HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 5THE SIGNAL, G41T)RRIUH • tlNTARTO
Trotr.o.*. Jute 16. W18 •
oast" Darts toj oral &rles
Doyle. wise h.hso-
. .. n
es. tate Man Bask bus. teat
•is week fee Balla, e mentarrewhet .se aetImps ,.-
w w of the Maas Hoak there. m
' Firstly
missed la social
stsd othKeswe are all sot r
Wove low.while at the
1s ----
mine time we wisb blas fustier acmes
ba uis nese location
Weenrttdar's Eacursi.n.
The ese.reion on the O. P. R. on
Wedsorday, front Uneaten and
ia4.rrseediate poaste, *ought •bora
Sp prupie to town. A large number
of ttse esww:o
roista were from Blyth.
ne wattage -OW Bee. sad the visitors,
made a big day of it. netting the sights
ul the baAtor and town, carrying out
a pup ,at d "worts at Hasbir Part.
and badges is the lake. Ezenrsiw
oar'. tun by lid. Lynn and James
L ottani handled largo crowdo
moo, of Mn. Oliver.
A tomer highly est..es4 resident
of G air, icM Mod in Detroit o. Monday.
w bee Mrs. Oliver. walnut al the tats
A s Gordo passed to bar rest. Mn.
Obi el wept to Detroit about *rum
year. ago and wee Hetes with beat
uaugir «+, Mrs. Woo Rob!+. The
i)y... witb *bids she bad beensuffer-
iog Lor about two weeks tookao acute
fors ue Monday teat. sad she diad oo
yoodar oishL She wan within • few
days of eighty-six years of age. Mks
n oar, ;red by three da+trcbiets-Mst.
Robb rod Mtn Kimble Oliver. of De -
unit, and Mrs. blood. of Bast Orange,
N. J- -and s son. Jebn, of Chicago.
Mr. Oliver died many years ago- The
remains were brooOt to wodeticb to-
day. tries axoespanid by Kra Robb
and b.r two sons, sad were interred
is KaitUaad cemetery. Roo. James
Hamilton coodoetrd the funeral care -
loonies, and the pallbearers were Dr.
H. 1. trtra.g. J. 71. Keneigbaa, H. S.
Holgens and Wks. Coate.
Notes from the Harbor.
too Yoodai tad the steainet
Swam of )tidlaed'brought io IL,311
remade of wheat and MOO) of oats,
OdTuerday the Wexford •r.ivei with
7U.tru bushels o/ wheat and 4VV%i of
oats. Bctb cargoes were for the Gode-
rv-h elevator.
Tb ugb at. the het -teeing of the sea -
sou the grain did bot cope is vary fast,
air tiodrrteh elevator has bandied op
to date nearly half -a -million bushels
eros a tliao it did sop to the same date
1a.• year.
Nu gain has arrived .t the Big MW
Oven.** uwityf to the breakdown in
the poor' plant. Work k bring
noised un the big sogine so Wet time
trill may reborn" operstiuus se soon as
l.owi t l• . -
A large pump was iobtAUrd on Tues-
day at the B:g Miers new fire protec-
tion plant. tbe000uete wore of wbicb
was finished but week.
Nes timbers are being pet on the
.out.iie of the commercial wharf to
prevent bursts dot•kio* there how
daesatcoux the . t.ncr•eae pier.
Tb- to planking of the south 'pier
Liss been completed this Werk. There
err war ou hales and knee boards to
endanger people wbu have occasion to
walk c n ibis pier.
The new ins cbi.rry is all installed
i + tb« dredge Arsoldi. which the
Yuituu Dredge Co. rebuilt during the
eriatrr The leg was put in place oo
Wednesday and the dredge will woo
our io operation again.
Berm ogb•wr'. concrete plant is at
work puttiog the apieestructure on
Lbe nes break water at ate end adjoin -
tug the oto section. Tier cribs at. the
curt h end are bring filled wi t b gravel
dredged from the bar outside the river
The Late Capt. Montgomery'.
