HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH • ON'TA RiO
Decoration Day•
Neon Lodge, No. es. 1. O. O. F..
• 1 hold • decoration st
teed cemetery
oon ! August
sm. A large atteodaooe of the
bers is requested.
Bette of W. J. Johnston, Eases
Word was received ill Ciodeeieh on
Freley ItWJow
J. Johnston. aSz.
eldest sun of the late Jas. Johnston. of
tbv Ra9Held road. Goderich Wwnsbip. direetots ars looking for other tea -
Mr, J„ linswn was to bi& seventieth tures to make the coming lizhibitioo
leer n weed! osly • tea days. Pto- the beat yet held.
Summer School Next Week.
The Presbyterian Summer eicbool
tor Western- Ontario, under the au-
spices of the Synod of Hamilton and
Loodoa, which will be bald in Kerte
• tk.• c..unty publicit y txrmsadmittees schurch August l Itb-l7th• peos-
Osderich Industrial Exhibition,
The prise lista for the Goderich to
dust -nal Exhibition will be issued tale
week and copies may be had on appli-
cation to any of the director" or to the
J Ades Fowler, C. B , Box
171, erica. The dates of the KWednesday.i-
bIbitio0 for this year are Wednesday.
Thursday find Friday. September 17.
Id and H.
A Rood line of special attractions
has already been secured. and the
,sr uwaio( wax the oonae of
d eath
death. he Mrs. Joie Graham, of t
Buren road. u s sister of the deceased.
I,reres.ng Huron.
Reeve Leckie. of B"it"ch. thaieesan
etwith two amss-
0&•lmty Clerk Lrwe,
pasts, have been very busily eeg•ged
loris week to mailing several thousand
espies of the book isusd by the com-
mittee for the advrrtisi1R d Huron
qty: A large Dumber of tapirs are
terse sent to booting Wine to Great
Britain. it being eooesdesed that in
tbio way a wider circulation of the
book will be secured than by any
other mesas available. The task ad
photo: the boon in mem envelopes, dose,
rng and stamp R rise
tut Mesar. Leckie and lame hoe
tbeit boots in the work sod will see
it through.
Stan den/, Field Crop Competition.
The prizes in the &wading f cid crp
c.aupetition in connectionwith t
West Huron Agricultural Society be
keno awarded The judge, who of as
pointed by the Lep Agri-
culture, wale Thomas Creighton. of
Mometown. Lamt too county. There
were Len competitors, who were
&waded points as follows
L 11. L Salkeld, Godericb town-
ship. *ii.
.". Jobo Sowerby. Godericb town -
a8. H. Keith Revell, Goderich town-
ship, *1.
S R. McMatb, Goderich town-
ship, the •
5 ti. L Hill, Colborne township, 78.
d. Isaac Salkeld, Goderich town-
ship. 774.
7. Gen. Liitbwaite, Goderich town-
ship. 77.
ti Alex. Young. Colborne town-
ship, ii'
e. Gen W. Lndrewa. Goderich
township, 34.
la Lawrence Bell. Goderich town-
ship, e.
The first seven are the prize -winners.
The weather coodiuoms which existed
in this district throughout the season
determined the average as only about
• eat a crop.
mem to be a great rumens. The open-
ing session takes pleas llooday even-
ing to the auditorium of the ehurrh.
Rev. It. P. MacKay, D. D.. chairman
of tbe recent Presbyterian Congress,
will preside and am address will be de-
livered by Rev. R. Pettigrew. moder-
ator of Synod. Over aggbty delegates
ave already leen enrolled and there
will arrive during tbat day.
