HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 2: Tateshee, Awe- d. MRS Sbrallaii4iond 9uuiKICH uNY ♦KIO. PURI MAIM Et:.RY THII&BDAT s► THE SIGNAL PIttNfl ICA,-. l Tolaphas call Na a ,rarer. M arasrseslaa . rem a�aaastsm;ageaosas - re =Imam lltaam sabsatiw. WS • Pow wrtattr b othism M aabresrme vs, V to aerate rs u fatubs b ill mei oil away • sews ass irooliallit na�e at t�w that at •e wady • tee aeras .str•s/titeaea raid M voeloft W on t+ besresttrs Same : Least •.d ocher Mm0•r •avarnnerrea.e► tto .. 1W res het sooner ted Y per !re res sash sahmsswt Maeda hiaa.osed ter • .sogass0 Dia twelve loos to so teas. illemanew cars. af ala lar had ander, es per rasa, ,tvarsiwariau of L. P. (* ,Vel eLostiHr. settee rarest, rlttaataws Wirer mer d ais et se Rest. Parr Ow osis at ss sett aataes hr .ala ago., tat mamba( Mea tie lora taenia.: M ter art wonSIZ tar era valoseeeet wroth. Lamar adversim mats es pep.tiasa Aafol..are.to fa udM•rr rmdirra tap em oma ser IMA \s .rias his thus asp Aar •4eda1 mesas Use/etas/ et whim r ter +•r7 bsrt of oar (.divienal se aswaa- a•iL cmalored •a atawdsamaat sail creased six+oedlaab. Rates tar the la► sod oataot ,haeme e memo will be green en ap Inge••a t.M was aL oam.aoaio•nor to THE SIANre L PRIN11NU cO. (sorted. dsdmira OWL _ 9o1/CRIcH THUYBDAS, AVG. 7, try EDITORIAL NOTES. There has been a ser- ies of Sten is Toronto's East End tot wbicb one of the city- papers believes a "pyro- maniac-- i. responsible. Looks to us snore like thew or ► cf a firebug. A convention recently. bead brings to notice the fact that there is an ot- ganized body ufc.rmmereialtravette* s haring it distiOCtly religious purpose. They are known as `-OidMas"-per- haps because there are so feat of them. Hon. A. (:. MatKai, former leader of the Opposition in the Ontario leg- islature. was elected lent weds as a member of the Alberta Legislature re- presenting the riding cf Athabasca Lording." it i.regerded a. likely that Mr MacKay will become a member of the Provincial Cabinet of Alberto The Listowel Banner remarks that et this season of the year the citizens of that burg regret thtt the town was not built on a good-r'ized river or oma lake. Why should n'bt the people of {.istosi•el move their town over bete. Lind join io (making Godericb the best lake port in Canada Great Britain, Germany and Russia, it ire reported , will not take part offi- cially in tbe Panama Exposition to be held et San Francisco in 1915- The aco tion of the United States Congress with regari to Panama Canal tolls is believed to b•ve.aucb to do with this decision. Our neighbors may learn some day that national !elfishness of the U. S. type is not all to the good. The Mitchell Recorder endorses The Signal's statement of tbe relation of the Liberal party to the banish-tbe- bar platform, and says that probably tbe major.ty of Libettls will Agree with it. Even The Windsor Record, though it believes the Op - potation at Toronto made ••a serio.s error` in taking the course it did on this question, agree* that the issue should be fought out at • gen- eral election. This. it Faye: would "clarify the atmospbere--- The Montreal Star. chief ebamp.oe of the Border( naval police, says some i ngly : 'Mist trammed oppressive eiletee is the sound of the Liberal nta{ority in the S. ate cheering for the New Zee - And why abould not the Liberal majority ib the Senate cheer for tbe New Z.ealaod, the Teasel that repee- .etts a sister colony's effort toward, self-defence? The people who should Climb whet they see New Zealand's gallant •bip are those who, led by sycophants of the Montreal Star type. declare that Comdata not obis te do what the little sister coloot bas done for herself. but mast 'hire- her de- fence_ The Winghsm Advance nays that a big American corporation s about to move ita plant to (halt, sed decisive that this would not hare happened beet reciprocity carried. There are two important facts that The Ad venom has apparently Inst eight ref- One i• that the big