Rub the pasair g of Capt. A_ T. Muot-
gunery on Tuesday. July SLod, Huron
county lost ooeof Oa oldest residents,
acct a career :narked with 000siderab{e
hili+■ y service was drawn to i close.
Alenueder Tbonus Montgomery was
bora is the Isle of Wight lc the year
It= sad hal be lived three days longer
Ise would have reached bis aieety•first
birthday anniversary. He canoe to
(:wads io t442 and as a striking i.Uus-
tratioo a the advaseeme.t Canada
ass made is one man's lifetime it Is
tuld that there were only seventeen
wiles of railway in the Dominion at
that t rue, sod the nib moils iL eon-
e uuctwn were of wood.
Your years atter his arrival the
e iej act of this notice wee carried to
Mien (Tara Maitland, ter of Dr.
Yaition& of Kastr+oae. Soolland• solo
predetweed bar lambast, twisty -two
year*. They came to Uoderieb and
' ,tiled op the property tauten as the
Jiro-pert/tees farm. sow occupied by
A Correct. i• 1861 Kr. Mootionliery
Ptuehsbed a farts os the loth tosess-
sivo of (eod.rieb township, where be
tended dating the remainder of We
11or:nir bu early years is Canada
Mt. .ioutgousery was a aaember of the
4""-r. • Light Dammam of Sootiest.
Aft.; a soy-vIes e/.newteaw menthe be
wee d i..r ke t/nod at bis own request.
Is Lin iso poised Noe L Cuwsp..y. acrd
Bou alive of H.ro. Rifles, ..d t h. se
yes* later he was promoted to the
Ction of oaptei.. 1. the years tel-
. 114/6, b
fathe times of the Fo•-
s tail steer. Mr Mests.mery was
is was use ( toed' witb W the= sad to 1877 he was with the =Nlew
«* ,rhen they west to Sauk to
meet the tee -adore.
The deceased's lather. Cap. George
lloot•oeserry, head a
'editor/ wieder. balding w f.
lesre active aerobe• Meal badag bee.
•MtYsd is vis Lampoonist oanap.igaI
aleteeen IWO aged ISM.
The decssesd'• family consisted of
ritbt cis
ht., children, t oar throe survive
They saw £trssnder Genie
b "r!sr/ of the W renews es d
C►see t • ti ani $ Steal. of
The Newel teat Sass hist These -
day •heeaween hem fib /MM reNdenee
em the kb eemasaitoe fe 11ait1md
w"""oe/. Rets Jan H.mLw oes-
dueted the sereiees at the house ami
Guts.•J Thep were Thea
Jea reituba
Samuel soli Itami4
( :ores
Owl Off License at Unimak.
The Costa Hama !loos/ comae,
masers met at Brownie as Komilav)
ea/ rut or. tie limas, of the Aaseel-
cas hotel is that town, kept by Harry
Jamie. The bota has bad • throe
months' Kamm wac • Aprils'4U1 b...id
tib will sow .spin Repeated viola-
tion a the licence law hand to he tie
mason for the cossinisdosersactor..
Civic Holder Neat wedneedalr.
Goderich'e civic botiday will be o!•
served nett Wednesday. Antrum; Gib.
The holiday will probably be • quiet
0Dr, Y DOlbing especial has bora a.-
Douored for the they The stores will
be eiawed, and if this art of weather
eoatisu•* most at the natives will
speed their Wass time bunting cod
n ods.
The Late F. W. Tabbutt.
Use of the pioneers of Goderich
township is the person of Frederick
W. Tebbutt, passed per .folly away
on Wedoesda7 July Zitd, in bis
woven tyews-with yea. Kr. T.Wrutt
had enjoyed "earliest health until four
years ago, when be buffeted two par-
alytie rumors. which wet* followed by
dropsy and beret trouble. He wee
b., in Ieicestershire. England. and
'Wooer seventy years rep came. to
Canada, later hewing out a home on
the farm on which he had glace lived.
