HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-31, Page 2-T-•iP, tainuriAr, Arm In, tout 000LJIICH unTALO. PUBLISHED EY RY THURSDAY ar THE 'IGNAL PIWIT1N0 OG.. Limited. T ---•see Otis N. Ir :Terme el ewhs mm se SUM K imams is edeas. rYa masa., the_ ; tans men., Sin ValuedTs Valued ((ru Mateo eab.orikssa, ,1.•O a rear .strictly la ad. a.m.. Sabsorihers wbo Mil to etudes Tau !tier•t oQselatleg ularly u d(ue Mot confer will ea eaarbi)• • d as porsibic Kati the n.w ad1r.ss obeys of address be nd, boa ole elven. Adrwtieb g Seise : Les al and other er ller ad Berta ramsata no psi Ur for M4 in.ertlem sod sc per lino for earn subsequent ineertlon. Measured by • aoe.areil orale. twelve limes to an inch. Begoess cards of sit tine. and under. tis tee year. Advertisements of Last, Found. &rssed. fin. canoes Vaoaat. Situation. Wanted. House far fids or to Rent, Farm. for lisle or to i(er.l, Articles tor eta, not elam tc.edlsg e{/µ fur sera t insertion : 1 for arra masa(. Ne menta in Proportion. non.. met ati•oth. Larger ad vertiee- Announnements in ordinary reading iype ten cots Der bre. No amine iso than tic. Any special notice. the ob)ect of wince is the er'oniary benefit of any individual or ameei- a'►ea, to be 000ddsed an adverthemeat and charged accordingly. Rates for display and sootreet advertise. aomts will be nom m application. Address eh emu anioatls•a to THF. L PRIMING CO.. Limited. t,oderiek. OaL 'JODERI('H THURSDAY. JULY it. dual DRACTICAL CONSIDERATION$. Tr.ato Star. Protectionist writers hug the delu- sion that England sticks to free trade because it is afraid of departing from the teachings of ('ubden and Adam Smith, England sticks to free trade because it pays. In the six months ending June, WI:%, the imports of the roiled Kingdom were £378.791,OOu, as com- pared with t`•i73,809.773 i• the corres- ponding period of 191.2, and it'6 io the corresponding period of 1911. The exports were f2i7,000,00 as compared with LT23`9118.297 in the.' corresponding period of 1911. Between Pert and 1912 lbs imports increased trona £2,4190.000 to 044,- 4.tIji, and the exports from MOO. - :e73,000 to E.500.271.000. In the last year the nourishing -on- ditioh of British industry became so evident that The London Daily Mail, an eminently practical journal. advised Bonar Lew to drop tariff reform or (ams( it into the background. The ' tarts were making it ridiculous. Mr; Asquith, at one of the Imperial conferences, maid that British edber- eore to free trade was due, not to theories or shibttoletht•. but to the egeeds of British commerce, Manulse- turftig and skipping to seen by prac- tical men. A lot of nonsense has been talked about English workmen fleeing Prow free trade England to protectionist Canada to improve their condition. The advantage' possessed by Canada have little Ludo with tariffs. They are due to the fact that Canada is • W. expanding country, There is se much development wotk to be d,ar that labor is in demand. %Vageb are always cumparatively high ill new countries, and love in old cuudtrie. Wages ate • lower in the protected countries .1 Europe than in England. These practical considerations ate always ovetlooked by worehipprn of protects :,r They ignore geografihy, area, resouires, conditions cf develop- ment, and all other facts which do not fit in with their tet theories. Is it hot enu-zl.' p! b! q ! r! t wit! As The Montreal Herald remarks. it is • left-handed compliment whicb Conservative organs pay to the Gov- ernment of Canada when they ray that United States manufacturers are ffeeiog to this country from tbe "trust -buster e" on the other side of the line lhscu,sung the - Hydco-electric •itue- tion. The LVingham Times remarks that that town is able to furnish elec- tric power from its own plant at a rate much lower than tbe rate quoted by the Ifydro-eleetricCoin mission. Not until the Maitland River is developed will the power situation in 9oderich be satisfactory. Arthur Hawke'. wbo two years sago carried on 'a campaign •-Dong "tbe British -bora" is opposition in recipro- city. is stoutly opposed to the Borden natal policy. He believes strongly in a Canadian navy. and declares that Premier Borden's course in swallow- ing his declarations of It1fg1 is respoe- sibbe for the deplorable epeclirle bow presented by Canada in the deadlock on this question, The Toronto News rebukes those clergymen who are to ready to per- form marriages wider eireu•stasws wbkh sb..old rail for prodigies and vigilance. 