HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-24, Page 8Teru. I Y. Jst.T M. hili
Silver Bar
Ranging in price.
special. 35c and 50c
A tpedal Ito& entirely new
in colgriof and tiseige-Har P1...
61.00. >81.sa 51.7i and-
5!-eo tsewty fins to match
several of thee, lines. 51.25 per
Watch Fobs, Sterling saver
enamelled. 52.50.
Necklaces. Sterling .11 v s r
enamelled, 52.50, 53.00 and
Bracelets. Sterling silver en-
amelled. very pretty and data t'.
Price. 52.50.
The CGI.iial Book Stere
'Phone 100 Godricb.
T. Swarts
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
MoNTltEkt. Smarr
Joel oto THIS Straaxg
Passengers caned for in
any part of the town for
all trains at 0. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
service and careful atten-
dance .
Our Livery and Hack
service will be found up-
to-date in every respect.
Your pat roo:age solicited
'Phone 107 Montreal Street
for Plumbing, Heating, Wiring,
and all kinds of Metal Work.
Always in Stock
METAL ROOFING, all kinds
Get our prices. They are al-
ways . ooesistent with good
and basest work.
Bos our new punch -work
Centres. Heaatihd dodges.
Birthday Oeshioos Inc every
month. motto
each. and bitiikKoe
Gedericb 8ouvesit Cush -
lose. lies said We.
Daly Pillow Slips, a new Wig.
Chartres's Gad babies' Dres-
ses .are ..t. tor
�Mry. Different
kk�eSta.pd Goods of all blade
t always ea bend. Woo mate -
NW tor were:leg some.
Silks and D.
0. threads
sed osesbettag. M.se sa tines tor �
A tees Meek et err Paso. Pan
AMI, Less leis Os bar • elle, en
Gee year wham WNW }'�Ilion fi.a-
e.l.. smelse se
The Steer Store
WOO Y twigs!~ OieL
PeitRONAIr 100/110.11
0.141111 Itemasss. et leseat . M ehdhte r la
W• Beeler riohWs tett s weak ew Me
oil= Themes r Soft bees bola h..r
w.de.g bs0W' towns. oriel i�atbla. M
vire gMai P akt • . u t' Gem lee
MPesMad Walesa sera enea b •s edba
�▪ ber+va Is Iowa.,.Ilii/Y� t= et isturood Week.
le whew.(
uY. w at is ins Wed • vier
tciste, n M• sg. Mama taetrsetzaimilat
�It.nuoth grove � et°.i 416
Iiia. duvet. tare we*.
N. M. Castes. nemesia et 8t
� J.ti.we. Is
tees4Ude Kr.
Mallett News: Mies Nerea et
Oedsreoh. is ` ksr reeds. Mae settle
Chasm y, egopoodville.
Miami h.wb&e5_pm emu-
laMasr. Kra Joke /tinidd Waterloo Wed.
Mies Ames aayde,twho was
nc..:: rad we &.. lei. rt
litter en turned heel.
s& M M.. ems w•e be •fe sad '
kw slaps tee
gamete of the Weiser or Mea L J. Pa nice.
Mrs. West Iwssas and lies Ysrtaa Beet.
of tllevela.d. ()itis. are the gweste M their
suet and reel. Mr. end Mrs. Thema Image
Cambridge street.
Mrs. 0. R. Price sed Meter Teed. ed Twinge,
anti Min Soigne aeltr. M Calmest. Kai. ere
widgets with Mr. ad Yea A. Eger, et P.t-
Min Gertrude Rade ad her use .w. Ment -
es A Iterizinefe. intend ems. Pat
attar a visit wltta telt aunt. Mas. P. =aa
Fui.oe. Brltaeda road.
Ree. W. W. Btasdert bed three children. or
Rochester. N. Y.. are v4niwg at the eone et
the revered isntleesaa'e e.rs.ta. Mr. ad Mea
D. Stoddart. East street- Mr. Stoddart ea.s-
end s&..dd twoYie Kchorea oos
etim r seeermBen* 1. hofs
rorceral maser.
1 Mr. and Mea Will Mat, of Tomato, w the
g enote I Mr. and Mrs. C. fir. Roluetaoe.
Mrs. H.A. CawpI.tl, er WI.ghaea Y visit-
ing her presu. Mr. and Mn. A. Stroller.
C. W. Yong. of Walkervoie. is ,psdieg a
vacation at the parental have.
Mies Nellie Colo. or Walker,We, 1. visaing
with rrlssds la town.
The best taiiortag at all time. at Pridleares.
north sena se edea Made-to-order g.rme e
lave a dlr:leclaon all tete ow., as erem good
dresser knows
rtouveair card., peoaaet., esu.. at BsGi'.