His wife died many years ago. sod a
family of Dia ebildree--tine woos
sad six dsis titers -are left. of this
family Chas A. Tebbutt and the
misseS Jennie sod Rose Tebbutt are
rrU known is Godericb. The fuurral
took place on Friday last to Clinton
tatert rt y.
Wilson -Treleaven.
The following from The S•ekatooa
Daily Star will be of interest to many
readers of The Signal :
The horse of Rev. and Kis. W. Wit -
son. fr2
stos.521 Ru.bolme rr.ad, tlaskatoo..
wsa the scale of a very pretty, crest
o. July 16th at 4 o'clock. when their
daughter. Kies Clara. haute the
bride of, Harold J. Tale/teen. The
ceremony was perfumed by the
bride's father. awaited by Rev. E. C.
Gallup The bride was gimped is
white cape meteor, tritumd in
shadow lace and silver garniture. and
tarried • bouquet of white carnations
and !alien of the r The brides-
maid. Sim Bernice Wileron, wore a
dainty pink voile, and the Bowe it 1.
Sim Nedra. wbo carried the risk to a
badket of pink earnatioos and sweet
peas. was street i. white. George
Treleaven, brothel of the groom. was
beet moo. The wedding marl) was
tared m
by Mies Ay Javens. of Han-
ky. After the ceremony a tempting
wedding dinner was served to guests
"numbering about tbisty. A table
laden with gifts bore testiasnsy to the
esteem in wheat the young comae is
held. Awoog the numerous efts were
a beautiful mantle clock, many pieces of
rich silverware, rugs and fancy tinea.
the gifts of friends in the East, in Ohio.
Iowa and Vancouver. A large leather
roeksr wan the Rift of the John Deere
Plow (:u , fur which Kr. Terletiven ie
cashier. The groom's gift to the oxide
wee a beautiful necklace. The happy
souplm left avid sbuwers of rice on the
6o'clock train for Henley. when they
will spend • fees weeks rt the boiie of
Kr. Trrleaven's paesoJs. 1'poo their
return Kr. and Mev. Treleaven will
take up their residence on Victoria
&vents.. Smoke MGM.
A Trip to Ttrnapmi.
R. K. fiances, pi rtsait snd Ir.ed-
. eap. photographer. returnee on Wed-
nesday frau+ s .even days trip on
Lake Tansy/anti and up the Mu:koks
Lakes. lie mode the trip in the;
interest/ of the adverttsioit depart-
ttmurot of the Graod Truck Railway
System and the views be secured will
be used io the litsrsalure rent out nest
year W advertise the suwuser reeortill
at the various point. *bleb be visited.
This wile Mr. 8al/ow.' firs trip into
the great Tiroa.g.tui timber t•eserve
and be speaks in glowing terms of the
woodotul plcLunnyueneee of the
country as ween from the pasreoger
staasser as it weeds il* way over the
lake ho ase out among the innumer-
able islands and islets. The lake is
shaped like *igen+ie octopus, with in-
o umersble Lege and aree acct feelers
'stretching out in all dire.tions. It
contains at lewd 1.615) islands and
islets. three lo►ieg 1,r/0 Winds sur-
veyed and marked on the Cove -mount
map. It has 8,()010 miles of shore line
and if •a pet ems paddled around it once
to explore its betutie, to. would have
a woos trip em long as from Halifax to
Vancouver and an additional 24%) miles
into the Pacific eceen.
There are two floe bottle oo the hale
wbieb Mr. Mallows visited. At the
hotel in Beat- Island he had the *eas-
ier. of 'meeting • former Godericb
readout io the person of J. J. Walsh.
Sr. Walsh was in Godericb nineteen
yews ago and sou the first proprietor
of the Balmoral Cafe. now conducted
hy F. E. Burdett?. Mr. Walsh opened
there til. yr.r a Srst-cls•s botel for
time .eoommodation of rummer
visitor.. it ie known as Welsh's
ieaving Tin'%gan,f Mr. Sallow,
mew south to Grsver.burst acct took
the boat up to Itosssau at the bead of
the Muskoka Lakes nisi tour in -
clotted bide tripe to Penman's) Islami.