plant from the United Stated has not sari red yet- The other ie thee, if it dobe arrive, t be dtifiela reciprocity cannot be ta.litld 1111111111. for the simple reason r! tf • cit y agreement W nollMnittarikariffilt the (modesty of m.eedmiliest..j p except is a few ler in./anner. Why de papaw like Thos Adea.r. N their political rasa els pay so little attr.rstias to the toast 1. it bowsaw. the I&e*. allessl Liam es ewe rvw.en few arepromest The aselhog lithos% buttatutse wee do honey. d�g gam ate Mather. Phot OUR CONTEMPORARIES, We ;Mat Ow Oat, Ember. Timms alar How abort lade i. ! What a Iota( time we reemie dad 1 And bow di - pepoet.ioeudy woad same people are of owiing two aotom.hiles• Hasse a Gs.d Teem ►hates NUM Hon. G Id- Foster is having the time of,hslife. Heiewppowdtobenage- Uattag treaties bat be is telly makteg • tear of the world at tae public Well the people made thus kind tiring pomibie and they inuct he satisfied. How .l They Easier This P Look= A.vrtamr, The Ford Automobile Company of Detroit hate built a tactor_ in Mata- cleseter, tbongh they can import automobile* into Britain duty -flea Those who give the tariff credit for the erection of • branch factory is (1•nads might discuss the moral of the British nonnern. Mr Hasei s Potttoa Tur•i,ta Guar, The receptions hexer led Mr. Proud - foot show that it mull have been Mom for Sir James to let the truth come nut, even if it involved throwing Hoe. Mr. Hanna overboard. But wbo knows how merry ethers would have gone nrerboard with Hon. Mr. Hanna % He is not the man to play scapegoat Why Not Open Churches ? st.rattord Hearn Mrs. Feesenden make & suggestion to the Hamilton papers that the cburcbes should he kept open during the week of the Centennial celebration, whieb takes place soon. And why not keer ,hem open all the time during the day end evening : Some of the churches in Stratford have adopted this custom. and it has yet to be learned that Cher have suffered he it. Cutting It Fuser. Hamiiton special to Inst at present. a represent ative of The New York Sun is spending across the Pacific Iron Yokohama to Victoria, B. C , in an endeavor to break tbe previous record of thirty- nine days, nineteen hours, by girdling the earth in thirty -rice days, twenty- one hours and thirty -fire minutes. Rapid transit bas made pronounced strider since the days of Jules Verne s notable ••Ronna the World in Eighty Days," or even Nelly Bly's trip. under the auspices of The New intk World a few veers later-, in forty -fire. Hew It Works Oat Orrin Orowvas' Owide- Protection, we are constantly sm. minded, is • beautiful policy adopted for !be benefit of the worker, to shield him from the competition of pauper laborers who do not lire on such a wbolawme and proeperous plane as the employee of Canadian indtistries- Tbe Dominion Steel Corporation is one concern which has received "ads quake protection- to the tune of statue $7.500,000 spot cub. direct from the U.nadiee treasury. Tet the Presby- terian'. Home Mtraion report., in epeak- ing of tbe foreign population of some 15.01t(i at Cape Beeto,p, where the Do- se thins o- seihioa Steel Corporation's huge plant is located, says" "hay are made to lire in conditions which are ioerit- ahly degrading and demoralising." Rev- Mr. Kinsale, Presbyterian mis- sionary in the Sydney dietiict, states that dog -meat is a regular item in the bill of fare of many of the mi nen. SIXTY PER CENT. INCREASE 1e Ordinary Expenditure Since Buries Government Came In. Octane, Aug. 1. -Figures are not ordinarily iatereating reading, espe- cially if they appear in the tom of statute.