The Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 3I SON d Waists E , WWI is leery, earn loads aell web Pis «s,a90C t1711tstq ..elle. .SOC N IA ,l.,l, 51.50 Nry QNlty.. ...,«..._ 51.00 t (Platelet*. dai m y At owe prism, 2S• c r sleek. se. English qualit I1 O.00 �p 00 . 1ta.O0 .00 4l.5n•ui$1.75 ptlyyard,l}, .r r 25c & SON The Right Kind of B EWARE OE LIMA - OLD ON THE N EWTS of IINlRD'S lucation r� Map role coma irlmlea adds ter la ui It werr.eat soar ■ aMtt Low. A twat iu ed semifoomaa • need stair,. es dme. ata ac�potta TioF.uN'fv, Ilse, Owasat ps.isea (entre t Owed Ma. pivot.. W. A. le and Auto Livery awn cootieuing t he ery bsisess in THE one Barn Tail /fleet, with a splet. and op -to -date tapes. Band- it -ono. ate., aod • fine bled bones. dOBILRS FOR HiM: lases wet all traini boats. arias promptly w- ird t-id to at aey time of, day. TSeiephoele Sl M DAVIS ichinery ;ey-8amisShop MILTON STREET place to buy your very, Buggies Fencing and Bon' Fertilizer. received - a con- ent of Canada Car - Buggies, also t`f (Chatham), and rom Mount Forest. tr of Bone black ter just in ; ASO rods of the Frost ERT WILSON liwy-Rerebi Alert Omar kb eiforhowareiwwetetweelese BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES booed or repaired i.OL P LETTERING o. LEATHER GOODS ir_st dad le as lowing rat !4a SIGNAL. Owlo Lai A. E. TAILOR. tira.Tr0aD MEDICAL F. F. trALLO '. M. B. oft all madmen. Hearth ares..t. osamifb. send teems he a u7 Gam Tslsraaer Is twoF. .1.KH. FUTER,-EY$ EAR. ttwo and tart sub. Mow ophthalmic and Almelo •a•�.liar. Namasdthraw Wan aeoaid lilowilkad Iwo :sl, piebn oal othoa SS H.Watorissillinma. Wand. opposite Kos: Mein L alta. e.. t to 1 poo se. 7 toll a a Disallow a tidiAL P811D DFtl0T, :HLYS„ev 1tfLiaQBr ice, tarrri.n: wgdtem atlteld sure recess m ear Mow OW Ma tar. lea lad at lowet oss ia•raast. leo fan gee C. .&T* J. L. r'HOUbFttlter. 1, l:-. LiGad th. G. CAMERON. f Co BAitAia- 1fa ,olaaatar, .stud padela OMn - atm.. wooed'. rasa dam team W IDOW Nada > tiARKOW, Bog,. MM. boomer, a pilled r, etc. Owls rieY. liar y mina{ at towed stem Lell. JOHNSTON. BARWITER mica ewtnm.rrs.ar. sassz• POW . gamin aver, GGsderimr O. ASCTIOlEEi. rOXLS 6Y AA CTI s%W les S.O.6s;r>L AZ{.h iflm.lm�mae��. �creed maw it! tr ilei at @banal .take wig b. at . et Mb' to. kockirs a vele ma INSURANCE. LOAIHT. BTC. r $20 . u ► PRIVATE FCTIiMo. l v4u0 rju la.o. Aoab C.TO -lt- iadt. s.rrm,er. handbag dirt et, W L ROBERT'$O 1 _ INSER&NCK 1QDfl. /Wass loonranoti EIntielkCsaatlaaart &t t, t1.Qsw AND .auto rte• Luaus UT: The team wmadoss and caseose 3egeame. Le nae& of Lnsds.. Sri rasa, on tits warm Hawes : Tr ILL tar• am &- hurl •.taweat 'Phew Il• iitLILLGP MUTUAL FISP il4 a C H A N C II CO. -/So. and •.rest i. i<oiaaa. Pelma. Ilsdmaa P.O.: ha cab. VIMNIL. eaesdm P. O.: ammee 1. hat. tat -Hass. Baster• P. 0 Vega► -1L F. saaseaw. trsseaib :.d+. hoe lassima - Amos Seam lird ma. asZls:S. Meq liswgis: R gestc . • gmssr>r esse all mat i .roue., ta.was. atelmw. Hasarh IAlltLAGE LIMNOS - Mee- W ZV& L EXILE. J. P.. Rutgers. f1tJ. M'1* OF Yaaarang LIICOMIEL S SEAVIH10 PAR LAE �D ;era -x RAMS= meg coal or.. ow Leal*IMmistroisi MOM hale rAmsbrg, sum 1s memoir asci cn iib and Parvem ant 011vrtat II jos are Pee take ordd rue e *Iowa R bk l eat, wee,,y. a N we Wee teeth or heave ether leirend vitality.`� )aae[r.f1s !' Reno beetled ns tee te reload the pries 11 lade togive entiresat •lei hltetist, twee em the wee= ielles ursst�wsagives ts. Om dollar 0 i► °idol__ OaL •d• ti sE.. THE SIGNAL: GOLDBRICK ONTARIO . ASSAILED UPPER NOUSE CO SIM NAMED MONAwomb taw gym . Liege « FOR 11161MA1' N &isms tdt:r iters Mr. David Llepittheemps. addraesag as audience d ilia awed people at Carserveta. 