HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 44 Tarawale Ace. 7. District N Sl , AUSTINE. Tt T. August kb. An auto peaty c of Ming Minnie Reyuoids and see leen Burns, a Haim t, Tom tbaeor.' of fe oderw . sad Miss M nor, of Blyth, spent S ivitk the latter b uncle at Donnybrook. KINTAIL� 1rasD. . Aug. S;b. Nora*. -A number of our people ,stetted at the raising et Davol Stew- ert•44 new been at Lodestar MIM Luka Bates, of Goderich. *peat s few days at the bogie of her friend. flim Isabel MacLennan Misses Mabel and Marie Fiolaysbn and Master John Finks -boo visited relative. at Lochalsh and on "tbe gravel" last week. Misses (.race and Marguerite MacLee- oan spent the week -end with friends at L" chaleh .. .. firs. Thos. Telford tete cw Mooday for ber home at Sault Ste. Merle, atter spending a few weeks with Ater sister, Mrs. Murdoch Mac- Kenzie. ... Miss Margaret Hardie, of ('hieage, is starnding her vacation in her home at tbe manse - AUBURN. • .R1atADUFFEEDKHKATAND le Western oat. tar Asia A oar of +bora and brsexpectednest,re.k- A. A944UITH. Ambers. as tt TucnsDele August 7th. Tat CIVIC• HOLIDAY. -Auburn ob- .eeved its civic holiday yesterday and there was another grand picnic at the Point Farm. The weather man Bailed on the oc sesioe, and the crowd almost broke the record. There were four carrrallt, two autos and t be usual number of buggies in commission W convey the people to the Point, where they amuse.] themselves with bathing. bowling. laws tennis, base- ball and races. A baseball team from 6odericb. calling themselves the lrn tioie were on the ground' anxious for a game with Auburo, but were advised that we had not had a team for the last two seasons. However. tbee..pleaded for a few innings, and the Auburn boys picked up a. team and played them theme intra s. The result was one ria for Auburn and a -oat of whitewash for the Iroquois. Mrs. Goo Preetxer pawed to the Great Beyood on Tuesday. aftesweai. leaving to mourn their los her hus- band, one son. Noah. at home and a ]Ira Herb. H ..Meed. of GodThe timers! takes Abel tba orb uredayI atter-noon. Howson A Lawson have shipped fire can of bobbin -wood, 'clearing out their stock. HOLMESVILLE. Wroise lesv. August 6th. Ho1Lal Ems\ ILLI: H ArrFNINoR. -Mian Harrison, of Winnipeg. is vetting at the personage. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland erne Sunday at Machell Mr. and Mrs. Sbeppard spent the week- end at Goderich ..The W. )a. S. held a suc-oe.+sful sewing circle at Mrs. Gro. Tebbutt-s on Tuesday.... A large -number of friends from around here attended the funeral of tee late Mn Curry at Godericb en Saoday Mrs. N. W. Trewartb• returned from Toronto on Thursday Mee. Mul- holland went to Detroit on Tuesday.. .Mrs. Jos. Jervis is in Goderich this week attending the funeral of her auntMrs Green. who died very sud- denly on Monday Tow\still' t'ot'es IL.-leiuncil met on August 4th, all the members being present excepting Councillor Lebb. !Minutes of last meeting were read and approve.!. Bylaw Ne.6 war passed, levying the rates of taxation tor tbe year 1913. which are as follows : Town- ehip221(1 mills : counts,251U; gen- eral wheel, _ mill•, the township rate being 3-10 mills lower then Inst veer. the county rate 1•Ii1 twill higher and the general school rate the same. Bylaw No 7. authorizing the treasurer to lee res.- sl.ran from the Sterling Bane. Goderich, was also ,esti and passed. The following ar counts were passed : Jas H . rris . e, placinOsteeIrulrrr;.s9tk,; A.Folb -s, tile, S3. 3; Geo. Young,. timber. V..40: the Pedlar People. seven steel culverts, 115.50 - ('anada i a i;ot C ,.. f7 : culverts. ELM; Wee Fuller, hauling steel cul- tveets. 