HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 7ale
ky worth
that meat
address it
only Si .00.
)ng our
e genu-
Aar you
,e glad
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The News of thei
%it**406444"11464646444446** is 46 +40 +444 6k44 4 ******61644444r
Wg»xsaiuT. Jade sosk
ital. B- BNsMJ. et
the f le ell ad
aloe u.i ort.. d James 3 am' a. Bey.
este lir wig Mesta the mala street,
wing rented Mrs. P. Campbell's
mat ani d w'tlliDR.
MontrAT. July lith
per- J. H. sad Mr,.Ostasbeet
bogy og teteod rpem4I tworks'
vaastion at Grand Bead.
ltys 13r•ussdon, of Hraadua. Moa,. f•
,r�,,mileR a couple tit months with
nee& bete.
$.s. Adams. of Vtsarao ver, H. C.
is viliteag at hi• tat her's toms here.
Lin. tied Jobestoe aerompaaied
her sister-in-law, Mrs. McEssste. oo
Lev return to Cleveland.
)(.ss l iy Beunrdos has been sue -
easel el o. sisal examination
,>t the Western esi[ y• taking
Kiss Bertha Brogden has secured
a good position as eteaographer at
TrraDAT. July 28th.
I•hs a or. Sunday was much ap-
Wea: a the matter with the beery-
pit-[er, c The wild cat has been cap-
tured. bat perhaps they are afraid of
ibe bear.
Yis{Itary MacMurehy is visiting her
raider, Mrs. Fergus's. at fialUord.
Rist Lely. MacKay, Mn. Rom sad
Matter Albert /Smith called on several
binds us the gravel road use day last
week.. '
George MacGregor mad his bride are
spesiagt a few dmya with the former's
relatives Isere.
Mrs Miranda ]idEwydia�t�ie and Mrs.
Thos. Telford are tusking friends in
)Hames Lilian and Jessie Wilson. of
,enerth. ate speeding a few days
with rehears to this daftfell
MONDAY, July 213tb.
Ur erli •t J JOHNS. -At his
hose it Verna on the 22nd inst.
Jamie Juhns towed peacefully to rest
at the age of seventy years. Tbs de-
ceased roue from Cornwall. Eng.,
abet forty yea, ago and settled sear
Vaasa. He It,.vas his wife std a
family of five roes (tad tour daughters.
Pre n, , art' Thome. of Bleier:
•Chanes, of Chicago : Alfred and
Arthur, of leing. Soak.. sed Jobe. of
Perna. The daughters are Mrp. Byers,
of masa* t'ity : - Mn. Treat, 01 ('hi -
ads • Mt- Bucking.. of Goderich
townshir. rt,d Ethel. at bease.
Deere OFTsDRlaw Kir U. -Death
came'. Andrew }bid, of the Parr
lint. atter, only a few •bourti illness.
He passed awry on Thursday, lith
inst.. aged fifty-four yearn. Mr. Reid
wasbere in 'this township within a
mils of the peace where he died. He is
surrii'e•d Rv hi. wife, four semi and
four daughters,. also by four hrotbers
.mod too, staters. The remains were
interred in Hayashi cemetery.
Ilan and women -in you want ■
-iiendd heed of luxuriant hair tree
hon rale itch and dandruff?
Do you went hair iso bewitchingly
radiant that it email*" the admiration
tea she 4e it 1.•
Do you want a scalp as immaculate-
ly dams and !,right as • oewly-minted
orb c
Do yeti ware to use a hair dreaming
'that will -mole prevent baldness, that
&lway- refresbrss and invigorates and
make. y..ut entire bead feel Mae f
Theo spend STI cents this very day
sad get a bot( k of Parisian Sage d
may drug store or toilet goods coauthor.
t or it a• directed and you will never
rue to the. ordinary moles again.
gip"i' i i quo rug sr of lead. no wl-
Dbur. nu injurious iogredi.nu in
Parisian liege. Ask for Parisian
Y. K. \e rie guarantees it.
Mown*'r July aetb.
Nees .,1 Tela W
Ctslbrvt has me -Mier to
from a visit returned to
friends at Hnh'rood Mrs. D. An-
derson is snaking an extended visit to
key f"mals in this part ..Cases.