1a Wales, haat Timm mw• day. dethroned a rlmm•r#abie sposch. to which b made eta Meal le demo - wary ant..t the Hesse ad lords. The ChaaesBer did sot spare Ma- ttes'• to deseen'ilg the Pears ant lilWitham the abolition i on d the lords. lir. Lloyd George add that the .ext year he letredeos a that e tre tar a sew .seal Chamber. It wad be a chamber to wkk tem tio., all madams aai ail creole weimld have equal treatmeat Another of the Nascenorl atter more w as that democracy steed to greater peril than for geser.tlons la YrltaIa Bydad•bye the Liberal Gov- .Rmeata would have ao powers except sorb as the Lords onchaated to thea The Liberal Premier would have to gat round to Bolgravia .ad ask the het}er to tell kiwi 'Nay Lori's orders nor tele day." Tb Peers were Pre- pared asHatred to resort to viedesce to prevent, Ow Coma...s evsm diece..t.g • mea- sure which they dtsrike+d. Tort hats were treated as member's of the family 1a the Loris. Liberal measures had to leap wenn at intervals unless they were speared in the meantime ,._ n_ Seep Takes T Geed leader Catgpaya .n Older Past at Owuno Ng. Charles a. magnate. C E., 1gr I wok. L Maass. ass, C.L. sad Mr. A. M. wallet•. MPP, ase haw bean appealed by the t as a oe..horea=sit tat- aad .lady all meteors' me htiag to the oaaetrrtotaisa and waft - Ware of public reads sad highways 11 falaimaat et the policy •anouaoad la the speech treat the throat at the • H tbT last jai pose L�b ppoinitaeat b to toraglate • compreheasive scheme her the timewiremeeit of the kighwye et Old Oatarkt The objective et the Severameat is to establish a WOW et Previa/Oil highways trete end M sad et Qatario. Whoa the mows - moat eras made at the last mashes d the Legislature Sir lams Wieltaey intimated that the initial approprill time would sot be hew than $10.6(0.06S to pr porly tarry out such proposahl as might be recommended to that Goverame st. Mr . Magni% is a civil engineer d disttacrima a^ 2 an ex -member of Par Beset Musbandly Sol.eitvoe ' Mr McLean is Highway Engineer In Chicago not long ago a c.ude- tor Ontario. deed is regarded as one vitae corn.dian married a woman whip of the ablest totborities an road con- was likewise rcsseeted a it b he ix•o- atrectio. fa America. Session. Immediately after the rrn� NOINTERVENTION Mr. Raskin is a past President of mossy be left his bride in bet ro .m std axwe Difficulty May he Solved by i M Hoiding Election President Wilms has about decided upon a policy for las American Gas- I ernment to pursue is its dealings with the Mexican situation. It does not em- braes iatenrn%wn. but proposes aa election is October. Henry IJae \Wilson s re-signatien from' the *Ste of Ambassador to Mexico was accepted by President ` Wawa on Monday andGovernor Joke Lind of Minnesota has been sen t' to Mexico as the special ,represents-' tive of the President. to aet as adviser b the Embassy. General Felix Leas has been ordered,, to forego Lie journey to Japan au special Ambassador from the Mexican Rioversmoil and to return to Mexico City. The meaning of this can o.ly be serialised pending an Glacial el- plsaation as to the causes which de- cided Hnerta to recall him atter. as tllsaterally believed. he had sent hist from the country- to eliminate him as a presidential possibility. It is thought probable that Huerta now desires Liu to be In Mexico. eo that he may be a candidate and that Averts