- Them e. however. figures 'n the Canadian statutes which rehearse the amounts •pproprtotted from revenue to carry on the ordinary ex- penses of government, and these frequently turnish material which should intermit every Canadian who nod. that his expenses are growing much faster than his income- The amounts voted ie this way for t various years sine I9(18 are partic- ularly illuminating in view of a speech made by Yr. Borden a!1 leader of the (apposition in 1910, in which he declared that else expenditures of the Laurier Government were w great as in thems-1re* to furnish prima facie evident* of improper and corrupt spending. A particularly interesting point in these figure-. is the contrast between et hat Mr. Bordew called this "im- proper and corrupt- ex peoditure ret the libeled Government and the im- mensely greater expenditures that •sone tbe indtatt the Lurtet Govern - meet gave way to the present Con - see ratio. regime. In I9(t& according to the Appropria- tion Acta, the Laui ter G ornament *pent oe the ordinary afairs of the country 11O2.487,fe . According tooi the sane statutes, to Iteli the Laurier Government sprat in the same way 91th,1%l* 939. For 1914 this expenditure was re- duced to 11186,97ttrl• while in 1911 the expenditure row to 9101kfUeL334. it is tbua apparent frnon the Appro- priation Acts that the expooditi.res on ordinary aocnun:1 by the Laurier Government had been fairly .vee diar- ies iu last four year -yeast of un- exaapkd pia/moo and national advaDolmen t. In lett the first halt of the Rectal y.ar was under l.ittsval, sod the lagena half under Oonservative(Oovern- unmet. leveed iatel y these was as he - meow jump and the ordbaary ex- penditures rose to 111Z1.1S-9s,- That this increase was cashed by extrem- eness mince October, 1911, whim the. 8osden Gower eme.t ream to power, is shown by the het tbet most of title to r. espendit ore was eovevd by Ap I print ion Arts pawed in the steered is , year to the extent of 1161.904file. . , 19171, when the Borden Gneera- + • cathed fairly struck its extrsvagaat =the ordinary espeuditures, as by tee Appeopriation Aet. had grown to 11141.,1111.1111111. while for the pores* roar the proeisiom for oldies rvyy eaprwditures woe as Ins. than $ AOI ,17i1- Whi1e these ipwres are tardy (-bate' if iodated is Appropriation Asx. these an pieety d other —(hats of pends'su�tt/iti�mgT teotmt and tiwsad speseensi eha.. bole wliawd a THE BION LL : OOD RICH ONTA RI(, by the Hordes Gavierwse..t t• .e moo 'stater dearer than the crdiaary method. But if in lWIl-I1 Mr. Boniest found the urlrnars etpeodtturee d $1i 5111,331 by the LiberalG ovme- Meat prima facie eslideoce of oe- tawvagaat and etwrsopt Method. bow will the urdia&sy citing* who pays the bias lawns out as malmsey ex peadt for this year which is 193k9 ii.7Ri higher P Tliie is sa iisereme of nearly w itty per Dost. ea wrdioary ea - pa -editors is a tries over three years Is there • s. ie (',head. outside -the interests" awl the meads of the Govesretest who get Prises Albert "homestead+" had other gifts from tae public domain. who can ay be hes got say better nervier for the 917t,- 4.33,131 of 191314 than has had for the 910K,SHI.1114 of 1910-11 i And it is certain that whoa Parliament meets again there will be farther AP- proprs•tio. Acts Nagged to sever other rpeodiags during the treat year. No one can say that Canada is per capita more prosperous or has better government tcd•y than three years aro. How ran aoyose justify an increase of almost sixty per wont_ in ordinary running expeoditure by the applies- ( ton of Rogers methods to Borden i n romprtencx t 'Sorely this fits Ins,. Bordeu'e idea of prima facie es sleeve of extravme..e: sod corrupt t penditure. Remittal's Gala Week. The city of Hamilton will be in gala attire next week. whoa the bag cesium - Mid celetrwtjosi and old home week will 1* held. The Hamilton old toys from all parte of the continent will be Pact for tbe welts reunion., and u promises to he far are -titer than the oeletretion held in the Ambitious City ten years ago. Judging by the ad- vance perigtsas, there will not be • dull n rome it during the enure week and the fun will start with the arrival of the Detroit old boys, =riled hr ♦ band, next Sunday. s from all parts will be there and then promises o be music on erery corner-auring all hour; of the day and bigot. The streets hare