'The whole r -burets- it reels, u discredited by the unworthy min- t.ter* who perform thee/psermatureer illnesiorted marriages." 'Herr sew some minwir. who. Hie some pesetas ii nabs, ealUsp, melee reedy to grab • Sew dollars 'raisin tklak/eg muss of the right sad wrung of the mal. ter. WilllaaeJennlogiBryao has startled the people of the United States by de- claring that bb salary of 11$000 a/ Secretary of Mtate Ie not siemeiaot to asset his expect/es, and (bat he must eke out a living by Iee1ure eogage- ment& On top of this comes the announcement that Mrs. Bryan has left Washington to speed wine time at her old home in Nebraik• putting up the winter's supply of fruits, pick- les and grape juice. Of course, it may be that the Peerless One won't eat any "preserves' but those put up by his wife. Anyway. it'sa fineexampleof dsuroctacy to have one of the leading ladies of the land attending to her owe kitchen. If President Wilson wants to get back into the limelight be might get the newspapers to announce that tbe Indy of the White House makes her own bread. The Seaforth Expositor makes some pungent comments upon The Toronto Newb' superficial treatment of the Proadfoot-Hanna affair in its editorial column,. The Expositor points out that if Mr. Hanna ilk innocent of wrong- doing there is much to be explained in the act ion of hos f, iends in refusing a thorough investigation of the Taylor incident Says The Expositor : •'!f the public had no other sources of information than is cootsined in The News and its colleagues in the Press, they would naturally come to the :conclusion that Mr. Ptoudfoot and not Mr. Hanna **lithe real culprit. While The Expositor bolds no brief for the detenceofMr. Proudtootdid be require defence, we are hound to say that his conduct in this matter from first to last has been straightforward, manly and courageous. He has done bis duty as a representative of the people. In view of tbe information placed at his disposal, had he taken any other course be would hare failed in his duty and we trust be will persevere until be gets at the bottom of the unsavory busi- ness." A Night -Rain in Summer. Open the window. and let the air Freshly blow urea lace and hair. And 1111 the room. salt LLL- the night With the breath of the rala'..weet might Hark ! the hurt bee. swift and promo ! • And bow the odorous lL-aes are blown' Stormy Lore's abroad. and keepr Hoprtut owe for rentle steep-. Not a blink shall bun tonight. Its m7 eka*atier. •d sordid light ; Nougat will 1'safe. not a window -pane. • 'Twitt me and the air and the great good reit. Wbkb ever 61,111.1W me sharp lullabies : And God -• own darters, shall close mine eye.; And 1 will plerp'. with W using. bkpt. In the pure eartb..hse'odr of Lateral rest. -Lsrmb Hatt., FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. High Protection Doomed. Landon Ad rennet r. The Democratic Senators are stand- ing together, and a sweeping revision of the tariff is now aaaured. Unless the Republicans can manufacture a panic before the ne;t election. high protection is doomed in the United Stat!, The Present Opportunity. 0ttawaClUae:: (Con-erratirel. 