The Signal, 1913-8-7, Page 1:GE IME CAW Lr. Was. Pages sat FARMERS 1117nn•i1`T i tsars -,+r- NW GIODERICH. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1i 1913 al. 1213 PRINTING laacttad promptly and well by The Signal's pnnt.ess. Every order, Lao,. or small. receives careful attention. 13a - t i mat es given if defiled, THY Bins al. PROtt-flila 010 IM.. Pemfrrim THE STERLIMBANK to noney- a rush been ale af- 'Jmmer OF CANADA SAVE, because- No. 9 The man or woman who saves regularly during the earning years is able to keep up appearances inter ttithout a struggle. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto iioderich Branch-AXDRE*' PORTER. Manager $3.85 .t. nohhc lays sad sew this $3.85 5 Rth Cos* is swaar,n $0.45 for stow: d. Right betn raer $6.00 len' Sane Reseda, ale, (-Wai- 1 is Banding - odd lots M thins.. id 33c and Midsum- . 17c lery33c err in our At mans • as we le we put over the ✓ t out of cls fine and Sic. rear. Cot travellers in values sae. Your I yards sheer s wide. summer 18C Vith play tion of re there shown. ng sea- manu- her y011 o show while to choice ay until )S0 - FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Tpa; teautiul Residence ieiosgiato the Relate of the late Mrs, Haskt ..,tutted ea the south -web career of Church and Nelson streets. Fut psruculars apply b A. G. NISBET Real Estate -insurance Agent iiFF1: F. NEXT CANADIAN R MK OF OOIXMKRCE, GODERICH Pnrocas: Orrice 20: HOr*E 150. P.O. Bo; 364 Fol ALL SALE.- AA dins) TAOIST r' 'f,dec TO' bwaWal Mede twV- tars with itr new tetwiatr em ad nYgLat ,arreerewt. etc. wast be ram M be worse dead. touter Oaring ter the Ween. Amir 11. TA1HhM- "Gable. Orem, wag - t et. A1NA('E GRAIN FOR SALM- iTO wodev-erre+ hes trio. s a ser t7edder .itantraed b ate and -mete pareaaead se the ward rirtstar. Aaywewaetlrrr Obey ted -sold rine and Yat stns wand. It Irma Ala =tint ti it -pFdy st tot -eines (rota 1. r. dersieow and- waaebeww. eppeeke Erne', owl yard.. at G T. t tract. itt f CENTENNIAL It HAMILTON Avg. trill to 06th. U ret .n Rodin etas s.e F. N. =BauFI. taep•sboor iiia issoretict isresteset 5 we tout ern r Paten Id and T p•• amt. epee tnrmines air - DETROIT dL CLEVELAND NAVIGATION CO. ftesarsan CITY OF DETROIT II. FOR MACKiNAC ISLAND t Mondays, 7 p en. s Ser+ nae way $6.0e round trip. FOR DETROIT Saturdays, 7 a. - Eli coe way g5 50 round trip. wry WEST WAWANOSH FIREI\SURANCEOO. face of the best h+� Prow - ism. Fixed rate of sssws.t. Lire Stock i...rd et Its fell ?alar whether ed tis farm er I rapt No trouble to mob* edigisL- we to R. MciLWAIN. .1 ilii.. CARD OF TSARS. CARD OF THANKS. drench tee �amse at thn paper i wish to owev sey tholes for the eawromens of rsverrhy and love .Jaen r ear end boars n ot and alae ter the our 7 ants d t sidoem meted. ed Vol each and all will accept t.M ie.wal sense se ar.perebotiw of ere. D. J. CURRY. CARD OF THANKS. The ssdrwiewd btkiss�ihis moos d woos yssrs� � s>.we:Mimi . hie ordibste sad hfed. `r ail ta cresta to bra a his time of boomtown He veer that all who woo se very Idol nth ws:ar W deep apple intim et their empathy sed e l. GEORGE GRELN. FOR SALE OR TO REST Bi.Ic ! THE TOWN OOUNOL SCHOOL GRADUATION U Notice TO CREDITORS. � JUNIOR b' 1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO MEM !TORS AND MITERS IN THE iBTATR OF EY &V OIL1A RAW - LET. DECLASS°. The a.•elasne et Emeseea Hailes. tarts et he taws at Oedadef. a t tae toasty et Ststatr, whew eeeet.ed, ata decd es et el .aunt the l day alai. lid. sad all .rhe. hallo dates either the cults ere harms no rod to woad Zzeitimereprill er.tber.4..4. M ear Inter aa- rraeaa s. on et beton the III Sas et Athol. 