HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 4a flawsossaT, Jinx SI, MIL
District News
Wttoansitt*Y, July Janie).
Mies LieWe Rears,. is vidtisg ata
Gilbert Orterledt'.
Mrs. C. Decker .rad too Sydney. of
Luekeow, rimed to this vicinity ,
r Mr. and Mrs. Jobs bbanebao, of
Clinton. visited their daughter, Mrs.
Joseph iloyb, this week. •
A number from ibis vicinity at-
tended the parties party at alt. Helens
on Tuesday .reoieg of this weft.
Miss Emma Holt by. of Land*, 001..
and Miss Maria Durgin. of Lu -know,
visited friend. to this vicinity laid
Wgrrxtn.DAY, July Stab.
WiIS Jenkins was in Ooderich on
Tuesday oo business.
Mrs. W. Pickard visited in London
sod Goderich last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. l.tndsay spent
Wednesday in Lbe village.
Mrs.:'. W. Trewartba is sp•ndiog
her holiday* with her Pater in Tor-
un tC.
Mies Haul !glued. r f Toronto, is
Visiting at her grandlather'., A. J.
Courtice •..
Fred Stanley it w Bayfield these
time., caving bought out Mr. John-
rton's business.
Our village school id getting a much
needed coat of paint inside. Mr. Cook,
of Clinton, bis charge of the work.
Dr. McCormick. of Detroit, is visit-
ing at the parsonage, having motored
fiver from that place the first of the
Mrs. Gibson left for her borne in
Detroit on Saturday. after spending a
coupl _ r f weeks w itb her mother. Mrs.
Rev. R.J. and Mss. McCort mirk and
Dr. McCormick, of Detroit. motored
over to Trowbridge oo Tuesday to
attend the furiesnl of it cousin.
Lew. TehbutL WI. in Wil jham last
week helping hid aunt, Mrs. Bloom-
field, to move her Lout.. bold effecu to
Clinton; where rhe 1 as purchased a
The rain Sunday evening was al-
armed by the fanners of this vicinity.
as the clops were strife: iug seriously
from the drought. There war no ser-
vice at the Met hodi,t darnels byre no
Sunday evening. on account ,uf that
W. It. Lobb. of the Maitland con-
ception, was quite.eriou►Iy injured on
Teesd.y kat by falling through from
tie barn Moor to the basement below.
The muscles of one leg are badly Loro
and hir collar -bone ib broken, beads,
other cut •and bruises. He isieported
as doiog nicely.
AloanAY, July 21110.
Miss Winnie Cunningham spent the
week with ft hide herr.
Mrs. Jas. Lane sir tut a few days with
her daughter. Mn. A. M. Tiekaven,
of Ripley, last week.
A number of farnilie.in this vicinity
sueot Wedneday of that week by the
shores of old Lake Huron.
Mrs. Mrlvil'r., of Tetsw•ter•, and
Mrs. J. F. Andrew, of Luek now, were
guests of Mrr. W. H. heed last week.
A little girl was left at Gilbert
Fist's borne about a week algn. Guess
the stork iotradeif Ler to remain. We
all hope so.
Dr. W. L Hackett. tale and baby
Esther. sod rha..ff-ur, of Detroit. spent
the week visiting relatives at Belfast.
Lane. and Pini River. They Intend
returning t.rlay.
Tin fine refr.ehing shower of Sun-
day evening Ia.t was very ouch
needed atter , he long dry spell of a
couple of w.ek. The farmers in this
locality have finished ba) ing, while a
cumber beer i heir a heat stored away.
The wheat w i: t uryr out abrnit a half
crop. while lir• bay ase g -paha' rule
will hardly make the half.
The Rage.ne girl is to he awn in F.
J. Butaod's dr. i story and nes every
bottle .1 Sagtise hair tonic that is
genuine aid 'mid under • positive
guarantee to et .p falling hair. Hadi
este da•drwtf and to grow the most
lifeless. maser. dry hair in Hsieh. soft
sod luzuria..t. hagerne is a cieas,
scientific hair tonic n.ruprwrd or the
moot raiders heir producing sad
hesut4fyieg egrets: it M free from
greasy suirtaseas. is trot • dye acrd M
ddaalle y perfumed. $ageiue it the
favorite of pettiessler Temple sad M
soil b Ondetieb sole at F. 3. Ilmtlssd'e
drug Sore. Illeaperne WO. t befog it wits rash of dl so Y
.o ss shames Missal Their Tract.
