Bulgaria, Greece, Servlt and Montenegro. The peace treaty will In (be opinion of those wbo are in a position to know; be respected Jost: as long as none Of the belligerent Mations t.hlnks_It to its own interests to tear It up. British war correspon- dents hold the view that the prospects of permanent peace in the Balkans Inner remote. o The. powers have taken no definite steps to bring about the evacuation 01 Adrianople and Thrace by the Turks, Chose tone is more and more defiant. MARRIED IN AUTO Lieut Slfton Wins a Wealthy and Romantic Bride Lieut. W B. Sifton, second son of lien. Clifford Slftot was married at Millburn, N. J., to Mrs. Jean Donald- son Kirwan, who quietly slipped away from her mother wbile travel- ling in England and hurried across the ocean to be married. The mar- aiage took place in an automobile by the roadside. The bride, who has an Income of 550.000 a year, wax mar - 41 r1ed three yearsago to John 8. Kir- wan, but the marriage was later an- nulled as both were minors. Her first marriage, like her second, was an elopement 1 Jam Shot by His Churn • Coroner Rankin of Sratford promises a rigid Investigation into the death of Robert Butterworth, a seven-year- old Shakespeare boy who died on ! Monday, as the result of a bullet wound. The boy was shot by a small rise In the hands of Roy Tangle. six- teen years old, while the two were discussing the shooting of some pleeoap Two Exhibition Fires The poultry buildings and sheep pens at 'Toronto Exhibition grounds Ivens burned on Sunday, with a loss estimated at 576,000 They will be nt immediately. The livestock Whigs at the Ottawa fair grounds were badly damaged by fire. Hoa. Mr. MacKay Gets a Seat Hon. A_ G. MacKay was sleeted to the Alberta Legislature In the defer- provtnctal election in Athabaska last task. A. was given a •ubstan- 1 majority over Major J. H. Woods, Conservative. He will likely be takes into Premier 8lfton'a Cabinet. Caused Fr4end's Death Hugh Patterson, the boy wbo killed Harold Webb near Cobourg while a hevelver was being examined, pleaded E1ty to unlawful committee and ware mltted to go on suspended see - o. The orielaal charge was man- ilsugbter Suicide In • Cell Ncheresyk. a Russian Pole, it ajd ap as a disorderly, ha Mai - s his con at Niagara Palls os y He used a telepboae win ran through Use room. Hydro-Eleotrie Extew.ten Aa gloat anaowncomoot 1s expected tng lmportaat sxleadoas rititiar&rargro MIsetr a system fa the bout sad K. Lawrence sones. 7Ss losrnoleetal beltway Is Lased ra strike of Its trainmen widow graste wag. tsereastt1 or tress PM 915 per most! M Dieters thmtny in Fart e. air William and towns west le 1.20,, be able to sratllt elms sad bo fee °sneers .1 Manitoba. °Masao (Myth. es-Pr.stiest et Lesareis„ bas barna se invasion of iceryl boos of reetertas lialf et Ito Mole litta. Owl.. WS as at by Sue erea wSidardas THE LATEST MARKETS Torowte Grata Prices. quotThe tollow wkc.leeede prizes are d at the tis Board of Trade: t - Ft,. trainees were killed and nae seriously injured wben as east♦ouad freight train • Irk two locomotives ran talo two aleeptag nows os. the Grad mil Perak tracks at Iteatty's Siding. thir- ties. es fromThaws- dayedbury early Thaws - day moratag. Of the eight mea com- prising the two crews only three ea 'caped. These killed were: Eagneer Percy Maxwell, Depot Harbor; Fir. man M. Id. Wilson. Ottawa: Brake- I 191111 Johs 071411, Renfrew; and two $11deat Bresnan named Bateman and even. The IaJured man is Fireman Wm. Lavergne. Five box cars were plied up on top . of the derailed engines is a bog mak-1 lag a tearful heap of wreckage under) t/aah.eba d -IN °. 1 Icor , SLIM; No. 2 Nor., Ills alo. 1 Nor , 1 Peed whtat, 67c, on track at lake ' porta Maaltoba Ost -No 2 C 1St, ' No. 2 C R .'s, 17c, Ontario Whealt-o-No. 2. winter wheat white. red or lsslzedale to 5100, outside. Ontario Oats. -32e to 34c, outside, $eisc to 37Vic. on track. Toronto. Corn -No. 2 yellow, 65c, c.i.L ea track. bay porta. Peas -No. 2. 