1u1, their nom and Wi esoes ata tail patllosW et their chyles and the aster ed their s.e onetrr.. ttaar. her by teas O. rollini ll atter the wad ora w .t Ammo ■Lf. the .Yore et the wed testator ail w diaQi- bstedaneaest the psora..tiara therm her - hut reser d and to lbw Who et which the exec - Wiota raw dare attire. and all ohms w thread tree t is wild distribution E M. CHADWICE. HUGH E RUSE ie Welber ea `e. Eta. Tomo Oas.. Eaevutan.. MARLS -3 ARROW.Ontario. 'labeller to the ateeia.ts. Doted at Toroth teen Sider d DOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -ONE r of the best baiit. sew Dries bowies is sclera God buries co temete. taw torma THOMAS GUNDRY ✓ R SALE. -A BUILDING 14OT w Newgate street. Appy to F. J. PIM)AM sato POR SALK OR TO RE -ST. -TEN- S reamed beam as Ethos street. with bath WILLIAM EIIPATIDC'L Dederick erre : sew bet air Ono. Aped t s DOR SALE -TWO-STORY HOUSE JL ea K..yi Omit- emtWYit tem denier. DY mud w• troth re on trace sod recite ROW : t4.. eepelrsd fro endue s test : tel ba oil soil ow with toe tree. Aapy 1. W. Re PI-MOE& HOUsK TO LET. -ON NEWOATE street. neat w Mr. a Ain a. Medea othisieeesa be i.gseld at any rice ; peses.dm Aagws Melrose *103 =AC 110)11. Martel stows. RKAL ESTATE ere have tic salt prices diode him RfIBJT. IIrrich Oen Jail . nay' 0441 VOTiCE TO CREDITORS. 4\ IN TIRE MATTER of THE STATE OF CLAItA BLANCHE LAWIION. LAT( UP 'TRE TOWN c* GoDEf31cB. IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW. DL C' EASED. Notre is ore gena grnr1tat to the cawtrtiw. et tM repro Art 1. Goethe A'.. i bap. 2[ t.bat a0 woo bevies sorer weir the woe et the above soot Clan Blanche Lowes. who diad m or allot the fst.h day of Joe. IIIL. ere rewired on or before ' be the dry of Asirv.4. 1011 Is wend be yen. prMs+d. r *Wier 1* the nailer **O 4 adtalna..tratcetheir mass.. software. and full particulars of their clam. sad the nature of the .rennet. if 07, vend by tbem. duly arrunea. And after the ret mentioned date. the adoiafarater of the estate nal proceed to dis- tribute the aorta et ter said ewtata amaa g the partiev omitted ib 14*. birbet regard orly u tie claim• of which the -aid administrator snail fife have natter. and tie said Amis iodate/ wet cat be Iiab40 to the eras d the estate or try part thereof to or penton ed wooer clean. win hoot Mar received Wile tune .d .tach distribution. RECTOR ]itQl ARID& Admieiatratr. Br werek P. O. U. By Proedtoot. Ray. t Hew llar i rrbrarae*. Dated at aiedericb thio 4th day d Anion IDS 1131 FOR SALK. absat tees asst. worn p tIt.1. ss kw taus.. lilt t ZILLOR.aN Teethe Sticatesfd Csedidases .Iron West Here. Sc boob. The report of the rKa:aining board on the junior public retool graduation examination of W13 has been approved by the Department of Education. The marks bare been sent to the teachers mad tbe diplomas will be sent to tie successful candidates wino issued by the Minister of Education. To pass. a ctedidate required forty per nest. on each subject and sixty per pet. of tbe total. Total to pass. fete marls. The bie best percentages obtained in tock subject are u follows • Oral re+adittg-Louis MacKay, et air ABY HELP 'AND DOMESTIC J: SEROAXlit-Mess� reeeq4 +airing tats help shear res s WII11A1�f MoQUIL- LIN. Qsr.us 4. )the01oym.B. Amer. fat frh. Oair.11R with H. D. WOODS. St -Out. win teoetre Rim pt ate oath -. b'OS SALE. -LARGE DOUBLE ii' Mae w 1st ilk Wes etee ; eh* met lung of ht Na, Amir else. Os4*rl� Aa.b In 01 DUYL& Welt Amt. et ..ire t oiws �s J. R, HA WEIS*.711 Sixth avows .a w- d.sdl Yeeston Ac eta, Nftt. UIDR BALE A speed _M+mo_ pftir, tied trams be