Slaucd.r.;pent tsunday with friends
at Barra " . Min. Mary Hackett is
'taRatnd a. ' rbotot-mans" in our Marg
for tb. e'en is, rear i[dgar Ler.
elapnaki and Will Snyder of Beasli-
1.7, visited at the looms of Mee. W.
Smokes, et Sunday .. ..Th. gsMM
pari. held to Jae. Altos's ow Tharelay
even"ng last was a •urease. Every-
reports a it rod time Mee.
• Alten visited ber Mem. Mrs.
tats w
Wei Blake. I5,1 week A
pWeLand family spec. Priddy atapa t4
ith JMrnPsoeaenThe tadbs
�N ta•ntk. found In the basey'� :slob
y • Mr. and Mn. Geo. Twms-
I kited in Howiek over Seaday.
Iv. J returned with them
Agar and am Homer. d Da -
khen. are Tenewing seoqq iSlntaew la
ns'igbboeh•tnd ...Mn. Beet Fis-
"(w^a tlaMslay 0 days last weell d
tie & & Mothers is
of 11Notes •hl:gw with ti. aid
Kawgd NNE
hakillimikial of le the it's s iAgtdastsss
~`sbtwo twins
eremites both *hali st ►
ether is-
*" n.iibe, •moa *cI ar
Tvesoay, July Mtn.
LOTHWI LOCAL -Charles McLean
sad beide. of Chicago. are visiting at
the tower's boas bsee A B.
Mac Donald sed titre cbiddree. of
Dulatb, Mica.. visited at the home of
his uede, Jae. MacDonald, lam week.
Mrs. (hast sad daughter, Mrs.
Wiggles. of Leiser** here Mire Bridget sae v os�B et H
at Toronto, le spending • few weeks
u her home here Miss Mildred
MacDonald, a CCbatiam, is Tinting
at the hose of ber uncle. Jae. Mae-
Dorald /lett Barnby and sister,
Miss Bessiespent a few day. with
friends ea Carlow . Met Mr��.
of Winnipeg, is visrtiag at Mc1m's.
WKDa2SDAT, July 3Dtb.
Oriel -ate Stuts-hem. - Evetc 9trt-
day eversion during August services
win be held cis the beach by Rev. G.
Gomm, of the Presbyterian church,
and Rev. Mr. Robinson, of the Angli-
can church. 71e services w in com-
mence at len o'clock. Benches will to
provided. Everybody welcome.
None -Miss Hanel Augustine. of
Du�ngae son, was the guest a mer
fhMrd, Mita May Dickson, last week.
Miss Mary Cunningham is visit -
leg bee ester. Mrs. Will McLean. et
Salt/cord Dr. W. -Y. Hayden and
Miss Evelyn Hayden were hos.. from
Goderich over SuadayGordon
Pearson visited with ekin Schoen -
bale at Clinton last week.
Miss Minnie Dickson is visiting with
her friends at Laney Mrs. SStog.
dill and Masters Charlie and Keith, of
Seefurtb. and Mies Alfreida Jepbron,
of Plckerisg, are viaitirg at N. Cun-1
ninghanes.. ...bliss Maud C'uottang-
ban" is entertaioing the members of i
the Sbeppardton W. M. S. at ber
borne this afternoon ....Mr and i
Yet Wia.'Brinliey and hallow visited
with Goderidt friends last week.
Misses Lina and 011ie Willis are visit-
ing is Clinton at John Scboeebals'
this week- ... Rev. and Mrs. Walter
Hawkins and Miss Margaret left fur
their home at Mot petb ye• terdey
Mrs. A. E. Sylvester, cbildreo and
maid, Miss Fagge, of Stratford, arrived
in the village last Thursday and will
live in their cottage till September.
..The following Stratford bore
ate carom lig on the Myers property at
the lake and some are e z petted otr
Thtusdas : Bd. and Raymond Myers.
Id. Grsff.. Will !Umbel! and George
Smith..,. John Jonm-Bateman, Bruce
Noble and Philip Carey. all Goderich
boys, were in Lb. village on Tuesday.
They were on their way home after a
toip up the lake in their boat.
New Rifle for Cadets.
A mew Moss ride, adapted to the
needs of the cadets, will shortly
issued to the *serious cadets unite.
