HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 3Twirassair. Jinx 111, MIS 8
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'create. W.
NOTABLE flfklif
James Combo Dead Atter 111-
iteso-0e4. Little ef Seed
Atter as Mamas lasting four or lee
bars, lames COSMOS, former member
of the House 01 Cosszoons and the
Coated° Legislature, died that week at
Prescott, Artaoaa. Its was born at
Sydeshaes. Ont. ta /141, and had a
resaarkable life. levies served in the
Amoebas Civil War and with Cas-
tors brigade of Iodise fighters. lje
built sederal socUoas 0 the C.P.A.
setenwas quit, yea/diy.
t. -Col. Y. W. Little ex-Mator of
Lambs. and one of the firm of Robin-
ette. Little and Company, died after
three weeks' imams. Med 14. He was
latereeted to maay induetrial cOn-
mess sad was rated a millionaire.
D. N. Miller. superintendent of the
Hamilton Street Hallway, was killed
whets his automobile plunged oyer an
embankment near Clappison's
Robtert Cairns. • wealthy West
Ylainboro' farmer. committed suicide
after suffering for some months with
a broken leg.
George Z. Stuart of Galt, who had
become mentally unbalanced killed
himself at Guelph by lying down In
front of a moving train.
,Victor Plant, a Toronto Boy Scout,
met death by • fall while climbing
Bcarboro Bluffs.
Cornelius Osborne, a prominent re-
tired farmer of Bowmanville, was
killed by a fall fom a wagon.
Harold Beswick, • clerk in a Tor -
eta° insurance °face, was drowned at
Dwight. Muskoka. on 'Thursday. His
father lives in Orangeville_
Frank Deeming of Waterford was
fatally burned by the explosion of a
tank of gaaoline.
Alfred Wright, a nine-year-old Ln.
don boy, fell from a bridge into the
Thames River arid was drowned.
pry. Abigail Bechtel, one of the
=no of Waterloo County, died at
aged M.
Mrs. Emma A. Currie, a pioneer
worker and author of numer-
ous literary works, died at St. Cath-
arines, aged M.
James Murray. one of the best
known horsemen in Canada, died Sun-
day at his home In Toronto of in-
juries received a few days ago in a
runaway ac.cident.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Donovan of
Moffat. near Gueipb, were killed when '
their rig was struck oh a level cross-
ing on Saturday.
Mrs. Perrin, an elderly lady was
killed and Mrs. Wm. Ker and Mrs.
George Brown were in Jared when
their automobile was struck by an
engine at Cobourg.
Neyer Cherniak, a brilliant Russian
student, aged 22. was drowned. at
Windsor on Monday.
bound oe repairs&
ettrici:drOVIL Oan="ise "
Da. w. F. LIALLOW. M. B.
Moe mid read/one. Norte ste,
setli L sear Resign Mem maspeassIM
- -
and tenet S. Seem
York Copialae sod Amid
A**4... ar. Neal aril 'threat
I.. Eagle,/ • Mee. 5 ttWVelee
Who falcate and Itearedeld
auspeet areMite Knox Church. Rases I.
.9 p. in. 1 to II a es. Tadeolleese
.1)11(1. brostars. sellehers. Deteries_peatie
=is the liantates Coen. eta. Private
le Hoe at leered races of Issieset.
41. ht'.1.11rt!. W
.1. L.
TER.,eimusre=are. Oinoso-
,sueet. door fres
11121117111. atomic selighten eta. Oohs
alenry up lend at krarali ealma.
0. JolINSTON. Banaunint,
selover. easminleser. Petery 5.
41eet. Gederieb. Out.
to Livery
iing the
W ith a
Band -
1 a Ape
4y .t -
.1e of
hex tr. Goderich. 10inetreatiman iman
Tr let at fittest elk e win be premotir at
need to. }Leedom* tele Mose id
$211 ***ill PRIVATE FUND & TO
VA/UV ma Apply te N. G. CA11-
le.rre .er. Hamilton atreet., Goleriali.
IT .
ilea ail. 1.141triALM.: Brunk. Osseitim and
4.0,2LIALNT. t KA MI uu lairtioveter 14.111 -
ITT .1 be Ocean Accalleat sad OintiMildi•
Lim1/44. fie Lewaes.
itaurf • • D -alluirTS11 BMWS : T VL
aod tiguirantor Geinaollif•
at re.io root. sort/mom eamme et Tie
ArHluie et- Irass id • direeta. Tires OIL
al el-AtA% 4' IL C0.-farse sad heleted
teoi MeV- i Irrotalid.