1'be 1 efuaal of Sir Jailors Whitney to support progtesrire measures that will result In univercal betterment of con- ditions is the great opportunity pre- sented to the Liberal ratty, and the great source of weakness in tbe Con- servative party at the present time. A Word to Old Countrymen. L.oades Advertiser. Some Englishmen who bare been in Canada • little while think that if only Great Britain had a tariff on abwit everything it would get free of pauperism and low wages. They are not aware that becaus:of a high tariff German and French workingmen live more miserably than tbeir British brothers. They do not know that Canada after Deady twenty ye its of protective tariff had not improved, but after the opening of Western lands by the Laurier Guvernmeot Canada leaped ahead. Open land is the secret of bigh wages and prosperity. Land- lordisw (+pelts pauperism to a fringe of the British population. If there are fewer paupers in France and Germany than in Great Britain. nespite -if a lower level of wager acrd living among the artisans, it is because landlordism at any rate has oo bold un France, and le. on Germsoy by far than upon Englaod. Of course. the British land- krtd draws a red herri ng r ernes the track, and urges an attack en free trade, to raise wages, forsootb, but he is himself the thorn in England's and Scotland's flesh. HEADACHE Is caused from the blood beiog thick- ened with uric acid poisons cireulatisg ie tbe head. Anti Uric Pi1ls cele all fors' of kidney trouble. They ate so good and so sure F. J. Butlaod guar aatess them Be sure y 3u get Anti - Uric Pill, d. V. Marion on every box. Mold Dole at drug store. The Peer Orphan. An ()Id ('ountry woman reppcd late a suburban drug store and laid oft ties counter a preseripptctton for • mixture containing two derigraaotes of mor- ph tau Tear drugged exercised the utmost c in weighing 16. dangeroiss Min a shame !- she cried. el be se stingy ; It / fee an orphan Let." Neither daye nor lister, ems los wads sena die them Raskin y ddLg tsstalltg fie W. may know a nag by fib. *eve. peel he et W by hatter a the beste4 he Isms : sal Isms If he Is* e be Is an tomb know lag. -abbe. =Myler 1 v"1i.t A . TII1 SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA RIG "SLI Y' TACTICS IN NORTH GR*Y. Hew Ceossrvsuis. Desitt•ed 1/ G! beth TOMMMISIMM aa/ Lulea' Vote. Toseetet, Jody 315.- Why are Boxeres Yue be Issued la Meaford for another e7ar Thee phonies to be a vary iater- stq for Hoot. Mr. Haoaa reel tZe beaacb d the Provin- I:ial •t had the their o ltes In thee town should out be renewed after /lay 1st- The local wmmlasionen under their pewees granted an extension of three swaths up to August lit, but it was taken for grsot.d as lar aa public annou0ce.ncnta were con0.rnedl that at the latter date the licensee would n ot he reneged. At the local option rote last Janu- ary this temperaooe people were de- feated by a fraction of a vote le.s than the required tbtrsfifths. A butt and counter -suit were entered into, and moreover a large deputation not ooly from Meafurd but from the surround- ing country waited upon the Provin- cial Secretary and requested that the lief ,res be out renewed in view of the fact that the selling of liquor in Mee - ford was doing away to • considerable extent with the 'good results of local option in Owen Sound acd the absence of licenses front all the rest of North Grey. It watt in answer to this depu- tation that the Department decided not to renew the licenses. Now the announcement taruade that the licenses are to be renewed by the Department after all. Reports as to the enact events which preceded this derision and to a reported agreement xt ade by the temperance representa- tives are still rather meager and untb- ing definite can be said yet as to the justice or injustice of the granting of these licenses. A few undoubted facts. however, lend significance to the whole case end are worthy of note. During the recent bee -election in the cunstituency of North Grey, of wbicb Meaford ie a part, the Conservatives wade much party capital out of the action of Mr. Hanna in refusing to renew the Mea - ford licensor alt bough local option in that town bad been defeated techni- cally. to the Gavel-emeot press and cm the Government platforms this action was loudly praised as being a 1leRnice proof of. the Whitney Goveto- went's