The new idle u a _' calibre, sod is
much lighter in pa*.tern than the one
n caw in use. It is probable that slate
time will elap.e before the issue is
wade, as the I)epertaueut is unwilling
to issue the rifle to
one Corp. without
beim'[ able to supply all the caber -F. It
is, tberefore, probable that the new
issue will he delayed until enough
rifles are manufactured to supply all
the unite.
Keenness/M. July MAIL
1311171W 4 T PARTY.-Tbe ,nem bete
of James Horton's fatally assembled at
his borne no the B. Heid road an Mon
day of this week, the oceasien taring
Mr. Norton's sixty-fourth birthday..
The party nambrted abut twenty. in-
cluding les grandchildren. The
family were all present, with the ex-
ception of Mr. Hortoro's SOD David, of
Niagara. Falls. bis wife and children, '
Sadie sod Loyd, taring present. Mrs.
Horton *erred supper in herasual good
style. Mr. Hotton and bis grand•
almost completely cusertd by sural
mad delivery restos.
Weigham's tam tate Ibis year is
twenty-nine min.
7bobd.T boo odfor.a y,&waWe-
Aug t 1 k b, w ill be civic
fioalorth's civic bailey will be Wed -
ay. August 11
August 1st will t e W inghan,'s cis is
boladsy, also Clint tome.
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. of
bt Joseph., left last week toe the West,
where Mr. Campte/I h as Faso hated a
hotel property.
A man nan,tid Ilk bawl Nevin escaped
from tie (listen lock -sip. He had
bees arrested her beteg drank in a
local option municipality.
Mr. Mertens. the yam's hank desk
who was ebot .t Seafortb lseesdy. is
reported to Le improviag. and leers
its good bcpe cf his complete Recov-
Mrs. Jobs Padbeld, of Howek, has
a broken ori. the result of being
throe n out ata wages while driving
Her home war (tightened by an auto'
Eiubt_ Will. Tuck, a former well
knows resident of Brussels and Crat
hruoa, Jird at bis home in Tpsoato on
Tue ci.y of last week, in hie seventy
second year,
E. first I.. Boz, cool merchant, q
Seafortb, sae; married in Toronto cm
Wednesday, 16th ins(, to Mies 1'. F.
J. Dickson, also el Seafortb. 'they
will reside in Beaforta.
Miss Dora Smith, wbo has bad
charge of 1 be eo a ance dam of Bruaaela
ouelk aebuol, bee teen fered her resigna-
tion. It is understood she will it -main
in the Blest, where rhe is now boli -
day Mg. ,
A tag snake that bad escaped from
a circus wart killed a few days ago at
Seatortb. A despatch to The Losdt n
Free Peers said it was eighteen feet in
length, but Ibe Seafortb Expositor
say it will not vouch for this part of
the &tot y.
0 -car Miller, of aeries. and Dare
Josrpbine Howald, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Howell, were married
at Zurich on W edneeday of last week.
Rev. C. C. J. Maass. who recently left
Zut ic-b, came back to pet -fetal the wed-
ding ceaewooy.
The village of Crediton mourns the
death of George Holtzman, which took
place on Wednesday morning of het
week alter a few weeks' allures of
blood -poisoning, for result of a bruise
on one of his lefts. He leaves a widow
and eiybt children.
Darid Meeongblin. of Fordwieb,
died cm Sunday. a tb int., in his
arve•tit ieth year. He w__
side reading , ben bis wife left ban to I ORAN
go to church. Wbesl,he returned be
war eit'ling int as she had left hitt,
but lite wae eztioct.
ICH ' ()NT
sister.: William sad 'Osbert, of Ha by Bev. Mobert Thyme. of Palmer -
Samuel. of Stanley: Jobe, of Itto otos. Mr. see Mrs. Coleus left for
Mask.: Yrs. Jc.he Pluker, t.f Auburn: Kareaitba lames for she homeyness....,
Mn. Robert Veber. of Manitoba. and � eed on tetiaesi.g they will reside at
Mrs. David Worka..n, cf Tucker Toronto.
Mayor Greies Runts aes's.