♦ _ it nrssrber of eseendoefete
Mir trails tb'. rot. 'i�7
11141•11•16? id* aures••.lsd h
Sop arke= they maid asst tear them -
* ,.
1'o uHess Y, July flat.
horn ow Hawse Conwse.--Oa
Tuesday of this week the anal sumo
sumo came W Henry Curweo, an old
and wail -known rebidewt of the Huai
rued. bod•sicb township. lila
atlases extended over the Mast four
peaks. Mr. (.iuwes was • native of
Work in``ton. Cumberland cast y.
England, baring hew burn thee. oo
Febsuar y 16th. Bels. He was thee in
baa -ei
sevenl ghth year. Fifty -ave
yeas. moo be cams to Ca•ad• and
after hie marriage at Brantford to bis
nuns bereft partner. fifty years ago
kat March. be Moe to God/skis. sad
settled in this vicinity. His protest
krtaitioo on the Huron road had bee•
hie home for the pant .lateen year,.
The deceased was a very active wan
for big age. /or some time past the
sere of bae garden. in which lir took
cooriderable pride, occupied aJwu.t all
his time. A family of two son. and
four daughters are left to mourn bis
departure. ?hey are: Mis. Herb
Fieber, of Carlow : Mrs. Wilson Iver.
of QueenMon, Alta. • James, of :ioode-
rich. and Leafs a•d the Mister Minnie
and Mabel, .11 .t home. The funeral
toot place this (Thursday) atter000a
to Maitland cemetery. Rev. Jas. Ham-
ilton oonductiug the berviees. TO.
pallbearers were : John Itegen.
Philip Rundle, Ja•. JubnstN, John
Porter. John Huuter and Jubn
Kalkeldr The bereaved fawily have
the sympathy of the community in
their bereavement.
Coaat ra 3X. IX SX seiner-. W. T.
'DWELL. Aeby..te
WEDxgD$DAY. July :1t)tb.
A Goon RerOOOD.---Tor fultowicg
paragraph front The iirafortb Exposi-
tor will Lw of interest to many readers
of The i"igoal here, as the gentleman
mentiooed was principal of the Au-
burn public scbooi before going to
tiieafutth : "Principal Naylor and bra
aaai►taots in the Sraforth public aebooi
are 10 lie congratulated on the highly
creditable showing their pupils ma'e
in the recent entrao .• examination,
the wbole class of twenty-two who
wrote having padded, and many of
them with honors."
TueitsuAY, July 31st,
Mire Zrlla McDonald. of Toronto,
has been visiting Miss Ruby Youeg.
Rev, J. L. Small and Mn. Small, of
Hespeler, were wekv'rne callers in the
village this week.
Mite M. King entertained a few of
her Auburn friends Monday evening.
E. Helwig started West on Tuesday
on a two root hi' trip.
Chu. Nevins has taken a souatioti
in Stour's -Hie and left on Tuesday.
Mii. Maggie Murrav is renewing
acquaintances bene tbia week.
Auburn and vicinity was well rep -
reiterated at doriericb on the excur-
sion Wednesday. about 125 tickets
being sold here.
The places of business will be closed
next Wednesday (civic holiday).
The F{rwortb League held a socia)
on Mies Blair'. lawn Tuesday eveniog.
Ooogratulations to our 0. C. I.
students - Frank Vineland, Ruth
Jackson, and Fern Patterson, wbo
were .u:eessfill in passing their exam-
inations for entrance to the Normal
School. Mies Patterson padre! with
Apples and Pears Wel Re a Light Crop
-Plums Pientfal.
