HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 6• lbilwur, JIM" E1. au lsammaisie Wily should any other cereal be called"just as good" a s CORFLAKES � Because Kellogg's Is known to be the best and most nutritious cereal on the market - Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade returns will show - 'Because another large modern factory, the best and most sanitary in Canada had to be built to take card of our constantlp In- creasing trade. Because the imitator, knowing these facts and having few selling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellqgg's: . But --the flavorand thesu(stafnIng qualities of Kellogg's Corn Flakes cannot be counterfeited. Sold in big packages at 10c. Look for the signature. SI 1.�t THE GREAT 3111P sFP.MOIEE t.�av} ra 1 t '"m•�-li/sr�sd WwlL I fires loose. 4.�� iw..a.i �,..r's.ra/rs.M..e_e- tN,�.r.�a Yssattiskat Sere -mss SE�I4DBF C " al Erie sad tar 1 Begets Dally -Cleveland and Buffalo -(May 1st to Dec. 1St) Lame Cle..isd • • SAY P. •L • Live bar . Ilk P. L i Ames Dal. • • e91 A. K. Arne CiwaVnd • t:x A. 4. (Coma f at-.erd T marl C-mae[isu sm& t almas vita hair far se Wars W Cif rt � Ste .. r 4 mar May YWyy�� Tsr.a, bahwt sad all ,a* wait Sad bwe►eeet. 71ebAa. tit Ste eye between ameiie-d and h/Ms accesead ter aaniareelhea en C. a aJ o. Ise ateaere. At , r ticket watt Whets far rim C. a b. Mac 1 . ,mase far bs akome 6ahl.t. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO. 7 ENN..aGee s 1 ata n. IL L. T,, Oi r Serres. Gael taw Aslataflismke• Dear Amy: - When people must spend so much of their time at home, I don't see why more of them do not furnish their homes more beauti- fully. I feel sorry for poor Laura, whose husband gust won't give her money to buy some new things her home is Just crying tor. He is slowly breaking her heart. I sometimes think I'll tell her husband not to be so stingy. Baby John has the "hookin" cough, so I dare not come to see you now. Your old chum, Lou. P. S. -I'm always satisfied with the furni- ture I buy from Geo. tiohmeier THE SIGNAL.: GODKRICII ONTARIO A CANADIAN ~Ye ~` Tilt MG'S p f nit LMARKETS pr►vs% Haw al dish Higilasidors ►arwwr Ya+tistt She Beet t Ms Shift • W lbilswing ars the latest geotstlost Meath* ler farm prodder at In LawrMoe Par the tomtit U Blag a Prise. which Is the largest most imagist - atter pries ter shooting to tie British tmpin, has base woe by a (aaa/sa- Prtvale William A. II Haetias of the lith Highlanders. Tallest*. tarried off the coveted hosier ea Batardsy. It was Hawkins' arse year at Blew, which mates kis p.rfort aaoe the "ors creditable, la that be bas won error 1.140odd competitors. =sof ed wtoha have Deem strlvtas years for Ms same distinction. His scare, fill sett of a possible lis. was cooly ere pint ahead of sergeant Peaky. the next high sun, and six points ahead sit Sergeant Ommundaea, who was re- seeded his m mt daag-rosis coaa- petltor. It sae not until shooting at the nail range of I ides yards In the third stage that Hawktas pilled tato Apt place In the first aad second Magas Ommundsen was leading. mad after shooting at true yards in the Sail stage Penby Sas In first place- The erg ranges hitherto have also been Hawkies fate. Besides the National Rifle Associa- tive" gold medal and iota badge there 1s a cyst prise of 21260 Pte. Harkins is 25 years old, and a native of Oros*, having moved to Toronto a few years ago. He Is a married man and 1. employed as a driver by the Toronto leach Compaay. The City of Toronto 1. planning to give him a big reception and he will likely be made a