been given over to the big earnital shows of Patrick and Ferrari and the cit y has already assumed holi- day attire in the matter of decora- tions. A big industrial exhibition will he bele in the arbrories as well as an art exhibition, in which pictures of w oe of the old haunts will be on view as well as the work of Harniltor- artists. An aviation exhibition will he given over the city each day and the city will he one big blaze of elec- tricity at night as neither the power companies nor the merchants bare been saving in the matter of electrical decorations. Special Siegle fare rates wit' be given on all railways and a visit to Hamilton will be well worth the while. A CANDID LETTER From tbe Pacific Province -The Fascia - *tam of the West. A correspondent writing from Van- couver, British Columbia, says The Seaforth Eepositor. gives a somewhat illuminating description of business and financial conditions in, that `city and Province. Conditions in Veli- -outer are, no doubt. typical a con- ditions to other towns and cities in the Wester° Provi: cm. The eorrespond- eat says : If you ask the average person where in lies this peculiar fascination for the Went he will reply that he cannot exactly express it. One feels the charm but it is impossible to put the feeling into words. 1:' i n -t the climate altogether -it rains too much and the winters ate dreary. 1t ism': the social life -it is much the same bei e as anyw•isere else. There are the same petty ambitions, petty Jealousies. petty- tremolo., es in any other Canadian town. The same frantic struggling to we and to Pe seen, not., only on the put of the women but of the men. toxo, is res -y evident hen. and preheats it is more pronounced in Vancouver than in Oc- tavio. People make their money -more quickly and easily, bait it takes jest as long to learn bow to speed it profit- ably. consequently there are rote of the newly -rub Isere to make foals of themselves by an indiscreet display of weelth- Tbe newly -rich form a large and iscportsmt section of tbe population. Eresybodc admires them and come spent on their (easiness astuteness or the lucky chance which brought them their thousands- A beautitul bonne with epkndid grounds is pointed out "That belongs to 11r. So and 5*" gee is told. "11. came .it here with rnthing; got into a emaU business (sought tour nos five tote at two hun- dred dollars apiece, and now t hers' are worth twenty dee thousand each." or words to that effect. One can Sever retnemhrr the ex•t t sun,*. and 11 does not matter anyway, because the same story is repeated so often and the amounts are never twice the same. Ties. male motet which r•erns,ne arnoly filed in the mind. and which 1 suppose is inte.ied to illustrate the gsnine of the mere - latex, is that be Lomita for • emaa mon 9•d sold fax a very big one. No weeder there are ogre motors in Vatcoaver per capitatbaa in any other city in Canada. That ie what tae cit Mess may To be. sure. I beard exactly the mane story in Victoria said 1 sea not cure that it was not told rex is Cal- gary and Edmonton and Winbip.g Hat it does Dot matter : each tows to perfectly convinced that it has "the imide tretck," so torisme. of the other, and the oheet ring t ra teller, be le ever to critical, renew help swiss for himself that these is certainly a pkatiful amp of automohilee h every one of these big Weetere chis.- For the Stu t.Liog the newly -rich do is to esquire • senior. How eine ero.ld the world be made to realise that they late shade money. sad what is the use of haring showy if other trxspde 4.1 know it There is another rimae in VMMneer whir* ha. sprung intobeing just within the last year---arapidly in- creasing -taw and one wm which enp ds me is svesps t by --thee "newly -pool " they calf tbemsMrea. Them are they who here a udd.alt found themselves in redwood cirrunnatandet ; who bare bed to give up t heir amide aged their motors and their manatees. had 11.e the siiepie life again What M the (sow of bavieg • bemired