Felly Yeses Wedded. J. C. ter:_, Mayor of Sea/nth. baa
Wisftbam, celebrated tkeir golden and nominations. will be received on
Mr. and Mrs. Gen Taylor. of Lower sent in bas emigtsatioa a that emetaoa.
wedding oo Saturday. July 111t.b. The August let fee the vacancy. Tess rate
oris' weddin was 'solemnised mni
cad at ern for Mr. Gtnig's rrsignatioo is (bat
Zeeland July kb, len, nod Mr. seed at the last seasioo of the Jntaro LaRis.
]btu. Taylor for many years reuded in lawman ameodasent was made to the
Colon. removing to Lower Winghaza Municipal Act disqualifying Division
twelve years afro. Court rinks from holdirg municipal
River— Park. poetti'ena, the diequali&eataon ccgatss
Exeter has a new park. ort the .Doth into force os tie 1st of July. As Me.
bank of tbe River Aux Seeable. ;n Greig 1. clerk of tbe Pawl*" Coo" al
place ba, been improved under the - _--
direction of the Women's; Institute
and was opened as a park on the 19th 1
Inst. with due formality. We are tat
in some doubt as to the name of the
perk. The two Exeter paper.' can it
variouly Riverview Part, hire des
Part and Riverside Park.
• Death ef Mrs. Chas. Sinic.k.
Mia. Chas. Silliek, of Teessst r,
died re. y suddenly on Friday morale/.
July 11th, in ber aevesry-Itftb year.
Sbe bad been a rtesidest of Cult -nes and
Teeswater for many•yeare. Two sons,
William and Finlay, and one dauge- I
ter, Mrs. Jos. McKagto.. o survive. i
Mrs. Wm. Sillick had Dome over Mani
Denver. Colorado, intending to tali
ber snotber-is-law back with ber and
Mrs. Sillick was looking for ward to
the pleasure of ependieg some tines
with her .un.
On Tuesday. July Y2nd. a pretty
wr.W.ng was wteeenized at the bonze
of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Bone. Wing -
tum. their daoghtre. Mei g•eet Jean
beight:tsytheespert metreclera
Y r C A BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
is seance from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free: Eater any tune.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Priecipal if 'rensaatoali
loot t:.,i.T
Inner of Marriage Licenses
bringinar.ied to Norman It. Colvin, \; iGLE'S PHARMACY
son of Mr. rod Mre. A. J tealv:n, Goderieb, Ontario
(malt: The cereurooy was performed
11 Toa Dare' Treatment Tree
L/LT 1s a certain cure for alt tbearders of women It is
1s absorbed the oast. acct Th. bead waste matter
oongesregion is exyaaW,
immediate mental , and ph
Cee: the blood vetaase and
are tensed and strenatb
the circulation is rendered
ras this treatment Is blued on
edeattlic principlesthe act l i . ° 'Ib. disand ease
cannot Laic but effect a cure of
forme e[ female ttOOstee tncludsa/
delayed and painful manstrvatioq'
lsuoarrboea, !idling of the womb„
eta Price. MLOs per box, which
sunk:lent for en. month's treat
asnt A Pres Thal Tree
ter 14 dare. worth
sent Pres to any .tie
The overflow rf the gasoline tank as
toe stove, as it war being elled,'caosed
a fire in the residence of H. W. Strea-
tor, Seaforth, on a recent evening.
Mrs. Strasser bad a oar row escape. an
t be kitchen was consider rably damaged.
but tbe fire was quickly extinguished.
News bas been rrreired at E_e er of
the death of Mrs. Silas Staafake. sr..
wbo died at the home of be r s•usi
Chester, at Dundalk, Alta., on tatur.
clay. July 111. Mrs. Staalake wail for
many years a resident of tbe towasbita
of Stephen. She was sixty years of
On Tueadav, July 'Clad the weddirg
of 'Angus e)'Qanly to Mess Peal
Anderson was cekbi.tcd in St Jame.'
chore+, Seafortb, by Rey. P. Corcoran.
Mr. O'Hanly lea farmer of bast Wil-
liawe, near Pukbill, and the Laid. is
a daughter of tbe late William �n
.n, of Mae iilop township. Tb- appy
coup'ewill reside in East William*.