aldi.ge ; �t ie tro ewe mOr Mia r1ma ti�.md_matron this fell ei at a veer mama 1seYW- pttm. w t\ rad porno down. r aid smimpe ter ter.. pegisri A ow goo 1855. eel two sores of Sod' for =Se wishes ere m4 gds 0 tbe dream : ter Stilt >l✓s wed bead solietWswu&bemthan t vwl .ei Lu teal Mem I.awsle m �p.d ler arae et 710e01666 fens : e -girl Fro nor Gadrf1 oraatti sand me armed Beaty sew bag pert �Vid Agent for Glibness. outage Own ea 1 mentisOLT . POELNG NOTICE. DRS. (:EO. AND M. E. WHITING, owteotaths. wpecabet• is weees o sed ebiletrr n < ts'•e►.. coat!. clinic and aw.ws diaaticrw eye ear. ohne sad brat. cwis- t1 free- bion North wee st. rd dor tram the Snore. NOTICE / TAKE "TIM t rs., I r genas sey tasuresea. ANY list be emus. ages THOR � 72Yma.a STAR -COLE LINE ETR. HURON DOSE BEADS. -EARN BIG .ctrl making beautiful. hw�a.t rase - learn merbet. Sentra I•S. N at, ERNEST tit-SWART. IN r Aa ahe m w.. Lost Bead. C]altdsr.ia. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR B1Li-TM fer4wre. with So bete fe w rig • .a the A . Meet Allem pep rte other Deese belok bonen torpmodd Reeler rota God 4 441100 meg mile..�nowrii�wwa (:.•fid. piemei wbest ith tTA1l, it MsArwastage fit Ora =wleo P. 1. Ondersh P.*SAULTT TMMS MAaus. Nim, 't• nem Chi mot (heavers ergo Twe/arstsp, • roe PORT meow -_- TOMO° and CA4I.AIIO. Maine et l! neatrt Pregeg J. w. moot. aleasst01. FACTORY SWITCH PROPOSITION TO teE SUBMITTED TO VOTE. Mayor Reid Urges the Provision of Better Bathing Accommodation at the L *k*front-Western Canada Flour Milts Co. Wants Additional Trackage -Tenders for f might Shed Not Satisfactory. At the regular meet.og of the tows eoeecil on Friday evening all the Wrilitg - ar•guerite .LfacLentlaa. I members were present except Council - Margaret McNain, rlla. English literature -Marguerite Mac- Lennan, Sa. English composition -Belle Parker. SI. English grammar -Dolle Rose, fd. Spelling-Loa:is MacKay, 1(44. History -Louis Mackay, Kt. Geography -Lulu !Lisle • 2 Arithmet ie and mensartation -Louis MacKay, tis. Algebra and geometay-Louie Mac- Kay, SI Art- Belle Parker. 42. Bookkeeping -Louis Mar Kay, Q). The art wort was vers ,teak. ..nd should receive epeeialmatey titin during 1913-14. Fifteen candidates wrote. The fol- lowing were successful : HE.SYALL 9C11001! Wilfred Dow, 74e. LloydHudson. 669. Louis A. MacKay, 860. A.+t FIELD SC11001.. Dorothy Fnwlie, 74S Lela King, e03.. Belle Parket, 7''S. Dottie Ross. 730. LA TRIER eCHOOL. May Johnston. 04[4. Marguerite MacLennan, 7J1. Margaret Melsin, 61)6. Isabel Walker. 7(10. $HETT'ARDTON SCA' • t.. Eleanor Dougherty, 675. TOWN OF UODERICH. Tate entice that the municipal coos .f tie eeteeratiso sr the tswn st Goode* wends to osearact a a *e-t.sa sidewalk ea the west side .t weds ie7 street., in the raid town. between Liekthee.e street od jnias.aia T. and Intend- to axes. a pestles at the anal est thereof neon the real pwpert y to beimmaihedy ..pearled thereby. frontier or abettor apes Webeeley Kier. *1sreoai4. become the said pointe. old to Nvy mot final ear enesedirelz the foto t rot. by twesetysoya' areinumnte : noir that a rastswt roaring the lob liable to asst poor to be gscield sossni ter door wet. and the sane 1 tae ewntrs theme .e taros the Imo sn he .crossed tram tae lest revise seawt rep el reedt r berwhi.e. is new lied e the Odes et thei. etis durbor o how. Um inotiaiodity. 