414; John Halstead, hauling steel culverts. Ss: Richard Burke, hauling steel culretts, 1112; H. G. Raba, damage to automobile, 533 75; C.auoeil ad jesuroed tri meet second ]iooday in September at tat p.,o. N. W. TunwAtnnie, Clerk. GUDERiCH TOWNSHIP. S tntttsn.,y. Aug. 6th. Harvesting operations ear in full swing ju-t now. Some have flnisbed cutting Farmers report ;he crop] as being rather light., owing to the extremely dry weather we have had tl'ie last three months. The floe rain we had last Sunday eveuiog will bele tbe root rr cipe and sosne of the grain. Tbe apple crop in thie district is almost a failure. Some report a fair cop. among the fortunate ones being H. Youog. of the Out line. and D. Gal- braith. sear f3•ygeid John Beattie. of tbe Rayfield road, bas given up tbe n)ilk delivery boi- ness. the diMealty of securing suitable help being. we believe. the reason given. George Sowerby is at pres of suffer- ing from several broken tit. , the M- inh of a fall through • trapdoor is one of the stoles is town. We wish him a speedy recovery. . Ilea Sharman. wan hay been seek- ing bet sister. Mrs. Jas. Jobset,s, of the Huron road. sad other friends the last two mouth.. has t et a rned to her borne in Alberta. Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Yuill are spending tbe week with rrtatii,. near Tee,- L- eart.. water. Mrs. kr-Math. wbo ha for a month beam elating friends in Tamar, re- tries. home tbis week t4b. will bte, seetemonhisd by her daughter. Miss lima Meltat h, sic, a ,11 spend the temaindler of the varieties at her home hem The YMieipsl Telepb .e Co have eseltelettel the new ,hernia rrw tiff liny fid med. It will be k tow s as PAIL gni IMdMss sell neembpri residing Weak el the:Union sidereal witb the it 1 ll eflwain erne Rem WS • Trines,. keg. fkb. Dltitri.-Mrs. Newell. of tows, is visiting friend* bete at protest... Misses Wiuoie, Rath end Blanche !Shaw base returned home atter a evokes visit to relative.* at Pickford. Michigan .. Miss Hda Kirke. of Tosoato, is here at meant, the guest of Mies Jean Clinton Mas P. J. Donington bas returned W town after a two wake' stay with rereads here. ...Mies Quaid, cf town, is the guest of Mrs. H. Shieles ....Misses Anna and Etta 4tewart have returned borne after two week. stay with friends at St. Helens ....Mies Loretta Young, of Parkhill, who has been spending part of her holidays at her home, bas gene for some week! to Ayton Miss Mabel Young. of Loyal. bas returned to Toroutu, where she has ee-ured a good tion as stenographer ]Liss Hildred Horton, of Exeter, is visiting relative, here et present. Couxg.'Ts ON Tett Acrtatur.-The sad accident which occurred last week on Dunlops bill has been the subject of great comment in this oeigbborhood. The parents of the. unfortunate boy who met his death have the deepest sympathy of all, and. ac bile no one seems to be especially to blame in this case. the general feelrng is that such fast driving as pas been indulged in lately by autos on this rod sod others should be respired. The wonder is that (Dore scrtdenta do not happen. Human life should surely be considered before anything else, and the total disregard of all rules shown by some auto drivers is veru much to be tor: - destined. SLYTH. regene v, August 5th. A Dealsaot CASK. -His Honor Judge Doyle presided at a sitting of the court here er Saturday to the case of a drain through the east part of East Vawanosh. D. Stalker and W. Fear objected to the survey of. Engineer Jone., of Petrolia. Engineer Roberts, of Gcid ericb, gate his evidence for Fear and Stalker, and C. tiarrow, of Goderich, was their lawyer. After hearing the evidence the Judge re- served his decision. THE HAAV EST. -The harvest is near- ing an end in these parts, as the farm- ers err now busily engaged at their oats and barley and a great amount is already cut. The _yield will be very light, es amount of the extreme drs- weather. and unless rain comes very son the farmers will have :t hard time getting their fall wheat sown. hxcrKBloefe-Tbe union auooay school picnic to Goderich last Wed- nesday was very largely atteoded from here, there being over 4(1U tickets sold from this place alone. and about 6J1J at other places along the lime. The excursionists all had a moat enjoyable knee the weather being perfect for a day at the lake. On Friday about o'nety tickets were sold to Kincardioe for the Wingham Sunday school ex- cursion. se. the people froze bene did pretty well last week. PattsON-tl. AND