HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-7-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODRRLCH • orrrA.tuo
Titus.bav, JULY 31, 113
t Montgomery's Death MIM. it
Masons' Vis
�e old and well..Down reaid.st of A Yaetsr about forty. representing
Moat- tie YAWS?Associaiiou o
erich township, Capt. ,- T'
«Diner)., paired away as of eeday sans.
ries week at the madames
e • `cod n. He we+ s with n torr days
tgonsery kb
et ninety one years of a(teur+da _
The sun,
aril took pie0e this (Tb mons atter-
w oo to clothedce _ the � meder log
mid • activenli( wit be published neat
Where Are Thine
The breech advertised as found in
net week's Signal was mortosed to its
owper Nitbin • few hours after the
paper Nus off the press. Thelady wag
%eny wuch pleased toarecover the lost
mad needs nothing farther
to convince her of Use good work doom
by signal ads. The following day two
otbers inquired at the office for it
bche-, but were disappointed.
se Yuuday two laiies called oa a
tiniest errand, each ilaviog lost a
brooch. Therelying
arond somewhere.
t be a lot of
jeweller>' Icing
Huron Lodge Officers.
The following officers of Huron
Lodge. No. tee I. U. 0. F., were ap-
pointed and ;totalled. together with
the elected officers, attthheeregcsiey
meeting of the lodge d. (ast
week. Past Grande
and sturdy conducted the installation
ceremony : R. S. N. G., J. Platt :
L_ S. N. U., A. G. Nisbet ; conductor.
B. Murpby; warden. L L Koox:
chsntain. Kev. J. Pollock ; R. 8. V. 0..
W. T. Millar; L iL V.G.. Geo. Mc-
Leod ; R. S. S.. Geo. Fisher ; L S. 8.,
L M. Etliott ; 1. O., IL Jane; G. O.,
R. Turner
Detroit, errtv.d by steamer Huron
Tuesday night and ate remaining in
tows Datil lbs lows tripe( the Huron
osi Friday night. The party includes
souse fifteen mason oontractors with
their wives and ebildrsa. On Wed-
nesday .vexing the party was enter-
tained by the emu council et tLe
Point Farm.
The Sturdy grery stock baa been
purchased by grocery J. Powell. of town
who announces that he will continue
the busies in the same stand. Mr.
Powell knows the grocery bu►ines
thoroughly and will keep the stock up
to a high standard of excellence. and
will give his customers (tool and caro-
tid service. Mr. Powell has been re-
siding in town for some months and
we are [lad that he has decided to re-
main with us and become a member
of Oodarie►'a business circle.
Cadets Kamm
The 0. C. 1. Cadet corps arrived
on Saturday from London atter
• week's training in camp at CarUng's
Heights. There were about one
tboueend cadets from Western Ontario
in Camp. and the way the boys drilled
was* revelation even to the •'regu-
lars." The boys from Ooderich, who
were in charge of Capt. H. C. Dunlop
and Principal Hume, had a fine time
arid enjoyed the outing greatly.
W. .1. Powell in Sturdy Stand.
Yesterday's Excursion.
An excursion organised by the
Sunday schools of Hensel brought
about do people to town yesterday
from points on the L., H. & B. lice.
Unfortunately the excursionists
picked a wet day, 'end their enjoy-
ment of the outing was sadly marred
by • drizzling rain whicb continued
with some intervals •lmnst all day.
Next Wtdueeday a big excursion
comes nota Milverton and way sta-
tiooa on the U. P. R , under the am-
picae of the Sunday schools of Blyth.
Invitation from Hamilton.
The Hamilton Burd of Trade will
entertain • party of Board of Trade
members from different towns during
the Hamilton Centennial Exposition
week. Special railway accommoda-
tion bas been arraoged, web single
fare for the round trip from Mc-
Naught station on the C. P. R., and a
charge of lel for sleeping accoatmoda-
titi. At Hamilton the party will be
entertained by the Hamilton Board.
Provision u made for fifteen members
from Godericb, and any who wish to
join the party are asked to notify the
secretary of the (ruderich Board of
Trade at once.
Dangerous Auto Speeding.
Water and Light Commission.