goodwill to temperance and of its generosity to temperance voters. At this very same time, however, it was being whispered about the town that if the Glover nmeet candidate were elected the licenses would be renewed. This underground rumor secured for the Government the support of the liquor men and of those favorable to the liquor interests. True, as it grad- ually became known about town it alienated the temperance vote in Mea - ford, with tberesplt that the Liberal candidate gut a majority of twenty- nine in that town. In view of the de- cision of the Department to renew the licensee this question becomes impor- tant. Had the whispered, rumor a basis in fact after alt, and, also, why W•Ltitaa strias t Idaevrr, did the Guvernme,L try W ride tic Hsu'. t atahaC e i thillasale �^twits. a bo, ties in the byeselection'r Mg directly upon tee bleed and manna• sin - hoes elf tba mates, Tssaiesoniaya pent tree. Bye -election Result Not So Important. Pr1Oe pee beats. .told b7 all drsagkta North Grey still continues a lire r'te FardlyF'(:Lrewemt.tlpatirs, • topic in Provincial politics. Its im- portance is rather over-estimated and Osrla/a's Foremost Citfzew. Cleveland" Hata Deals, Wise agreement was before the rseinecit . thiamine Parliament la WII the Coossrvstive minority filibustered with such semen (bat tett Wilfrid Louder was compelled tri to the people ata gaoorat too. The eiectios resulted I Lbs eldest oaf r clpeocity and Lbs over- throw of the Laurier Government The Ceeservativwe under Mr. Bor4.. came into power. Yr. Borden prod mulgatsd a Laval bi11, which providedl for an unqualified dunautts to the British oaiioe of battleships wbicb would Dost I inns l,tluj. The Lbessl, now in the miuuril7 and believing turn about to be fair play, adopptt.eedd the same tactic* of obstruction wbicb had been soeosesfully employed by the Conservatives against the reciprocity measure. But the l:omservatires snapped their fingers at precedent, adoped the cloture, and pasted their hill. Subsequently it was killed iu the Senate, and again the Borden Govern- ment detled precedent by declining tc present the question to the elector- ate. Throughout the fight Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been :he active leader of 16e Liberals, Tbougb well beyond threescore anti ten Sir Wilfrid de- cline. to retire from his commanding positiou. He is waiting, perhaps, for • new overturn which will again place Ins party in power, and afford him the satisfaction of voluntarily relinquish- ing the premiership. It is, of course, difficult for Sir Wil- frid and his friends to prevail over a Government which defies the uowrit- ten law of plarliainenta with blithe un- Concetn. pre.eot Conservative adwioietratioo as shown itself any thing but conservative in its disregard of fixed rules- It has been playing with fire, and if Sir Wilfrid dues re- gain the premiershi,, be may be ex- pected to turn the Borden weapaus OHM the nn who forged them. Meanwhile the aggressive and cour- ageous old ststesui+n has the respect of all the Banish Empire and of all ob- servers who here followed the course of recent Canadian history. The One French-Canadian to .Clain the office of premier, Sir Wilfrid remains Can- ada's foremost eluten, even though 6is party is at present in political eclipse, "i guess 111 lead the boys a while longer," say. Sir Wilfrid, when one asks him if be fe about to retire A Canadian Juts Cannon, this; with all Joe Cannon's strong points, and with many excellences which Joe Cannon never laid claim to. How s This 1. We edge One H.ndrvd Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halle Catarrh Cert F. J. CHE\EY d. (Ni . Toledo. 0. We tae naesesign.,d have timer, F. J. (•t.eeey ter the last cheer, sears. and believe tiro. perfectly horniest -LW all Manses teamae- uaaahlly :.5e toaarryleat soy oh- llgatiosrmade by k4 tl - th try v ve O e Liberal defeat cannot be dismissed any such phrases as • Abolish the ✓ Pokey Condemned" or "Henna indicated.' In the first place a bye -election is I el different from • general election. tY Rd• flats, possessesne snap and o the whole the issues are mucks a good plot. The Homecoming of Jim CURRENT LITERATURE. CANADIAN MAGAZINE.