GENERAL -Dr. Mc-' Taggart, as skip, has his rink of bowlers at the Twin City bowling tournament this weea. He is playing on the Ber- lin greens The townspeople are being en'ertained these nights and on Sunday by the excellent singing of a party of foreigners who are engaged on the C. P. R- Thee are all good singers and are not at ill stingy with their music.... .Rev. J. L Small, a former, pastor of St. Andrew's church, but now of Hespeler, occupied his old pulpit on Sunday evening. He also gave an address to the Christian Eodeavor Society in the evening. The coogtegatioo were all well pleased to have him with them again. Sirs. Sma'1, who also is visiting here. atrengtbened the choir greatly by her beautiful singing. la the morning she sang s solo sod at the .veniog service she Save another solo and also sang in a d..et with tbe leader. A. E. Gook F. Metcalf, who has been in business here in the one stand for th•rty-tbete years, had the store closed no last week. and oo Friday he left for his duties as Dominion truit in.pector. n ith headquarters at Medicine Hata Before hie departure the I. 0. F., of which Order he bas been a very active member. presented bin) with an address and a handsome badge .. Roy Sims. wbo is engaged in the baking business in Toronto pent the weekrod with his father here, returning home on Mondav Miss Mctiuerrie, a former milliner bore for Poplestooe k Gardiner. is at present visit log with her many friends bere D. Deobolw.wbo has a farm a Mort piece out from town. bas been her ioganother artesian well dug. He bad one sunk a abort time ago at a depth of seventy -fire feet. but it gave out. en last week he had to sink a new one to s depth of 110 feet and he now seems to have • plentiful supply of water. . . R M. Mackay was in Kin- cardine on Friday refereeing a game of lacrosse. He has bad a num ber of games this veer and •eels to wire uni- rerstal .atistaction. There is mo doubt be understands the game thoroughly. Vastness Cannot be Cured By !best appaieat lanp at th.v ,vain( reach: tbe 4M.swil pardon .e t he .sir. Then 4 only sae way to ewe deatssea and tent be b exMyfta. Us.w a Usual ma edD,stare• b as la flamed ,..intoe at ib. mere.. ,(Nog et the lltestteabeae Tao. Wises tab tabs 1. !,lose you ba.. • romans& mama me il.sirfoot bean- bag. and she., it 1. Mitres deed sate.ei is the repeat, and ssien the intimatiYiw as be biles est sad fhb lobe r.•fme.e tdaartoo� Mao tt..urt.l _4,s_. bmur4tg win lr• es.wa al aWeif. as.e as of tea sem ober► le netY.g M u &enamel oseditien et the soassess We wAve:.earn b 1 d.tlea Sr sae ass..,t istWsslr aw onsfl that ass - sat M se b '. tarA flea Seal ear rf`°tsler` boa CRICKET a CO., V AA& O. 1 .eliallar:=tbitIlsUrwa.ysarss. hie Curfew fie elate 1' c tb. Auguste -'tae tows 'council t.e :ei doers en Meads evening a /sutt.s hem tis W. 0. . U. request- leg eque t - I g that the eurfew hell be rung ewe► eremites at S o'cliRt se • weenie' that all children be of the dress. The W. C T. U. will p.'. .ate Ib. wetter further Samna of the ladies are Tory ind.gnaal at the esteem of the rennet'. sod Intimate the women will be beard from et the mitt Mstelpel election THE SIGN&E : GODSRUCH ONTA RJ & Lumbago i is Rhesmeth n dime hoe& The cases is Uric Add ie the bloat. If the ldd- segs did their work them would ba iso Uric Acid end no Lumbago. Mahe the kidneys do their stmek. The ass, posit/via &al mel7 case for Lanham) b a Dodd's Kidney Pills Free Catalogue. To get • good start in commercial life you shored attend Stratford Buse Less College, which is the best business training Scbool in Ontario. Write the College for • free catalogue. Announcement The undersigned, having purchased the Sturdy it Co. Grocer y stock, announces to Mr. Sturdy's many Iriends and customers, end to the public geoerullc, that he will continue the business in the same stand. and by careful and strict attention to busi- ness hopes to merit a share of their trade. We come to you know- ing the Grocery business in every- detail, and customers will at all times find in cur store such goods as will be found ooly in an up-to-date grocery store. CURED MEATS ON SALE SATURDAY Our motto is QUALITY Prompt deliasiry assured W.J. Powell N. B. -If you see it ie use ad. you'll find item nor store. n u CANADIAN PGCsFIG Great lakes Service 57 HO U RS STEAMSHIP Toronto to Rias!