At a meati;:g of the water and light
commission it was agreed to give the
Western ('anada Fleur Mills Co. an
eight -inch connection to the water -
mains. for fire protection purposes.
providing that the proposed plans and
specifications aapproved by
ovincial are d
Board of Health and the
Canadian Fire Underwriters Asoeia-
tioo. Tbe work is to be doss under
the supervision sod to the satisfaction
of the water and light commission. all
costs to be met by the milling coal_
piny, which is to keep the connection
taxed repair. One thousand tune -
sten lamps of assorted sizes were or-
dered from the Hydro -electric Power
Commisaem. The applirsL Oo of Jas.
A. Culver for electric current to run a
Motor at the Red Star Theatre was
granted. Mr. Culver to pay for tbe io-
stallat ion of the connection, providing
tbe service's not used looger than six
menthe. The commissioners decided
to ask the town council fur the sum of
$2,4(I) to assist them in meeting ex-
penditures io connection with the
Lost allatian of the H ydfo.eiet true
The Lusters. Haldane.
Last week deatb claimed a, former
well-known resident of Goderich in
the person of Mrs. J. F. C. (Frank)
Haldane. Her demise took ply at
Peto.key. V icbigan, on Tuesday. July
15th. Tbe deceased's maiden nam
was Agnes (Nannie) Galt. She was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Galt. of "The Midge," std was bons in
Goderich over .iaty-eight years ago.
Her husband was the eldest son of the
late John Haldane. Ent principal of
the Grammar act tool be re, and grand-
son of the Rev. Robert Francis Camp-
bell. tint rector of Goderich. After
their marriage Mr. Haldane practised
law bete for • time, occupying the
oleo- now tenanted by Dr. Sale. His
death occurred eleven Tears ago at
Windsor. Ontario. Mrs. Haldane and
her two daughters, Miss Frances
Agree and Miss Helen Cautpbell Hal -
date have resided at Petoskey, Michi-
gan. ton the past eigbt years. Tbe
only son, John Galt Haldane, is at
present in Clarkdale, Arisos•. John
Galt. postmaster at Ooderich. is a
brother. and Mrs. Clerk, of Coder kb.
and Me. J. C. Savage, of Montreal.
are sisters of the deceased. interment
took place at Maitland cemetery.
Goderich, the funeral service being
held at St. Georges church on Prides -
afternoon last. Rev. J. B. Fotbering
ham official ing. The pallbearers were
Judge Doyle. Sheriff Reynolds. ('rown
Attorney Seager, D. )1acDon•Id. Rev.
Joseph Elliott. and 0. F. Corey.
Thos Was Garden Party Week.
The garden partyand bazaar held
last Thursday uner the auspices .•t
the Women's Guild of Bt. Oeutge'a
church was a great success. The reet-
ory grounds made an ideal place Inc an
affair of thio kind and werebeautiful' y
decorated with lags and were well
lighted. A bountiful supper was
served daring the evening. and it was
estimated that 300 people pirtook of it.
Atter supper there was an excellent
musi.•sI program, taken part ;n b
Mite Hattie Belcber, L 0. Prisons. d
A. Fowler, H. O. Sturdy. Arthur Mc-
Lean and Fred Sturdy. A. Koy Adams
was aceornpaniet. The proceeds of
the evening amounted to llln2 after
enemies were paid The ladies of 8t.
George's ehure1s wish to Omsk every-
body who contributed in any way to
the amens of Use.veoingg
On Monday cussing the ladies of
Victoria street Methodist church held
their garden party at the home of Kr.
and I
les. D. H. Roes. Nelms Massa.
Tber'e was a good attendanee. and the
affair was • most enjoyable ear
After tea a program was carried oat,
including vocal esiectiess by Miss Ads
Mc -Clint -in. the Misses Ants. and
Hazel Bekker. Mie $erieageoer. Mr.
SScahnuller and a nada quartet -la sac
t:Leta lClbottaand theKisses
Misses ]L!Q
ton and It'llietm The pester. Taw. J.