MM'ymm's B•y and (Shadow River.
Adana Nc(d.arrie accompanied Mr.
Sal/rws on his trip.
swvea r seek $ets.m
.+•le ... y ale.. i•M 0M5',
-,( Invited tee i
•s• laepeet m• Iww end ies.ss.re •meltTao .
enell . le ts tessee eters ttile,ewesr _er_% w ... soThe I P* Oft sir.
namisagas. seen es Prawn
ttby. T.Ser'er'el
nWa polos Cats .ta
Auld ere e Iaasw seem.
The See brigs& was called out et
solo em Moseley to eit.ioguieb • are
he the green o• • ~oat lot on the
Kao. mad.
Tin Artier O1'el. Portray belie, •
.ala/ w es the lath d
Peatkdare will be •nsouneed Mat
Sot hat iso dry weather The 1'
Mob h• eighties
•"ar ivy this west, and today Ik
ahoy. tilisofor.
Sasii Kelly Aad hie trot woody b-
yee. M the Am•ets.a Read Msdblse
fin •e iss ps teSMr Mine Senn .t
stool haft ,Weis N.
Tb. Kasuok Tempi, le iMac!
program *Tweed.
TSaidSaidRsdmwt had tills u
R.lteoement .t Beylleht toaighL 41:
Kee. Cassidy wan the purchaair
the residence al the late N,. Harry
Holton on Haat street. whlcb was of-
fered by auction as Wednesday.
The sew girls* his same .s Freak
Sylvan. web has been io ewtdy the
last three weeks as • suspected btreg
lar. was before !i•sbtzwte S Yy
again ibis morning Crows Algae -eery
Seeger bad secured records showing
four prior oonviedio.s against the
tor Torpedo. jTThe og .tuse-
rano deeWou until tomorrow.
Kr. Lee is erecting a beitbiag house
be4ow Hotel Sweet. The ditneeeksse
w • by a feet. The boor is of
"nme.t walk salol sides and roof.
Theme will hes twelve rooms. Now it
the town would make • road, or a
walk. to the brace at tins piece. 'Ise
leek of bathing aotommrdations woad
not be ao frequent a subject of eon -
meat aneoalt out summer visitors.
The kfaitLad bridge Le being re -
floored. sad in order to interfere with
feeble as Untie w poseible the work is
being door at night, and the bridge
will be dined to ar•me every night
from y p. w. to 5 a. to until the work
is completed. John Barker bar the
In the case of emtezzleuirnt whfeb
has been before the a.tboritles the kat
two weeks, partial remit ut loo has heli
made sad the aoeseatd, having pleaded
guilty. has been ret raid on toil in
order to allow bine an oppggtunity of
making further restitution.
This afternoon for Bre brigade had
a run to Lbs river back Wow Boerhier•'s
e.wmill. whey* the cedars were on
Are. It took a long lice of boas to
reads the Maze, a seeood supply of
bore leer be hariog to be brought up
from the lire station before the water
could be got over the hank.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Goderieb brands of the Women's
Institut* will h.e• held at the bone ref
Mrs. Alex. McNevin. Eruez tamer, on
Thursday. August 70e. at 8 o'clock.
O g to a pa ivate dance being held
at alb Hotel Mwwet oo Friday. August
8, the usual Friday night donee win
be cancelled: '
Ilse people of 8r. Georgia ebureb
bad the pl sure last fi..aday morning
of hearing Rev. C. A. Seager, prin-
cipal of St. 'Mark's Hall. Vancouver,
who gave a very foteeesting address.