--TheCanadiao Magizine for August is particularly strong in short stories by C'ansdian writers- "The Edict Upon the Wall." mo of the re local and there is not that feeling co-operation among the voters in different tidings. Take the tem - 1 flc 1 w under', by Lloyd Roberts, into,- duces an exciting lig briding contest as air intidentto a los'. affair. ••Re - ranee Ilene, for example. All of gsn's •" by Rene Norero. oral ortGrey, except Meaford, which Plays ,L)64bercn*e •trt 01 a half-breed girl eat Liberal, is without licenses. If in British Columbia. "Her Point of e recent contest had been part of a View. " by George W. Hall is a good neral election the temperance fortis Western story of riralry and ore, ould have worked mote vigorously, while -rt" !.*Mbit." by D Douglas because they would have known thit e election of a Liberal would help aecure•'tbe aboliu n of the bar iu then coo.titueocies. la a bye-elce• D. however, there .fa not the save mintier. Nur did the Hanna charges have ucb effect on the result. They prob- ly did lead strong party ,nen among • Conservatives tic stand ie solidly th their tarty, bat the result is by moans a vindication of the Provio- 1 Secretary. Local issues on the other hand nn- ubtedly did have an effect. C. S. aroeron, the Conservative cat didate, d his supporter., even in the pres- ce of Cabinet Menistsre went upend wn the riding promising that it the vernosent candidate were elected a real scboc•1 would be established in wen Sound and financial aid Rived the building of a railway between afootand Owen Sound. 'Both these ngs are badly needed in the riding. e Goaerntper:t candidate had eo bt to adop- such campaign tactics, t be did so, and the revolt war to be pected. The promising of favors, the vote were closely analyzed, old be shown to be one of the chief tors in the election. .iberal leaden are not discouraged toe '• grandfather trade and peddled the great rank and file of the libthe founded/3o of • business party men realize that in a bye- 11711= bad grown to be worth million& ori tbe odds are strrmugly in favor Egerton gets hi. own way -end the Sita-hv • trick Of course exposure 113 Ln 0 ho in r0 ab th wi lin cis do C' an en do Go no 0 Lo Me chi Tb rig lou ex if wo far and era/ Eppes, is an extremely rttone :and ah- em bing tale of ••crines arra stern sense of duty. Their is a fine sketch of -Changing Halifax," by Archibald MacMeebau, with pi"turei by Gyrth Ras�d.11: poems b Isabel Rcriestone MaeKny, Kwyn Bruer, MacKinnon and Violet (,rerar, with reproductions of paintings by the C.nadian painters John Rummell, J. W. Beatty and Gert- rude Des Claves. Li Pie et nrri,. The August issue of LippinfeitCs Matazine contains an unusually floe complete novel, entitled "'The Egerton Stood, d," by Kleanor M. ingrates. a great favorite witb Lip- pinentt s readers. Her book. '•From the Car'' Behind." had a tremendous sale and a new novel by her is etre to be eagerly web umed. "The Egerton Standard" has for its theme family pride -two kinds. Egerton, the hero, is • vers wealthy young businessman, the on of an exacting, tyrannical father. Roth father and eon pride themselves upcn their unswerving boors(!. But young Egerton fails in love with tbe daughter of an impover- ished old Mpan.•h aristocrat, and the old Duro will not permit hi* daughter to wed a man who cannot show an unblemished line of ancestors. Eger - 0f • oral Not the Government and that the ere. in North Grey is only tempo, They are coon tent that the gen- elections will tell a different A New Gould Story. George Gould was making one of his last (rips as *resident of the Mis- souri Pacific. His private ear was laid out on the siding for some reason or other. and be got out to•sretch bis legs. An old Irishman was tapping the obery's. Gould went up to him. "Morning. How do you like the wheels ' - •'Net worth a darn," said the trish- aw n. •' Well, bow do year like the oar r "It's gond Dough "What de you thisni of the road r -It mambas the car." Gould looked at the old chap /or e minute. /Maybe yen dost know who 1 r." —I'.