R Pon& acted as chairman.
linos cherub Lepresested as
tnimated seems r,n ?Lodejt ease ill.
the ladies of Ike rhwemb6e sere
animal mem party sad
was served to a lame su'mber, the
easdy aid les beimwets well
's S baud et iie(1
was las taiefed slhoueYes
1h. peewees weebawd etItiiow*
+� a isintlia rte d tae Wise
The Eureka Bibie clans of Victoria
street Methodist church hada picnic at
Bayfield on Saturday afternoon.
Stratford Beacon : Rev. Ueo. K.
Ross, B. D., of God.. ich, pre&cbed
two fine sermons in Knox church on
Rev. C. A. Seeger, principal of St.
Mark's Hall, Vancouver, will preach
at the 11 o'clock service in St George's
church next Sunday. Rev. J. B.
Fotberingham will preach in the
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services at Nort h street Methodist
church next Sunday. Morning sub-
ject, "The Bible, the Living %Void of
Cod ;" evening subject, 'The Victory
of Faith."
Tbe choir of Knox church held its
annual piccie on Wednesday at the
Point Farm, and despite the wet
weather bad a very enjoyable after-
noon and evening. Tbere were about
sixty in the party.
At Knox church next Sunday the
morning and evening services will be
conducted by Rev. Andrew Meldrum,
D. D., of Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Mel-
drum is one of the greatest pulpit
orators ot the day and his host of
friends mud admirers will no doubt
throng to hear him on Sunday.
Divine worship next Sunday at the
Baptist church, the pastor officiating.
For the summer the pastor is giving a
meditation upon some phase of nature
at the morning service and a sermon-
ette at the evening service. Medita-
tion for Sunday morning next :
"Mountain Reflections." Bible school
and Bible clasp, 3 p.m. Visitors will
be cordially welcomed to all these
Quite a large number attended the
reception to Rev. W. K. Hager, the
uew pastor of North street Methodist
cburcb, which was given on the fine
lawn of St. George Price. Waterloo
street. After supper was served a
musical !program consisting of
orebeatra selections and vocal solos
was given, which wes followed by
addresses from Rev. Mr. Hager, Rev.
J. E. Ford. of Victoria street ebur, b ;
Rev. J. Pollock. of the Baptist crone
giegation. and Rev. Mr. Foss, of the
M. E. church. Wisconsin, who is in
town on s holiday visit. The event
was very touch enjoy -ed by all and
a good opportunity was afforded the
new pastor to become acquainted
with the members of biscongregation.
A citizen calls tbe attention of The
Signal to the prevalence of automobile
speeding ruuch beyond the prescribed
speed limit •od thinks a stop should
be put to it before some gtastly deci-
de it takes place. He aerobe does not
object to the motorists' getting all the
enjoyment they reasonably can out of
their ears ; but he is afrai4 they will
run down some child or even
a person of ;due. years who may hap-
pen to be in the road and not be
noticed in time to stop the car or turn
it aside. )"here are a few rather reck-
less drivers in town, and they should
ba checked before they do some serious
and �!
WF. HAVE a large stock of these
goods and must move some of
them to make room for the
rush of summer visitors' autos. They
can be bought cheap by anyone who can
produce some real money.
Huron Gasoline Engine &Machinery Co.
«ODERICH, ONT. '1'HoNE 243
Men Have Anwal Osung at Black's
Print -Doings of tbe Day.
Drs. Heilemann and Ileilemano's
goods have arrived and their office on
North street will be open on Monday.
Sure Kill Paris Green -it's sure lx.
cause it's pure. E. R. Wigle, drug-
gist, Goderich.
It makes a loft of friends. Magic
Corn Cure cures, because it cures
while you sleep. Sold by E. R. Wigle,
druggist, Goderich, Ont.
Ice cream is served every afternoon
in Morningstar's gardens. Its flavor
is improved by the fragrance of the
many flowers on the borders of tie
' Private sale of furniture and pic-
tures. Capp at Miss Jessie Simons.
corner Cambria road and St. David's
Xdelightful toilet luxury for men
and women- Ohappicura sold by E
Hollinger -Bates.
At the borne of the bride's mother,
4t, Roocessalk. avenue, Toronto, on
Saturday. Jule 19, the marriage took
place of Ida Esther Bates, dsugbter of
the late Jobb F. Bates. of Goderich,
and Mrs. B•tee, cow of Toronto, to
James Kobb Hollinger. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hollinger, of Grenadier road.