- EXPRESS pe'. laying Tame 'i lar. And Bator- ,.l Loam" Toronto daZ lay.. caber lean+- , et Friday mei! ewe* We. .te.mer• Ssmlmy 1315 else is Now, wee- , ad arrives soip tial nesdai-- •.a 2.25 p. Perimeters. Thursdays. ilkotdrsossehmt A SERVICE PERFECTED RT STUDIED EFFORT sad S•C+fi8 Oi EXPERIENCE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday. until October SI Winnipeg and return $86.00 Edmonton and return .48.00 Otl.r peat* is ar eporti••- Reten Limit, toe eemtLt Sesuseeebere Trois Mees Tereus 'Lat. p. seeds eii.-e- Dent trate 15 take. sem Await Si. sola EXCELLENT SERVICE to MesSok• Labs.. Kawart5a lobs. Point am Hard. Fleets and Piekwml River, Indo m Labe.. mte. Assume Toed.* Rosas ne.. is .Aleet- Fan particulars from Piet. KIDD, C. P. Rstesat. Gadanct- me oat. x. G MUR. PUT. D.P. A. C. P. R, .Torsos. GOAL flay ingpurehased the huei- new formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmen, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley ('sal. two lines which aur recognized as the hest. We wish to gies the people of God.reeh and vicinity the heat service prim .able. sad shall '.e glad to bear from all of Mr. Hoagies' etsstogilwe and only othere wise wiser •nyt bins is oar Ikea AR order, left witb Jas. Yates. W est [street. promptly attended to. McDeughE61elYiU 'Phone No !a Yard@ et G. T. R.. Nelms ms litrest E� GOLBORN� STORE E� COLrBORN STORE ON THE MOVE.umer Goodse] pants and Odyi Lots THE POWER OF PRICE AS WE HAVE FIUURED IT COMMANDS THE ATTENTION OF THE BUYER THIS SALE is a fitting windup of Summer Materials. However, those very goods that are much reduced might appeal to you as among the most desirable just now Make a list of your drygoods needs, note the prices you usually pay and then come to the store. .Comparison, are convincing. It's worth something to know where you can get GOOD GOODS for little money. Next week will be a record week at this store for Bargains White Lawn Skirts Twenty-seven in all, lengths 38, 40 and 42, neatly trimmed with embroidery 3 to 6 inches wide, and insertion 2 inches wide, with dust flounce. Prices : $1.25 for $1.00; $2.25 for $1.90 ; $1. oo for 85c ; $2.00 for $ I.60, and $1.15 for 95c. Wash Suitings Ili stripe Crinkles, Shantungs, , stripe Piques, plain Poplinettes, black and white stripe and spot pattern Dimity. Soine of these one-quarter and some one-third off. Gloves Seventy - five pairs, colored lisle, 2 button length, in 9. different shades, regular 25c. Your choice of the lot 15c. Our only reason for selling these Gloves at 15c is that we have too many of them. They are perfect in every way. Kayser Gloves, in white only, 2 -button length, finger -tipped, pure silk, regular 5oc. Sale price 371.c. Cotton Hosiery We are having a big Stocking Sale. :,too pairs of children's, misses', boys' and ladies' Stockings on sale to clear. Every pair in this big bunch is _ reduced, some of them so low as to be a,vay under samker's prices. BiG BARGAINS for every buyer. Don't miss this big Stocking event. Underwear Our late purchases have given us some extra values that you can buy at low prices. Come and get some before they are all gone, as Such goods for such prices are, not easily got. IF Corsets Our whole stock now on sale at Bargain I).,:. prices. D. & A. are the make we are offering. Yo can rely on D. & A. Ginghams Twenty pieces of 27 to 29 -inch Ginghams, 12 t . , and 15c. Summer Sale price 10c -fast colors. Prints Our whole stock of Crest Prints, 31 to 32 inche- wjde,,every piece fast color. Crest is one of the be, English makes, 1234c, for 1 1 c Lawn Gowns Fifty-six, fifty-eight and sixty inches, made wit}. "embroidery trimming on neck and sleeves, some high and some low neck, $1.25 for $1.00 and $1.50 fo- $1.25. Just ten in all. Lawn Waists Our whole stock is now on sale, both long and short