The apple crop in the county of
Huron this wanton will to • very light
one. In many orchards there will be
just about enough fruit for home con-
sumption. The varieties that give the
brat prospects are the greening., rib-
stons. Canada reds and r uisete. The
Baldwins and Northern spies are
almost a total failure. At beet in most
of the orchards there is only a sprink-
ling of (trait on the tree., and it 4.
doubtful if, after the bowie s..atket is
supplied, there wail Ise many barrels
for rbiptuent.
fio far se quality it coocetned the
twit is looking well, and very few
wormer are to be seen. Thew poets
m.y however, develop later. The in-
dividual specimens are of • goud laze,
and it may be, if the fall season M
favorable, the returns emir be better
tban espected, for there it no over-
crowding on the trees and every apple
has foil roam to develop.
The duchess and astrakan apple.,
two good early varieties. will be iu
fairly good supply.
The pear crop will be light. The
only variety of the principal kinds
grow$ t ets that (make.:a red show is 1
at all M the Bartlett. Some varieties
are complete failures this year. and it
will be • tusk for souse of the fall
allow eshibitorr to find enough .peei-
mens fur the exhibition fo September.
Plume area heavy crop in this dis-
trict and lbs fruit will be plentiful.
Moose Jaw Council Repudiates Article.
(By Canadian Pre... r
Moose Jaw. Keak . July lit -The rill,
council has paged a resolatioe unan-
imously , c'nde ,ning • load paper.
Tbe Keening Times. for its front page
editorial oo the financial eos.ditiooa of
the city. In part, the resolutloe read
se follow.: 'That this eouacil desires
to pians of reword its across di. -
approval oe the •Miele p.tblisbrd
streently, owing to its gross misstate-
ments of local eo•dltlosa, wherein the
credit of the eity sod Its bedtime mea
is ispogoed, and that • copy of this
ear lotion be forwarded to OH Board
.rf ads with the onprerst that support
4. ea this tassels with • view to
r 'Mg esmttidmse► In the city whish
be aro- impaired by the
pi ..astute
ries ?JP.
eew..m tll�
polliashol • Seal paper astrimmeiss
tit the sit y's bookers have of
.wept ebgaby
ere drawsthe sky.
Amy inrooveetenee that bas berm
ezpetiebe.tl In cotrlsreti.m with the
At S.oael•i Hs�wtttepmwln bog Reeser
bymond OW Mobilitydebesteses,disNss d
A wem•a's reproductive
spa. w is IM meet ire
twee ad cestimsee ape..pea
wttb her
i i' disordsria=
Wasp •r.ags ahead •
carr eposdsag Amass Y
fie reproductive
Dodds Ld•te rd1• ky e►
stYeiag the kaisers to Ibis
perfect co.ditioa, prw.mt
and ear. those lam rf rl ib
order. peculiar to women.
and worsen aeterg spas
Change the of Lrida, yew
beet (Oiled is
THttuuAY, July not.
JAts. Cerr Et—kr—ran -Nominations
were held oo Tuesday for the vacancy
an the village council muss by the
yrsignat ion of Ger'. Powell James
Cott was elected by acclamation. .
IY'E.DAY, JulyiPLb,
FaZIOUT DZ1JYrD -The C. P.,li.
way freigbrt from Guelph t0 Guderieh
on tiaturday was boo* up bare until!.
Monday sites/son iso a:couot of the '
refusal of Conductor Alien. wbo had
charge of the trair. to lift five cars of
freigbt at Walton. The despatcher
ordered them W stay here. which they I
did. and on Monday after000n they
left for Godericb. The crew had it
good moose. haviog been at is ark
from 3311 that tnornir.g. H. A.
nutrias took part cf the crew to Code-
r,ch io !airman.
Ax Axoxenova ETTIMIt.=Sown
per cn in this neighborhood. thinking
he could CAW -r troobis for H. A.
Timmer, C. P. R. agent herr. wrote a
letter to the company but did not sign
his name. A detective war seat herr
to probe into the matter. but s► alt
the bserioeea men were well satisfied
with Mr. Thomas tbe company paid
r-oaro" ea'teat ion to the anon yMOW/
letter. Tai., it arenas to m, was :he
right onurse, rs any person wbo her
e complaint to make and is a.ha:urd
to wake it opeoly,should have no at-
tention paid to him. ”Herb" has
always been a earefu', pa!n•taking
agent while here and his many friends
are goad that the cowpany is looking
on tbi. matter in the right way.