Ja. . minellt•rion-rses... - ' -"
Offiters- 1., Mame& iroci;.,
Meals E. bark, ses-Tresa. 1'.-__.0-
Instesei-h. 1. .flearesee. • &awn
Ma lisearmeek : ..._,__„_.0,•••••
U•tekee.W la ; WIleale Ceetalleth.,_____
ania.... : John Watt. : aesea
lick iesa. ter..c. neat.
Adage :1. W. Tem lielmervIlle; It.
Wait : h alma C . illeahartrit
ttr. esteem Pater reeretorr
arl. ma their at
IF bercs.r,reeerv Liapetee street.
'a i Iodise litere.atateadzseit
nouta ot IfA5a/A211 LICIN81Z.
ly your
rgie s,
1 Bon-
, a con-
cha Car -
also of
; also
iser t
-nkiwell-keeps' arl etaad
VA the bast _ diamen
ear, sea teeZfedaida
014 *Mei book
will be a:
Beth Quick and Permanent Shungth
If you are run dove or Cried oat.
yams take cold eerily, have so app!tito,
tee losing limb Of have other evidence
_of lowered vitality. try our MassLeod's
western Renovator trader est
tee to refund the pries If the
..sesedy fail. to give ebbe satisfeation
fbitefit ion, tease in the servals
'gas. rtd gives both gab* srd
Mabent moults. tip• bask.
Ilieuran wild by 111plinae
Goidri ifh, Oft. sae bp
Brophey Bros.
Tile Laren
howl OkedifIl
Sod Embalmers
.11 "rull mid* assupses te
4immoimummiLmint osamigla lir Rey.
WavleNieto* Ready to Act Dirt elleiticais
Rebel* Unwell^.
Henry Lase Wilson will not return
to Mexico as Ambearador from the
United Stele*. This became knows
after the tamer Minister had a Cu
formic. with Presideat Wilson al
Washington on Monday It was also
teamed that tge presideut has low
possible solutions of the Mexican MI
acuity. the last one--artned intervew
to be reported to In case
Fifteent hteasufee fait
The Committos oa Foreign Retattoos
of the_ United States Rouse of flepFe-
ifniatliei last week masidered the
plan proposed tentatieely by President
Wilton that a commissioa of mediation
should be sent to Mexico to use its
good &Bees in establishing the found-
ation of a stable form of government
in that country They agreed imme-
diately that it Might bring about a
solution. Tbe committee &Creed thaz
It would be unwise to approve of son
plan that would need legislation. They
preferred to allow. the entire matter
to be handled from the White House
and state department. In some quar-
ters, however, it is coeuddered unlikely
that the leaders of the constitutional
rebellion in Mexico will agree to
mediation of any kind. In the mean-
time, no more •rms and ammunition
be s
wunii;tedslitamtpedes. into Mexico from the
Conditions In the southern Republic
are rapidly growing worse. There is
a bitter feeling against all foreigners
but the Japanese, whom the Itexicatis
seem to regard as an ally in case of
trouble with the- United States.
Peepers May Stop Slaughter in the
The prospects for peace among the
Balkan states are much improved,
the King of Roumania using his in-
fluence towards general reconciliation.
DifOculty, however, is expected to
arise through the extreme attitude of
Oreeoe in claiming possession of
Karts and Drama. as well as Saioniki.
The powers seem to have reached
no decision ss yet as to h.ow to deal
with Turkey
Austria has warned Bervia and
Greece that she will not allow Bul-
garia to be too greatly humiliated.
It is said that should Greece and Ser
via oppose an armistice a Roumanian
army acting as a mandatory of Austrin
and Russia will prevent any attack
on Soda. and that Austria will take
even more energetic steps, if eeces-
eery, to stop the war.
Seventy foreigners. Including some
British and American citizens are re-
ported to have been massacred when
Bulgarian troops occupied the town of
Xantbi on Saturday.
But Few Young Men Join Navy Be-
cause of gauntness Opportunities
Tbe Loudon Morning Post published
aa interview with a well known meld
°Meer, lately returned frost Halifax
where be had charge of the Canadian
cadets. which has an latarestiag hear-
ing on the possibility of finding Can-
adian recruits to bring the !globe and
Rainbow up to cruising strength. This
<racer asserts that he never handled
better material than tbose who had
come under his tuition. He was con-
Sdent the country could produce some
et the finest sailors on the face of
the earth. The greatest difeculty 1.
attracting yob' mem to be navy, he
said, lay la the unparalleled oppor-
tunities the country offered talus-
Doukhobor* Want Cash
Asking for ball a million dollars for
the bad in Saskatchewan which the
Doubliobors abasdoced wires they
moved to British Columbia aad bought
arm land estrIght rather than swear
allegiance to the Magthree mime
seatatIves of the colony are Is Ottawa
to see the Illaister of the Interior.