85c •u 90c. car Iota, outaide. Buckwheat -No. 2, side Ryr-No. 2. 60e to Barley -For good 62c to 63c, outside; Ioutside. Riled oats per bag of 90 lbs. p.16; per barrel, 54.56; wholesale, Windsor to Moatrsal. M i l l f eed - M an i W ba bran. 519 90. la bags. track. Toronto; shorts, 221.00; Ontario bran, 519-110, in bags; shorts, 221.00; middlings, 12100 to $25.00. 52c to 51e. Olt - 62c. outside. malting barley, feed, 46c to 60c, Fanners' Market Following are the latest Quotations for farm produce at 81. Lawra•.ce Market, Toronto:- • Fall wheat, buahel $ .se 90 91.00 Oat -411 .00 Goose wheat .15; . .00 Barley .63 .60 $uclt wheat .63 .00 j ye .65 .00 Peas .90 .00 Rye straw • 18.00 19.00 Straw, bundled 14.00 16.00 Straw, loose .. 8.00 9.00 Old hay - 18.00 .00 New hay 14.00 17.00 Eggs, new laid .26 .21 Butter. dairy - • .26 .27 do. creamery .23 .00 Jowl, dressed. lb. '.17- .20 Chickens .. r.. .22 .25 Ducks .00 .26 Turkeys .23, • .23 Giose .16 .15 Spring chickens .1I .30 Spring ducks . r .lits .26 Use Chickens .23 .22 Ducklings ,lg .12 " 'turkeys .. .22 .26 " Hens .14 .13 Potatoes, new, Dew 1.20 .00 Dressed hogs 12.00 13.00 Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are:- t.ondon export ca.tUe....56. 70 to $6. S0 verpool export cattle.. 6.49 6.60 port bulla 6.410 5.75 tcber cattle. choice6.26 6.40 do. medium 5.26 5.76 do. common 4.75 6.25 Butcher cows, choice4.75 6.60 do. medium -- 3.50 4.26 Cutters 300 3.25 Common cows 3.25 3.60 Canners .. 2.50 3.50 Butcher bulls 3.75 4.76 do. medium - 4.00 4.25 Ivnesl Bologna bulls „ 3.76 4.25 t, Feeding steers a .00 6.60 kiwi Stockers, choilb : 4.60 650 do. medium 4.50 4.75 do. light 4.00 4.50 , Milkers, choice ..65..10 60.00 do. medium 40.00 50.00 Springers. choice 75.00 .on do. medium 30.00 50.00 Spring lambs 7.25 8.00 Sheep, light ewes 5.00 .00 do. heavy ewes 3.00 3.60 do. yearlings -..,i4.75 5.50 Culls - 3.50 4.00 Bucks ' 1.00 2.50 Hogs. f.o.b. 9.86 .00 do. fed and watered -10.25 .00 do. delivered 10.36 .00 i„ Calves 7.50 8.50 Bob calves, each 2.00 rl4.09 Cheese Markets Ottawa -520 boxes of cheese of- fered. all 'but 68 selling at 121%c. Perth -1,281 boxes of white and 500 boxes of colored cheese oCered. No sales. Twelve and three-quarter cents I was bid. Cornwall -1,776 cheese were board- ed. of which 26 were white and the balance colored. The white sold at 12 15-16c and the colored at 12 15-16e and 11c. Listowel -Fourteen factories board- ed 2.717 cheese --1,882 motored and 836 white. Highest price offered on board 12%r, but sone sold Some went at 12 11-16e on the street. Iroquois -9M cheese boarded -8115 colored and 50 white. Price oe board. 19%c No sales, but all sold on the ' twrb at 1213e. ' Plctoa-101gbteen factories boarded 1.680. all colored; 480 sold at 12 16-16c and 1.100 at 12%c. Napanee--356 unite and 900 colored cheese boarded. All sold at 12 13-16c. Gratitteds ! "It requirre a lot of courage and charity to be philanthu.pic," said Sir Thomas Lipton' once. '•1 temember wben 1 was just starting in business. 1 was very poor, and making every sacrifice to esitat go my little shop. My only asaietant u -ss a b:y rt fourteen, faithful, willing and honest. One day 1 beard him complaining. and with jostle.