Priscip.1 Sanger is a Godeeieb 'old
the eon of Crowe Attorney
Rev. Andrew Meldrum, D. D., was
beard by Large audiences at Knoz
church last Sunday. He spoke with
.JI his old-time vigor of tbougbt and
expression. Mrs (Rev.; Small, of Hes-
perirr, assisted is the musical nervier,
giving two solos that were much ap-
Rev. W Y. Hager will preach at
both services in North street Metho-
dist March next Sunday. Morning
subject : The Saer'.nental Value of
the Death of Obeid. Evening s.b-
jje+sstt ibm Coseotatioos of Nat.ete.
The eeerameent of the Load's Supper
will be observed atter the morning
Presbyterian Summer School.
The program of the Presbyterian
Sumner School for Western Ontario.
to is held in Knoz church. Goderie/t,
August lltb to 17th. presents so ex-
cellent bill of fare. While the school
will formally open Monday eventing,
the il'tb, the Sutday preceding is to
be made a special day. At the morn-
ing, afternoon and evening errvicee
Rev. Geo. E. Ross will be aseiete.d by
Rae. R. Pettltu'ew. of Glee Morrie,
moderator of Synod, and by other
distinguished leaders. Rte. R. P.
MacKay, D. D.. of Toronto. chairman
of the recent Presbyterian Coogtem,
will preside at an lesions of the
reboot. Roth day 8.1Sto8.46 i. m will
he devoted to worship. From 11.W to
12_tb Bible study. study claeaee end
institutes. The aftersouns will be for
recreation. E•eb even'ug there will
be public addteww on some popular
subject. Sterea,.tdcoo views will ba
K iva by the social service :depart-
ment and Presbyterian Pu1Micatiooe.
The elobiog day. Sunday, tbei7tb. will
be c4 exceptional interest. In fact.
the whole program is of s Isiah order
sad everyone Interested should oleo
to attend. All names for enrolment
should 'teach }rev. Geo. E Ross not
later than August web. The enrol-
ment foe is :t) cents.
The baseball "true in the church
league between North street Method-
ist and Roo. church teas*. seb.dul.d
for Wednesday, was peso posed until
Yridav evening of this week.
The poetposed gamer between the
Iroquois sad the Twin Blo-k* took
place oo Tuesday night ao4 revolted
in • win for ting Iroquois. This gamic
g ives the Indians the bonors for the
seaos, they losing only one garde in
tie whole aeries. The game for s
wbile looked quite one-ekted and
the More stood :ill in favor of
the Twio Blocks. but to for
last of the fourth inning.. with tbre.
men cut bases, B. Townsend walloped
out s lively grounder between first arid
..rood base. This ebruged the story
sad the Indies. held the Twin Blocks
to ilk Bowe The final snore was 5.8,
the !.duos srttakiog .11 their runts in
the ooe lonieee. The line up was we
Niow .
isomo.. : wig( Pusan
r1 ret. e r V.
p, JLrtk . • 1• Mir
..a 4. r 1' pier
S▪ Tenetarboae
ser b It ass eft
mar "Ober W. tor
j `4 y Iry &w Cee a,il
X. =is, r f •• PrNkr.
A lean orproo satt.g the j.ni,.e. of
!..ensue rase does a \1. die vie y
aline sora. of lest sea 11 one the
. w'tb.sa news to ploy trwbrli with •
'aloe tram et this tows. The pike
wee cast and earls iso" tneeppieste vas
sire fierier. bays (lid oboe •erfr /7 •
feewt igloo the soma. ti sae Ad. lbs
sew woe 10•4 le Nene Ai
'Rs. dere et lbs team, 41116 All
!lease •
ILL tiled err okras .ud guarantee ever. job door. This .safee
you of gettf*R mealy the bast of .arrear at the Fist Street
Osage. Givens & trial and you will always come bete for
your repaiea.
WHEELS. -We have several Wheels still in stock
10 roil. These are all of the latest rusk, and will be sold at
a (o.rgato toe rash.
Two Second-hand Wheels for Sale.
Gasoline Engines. -We have in stock several high-
grade (iawlius Engines. Call aru'Jad and sere them.