will give him -his support to preference to any other candidate. • IMAGED • ROBBERY H otel Glert'a Foolish Attempt to Work an Old Trick A lurid .ton- of being attacked by two aged men. beaten into uncon- adoasams and robbed of $1.15' en- trusted to his care by a games. was Mid by Fred C leish. night clerk at the Brant House. near Barti.gton. It was a story. however, that tell to pieces taller the cross-questioning of Deter- ifye Reburn, and Cleiab fin&h admit- ted haying staged the affair himself. pie returned- tke looney which he had buried. and was locked ap- Cleisb. who has a wire and two children. had managed to tie his beach behind his back and wound himself on the head. . UNFORTUNATE GIRLS Two Sad Cases Reported Prom Oppo. ate Eels of Province r Carrie L11ey. a nineteen -year-old )Ahab girl who lived at Dorchester is held by the London police while aa earthy is held into the death of a child which was born to her and burled !o the hack yard the lame day Curies Webster. a married man wbese wife lives la Leaden was ones- kissed neskismet by the police as to the affair. • eemewhat similar rase is re- paired from Broarville where the ire old child et Nellie Tekion. twenty, was exhumed by the authorities. Sir Dowell* Geed Deed lames Z Waiters. • general pier- 'haat er'haat of Verigin. Sash . it under ar- rest charged with the murder M H. E. Wbeihate. • broker and insurance Wet whom he shot and beat over the heal. Whelks.= was alive when isuad sad it .•.s decided to send him r Wtnatp•g. 14' nines ■was He was lakes to Kamsack by autotnob le• and demes to Winnipeg in the private car et Str Donald Mann. wbo chanced to ' retie before the regular train. `Whet - ham lived only as boar after reaching the hospital. Scottish Klee Horror Twisty two coal misers perished in a ire la the Mavis valley pit of the abider Ceasry. near Glaagow. Soot - Mad. a Sunday Only es* mus escaped alive M the •irt et misers in the p11 ..t tie tins et the era A widow lost three of tear P. it is astherNatively stated that the Demtsfsa newerame.t following the psoedwt et hilt win provide amide leads le western Raab for moving Me yearn mops. A me .seat le es foot to establish en todestrhl farm h the district esti. prising the camee+tew et Sees•. Reap toad Middlesex non Finery • 1I-year.id g l b la N/ at Woodstock charged with kee- ns' bled t!r berm at bar employer. rle...0...etwor...todord_ Me ...1 eAgatey bealtsg Pert Wiest. Tweeds wee badly OuPress lamsg•d by ere lace TSheraday night I. MANI , . TheAamwma- belies at • ma - belies at mbaor'ood le awls - Me a Pelmet . et Aa'eib within six seethe Haresetiap boo bilge. ■ saes' IMAM et >rWlmBea the Gaol grads As.octatbil of OD- went down to the bar. wbere. u,r.-t ing 4rio. number of very conseui.l f, The Ccamfradea wi l organize for be ptoce•rded to relebi ate t he rec. 01 work on Mr. McLean's return from eventfttingly. Several happy hosts allerlaad Of 71 WOOL1.41LIM it the foilwort betaread for } expected p Turd dusk the hridepr•nr•tu went wbloissk:a to the Legislature at its to the telephone and alkJ up Lia. nett remit a. ei pbus voice raid : Tie aor� of this commission will ••I.btiy that v►yier. frienbed wife = Vev. be entirely independent of .Yr. Whit- j this is friend husband. 