71. eatimateed sea of the wet ie SOW et which WO Y to be provided eut of the sloth funds of the 1111914C4 Wits. A °taut of revives wm be Irl m do lfad day of Aalfo n tett, at W hoar of s�hf,ehbea a the evereg, at the masadeafer a the d sews et (imisd►. ler the woo korai composite ogilnet the ospov.d mrvoom or the seenr•Nr of mesa se swoatoww. r nos other ommpli ass whits tie throes Wen rendmaysisa dee le ke ad wallah is.r law oisi:e the Nil dos of Aurae.. try the (7.m.. DesasseMd1lL L. L. KNOX. amen (ser. 1AALi ADMFIV! AOOF Ma. si=.luaiit �eas� d s tweet slap $ _d avrssi Claus w eeh.d sae_ ▪ iel `weslwseice_ WILL MU ROOMIVIND 'Cir=luosool et .m. wp'IIi'm r•� ato*;:i quae ANNOUNCEMENTS. Do not speculate. Buy a -,ir•e thing -Swift Heaeacbe Powder, cold by K. R. WIatn. druggist. Godericb. Dr. R. F. Parker, dee: path an i eye specialist, chronic and nervous diseases. Hotel Bedford. Fridays, 11.45 to 4.301. A great special feature et Lyyeti Theatre Tuesday and Wedcetdev. August 13th and 13th. "The still Voice 1 Coeseiehce. 4 Please resember that Tuesday, August l2tb, is tbe date of the salad tea to he Riven under the auspices of the Arthur Ciicle on Mr. Alex. Saun- ders' lawn, Nelson street. From 4 o 7 o'clock. Admission 1St. WILL SELL AT NINETY. tteeekeeFIVE PEA CCITT. GOLD YIJNI- e ipal D53erturee Act w er tre1 a beta el tine 0_..a..d'sp Issewst woos haat yearly: - Al steer .ishout t. psrehaior'g Med to Yuma gape title.sd legality et trot Swart•' m- dowitsia Rafe .lightly above fin nod aJidf wont per woo 0lbr .nba.et to oiler as1► Adsr.r Hoz r7..GNAL Goawtet. QALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. 1J�� i. ayes that wowine thereat y be d at this Otos. that that ie being le the Moth Denson of Amor i t l sad >a Ifgl and :het le ddaalt of the pyrnsd of the tom sed one the had e ldbyodiceastMaa4tle�t)ertbeefy th se e 10.derld- en Taos►. the all die et TAker erect ti O.Mih Jets sl tali WM. H01.MM Tieseur . AUCTION SALES. WEIMIC[SDAr. Aug 01 - Aootioc ,ale of busJeld furniture and feraidahe. at the peees4 . t ieber .:rest. commendo* at 2 inimt. Nina Rost. Ft :.r oar,. proprietor. Toe. Cooren4- auctioneer. -11111 mar reteginvi�S'r 1 • ! 0100ERICH MARKETS. for emitter. The county cletk notified the mon- ad that the count y rate for 1913 woald The secretary of the Collegiate Insci- tate trustee board Fent in a requisition for the sum of f13,6&4t4 for Institute twr- po.es for the current year. by the Permission was requested Bell Telephone Co , and was granted. for the underground work on the Square. The work is tc. be done under the supervision of the public sot es c onset tee. A comosuoieation was received from the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. rot'plaining of the delay in giviag .•anctioo for the placing of an addi- Libnal C. P. R. track on the commer- cial wharf The company. it was stated, stood to darn in the neighborhood of 41115,(100 u a result of not having this track. for the reason that it was im- possible to have grain shipments billed tbrougbtheir elevator while tbey were unable to ship the same outward bound from lioderich via C. P. R. The tnatt.er is complicated with the question of tbe C. P. R. freight sheds. and Mr. Arundel of the C. P. R will be asked to come here to discuss the n utter in di -puce between the town sod the company in connection with the sheds which in turn is keeping back the laying of the track. • An order of the Ootaario Railway ani Municipal Board, confirming the owl's by ew authorising the invest- ment ofESi,G0tl of Fitting funds in H dro-electiic debentures. was re- Drvnon, Hamilton : Frank W. How - n• ved. I sed. Montreal ; Harriet .1. Thome:, In order that refreshment booth Detroit :.1. A McLaren, J. T. McLaren, privileges rosy properly be given I Toronto • W. G. MaeNevin, Toronto ; iHarryLauder. Rdinberougb ; L c. gave Harbor Peak. Reeve moven to • Wright,Moneie. Ind. 7 C. C. Hogarth, notice that he would move to � {,Png amend tbe bylaw reitulating the Toronto : W. E. McGaw and wife, wise. Tb- finance committee recess - Tateaean AM. 7th real wiaat, Per arra i ltd s b s, M Oldi▪ t hose alga 1.54. a n lbselw. ear bush ' *di be 0 /far. testyiner a is • . -Weea 2 cut.. UN kn. "13 �s. pry Iu•t s mq. pe• Om. Mw... ..... .