Huron Gasoline Engine ek Machinery Co.
l'ieoax zea
tow. fleeces
It. Meatteeeki
talesJ. AbableseIlsielfteald
A. (7 ....
Lama B•adi•g.
A local tournament held at the
West ati+'et gases uo W.Ln..rday cd
We west exest.ad much interest. It;
was i.SJ o'clock Thursday morning '
when the play was eonc•loded. Thr
ptireowinnie s were : Trophy inateb-
A. G. Ni bet. Ale:. Young, Dr. Hun -
tar, O. C. Whitely, *kip ; 7rd,'W. C.
Pridbsrr, 0, Duty. F. 3. But laud. W.
J. Powell. skin. A"aociatir'n match -
0. Carey. E. R. Watson. J. A. Rssw-
i••11, J. L. Y iUuras. skip ; 2n41, H. I.
Flaber, H. IL. Long. H. itcDernioU.
L. E. Dobe,ty. skip. Cunsulati.w
seas de -J. B. Reynold., Y Hunt. L.
B. Tape. J. E. Tow, skip. Tile co,:err
-uei/eAra 1 Ice creates in hulk ..r hark*, de-
r. 4stsldart livered. 'Pbooe 04, Balmoral Cafe.
1.Ha,.esor&ler Our stock of sponge. represents
VabmI.-specially good quota V. Prices from
N. Sees'" .s ad 1(te. 1, 3L' W. E. H. Wigle, druggist.
i Pates
Gods-lob. Ont.
H. Tugged ! Wby suffer from ibe heat when
Burdette'e delicious ire cream will give
you that cite cool feeliny
Tr.pby Maid.
W. J.TPs.ei1 le (1 ti P i M
J sai rs S 11. W ........5
C. u.n v e .. ..:r L. F_ 1+11•ivts .......
rine. Kesud.
N'. J. read! ... is J r. T r.,
J. a
1 1( .
1...0 1 / /i ..-...w •,
A. ►'s*. r1 F. it M.e fr e.
V. C:. Wbltr"....11 k sl Lie Lire ...e
- ise•.ai.lt.w.•d. 1
W.A. n orf+ .... 17 .. J. 1- IC Mares... .1
Q f. ineni.._.M s. Pends. .. M.
O. C toha1p "-oft u J. Pinot - • .Ili
oseciali ..klatcla
Inv Lagoa
herd noon ret rcet
I -w. tell . 1a •;.►tei'4oer
. 17
!assail Swarf.
Deism" -,h woe ....,a
-e noon- noon ...1. 1St toritws .J
Porte -
Third iteeel.
Te. ...J
D"ksN a lyra •
cion!. -
K aauree . .. . ..t4 lalsert, ... ...nig
Coaealilies Mid&
Fist te.sd.
R►rw[la • Me.
(i•rr*w noon ... It Marcie.
nomad (teed.
r=nano'w noir +astir..
Mewl .,....0 ide.Mtkb•e
pfa rr Tigre Eased.
Tem . .., .tui Porter to
Teo ..1 (Jesse .. - .5
YJLPATW(.,-At Lseltrr•ye. bst.r•da . Je"t
war to 1. N'. •d lira. XitSsi4ic
t Aa res . • dat.rbbr.
(11T t' . Oe Jeff to to Mr. and Yn. 51. J.
(: • also 144aer arewu-. Poe mew.
!Basagran • see Labial Mss
CVRwr!A.-1.0.5.-tcb teweet(p. on Tues-
day. /sly lath. H. err c'erwe...nee i, year.
5 .sstfw sae l( der.
TROMPI 'A V.. by aoesd«M, at tot ('atL'.r•iae..
•r.M r, J.ly rata. Welter Jame/
Thera& CRRY. - fa Oudak'i, •i Tkb.dal . July 31.
Mea D. J. Carry. aged II rear*.