Art Blore. Kart et rapt VWigan is tows are
invited to call a. odes es they pleme. Tice
i. ahwage eewothing K tater.. ,tar' thew to
The chief of police has received sev-
eral complaints in regard to bicy,I.
riding on the sidewalks and is deter-
mined to put a stop to the practice.
lie gives warning that anyone found
riding on the sidewalk will be prose-
During the band concerts on Thurs-
day evenings Pulice Sergeant Moore ar-
ranges the traffic on the Square so that
all automobiles and ether vehicles
Craven in the same direction with
the autos on the outer edge of the
ro.dsay and nearest the sidewalk.
The idea is one which would stand
repetition, on all such occasion&
Tate members of the Godericb
branch of the Womerrs Institute with
their friends intend bolding a picnic at
Black's Point on Thursday, July 31st.
Band wagons will leave the home of
Mrs. 31. McDonald, Lightboose street,
and Mrs. Swanson, Bruns street. at L15
o'clock. Cow and spend a pleasant
afternoon at the lake.
J. J. Wright, of the Park House. re-
turned on Saturda Prom a visit to his
brother. William R. Wright, at Mar-
atequette, Mich., and the following da
he received word of the death of his
brother, who bad been in poor health
for some time. The dammed was in
his ty-fourth year and was the
eldest r of a large family.
Hatelkeepers Ask Reduction.
Clinton. July 21. -Tara OHMtos
hotelkeepers are applyleg for reten-
tion of .seesemest. ca the .core of ds.
emceed earnlocal ngsopt n bailee coining The foci
force of local optic
would have done so, but was too late.
The appeals of the three were pre-
sented by Mr. J. L Killoran, of Gods -
rich, before Judge Doyle in rerun.
court today and his worship moseyed
decision. 111tohave ppclladimed that bar re-
• o three or four dollarfrom a. or stn a
Caesarville. 8a.k.. July 2114.-�
dal► -The scarcityof female help a
n ew country sujects the women of
the prairies to unusual strain. and
careful observation has nstabiimbed
the tact that this strain first makes
itself telt in the kidney& For thane-
s°. Dodd's Kidney Pole are mattes
au enviable reputation from the
r kle� toEverywhereytthe foothills d the
win Bad warms
singing the praises of tbs great Come-
dian kidney remedy fiat has ban -
imbed their pains and weselness. and
trougbt them back to health. Amass
the many is MR Edgar Cowes. es
estimable lady of this
••I have found Dodes Kidney Pills
very bseeIeial" Mrs. Comm states.
"If anything t as any. will help any
sufferer 1 me to add my UnW
menial to whet has nhsndy been
NEW *011 •2r 14
Raeder -S. 5.,ia - ... s
solleme t,.l•-u*Id Reused a
P eer Are asso-W. 0. Mama t
gaper i sed Kogage-arims saw
lee s
asd.e-C. P. It.. $
Peewee ASIS -alae Jeers Meese....t
( er SWIM V a
ter -110 Ile.ssat Meet
ssei_. 4
a ibis et Bleier Ureese-W Mims It
m ter ids--111awsste...rr ._
Pu...e t
Kw ebaaeseov Ph e--Gew lraeseer•..... e
chow os the Mune. 0.... L -s. S co.
mese ............
Mis...e.ibr-R:besb Was,
tlsea%d at Whbrbrew-P. T thea a
Kolbe ase Osnekrasse ter ads -ata MOM
e. ... .....
BMA sed Lamm Mae Lt... .... t
Meseme-New..ree elbelsenes s
foams se resent mei tdr-Teemet se►
Mo- a K Inab.. . • .�..._ $
Mara laLem Mmes....-. l
Aaseaemsi-w L 101i... - 0
Hod -Bros Miasummer Sile
This great Satmday, J ' 26th, With Many Saving Values That Cannot Be Duplicated
We begin our annual clearance campaign tan Saturday, July 26th, and will continue it for two straight weeks. bringing it to a close on
Saturday, August 9th. It has but one object -to clear out fall the sumaaermerchandise int store. We go into it with our eyes open.
determined to stop at nothing until summer stocks are cleared and the store in good condition reception of Fall shipments. We err
making it a settled and unalterable part of our business poli y to clear each season's goods the season they are bought for. That's the reason and
the only reason for prices such as will reign supreme here
for two weeks after Saturday, July 26th.
Here is a partial list of �pectaIs prepared for the open-
ing of this big selling event. Every department oft big
store will contribute its share and all over you will find
high-grade merchandise offered at prices that certainly will
make it pay to buy. Remember, the selling starts Satur-
day, July 26th. It will pay you. and pay you well, to be on
hand to take advantage of the many saving opportunities
of this big sale.
Ladies' Umbrellas Greatly
Twent-Ave ladies' Umb.elaa. A dean
nuooedla.A11.54 and SLOG linea Top et !leek
haminitese balsam with vee -
Glad RoM planed
mer Sale. (*Kali
20 Wash Dresses
Regular f.75 to Safe
Every garment new. White or colons.
New English Raincoats
Regular $6.50 values.
These are new Raincoats direct from
England. Nies shades of navy and Paws.