big*-psie.d talo nobody will bay them t Ord Ow. - nag . doom dee Mneme If the terms es are Marie" them P Or of being worth militate of granary Il toe *nee t woes d • big a south bussmu Io pay hr bold sad dimes? That is ti..a- tssetateet. poetise se se*sy • moose ie Vasomotor todayed it •4e a pw► tease with all of thana.whether t oma hold en too their property td) the dsei rat by o. whether they will have to saer:aa k te eptet mem/ same' se her ths lass.diste eeeat- aeries et Mie. The salaried mom who was went to eery his reckless, Modem the pis.wttw of lewdly. as igedspesi.at lade had e ambki t L rwJ.state, Ire which they gave up (their rade and ease politicos is basks mod offices- now hirerdty oca- gootalats. b:m rlf that he tenet es the sheer method of making an re - come. He draws his tgeo.tialy cheer* with a each of atisfaction in the fad that there he. kss a definite had fairly suhstential sate to corse had go ant, and t be aeon ledge that smother toter weeks will bring him • .ieeilar amount Pr: •hap. there is shoe erase of contrition that be .ver stooped to be jealous .1 his neighbor for the million he was reported to have made in a few shot t year.. when he sees that same neighhor is now glad to take employment in a position numb Inferior to les- Oh, them are "haul titan" now in Vancouver : there is no doubt of that, and many will suffer. But it ie • sit nattier) thea' can rely he temporary mid is bound to Isea very good thing for the city in the eat Prices were too mush inflated. People were ton exalted. too reckless` too i brittle's. Scsaething was needed to steady everybody's nerves, to put *stoptnthe wild epvculating that has prevailed, the waste /bat was evident nn every side. to place things generally on • bouncier, firmer "basis. Vancouver, with its floe barbor, its unlimited re- sousrea, it. esthrssiast;r popolatioti. cannot fail to make a spptlendid recovery from this temporary depresinn. The city will be infinitely better off, though there are certain individuals wbo most pay the penalty- Howerer. they do it very eheerf.11y, and pon- dering on this situation one hegins to realise the fascination of tM West It is the spirit of the place that catcher bold of rime- There is no grumbling. no kicking, no knocking of the city. Anybody who feels disposed to adopt that adtitiiie is so speedily and effici- ently suppressed that be never t.rsei it again : or else be quickly decider that this is no piece to bio and goer where his natut•e is in accord with his surroundings, and be Inds people who will listen to his eontinual complaints and perpetual pe.aimisar-Seafortb, verbena. Anyway, he doer not stay in Vancouver. to nobody ever grumbles here. • That does not mean that they do not hare the same ups and downs as other people. They do, indeed, had the rabidity with which the elevator ..f worldly prosperity shoots them tinst the various levels to the top `!at and down again to the gtouod floor fairly takes one's (math •war. Bet they bear it with pleasant good humor and as quickly as possible set to work tadapt themselves t. the changed sit.nation. And t herein, 1 have decided, lie- the secret why those who have once lived in the Went neves meet to want to go bark again to the East Occasionally, to be sure, one comes acrose an in- dividual who frankly admits that. while he likes it here, he thinks be weesld be just as happy in many places bark in (Mario, or the Mari- time Provinces; hut i have met only one person who declareil bluntly that she did not lite it here at all. and world much prefer to return to her old borne This was a lady, however, and she came from Toronto. FARMI NG OF THE WOODLOT, ' Wee Three Fe..y ea. the Fundamental ?rseceptea. "Their is no part of t be farm which will give bigger returns for w rattle expenditure of titre and labor as the wood lot." This ststeu,ent in lb. July nutter of The Canadian Futeitry Journal is made tar B. R. llortop, B Sc. F.. the silt -fed expert who is en- gaged by :he F,se*try