On July I'+:h. Sarah Galhtaith, wife
of Alexander McArthur, died at the
borne of lits. Adam Sinclair, Brussels,
rr her seventy-seveuth year, after am
Melee', of about a week. Her death was
the result of a pante tic stroke. 1)e -
ceased was a esti%e of Scotian1, eo u-
ng to Canada about sixty yeorsag,.
children filled 1 be first table. The
afternoon waa spent in social chat and
music during the tea`bour.
A Week of Fun at Stratford.
The fun feature of tbe great shows
of Cul. Francis Ferri, which will beat
the big carnival and merrymaking of
the ffi:.h Reeriment in Stratford week
of August 4. is. perhaps the largest of
its tied in the world.
It is pure. clean, whole. -one fun, mad
Ober. is plenty of it. Well does Col.
Ferrari realize that there is nothing
more doleful than • teirtbkse carnival,
and he tbeerfore pays particular at -
tension to the fns -producing Permeate
of his shows sod attractions. Perhaps
lb. two ettesetinos wbieb evoke tie
moat laughter are the "Crystal Mare"
and the "Upend Down' house, the
roars of the eooyutaed visitors to botb
being beard a block away. in the
mase ooe enters a palace of plate glass
mirrors, and the first turn be makes
be is hopelessly loot. He can see
Pe, pie all around him. bear them
talking. talk to them and get replies,
but be case to.,ch one of them to .ave
hi. IK., and the more be erica to get
out the further he get.. in. He wooden
around in erratic circles until the
guides some and rescue bin. and wbes
be is once more ruteide the laugh is oa
him and be usually joists in it. The
"Up and Down- boor is a three-
story etruotuee equipped with meet.
salad ssrula'ora, rt{ moving stair-
ways, slide., chump the -bumps.- and
other deview, which w hpwiider a
pesos he tsars Imre all sense of pet -
tloo and really doesn't koow whether
h e is le or out, tib or down, upside
down or downside up. The exit is •
roomy surprise that sends Pvaryhs�y
nut yelling with mirth and the �j���
that essesble to the fun are dila
gifrantie. AseidN these are foamy
clowns. hurkina mules. merry mon-
keys. Iaugoable comedians and other
character, wandering routeriallty
about sakisr fun for 1 be MOM
mutt%* eda
m �f)Jn't mile it wine she
ggowitb lb. /rewi tied have t
Maugh ad is tartans.
Tbe towsabips of O.nderte i. RANK
Teaksassattb and Staalsy ere flow
On Ftiday. July lerb, a highly re-
spected ceiaen of Wingham raised
away, in the person of James Thom-
son. The deceased war. horn in Lan-
arkshirr. Steetland, in 164t1 and at tbe
age of nineteen years remit with his • y
parents. Mr. std Mre. Tboa. Tboatsno,
to this country. The family settled is
Hallett. Later the dee aced nettled in
Tuntbeny, and two years ago mored
with bis wife a tVinghm'
a. Mrs,
Thomson *to -rives.
Duncan McKinkt. of %Vine:bun.
died on Monday. July 21st, in tis
seventy ninth Fray. He was born is
Scotland, coming to Canada in in-
fancy-. For a number of years he were
engrafted in rontrseting and bridge-
hu.Il,ng. H. built the bridges on the
Grand Trunk between London sed
Wingbaw, as well s, others in sassy
section. of Canada and the United
legatee. About thirty years ager,
owing to ill-bealth, he retired to
W ingb.in, His wife. one on mad one
daughter survive bila.
George The speon , f.tit merty a
in. wend added
Ra. CEA G CURRAN, Windsor, Ont.
For Sale by Leading Druggists Everywhere.
55o ft. Twine at 11,
s per
r ,
Binder Twine _
, McCormick, 65o ft.
Twine at 12c per lb.'"
highly esteemed resad.ot of Kipped
lnal•ty. died ea thee ebb of July n. it
frinarnrr, in Southern Manitoba He
bed not bees in the heist of health foe
some Ilene. leu bi• death came very
suddenly and nnrzpertedly. The de-
ceased was been near Kippen fifty-two
year. ago. He leave. his wife and
two sons. His aged mother is .4411
living, aim* four brothers mod tbree
We have a few rods
left of the Canadian
Steel Wire Co. all No.
q Fence, which we are
still selling. at; the old
-IY fence f. •r see end i 7
ri i-40 e . y6 ., d
Portland; Cement
We have just got in
a fresh carload.