Guareotbed shower -proof. Really an un-
equalled bargain.
Clearing White Wash Skirts
Fifteen sample garments to sell. New
styles, repos, piques and Bedford Doris.
Regular $1.23 to $3.75 values. Midsummer
88c to $1.75
yo House Dresses for Midsum-
mer Sale
The Price $I.4
Made from good quality prints and
gingham*. New styles. regular $1.60 values.
No more once these are soTd-
200 pairs net Gloves and Mitts
Here is a bargain for hot weather wear.
Ladies' silk net Gloves and Mitts. black or
white. Regular Inc to foe. Midsummer
Sale. clearing per Pa's
A Clean Sweep of the
Cotton Dress Goods
Throe buadred yards Cotton Drees
Goods Inc quick selling. cos.eodog Satur-
day. Mostly gingham( and (reps effects.
Dolens of patterns and color combination.
Regular lac to lac. Out they go cosamane-
mg Saturday sorning et per yard
Another Cotton Dress
Goods Bargain
Two this lot. high-
�hundred .lair Airy ays.ds. i«epes wad homy
Some mcolly enough for waists.
some enough for to11 dresses.
We want to make a tdaa sweep of the
Chaim Dress Goods stock. For the Mid-
summer Sale take your choke of this lot at
per yard. only
The Last of the Higb-grade
Cotton Dress Materials
Fully three-bandred yetis in this lot.
Plein white and limey missed eaMerieie in
all the esasos's popular weaves. Regular
values 16* to 60c. PPiskk and choose what-
ever you like out of this lot, eomeremeb g
Saturday morning, et per yard, °sly
Beautiful White Gowns
bntitway trimmed wish :Lease' white mites ace Ilse
tier.fee but et (Sar
=he pear dirties e
25 New Wash
Regular KIM to $6.00
All new, *aadeo.e. stylish gsm.nte. white or cnkeed. Not
a poor style in the tet. Oomsenetrg Saturday. each
More Bargains in Children's
Leek ahead amt got +children reedy
ter stash. Patty draftee to Regular
eleachNAO. Mfisammer Bale. daring
$I.15 ..,a..k--:':
Do You anad?
u .
A bis elaresoe of twenty er
Ave. se new tide seansa. White or ailed.
Regular Pas to $Lane Mklemeneer ells
75 pairs New Lace Curtains
These Curtains are all good gsayity Net-
Villatles. handsome dosigenvery etrong
aeseviessalds, bettenhole.i tine
yards Soso Mlbsumner Sale. per pair
3 Suits to Clear
Bungalow Nets :5c
Doe hntlrad yards H.ngalow Net. two
sent or Paris shade. Jost
s for ins pAelve curtains. Rego -
ler Ell. Midsummer We
8 New Coats to
Regular 51850 ad 516.00
Two Meek. three navy, two fawn and one black silt. Every
Fermat cones* in style. mads for this season. Charing eloo-
Meneeta Saturday at voor choice of the eight
Now for the Final
Ssturda .oraiag nubs the beaisa�g . 51
iot the Aeleseunee
any�liemser _. livery trimmed hat in e. in the sorwithout
take y chaise each or wand off Inc gees � ale at ow mist Yon
None reserved. Early comers are best chooses
Wonderful Value in
Here le the host embroidery sews we have pointed Inc tansy
haul ad 1:11S Pleqty. W
par yard. yard
siwrl dasunee. shimming year
Clearing the SSnmmer Suiting'
.1 tweed g,
Stows skirt and
suitlengthsand salting matariah.
Light and dart Shy facies to
Wily -few inches �' $1:26 to
i0.00. Midsummer Sala per yard
Navy Serge 45c
Pare wool Navy Sage. just the thing
for separate skirts and K*Ndna'v wear.
42 inches wide. A most unusual offering.
Midsummer Sale, per yard`
A Great Embroidery Clearance
A Mg 'table heaped with dainty Ide-
bsoiderles and Iasatione. cambric, nein-
54 .- A A
media. Ilasorted wbIthe and
u1cess up of 1! j. and !o Buse.
Mieweenn.r Sala pec yard
Save on these Long
Lisle Gloves
Sevest,live pairs long tide thread
Cfloves,s, twenty ditches and twenty - tour
hasheMeek or white. and We and rwtt vane ell aims.mat that.
MiMsaer Sale. is Pair
Clearing the Kayser Gloves
Out gee tie Kayser Aloes. lies Ile d
you eon b
alowers s taw corestriyever. We
w°MIdo mam.r Malettraik. the astay L e
fler Mee
or white Kayser Gloves :
ilimmileal spardities tar lee
Stasdant The qualities Inc ige
e.ndad 51.0 qualities Inc We
15 White ainmat
Moen leans' his IIidsnkiets. The
i ii... W ..brebd.rh..7ia°mety. r ULM
� (roods going a# bast el
cea<HODGENS BROSseated to. . ..
Snag Stocks vee eau's leer coo-