1 just mote a nw's c1.f1$rc:ion iD New Ontario, far date for Giant. How'iet.aingsbreak- ago. E`+.Ater r ,tet was voted two years ing fu: you P' ago. RHEUMATISM. V[1CIt .N'S f�VAI GAIL •Maur people bare it - but nrgleet it 1 until they are a-irpid sod without Owen Sound Lyses Fine Old Soldier --hope of ever belsg cured, but Ibete Y Essex County Treasurer Dead I hsps for All in Rheum° ani no owe t seed have rbeema t ism nc4 Rheims Cannel Co erge Brodie. who formed is joist what we say it ie. N"e have the 3lat'Grec Regiment. died on Thum- ; received hundreds of testimonials tell-. tiny .t Owes Socnd. He was .Hearty ing no that Rbemu has c,+tad cid fl years oft ustanding. caters. of tbrume.lent Cad 'Georg. 1 wlntemtte, .oust s trace -'4 when ail other treatments bx4 1ai7ei. user of _Etz sea. died last week at Rheum.enricbes the blood and MimeSandwick, gcd 7k r AC•Cf I's Patterns 1 i zoom. His new wife answer. d. ie a uric acid from the system. Iii al fail Sir Rkhrrd poweil Cooper, prosy to get ■ bottle today at F. J. Bvtlaed's ably tae legge.t farmer :n the world, and you will soon bave your health died last week in London. He had a.nd .ueng+b'es in the eekdOn days, farms in Great Britain and large pro- Yr. Rutland sells a liege bolt le for one writes !n North and Soda America. 1 dollarrid' er we will mot yo. a hni tie James A. Rutledge of Rossmore what trson ieceipt of phew. B.V. drowned in the Bay of Quint* while a.'Chu Co., Btidgeburg, Got. filing barrels with water. His hoe Fwod.d. walked over a ledge into a despot. - Thee young women: Miss - Tilly I Dr, P. S. Henson once demi delivered his Davis. Miss Eliza Darling and a Mise lectlte on ."Fool" at the New, reek Brown were drowned while boating Chant.atrpua. In intioducinc him. on Loch Lomond near St John, Mt, Bishop Vincent said : Two male companions and aa01Mr 'L.diew and gentlemen, we are tow young . woman were Bayed. _ to listen to...aa lecture on 'Fools,' "kg GT'TTs first day "of-wcirk-u. Ora- one%-tbe audience broke into a roar bash dreamt. Harold Doyle, of St. B she, Vincent Bedded d "hf•d tap mom Thomas. was killed by a "In of �e brilliant men in Arira.' Glencoe. Doctor Henson roar. and with a gem- M1.a Norma Robeneen• aged al kJ smile said : '•Ladies and gentle - daughter of • Plympton townabip guy' I men, i am not so great a fool as Bi.bop ser was killed by i trait while drfv. 1 7mocenc-anot,per roar of laughter, ing cattle over the tracks near Wyatt- grter which the ipeakea added - tag. I -would have you believe."-Jodge. Nine-year-old Dorothy Hatcher et I Hamilton died of lockjaw from a alight{ Henry Peck -"Do you think yov stretch on bar leg. can make eta good portrait of my Lost. J Thomas. European buyer wife r Mr. Bnnhaway-"My friend, for the Murray -Kay Company of Toron- I ran make it so -lifelike you'll lump to was killed when his automobile every time you lee bar." turned turtle near Agincourt on Mon- Bibulous Uncle -"What ' Hayew't day. • you a kiss for me Little Girt - David Church and Harvey Memetty. **No." Her Mother --Come. . Dome, two Orl111a boys. were drowsed dile,Lefty, kiss your •tel.% and ten blue amoebae 1n Lake Couchichiat, " bow glad you are to see • him." Little ibliel--But i don't want to ; his voice .malls ea nasty r WALLED OVER FLAG Tempest le Western Town Over Girl's Silly Trick Aline the 1411th Fusiliers were par- ading down the amain street of Saska- toon. • young girl la a passing auto- mobile waved at American fag in frost of the members of the bugle rand. The man grabbed the fag. tore ft in two and tramped it under his feet: the mtjartty et the regiment walked over it 0*, actiom resulted to kis being tsalaetly dismissed from the regiment Angered at the action of the officers, the ether members of he bugle head gave actioe that they would quit. and rather lean lose their services to the face of as approaching relebratioa, the otEcen reinstated the young man CELEBRATED PEACE DAT Intorwatlonal Rejoicing at Erie Beata. of Centenary of Good Will • greet jubilee was the peace dap oelebratiss at Brie Beacb last week. .