Torrent e. The ceremony was performed
by R.T. Fr-nk Reycreft, ot Spring-
Es'id, Ont. The Wide who was treat -
tended. wore an embroidered white
m.rtl rown ani carried a shower
bouquet. Mrs [Bates recevd her
guests gowned in black cbartneuse
sats.., and retrying • houquet of
orchids and lily of the valley. Later
Mr. and Mrs. Hollinger left for • trip
to Muskoka. the pride travelling in a
navy blue daydere cord and pretty
Preece hat. On their return Lbey
will reside at Ce4 Wellesley street,
Turonto. The bride's friends in Gode-
rich wish bei much happiness.
At the Harbor.
The steamer Martian arrived on
Saturday with'IIIO,UU(1 bushels of oats
for the G..ierich elevator. She
Bleared on Monday. This was the
largest cargo that any steamer ham yet
brought into this port.
The steamer Wexford arrived in
p�oorrtt cs Sunday witb • cargo of Assn e
hubris of retreat for the Goderich ele-
The steamer Paiponoge arrived on
Wednesday of this week witb 155,000
besbele of oats for the Oodetich ele-
The steamer Scottish Hero .arrived
in port HIS morning with a cergo of
wheat and oats for the Goderich ele-
Jas. Leopard is building • new
lansrh He has Use frame Dearly
.ompietad. It will be driven by a
seeokne engem.
The south vier is being overhauled
and rrot.xked.
There are about a down families
camping at Attrilrs Point tbis year.
Amerce than are the Warks, the Ship-
mates. the Moores (two famines). the
Colborne,. the Fielders, and two Te-
o-mite families -Mr. ata Mn. Rd. Torte
sad two children, Irss. and Russell,
sad Mr. sad Kat. Reeves and family.
b Mrs. Rewe! father.
The annual picnic of the staff of the
Doty Marine Engine b Bailer Co. was
held last Saturday. Four rigs loaded
with the men left early intim morning
for Black's Point, the town band en-
livening the trip With music. After
aniline u the Point and getting set-
tled for the dsy's outing, the first event
on the program was a baseball match
between the men of the moulding and
boiler shops on one side and t be machin -
iota on the other. The game was
sharply contested, the tnachinlsta
winning with one run to spare, 9-8.
'Abe Higginson was the umpire and
the teams' were composed es follows:
Moulders and
T. etcklson
it Burrows
D. McLeod
KA. loos
K. McLeod
W. Proc:ou- l.. lump
W. Farr . J. Wilde
1.. Barrows fielder ('. Doty
J. Newcombe p T. noggatth
A tureof-war between the machine
shop and the boiler shop was won by
the latter.
Other contests carried out during
the day resulted as follows :
Apprentice race -Jos. Griffin, 2nd
John Moir, 3rd Roy Hunt.
Single men's race -John Hoggartb,
god Rol Hunt. 'ird Harold Hogg•rtq:
Married mews race- I 'hoe. H og-
earl b, 2nd Malcolm Burk, 3rd Edgar
Jones. •
Three-legged race -John Hoggatth
and Chas. Thome.. 2nd John Muir and
Joe Griffin. 3rd Ed. Lacey and Reg.
H. Wigle, druggist, Godericb. Running long jump -K. McLeod.
Blackstone's delicious ice cream is 2nd W Farr, 34d t' Doty.
made from pure cream by the latest Hop• step and jump -K. McLeod,
improved machinery and a demand. d 2nd W. Farr, td C. Duty.
bythose who insist on the best. Orders Standing broad jump -Thos. Hog-
dlivered. 'Phone 210. Barth, 2nd ('. Thomas, 3rd Thou. Hut-
Sack race -R. Burrows, 2nd T.
Hutchison, 3rd Ed. Jona..
The pienickere, of course; had plenty
of eatables and soft drinks to keep
their appetites and thirst company,
and after a big day they returned
home in the evening, with Sunday
before them to "rest up."