-, )bat his clothe. were rushabby that he was rebelled to go to any place of worship no Sunday. "There's no chance of my getting a. new suit this your," he told me. "'.out of work. and it takesaUmy wages to pay the rent." "I thought the matter over, and them took a sovereign from my- carefully boarded saving., and bought the boy a stout, natal snit of bine cloth. He was so grateful that I felt repaid for my sacrifice. But the next day be didn't come to work. I met bis mother in the street and asked her the reaaor. "'Why, Mr. Lipton'. she said, curtseying, 'Jimmie looks so respect- able, thanks to you, sir. [bet I thought 1 would se-nd him ruutd town today to see if be couldn't get a better job r • Radial Lines for Stratford. Stretferd, Aug. L -Electric lice, to Grand Bend. one from Lor don and one from Stratford, were announced • here today, as almost immediate pro- jecte. by C. T. McAllister, of Cbicasto. The Exeter Park at Grand Bend has already been acquired 1 v American investors, who plan 'to improve the popular resort. Radial Bees east and north from Stratford are also under consideration by Mr. ter'sfrm. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle --Prime ,teen. 3185 to 49; shipping. 58.40 to 18.71; b6t44", to 511.40; cows, 11.76 to 57; balls. $6. to 56.76; heifers, 36 to 17.76; Mock heifers, 95 to VIM: stockers sad feeders, 56.76 to r.25: fresh cows, and springers, 536 to p3 reals -54 00 to 111 iia. Hogs -Heavy. $9.60 to 59.00; mixed. its65 to 99 70; Yorkers, 11.70 to 19.84; 39 6 to $9.10; m s, $8.15 to 60. .tags. 57 to N; dailies. 19 40 59 78 Sheep and lambs -lib. 55.10 to x.110. yearlings. 44 60 to 54.86; ethers. 16.60 to 96 ii, ewes. $3.50 to 4.76; sheep. mixed, 56 to 55.25 Chleare Ltd Ili 4t 9teeea, M.B eeee,$4.111e 5010; Timis 97.73; 'mars agnea. tin to 57.90. stockers sad feeders, 10 to 57.10. cows sad betters. $$34 to 53. salves. 11 to 114.0- were--4.4gbt. 58.75 to 55.16. mixed. 58 to $3.15; bear,, 57.00 ban. 1 mob to 5310. p1�, K.idto 5/m0; !ells et saw, ILOS ato NM ease, -Matto., 55,36 to KO: was 04s$40; 08 to 91.M; trissattio./6.13to ; wulMa. i Geist W tae "ae»tir esu- sou mart oder ta OrMed ONG Ile series scree ars ■ erttsri.l oil does A. h. 1.3111111116. les thee 4 dere ea sea iso,. » Iliad wig s 'ben 2 Wore raelfi.6 lade wo u Laois. RAI S. Renal Ederm,r LMA. lima Ge... .•e der weo..o.. io tai i!-Cm.drza ameba for fen Innis ask -n r+. or ode W. C. nerLee. Gets' Aeras 12 GM IL SW. Tartar. Oa Galt -141.116a s.aewt+:.ti.l..a a Big StlmmerSak AT ROBBINS' The more you buy, the more you save. We must make room for Fall stocks now on the way. We will outrival all others In big bargain giving this week. WWWWMTIelleft- altrarsza Men's Clothing Men's Underwear WOO /Suite, good, honest, sub - etas ti.I tarn ice. the most portable value for the mnnrv, only $41.05 $12'00 Suite, many beautiful patterns in cashmere. and wordtrde. S.le price . •-••. •.07.45 and M.4111 Boys' Suits Boys two - piece Suits with tst000ser pants, regular prion 3800. Sale price $a.sa Boys' two - piece Suitt with bloomer pants, regular mice $4-W. Sale price .... 114.1:5 Shirts You'll like these values when you see them. Shut, Tie and Collar to tnetcb, regular $2 00, for 91.40 Shirt and Collar to match, reg- ular $1.25, fur 000 M. ROBINS A buying opportunity worth while. Regular prix 111.00 Sale ;pt ice.... us. Regular Price 75: Sale price.., ago Regular price 51):: price... ..211 o Working Shirt& Men's \Vnrk ing Sbirta that mean t.ilg savings. Regular Kix, tar 69c Regular 31.00, for . One Regular $1 25,for nee Men's Overalls BIack and striped Overalls with elastic back. retulat I31.'2... Sale price. - - ,1100 with elastic back, *LOU.rice . dale rrgnlar .. w......AOa Black and striped Overall. SOUTH SIDE SQUARE OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P. M The Si nal will •be sent to any, addressb Canada for one year for only $1.e t., Send in vour subscription dow. The Best Place for. Shoes It will be no trouble for you to find among our different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern, leather and price to suit you. Added to this, even_ one of them has the genu- ine mark of quality. We feel sure we can meet your requirements for Summer Footwear, -no matter how particular you are. Call on us for your next pair. You'll be glad you did. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARid, GODERICH. 11