-toot . 0 to is 14 0 stave..... - ,toot-,-.... e • be e WWesptt me Iiia:..... .»... u se s 1 guar, Awns. fes .lb •3 iso t~. u 4s�MI to 5 Ohl wedswrAsa....__.•lits' a Neer PTs per ►saheb-... 141 1. - Castle. =eag.aL ear e+t 4 ! Y 1!e 0 e s 4. M aw es hs a es fl1Hit CANADA TEMP'ERANNCE i ACT. irivsgria war it �.��pr Pakw!. Mi.R�.thal Le 0 04�fw et the a: ,4; the e Dort ser limeb..�lpftd.�>red of ti��ig111:i re AaaQrtawwl.r.iY� �s irk ey a ter L� 4T.. le Ailk ed• ti t7ss.rR /ti/the s MIA •eY wlet to �gre. twat 0istar f=ut .48. Ishig �` s�s.e�H"44t ui..di-aaL marl file etb My of S. tali. per set. --- sesta ehs.em.s,. _ 110 fa i.eha alloweenrw .01 tis laRki )w amt........ f is low P!: velli tli m "' tenet i elf gwptlfsse stil aiR Me As The Point Farm. Arrivals at the Foist Far : Miss Yiogaley}' Mies Margarette Courtney. Sid.&y Lee Courtney. Detroit • Miss Edna Murphy. Mas Hetes Rothwell, Tci o.to ; G. M. Elliott, H. Witte. Mies Josie Witte C. Witte, Mrs. C. Witte, Clinton ; Miss Millie/en Buck, Miss Isabelle Bock. Brwstford ; Geo. D. N.U. Jot Gouging, wife and child, Detroit ; Meat C. A. Bovee, Miss Morita Boyne, Seto. Borer. Adrian, Mich. ; Mrs. L A. Motc�o many. Montreal: Otto Misch. Leo.a+•d Soboll, Donald A. McLeod, A. Wowakowsky, Fred Carrick. J. F. Putnam, T. R. Ginn, J. J. Hayes. Arthur J. Waldorf, Detroit ; Miss Mary Fawkes. te.►rge Fawkes, Dr. Marquis, Mn Marquis. Brantford ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. lkibroan, Mil. Marin Dobrmao. Paul Doorman. D. S. Dick. Miss S. EL Dick. Detroit ; Mr. and Mia H. P. Westgate. St. Mr. Barker." Thomas ; '3e... U. Heyd, Fred C. This was the cotichasion artived at Heed. Miss Evelyn Buck. Brantford. by the 001001 is jury so the result of the inquest held into the death of Msneetung Hart- Joseph Rioebart, the young son of Arrivals at Meoesetung Park : Henry Rinehart. of Ashfield. W. G. Robertson, Toronto : Main Evidence was taken at the town ball Johc.o . Tomato ; Miss Katie Rich-' on Monday afternoon before Corooer ardeon, St. Marys; W. J. Douglas, Hunter. Crown Attorney Seager wae Toronto; J. S. Douglas, Toronto; R present in behalf of the Crown; Chas. 3. Malacrida, Toronto; Mies Genevieve Darrow rept cleated Mr. Rinehart, and Ryan, Toledo. Ohio : Vincent Bern- M.G. Cameron. K. C.; was in attend- ard, Detroit, Mich. ; O. R. Looker, apse to look after the interests of Mr. Detroit. Mich.: \1'. T. Riddell and Heyd and bis chauffeur. Thos. Hutton. wife, Auburn : W. P.,Sroith and tam- The jury was composers of Alex. ily. Toronto ; J. Fritzley and family, Young (foreman',. Chas. McNeil. Jas. Regina, Saek.: Misr F drunter, Buchanan. Gen. Fowler, Albert Gold - Exeter : Miss Beryl Robinson. Rati.a ; t borpe, Herbert F. Morris. Arthur Mts. Geo. Robinson, Regina: W. W. 11eN.1!. W m. Marded aa3 Johb Hunter, Minard. Sask. ; A. IL Wil- Welter. ford. Wingbam : Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Dr. Macklin wan• the first witnee. Kidd, Montreal ; Mrs. Jean Lawrence, He conducted the post-mortem anal Buffalo. N. Y. ; Mies F. R. Lawrence, gave evidence as to the reuse of death. Godertch ; Rev. John Newell. Spring- Robert Routledge and Mrs. Rout - field. Ohio : Mrs. Newel. Springfield. ledge, Anthony Allen, Jonn Barter, Ohio ; Miser