It le sot Kiraly that their libidos will
Ise succesatel.
A Prairie Treasdy
Os a homestead mar Resaser.
Robinette. tensor shot andester Alice and kb idopeas.
his wife, his thronyeareld
Matthew, aged twelve. sad Mon one -
witted erdelda. Mrs. Itobluees was
the widow of Dr. Maciarlase sad slab
e ternise Rebbees there were maim
quarvels over prommty.
Gilt Ilesre Appoleiment
Mr I P. /affray edttor of the Gait
lteporter, be bees appointed Camellias
fitsdipatlea assist, with headquarter/
e t Philledelpilla.
Oellanite Olopeolefeedist et Weal.
innele list over eae
fralmalt•IN at saimpaig4 d posy sim anima try
miss sit raseray vim be farlemeneeentea. Inefeeter-Oesend
191WEISOff ' ' " Teremene
Manitoulin Goes Dry But Mulford Re-
mains Wet For Another Year
In view of the ma- jority given for
tbe application of the Scott Act to
Manitoulin islatd. Hon. W. J. Hanna
has decided that no licenses are to
be issued for the current license year.
This decision means that the Act
comes into operation on the first of
August. Owing to a tecbnicality the
license holders were hopeful of con-
tinuing to sell liquor till April 20th,
next year having already had a three
months' exteesiun of time while the
case aa. under consideration.
Meaford, where local option was de-
feated by a fraction of a vote last
January, will remain under licenee
till next May. and another vote may
be taken. The renewal of the licenses
there Involved a compromiea between
all parties interested. Both sides
claimed irregularities in the contest.
W. aARK. Wry. likerreel.
Pull flavored and
perfectly cooked
make delicious
The Summer Goods must all be cleared to make room for
the new Fall Goods that are now arriving.
Dispute over Russellism.
Toronto. July te.-Tbe International
Bible Students' Associatioo, in session
in Toronto, is the indirect cause of a
writ for $10.090 demoltes fut &Heil"
slander, which was issued at Osgood@
Hall yesteiday. The plaintiff re J. H.
Alexander. and the defendant Is
Thomas Agar. one of the delegates.
Both men foram -Hy lived in Lucknow
but now resideln Toronto.
On Sunday night Mr. Alexaoder
was standing opposite the convention
hall at the exhibition grounds telii
several people what liussellisen
done for him aod charging tbat it was
a 'lake." He alleges that Agar then ran
up and said, '.'Dont. baieve that man.
tie is a
This re a part of the controversy ex-
isting regarding tbe teachiugs of Dr.
Russell. Alexander etaium that
Russell separated him front his wife.
An effort 11 00 foot to hold opposition
moiretinge to the Bible Association and
to "expose" "Pastor" Rusted. Mr.
Phflip Sidersky is in the city for this
purpose. Mr. Russell Ii. expected
Central Government Ciairrs to be Able
to Handle Outbreak
The Pekin Government. professes to
review the revolutionary movement in
the south of China without alarm
The southern troops from Nanking,
kffteeti a• the -Punish Yuan" expe-
dition. suffered several reverses last
week, and retreated to a strong posi-
tion at the junction of the Tien Toth -
Nanking Rallway and the Hwai River
to await the arrival of 15,000 friendly
troops from Canton.
The Government declares that tbe
navy will sink every ship engaged in
transporting tile Canton expedition, if
ever It starts.
On Thursday and Friday the rebels
made a series of spirited attacks on
tbe arsenal at Shanghai, but they were
repulsed with heavy losses.
Despatches from Shanghai report
that Nanking is in the hands of the
Three Trainmen Killen at St. Cath-
arines and Maple
Two trainmen w- ere killed and
three injured at St. Catharines on
Moeda,' when a fast coal train ran
through an open switch and plunged
Into a freight on a siding. Tbe dead
are: Engineer Fred Pierce. Mimico,
Fireman Charles Thompson, Fort
Erie. Richard Daniels and Richard
(lout of St. Catharines and Fireman
Hewitt of Fort Erie escaped with in-
Brakeman James Wilson was killed
and Engineer Harman badly Injured
on Saturday night when ooe freight
train rammed another on the main
line of Ole Grand Trunk at Maple,
Out. Fireman Hutchinson broke both
ids legs in jumping and one of the
had to be amputated
Bank Robber Convicted
John McNamara. albs. "Australian
Mack,' who is charged with cob
plicity in the robbery of the Bank of
Illostreal at New Weetailaster, B. C.