,PEnsonaL AND GENERAL. -Trinity
church Sunday school beld a very sir: -
reseal picnic at the grove to the south
of the town on Friday afteroonn.
There was a good attendance. Tba1
a'ternoon w'as spent in games of all
kind. amd the children all went' bows
Nippy Wednesday of this week
is civic holiday and ae the union• Sun-
day scbonls are having an excursion
to Goderich it is expected there will
be hardly any person left in town
On account of the exoeesivr heat on
Sunday evening and the rain -storm
Ask your Druggist or Grocer
to show you the new plan for
killing all the flies in your
house or store in one night,
and have neither flies nor fly
killers about in the daytime.
Every. Womn Within Twenty
Miles Should Come
commenced. The price cutter has been at work all through our
stock of summer goods, and everything has suffered The prices of
some have been cut in the middle, some have one-third lopped off, and some
one-fourth. Do we lose money on a sale of this kind ? Yes, we do, but
it is our way of dealing with seasonable goods, or rather with the left-
overs. We put them on sale early enough for. the buyers to make good
money on them at the very low prices at which they are offered. The
sale may not last long, the prices are so low. Come at once and secure
some of the best Bargains.
White Lawn Skirts
Twenty-seven in all, lengths 38, 40 and 42,
neatly trimmed with embroidery 3 to 6 inches wide,
and insertion 2 is rhes wide,with dust flounce.
Prices : $1.25 for $1.00; $2.25 for $1.90; Si. oo
for 83c : $2.00 for $ I.60, and $1.15 for 95c.
Wash Suitings
In stripe Crinkles, Shantung, stripe Piques,
plain Poplinettes, black and white stripe and spot
pattern Dimity. Some of these one-quarter and
some one-thlyd off.
Seventy - five pairs, colored lisle, 2 - button
length, in 9 different shades, regular 25c. Your
choice of the lot ISc. Our only reason for selling
these Gloves at 15f is that we have too many of
them. They are perfect in every way.
Kayser Gloves, in white only, 2 -button length,
finger -tipped, pure silk, regular soc. Sale price 37c.
Cotton Hosiery
We are having d big Stocking Sale. 1,100 pairs
of children's, misses', boys' and ladies' Stockings' on
sale to clear. Every pair in this big bunch is
reduced, some of them so low as to be away under
maker's prices. BIG BARGAINS for every buyer.
Don't miss this big Stocking event.
Our late purchases have given us some . extra
values that you can buy at low prices. Come and get
some before they are all gone, as such goods for
such prices are not easily got.
Our whole stock now on -sale at Bargain Day
prices. D. & A. are rhe make we are offering. You
can rely on D. & A.
Twenty pieces of 27 to 29 -inch Ginghanas, 12/=t
and 15c. Summer Sate price 10c --fast colors.
Our whole stock of Crest Prints, 31 to 32 inches
wide, every piece fast color. Crest is one of the best
English makes, 12%c, for 1 1 C
Lawn Gowns
Fifty-six, fifty-eight and sixty inches, made with
embroidery trimming on neckand sleeves, some high
and some low neck, $1.25 for • $1.00 and $1.50 for
$1.23. Just ten in all.
Lawn Waists
Our whole stock is now on sale, both long and
short sleeves, alt embroidery trimmed and most of
them Lull embrc idered fronts. We are making deer
cuts in the prices r'f these Waist:.
About 200 pieces, and every one on sale from
one-quarter to one-half oft regular prices-
-a great chance to get Laces cheap. Our stock must
be reduced, no matter how much the loss on them.
White Waistings
Every piece on sale at substantial reductions.
Bargains in this lot and no mistake.
coming on j vet at church time, there
were very shoo ooneregatioos at all
the cborcbe,. In fact, it would to
tetter if the churches would either
time when the Leat is so intense r e
brave an outeideservice. (11 course, we
do Dot have many Sundays so hot as
last Sunday was. with the thermom-
eter iegieteting 11y in the shade .
Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston. who
• were recently married and had been
visiting with friend.' in these parts
for -the last week, left on Thursday
for their wedding trip to British Col
umb,a before settling in their t,me to
Manitoba. .Mr. and Mn. T. E. Mc-
Taggart end Dr. Merajgart spent
Sunday at their home at Ratter ..
Donald M.'donald, B. A., of Toronto,
bas been engaged by the Blftb school
hoard a. pr in . psJ for the coming year,
at a salary of 1111,21,0 K Y. lite- j
Kay motored to Owes Routed on Mos- '
ey to see the game of football be- .
tweed Brussels and Owen Sound
Mrs. C. Spofford sol bur two young
daughter.. May and Mabel• left cm I
Thur.day for $ visit with relatives at
Woodstoet. The girl. intend remain -i'
Mg a mouth. O. E. McTrtgart, 1
G. T. R. agent here. is on bis holidays 1
Una week and or it. He will spend
part of the time .1 tbe Twin City
bowling tournament and also at the
Boom tournament, being on hie
brother's rink J Stotbeee, wool
recen'1y purchased the stock if P..
Metcalt. haabeen bogy collate moving
it into his own store and will gado
have the trent r enmplrted. T
S ,wart. wbo bed part of !Rotten(
wore r need for a barber oboe. bus
mored into• sample room of theCoto-
u.erce.J bot.1, where be will do bud -
nem until his ow or ghoy, wbicb lye is
building, iv c noplet d. Mr. (Stewart
laid the foundation last week
Great Lakes Service
Tareate to wseal EXPRESS
ppraey Waring Toes EXPRESS
dare ,sad Inver
Ira... T..reata *ULr
/• (! dreier .aid
how t
ae..er, 4 i .,' hitt Rana.
M••Isr•. Wed east arrt.r.
ae.day• •fid 41 VA/ w. Pale e.r.
T•benidada f1 Pk. Ase eescbse.
A sEK''i x Prayer ?Eh sir ETUDIXD
Eir,rl sad YEARN c EX IG�c
ra'b r.re.aar. seed O.t.Y•r •
w,nnipeg and return 8,00
Edmonton and rapture g,OS
r sans ,M.ts h p.eertye
e.�,ek,4,4..,, Trade it.lteeees
s, a erne essay sale steed fl blab•
liretest tools to este
IM I.ibae. Kaeswestaa
P ea .04 I•+..d sasses. M. tales
osm.. Tosedet llama stew is artist
73:tc Mee
Ha.,cgpurchased the btu.t-
n ow formed eooduct.ed by
P. Barlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Limo, Ce me n t
Fire Brick, Etc.
W. will handle iierantote
▪ Lehi oaRey Cosi. two
Itnee wbicb ere rseogaissd as
tbe best We wish to give
the people of Ooderseb sod
vicinity the beet service-
wadi , sad shall '..e to
Fear from ala of Mr.
cwAsmers sod any obsess
weir wish ewything is oar
♦B orders bit with Jas.
Yates (Yost street, promptly
attended u.
JlcDo®agba ldkiII
Phew* No. TS
Voids at (i T. R., Names tlteasi
a ., �.�-.far
f •t same of nor ideas fora ideal bat h
1 room. Wouldn't you like yours se -
to -date. art astir. elms and merry to
keep clean t
Our llodern Plumbing
woo, ►meter. ..o ' at.nn. r teanhesea
or'wstort and es n veuiewr•r,
*et fee our Mussetes sad ala stew
roams Ade nor ehseKdy w.
Sr>7too Meet, (Macke.
Tim tanners are getting well Moog
with their baying and wbeat harvest.
Both avery I' t. brit the heat
seems to be well
ils filled wIt will nrrt to
Meg until the farmers will be tw.,Iy
stegaged with their other crops, whirl'
areas.. very promisiog either ......
Mrs. Jobs Bennett sad daughter, are
Rene. wbo spent the past two we'"
with the formrer's sister at Cleveland.
Ohio. returned home on Saturday,
baying had a most enjoyable time.
Col. Francis Ferari's
Shows United
and Trained Wild Animal Arena
Monday, August 4th, 1913
20 B/0 SHOWS 20
Daily Aeroplane Flights
Special Rates on All Rte
The Largest Sher tl Ib [Ir Now Trreliiit