Death of Mrs. 0..1. Cowry_
Oo TTnsti.da last there departed
this life Nellie Mary. the beloved wife
of 1). J.Cue y, Wert street. at the age
oftbirty-four years. Mrs. Carry was
the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Charles Jeno. of Clinton, dad
win tnarried W her now t.ereaved
husband eleven years ago. Her girl-
hood ea, spent in Goderich township.
where sbe was well known and be-
loved by all. Indeed. througbout her
life Mrs. Curry was universally
esteemed and respected, not alone for
her happy and cheerful disposition.
but al.., tor her sterling worth and
pie -tire' Christian life. She was a
member of North street Methodist
church and will be greatly missed in
church circles as well as among friends
and relatives, but most keenly of all
in the stricken home. Here • sorrow-
ing husband and three children, the
youngest a tender babe of three weeks.
will mourn the loss of a devoted wife
and loving mother. Hee illness was
attended by great suffering, which
uses borne with Christian fortitude.
her thoughtfulness foe abets sever
crasino to the very end. The funeral
on sunder •fter0000 was conducted
by Rev. W. H. Hager. the interment
i.ins: made in Maitland cemetery.
The pallbearers were cowries of the
de eased. The large attendeoce et
tb.- !mend and the many beautiful
11•ral tributes bore t.estisooy to the
high esteem in which the departed
n'e wax bald. Mrs. W. H. Cole, of
Clinton : Edwin Jervis. of Weyburn
Albert Jervis, of Napanee Indians,
an 1 Oliver Jervis, Clinton. sister
and brothers of the deceased, were all
pees tit at the funeral. Much 'yip
pat by is felt for the bereaved husband
ted little family in their deep sorrow.
'town. W klave
tiO :.e tows
punter"' . w was takes I
: - e . .
of stealing Rttihty.•
was assessed- with the e 01 lbsI
caordered to return tbe stolen
Poles, and alssbsfrom tbe Hydro I
A visitor in town this week w( s
A. J. Jeffry. , pub/abet of The
Chrodtcle at Arnprior, Ont. Mr.
Jeffrey made a fraternal call upon The
Signal. the smell of a print shop being
as the breath of life to bier. In con-
versation with him we learned that it
was he who introduced the typesetUog
machiue in Canada no longer ago
than lerot, when be was manager of
The Ottawa Citizen. Now type is set
to machine in all the daily newspaper
offices and in the aftloes of many
Putting the Wires Underground.
Work has been commented by the
Bell Telephone Co. in preparation for
the underground wiring of the Square.
Large manholes are being made at the
corners on the Square. and between
these ditcbes ate being made fur tbe
laying of conduit tiles to carry the
cables. A large gang is wo.-kiug on
Use job, but it will take sevens! weeks
Ur complete it. The roadway around
Use square will bare to be opened up
later to put the Hydroelectric wirer
underground ; so that the driveway
will be in • state of diforder all tall.
When the work is completed the
appearance of tbeSquare will be much
improved. with no poles or wiring iu
sight except the poles carrying the
electric ligbte.
Notes from the Harbor.
The steamer Scottish Heto arrived
on Friday with Intete0 bushels of
wheat and oats for the Goderich ele-
vator. On Sat urda v the steamer
Thomas J. Drummond brought to 133,-
000 bushe•b of wheat and oats for the
same elevator.
The steamers J. A. McKee. with 115,-
000 bushels of wheat. and Empress of
Midland. with 180,000 bushels of wheat,
state and flax. arrived on Monday.
Their cargoes were billed to the Gode-
ricb elevator, but as it was full they
discbarged at the Western Canada
Up to the end of July- the Goderich
elevatcr dandled already this lesion
four and a v uarter million bushel's of
grain. The early part of the season
was tether slack. but lest month was
the best July in the history of the ele-
vatpr,so that the precious record to
this date bas crow been exceeded. The
new wheat wi:1 soon be arriving, and
a brisk fall trade is expected. •
7'be H. N. Jex and barge were in
this week with coal for the Western
Canada mill.
Two rink of law wn w`ers went to
Seaforth yesterday and disported
themselves on the green there. They
did not brink the score cards dome with
them ; so we are left io- du,rbt as to
bow badly they were beaten.
The local club will he represented at
the Exeter bowling tournament, to be
held next week.