ID September. 1111. when $171,000 was
takes, was last week foiled guilty of
having stolen aa automobile which
the robbers seed to effecting their
escape. He will probably be tried
later es the more serious charge.
bratemee was deferred
Plebs Fired In Commode'
• young Inas wbo claimed to be
a Soeisliet and ilksffrarpette sympathiser
caused a colemoties is the BrIthdi
Hobe of Columba last week by '.tag
eff bleak cartridge is a pistol from
the Strangers' Gallery.
erten Kitled by Kapieelon
S mogs lives were loot at Reba.
Qua. ea Thursday last. wims as
pt. 01 of three batted pausal et
yawls* New ep sae of the
of the Caesalee Illepieseves.
killing tom men asd three
leatantly The victims web
Lamle KIM Amber SW
ZliiPtesse ef Lords rubbed OS
tbe 1411 re abaft 101110111
ins NS ta 42.
Mortimer Ithe s 1111191sh
Liver Spots, Pimples,
Dark Circles Under
the Eyes
Are all eifns of the system Icing clog-
ged. The liver and bowels are mac
tive and the etomech is weak from•
undigested foods and foul gases.
the great fruit remedy, will make you
feel like a new person.
Winnipeg, June af7, 1911.
After taking three boxes of voile
Fig Pills for stomach and liver
troubles I feel bit ong and well and able
to do my own work.
Mee. A. H. Saulter.
Sold at all dealers in Zi and 50 -cent The comfort which poor human be -
boxes or mailed by Tbe Pig Pill "Co., ings want in such a world as this is
Mt. Thomas, Ont. Sold in trc,derich hot the comfort of eerie, but the low
by E. R. Wigle, dzuggiat. tint of streugth.-Kiugsley.
Ladiesand children's fancy Summer Parasols
are all being cleared at a discount of :5 per cent_
All that remaies of our stock of ladies' Sum-
mer Wash Dreyeea to be cleared at a discount of
pet cent.
WOO Dresses for $3.75 SCUD Dreseso for 93.011
WOO Dresses for $1.50 $1.50 Dresses for 11.12
$11.00 Ureeser for $2.25 , SLIM Dresses tor 75c
There is no reserve, every dress must go.
Children's Dresses
and Headwear
Our entire stock of cbildren's Summer Dresses
being cleared out at • diseount of per cent.
Children's Headwear •11 mast go and all that
now remains is being cleared at exactly half price.
Just a few Spring and Summer Coats left.
These must be cleared. They are ideal coats- for
sooty fall wear, but. all must go, as the new fall
coats wilLbe here an y daynow. Your choice of any
coat that remains for . $7.75
One only lady's silk Coat, large nine, hand-
somely -trimmed collar, was $12.50, to clear $6.76
The Season's Newest
Sweater Coats
Our complete assortment of Sweater Coats
hes now arrived and this memoir them populer
garmente procurer to excel every former popular-
We feature Monarch and Cee Tee Sweater
Coate. The Brush Knit is the newest garment
of the season. We have them in all colors, Mon-
arch Knit at $2.25 and upwards.
Something new -the Middy Sweater, made° f
extra quality wool. They nowt in white with
mauve, cardinal and navy trimmed, very smart
for young ladies' wear, Monarch Knit .....33.75
Turnbull Cee Tee Sweater Coats, the most
popular coat for boating. tennis and all outatior
wear, made from the hest Australian wool. For an
extra heavy sweater this is the one ideal gar-
ment alicolors. each . . $4.50
Kayser Long Silk Gloves, all sizes now in stock.
McCall Patterns and Publications.
•'The Store that is all a store should be."
Millar's Scotch Store Phi" 56
It ie good for us to have rarqueliruet
troubles and adversities, kr they
make a men enter into himself, tbat
be may know that he is an exile, and
may not place his hopes in anything
of this world. -Thomas a Kemple.
The Canadian Newspaper Directory for
We have just received from the pub-
lishers, A. McKim, Limited, of Mon-
treal and Toronto, a copy 01 the 1913
edition of the Canadian Newspaper
This is the eigbth edition of this
valuable work, which fills a very real
need in Canada. and deterves a place
on tbe desk of every business man
whether be is an advertiser or not.