presentation that will considerably augment the sum be received as a prise. AWFUL FACTORY FIRE Over Throe Score Burned to Death In Fire -trap at Binghamton The mistaking of a real alarm of ire for a fire drill signal caused the death of over sixty persons, mostly women and girls employed In the overall factory of the Binghamton Clothing Company at Binghamton. N. Y. The five story factory, which was all of wood except the outside walls, burned with such fury that es- cape was cut off by the stairways in a few momenta, and the Bre escapes proved a death trap to many. as the lower sections were held up - off the ground and In the excitement no one 1 thought of lowering them. While dozen of women were Imprisoned on the escapes, the Are roared through the windows beside them, some being burned to death where they clung and others having their lire- dashed ow by lumping. The majority of the 125 employes were working on the fourth floor. They crowded to the windows to escape from the smoke and heat, to hopelessly choke up the narrow apertures with their own bodies. Be- fore ladders could be raised to them numbers had leaped to their death. and more than twenty were fouled down with the blazing wall when It fell. It Is very unlikely that the full num- ber of dead will ever be known. as many bodies were completely cremat- ed. Limbs and charred trunks, burned beyond any possibility of identtficaton, sere taken from the rains when they had tooled sufficiently to .permit of a search. Mott of the' victims were Italians or Slays, whose disinclination to appear on the street in response to the firs drill signal In their work- ing clothes. is said to have brought about the awful lass of life. Of the fifty or more employes who got out of the bending alive but injured, several will die. It took but forty Wastes to redoes the substantial looking building to a heap of red -bot embers. POISONED HER CHIL.DREN Demented Woman Gars Two Tots Parl• Green and Took Some Harestf Mrs. Thomas Crammer wife or a highly respected farmer of Wellesley township, near Millbaak, administered Paris green to ber two children and drank iicitn• herself ia a St of insanity. The woman theh went to the field g,de notified her bustand of ber deed. older child. a boy four years lold. died in a few lours, but the baby and mother win Ilve Mrs. Cremator win be sent to an asylum SWISS Girard. Motley Remarkable acmes were witnessed ritZves Vatican last week when the hies Guards praetlea117 weld tia strtke for less rigorous re. and tryI wersLaxpelli:rfroano No. ring. aad the area bad their asenrualtloa tailoring,. • Pope was portico y meet by *set Ftepood. oonsamaader of the Guards. receiving a depetatios rthe dissatisfied men with a ws revolver 014 Holiness desires abolish Um Guards altocether. Groevkts domed le Gate Mete -three negro convicts sleeping Ps the etwond floor os a wooden two 1st the Oakley Oesviet Perm, tweet, My:athwest Jeekrion, Miss., barbed W death is a Ire tirMali the etreetare Worts lo Detreladies* best the see were rettle 011 61100311K3 Meese Croke Kilted Sea Wilms of Itoohnetar was killed tarsit gleldhlthee Pert. remote. *a inn. gels. Ilftg miles an Ida usable* croaked Dannill a °barb's Rogers. guagested of ma/ =IllartillihThe Tom la So soar Cobours. inn moa- n. woo 4:sinning by trair.ra i=siy whom bone be eatemil. Pug ef the III. Less II ire Oa illingsles I Arthur Newton. elks gained false teDr Crippee's lawyer. bas hese teeeed to throe years' imprimis of a tongue tory a (*audios pilgrims elm resehred by the Pepe lam week Pim damaged the campies Nott4 at Market. Tamale: - Pan wheat. bashed -3 Of to 31-60 Osta .41 .00 Goose wheat .66 .60 Barley .60 B uckwheat .63 .06 Peas Rye stiaw S traw. loom Old hay New hay Eggs, asw Butter, dairy 6o. creamery 26 Chickens - 22 Docks 27t Turkeys so Geese .1 Spring thicket's' .25 Live Chickens .20 " Ducklings' - Turkeys Potatoes. bags 1.00 Dressed hogs 12.00 50 le. OS 11.00 14.110 15 IS SS SS OS 13 . 