• crowd. variously estimated at be- times MAIM .ad 11.514 cittnmm at the ratted States mad Canada. mot together to rejoice over to tact that thele ways bad hoes ways of peace and progress ta.tead of strife sad de - D imities for the past r estsry. Heath o alatis were are& beads played. and there was a parade It was the Bret et a sense of jsbliatioto to be hold d ntg the frostier is celebration et the rtessditlg eat of 100 years d pesos. Promised moa of both ees.trim de- livered o-livered .peoebas Ms Sredait Inhabits After dntay11sg as aawsr far tri, a year. the Settled Ooveramsat bin laterm.d the Patted Stases avF!te meat that onset Britala will aBt IMP drips* t. the Pau -Amelia.. Exposition t• 11171 Whit rig ihe'ght that the hatted MOW ere r afbttrutee tae Mae genet er keseemen thing ms de with the daoklem. R 1s stated sat .i' iy that the past ab• paw* et ssed*tg exhibits b the real i 1.1... a. `'• What is M.' hseseiT the Sueley erikel eepe istem+s.,. 'Mist mew M to shamble sad tad by the way T ••l*e betide skirt. dr.- ..,#d a Isle weber of the cis Lake Levels Affected. Montreal, Aug. 1. -The claim. which* bas frequently been made by shipown- ers aid others, and which Ma hem confirmed W a considerable extent'.by c!final records kept by the Marisa and Fisheries Department and by the harbor commmsssiosers. tbat the level of the river sad Great Lykes is being (vsitantly loitered. principally by drainage opeerat rose cm a lame mals, about to be subjected to a practical � test. According to information obtained today from Tboeaa, Rohn. secretary of the Skipping Federation, t he gauges batweew Port Artbur a.d Quebec which are to be used in making the test are now all in pcsitiion. t heir lay. its baviog been caeried out under the incl r uct leas of the special oomeeimism appointed to awake ode required teem Aa the United States Secretary Of War did not grant the application made by the fleirogro drainage end antboritiee last year. for permissible to ion ease the quantity of water obey sae entitled to tate from Lake Michi- gan. ani am it has bees admitted that more water is beings tube. than 1. kytaRy permissible. the remits of the practical tests which are abort to be made are awaited with interest is local shipping tarsi.!. --t Tlfvsaa►v. Ar.. 7. lata D.MILLAR uSON Perrin Move* t CLEARING THE _SUMMER STOCKS The Summer Goods must all be cleared to make room for the new Fall Goods that are noir arriving. L+die•' algid children's fancy Summer Parasols are all bring cleated int a discount of 3, per cenL All that remains of our stock of ladies Sum- mer Wash tresses to be cleared at a dieonno of pet cent 45.110 Dresses for s3 75 111.00 Dresses for Rile' l00 Dresser for $1.50 $1.10 Dresses for $1.12 r. $3.01.! Dreamer for st25 $1 to Dresses for lac There is no reserve, evet y dress must go. P M Children's Dresses and Headwear° 1 Oor entire stock of children's Summer.Dr•tsses I bring cleared out at a disrouot of 2 per c• -n4. Children`s Hewdweei all mast go and all that now remains is being cleared at exactly half price. Just a few Spring and Summer Coats left.. These must he cleat -rd. Trey are ideal coats for early fan wear• but all must go, as the new fall ,osis will be hex any day now. Yourchoicvany coat that rrtuait.s for . - 57.715 One only lady's silk Coat. large size.. hand- 