A picked _ram from the church
narwhal' league sojourned to Clinton
on the civic holiday to play a junior
aggregation of that town. '!be gatue
was tact and exciting all the way
through. but Clinton had • little
better luck than the visitors. The
game ended ti -7 in favor of Clinton
at the end of the fifth innings. Dr.
Shaw umpired the game to the facie -
faction of alt. The teams were u
follows :
l.'lialoo tioderic h
Pesup p It ('lark
( aster a . Stoddart
Walker lb L. /Sennett
R'Ilae 3btb .1. Bates
M v asron
whsaiJc) rf F. McArthur
Cook d J. Kuirk
rlttelly It A. Hsbrt
McCsagtsey s -s. F. Hat Oiler Lacrosse.
An intermediate O. L A. game
was played at Wingbam Wednesday
afternoon between Goderich and
Wingbam. The final scote was 8 to 4
in favor of Winghaut. The line-up
was as follows
Godeneb R'ialrham
Belcher s Knettydt
Johnston pilot (.ninny
Blackford c point W. McLean
Bascom tat defense Hanna
Page tad defense Matey -
D"Waller Sed defense W.1171iett
K'altrr opt[" Vslivrrrpt,- l
*ethane ]rd home C. Mc
Bats rad borne ' F. McLean
McK.p Is bees Dewitt Helms
Ptidbam out.dde
inside T. Elfish
Net tee mooIeWait ODehksalt both Mgt t.
arose/NS for Grassi darn oamler. (wave roar
cedar new with Prilkaa the 7aibr earth olds
Sosa e. Style. cat and tot gsaraateed.
Geed value for every cent tees stand 1. as
.grad sumer of Sauna . Art Stora. Ea.:i street.
Spacial attention of sat a-(itars b called to
toe large aesortmeet of souretir goods. laded -
Its asap exdu si re liner.
Civic boliday was observed Wed-
nesday of this week in Goderich. It
was a vers quiet day i0 town
Persons dririogoo the Bayfield road
on Wednesday night witnessed ate
rather uousual sight of a bend u( cattle
being driven by an automobile. The
auto bas its uses as well as its danger,.
Magistrate. Kelly on Friday last
discharged Frank Sylvan,wbo bad been
before hire on a charge of sbopbreak-
ing. Sylvan was then charged with
vagrancy and was committed for tem
At the meeting of the water and
light commission on Tuesday night it
was decided to lay a water -main on St.
Andrew's street, sod a petition for an
extension to Welts' survey et as refereed
to the engineer.
The meeting of the W. C. T. I-. will
be held next Monday after000n,
4uguat 11th. The educational half
hour will be taken by the evangelistic
and flower mission supetintendeot.
Visitor- welcome.
This morning there was left in this
office a girl'. black coat, wbicb had
been toltnd on the road in Colborne,
near the cemetery. A brooch anti a
bracelet also have been banded in se
this office for recovery by the owner*.
Dr. Caesar. It_ J. Acheson, W. Mcj
Leas and J. Andrews spent a few
days teis week on a trip to the Beaver
River. near Flesberton, where they
did some fishing. They made the trip
by motor car and bad a very enjoy.
able time.
The nsembers of the Arthur Cirtle
invite all to he preses.t at their salad
tee. to be given next 'Fus /eye August
12kb. os rise lawn at Mr. Alex. Senn-
dms residence, Neilson ,trset. Tea
from 4 to 7 o'clock. Tbere will also be
a flab -pond. Admission 13r,
io spite of the most diligent effort,
Manager Nairn has been usable to
e scort a cornet player for the usual
weekly outdoor eooeert of the 33rd
Regiment band this ,Thursday i even-
img, and consequently the hand will
n et play. 1t is expected that every
Wag will be all right for next weeks
b.}doen Death Of Mrs. Green.
Ao old and highly esteemed resident
et (,odericb passed to her reward on
Monday last when Mrs. George Greco
died suddenly at her borne in Picton
street. The deceased had just pawed
her eighty-second birthday enterer-
. but was active and heart)J and
we, et cbureb twice on Rnoday and
up add about the became as usual o0
Monday. That morniog, however, she
complained of not feeling well and the
Net%ices at a doctor were secured.