Lewis. Buffalo : Mi.. Rey- Patrick Buckley, Edrr•ard Pole!, John noels. Godes leve : Miss Eliot. Godericb ; 9. Dalton and Ahijah Reid, who were Mia: Jordan, Montreal : Mr. E. S. all driving on tbe road at the time of Wellington. Toronto; lithos Field. Ton the aoeide.t, soot Thoreday morning, onto; Miss Carter. Toro.to: Miss gave their testimony. Neatly all of Elizabeth Wellington. Toronto ; Mrs. them nail they did not hear the auto - A. Benick. Teeonto: Mimeo. S.undere, mobile sound its born. Routledgc Miss Mabel Doty. Goderich ; Mists' thought the car was going piett v fast. Murphy. Totooto. but others said it was running at only Hotel'Sunset. an ordinary rate of speed. Jas. McManus and Clifford MrMan- t Arrivals at Hotel Sunset this week : Ls. who were in a field alongside the H. A. Raveling, Toronto ; W. R road whys the automobile passed. eerie evidence lancet the same lines.as the other witnesses. Jae. McManus also gave evidence as to t.be condition of the harness, which be examined after the accidenL The snap on the twitching had broken, wbieh would let t.be buggy run up on the borer, and this doubtless wa= the cause of the borne. kicking. Henry Rinehart, father of the boy who was killed. said tbe ran was be- side bis rig when be first noticed it. He did not bear any signal. The auto was going At about the usual speed. Besides himself and his wife, there were -four children in the buggy. The horse be las driving was not his own but a neighbor's. If be bad diad warn - ng. be could have driven on to a side - mad near this point. Mrs. Rinehart corroborated her bushaod's testimony. Edward C. Johnston, owner of the horse driven by Rineba.tt, ssid it was • qquiet animal. 41nos Heron. of Rrantford, the chauffeur who was driving the automobile. said he sounded his horn for every rig be passed. He was going at eight to tea miles an hour when be. pawed Rinehart, having slnsed down to pass several other rigs just before ibis. After passing Rinehart be sounded the horn .gain for Barker. whn was About fifty feet ahead of Rioebart and on the wrong side of the road. To get past Barker be had to swerve nut a little to the right side of the mad- After be bad pawed Barker his attention was called to the accident by one of the girls is the back of the oar. He weft back to tete scene of the accident and then went for the doctor. Witness said be had had instruc- tions from 14r. Heyd to blow his bora frequently and bot to drive fast. and these instructions be bad carried out. Sybil Duncan, Isobel Duncan and Constance Heyd. three young girls who were in tide auto, coming from the Poiot Farm to town. all said the bore was sounded several timed in a short distance before they pasted Rinehart. Geode Heyd, of Brantford. the owner of the ear, said be bad never before had any trouble in 000nectioo with his car. He mid that Hutton was w vary careful deicer. He gave evidence from his own experience to socou.t for persons driving on the road not bearing the auto signal. The born was • good one and was in good condition. The jury deliberated for an tour sed a half hefare bringing in be verdict. which was to the effect that Joseph Rinehart had come to hie death as the result of a horse's kick. concluding with the .entente above gaot.ed. Thr evidence bore out the account of the accident vireo in last week's Signal. A. the sato passed Rinehart. energy the borate was started and Rinehart paled it tn. breaking the snap nn the holdback. This allowed the horse to kirk. and at the Srst kick Mete Jeeepi Rinehart was bit. with fetal resit. To paw Harker. who war dr -ivies ahead of Rinehart bot was on the