% 1 de,' tut rm•t ed the l tierce. "You're (druid/, sad 1 knew year father he was president et s oWe Tread,esiiAu& PT gob. Wsoi aot M t efts e. -Wbe. my father dead." raid Mr. Gould '1 know that,' reviled the Iri'bw.. 'nom le going tar b.LL'—Das- ollow., anti there is a merry rumpus. All ends happily, but for a time we are reminded of the immovable -body- and -irresistible -form problem. it is really a novel situation, and very dewed! worked out Will Leeio Comfort. who wrote •'1'6e of Living Men" and other highly praised book.., contributes • brilliant tale of love and business. celled •Tbc Crud - stood. (toques(. ' May Edgintoo's offeriog is ' PrirrFlgbter." Other rw.tewotb short stories are "HieWife." by Temple Bailey ; ••Wben Ma Rodgers BrOke Ln,.tr - by Rieke Beth w Bredsse • • od •46. Gel. Denied Clow." by Rose Lombard. "An Anti• dote for Order.- by Elisabeth Maury OaomM. M it Uetional.ketch of decided assn( "!Le New Neighbor." is Gibb.. te C. items. The ebectmto`e •eeterpisce is 'The Mane." by Gets', Was seinen Reagent writer. T6. leder" •.f the Almighty is sassed kept. and every rm. of es has tbe of hie nisenctieftspald over le him at the end of every inlets of hi. *ammo.. Hurley, 811 fired honet lid a this, That Y a meals l rend the bend d beroen ~ la •a Int nest through be maser tub to reed anytime( rials. -Lard Hca► 61R1 $UFFERED TERRIBLY At Regale/ latarvals—saps Lydia L PI I *it's Vege- table Cacwoem0 COM. plat * aw.d Ur. Melee. Teat+. -"I flake pismire . ks (duel hW edit mtfmaaandto that re Lt wlist ilt be of int ...i to ad - feting wows. For four years I entered untold egosfs. at regal ar intervals. Such pains and eramps,severe chills saddcknessat stom- eeh,thea finally bow wrings. until I would bs nearly blind. I had five doctors and none of them could do more than relieve me for a time, "1 maw your advertisement In a pa- per and decided to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 took seven boxes of it and used two bottles of the Sanative Wish, and 1 am com- pletely cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound 1 only weighed nfnety-six pounds and now I weigh one hundred and twenty-six pound& 11 anyone wishes to address en. in person 1 will cheerfully answer all letters, as I cannot speak too highly of the Finkbam remedies. "-Mies Jigs- slt Massa, Adrian. Texas. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink - barn's Vegetable Compound has accom- plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remed.a wart special advice write to Lydia E. Milan Medldae Ce. deus1- _) Lori. Yash. Tear letter will wes•a aad he d 1 ..aa % Too Anxious. Sbe-••Jobe, I have packed my trunk, but 1 am afraid you will forget to give the begonias oo the porch water. They need wad er every day." He - 'Ob; don't worry yoorself a hoot -that--' Sloe -"And. o6, John, you'll forest to feed the canary. The thing will die of hunger." He -"Oh, 1'11 not lot ft' r• Don't worry youreelf a moment." She -••But i am quite sure you'll for- get to keep down the curtains." Ile - "Oh, that's all right. !'U keep 16e h -et. as dark as a tunnel... She -- I am not going. You have ! e• r rea•nn for being so anxious to get I r •. -Inc." W. AQHE80 d 80N New Embroidered Waists HALF-PRICE Beautiful silk and Button net I!•beo(dered Waists in ivoryecru aid black, all lined with para silk. well snide 34 to 40 inches, regular OLIO to, 66.00. At l cut, //�� each.. LL....el .,•...•.... . .. .... .w$2s50 Black Duck...Paild Df Silks rivulet ttsoti Welles wide,rivulet f1.86. Oe 90 Fits seas Neave that give/ the most satisfactoryQ and in deep full black, regular Si.,21Ster.. , ��' a7Vc Drees Skirts of white KWhl-n sod repp, new and perfect, regular $ sed gZ30. AU desiring et............ $1.50 Gloves and hosiery Women's Roast quality, black, tau or white. 'ilk lisle thread Hoer, doubts ankle, heel and_ osen Quality ' W Sl to 10, at iso ; three pairs $1 e00 Dress Muslins and Voiles Persian Voiles in the newest and Roost qualities, del. . nty patterns, all our Sic and 50c qualities. Al ose price, i� per yard 25c New White Voiles and Ninon* just opened io stock - Rugs Special August Sale of Wilton lbw, swamies', English quality. 3 z3iyards... 3 x 4 yards . .. 1000 34 s 4 yards..... suss... 20.00 4 z 4 yards •............._ ...-suss.. 6,00 ' 0,00 CU rtains Swiss Curtains, 40 inches wider Sir yards long, only on sale, regular $3.50. At per pair Linokums Ends of Oilcloths and Linoleum,, 30 or 40ends, alertly 1 z li, or 1 z 2, or 2 z 2 yards. Clearing at per 'square yard only Iap.b, $1.75 • ' 25c W. ACHESON & SON THE BEST PLACE in town to enjoy an Ice Cream, Soda or Sundae is at the BALMMORAL Cars P. E. BLRDETTE. Prop. All the latest flavors. Orders delivered 'Phone lit enesmessagegranoteine Which Will YOUR Winter Wheat Look Like? ~ • t 47, a.. _ c= • P ei ' toe A POTASH OP- •• r,r r.r WLLyov urwinter wheat show the full, thick, large grain of the per- fectly nourished crop, or t: i'1 it be thin and shrivelled, or just aver- age --such as may be grown out the average farm iiyt`:e farmer who Coes not make a careful t-tudy of his methods of growing, ? 1 LI Ntio-44/ Vieff teti Itoodorr l (Nell% 10% POTASH You are in the f2: ruing business to make money! You want to get the maximum yields from your land. To do this, the most important work comes at the cart and consists in the use of a high grade 10": POTASH fertil:zer at seeding time. per wheat of Nie trogen, ft cfePhlizer is o Phosphoric Acine d analyzing of POTASH -better still a 2 -8 -10 - Any agricultural authority will tell you that Winter Wheat removes from the Foil more POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. Notwithstand- ing this fact, the average wheat fertilizer contains actually less POTASH than Phosphoric Acid. "Potash Pays" Insist that your dealer riyes you a fertilizer containing l0% POTASH. Ube cannot, you should aid enougi POTASH to the fertiliser be can give you to increase its POTASH content to 101,. :ems teff you, free. just how to do this. We reeommea/, upon actual Seld tests made by experts throug set Canada, a fertOb,, for winter wheat that contains rIL Nitrogen, IS Pb�k, sepAcid and 109, of POTASH. , applying eta the rote of Sirpoonds to the acre at seeding time, you wriM winter dyadass Wiwi sysurcrop rrop a the a•eeter reofp tse1 tee- eethes e Sum (test, sad lawn a rapid and early, gro'w'th la OMR& Write le bane your particular farming problems. Our libeedie Sanas s muss *rep ol�winet r wwhest rag new' to grow • s i red 6 es gas& Write for it today ' Orn' •n M bins German Kali Works Inc. • • mss i k60 T•at►l• issiiltas, T orsass. 011e or S t ryot 1. le" • a :R The Right Hind of Education tar )ear Mrs rad girls la up for wound rtYa jell new. Hese tar • copy of r� =ef kaSwi'.11l .rescwt .Dale • terse /o or,•- User aa7 welisele bermesa I.aod .alarl . SBA W 8 omen ,p TURA" TO Hard edam., c-est,sl Bin■her College haw sprintIt (errrardr, $ta Tomato. W. If. Davis' tlorseand Auto Livery T r eoatinuing the li erg,bweiseas in THE Stoiie Barn South street, with a complete and up-to-date equipment of Buagier", Huck., Kurreys, Band- wagunr, rte., and a fine stable a hones. AUTOMOBILES POR HIRE 'Buses meet all trains and boats. Orden promptly at- tended to at any time of the day. Telephone 51. 111. DAVIS neeselensesessineesseeplassiseemenenneememe Machinery Massey-8arrisShop HAMILTON STREET s the place to buy your Machinery, B u gg i e s, Wire Fencing and Bon Black Fertilizer. Just received— a con- signment of Canada Car- riage Buggies, also of Grays (Chatham), and some from Mount Forest. A car of Bone Black Fertilizer just in ; also l000 rods of the Frost Fence. Nonni WILSON ribilisaaparab aims Oettgttab