Do not f,>rget [that
we handle the genuine
white ash Plymouth
hard Coal. This Coal
tomes from the Scran-
tmt Coal fields but from
a vein in which there is
hardly any slate or
stone. It is guaranteed
not to be over two per
Cent. stone or slate.
Pe. Opal On 73
leer saes (1es1
87 M
*tem mad Net ff't.7s
Tmvarnae. JOLT U. WU 7 —
now in full swing, and, no doubt,
during the hot weather that- now
prevails, you will be needing one.
McLEAN BROS. have in stock a full line
of Straw Hats of the latest styles and hest
makes, and are offering them at
Half Price
The Square
Seafort' be had to reeiga either his
derksbip or the mayoralty, and he
naturally chose the least remunera-
tive. Mr. Greig, says The Kxpos.Wr,
has filled the positiois of rcuucilkw,
reeve and mayor. and has '.roved him -
f a capable. obliging and paitMaking officiaL
jammer Spits
are most serviceable when you
have them made of the bag.
goods in the mut op -to -date
style.. You will obtain ' abso-
lute satisfaction of you patrsnim.
Dunlop the Tailor
West St., Goderich
Canada's Bost Busiwsas College
We have t borooa-k c..ur.e. gad away
rot; rut 5 sperleeced loots sates IC W's. do
..r, 1.1 ear twdent. sad Brad sato.
' Lea do wleer ecboo's At ae.nat we
f •eeapt lv'..ti..- odes tog bar SON to
LAW t rr annum for trained bete). boa
• .- m.r n know where they M the beat
b• ,.
W. bate tarts, deparlabesle
lesamesmial. liberalised and Tek
teleplay. Get ear tree astalaawe.
D. A. 1teLaC'HL.t',e Print.p.L
°Walt -900(0, ONTARIO
Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 1st
Every graduate guarantied a
position.: Thorough courses. Large
staff of speciali,te. Individual ia-
atrsefaWs. Bert equipped College
in Canada.
C. A. Ft.uiso. F. C. A.
fl'tinojg.L O. D. Fuca( LNO.
Secrets: y.
ONLY L'NE i E:.Gn.'.
Mtnkeka Lases Maganetawan River
Latta d Says French River
Georgian Bay Ternagami
Algonquin Park Kawartha fakes
Full eleaa,er Keryice now .n effort to all
tee above rewrite- write for fall particulars
aid human atd [shames u .a y Grand Trent
Each Taeaday motif**. Ai in. -to -,v..
WINNIPEG AND Rgttittl4 1j3....on
Lew rates to otter poles* Return limit
two naafis.. Veltman Tuurid teepee
leave Toronto 11.115 r. m. on aboie date.
rte ni.g tarougb to wisn,1eg taic+.ao
and $t Paul witbn•at chanter. Tiaktte. are
adoo w sale via Sar::ia Lod Northern Nevi.
pities C'amoany.
71. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway i. the
.trotter¢ and quicke.t route between Wm
oirnr•x, 8a+katuou and tdwoeton. -
F, F. Lawrence a eon.. Town Passenge'
and T •caet Agents. LPho,ne 8.
MADO «U S7bC16
1,1 ns. Awry.. ern Tony r*,Irnbing. Heating. Electric Wiring, Reese
lrosuhi.g. etc. AU wort g•iarsetsed.
Chas. C. Lee
PHONE$ : Stere 22 House 112
71. Pciefs Cere• 11s LBrt1
4 Ote
Cannel Coal
We have just got
a car load of Dixie
Birdseye Cannel Lump
Coal. This coal will
and throw
over your
Price $$.00
not crack
coal all
per ton.
Call and see our
Hammocks, Hammock
Couches, Refrigators,
Oil Stoves, Gasoline
Stoves, etc.
Screen Doors
and Windows
at reduced prices.
Do you want
Cleveland Bicycle ?
bicycles which we arc
seliing at I reduced
2 tiiii arn wheedle for $4!..slt
- 1 NS fr) wheel for fktn (p'
1 gond awned hand wheel
with saw tires for EOM