J. Muir
('. Hunt
J. Oibb
R. Hunt
C. Theism
J. Hogga•th
MoCRKATH.-In Ooderlci', on Monday. July
:Int. to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreath. •
daughter (Dennis Ma)..
FORD-HENDERSUN.-At victoria street pail
.Doose. Ooderich, oat nda .. J ui t l i ib. by
Rev. J. h Ford, Miss Helen N Ilbeltila•
Henderson. of Uoderlch. to Albert P. Fwd.
of Leamington.
REID-W ALTRREL-On Wednesday events&
July 1etb. at the Methodist ov+sss�r.
Wei -burn. Bask.. b7 Rev. J. 11. To.Je, mel
B.. youngest tiaiter of ('banesWalter..
Benmlller. Ontario, to William E. Reid. of
, (Memo. Sart
Wodaredisy evades of let weak
William !l.liklosos well-keowx reel -
Meet 01 the Ota eoseswias at AeNield.
tell el a lead of bayaid we. lemeant-
1Me.ilei. hIds week g broke*. Mr.
lee wait aeistisg bio sae with the
bay wap. sad was so- • lead of bay le
the $.M wins the bores started ea -
Mr. liaise bring tbrows
ctQ sum oe big bead. Kr.
)rales wee Mea le ala.sbard tows -
ebb. Per* lissnty Wtrwee years aim.
A vele sr es Wes hi serest* mowed
to Ash lead and Tia. Nana bad sine.
Imo • resident of that 'mesa*. He
rjeset=surs wife. thine ease
Much Interest Being Taken and Success-
ful Week Expected.
One of the events of the season will
be the meeting of the Presbyteri. n
Summer School for Western Ontario
in Goderich August 11th to 17111. Ti
school is under the direction of the
Synod of Hamilton and London and
every effort has been insole to make it
a great success. Already many are
enrolled and widespread interest is
shown. R is hoped that every con-
Rreaaticn will have delegates in at-
tendance and that the school will
prove to be a great inspiration and
help to all. le fact everyone who can
possibly come should not mise the
o pp ortunity.
Prominent leaders re,rreeeoting the
various departments of church life and
work will deliver coarses of lecture',
conduct! Bible study and inimical
(looses and give public addresses. Rev.
Dr. R. P. MacKay. ex -moderator of
the Assembly, will preside through-
out. The opening sermon will be on
Monday evening, August 11th. Every
morning will he devoted to courses of
instruction. In the evening strong
men will deliver addresses on popular
themes The afternoons will be given
to recreatinn. This last is in the
hands of a strong local committee and
a geniunely good time is expected.
Tbe enrollment fee in ell cents.
Boatel and lodgieg is being provided
Inc delegates at the moderate cost of
$.i for the seven days. All who pur-
pose attending should send their
names without delay to Rev. (leo. E.
Ross, Ooderich, in order that the com-
mittee may arrange for their accnm-
rnodation and notify them definitely
at an early date where they are to be
MO\TGOMKRT.-At "Elmwood.' Dederick
.township, on Tuesday. .Salt and. Capt.
A. T. Mootgomery. aged H years. 11 moat1.m
sod 17 days.
U RIGHT. -At Maniuette. Mich. on Sunday.
July 510.. William R. Wright. brother of
J. J. Wright, Godericb, in his 84th Tear.
TEBBUTT.-In Goiertch tan natio. on Jul
23rd. Frederick W. Tebbutt. in his 771
Arrested on the Street.
A stylishly dressed young lady was
arrested last week for accosting people
no the Square. She was quickly re-
leased and complimented when she
explained that she was telling bow
good lad ward; lee cream/ was.
Try Pineapple Plush st Edwards' on
A sporting editor says: -"If you
have failed today there is always the
dream of a perfect day a golf tomor-
Successful in Upier School F...imnatiotu
for Entrance to Faculty.
The followiog students of Goderich
Collegiate institute have succeeded in
the upper school examination for en-
trance into the Faculties of Education
at the University 'of Toronto and
Queen's University. Kingston.
M. Bisset (Pt. 11.1, C. K. Clark ( Pt.
11. V. B. Curnin (PL. 1.). A. F. King
(Pt. i., honors), J. MoCllntnn (Pt. I.),
J. B. Medd (Pt. 1.1, J. M. Pfeffer (Pt.
11.), E. M. Somerville (Pt. I.). M. 1.