Sh,•rtly after dinar she dropped
dee.d : her buabend bearing bar fall
cense from an adjntning room and
found life extioct. Mrs. Green bad
silent prertically all her life in Gode-
✓ ich tow°abtp and town. Nearly
thirt cone years ego she was married
in (• .dericb township to bee Dow
her -raved husband and they shade their
bonus on the Bayfield enmowsioo estil
two rears later. wbett they moved 10
the, Mill rood, just oetefde of tows.
Atter about fourteen Tease of reside nos
there tbey moved into town. Mr.
and 1Mrs. Grates have both been active
and prominent ossebsrs of Victoria
e(? pt Metbodiet cbureb, and the
deemed ed was teed in higb regard try
all who knew hes at • warm-hearted
woman of sterling character. Elbe
keret., Neese. her bnsband, two tom
rod two daughters. The sows are
Fred and William James. rsf Pickford,
Mich . and tb. daughters are Mrs.
David Rssenen. of Piekfoed, and
Mrss.. Knee. Hanley, 0r tioieyiab
ship 14
▪ )'rod (bass all re. Besoose. Mrs fort s
rimers'. wish took }ince tab (em -
der aftereeee to Maitland cemetery.
Bev J. K. Void eesdeeted the Ilwastal
seev, and this ;abbesses. IFS*
iia•ki Clash, Waiter Wawa. D.
Mrrvl.v, J P wtsltsw. 7e•. Oniesell
and Wm. Blair. The wed Isseknd.
tone whom a/ now yawn
tee base ea esnssSsmvt speetrodiy Whew. ball
thmt aftw.aw of hie tam* hand a
The greatekt picture shown yet.
Where? Lyric, August 13tb.a.sd 13th.
••The Still Voice." Datil miss this
great drama.
- .amen
E lu.us
\Vby not owu a Gasoline
a leogioe and save yourself
loamy bours of hart toil
and labor that could be done by one of these useful tasebines, web
AI turning the grindstone, running the cream separator, cutting the
wood, runners the root pulper, etc.. etc? We have several of these
machines in stock, from'L b. p up to 1" b. p. these are all of the
latest styles, are substantially built, will girt ritisfactioo and the
prices are moderate. Call around attd inspect liner.
$ATT E R I E S : We have also in stock •
band of Columbia dry cell
Batteries. When requiring
Batteries, try borne of these and note the superi, •l it y of the Columbia
Battery to inferior makes.
Huron Gasoline Engine& Machinery Co.
GODERiCH, ONT. PH. .\ 243
111 g
The congregation et Knox church
Was favored.. on Sunday evening with
a solo by Rev. W. \V. Ssod.lart, cf
Rochester, N. Y.
skeeter' •Job- Fred. Mast 5
Card -Drs. Geo. aid Y. iL Whiting. . • • - 1
Wben in Hamiltda.-F. M. Tebb t
Oa the Moss -The Celbom s 8aet* e
Readers- IL R. Wiole 5
Notice to creates -nectar Mi.@asrte . _- _ I
Farm Laborers W eate3-('. P. R. 1
Bs us Good Terme with YeanrK-w'. C. PIM -
bone. .... 5
Snowman Waatad-MasollbIiasetees. N tnd- y
ase. 1
Norm Laborers' Excursions -F. F. Lawrence_
Fowl Wanted -Mrs. D. E. Munro. Alburn -
Local Improvement Notice -Town of Gode
"ley _ . 1
ratan ie Knives -Dowell Hardware ('a I
Lest Week d Midwmmer Sale - Hodson
LAM -eve u £trial Omen _ .. 1
Hank ___seas__ - The Sterling Hug. ....'. I
Paints -ltd. Lyme ... . -.........4
Lyric Theatre
geadns--Lyrie fled,* 5
Baser -8. J. Yours 3''
Cart aleaaks--OsermsOrme -- 1
Reader--Newaean .- 5
Get a New Bdteam OMbetbeasess Blom
-Gee. H.'. -.-.................. 1
Ere Haa4--J. S. Dave:.... .... 3
W &tab Tib Space F. E. Burdette..........-.. 3
For ?ale-W.R.Pinder , 1
Gamine Engines -Huron (Moline Engles &
Yaebinsrl (a - . 5
Card of Thank: -•D. J. a -arty ..... ... - i
Girls Wanted -Calton Knit tt.g ( e ...-._ 1
The street inspector nays tbat the
weed notices soot nut recent) from
tt s tows ball hate bad a good easel
M the rutting down of many bad
patches of wards. There are still sunsi5
errs, however. ie which the warming
i s sot been heeded. sod owners of
vaeent lots when weeds &bowed will
do well to attend to therm quickly.