60 tide .23 .27 .19 .26 .26 211 .27 .23 .21 .23 1.16 13 60 Representative prima are: - Export butts 6.04 6.75 Butcher cows, choke4.50 6.00 Cutters 3.00 3. St Common cows .2.2S 3.20 Canners 2.64 3.54 do. medium 4.00 4.21 Bologna bulls 2.75 4.25 Feeding steers 5.00 5.64 Stockers. choice 4.60 6.60 do. light 4.00 4.54 Milkers. choice 66.00 4M.eit do. inedium 40.60 20.6e Springers, choke. 76.00 0( do. medium 30.00 50.04 Sheep. light ewes 3.10 5.0C Culls 2-.10 4.01 do. delivered 10.35 .ni Calves 7.04 li.0' Bob calves. each 2 00 4 0 Toronto Grain Prices. The following swhtilesait prices ark emoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wbeat-No. 1. Nor.. Feed wheat. Cc, on track at lake ports. Ontario Wheat -10o. 2. whiter vbs. white, red or mixed. NW OBI Ontario Oats --32c to 34e. outside; 36-44e to 37%e. on track. Toronto. track. bay ports. Buckwheat -No. 2, 62c to 63c, out side. Barley -For good malting b,srley 62c to 5Itc. outside; feed, 48c to fiec Rolled oats per bag of 20 lbs.. 22 IS; per barrel, 24.55; wholesale Windsor to Montreal Mflifeed-Manitoba bran. 818.90. in bags. track, Torosto; shorts, 321.00; Ontario bran. 312-00. in bags; alKirts 121.00; middlings, 122.00 to 225.00. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle --Prime steers, 23.20 to 31.00: skipping. 38.21. to pi.72; butchere, $7.0( heifers, 26.60 to $4.211; cows, 23.75 tt 17-00; heifers. 24.60 10 $8-26; atwitter* and feeders, 14.00 to 5700; fresh cows and springers. 1126.00 to ggii.00. Veals-$4.00 to 812.00. Hogs -Heavy. 39.411 to $9.10: yor 310.00; roughs. 28.50 to 53.46; stags 18 10 to 38.25; dairies, 15.60 $1100 Sheep and Lambs -Lambs. 35.60 tc 28.30; yearling*. 24.00 to 25.75; Chicago Live Stock Cattle -Beeves, 8720 to SS 11+; Texas steers, 14.116 to 37 20; stockers and feeders. 35.40 to 57.70; sows sad heifers. 1340 to $1.20; calves. 18.00 to 111100. toag1i. 5806 to N-65: Pied 17.44- to Sheep--NatIvis. 34 36 to 116-10. rear to 38. Grime Markets Leados-1.541 boxes of cheese Of fared; 240 sold at 12%c al441144 frost 1121Me to 12%e liellev111*-1.646 white sad 27 color- ed edema. 1.111 mid at 12 3-16c, balsam retested. Western Towel Illtogeed Plre wiped out half of tee. of Brock, Illesk.. ova &aerie,. Two Ines ars Ciag end are supposed to have Iasi LI veg. The Last of Om Oict Mayfield Ogren Sound Son . The steamer Churehill. formerly the dlovernemet II=steamer Hayfield. has been eon. into a tow barge. The boat. which is owned by the John Harrison I Sons has been dismastled dur- ing the past few weeks. The upper works have bees removed and the boilers hove bees takes met Tbe en- gir.e wee removed Weevil years ago when the coaspeny bent tbe oew tug HatTi1100 The some is sow heist leaded with a care° foe her Stet trip as a barge. Ills Bayffeld was an old rind feather figure la Owen Sorted and other Georgian Bay harbors. and she was for years used lby the Government in the survey WM* on the Georgian Bay aed Lake Superior. Oa becomieg inadequate for tiers work saw was void to tbe Mu -rider Arm and was used as a towing tag foe several seasons. urea replaced by the fine new tug, Hard - Seth TAKE CARE • Of Year Kidneys aad Yale Helena Wil Take Care a Itself -What Dedits Kidney Pills De. "1 inherited any kidoey disease from my parents," Mr. Lemuel Bei krt.