Tom (Pt. 11.), 0. I. Warnock (Pt. 11 1
Ten out of thirteen 0. C. I. students
who wrote were successful, making a
very good percentage.
Other successful candidates In
Huron cootnty are :
W. P. Buchanan (Pt. 11.). A. W.
Dick (Pt. 1.1, A. C. Dickson (Pt. 111.
E. D. Ferguson (Pt. f.1. M. M. Fisher
(Pt. 1.1 G. I. Freeborn (Pt. 1.), G. W.
Geddes (Pt. 1., honor.). M. M. Geddes
(Pt 1 , J. Gillespie (Pt. 1.. honors),
M. B. Hahkirk (Pr. i.), N. 1e Hertry
int. 11.1. M. 0. Irvin (Pt. I.), J. C.
Jordan (Pt. L1 M A. Kni bt (Pt. 1.).
E. %V. Linklater t Pt. 1.), F. J. McKay
(Pt. 1.), V. J. McLaughlin (Pt. II. G.
Muir (Pt 11.1. 1'. Muir (Pt. 11.1, N. M.
Nichnlls(Pt. 11.1, F. A. Ross (Pt. 1.),
P. Roes (PL 1.), E. H. Scott (Pt. 1.1,
W. F. Scott (PL 11.), C. A. Sponse
(Pt. 1.1 P. M. Spence (Pt. 1.). (i. M.
8 ndler (Pt. 1.1. w. A. strong ((Pt. 1.1
T. M. Thomson (Pt. i1.). M. Watson
(PL 11.). J. H. Watt (Pt. 1.. honors).
J. B. Windsor IPI 11.)
That nation Is reeginu•. and ('bris-
tiaait7 r'etigirer, that trios to .ee stns
jadeite le dote between wise sad muse. les. SOW ...«.. j i its. to �r~1
-Prof. Martin.• •» r. s tis
Been with tbe 'meanest wo eaonol we. ��. a•••.s�r. «. 1 M re e
gale a [limps, Tete their inward trials PM ''"'•' •t 1Mt e = w
sod •tnigglso withoet an increases 01 • fe se
sympathy sad afhetioe. -Kingsley. A rse 1 0 a
�y �q�a�, _ j t.
sus dol( think j hip=
t" ' i f tes
it sae boy off.
"Yoe real stall wig." ae the hunger
res iehed to lbs rt A r
coo0ER10H MARKET$.
wawa, !sem T11'msw•r,Juiy Mtk.
Fen emeltv►.ef lar....N.... , 1 tel
c : u
Mbe le
wit:::....::: 1 Eli M t ./
r..a iia
� � 11115:
0 .5 0.s
(t1v [tem
Pelee ... 0 w 11 se
Ow •,•- .......» = L
Ps .„.a....
Ill p
V.:rehetat Business College Department
I-:xcellent Si� School Department
Ex,. alent College or Arts partmeol
... Rabe.•:• wtu:.e.m n.deme .tmps.ara
Tne largo, G'm.n.'.vn in Cauda
Kunlun( Tr..-t•a.u, 'I fool SnowH Gni n•
Rot Ctrs bale --Ccs stale thwar doss-
LUTED Mishit "s u,uw sorsa t..Wen ,
., ii preparing far On1v.r.isy
May.ealibea Agana:
: M. \ L:ISIEAi CL
Ind Aub (Ow) - $711,1111,111
by carrying
on your
banking b mail
Y . Just
mail, us your deposits, or your cheques when you
want to withdraw money.
ILWe give spacial attention to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager Goderich Branch.
The undersigned. (laving
purchased the Sturdy & Co.
Croce!), stock, announces to -
Mr Sturdy's many triends
and customers, Ind to the
public generslls-, that he will
continue the business in the
SAID! stand, and by careful
and strict attention to buei-
nese hopes to merit a share
of their trade.
We come to you know-
ing the Grocery business in
every detail, and customers
will at all times find in cur
More such goods as will be
*Peed only in an up-to-date
iihebery store.