sleeves, all embroidery trimmed and most of them full embroidered fronts. We are making deep cats in the prices of these Waist!:. Laces About 200 pieces, and every one on sale one-quarter to one-half off regular prices - .a great chance to get Laces cheap. Our stock mu-_ be reduced, no matter how much the loss on them White Waistings Every piece on sale at substantial reduction, Bargains in this lot and no mistake. YOU WANT RUGS, LINOLEUMS AND OILCLOTHS, COME HERE 1111111ar A Magnificent Floating Hotel. The great ship ":Seeendbee,e now running daily between Clevetaod and Buffalo. bas created a sensation with the travelliog public and is attract- ing to the popular lake route • vast nugiter of travellers who break tbeir railway journey et either eitv to take ibe delighted lake trio and at the same time inspect ber mighty engines, her mag, ificent interior decorations, her eompletie wireless telegraph system. aioodsrful electric illum,iea- s tion erbrme and other interesting features The eSeeandbee- is the largest and most costly p•.seuger steamier Ion inland waters of the world : Leogt.h 5W tee. breed -h BK feet. 6 inch,-.. 510 releernnm. and parlors. accommodating 15011 pessee- gen, equalling is sleeping capacity tbe largest hotel ie the country. She can carry 6,000 pec ON the poputaticn good zed town. Her amain saloon. Iowan. atrium. main dining - room and buffet email in the &ghee( typed decorative art. All railway tickets re& 3iog between Cleveland and Buffalo art good for transportation on C. & B. Line steam- ers, end those travelling either east or west sbould act miss the opportunity of taking the restful bake ride afforded by the spkodid service of the line. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEh1 FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Sl.se TO WINNIPEG VIA CHI, A00 AND DULUTH Yt.s b.lraru per mnee St -ionises 'ioniseg lo deott.ati.bet wet herbed llaei.s4 ('.lewry or iamwatsaW rr(TUa.n smIrQ $T 5.00 uwt wtwpsshalf n . plat ewt rsd&e tram paste seat se Maeb.l. Calgary se Itilaroaana, to Vriatl..s- ani N rem N1 Mange, est,: of Kine'tyw in Ontario54* tis. rpmall esti..+. Tomato to a is Towel i.d.dvi- via Strat1.A..wd 8//,w.m,mm5 trrrrs( 1. 0.1.res 511a. u ia Tarsi. vii 9tr.trmrd. hat W. e ns TweetsTweets.s sae North L .elocholtlas Mala 11e•� Teresa to E 1.e+e.s. WIPT Peas all 4aJsse Tweets aid Lasa, sed Last et 0,415. eel nests Set. SIFT. i Inns as waif,,, Tums Nesta Rv i5diedve wen th.me 1. 0seogia Tbe Greed Trask Pacific Rdwsy is the shortest sed pinkest MIN betimes Wisdpse. Seeket..e. Bemeaeea Fail ,srtarst.ra at all TV ln�k i1��tTb�s ism wase C. L. MORNI:(i. Seaalde Excursions A.g.gt re re re. ilea re DOW E nM•.I mm Acv tanl.e (awe iM. ..4 Ile > w. leen, Nan R. eaAIR le tit. 1' < 1 A R P+_Matielbee 1 w none ss a.N � (ath.r ast.,.4imor.IS./,.ibw eta MI Itlomeseekers' Excursions Each Teesday este °caber !t! iMnho Woomera" and wefsre - ilii -a ttdnsonton and Return .a irk ew s kAA. a TwAM loess ��� stn yr vise ele time tampsp, IPS *PPee ;.Manw s,. mew I. I. tr.m-ae • Owe. Tenni -ts i.ewau/ nage anage .11.11111 TheSignal M ill be sent to any addres- if Signal Canada for one year for only 81.,�O Send in our subscription now. ValuesinKnives 7 Such as we are seldom able to give f _ I Another instance where, by buying with the Misner Mfg. Co.. for their wholesale trade, we arc able to sate dollars for you and this business. We specialize on Cutlery, and we have a wel. assorted stock of Pocket and Table Cutler). Razors, etc., of the best makes ; but we especially wish to show you four extraordinary values offer this week ;- No. '.-Two-blade, braes -lined Knife, wail worth 19c 40c. % e al No. 2. -Pen Knife -a winner --there Maes and nail Rte. Not likely you ever saw the9 equal Inc 50c. Special L7l- No. 3. A larger Knife, brass lined. !ysm would say well worth =Nara. Special.... .. 39c No 4 -Fifty Alare Clocks ser sale ow weak the,9c each •Ja7l. NC These are some of the snaps Mr. Howell picked up when on his last business trip. The dowel Hardware Co., Limited The best place to buy Hardware