*, a well known resident of this place. states. -1 was treated by a cloetor. and tried venous medic -toed bat 'toes mit till abcut eighteen months ago, when I started to use Dodd'r Kidney Pille, that 1 got any permanent se- -Sint* thee 1 have not felt an y effect of my oid trouble, and I fee/ that any- body troubled with kidney deem* will he benefited bay the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills if they follow directions "1 hope th at other* may be helped by Dodd's Kidney Pine. 1 ant well known- here. end anybody alto wishes more particulars of rny core can Imre them by writioe me and enclosing stamps for reply.' Only 4 Days at Sea Abefibses. Cam ski alio siessess Sala, las. Wawa sad eakr. rya. hod le had is Jenkins Wee kik IT sic Tar skim ram* lose s Waal: set k seem feseel. Wm. slake kelp bassi las skews/ iff *ad * the awns Nos. lissereal. Lf Keisaill. rap. Chi- r Imre oct_ Nor, 11 Royal Oserlit....Nov. WO* kr fail C. seeelfer. Cassia! 53 Kiri St W. TIMM S. Oa Big SummerSale AT ROBINS' The more you buy, the more you save. We must make room for Fall stocks DOW on the way. We will outrival all others In big bargain giving this week. Men's Clothing Beita. geed, bootie. sob- staatial [abided the most passible value for the seossey. only $4.11111 $12.00 Suits, marry beaatifol patents is mehmeres and worsteds,. Sala priae Boys' Suits Boys' two - piece Suits with bloomer pests. regular prim 08.40. lisle price 1118.46111 BoZoo::: - Moos Suite wills pants. resider SLOB. Sale price Shirts You'll like theme velem when you see them. Shirt, Ile and Collar to match. regular 112.00, for $1.211 Shirt and Collar to match. see - War $1.26. for alba Men's Underwear A bu 'tag opportunity worth Sole price.....41110 Herder pries The Male price... See Regular penes Roe Sale price.- tem Working Shirts m.... Working Shirts thet mean big ravings. Regular 111-fiVfor Sao Men's Overalls Bieck Lod striped Overalls with elastic back, regular Mack a.od striped Overalls with eisstic back, regular M. ROBINS 41017111 SIDE SQUARE OPEN EVENINGS TILL The Signal will be sent to any address I f Canada for one year for only Si oo. Send in your subscription now. The Best Place for Shoes It will be no trouble for you to find among Our different styles a shoe that is the right shape, pattern, leather and price to suit you. Added to this, every one of them has, the genu- ine mark of quality. We feel sure we can meet your requirements for Summer Footwear, no matter how particular you are. Call on us for your nest pair. you'll be glad you did. REPAIRING NORTH SIDE OF sclusRe, GODS/UCH. IStock=reducing Iof therrficz:innngo.unced last week still good on any lines unsold, with the addition MAMMOTH Continued Salel Lawn Mowers 1 reg. 113 is Mower for 12.74 Now is Um time to protect your cows from the flies. We sell De. Vb' Miami Fly Oil and (low Peed Do you not need a good pair of Scissors? We have them in all roses and at all priced Children's Express Wagons While they haat 1 off. Hammocks 7Intse mg. WOO Hammocks for MN. Oates 2 8.411. Oates 2 lift Gate.. bleb. gal 1 11.34n. Sate *LW erst in tbe end to boy am II wise. se Msg. To [s- trode°, we will Mow WI al Imo Oar torn days. Screen Doors sued Mildews • mama essortmeat left. We will ghre our;prolt. off ois all These are values worthy of your careful consideration. If considering a range remember the Pandora hag gained a reputation of being the Perfect Range. Howell Hardware Co. Ltd.