MIR XIV -At Dumg*onos. se ltatttrlar. Jafy
bt. 5w mea 4. Derain aged H rear. and
OL' `'.5'. -le lrefr#t Mien.. M Header. July
La 4.. lire. A, A Varve. btaarty et Vele
II ca.
1. r Prom rine. Heating, Wirio4.
:.II kind* ..f Metal Wok k.
'.1 ways in Stock
ti ♦ADEN (HOER acct NW/.
tart our pewee They are al-
ways I. omelet/at with good
*ea bor«et work.
W.R. Pinder
*54 U.0. : P, :(.fir, $8, 75.010
iMd 4mos (Oa) - VOX*
Sire Systematically
Haphazard, ottasional
saving seldom a c c o m-
plishes much. It's the
steady, persistent, regular depositing of so many
dollars a week, or month, or season, in the Union
Bank, of Canada. h'hich makes one finlnciatly
independent. The money accumulates all the
more rapidly, too, because of the Interest which is
added every six months. Try it.
I=. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager Goderich Branch.
The friend -winning prices
that we are making in our store
will surely interest you. Cold
type cannot do justice to the
extraordinary offerings. Buy-
ing jewelry here means
spending money right. ,
Style may thaoge but
our high quality, low price
standard d jewelry sell-
ing remains used.
The undersigned, having
purchased the Sturdy k Co.
Grocery stork, announces
Mr dWrdy'a many friends
and customer -to and to the
public genes -911y, ibat he will
continue the business in the
*tow sued, wad 3 y careful
a .rd *tact attention to buei-
t.eo hopes to merit a ►bars
of !,weir trade.
\ye <vrar to you L now -
ing the (is .c ry t.wil.esis m.
every detail. ar d cu*'Dose-rs
111311 at all times I104 cue
.tore such goods as will he
found oily in an up-' . date
u noeery Wort. -
Our motto i5 QUALITY
Prompt delivery assured
W.J. Powell
r..a Ilam it in our.
N. B. -If you see it in
ad. you'll find it in our
New Livestock Department
Everything in Agrkulture
Ethibits by the Provinces
Ezblbits by Dominion Government
Etb•lts by Fore] Countries
Acres of Manufactures
Paintings from Germany. Britain.
United States sod Canada
Educational Etb/blta
( adet Review
Japanese Fireworks
condo's Biggest Dog Show
America's Greatest Cat Show
The Musical Surprise
The Musical Ride
Ants -Pao Matches
Circus ..d Hippodrome'
sesame Cherie( Races
Athletic Sports
Gnat Water Caravel
Soave o/ ether Vaasa iamb
Twelve nand C.sc.eta Daly
Wreck e/ the Airship
Witbltsgt m'. yswav*a
New Giant Midway
Game Denbae 8141 of /Mewerka
At;.23 1913 septa
If you want a
appy sPark-
ling gem set ring
at a decided pnce
reduction here's
your Opp' qty
For your sweetheart -mar-
ried or otherwise -a diamond
solitaire is eminently proper.
Nothing better as an
neat or tertiary ring. derpdse hickey
Husband or Brother with a nice ring. We
have 4 sp'odid assortment agents in op -to -
oke -.neem setaimae ea Maes u
..brie Waren psret boot.Toa
win W Asea a• emit ea-epeee-
mew eat weans red lade IlamaC..
Ienese-.soba. "et Mean M -empires.
1imLtr i Agent for tit utli fled W .V_b. -
The Signal will be sent to any address it
Canada for one ye.,r for only $i.00.
Send in your subscription now.
Maybe we can fit you. if so, you
can get 'em mighty cheap. Come
see. Last call.
We have placed about twenty Suits in one
pile, regular price from Sti.00 to $17.00.
call, price 54.50
Men's three-piece Suits in worsteds and
tweeds, regular $ts.00 and $16.00. Last
call .. 510 50
three-piece Suits, regular g .s oo,
Bois' two-piece Bloomer Suits, re uler
57.00 and 57.50, for $4.95
Straw Hats at half-price
We sell loth Century Clothes