Brooch a Ottawa to deh•on.trate to t6e w laod cwnere of Eststetn Canada fa* bow these bigger returns nose be tcklered. Het if it is sot possit.le obtain such expel t advice. there yet tbtee wars in which the farm be the exercise of ordinate Dom___ .ea4, can calmly improve the con. Polite n, production mad teprodoctioa of his woodlot. The flet tbi.ee Dece:rary is to pros e t be chariot era of the crop, which eats be done by cutting down sed using her firewood all di.e-ased ard de- formed t tree, as will .is sOrb eperies whole er•e.eaoe in the wordiest. is sot desiss4'e. Only too frequently is the method of cutting exults' the rev-etse The hest trees are eat. atom for p°r poses for which as inferior wond would sett e, aid the power eperies are left t o s. ed-io the rat over areas and t o gra.( wally crowd oat the better varieties ll -fore etrtt.ing, the farrier should con-1der firse the ose to which the wood is to be pot. hod, second` the species-onmpnstition of the woodlot which is mist desirable. Firewood probably yields the him returns for a small acreage and for this purpose sapid growers such ae poplar. ash nod elm abnuld be encouraged. which should make an annual growth of from one-half te one cord per ware. B&ww'ood. ton. will he in iocreasiag demand bey* no. of its sled Irrns►tb, -.er-snse it coppice. readily and because cif its value in .nail nines for t be seas- ufartrare of remissive, cooperage Wort mod other small artids for which the wood is particularly .dap ted. Maple reprodwree readily, and, although not a rapid grower, it aeverthelass yields a sutatantisl temente when it bemuses large entomb to tap- Soft wools like apt nc r. ((deem aid woe grow much more rapidly thew hardwoods and might he adesatagewu.iy grown toe fuel or pulpwood. When the moot on. able semien nave been aedeetedled the weed -tress removed- the weed(.( most tie be Miaowed until the t'.owao of Lia best -formed remehiser BOSS a e ossa to barely touch. Aa sere COO prod... may • "leen a-nitet eft wood gosh year. and the leer regia thea* are to share this greenly leer.ae.t, and yet wtithe dM ammo apse,. Lim sane will he MN grtrwtb of tame tram lia• third rupiah* b the fereetag esf t weeiee le th t, eat t le be tort cat, reposedly attar Warr natio*, whom roproblintlian it : m..t desired. Odds nee /WA an f� SUFFERED EVER YTHINC Far Yas ssRanaredTeRaa b by Lycra P1. L .'a V.. - stable C.alopoied. Canadian whore are eseeinselly writ, keg a such lettere as the two following, which are heartfelt espalssseis_S of grati- tude for restored health: Gland ord Statism OsR -" l have ta- ken Lydta L Piek6aon's V. et•bie Com- pound and never Oval any msiiane r ewers with it I had Mc.n sed fall- ing of waab sed *odors did sae w ``rod- 1 neatened isa�nlly for years I berm Sikkim J T el- se teesmons.d k fear nM•w einem sed in- iga.tiaa -lira Hswzy Ca aor, Gtanford Station. Omt. Cbestervilk:, Ont - '• I beard your medicines highly praised, and a year ago 1 began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian troche. •' My left side pained me all the limo and just before my periods wince were irregular and mental it would b. woes. To et down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I woaid be in nervosa some- times cattimes that I could not bear to see any one .r hoar any one speak. Little speck would boat before my eyes and I was always constipated. " I cannot ay too mndi far Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for thetre are w meicises like them. I hare .taken Liam and I recommend them to all wawa. Yon may publish this testimonial." - 1les. Seto- P.E, J. Maaruv, Cbewter ille, Ontario, Gnada inrious to a young crop of tree-med- liogs as they are to yoong c, op of grain. They may indeed eat he grass in the two odlot. hut they would just as soon. if tot sooner. eat the young and tender Lunde -mid eh -tote, and the same cm he said of sheep. Even coniferoe. ere not imtnone, ill that centainty in repro- duction is assured Getty by fencing off the cut-eeer areas. Dr. Fernow predicts that "there era the term ci will be a heceasiarv part of born to make it valueble.