wive, aide of the rood, Hutto° swerveid bis car .lightly to the tight. and the jury evidently considered this had contributed to the frightening of 1Rinehart's horse 115 eviiweesis heing suhmittidIn tie by oA to yAttar.w at RINEHART INQUFST. CIRCUMSTANCES OF LAST THURS- DAY S FATAL ACCIDENT. Jury Finds Chauffeur Was NUgliguit sn Passing aBuggy Which Was Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road - Evidence is tieing Submitted to the Attorney -General of Ontar.o. In our judgment the horse was frightened by Mr. Gro. Hryd's sate. and we consider the chauffeur, Tho.. Hutton, was negligent in pasting be- tween the rig: of Mr. Rinehart and Wimaipeg ; R J. McGaw and wife, Cioderich ; Femme Murphy. New mended the payment of SAKI on the York : lice... Miller and wife, l.ger- public library grant and S1G0 troll : S. J. Mackin. A. C. Mackin, A. on the Musical Society grant. Ad -1 L McLennan. Toronto : J. Ht . Bullet' sad wife, Pittsburgh ; Robert M. Toms. Howard Baldwin. Welter Gebrke:. Mrs. Frank Howard. Miss Grace Meirasth, Ernest Kluseman, Detroit : M. B. Twotoep Miss' Twomey. Maurice Twomey. Windsor : Mrs. Austin Ladne, Miss Leduc Mrs. F. F. Chapman. Mary Edith O'Briet, Detroit : J. E. Parsons and wife, Toledo : L C. McLain, M. D.. Mrs. L C. McLain. Csetrude McLain. St. Louis : Dr's. A. H. Martin. Norwalk, 0. ; Mies Alice P. Chamberlin. Cleve- land : Leon E. McFetn, Detroit ; Mae A. Johnston. Mie G. M. Hannon. Miss Mabel Walker. Toledo : Miss H. Funke. Mrs.. J. Priagle and daughter. Detroit : Mrs. H. W. Baker. Toronto : J. W. Fraser. Walter H. Berridge and wife, Goderich. opted. Tlse special committer recomnieoded that a bylaw providing for tbe 000- .t2uction of tracks on the streets for switching pubes tc sad ftom the different factories lie prepared and submitted to the ratepayers. This was adopted and a bylaw is to be pre- pared by the special coniroittee. Deputy Reece Clark spoke of the street watering, urging that Victoria street rhoald be sprinkled, especially from the jail to Hamilton street. where( here as so much traffic. The quect.ic.a is a difficult one. as it seems to be an impossibility to look after all the streets properly A letter from Capt_ Wm. Babb. vig- ercwdy protesting against the unload- ing of coal on Beach. street, which he claimed wag creating a nuisance, was referred to the public worts commit- tee. Some members of council sugges- ted using brine to keep down the duet. Mayor Reid spoke of tier necessity of improved bathing facilities at the water•faont. He said that when the party from Detroit were recent- ly entertained by the council the only thing they thought was lacking herr grrsust ever harvested in Manitoba was in the matter of bathing accosts- q.e►atebewan a v Antero, tete re- modatios. His Was thip mid he prom- quiring the farm laborers of the East lied lne that heti th y came Met a ea ft 23 s st. 4 ip 4e eM to IAS' OR FOO/0 FORTY THOUSAND MEN REQUIRED. Farm Laborers* Excursions -This Year's Wbeat Crop Will Be the Largest m the History 1 Canada. The wheat crop of 191:1 will be the 1 ro d w to rernrlt And assist in barvesting the .ext year -as they said they would d I worlds greatest bread basket. The Governments of the respective Freebie*. state that forty thousand men will 1x required for this year's barvewt. These will have to be princi- pally recruited from Ontario, and the prosperity of Canada depeods on seearing labor promptly. The Cana- dian Pacific on which company will f•11 practically the entire task of transporting tbe rnen to the West, is already making special arrangements for this year. Bxeursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta will be run, and special trails. operated, making the trip in about thirtywix boar and avoiding any charter of cars or transfer's. This will he • day shorter than any other route. •'Goias( Trip West." 11l0.00 to Wire teem, pit. half -Dent per mite from Winnipeg up to Macleod. Calgary 0 Edmooton. °Retun. Trip Kale- 110.00 to Win- nipre. phis half -cent per mile from all points eat 0f Macleod. Calgary or. Edmonton. to Winnipeg. Going dates -August 1Rt.h -From all realities Kingeton to Renfrew in- elosiee aid test thereof in Ootarin. A ngo.t 2/Lod-From Toronto and west on Grand Trunk matin line to Serbia inclusive and south thereof. Aug to Xitb- From Toronto and northw entero O.taarin. north of but not incloding Grand Trunk line Ter- mite to Bernie end east of Toronto to 14ingstnn. !Theriot Lake a and neutron, isoludirie thecae September --From Toronto and all stations in Ontario east of bat sot iaseludi.( Cared Trunk iter Tereelia to North Bay. fleptem her Myth --- From all stations as Grand Trask line Toronto to Nath May Mebane., and awest thereon* Ow- tar*Mebane.,. 1.eh.ding CSP. far boy Ii to Sault Ste. Ontario. hot sot leirre1 Asada and wept. fa p.tYeehee aw dehplsst O. P. FL ogee., or Write IC T . sea !r'M!m mea ea. -the want would he supplied. Vi ben people bad to crawl under box cats to get to the present bathing -Louse it was time to make *change. Reeve Munoings said that tomethiog should he done abaft this line, bot he tbouget it was too late to do a.ything thio sesene. seeders were received for the Two t lease of the municipal freight abed.. from 0. F.'Stordy and J. W. Craigia. Neither was considered satisfactory. QNT.-ON MONDAY EVENiNG ' rad the chairman of the ha r4,or rom- .eot b firfila-wlKlhmelant a1(iN.t Ce4 i t te+e wag empowered to make the arrangements becowW QTHAYED ONTRE PREMISES OF Councillor Moser asked if there was 17-t►eandeafsaod. tit td. aww*�md. 0.4. ( any nee- r the electric railway in- raletti7 »wehaebraeawyeufng moor- aware is Aga( He thought something Puma HOLM r and pa. t e should he .auto. Members .ug(e.ted carious ware of urging the ttttatter, sed finally it was derided that the clerk ybroitld oommuoioate with the chairman of Lbs Ontario Railway and Municipal Board and request that the investigation bo hurried on. 1t wee decided to sub for tenders for the cement sidewalks to le built this yav A court of recision on the Wel- lman* welt will he held August d. Thee walk, to he constructed if -women oos•cat red will =irMirbrie hooch. After 'aeihrbtameodaseetof tin Weal improvement bylaw t be ecwan- ail tial._ p L.rrt�aa SITUATIONS VACANT. ANTED.-AG1Rl. F(R0ENF:RAI. beawwrt attw'eer.elates lath Intl /OIL A/pty at tar • 1' it OdLr ,.dr AO. r by titter. et r WANTED AT ONCE. 011 OR FIGHT SHUL-*0 ffm 0101. VOT *batt of week. loam ahoy scut ssMl. QUOM Wente PAI,. 1"A0111' GRAIN DOOR CO.. i1MIT>Q►. J. Yong on, >rseeer. WAi TS11.-43IRLft TOLZARN fy•. mss[ •d 1�1. wow- r'O _ r lssw. ZairsCUSID.,610 osi 17)d moi. SAMSON II AMMO. anrismatialet SIM 0 11XT-hell N wr stmt atm+ode M w p .i1M Ingariffa. dr fit tbreb %rouses' Perim 444.:fe. The Om1. ones.veld. Wes of hrwme ell sessial w flaw ties htw thole Ifnfe Meow Awl ti weans east ►chid Own Lege member m OM pram gra 0 Erases swells the WM. As he ones %sari s As. flee the Ipso std tura sigh►‘s err teem Res - la N le triune ea Whet r t iiwenail ire firm ••A Mama earl au oheerree of the ops. "ban as much excitement be gat- thg her fertooe told as a tont hos in mists A. iviahomo a* mhos that bio dstltoe kept Mai. Bim so .meth thud he wee 'VA bre a wee la* walk"