1" isomrly-trimmed collar. was 112 50. to clear 56.75 The Season's Newest Sweater Coats Our complete acaortmest of Sweater tows has now arrived and thio season these popular garnet -ow paomiee to excel ever, former popular it .. We feature Yonaacb and fete Tee Sweater Costa. The Brush Knit is the newest garment of tae seayoo. We hare them in all colon-. Mon- arch Knit at 1112.25 and upwards. Something new -the Middy Sweater, madeo f extra quality wool. They c.xme in white with mauve, cardinal and navy trimmed, very ,mart for young lubes' wear. Monarch Knit .. .53.75 Turnbull Coe Tee Sweater Coats, the moot p.Ipular coat for Mating. tennis and all outouor wear. made from the heat Australian wool. For an extra heavy sweater this is the one meat all colors. each .. • Kayser Long Silk Gloves, all sizes now in stock. McCall Patterns and Publications. •'The Store that is all a store should be." 1 "..56 Millar's Scotch Store ..11rWM.- ideal gar - 54,60 Hamilton Centennial Industrial Exposition and Old Home Week August 11th to 16th, 1913 puri Eapooes 4 Ii•aiaa..sde Poodles. Owe two Armoeaia and Parade Grow& Coad Caravel Midw ,. Aviseei E: Genie■ day. Military Psse.mt, w ah SMIIU MBea a U.S. Reaimrr p .04 Femmes Weary Baal.. Spats. Aqu., iP B. IGter it ant Room R•oasepomi.p Athletic Event.. ataot�o- t.a.g.e Tame. Tapsioosl g Tournament. Rae M.tcbra Bs Penile shay. Come to Haintiton-Canada's M&dneto and see the biggest Cavia Heiler Weak and Industrial Denoastretic, t t,s. ins mea is Canada -or eisewi.e,e. Speoal Rase by Rai and Bet-ae your Local A. ALAS. 1 ase an *11 assn --sad many of wwatgp treadles aver Aappeasd."-ELBERT HUBBARD • white Bair and wrinkled faces of our busy men and women tell of dae►t, fear and anxiety -more than dames or age. Worry iLsys haver with the nervous system -so that digestion is ruined sad sleep Relished. What oil is to the fricuon of the delicate parts of an engine - DR. PIERCE'S ;Gni= lb�e:lleal HlsCovers r ssi the delicate ergs at the body. it's • tea* and body louder-beraeme ft women me heir Ie eMt... rtimm .scuta chop suaarb to roeaiW food -the sarklobigthe head, end tlr scleros lad heart ,a tors hod n clew d ea pirich Wawa Kee �•'i♦ the �r et carved ammo for feed._ Pyr forty. years **Oedema hied ttiaher ti id If aform 1sa gives great esti daetee or a tame aod K. it as be .haloed l# hill Awa.-Jie.sd ofera is wedicims erttmodfBmow( eltm ps Serbia/ has Mile A F.P1erce,Baayde.mad bowmen. new se brae easioe. ERI COLLEGE Jas. Cumming Painting, Decorating and Wall -paper Hanging. All work done promptly and in thorough manner. Residence -Albert St. Telepbooe No. 7. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2nd -gin it meee��O.t.. stead. today without a now., sr 0a.a - Otfd.atea hied/ mones.tai. r' The Western Fair Loodon, Canada THE -GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBI f1ON $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 5 to 13 Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night ,0-- >� ft,ma.es ADDED TO THE PRIZE LIST THIS VICAR Tana a Horley awl rids Leatkas Ez*biase Single Pan on all Railroads to Western Ontario EPECiAL EXCURSION DATILS-Septeedies it< its mil title Prim Lim sad all Brodie. ism Ne Sacreemy W. j. REID, Presidio A. IS MUST Secretary WE pat the beat of heti.-rs and most skilful work- manship into Rant Shoes That•a why airy revere *fir ‘mem chalk derive tbr:r loot 1„c Tats wharf moot a UMW CO.LIMIT tD a'eararu.n n 4.4111111111161.• Brat 11111 a►ers • 'rho Hart* lbw le DOA is eaimN. by J. N. McCLINTON hest side %we