The Canadnui Newsper tirectoty
beta and describes 1,8 periodicals in
Canada and Newfoundland. Of these
152 are daily. 1.279 weekly or semi-
weekly, 2!t2 monthly or semi-monthly,
and twenty-five are publisheol lees fre-
quently. This is a considerable in-
crease over the last edition. There is
also a specially selected list of leading
British publications labial will be of
notch we to those interested in the
014 Country trade.'
Fb addition to this, the Directory
supplies a comprehrusive *casette giv-
ing the population. the chief Indus -
Ante, the railway. the telegraph and
bankiug facilities and other interest-
ing features of every newspaper city,
Lown and village in Canada.
This work contains over NS pager,
It is spl-didly bound and is certainly
a creat alike to the publishers and
to the Caoadnui newspapers genet,
A. McKim, Limited. Are particu-
larly well qualified to edit and publish
this, the standard book of referenee
o� Canadian publications. They are
the pioneers in tbe advertranag
field- in the Dominion, the arra
Agency having been founded is Mon-
treal in January, 18/9. twisty -four
years ago, by Mr. Anson McKim.
who 1. 01411 at tbe bead of the busi-
n ess.
During all this time they have been
the acknowledged leaders in tbir lise
in Canada, and the agency bugbear
bas been developed from • wary smail
begioning-then performing only tbe
functions ot the nikklientan--to a very
large producing enterprise which runs
bate minims. It goes without myths
that no other aeccy 15 1. closer touch
with the right' of the Dominion
than MaKiins, end they are therefore
lk,ble kr let the mast reliable biome
The bier or the 1913 Disastory is
Tbe only happiness a brave "emaesi
ever troubled himeelf with asking
get bis work done. -Carlyle.
much about was happiness enough 10Jas. Cumming
Hamilton Centennial
Industrial Exposition
a n d Old Home Week
August llth to 16th, 1913
Mimmischarre Emmeline. of Heashomaimie Products. Idling two Armouries sad Puede
Cossels. Greed Corsival Midway. Avistios Ealrabition duly. Military Pageant. with
5.55 C.4; sed U.S. Reginests perticimeres. Fourteen Milken, Basch. Aquatic
Spree Mom Bost.Saiag amid Roarer, Races. Okaamionidep Athlete Events. Charusioa-
ship Ball Games. twit U. S. Lomat Teams. Trap -Shooting Tournament. Rte Matches.
Big Parades day.
Come to Hamilton -Canada's Madneto
aed ree the biggest Civic Holiday Week end hiduistrial Derr:or:tire t % -•
bees sees is Camith- or elsewhere.
Special Raid by Rea sad Beet -ark your Lore: A,n-o.
he Cheerful Life
Itis the right et overvese to Ihre sad sob, the cheerful Me. We owe
ie earesives sod these whe nye with us to be the theme& Itt.. We.
illaellet de se fl al Mai* takes held et mi.
The wife, beher mai beghter saftering him bet ambes. aervesseisa
beedesba.liweberia dosisi4firwa Ceti& or Ulf ether wallows dm
rot 8. aesses t.egirmer-is set emir •B 15,01
Thee • remedr. Mew reels earseriume has memen sambriminier
DE. rumors
Favorite prescription,
ill. roes* hod* warioned eneeilliddleL IP* MP poem ft bee survived
Cdie..7 nod melee add dirlara minelelee*
rbee* se Wept suoi.
las oressideekm TAW, see he hed ad drupelet et mallet ea
sespeuse 5U15.R.si 5. 8.. &Wen I. V. rm.. 5.5..
N. T.
a& Mimes Moismommi rellois regale., and Isvtgarabe
sitetesdb. aver awl berowels. SageareasealL thozy arambas.
Now Listen
Wises rrairing anything la the SHUR LINE. always
hear in Wed thib ire have constantly 1. stock a ta
lias of the best up-to-dato FOOTWZAR.
pealsisso al ibmoutetandieg features et Inet-deee.
•40.11e1a Ghee sad win Oft the wearer pedant Wide&
neat eats sod enewleet.
tbelliir street sas Square
Painting, Decorating
and Wall -paper
All work done promptly and
in thorough manner.
Residence -Albert St.
Telephooe No :O•ri.
Toronto. Oat.. Kande today without a o
,r in Canada. Graduate* hirbly e woe* tul
Catalogue fres..
worismal, •
The Herb, Shoe is wed la WNW& by
square Mao=