John RsatUs, of Goderich township.
has Rosie out d the dairy business,
making the wooed dairy sWpt/tag
milk is Goderteh that has gems est of
badmen wishes the lest dew tmmmiAe.
Thomas quit soros time spa Ws
walleeetead lone the dlfaeedty stseeor-
laR the tigest k bttei of hale wee roe or tb.
obis( rrweoas for the diseootiaslasee d
bah these dairies,
Dibeet Otiose, el MP mon en
a slm OW b°ii:atlllw.bi WM* to
Are your feet. hot!
!lore aid Watered?
If so, try ZmfmBuk.
As soot as
Zaa-bsks appliedk coolsand sootbss
injured rasarting
skin and Mane.
Its ride reined
herbal essences
penetrate tbe skin ;
its antiseptic pro-
perties prevent di
danger of festering
or inflammation
fromtots or sores ;
11 ani ks hda
esg .rinses
: herd + new beakhy tissue.
Four "tin;.. srmlwrw. crate
bees, broom, etc.. - rust as
Webers r s rel it lava s .1c for
bat / i r ssssal
... O s.is este f... 'a^a
a t1 .. ►a
i • -r1 l
/ hili: , . v .1
t 1. i
• Rev. John Pollock has resigned
frarnthe pastorate .•f Gods -tit -6 B.p-
tlrt church, tbe resignation to take
effect September 30.
The services in Knox church on
Sunday w i;l be conducted by Rev. Gen.
E. Roi•a, assisted by some who will I
take a prominent part in bLe summer
achcol which will be held in Knox
church next week, August llth-17th.
lo the absence of Mr. Hunter. Miss
Pearl Good acted s. sot:mist in Knox
church last Sunday and gate very e111.
tient service. Mix (,rod is making
excellent progress in her musical
studies and is developing, marked abil-
The pulpit of Knox church was o. -
cupied last Sundsv rooming by Rev.
A. J. Marc. of Brussels. Tris was
the Hest occasion on which Mr. Mann •
bad preached in Goderich, and his ad-
dress was beard with mash interest
and pleasure.
Divine worship seat Sunday in the t
B tptist church. the pi -tor offieiating.
Hour of morning service. 11 a m.
Sl.r,rt service in the .-venirg, las:incr
1,•r farty-five minute t-eginning at 7
p in. Bit le srbo.d tnd itih'e clans,;
3 porn. Visitor. will le •wrdi+lly wel-
comed to all these eel vices.
Bottle wax, fruit ler reoge. rara-
eax corks --we Mee Iles".. E. R.
SVI,1t-E, dtuggiit.aderich• Ont.
The man wbc fueseted the sayin'r
that wordy brv-ak no tonnes should
have addei to it th.t neither do they
mend them.
Moore is not troy tocsin. and it 1s
generally vety difficult to keep, ar.d
some people find it is much easier
to nun than t0 save their money.
Talcum powders -we have domes-
tic end imported linen E. R. Wirier,
druggist, Godeticb. Ont.
True prayer brings cur wants to
heaven and leaves them there.
( uC -lir J„tp z h at IS Donley res' Mem-
..-ae-ter. Lanita rid. l0 Mr. Yid Mr.. Lisp. M'.
see. blue try. then..