Our motto is QUALITY
Prompt delivery mettred
N. R -If you see it io our
ad. you'll find it in our
Thousands of ambitions young ppeeoople
are font preparing in their own bexrea
to occupy lucrativa positions as deco(
raphera.bookkeepere. telegrapher.. civil
eery ant., in fact every spheric of Bon
nen AoUvities. You may finish at cal
lege if you so wish. Positions rt[[vvaarraaaa
teed. Estee college any day. Iadlrtd
nal tnatructinn. Export teacher..
Thirty ear: experience. Lorelei
trainers In Canada. Seven colleges.
Special comae Inc teacher..
AI t1ated with Commercial grime -
tors' Away:at:on of ('anado. Romeser
School at famoc.. aputtoo Bushier
Catkins. London.
Clinton Business Lel lege
Ciao. Bronx: F. Y. tt a h o
Praaiden•. F'noc,irl.
The old relief -le
reiniiler Woollei Mill
now 50 yeses is business
5wts5unlmer _
are most serviceable when you
have them made of the hest
goods in the most up-to-date
styles. Yon will obtain abso-
lute satisfaction if you patronize
Dunlop the Tailor
West St., Ooderich
ON WEST 8T itiliT
We hese added
Fishing Tackle
to our .tock of Nall Pieper,
Paints. O,I., Vernisbes and
Turpentines. Your patronage
Iterne mber the '•follow-tbe-
leader" game you used to play
when kid.? if Johnny Jones jumped
through a hoop or acted 'dead dog"
you had to do the saute. The act of
one penen acts in a suggestive way
on others.
Our fine line of jewellery bargains
have been active-sugyesters" on
hundreds of people -and they've all
been satisfied.
We suggest that you follow, the
suggestion of this advertisement
• and call in and
see the money-
® saving gems, jew-
• ellery, watches,
cut -glass, silver-
ware, etc., that
we are offering.
You will find it to
your advantage
to drop in today.
0 I.F �1mnrt
J. S. Davey
Selling Agent for
4Soutb Bend Watches
Goderich - Ontario
A gnod supplyof Heed and
Hnree Blanket*, ocking Yarn.
Sheeting, Homespun Twede,
Raga, err., always on hand for
the whole season.
Jesse Gledhill
Proprietor. Bnsmilter
Best Scranton Hard
Coal -all sizes.
Cannel Coal for open
grates ---the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought .for
the purpose.
Empire Dome s t
Lump Coal - most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges,box stoves
and fireplaces.
Standard Ch e s t n u l
and Furnace Cake.
All kinds .,i Hard-
wood and KindIng.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Telephone DO
Jas. Cumming
Painting, Decorating
Painting, Decorating
and Wall -paper
Alt work done promptly and
in thorough Manner.
Residence -Albert St.
Telephone No. M.
Saturday Specials
Raspberries. A special
Also Pineapples. Grape Fruit,
Oranges, Bananas, New Pate -
toes, Wax Beane, Cucumbers.
As gun, Lettuce, Onions,
} isbel(. Spinach, Tomatoes,
Tomato. cabbage and celery
Planta in good variety
Kindly get your order in
early for fruits and vegetables
and avoid uisappointment
S. J. (Yore
Hamilton street
Great Lakes Service
to Wis
leer! Tues-
days and Rater -
day.. Other laser
boa atmamers
Mandate. Wed-
esdd and
Leaves Toronto daily
eroe.t Frida)' add
t(eeday r2.4.5 noon.
and arrive. .hlariae
356 p is Parlor „asp..
First clams coacher.
Larh Tuesday. until October 7t
Winnipeg sad return 8.00
Edmonton and return 34.11.041
(User psi.(s 1a or.eertion.
Return Limit, two meet he
msrwseterer Trans leave.. Tweet, in
p. m sash Tuesday mai/ A newt. »A lash
dee. Seat train to tekr.
Mssteta Lakes. Itawart4 Lemma Point
SO Horn,
Pewee and Prier.l Rheas, Mases Lama
einer ??Ow%OsO. view ha oJralkpp00.
toila5 emit. GedwrirA K "write t1 'N SUR
P11Y. D. P A • PRy Termite