- In t he fanner could very easilr improre time of increased wood reslues. W. ACHESON 1 SON New Embroidered Waists Beautiful silk and melon net lesbrobissed Weida in ivory, goers &ad Meek, fa Mood with pure ilk won made and wet rut,. 34 to MI refular 10-50 to MAL At Ceb eg% each sffsgie.P., Dress Silks Mack Diaohsses Peilattes. le niche* wide. rollsdet VAL Oa 90c sale Firm "se weave that giros the mot ertfebadaras eseae. 90c Dews Skirts of white popes and sapp. sun and poise ei regular Vali rued WAIL Aff dewing al Gloves and Hosiery Women.* finest quality, black. tan or white. • *Quetta Qatari, .00 .50 1 silk lisle thread Hoer, double ask* Mod Wig WOK el sixes Se to Itt, age . three ,p Dress Muslims and Persian Yodels it the newest &MA Gaeta qualities. idaty per yard . pat/area. all mu 40c and 50c qualities. At one prie' re, 25 New White Voiles asd Nimes, just °posed to etoek. Rugs Special August lisle of Wake& Bags. sereiess. MOM gmlitT .00 Cintabia Swiss Curtaios, 40 incises %vide. ffi T4144 15 Paw Unoleunts 1:2,or212 yards. Clearing at per square yard, 25c lazath es are different in that the do not ffriPei 1;6rffe 131x cause nausea, aor doe, continued use lessen their effectiveness. Von can always depend on then stsc. a box at your Druggist's. in Italtwoll brag and Chowtod Ca. Combs The Right Kind of Education Stir boo soil Os* is to tor col..e one oreorforanas. Lt art•-tolt ••011, bob too Aosta kaosr. .• ern, Dabs sad Uwe. sit•WVI SCHUOLSI it:. is Tame Clorrooll Pita Tarawa ci Shaw Prisealoal. Make Your Winter Wheat Pay Better Than Ever Before IF we can prove to you by actual field tests inane throughout Canada that n. certain method of growing wheat produces maximuni crops, ouldn't you be g:ad to have us do so ? The information vrould certainly be very interest- ing. Why not grt it ? All you have to do is , to write for it. Probably the beit ferti-lizer for winter wheat is one containir.±1 2 , Nitrogen, fl",., Phosphoric Acid and mike mare money cut c.f your wlicat crop this year wtiat choaeistl) fieiSH to rdd to it to make a 101. ever btfam usc this Lind of s fertilizer. ."-t that your ci,:a7er give it to you. H he cannot POTASh ft.rt-ilizer. We will tell' you just how to Anybody that hoover.: will tell you that a crop_ of winter wheig removes from the sail mare P - MASH than Phosphoric Acid. And yct the it ?erne wheat fertilizer contains less POTASH than PhosEihoric Acid It should contain at least as much POI ASH as Phosphoric Acid. 8 to liln, ahould be the mini- mum for all Pall crops. These facts should be interesting to the farmer who wants to inake the most profit from his farm. Write us. Get our advice as to the use cf POTASH and then compare it with ti -ie lodgment of any competent agricultural expert in Canada. You will find that an application of 403 to 500 pounds per acre of a 2-8-10 fe.rtihser insures a good stand before the commencement of winter - assists in protecting the crop from frosts -promotes rapid arid earfy growth in the spring. resuhing in a greater yield of better wheat to the acre. Decide now that you want a urtnter wheat crop that will pay you better than any you have har- vested before. The first step is to write us, --our Scientific Bureau will advise you how to start right. Do that NOW. Don't put it off. or you may forret it until it is too late. Write Now/ 1 German Kali Works lac. Loam 1410 Tesipie Molt Timeissaa. 4116. otash Pays" Davis' Horse and Auto Livery THE Stone Barn and up -to date t Buggies, stable of horses. 'Boers meet ell train. Machinery lassepllarrisShop BAMILTON STREET s the place to buy your Machinery, Buggies. Wire Fencing and Bon' Black Fertilizer. signment of Canada Car- riage Bugg-ies, also of Grays (Chatham), and some from Mount Forest. A car of Bone Black Fertilizer just in ; also rods of tbe Fro‘t ROBERT 'WILSON The Ilassey-illarrle Asset Oeularirli