Gr.EkN. be (ioderi,I' i.. Mr alar. Aog..t 1.
J.a.4 (,seiner, wits of Ger. (cress. aged
t0 years .,,d 1 weal.
persistent) regula'depositing of so many
dollars a week, of month, or season, in the Union
Bank of Canada, which makes one financially
independent. The money accumulates all the
more rapidly, too, because of the Interest which is
added every six months. Try it.
Two e. AIM. 7. 1113 •
P.:1;t d :. '.rss( ic1 S8,375,000
Total Lath (- MINA
Save Systematically
Haphazard, occasional
ving seldom accom-
ishes much. It's the
F. \ OOI.LCOMBE, Manager Goderich Branch.
As wo ate di -c .ctiou-
inR th.se Lure, we
w ill c!eor our -,,tuck at
Maple Leaf Grocery
Proprietor of the popular Balmoral
Watch this space
There will besometbir.geach week
to iuteretst,you.
in the meantime, do": t f ktbat
tbe B.lsorsl Cafe is the hest paver in
town for ice Crews•. tease sed flex-
time, Ase Cosfectionery.•ete.
- Telephone SI.
We have received
a new shipment of
absblutely pure
White Clover
Pineapple.. Grape Fruit.
(ranges. Bananas. New
Potatoes. \Vax Beans.
Cucumbers, Astra r a g u s;
Lettuce, Onions, Radishes.
Spinach, Tomatoes.
Kindly get your order is
early for Fruite and Veg-
etable' and svoid dis-
so Jo Young
Hamilton street
Buy our high - grade furnishing
goods and enjoy the satisfaction of
knowing you have the BEST. We
keep the big stock, and you will
find our Shirts, Neckties, Collars,
Hoslery,etc.,thevery latestand best.
We sell Altb Century Clothing, Pesisou) tis •• aIls, fLnog Mau
easefully before l,et;inniul tv.•t . •,n.
it. This enahles us to do ester toy
wast is wanted in the shot eat
pwsible time.
` makes unnecessary 1sb..t and log
expee•e. We : len to 5l%5 rola err
the money sop c..1 ,rid give you a
firer otess j •h. If you care to
enjoy sue b an uuusu.l experience,
give u. your next jut.
Hamilton atiege. Goderich
How about your
eyes' Does the bright
light make you bhnk and
squint 7 Are yoi tro-bkd
with o_castonal head-
aches" D) yoi soma -
times see little black specks
.vhen looking Into the
distance '' Do your eyes
rcn water w hen you face
rhe wind ' If so. there's
something wrong You
probably need .glasses
Eyes Tested
If your eyes tire reading
fine print like tills.
You 1,.s Shc,.ld H... A„r.cn
If the letters look blurred it
is a sure symptom of failing
. tsson.
Our expert optician will
test your eyes free of charge
and tell you rust what the
trouble is There is no mystery
-no guesswork in our meth-
ods. Ey.erjything is skillfully
performed- the result of many
years' experience. Your sight
is more precious than cur
moderate charges.
Look osv our fa -
elates. There's ne
oblwtion "1n- buy.
Our new ream eye
glasses sang main you
sex hewer and look
better. Prints from 11
us NOW -
before t is
late enough
to be serious.
Sell mg Arent for South Bend \Vatche-
(i0DEtt1CH. ONT. '
for Plumbing, Heating, Wiring.
and :all kinds of Metal Work.
Always in Stock
METAL ROOFING, ail kicds
(itt our prices. They are al-
ways right. consistent alb Rood
ureterial .end honest wosk.
W. R. Pinder
ilamilt. , '.t-. Gosh -11th.
When repel lag anything to the SHOE LINE. s.lways
tear in mind tbat we hare ennstently in stock a full
Ione ,.f the mom op to -date FOOTWEAR.
pose ace all the out•taodtog features of a first-class.
.ito-date shoe and will give tb be wearer perfect met isfae.
ass. ease and comfort.
, n••v ea '% r' ren• rid $,hoary